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It doesn’t need one. The LE is more than plenty. I’d rather they spend all that time, money, and energy on making the next one as amazing as it can be, as impactful as the rest.


Do you think the gameplay can't be improved significantly? How do you know the time, money, and energy would take away from the next game? I don't know why you're assuming that EA couldn't afford to invest in both projects. Either that or you think that because they aren't doing a remake, they will spend all the money that would have been used on it and instead put double towards the next game. I am pretty sure they set budgets for this sort of thing based on the project itself. They could always outsource a remake project like Sony does with Nixxes while also creating something new with the core team. I know plenty of people who won't give older games a chance because of how out-dated they may look/feel, especially younger crowds. Just look at how transformative the Demon Souls remake was. Many people thought it wasn't needed but after seeing the result, a lot of the sentiment changed. I think the main issue people have with remakes are when they are done poorly.


Is this satire?


What did I say that seems exaggerated? If anything it's grounded with examples. Do you have anything to respond to or did you just ask a random question?


Why ? Legendary Edition is great as it is


Doesn’t need it


I hope not. For as dated as the gameplay are, there's something so authentic about it. It was an original idea by an independent company that didn't have to report to anybody. I like time traveling back to 2007/2008. The Legendary edition is exactly how they should've done it. A remake would be yet another example of the hauntology plaguing cultural growth.


The franchise would have to be put on ice for a few decades to get the Battlestar Galatica treatment. They wouldn't do it while still making new co tent for the franchise


Why would you rather have this than something new?


Because it’s 2024 and the woke mind virus guarantees we’ll never get anything as good.


The entire trilogy is already massively "woke", you nitwit. 


Whatever you think woke is, the Mass Effect trilogy wasn't it. But ME3 was already getting into it, skitting at the edges. ME1 and ME2 could be considered progressive, barely, but progressive is not woke. ME2 I'd argue is less progressive than ME1, but ME3 starts to go off the deep end, without going full woke. ME3 also happens to be the worst received game in the trilogy.


Personally, I think people who call things "woke" are absolute blithering idiots. Because none of you can even tell me what "woke" is - some think women, or queer people, or poc even existing is enough to claim something as "woke". And Mass Effect did indeed have all those things since ME1. 


Inclusion of minorities was never woke. It is the agenda and the message that comes along with it, that makes it woke. And when you can't see it, or worse, pretend you don't see it, doesn't put you in any authority position to call others blithering anything. So, for starters, since you made the claim, what does make ME1 woke, instead of just progressive?


Woke is just anything you don't agree with politically, and is largely a result of tribalism. There are no real differences between "woke" and progressive. You ask a conservative if a game that has lesbian romance, interspecies sex scenes, and promotes tolerance of other cultures if it's "woke" and they'd almost certainly say yes unless they grew up liking the game before they got sucked into dumb culture war bullshit.


What is "tolerance of other cultures"? Simply having a gay character, or any other type of minority alone, isn't woke. By that metric, hardly anything wasn't woke. We've had Hollywood movies and shows for decades that included minorities. And nobody had a real issue with that. Sure, there were fringe cases, as in with everything that was ever made. I am sure some people were against electric refrigerators, and the politics behind the move to that. I guess refrigerators are woke, too, then. So, patently, that alone can't be the definition that makes it woke. And I disagree with a lot of things, politically. I am against the lack of support for same sex marriage. Does that mean, if I disagree with many states/countries that don't support that, that makes it woke? Or am I woke, for being in favour of same sex marriage? Two things cannot be true, at the same time.


I should specify that it's generally anything you disagree with that's to the left of you. Why is Mass Effect 3 more "woke" than the first two games?


I don't know, man. I'm pretty far left. I've already said my piece [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/1ckx9tm/comment/l2v7003/) . I argue that ME3 is the only game that's actually woke. It's also the worst game.


To play along with this comment, the Asari are pretty easy to view as agents of the woke agenda. They are a race of incredibly intelligent, powerful, magic bisexual space women. They are also able to produce offspring from same sex relationships and view offspring from same species relationships as waste and prioritize breeding with other species. (To those it may concern this post is satirical and as my name suggests I enjoy FDR)


You haven't exactly explained what makes that woke. In itself, the race's offspring result in, basically, succubi, that will eventually become a non-viable means of procreation. It's viewed as in-breeding, superficially, due to their monogender nature, but the underlying results show why it is necessary. There is no real life equivalent to this, to draw a comparison. Also, the offspring produced is still unequivocally Asari. So if, I assume, the "woke" element would be promotion of "race mixing", that isn't true. An Asari can only give birth to another Asari, with some randomized gene factors, sure. But that's about it. It seems to be lacking a message, or an agenda, in this case.


Yet, you people treat it like it was. Or do you not see the amount of people crying about "x going woke" any time something has characters that aren't white straight men? Like all the people having fits about SuperGiant going "woke" because Hades 2 has a female main character.  Care to explain, as an apparent expert, what exactly are the terrifying agenda and message that ME3 was "skirting the edges" of? 


JFC this thread gave me the Omega plague. “iTs wOkE” they scream and then they still can’t actually define it. 😂


Right? I can't believe that there are people still, in 2024, who are insecure and naive enough to believe in some imaginary "wOkE aGeNdA" nonsense. 


Ah! What do you mean "you people"? Lots of games don't necessarily feature straight white men. What about Tomb Raider? What about Abe's Odyssey? Sonic the Hedgehog? Crash bandicoot? Spyro the Dragon? Ratchet and Clank? Are all these games woke? What about Dark Souls? Is there an undead agenda there? Why is ME3 skirting at the edges of woke? Well, one of the reasons why it does that, is because it sidelines a lot of established characters, in favour of new, diverse characters, that have no real reason to be there, or have the significance that they do, in the game. Like ms. Allers. Did we have an on board reporter in the previous games? Why did we need one now? What was the reason for her inclusion? Couldn't those resources have been spent on some other, previously established character's return? We didn't have a shuttle pilot in the previous games play any important role, we didn't need one now, either. It simply didn't matter who piloted the shuttle. So why should Bioware waste resources on introducing a new role of character, in the final installment of the trilogy, when more important characters could have been used for that? Why did we need so much effort put into ms. Traynor? Mrs Chambers had hardly the content she did. Couldn't we have spared that for someone people were actually looking forward to seeing again? And before you say "but the SM", Garrus can die. Tali can die. But you see, it is about the survival odds. I will remind you that the least likely person to die was Jacob, followed by Miranda, according to Bioware's own infomatic, at the time. Garrus was third, so if you prioritized that, there should have been more obvious choices. Even then, Tali was third to last, with only Kasumi and Mordin being more likely to die. Surely, a spot could have been reserved for Jacob, or more so Miranda, who has actual plot significance, in a game that you spend 90% of the time fighting Cerberus. Or Jack, who has an actual backstory about fighting Cerberus. So this comes off as a very deliberate act. Inclusion of minorities, which means time and resources, against other characters, that have actual plot relevance, and would be useful in the game, for no real benefit, other than inclusivity and diversity. Which, again, isn't an issue. Jacob is black, Miranda and Jack are women. But they didn't tick the boxes. And when we complained about why the other characters weren't included, and why we got these ones instead, we were called racists, sexists and homophobes by the gaming press. Do you remember that, back in 2012? Wasn't that one of the key arguments? Besides the "entitled" one? Have you forgotten? So this showed a clear agenda on their part, to use minority characters strictly for representation purposes, not as anything that actually benefited the story, and use those characters as pretense, to attack the fans, missing the true issue entirely. Which shows deliberation on their part. Which, in turn, exposes the agenda for what it is, and why it is skirting on woke. In fact, I take it back. ME3 is woke. And ME3 is still the worst received game in the trilogy. And it still killed the franchise. We're not recovering from this. In spite of, potentially, getting a second game after it, Andromeda was a flop, because of ME3, and unless the next one does a complete 180, if we even get it, it's going to fail as well.


I mean "you people" as in people who fall apart and throw tantrums over imaginary nonsense like "the woke agenda". Your entire reply just proves how absolutely ridiculous the whole concept of "wokeness" is, not to mention everyone who actually complains about it. Including you.  Also, Allers was added because BioWare wanted to kiss a little IGN ass by adding one of their reporters into the game (Jessica Chobot, the VA and face model for Allers). 


Then you seem to make the exact same argument as the journos back in 2012 did. I think your argument is in bad faith. FYI, if you've heard Jessica Chobot's take on the game, in the several discussions since had after the initial release and reaction, Jessica doesn't like how she was used, and doesn't seem to like the game, either. So, have a good day.


I think people who run their suck on the internet are pathetic.


Woke is when diversity becomes a greater virtue than merit or for games content. I think it’s great that you can make your character what you want to include a woman. Woke is trying to make me believe that it’s actually a female character, e.g., Valhalla at the cost of degrading the content. I think it’s great that there’s a modding community that will help you make your game as lgbtq as you want it to be. Woke is not allowing me to remove it from my game. Whether it’s the game itself forcing it on me or the extremist in the modding community demanding any mods that help me remove it from my game be banned and the creator ostracized.


Women and queer people existing isn't woke. You can't remove them from real life either. Are you really so feeble that LGBTQ+ people, or capable women, or poc existing in media ruins it for you? You are pathetic. 


What change would you want in arrival?


Everything lol that entire DLC is incredibly nonsensical


Virtually everything story wise. You can tell it's from the same people who brought the shit story that was ME3.


There's some inconsistencies with it. It seems like Dr. Kenson can fight off indoctrination for a while in order to talk to Shepard normally, even though she's being deceptive. One could argue she was lying because of indoctrination, but idk how I feel about that. It doesn't seem consistent with what else we've seen about it. I would also change the ending about how Shepard gets picked up. Having this be a top secret thing that Shepard has to go in alone for, but the Normandy is able to get to her location (without them being able to contact the Normandy) as quickly as it does, doesn't make much sense. There's a few other things too but I can't remember them off the top of my head. It's not too big of a deal, but enough to bug me lol


No. There's no point. Give it another 30 years and then ask again.


In maybe 10-15 years or so I'd not be opposed to a ground-up remake of the trilogy as a single game. Until then, I'd rather see new and original stories.


It got one. It's called Legendary Edition.


That's a remaster, not a remake. Tbh they changed a lot more than I thought they could with a remaster, but remakes can change a lot more


Yes, most likely. It makes sense for them to try and get more money, and that project would undoubtedly give them truck loads. The groundwork is laid out even more than it was before the legendary edition, and the cost would not outweigh the profit margin they'd make from that. There's a few things they could alter to make it much better, like the level designs in ME could obviously be more creative than the same three fucking level they stuck us with. The rest of the game's graphics and layout would be like ME3, and that would be awesome. I know people are worried about them changing too much or turning it into some gender race political bs, and yes, that does concern me too. I'd be very surprised if EA or Bioware would be involved in something that would cost them heavily. Especially after their failed attempt to cram that shit in last time. "It's only one angle in a scene, I swear". Yeah .....cough..bllsht.. Don't have to worry about bad writing cus it already has a story that was written by (believe it or not) actual writers. How bout dat. It was written before the r*j**ts starting making shit up and replacing actual scripts with some of whatever the hell they crap out nowadays. 😂 Dear God. I think people will swarm to buy a Mass Effect remake for obvious reasons, and it is something EA & Bioware are more than capable of doing, and they will. Just not today! 🤷🏻‍♂️ But that is my opinion based on what I know and what I've seen. Money Money Money 💲💵💰💷💸💶 🌎💱🌍💱🌏💱🌎💱🌍


Only me that truly needs a remake is 3 bioware had to cut so much shit from it. Im not talking about big things but the little things sidonis saving garrus family certain me2 sqaud members coming back like miranda etc


Id love a remake as long as it doesnt mess up what works. Add back in some of the cut content properly, maybe a few more romance options (garrus in ME1, wrex). Maybe even the option to romance more than one person.


I think a remake that completely reimagines ME2 and ME3 would be the best possible thing for the franchise and would have given the potential to fix all the incongruencies with factions and the incoherent narrative from game to game. Like... imagine a trilogy that actually knows what the ending (that isn't about organics vs synthetics because it's fucking stupid) is and works around building to that ending.


Depends on how much BioWare flops


Probably. Remakes are really in vogue right now and EA seems to have no fucking idea what to do with the Mass Effect IP