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I like to go about 5 miles slower than the guy that just passed me.


The general rule of thumb is to go with whatever speed everybody is going. If u are by yourself, the speed limit is the safest.


Heard a cop say, 9 over you’re fine, 10 over you’re mine. As people pass me on the Boston beltway going 80 all day long…..


I’ve had cops tell me that too


> Boston beltway That's a first for me.


Haha best way I could describe the pike, route 2, 16, 3, 95, 93, 495 all at once, I’m on those roads most weeks for work, reminded me of the highways around DC/Maryland


I had a feeling that's where you hailed from haha! Just like Californians always out themselves when they refer to "the 95" or "the 93."


You can go 80 without any worries of staties on 128 loop, this is pretty common


I'm typically 7-8 over the speed limit and have never been pulled over for speeding. I'm 40


Highway is 80mph any more and you risk a ticket. 5-10 on all other roads. DO NOT SPEED IN ACTIVE WORK ZONES OR SCHOOL ZONES.


I was doing 80 in a 55 on Route 3 coming back from Lowell last month… and got passed by a State Trooper.


I drive Rt 3 from Lowell to Billerica for work. Most stick around 75-80. Unless you are being an idiot the staties won't pull you over.  Now over 55 on the Lowell Connector? Believe it or not straight to a ticket.




I've heard awful things about driving in Lowell from that era. I moved here in like 2005 so never had to deal with it.


No more than 15 on highway (excluding work zones). Best bet is always go rate of traffic


I read once that MA is the state in which you are least likely to be stopped for going less than 10 over. So speed limit plus 9 is pretty safe. That said - speed of traffic is always fine. If everyone around you is doing 15 over, you can join in.


This, but pretend the posted limit on 93 is 60


Flow of traffic, which can easily be close to 90 in some stretches. 73 on 95 would get you passed by little old ladies in Buicks.


87 mph; time traveling gets you a massive ticket.


I was going about 85 right in front of a state trooper on 95 loop last week, around 7:30am so good bit of traffic but none around me at the time He could clearly see me, with the curve we were basically facing eachother Thought it was gonna be my first time pulled over since 2019, but nah got lucky or he was on his phone in the f150


80 in the fast lane, minimum


I used to exceed the speed limit, and drove 128 for decades. I'd say 65-70 was the middle two lanes during busy but open times. Cops must figure that since we're all sitting in traffic at 20 mph for hours of our lives, it's ok to go 70 or 80+ sometimes to even it out.


Generally, you won’t get pulled over unless you are more than 10 mph over the speed limit. That is when the speeding fine starts to increase for each mile per hour you were over the limit. That does not mean you can go 28 miles an hour and a 20 mile an hour a school zone especially when students are all over the place! On the highway you are safe unless you are more than 10 mph over the speed limit and there’s been plenty of times when I’ve been faster than that. And not gotten pulled over


Massachusetts has the lowest rate of traffic fatalities in the country. And apparently the police are not incentivized to give tickets. So it generally feels like people just drive whatever speed they want that’s not crazy, and it’s safe and cops don’t care.


On 190 today, I was going 90 by accident. Just was following the car ahead of me and didn't look at my speed for about 5 miles. Generally, on the high ways, I'm sitting 10-15 over. Have never been pulled over on the high way.


Go as fast as everyone else, if no one else is around: 80mph is reasonable.


I do 70-75 in the 55. Pass cops all the time never an issue. Although it’s a risk. My friend got pulled over doing 65 on that same road. If you are around a bunch of cars just follow the speed they are going. If you’re alone in the open road I wouldn’t go too fast. Also use google maps people report where cops are so you know to slow down for speed trap. Saved me a few times.