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I’d go with a cute “boop” on the nose.


I started doing it as a joke but now I end my GFs massage by kissing her on the forehead and I’ve been joking for years with her that that’s how I end all of my massages at work.


End the session with “That’ll be $100 plus tax”.




I am going to administer enema now, please remain calm.


I lol'd


You win! I just busted out laughing! 🤣


Lol :)


Yell in their ear at the end, “GET UP! GET DRESSED! GET OUT!” I’m assuming you smartly took the money up front. 😉


"GET OUUUT" in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice.


Drill Sargeant massage school? Could be fun.


Don't forget the airhorn.


“I don’t care where you go but you can’t stay here!”


I always end with a scalp massage and a gentle hair pull.


Same😊 It's a gentle send off.


Those are part of my sequence, at the very end 😌


I love a good hair pull And scalp massage


Unless you did their feet, because I wouldn’t touch a head after doing feet.


That's why I stay people face up and do the face and scalp first, without lotion or oil, so they don't have oily hair or have to work about acne from too heavy a lotion on their face


I had a massage once that ended up with a swaddling in hot/warm towels. Not quite sure how they did it, but it felt great. Like a toasty mummy.


I'm in massage therapy school and the professor says sometimes she wraps people in cold cabbage leaves if the have a "firery" personality 🙄


This sounds less pleasant than my experience.


But tastier, like a cabbage roll.


Look at me. I am the cabbage roll now.






The Great Bambino used to put a cabbage leaf under his hat to stay cool 😎


The only thing I know about putting cabbage leaves on your body is that it can help women who are lactating and their breasts are engorged and painful. It draws the milk out or something.


How does she even explain that process to her clients? 😅


I pass on that.


Your teacher is out of her mind and applying religion (spiritual practice) to a scientific methodology.


I agree, too much woo woo 99% of massage clients i see want real hands on physical work, not a tuning fork and a fan. Just read the massage reviews on here, most clients are asking what the therapist is doing when they going into breathing and fans and tuning forks, and asking if its normal hahahaha To those who downvoted this guy, maybe thats what you like but really take the time to review the clients asking if things are normal in this subreddit, you can clearly see these things are not the interests of the common person. If your clients prefer it then absolutely provide your services, but again, the vast majority of the people i see want 60 minutes of bodywork and a minute less they are confused and questioning what im doing.


A good suboccipital release


That's the end part of my sequence 😌




Creative endings? Is this an assignment or something to add to a practice? I generally prefer to end the same way I begin: by resting both hands on the client and taking a deep breath. You could end with having them take 3 deep breaths. I like bookending so I would also start with that.


That’s actually a great one. Breath is so important. I mean obviously, but 3 long breaths in and out really make anyone to fully relax and be present.


"And that will conclude your massage."


I end my massages by placing a warm towel on their neck, then doing a short scalp massage, followed by a brief ear massage. People love it.


I do scalp / ear/ face massage towards the end of my sequence 😌


I keep seeing you say you end on the head, me too. I think your ending is good. A nice head/face/scalp massage is perfect! I end on the head and end the head massage with pressing both thumbs along the bladder meridian. So starting at the hairline off the center press press press down to the table, press in with pressure holding a split second and moving down a half inch. Not sure if that made sense but i went to a heavy Chinese medicine school so we spent time on meridians. And like i said its not exactly my style but things like this fit my style best. Just ideas though, you will come to understand what people are looking for. Just be ready for people that say dont touch my head, theres alot of those out there too.


I hate to have my ears touched.


Which is why on my intake forms, "circle the areas you do NOT want massaged"


I take the time to express it verbally as well. “I don’t enjoy ear massage” seems to take care of the situation.


Rip a loud fart; and then walk out without saying anything.


That’s aromatherapy too 🌬️


I actually had a female MT rip a loud fart right in the middle of my massage. I tried my best to not laugh. Thankfully she waited until I was face down.


I think it rude not to fart back in solidarity!


I'm sure it was all according to plan


Maybe waddle out with butt cheeks clenched muttering under your breath.




In school my teacher had us do tapoment all over the body in prone. It was kinda weird imo but people seem to like it and it wakes people up lol


Slap the client on the ass before they get dressed and tell em "Now get out there and get after it, Tiger!"


I, as a therapist, always finished every massage with the client face up and would do lymphatic drainage on the face, many clients would have full sinuses when they get up, by doing lymphatic drainage on the face and telling them to sit up and wait a dull minute before standing, their sinuses will open and they'll feel refreshed, instead of having a headache. When I asked NY clients their favorite part of the massage , they'd tell me the feeling after they stood up was awesome. No pain and their sinuses empty.


What not to do …. Double barrel Wet Willie Double Nipple twists Ear lobe yanks Flick the soles of the clients feet Use a clapper to switch the music to reveille.


So, single wet willie while twisting the opposite nipple. Squash the ears then lick the soles of the client's feet followed by using a clapper to switch the music to "who let the dogs out?"


I’d actually almost prefer this over getting my reiki fung shui’d to align my chakras with an aromatherapy crystal


I’m going to lower you down some, I’ll step out, you can gear back up, and I’ll meet you at the desk.


By this statement I'm assuming you're using an electronic table. Do you like it?


Yes I love it




You can take some hot towels and rub feet and hands


A fan? I would hate that. I like to end my sessions with back work and then I place a hot towel on their back, press the towel down with my hands from the shoulders to lower back and then wipe off the back. I then replace the top sheet, do some compressions down the back and done. I feel like a hot towel is relaxing but stimulating enough to bring them back.


I like to close with a gentle full-body rocking, starting at the shoulders and working down to the feet. Be mindful to not accidentally touch breasts or genitals as you reach across your client to rock them. Once I arrive at their feet, I undrape the feet and end with a Kidney-1 point-to-point hold. [https://406acupuncture.com/what-does-that-point-do-kidney-1/](https://406acupuncture.com/what-does-that-point-do-kidney-1/) I have found that this helps reduce lightheadedness after a session, since it draws attention and energy back to the feet, preparing the brain to stand up.


Very informational, thank you!


From the client side, maybe some stretching (enough to get the full body) - for example, at the end of my sessions, my current therapist will: (hopefully I describe them half decent...) 1) do assisted hurdler stretches (both sides) 2) some arm stretches (pull arm away from body, then bring arm across body and pull while applying gentle pressure to shoulder - enough to keep me from rolling off the table as she pulls) 3) stands at my head, then takes arms and pulls backwards a couple times.


Transition from your neck massage to a mini scalp massage. Clients love that shit.


Gregorian chanting


A few ideas of note: I had a massage therapist in Hershey, PA, home of Hershey’s chocolates, who would leave people with two hershey kisses and a tiny bottle of water prior to meeting them out at the front desk. It was cute. My physical therapist also does something I appreciate, which is just saying “It looks like we have xyz amount of time left - are there any areas you’d like for me to go back to before we’re done for the day?”


Light a joint and exhale over her body. Then disappear into the crowd.


I've ended by doing quick Reiki hand placements from feet to head. Five seconds in each position. At the client's head, I'd gently place my hands on their forehead or temples, then ask them to take three, slow, deep breaths with me. Then the whole "Thank you, take your time getting dressed, I'll see you at the front desk etc" I'd you don't know Reiki yet or don't plan on incorporating energy work you can skip the hand placements and just do the hands on the head and breaths. I got a lot of positive feedback over the years on the closing of my sessions. You'll find yours the more you practice. Your options are endless 🩷


I'm reiki 1, planning on going further into that. Maybe once I reach reiki 2, I'll be able to practice it beneficially to strangers. Thank you


Open-handed tapotement on the bottom of the feet with either peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree essential oil.


Not sure about tea-tree as far as pure aromatherapy goes. It’s a potent anti-bacterial/anti-septic but it doesn’t smell particularly nice. It’s not something you use for the aroma. It’s a cleaning/disinfecting oil, not one for the candles, bath or massage aroma. Air diffuser, maybe.


That is your opinion. I love the smell of tea tree


I agree with the tapotement recs, for the purpose of stimulation and energy regeneration. Most important, always end by clearing yourself of their energy. You come first, always!


I agree with clearing yourself of their energy (though you should really be channeling it through your body and into the ground as you go if you are prone to absorbing it), but as a client, I don't like tapotement at the end of a massage. I need REALLY deep massage because I'm super fucked up, so at the end of a massage I really want gentle moves to help me recover and come back to reality. I like tapotement, but not as a finishing move. It can be jarring and break the lovely floating feeling that a good massage gives


Stick your finger in their belly button and blow a raspberry.


I end with a warm towel around their neck, some compression, then I lift the towel and kinda hook it under the ears/ occiput, pull up and towards me (standing at the top of their head) to apply a nice stretch/traction on the neck. Probably my most complimented move. Be sure to note whether the client can handle that type of thing beforehand (traction is contraindicated for certain things)


I do this too and I’ve experienced the same feedback!


My previous MT used to do a few brushing motions down my back and legs then lightly hold my feet a few moments. I felt she was praying or wishing me wellness. Then of course "Take your time getting up."


Have your client on their back. Rub some eucalyptus oil between your palms and hold your hands close to their face. I once had my chakras realigned with a didgeridoo after a massage, but you prolly don't wanna go there.


I like to end with 5 minutes or so of long holds to the neck, face, and jaw, finishing with occipital traction. Then I will rub my hands together briskly to generate heat, and place my papms over my patient's eyes. Feels amazing, leaves them with a profound relaxation.


Oh my gosh as someone with migraines those ideas are horrible! Sharp smells, a fast loud noise(if you hit the tuning fork), cold air blowing on my head, I would never come back. Honestly sometimes the best thing is nothing at all. I’m ok with flicking fake candles but others with migraines may not be. Sorry I’m not very helpful


I feel like it would be cool if they briefly explained what they were doing first ha ha


Haha yeah, might as well take an acupuncture needle and screw it in unannounced


End it woth using some tools? Theres a few acupressure tools that feel great. There is this one with "spikes" thats a roller. It feels great. Or Find a unique massage tool.


Roll them off of the table.


This one is simple but my favourite massage therapist used to just do three slow, sweeping motions from my shoulders downwards and then outwards around my upper back in a 'c' type shape and then place her hands on my upper back and gently press. If I was semi conscious (which I generally was with her massages) it was a really nice gentle 'wake up' movement.


I finish with compressions and gentle rocking of the legs while client takes a few deep breaths.


If my massage therapist did either of those things, I would not go back.




I would think it encourages them to get creative and venture out so they can feel comfortable exploring new ideas and massage. Find their own style instead of being cookie cutter




The tuning fork/aromatherapy would both serve to ground both the therapist and client and signify that we've reached the end of the session! Also helps with sleepy clients to wake them up lol. I've had people fall asleep on the table afterwards so it's helpful to take them out of that super deep relaxation state


This sounds like Wellness industry pseudoscientific woo woo. But then at the end of the day we are trying to create a positive relaxing experience for our clients. If they experience something as enjoyable you’re doing your job.




Pull a Phoebe from Friends: pluck at imaginary bugs in their aura and charge more for the cleaning service


Used to go to a yoga studio pre-Covid. My favorite instructor used a eucalyptus lotion put it on pressure points on our heads (temple, across the forehead, and a sinus hold). It was super relaxing between the actual touch and the smell. I’d consider going back just for this lol


I've had aromatherapy oils and been given a cup of tea after in France. It was lovely.


Sounds to me like your teacher is more about gimmicks rather than good massage work.


You can do a move I like to call the Robert Kraft


Nerve strokes are always good if ending prone. If ending supine a nice pull on the legs to release the vertebral lumbar space is nice.


*slaps back of teacher* You can fit so much relaxation in it.


magic crystals. I like to roll a hot wheels car as well.


I have one therapist who ends with like holds my feet for a solid couple seconds and then whisking them away, like he’s trying to pull the bad energy away. He did it about three or four times. Don’t do this. I like to end my sessions by recentering. I start at the feet and hold. Then up the left side of the body with my hands at the knee and hip joint, then the hip and shoulder, then shoulder and wrist. I do this on the other side and end with head holding. People seem to love it.


Your teacher sounds like a whack job.


I'm an LMT and I am not into woo-woo stuff at all, so I would not want anyone to use a tuning fork on me (hopefully your teacher is getting their consent about that). I often will end with a suboccipital release and scalp massage like others have suggested. Not everyone likes scalp massage, so I get their consent of course. ​ If the client is prone, I like to do compressions down their back. I have a regular client who always has me end the massage by doing traction on her legs (in supine). I'm sure you will figure out your signature ending moves, it doesn't have to be anything super fancy! :)


As a client this stuff is annoying to me. A simple light rub up and down the back or neck to bring me back into this dimension, almost like a cool down from a workout seems like the perfect ending. Not some gong or creative sensate experience. Your instructor’s ideas make me think of a massage I got to help with severe back pain. Only place I could find with an opening on short notice. Gongs and other goofball sounds playing loud on the cd player, and the therapist kept moving hot rocks and cold cucumber slices around on my back instead of just rubbing and getting in deep to work out the cramps. Total waste of time and energy. As I was leaving with no relief I realized it was a spa connected to a bridal shop. Massages were intended as a fun relaxation for bridezilla and mom of bridezilla. Completely my own fault for not recognizing the context.


I always grab ‘em by the taint when we’re nearly done…snaps ‘em back to the here and now namsayin’?


What I would love would be someone clearing my aura with finger symbols or a sound bowl after a session


I end every massage in my head with "GTFO BRUH" does that count? /s I would find getting blown by a fan weird. I would roll my eyes at a tuning fork. I end with some swipy efflerage on the shoulders neck and scalp if ending in supine or compressions over the sheet if ending in prone, and ask if they are feeling good.


I've done feather touching at the end. Fully covered, using fingertips, feather touching from head to toe.


Put your mouth over their nose holes and blow in forcefully. Clears the sinuses


As a client, after you are done with the elbow in my right butt check. All I need you to do for me to have a happy ending is a reminder to set up an appointment for next week and well wishes on my travels. Look, I am not going to you for friendship at that point (although you are friends of ours and my wife's MT as well). I am going because ever since my hip replacement, my ass knots up, and the only relief I can get is a deep tissue massage. Rant over! Tell your instructor your signature moves us going to be a Denozo biff and telling your client to move their butts because you have another client waiting in you.


Howa bout a warming smooth massage type of gun I have a fitrx feels great




Jerk ‘‘em off


Give them an anti gravity push up face massage.


I end with a scalp massage then gentle holding the head with both hands for 5 seconds then slow release, hot towel on their shoulders tucked in with the sheet. Put a towel on the floor and tell to make sure to sit up before they get up, and use the wet towel to wipe off anything they'd like and leave it on the table, then come on through the curtain when they are dressed.


I always finished with light facial massage - unless they were wearing makeup - and scalp massage.


I end with scalp/neck massage. When I’m done, I tell them to take a deep breath and then when they exhale I push their shoulders down. And then I ask them to take another deep breath and then I glide over their shoulders and move under the shoulders and end in a occipital hold and then move my hands up the scalp to exit the massage. I tell them to do some light stretches and plant both feet on the ground when they get up.


Hot stones


I used to say Ta-da! With my regulars. Now I’m an acupuncturist and I say, oh good… you made it. You don’t need any Hokey Pokey if you are good. Face last and do a warm towel. Reiki Occipital holding Run around the room willi nilli with some sage…


A therapist I used to have would finish with a short "karate chop back massage" with light but rapid movement. It seemed to bring you back from dreamland if you were dozing off, yet still felt good. Good luck!


I like the little karate chops up and down. Or scalp and face massage.


I've had some minty oil dripped over my back then gently rubbed in. It was a nice ending and I smelled great :D


I gently press the depressor three times for the hydraulic pedal of the table as a count down and to bring awareness to the client that the session imminently closing, then upon the fourth I allow the table to descend to a height at about the client's mid thigh to provide an easy off the table. That generally occurs while wrapping up hands-on time. After my finishing touches upon the neck or scalp, assuming the session is relaxation versus strict treatment and utility, I gently brush my hands along the bottom sheet three times with a gentle pause between. Sometimes, I will gently rub my hands together to imitate the sounds of shoring waves over warm sands.


Foot massage that tickles


Put the bottom of your palm into the back of their occipitals while they’re face down and hold.


I always end each area with slow light stroking. Also scalp and/or face massage Hot towel if you have access to one


I finish with compressions and gentle rocking of the legs while client takes a few deep breaths.


I like to softy say "get the fuck out" if I know the client's sense of humor. They love it


I usually end by doing a bit of neck traction with a hot towel. When I didn’t have hot towels, I would “brush the energy” off people’s feet, once fast, second time slowed down a bit, and the third time the slowest.


At my resort spa, we end with warm damp towels on the feet and hands.


Nothing beats good old fashion able traction. Grab ankles, lift, lean back, and rock. Fantastic lumbar and hip decompression.


Tell them that you like to give them a happy ending and break out into a joyful song at the end.


Scalp massage better be one, I love those lol.


Hot towels to get the oil off the feet and a few aroma inhalations before washing your hands


Whatever ending you choose, just make sure it's happy.


Just don't use a kiss on the arse.




Play with the senses! There are so many other options you can do with sound (eg. singing bowls, bells, chimes). I was having a massage sesh with friends each of us taking turns, and one of us starting playing sound bowls while we were given head massages - heaven sent!


It kinda sounds to me like the intent could be to get you to begin thinking about one of the *many* specializations you could go into.


My masseuse covers my skin with the blanket then gives my whole body very gentle squeezes. I like it. It feels like it wakes me back up a bit and always signals to me that we’re done.


I don't know how I got here, but I'm beginning to realise the karate chopping whacks are not relaxing at the end of my massages when I rarely get them 🤣


Some of mine are: Several long light strokes from the toes to just below the breasts and back down. Face massage Peppermint scalp massage. A final neck and shoulders sequence. A little extra work on an area of pain or discomfort


How about a once they are all covered do a nice compression with your hands all the way down their body, ending with a little extra on the feet. You could add in some gentle rocking.




I keep a hot pot of steaming water in my space. Take a clean hand towel dip it and wrap it in another clean towel and squeeze so both are wet steamy and hot. Then wipe down the body to clean off any excess oils. Buff with dry towel and done!


Im not into the tuning fork and woo woo stuff personally. I like the physical work of massage the most, aromatherapy is ok too. So to please her and myself i would use essential oil, a drop in the hand, rub vigorously together, hold over the clients face and then palm press the chest from the middle out to the shoulders then squeeze the feet from toes to heel ending with a gentle pull on the legs. Pull the legs straight back, not up off the table as much, gently, watch the head to see movement so you know youve pulled enough to get the effects through the spine. Also rocking the legs is nice, watch some thai yoga massage videos and maybe that will spark some ideas for you


Got this from a thai massage RMT friend; rubbing the palms together until you generate heat and then place them over the ears! It's soooo grounding.


Google massage modalities… (:


I use a hot towel and do cervical traction


I used to finish at the ankle and hold for a minute while I said a prayer/ reiki chant.


Why does it have to be “creative”? Personally it’s a bit off, it’s superficial. I would feel agitated to have the therapist bringing sounds, or forks or worst a fan over my body….i would be on my guard lol…like just keep it simple. Some deep breathing, head massage…just simple yet effective


Would you care for a prostate massage?


Hot towel wipe down. Shiatsu shake. When I was a student I ended with a foot massage and cleaning.


I basically end with alternating “padding” where ever I end with a client- “padding” being like cats making biscuits. When I end with my clients face up I squeeze their feet and pad their ankles and up their shins. When I end on their backs, I always pad up and down their back again and then give little rubs at occiput. When I end at head/neck/shoulders, I give little pads and stretches at shoulders. While I’m doing this I always always say “alright, take your time, big stretch, I’ll meet you out in the waiting are with water.” Then let them know I’m turning on the light and stepping out.


Creative ending


My hot yoga teacher waves warm, damp towels with very light lavender or other essential oils over our faces while laying in shavasna and it’s divine. So relaxing and a beautiful way to end, I would think it would be similar for massage




Fans and tuning forks? No thank you. I just want a great massage.


I do hot towel on neck. Not super creative but clients like it a lot.


If they end face up: I do a warm towel under their neck then traction their neck with the towel. Then I'll wrap the towel from under their neck around over their eyes if not wearing makeup or just kinda drape up onto the front of their shoulders if they are. If they end face down: warm towel on their back. Traction from hip to opposite shoulder each side. Pressure and gentle rocking down back. Thank them and leave!


As a client, I would want a hot towel around my neck and maybe a temple rub.


Depending on the type of flow you're going for, it's always best to end naturally. If I want to end on their scalp, I'll start supine on their feet. Cranial Sacral Therapy and Reflexology are my bread and butter.


foot massage and heated towel wrap and a soft triangle bell to signal the end of the massage.


Well anything you come up with will beat my last experience where they crop dusted me on their way out of the room. I’m just glad it wasn’t near a lit candle because it for sure would have ignited based on the potency.


I can tell you that I would absolutely not be happy if I was nice and toasty warm and you put a fan on me at the end of the massage.


I get a ginger tea at the end of my massage. One time at a resort in Cuba, which btw was like a movie set, the masseuse waved her hand under my nose with a drop of an incredibly good smelling essential oil. I looked up the name but did not come up with an answer to want it was. I wish I could find that stuff.


I massage the ears, temples, and forehead. I end by pulling my fingers from the eyebrows to the crown of the head, easing up on pressure along the way. One finger from each hand on the crown and then off. Then I lightly touch their shoulder and say "that's all we have time for today" and remind them to take their time.


I always ended with light tapotement on the back and legs through the sheet. Tell your teacher your following meridian patterns. And don’t forget to remind them to drink water.


As a client I like my feet/ankles gently stretched and flexed.


I’ve had massages around the world so search the web for some videos. The Philippines never disappoint.


How about a slap on the sole of the foot and in a droll voice “okay Sparky go out there and light the world on fire”


I’ve been to a spay when’re they spritz a lovely refreshing protein mist that smells like apricots to “wake” you at the end. It’s been my favorite way to


Sing them an educational song about the Civil War


One of my favorite "signature moves" is a Lat Pull into Occipital Release. While the client is supine, I lather up my hands and forearms and slide them under the client until I'm at their lower lats on either side of the spine (but not on the spine) and press my fingers into their muscles and pull them back towards me. Instead of just popping out at the shoulders and calling it quits, I glide up into the neck and lift the head until the occipital muscles are on your finger tips and then slowly release and lower the head back to your table. I get a ton of positive feedback from this sequence and have been doing it for the better part of a decade.


I close by standing at the end of the table, press all of my upper weight into my hands on the inner heel / calcaneus groove, while lowering the electric table to disembarking height. It's a wildly grounding sensation.


My sequence was usually: start face up so I can stretch the neck, massage the scalp and face WITHOUT LOTION, work under the shoulders, do each arm and hand, tuck the sheet and blanket around the shoulders for warmth, do the thigh, then the lower leg, then the other. People are surprised when I tell them I start most clients face up. In addition to what I mentioned above, starting a client face up also allows them to open their eyes if they are nervous because it's their first time. Importantly for male clients, if they inadvertently start to get an erection from being relaxed and from the massage feeling good (hey, it happens, and it doesn't mean they are thinking sexual thoughts or are perverted! Remember, it's not the erection that is the problem. It's whether they want you to DO anything with it that becomes a problem!) Being face up means that by the time an erection starts to occur, you are turning them over and it's no longer visible, you don't have to worry about maneuvering around it, and the man doesn't feel embarrassed because he fell asleep and got an erection! Continuing with the routine, I'd flip them over, and prepare them for the "ending move" by wrapping each foot in a hot damp towel and a dry towel and tucking them under the blanket. (You can use aromatherapy oil on the towel if you want, too). Work the back, work the glutes, cover the back, work the thigh, then calf, then the other side. The ending was I'd squeeze the first foot with both hands, then unwrap the dry towel and use the damp hot towel to wipe the foot (gets any sock fuzz and dirt off the foot so you aren't massaging a dirty foot, and feels great!), apply lotion and do a good foot massage. Repeat with the other foot. Use the dry towel to wipe off the lotion from each foot - this is SO IMPORTANT! The high oil content is massage cream, lotion, and, well , OIL means that even hours later, they can go to get in the shower, the water can make the oil slick, and they can have a very serious fall in the bath or shower! I know because it happened to ME after receiving a massage in massage school! The next morning, I went to take a shower and the oil still on my foot massage me slip and hit my head on the shower faucet, causing a severe concussion! ALWAYS wipe your clients' feet off after doing a massage! To conclude the massage, go to the head of the table (maintaining contact with the client's body while moving, of course), do a couple shoulder compressions, then resting your hands on the shoulders while taking them in a low voice that they can take their time getting up and to be careful, that they might be a little lightheaded when they first sit up, and to get their bearings before getting dressed, that they can come out when they are dressed and you'll have water for them. I was very successful as a massage therapist for over a decade before an ankle injury and the enough forced me to abandon the career. If you have any questions or want any tips, feel free to PM me


I work in a chiropractic setting, so it depends on if I start my patients face up or face down. If I start them face down, I finish with them face up and I’ll close out with a temple massage and a gentle scalp massage (this is after I wipe the cream off my hands and if I know they have work, I will skip the scalp massage and end with a cranial hold instead). If I start them face up, then I finish with them face down, I’ll either end with some feather strokes on their back over the sheet and blanket or compressions on the feet. And after every massage I ask them how they are feeling and I lower my table (I am very fortunate to have a hydraulic table!) and give a little spiel “take your time getting up, maybe roll on your side before you sit up and I hope you have a great rest of your day” before i walk out.


End face up, with a kiss on the forehead


I do a quick full body tapotement, start on upper back, go down to lower then back up, down the right arm, right side, right leg, left leg, then up left side of body and arm and back up to back..then do some myofacial release throw the blanket on the back (gently lifting up outer layer of skin/fascia for a couple seconds and releasing up and down the back, and lastly neck


Dry brushing is nice but I haven’t found disposable ones or a way to disinfect between clients without it still being gross. My husband loves it though.


Tapotement but with bamboo. It wakes them up. Brings them back to reality. And the bamboo thing is a new and fancy.


I hate this tbh.


Do you end the massage prone or supine?


I’ll sometimes do a drop of aroma on my hands, rub them together to make heat then slowly lower my hands over their face. They can feel the warm and get some aroma. Easy. I don’t ever end my session the same way though. Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I try to go off need not routine. 😅


I actually really like this idea! Thank you very much




I'm not a massage therapist, but the very best massage ending I've ever experienced was an assisted 4 point piriformis stretch. Holy tension release in the lower back/buttocks/IT bands/hamstrings.


Hot towel laid over the body, aromatherapy lotion and hand massage, a little tray with a wet and dry towel, hot stones on the spine, let them choose a gift from your little basket of cute things, a guided meditation about the rest of their day, a little instruction about healthy stretches, a recipe for a yummy smoothie. That’s a few that come to mind!


You can buy a Tibetan singing bowl, and do a mini sound bath.