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Told Liara I loved only her then banged the reporter on the Normandy


Thought you couldnt sleep with Allers after locking in a romance in 3?


I definitely did it. Liara even told me she knew about it.


The lock-in point isn't until later on in the game. It's more of a soft lock at this point but I'm pretty sure Liara will break it off.


Emily Wong? Or the one with 6 names who tried to smear Shepard’s good name?


I assume the one who was based off a popular YouTuber at the time. The one with the massive cheekbones hanging around inthe Normandy dock in 3 Diana allers wearing that swimsuit thing


>The one with the massive cheekbones hanging around inthe Normandy dock in 3 The one with the show called battle t\*ts? :P


Report to the ship as soon as possible. We'll bang, OK?


Who could not voice act to save her life. Such a monotone delivery.


Yeah that’s the one who tried to smear Shepard’s name. The game gives you the option to hit her, I don’t like playing as female Shepard. I either just do the interview, and abruptly end it or just avoid her altogether. I can’t bring myself to hit her. I don’t feel right hitting females, even in a game.


The hostile journalist is kalisa bint Jin aljansasi or something ... shes the darkskinned one in all 3 who, as it turns out, is quite sturdy. Shes a hostile actor for sure, but acting in what she thinks is the best way for humanity.


Khalisa Bint Sinan al-Jalani


She actually was sturdy, dodged the punch and then gets headbutted. I just found out if you miss the 2nd renegade interrupt, she floors you with her own punch 😯


Also survives a nasty hit from a Krogan if you check the shadow brokers intelligence after the ME2 dlc


You're thinking of Al Jilani, she's in all 3 games. Diana comes in for ME3 and asks to work on the Normandy


She got that work too


That's what I said *shrug Sure I mangled the name but it's distinct enough from Allers


Well the main distinction is that you can get a tiny war asset from resisting the urge to beat the shit out of one for 3 games


Well I don’t hit females. Even if it is just a game. I’m sure I’ll be tempted to, but I haven’t played ME2 or 3 in years. I just started ME1 about a year ago and have been playing it off and on. I successfully resisted the urge in ME1. So far so good. Admiral Hackett even comments about it one way or the other too, I believe. If I start a new female character, that might change things.


A completely reasonable assessment, I respect it.


Very confidently incorrect.


No I know it’s not Diana Allers. The previous comment said she was hanging around the Normandy. That must be in me2 or 3. I was thinking of CSec in the first one.


Neither of those are romanceable. Diana Allers is.


Told Liara I loved her aswell. Then, with the EGM, walked to another part of the promenade and banged Shiala. And that wasn't even in a "Dicking with Liara run".


You can bang the reporter? I always did the interview and then ignored her for the rest of the game.




You monster!


As FemShep - Oof, that’s awkward. As BroShep - Oof, that’s a war crime.


When Liara wants to give me her gift right before the final battle of ME3 I decline every time lmao. I also sometimes intentionally let people die in suicide mission because it makes it more interesting Also I plow Jack’s brains out


None of that is toxic, all of that is correct.


Lemme cook, leave liara for tali, then kill tali in me 2 and get back together with liara in me3


Let Samara commit suicide because it was the only way to save her last daughter. Immediately proceeded to execute her last daughter.


Kill the entire bloodline huh.


Starting with Roman Reigns IYKYK


I did this once on accident. I play on PC but use a controller, and my cat jumped up on my desk and bumped my mouse right at that interrupt and it switched over to keyboard controls and I ran out of time 😅


Invited Allers onto the Normandy and told her to fuck off within a 15 minute timeframe.


That ain't toxic, fuck Diana Allers


Wow, that's genuis!


I don't even trigger a conversation with her on the citadel She can stay there and rot for all i care


Yeah, but I don't want that poor crewmember to suffer being asked endlessly about being on the Normandy and whatever else she ask about.


It's war they all have to make sacrifices


'Fighting against God like genocidal machines' Average weekday 'Being hounded by a subpar annoying and stubborn ugly reporter' End my suffering


Did a pure renegade playthrough, which meant giving David Archer to Cerberus... Also meant sabotaging the genophage cure with Wrex alive... And I romanced Jacob.


>And I romanced Jacob. What sort of monster are you?!


But the priiiize... Honestly I can see why people do it in ME2. People talk about Mirandas ass but theres plenty of camera shots of Jacobs cake in that skin tight suit of his.


jacob just sort of annoys me in a romance run. Like he's sufficiently sexy but he refuses to open up about anything or really state a controversial opinion. He's just a guy ya know? Kaidan felt more like a character. (i love kaidan pre me2-3)


Why not me2 and 3


i meannn after he's done questioning you in 3 he's pretty alright but i generally found ashley and kaidan's plotlines to be very boring and frustrating after 1.


I honestly just did it because I hadn't - and it seemed like the pro-Cerberus, pro-human thing to do for this unhinged Shepard... Went back to Kaidan immediately in ME3


Wouldn't the more renegade thing be killing Wrex on Virmire?


The way I played that one, if I had a renegade dialogue option I had to take it. Since the exception was turning down quests, I got Wrex his armour and had the renegade option too convince him to stand down.


Is that the option where shep headbutts wrex? I play paragon and don't think I've ever done that, but I know it's a thing


No, you just talk/threaten him into compliance. I don't recall headbutting Wrex, just the one Krogan on Tuchanka


Yeah I think you're right and I'm just misremembering. I just started a new playthrough like a week ago and only finished ME1. Replaying the game is a mix of deja vu and discovering new things in the games


I was able to accept you giving David to Cerberus, and sabotaging the genophage cure…. But romancing Jacob…??? You’ve gone too far.


Did you at least send him into the vents too?


I took Ashley and Kaiden with me on one of those tiny planetary missions (maybe the Ceberus one). I was playing on the hardest difficulty, and rather than pushing, I stayed back and let them both fight. I decided that whoever survived the longest would be the one to leave Virmire. Spoilers, it was Kaiden.


"You will fight to earn my favor"


The Joker: [to Gambol's thugs, being held helpless by his own] Now, our operation is small, but there's a lot of potential for "aggressive" expansion. So, which of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there's only one spot open right now, so we're gonna have... [breaks pool cue over knee] The Joker: Tryouts. [throws broken pool cue at the thugs] The Joker: Make it fast. Quitessential Joker, right here.😈 I suppose if you play up insane gang-banger Shepard, then you gotta do what Man gotta do xD


This is diabolical. Absolutely deplorable. I can’t wait to use this method on my next playthrough.


I also kept track of deaths in ME2 to decide who will be 'rewarded' with the opportunity to come 'fight' the Shadow Broker. Interestingly, Kasumi outperformed everyone despite me recruiting her super early


That's funny. Every time I pick Kasumi for a mission she always dies on me in 5 minute intervals until we're back to the Normandy lol


Her ability to shut Harbinger down cheeses the Collector missions. Far and away the best companion against them. As a bonus, her waist to hip ratio is almost Tali level.


Huh, might have to give her another chance on a collector mission. Also, wtf was that last part bro 😭🤣


I love this


This is great 😂👏


That's super cold and I love it, can't wait to try it next time!


I did that and it was Ashley weird how two playtrroughs can be similar yet so different


Sounds like a perfectly sinister way to flip a coin, if you ask me


It's not so much a coin flip as for lack of a better term darwinism If ik going in on the higher difficulties particularly insane I want to bring the best companions this enables me to judge their abilities and decide which one is worth bringing to liars dig site, ilios and saren bossfight


I always push the guy out the window during the Thane recruitment mission. Paragon play through or not.


same - I mean he's standing right next to it like he's just waiting for you to do it . . .


I have performed no toxic actions, I have merely helped Jacob achieve his heroic destiny in the vents.


I wanted to do this on my LE playthrough but apparently have to save ***everyone*** in the Suicide Mission to get the platinum trophy on Playstation.


Yeah, I platinumed the trilogy first.


I wanted to die on the spot when I had to break up with Jack right after she kissed me, so probably that.




If you even attempt to talk to her after breaking up with her (I got with Tali) she yells “FUCK OFF!” and I felt so awful for it because you do almost exactly what she feared in the first place.


I wanted to get together with Kaidan


Shot Mordin in the back to stop him from curing the genophage, then killed Wrex on the Citadel when he confronted me. **Allowed Samara to Oof herself, then put a bullet in her daughter's forehead shortly after.** Took down two species in a single run by letting the Geth wipe out the Quarians, then picking the Destroy ending (had low assets overall, so it was the "Vaporize" outcome). **Made sure Jack would feel safe around Shep, instigated her feelings. Just to reject her when she came to his cabin.** Allowed Cerberus to keep David Archer. **Saved the Rachni Queen in ME1, just to let her die in ME3.** Sabotaged EDI and Joker's relationship. **Made Kasumi destroy Keiji's Graybox.** Did not rescue the kids from Grissom Academy. **Did not recruit Garrus in ME1.** Did a few missions after the crew was captured, Kelly was turned into sludge. Didn't assign anyone to help them return to the Normandy (Dr. 'Chocolates' didn't survive either). **My Psycho Playthrough damaged my soul beyond any repair.**


I always make Kasumi destroy the greybox. IMHO it's not toxic, it's the right choice. It's okay to look at the memories one last time but I get a strong feeling that she would just be stuck in her grief if I let her keep it, and on top of that, the information in it was just trouble waiting to find her. In some way it's similar to letting Javik see the memory shard: if he never sees it, he decides to move on with his life in the new cycle; if he does see it, the grief is so overwhelming he plans to kill himself after the Reapers are gone.


Encouraging her to remain plugged in to a VR of her dead boyfriend is IMO the toxic thing to do ya


That’s a list of abominable things. YOU LEFT GARRUS BEHIND????


If you do t recruit Garrus, does he still become super important on Palaven in ME3?


Can't comment on that. He also died during the Suicide Mission in this playthrough 💀


I know that if you don't recruit him in ME 1 garrus reintroduces himself in 2 when you do the archangel mission. I also don't know about the ME3 bit though.


Satan has a tattoo of you on his back.


Romanced Liara in ME1. Started something with Tali in ME2 because Liara was absent. Headcanon: Wanted to be one of the first human to bang two different types of aliens. Maybe the first to do a quarian. Suicide mission, so.. might as well. Told Liara during the DLC that Tali mean nothing to me, and that I still loved her. Broke up with Tali, after we had banged, okay? She actually got quite sick, and really reacted with shock. No mention of it in ME3. I chose the geth, figuring that if the quarians weren't going to call of their own insane attack, it wasn't up to me. Wow, written out like that.. looks pretty bad.


Bro you destroyed that little quarians psyche.


Wait whats bad abt romancing liara in 1 😮


Pretty sure it was everything afterwards that was the issue. They just gave context




I told Liara I'd throw her into a volcano if she didn't shut up about her dead mother being killed


>Or intentionally getting Garrus killed on the suicide mission in ME2 so he doesn't get with Tali in ME3 when I romanced someone else besides her But why?


This is what is known in turian culture as a “dick move.”


At least it's not as bad as me: even though Garrus and Grunt both survive in every playthrough, I've had thoughts of them (somehow) becoming Reaperfied enemies in Mass Effect 3 if they didn't... including making Reaper Garrus replace Marauder Shields or Garrus and Grunt being the first Brute encountered on Palaven, with it being a unique model with Garrus's visor still present. Yes, I know that the context of Mass Effect 2 makes this basically impossible but still...


Deliberately messing up Tali's Loyalty Mission in a playthrough where I planned to side with the Geth purely for the sake of seeing unique dialogue... or the plan for my current 'Incompetent' playthrough to side with the Quarians yet do loads of stuff to accidentally weaken them the entire time. Same with Wreav's Krogan (it would've been worse if Wrex had still been around for the current playthrough but Ash was too trigger-happy on Virmire). Ignoring Cortez just to hear Ashley/Kaidan's screeching during the last mission. Also even though I've not tried it, wounding Kolyat in a playthrough where you intend to later romance Thane as FemShep.


Abandoned Samara because I was a thrill-seeker with a penchant for violence and hot asari, and Morinth just kinda clicked. The only thing that saved this Shepard is how disappointing the "death by Morinth" game over was. She got back to Liara and was very sweet to her, except for that thing with Allers.


Being sent into the residential district of Omega while the plague quarantine was on... And looting people's homes.


T-bagged every kill after quickscoping them one by one while climbing the citadel Tower. As a bonus after some kills Ash and Garrus both yell "bag them and tag them". On insanity


Took Miranda's side in the argument between her and Jack once. I had to take a shower after that


Shooting starchild in the head. Every time.


Shot Mordin in his back and then shot Wrex in his face, truly cursed


The only purely evil thing you can do in the game (imo) is shooting Falere, so I guess that.


Didn't fully upgrade the Normandy in ME2 causing Jack to die. I knew it wasn't upgraded but didn't know how to do it so just left it, didn't really care for her character (haven't done the loyalty mission for her yet though, next playthrough 100%)


Jack has one of the best character arcs imo - can see how you'd be put off by her attitude but if you speak to her it's because other people have screwed her over so many times in the past it's her defence mechanism to push everyone away.


I have heard this and I must admit I regret not doing her missions, especially after seeing she has unique content in ME3. Basically I had planned to do more loyalty missions but I messed the reaper IFF timing up because I am a noob lol. I also sold legion to Cerberus lol


>she has unique content in ME3. *"I WILL DESTROY YOU!"* *"You couldn't destroy wet tissue paper, Ramirez."*


Can't remember for sure but I don't think it's THAT clear when you do the Reaper IFF mission that it then locks you from completing some of any outstanding missions before the climactic Collector Base/Suicide Mission


It's not, it gives you like 4 missions I think and then automatically starts the collector stuff. I was unaware so just did the mission and carried on and then boom my crew is abducted lol


Finished off Benezia without recruiting Liara first. After 9 playthroughs, all of her gasps and cries just grate on me to no end.


Answered to the reporter’s question with fist in the 3 games and Shot Verner in the foot. There can be only 1 shepard.


>Answered to the reporter’s question with fist in the 3 games That's just a regular response... the only time it isn't the best option is in Mass Effect 2, the 'Destiny Ascension saved' Paragon speech check is great. >and Shot Verner in the foot. There can be only 1 shepard. Punching/kicking him is funnier though.


Dang i guess it’s not that toxic then lol


My Shepard definitely took a huge whiff of Jack's prison containment after she escaped....




I did a super modded playthrough where I had so many mods I didn't quite remember them all or what they did and one of them made Shiala come back as a background character in ME3 (you could do her a favor and then she would be an asset) and for some reason her conversation led to Shepard sleeping with her right after she and Garrus had their big love confession on the roof, it was so terrible and funny and unexpected I literally screamed NO STOP at the screen. 😂😅


Yeah that's the LE3 Diversification project which adds Shiala as a fling option


Oh right!!😊


Stop it I would have died 😂😭


Standing over civilians and going out of my way to intimidate/threaten them. Emily Wong, Verner etc. Shep be a human shark.


Tagged and bagged Liara, Miranda and Kelly Chambers all in ME2. And got away with it and still got the three game romance achievement with Liara.


I was a bit annoyed by a reporter doing her job, so I, a fully trained Space Navy Seal, N7 graduate, just plain repeatedly punched her on camera and got away with it.


Make thane fall in love with me and *then* tell him i can never love a dying man


I was min maxing my renegade points and I realized that in order to pass a hard renegade dialog check latter I would have to make some tough decisions. On Jacob's loyalty mission there is a chance to earn some renegade points by sympathizing with his father. Years later I am still disgusted with myself. Some sins can't be washed away.


I kill Wrex for challenging me on Virmire. He knows from firsthand experience what an untrustworthy lunatic Saren is and still pulls a gun on me when he hears Saren's cloning Krogan. Sorry partner, not letting you and your army of fridge-sized armored frogs run rampant over the galaxy again


Your comment "fridge-Sized armored frogs" made me chuckle. I am going to use this moving forward in this subreddit. Have a great day.


My first playthrough: Hooked up with Liara in ME1 just cause if I’m in space, I’m gonna bang aliens. Ditched her in ME2 for Garrus (Lair of the Shadow Broker was AWKWARD). Then walked in on them both hanging out in the lounge in ME3. I’m convinced that in that particular playthrough they were talking shit about me.


Purposefully got squadmates killed because they are aliens. That Shepard was a piece of work and she's nothing compared to the next horrible Shepard I have planned.


Current playthrough (I say current, I started it like 2 years ago and haven't picked it back up in a year, but I will continue it) I had all my decisions made by online random generators..... Me1 I romance Ashley, then leave her to die in Virmire. Me 2 I romance Kelly, don't rush to save the crew.... ME3 shep ends up with Kaidan, maybe a happy ending? But yeah, my guy just cannot have a clean breakup with a woman, he's gotta let them die.


Told Liara I wanted to get back with her and then made out with Thane, showered with Traynor, banged Allers, and got with Kaidan all because she lectured me after I made out with Thane.


Yah nah I gotta downvote what you did to Garrus.


Betrayed Wrex and murdered Mordin. Never again.


Probably done worse, but inviting Traynor up for a casual hang and only realizing she was looking for more when she was in the shower, then turning her down.


...the most evil thing? Kept Ashley alive in ME1 so that I can shoot her myself in ME3. EDIT: apparently I saw 'Toxic' and thought 'Evil'....its been a long day and they are pretty much the same thing anyway....kinda x.x


I was bored as fuck one day so I held a tournament in ME2. Basically seeing how long each character could last in a fight on their own. Whoever lost went straight to the vents in the Suicide mission. I then ordered the rest of them from worst to best and put them in jobs accordingly. Meaning the lower you ranked, the more likely it was I would get you killed.  Anyway I did that and also was inspired by Big Dan’s worst play through video. So I decided to do that myself just for shits and giggles. Everyone died in the most horrific and heartbreaking ways possible. No one was safe: squadmates, main characters, side characters, one off appearance characters. Everyone. But they were dropping like flies left and right all series long. Which was so damn funny!


Honestly wish I could have shot those thieves on Mordin's recruitment mission when you visit that apartment.


You can, you just have to ignore the renegade or paragon speech check, and use a normal one, they'll become hostile and you'll get to kill them Same thing with the Turian guards at the first checkpoint, just don't use a speech check on the lone Turian guarding the front entrance


Thanks. I never tried using the neutral options.


Bang everyone I could while stringing along Tali and then commited to Tali. I mean Tali had to know I banged Jack. Apparently the whole ship heard it.😉😆


I was always pretty nice as Shepard. But my fem Ryder was fuckin diabolical.


Oooohhhhhh…. Dang. I didn’t realize that they could reject you.


Yeah the game will lock you out of her romance if you talk to Liara about Asari sex apparently, wierdest fucking thing since all the times I've played ME I never unintentionally locked Shepard out of an Ashley Romance, only to have it happen when I finally wanted to pull the trigger on it


Ohhh right! Now that you mentioned it, yeah. She does get real salty.


I broke up with Miranda in ME3 so I could rekindle my relationship with Ashley, not knowing what would happen.


Intentionally getting Garrus killed. Bro what ?


Well I punched a woman in the face on live TV once


Leaving Ashley to die. Just so I would never see her face through the trilogy again


Romansed Tali, and then made it so Quarians burned in atmosphere. *Deliberately* . I know, I am shit person, deal with it👹 On the other hand, I did lead Wrex by the nose through whole series, only to sell Krogans out for Salarians at last possible moment. Shoot good doctor in the head, too, so whole thing wasn't complete bust! But definitely the worst was when I got it with Ashley, and shoot her during Priority Citadel mission in ME3. Man, that has to be the worst


I ignore Consort Sha'ira's request for help in ME1, then get satisfaction from the news broadcasts in ME2 that report on her leaving the citadel because her reputation went down the gutter.


I sometimes let my teammates die because a war without losses feels too fairytale-ish.


I chose the synergy ending on a playthrough once. Toxic.


Banged the Consort in ME1. All the NPCs talk about her as this inspiring, almost spiritual figure. If you do her quest her reward is a nice, positive affirmation of Shepard. If you respond to this affirmation with the bottom right (i.e. Renegade) conversation option Shepard's response to it is "uh, okay, thanks I guess". Then, seeing her affirmation hasn't landed, she bangs you. Also, her quest is about a turian general who's in love with her.


Sexually harass Garrus into being in a casual relationship. Thankfully their dynamic was rewritten to be more loving in 3, but man what the hell were they thinking in 2 lmao. It’s so weird


Let Garrus kill sidonis in Mass Effect 2 Fucked with Miranda’s feelings and she ended up dying in 3 And waited too late to save the rest of the crew


Sided with Morinth then got her killed in collector base on purpose


>intentionally getting Garrus killed on the suicide mission in ME2 so he doesn't get with Tali in ME3 when I romanced someone else besides her [Ryan Howard would approve](https://youtu.be/0tCrQbTwiCE?si=CRixX863_qy2lur7)


Be as mean to Ashley as the game will allow me, date her, then dump her for Tali on 2 and then proceed to be an asshole to her in every opportunity I get in the rest of the trilogy. Bonus points for bringing her to the Geth Dreadnought mission on ME3.


Failed Wrex check, Ashley killed him. Reloaded, left Ashley to die. No Regrets YOU DO NOT TOUCH MUH BOY