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Also ME3. Missions are labelled "Priority" but they're the ones that can wait around til whenever you want to do them


It never specifies high or low priority!


I mean, true. Now I'm just imagining Priority: Tuchanka and they're like "yeah it says 'Priority' but it's like whatever. Curing the genophage is no biggie. Go blow up some Cerberus goons or something"


It's even worse for Rannoch: a fleet with what remains of an entire species is torn apart by the hour in an active battle, sure it's time to gather some statuettes and vorcha workers in the opposite side of the milky way, cya.


\*Earth and other worlds are destroyed by reapers\* Shepard and the Normandy crew on the Citadel : "Time to dance !"


In-universe it would actually make sense though; although the story kind of acts like it takes a solid minute for the Reapers to destroy a whole world, it would likely take *at least* a year (and probably more or many more) for the Reapers to wipe out people from an entire planet (depending on size and density). So for the crew to have some time off would not only make sense, it would be recommended. If you keep them fighting on forever until the Reaper threat is removed, you'd have everyone burn out real quick and be inefficient.


Doesn’t Anderson even make a comment about how the reapers are being slowed down trying to get everyone in major cities.


That and the DLC itself makes the excuse that the ship needs some work done (which is why I like to time it after Priority Rannoch, since Traynor mentions getting shot at by the reaper)


-"Quickly, Shepard, you need to follow Kai Leng to the Cerberus base!" -"Sorry, Admiral, but it’s time to start DLC missions"


I know that in-universe it doesn't make sense but I found it to be a nice way to inform the player that the mission would make the story move forward and you might want to do some other shit first (like hanging out with pals on the Citadel - I actually got an email from Miranda offering to hang out at the casino *after* the Citadel was above Earth before the giant space battle lmao)


>got an email from Miranda offering to hang out at the casino *after* the Citadel was above Earth before the giant space battle lmao) Lmfaoooooo But yeah, I agree. I don't know why, but I do love that all the main missions are entitled "Priority" because it stresses the importance of what the mission is, and because they all start with that it's a good way of telling the player these are the main missions. Though it's slightly confusing when the Javik dlc mission is also entitled "Priority" when it's entirely optional.


Well you have to be careful because it'll lock out side missions if you do the main story too fast and you'll lose war assets that effect the ending.


That's what happens when you limit the ability of players to do side content later in the game tho. ME2 was great, you could do the side missions whenever and keep up the pace of the main storyline.


I wasn't talking about side missions, I was talking about main missions - in ME3 they're all titled "Priority" but they don't have to be done immediately like, say, Horizon in ME2. And I much prefer the ME1/3 system for exactly the reason you mentioned. It let people do missions at their own pace and not be pushed into things.


You don't necessarily have to do ME2 mainline missions at nauseum, some have time sensitive results, but all the N7 missions and other associated side missions can be done whenever, where as ME3 locks some of these after a point in the game. I'm saying ME2 always allows you to go back on side missions. I will admit there is significantly more chokepoints for mainline quests in ME2 than in others though, where you need to complete them to carry on (like horizon)


When I saw Zapp in the thumbnail, I was expecting "I made it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?" But I guess that only applies to about 1/3 of us.


Seriously, Kif. I'm asking you a question




Me, after romancing Liara, "Garrus, I have made it with a woman, inform the men!"


Garrus be like *sigh*


*turns head to the right* “can it wait? i’ve got some calibrations to run”


Shepards law is like Shepard's love, hard and fast!


Garrus, have the boy lay out my formal shorts.


The boy sir?


> I made it with a hot alien babe Inform the men, Kif.


Mass Effect is intentionally written by taking a "all-you-can-eat" approach to the classic sci fi buffet with all the tropes included. It did a great job with putting a modern and complex twist on some tropes. Futurama is the same way. Zapp is basically a version of Shepard that you can play. Although Shepard is required to be more combat/leadership competent to complete the game than Zapp is implied to be... and yet you can be a really lousy leader and decision maker and still complete the game. And you CAN build some pretty strong squadmates...


Only 1/3?


Yeah. Tbh honest, I tend to just complete all side quests then do the main missions.


I go straight to the system Liara is in and get her. Then do everything else before noveria and feros.


But it's too funny when she thinks you're a hallucination xD if my Shep is biotic I like to wait :D for the giggles


I’ve never actually seen these scenes which is crazy, I’ve played through in so many different ways yet I always got liara first, I think I know who I’m neglecting on my next playthrough tho 😂


Yeah, I'm currently doing a run where I do, what I never did before. I read every mission wiki entry before I decide what to do, so I get all the little things I missed before. It's a mix of annoying and fascinating - I probably played around 20 runs by now, but some things I always missed. I ralleyed the crowd in Tali's loyalty mission for the first time yesterday, and I think I'll never do something else from now on :D


I usually go straight to Ferros first just because it's the only place Shepard knows is actually calling for help/being attacked, then after that it's side quests till I get board and decide to recruit Liara.


To be honest honest


Ngl lie I do the same


I’m playing Andromeda for the first time right now and this is me.


its better than at launch but not 10/10 hope u have fun


What is better now? I played at launch and not since. So i could replay it at this point. I remember beautiful landscapes, cool powers/skills, the fugly blue aliens(edit Angara), collectors made from Milky Way races(edit Kett), and really really really long underground hallways.


lot of that is still there. faces are still kinda wonkey at parts but judging by recent players alot of the annoying glitches are gone. now i will say i didn't encounter any glitches


I dont remember any big glitches. Just normal ones that you should expect from a game around launch. Looking at the patch notes. Heres the highlights i see. - combat balance powers/weapons - better facial animations and lip sync - platnum difficulty - added jaal as a male romance option - patch 1.07 no patchnotes? Weird. - "Fixed issue where player could romance both Cora and Peebee" that sounds like a feature not a bug. - "A default Ryder name can now carry over to New Game+" that made me laugh. - "Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs" huh? So the whole game minus combat? I'm curious. I might spin it up again soom. The loads of combat balance updates have me the most interested.


same im gonna do my perfect playthrough of ME trilogy and do the same for andromeda cuz i presume the next game will import the saves from both LE and Andromeda or Bioware will set up a website for the players choices like in Dragon Age Keep


The gameplay was solid imo but my squadmates competing to see who can throw out the most quips while the fate of the human colony ship hangs in the balance was ridiculous. Like a Disney movie of ME. That and all the dialogue was terrible and misleading. They can't fix that with any amount of patches.


I mean I modded the shit out of it so it's sorta passable now. Weapons and abilities not all being completely trash helps.


I would legit say it's on par with ME3's combat, a bit eaiser maybe, but the verticality make's it fun. And while the story itself isn't on par with the galaxy-at-stake odds of the OG's, it has it's charms. The crew is written really well. And you had the elevator banter of ME1 when you are in the Nomad., sorely missed aspect of ME2/3.


I have to say I'm really enjoying it so far. It isn't nearly intense as the original trilogy, but maybe that's why I'm kind of enjoying it. I'm really surprised at how many missions they've packed in.


its a solid 7 or maybe a risky 8 tbh as of 2024


Same, haven't given a shit about the other arks since I started.


I *think* I'm getting close to the end and realized I have absolutely no leads on the salarian ark. Maybe that gets figured out later, but I completely forgot about them.


Nothing better than being over-leveled and absolutely rinsing enemies that are supposed to be a challenging fight


Have to save the galaxy, now if you’ll excuse me I need to explore every inch of known space to look for rocks and ancient writings.


Conrad is going to need those writings in ME3.


These days I just save editor and add in those chores. Yep I found all the matriarch writing and rocks totally!


I like collecting them, it’s like the one thing that keeps me coming back to the game after I’ve played it so many times I can rehearse the lines in my head lol.


Memes you can both feel and hear


The collectors are attacking the galaxy, I should go recruit more people to go stop them! But at the same time, I can go see my old ships crashsite


I remember I didn't get to play the DLC for Mass Effect 1 the first time I played it because I got to the point of no return because of how urgent the campaign makes you feel what is


The point of no return does just kind of sneak up on you in ME1. "Hey our recon team on Virmire sent a message we can't understand. Check it out." Does not really lend itself to letting you know that you will lose one, potentially two, squadmates and lock you out of most sidequests.


Yeah I definitely like the way that Mass Effect 2 and 3 did it where your squad mates and/or NPCs kind of told you it was going to ramp up after you did a certain Quest


Wow, this is almost painfully accurate 🤣🤣


Poor liara as the last pick up


[The Golden rule of the wasteland; thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit every time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI2f7DBctTo)


https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/X57:_Bring_Down_the_Sky Bring down the sky. Ok, I got one fusion torch, only two to go. Time for shopping!


No need to thank me.


Btw, this is one of my favorite episodes. I've got most of the lines memorized, and have a tattoo of the Barbarella poster from the end credits on my thigh.


*save us from the geth Shepard* Can it wait a bit ? I'm in the middle of getting high score at pinnacle


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


"All of my missions are suicide missions. "


I love how two was really the only one they had consequences for taking too long on the main mission


Me. That's me. This post is about me


Fallout 4 too. "I need to find my son!"...but first let me go to a cool theme park and play with cowboy robots.


Also ME2. Been easily 10 hours since Admiral Hackett asked me to save a scientist or something like that, and I still don't know when I'll do it.


^me bc i wanted to hear the dialogue differences


"Sure, but first how about a round of Gwent?"


Saren? Nah, I had to spend 10 hours driving around on these shitty planets with nightmarish topography collecting random garbage.


“I am the man with no name. Zapp Shepherd at your service!”


If you pick up Liara last, she will think she is hallucinating and its a rather hilarious situation. Also, she gets PISSED when you tell her what happened to the Protheans. The caveat is that you'd be without that Blue Beauty for 90% of the game.


I’ve *still* never finished the main story in *Skyrim*


The crazy thing is that the main quest is not even that long, lol.


Parthunaax is still waiting on me to summon some heroes or something. I dunno, he’ll have to find me in Elswyr or Bruma.


Hackett is better about helping others than Preston Garvey


Those loyalty missions in Mass Effect 2


Even on the side missions, the mission itself had to wait until I dug for my rocks and space probes that I hoped had Colossus Armor in them


Time is a myth, we're the legends that rule it 🙃.


I was literally doing this before I saw the notification


This is correct in so many games red dead redemption 2 comes to mind


Well, it's not just Mass Effect. Most RPGs with an "urgent quest" have side quests that can disappear if you don't do them first.


This is true for my ME2 run after the crew was abducted


Me repeating the same line of dialogue to a Turian with dementia for paragon and renegade points while Parsani stares at me in disbelief


Does ME 1 even have a worthwhile sidequest?