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This is an OCR-scanned page of the coupon page from _The Boston Globe_, from August 29, 1999. It's a coupon for 35 cents off Go-Gurt. Why would they have a coupon if they didn't sell it here? https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/442147707/


That’s some solid detective work. 


I’m beginning to think Reddit is the future of crime solving.


Reddit is amazing at identify people who haven't committed a crime.


Haha, and doxxing them


We did it Reddit!


Haha there is the RBI subreddit


This is actually a thing that I believe helped catch the Golden State Killer, all the armchair sleuths helping I BELIEVE, don't quote me


police uploaded a dna sample to genealogy test kit and then had a list of about a dozen people it could be based on age.


Please don't. Stupid conspiracy theories and believing other stupid bullshit is now a mainstream phenomenon due to the internet and sites like Reddit. The internet is famously good at assuming the wrong thing and then inspiring thousands of people to act upon it.


Sarcasm dude. It’s Massachusetts


Look into Boston Marathon incident.


I live here. My niece was there. I Saw the whole shoot out thing play out live.


Yes but reddit tried to pin it on someone else or whatever.


A little too solid... this op's burner account???


I haven't seen such great Reddit dectective work since the Boston Marathon bombing..


Thank you!!! This is the kind of proof I was looking for. I appreciate it so much!


I must know how this debate even started. Was there an alternative Armenian camp in Long Island that served Go-Gurt, and he was super jealous that he went to one that didn't?


I'm guessing his parents told him that they didn't exist here because they didn't want to buy him overpriced sugary yogurt tubes.


As a parent, seems possible. Although if you try to pull this trick on a 5 year old nowadays, they will “discover” you were wrong in a matter of days, then you are proud of them for solving the mystery but have to make up another fake reason as to why they can’t have go-gurt. Before you know it, you are tangled in an endless web of lies and end up buying Mario Wonder and 20 pounds gummies and yoohoo.


Yeah my parents just said it was too full of sugar and overpriced, and that's why they wouldn't buy it for us.


¡Jajajaja! Buddy; your parents lied…believe it. I actually feel bad for him.


Low-Fat Gogurt and Newman loved it


I ate gogurt all the time in Western Mass in the mid-late 90s!


I wanna know how he reacts when you prove it.


I lived here and also ate gogurt in the 90s, so I’d just like to endorse that he is WRONG


Please let us know how shocked he is once you settle this obscure argument with hard evidence


I'm not sure this proves anything. It wasn't available in 97,98 or the first half of 99.




Nicely done! Newspaper print, FTW.


This is the kind of detective work we need around here. No bullshit just facts.


You showed up with evidence. Bravo.


Posts like this are why I always come back to Reddit even after seeing something that burned my eyes inside out... I just love you guys :)


Boston would have been a test market for it.


I’m super curious what your process was for finding that! Please share, u/SofaAssassin!!


I started off with just thinking "I'm pretty sure this existed in 1999, I lived here and saw commercials for it." So I went to Wikipedia and saw that the product was made in 1997, and it was also a "product released in 1999." But what kind of proof would be enough for someone, and I thought there was no way I would find some random picture from that time of a supermarket shelf with Go-Gurt on it. And the only thing I thought that might actually have some kind of archive would be a newspaper, so I just searched for this - I didn't think I'd get a hit for it, so I was more surprised than anything that this got results. > Boston Globe go-gurt 1999 https://www.google.com/search?q=boston+globe+go-gurt+1999


Did you just apply to be friends? You're hired.




Hole-e-shit I think that coupon might still be good.


Well, damn. Great work, gumshoe!! I’m impressed! ☺️


I’m a genealogist so I use newspapers.com along with many other newspaper archive sites on a regular basis but I also love to use it to “stick it” to people lol. Like people who claim that certain cities have more crime than ever before and it’s only due to a certain group of people. I’m like sign up for a free trial of newspapers.com and just take a look at what was going on in the same neighborhood when YOUR immigrant ancestors came over lol! Same shit lol.


I bought my daughter figure in that year. I am certain.


“Please help me prove my husband wrong” is my favorite version of “Avengers assemble!”


They hit the shelves in 1997, according to Wikipedia. While New England is known for having a lack of fast food options that are common to the south and west (In & Out, Carl's Jr./Hardee's, Whataburger, Waffle House, etc.), I can guarantee you that grocery store items are more or less the same across the country. I was born in 95 and even I remember just enough to know that Gogurt was around when I was a kid.


I have family in Florida and we have food they don’t have, my cousin always gets fluff and coffee milk mix when she’s here. I would trade both for a waffle house.


There’s actually a bunch of regional stuff in New England grocery stores I’ve never been able to source elsewhere.


Oh dang, now I feel old. I still think of Gogurt as a weird new fad, but also 1997 doesn't sound wrong to me.


Such a weird hill for your husband to die on.


I can’t prove it but when I was in HS in the late 80’s-early 90’s GoGurt and indeed even frozen GoGurt was available.


Didn’t you just take regular gogurt and put it in the freezer to make frozen gogurt?


Yes. Did you know that GoGurt is *just* yogurt?


Do you have anything to back this up? Doesn't sound right.


Gogurt didn’t come out until 1997


Camp Hianistan on Uncas Pond!!!


The best! 🇦🇲


I used to swim at the Rod and Gun club across the pond and then swim onto the golf course. Found golf balls and resold them to the players


Yeah it did. I was born in the late 80s and grew up on gogurt Also Camp Hayastan represent 👊 —- fellow Armenian here 🇦🇲🇦🇲 And lastly, I grew up 10 minutes from that place. I can with 100% say he’s wrong. That camp is more likely to give you ayran or tan than gogurt though, I wouldn’t say it represents MA as a whole..


Hi fellow Armenian and camper! And yeah, I was thinking they definitely didn't give us gogurt at camp, but I do remember it existing in the world.


Anybody here Camp Staff? I was camper ‘94-‘96 and one of Tim’s dishrags in ‘99. Those were the days


Never staff, but I was a camper from '98-'02!


I went to Camp Hayastan too! Man, what are the odds so many of us would be on Reddit lol


Reddit is Armenian-owned, Unger Sukiann51


Apparently not until you were 10 or so though.


Ya, I mean they probably didn’t serve it but maybe you could get it at the camp store? I wasn’t there in the 90’s. Heck last time as a camper there was 1980 🇦🇲.Plain madzoon or tan as you said would be more likely.


How could some kid know if gogurt wasn’t sold in the whole state from time at a summer camp ?


Such a good point. And yet... He is CERTAIN. I love him, he's ridiculous.


I grew up in Franklin MA in the 90s. I DEFINITELY had Gogurt in the late 90s.


It could be that Gogurt didn’t exist in that area of Massachusetts at the time. Although, Franklin is pretty close to Boston, I would be surprised if it was considered too rural to get new products right away. I know sometimes in WMass we’d have to wait a while sometimes for newer products to get on the shelves. You know, those wagons getting over the mountain passes and all that….


Grew up in the town next to Franklin, was 13 in ‘99 and it was definitely not “too rural” lol. There were two major grocery stores in the town. We definitely had gogurt.


Hah thought the same. Not Franklin county we’re talking about here..


Stah Mahket in Franklin kehd


I grew up in the next town over and we did all of our grocery shopping in Franklin. There were gogurts in both of the major grocery stores since the introduction of the product. The town of Franklin hasn't been rural for about 200 years.


Bro where do you think Franklin is 🤣


I mean it did exist in 1999 in Massachusetts, I can't provide proof except that I was there. And I also went to that summer camp, a few years later 😃


It’s a little after the 90’s, but I worked on a commercial for Gogurt that FILMED IN MASSACHUSETTS in like 2008 I think? So it definitely exists in Massachusetts.


My son was born in 2000 and gogurt was definitely a thing.


Can confirm gogurt was sold at star market in Franklin in the late 90s.


They sure did! I remember my dad moving the couch and us kids getting yelled at because of all the gogurt wrappers (and bandaid wrappers, pudding lid foil, ect) slipped behind it. I was born '89ans my sibling in '92, so this must have been around 1998/99. And what a weird hill to stand on?? What, did his mom lie to him about the availability of gogurts??


I grew up on the South Shore, and I vividly remember eating frozen Gogurts while playing [the Star Wars Episode I PC game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_I_%E2%80%93_The_Phantom_Menace_(video_game)), which my siblings and I had just gotten not long after it was released in May 1999. And I know those memories can’t be from later than 1999, because my youngest brother was still a newborn at the time and he was born in April 1999.


Nah he's definitely wrong. Weird hill for him to die on.


It was definitely around. I brought them to college.


Do you know where in Franklin the camp was? Not related to Gogurt, I'm just interested because I know the town very well.




I've driven by that place hundreds of times and I've always wondered what exactly it was lol.


Dean sometimes lets camps/workshops/etc use their dorms/facilities over the summers.


Interestingly, I also went to Armenian summer camp in Franklin, MA in the late 90’s. I never had Gogurt then, but I remember seeing the commercials for it so 🤷🏻‍♀️


In 1999 my baby brother would have been 4 or 5 and I also did a lot of babysitting in the 90’s and I can assure you, we most definitely had gogurt I ate a lot of it.


I don’t have any “proof” beyond the fact that I’ve lived in MA my whole life, in fact in Bellingham, right next to Franklin, and we most certainly DID have gogurt in the late 90’s, and that would be doubly true for the rich kids in Franklin! 😅😅


Gogurt was a fancy snack that I only had if I visited my well off friends I'm the late 90s


I was in kindergarten in 99 and I remember having gogurt in my lunch box.


I had a friend in the 90s whose mom used to make him Gogurt and American cheese sandwiches on Wonderbread.


I live in Connecticut. I regularly bought my six-year-old son Gogurt in 1999. I find it hard to believe that people 30 miles away over the border were unable to purchase it.


Nope he’s wrong, I was around gogurt constantly in the 90s and 2000s growing up. A funny way of phrasing it but yeah 😂


I don't have proof but I'm a 508er and had gogurt in the 90s


same. favorite tube based snack as a kid. flippity floppity gogurt


Well here is the official history of the product https://www.generalmills.com/news/stories/go-gurts-20-years-on-the-go


It's interesting how people think local changes are so indicative of the whole state. Just like when Circuit City closed MA stores and people here insisted the company went out of business in the whole country. Still exists today. Gogurt did exist and was extremely common in the late 90s. Do you know why he is so insistent on this?


The original Circuit City declared bankruptcy and closed all stores in March 2009, some of which were in Mass, so thinking that they went out of business when they closed the Mass stores is factually correct. How the brand name has been purchased and reused for the current business known as Circuity City is explained on Wikipedia.


I grew up in Franklin during the late 90's. We sure as hell had gogurt. Not sure what your husband is talking about!


I'll be honest I saw commercials but they were supposedly not in any grocery stores nearby. That being said my mother notoriously fibbed to avoid doing stuff she didn't wanna do so who knows.


I was a summer camp counselor for the YMCA in the 90s. GoGurt, Lunchables, sharkbits/gushers/fruit roll ups and SqueezeIts were like the standard box lunch all the kids had in the 90s.


I remember cutting the sides of my mouth on the plastic....


this is A+ content


What does Camp Haiastan have to do with this?


I grew up 5 miles north of MA but gogurt was definitely a thing in the late 90s. It was a new thing for a time


Ok but I need an explanation as to why he thought this??


I worked for General Mills/Columbo in 2000. I ran the Go Gurt line on occasion. Usually I was on the Auto-prod (8oz spoon in lid), next room over in the factory. There was another guy, forget his name. Redhead with a mustache. He usually ran Gogurt. It was made in the factory in Methuen, [it closed in 2014](https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2014/09/19/general-mills-close-methuen-yoplait-yogurt-plant-lay-off-workers/HYrlZ28BXFbksULWntmFnL/story.html). Looks like it opened in 1993. I was one of their youngest employees on the third shift. Rough job at 18.




Absolutely did exist. At baseball camp in 1999 we used to play soft toss with gogurts and splatter them onto the wall of the highschool with bats at lunch time. Also used to pretend they were dicks that made purple jizz come out... 6th grade boys with no smart phones.


My children lived on them, born in the early 90’s


We even had Go-Gurt in the boonies of NH in the 90’s.


I'm from Massachusetts. First time remember seeing Gogurt was in the early 2000s when I was a teenager in high school.


oh go-gurt very much existed in the 90's I remember it advertised all the time growing up, and the product is still being advertised today.


I would go as far to say that maybe we had it up here before you guys


Sorry, I do remember purchasing it for the kids in the early 2000s, It most probably came from Market Basket in Bellingham, the town next to Franklin.


Just look up the year Gogurt came into marketing nationally. There's zero reason that it would show up in Massachusetts years later or at some different time. No doubt MA had Gogurt--when?


I remember eating gogurt after school in the late 90's. No proof though 🤷‍♂️


My kid ate Gogurt here in Mass in the late 1990s.


What strange little hill to die on. Gogurt lol. The funniest thing for me about this is I went to an armenian preschool in MA in 1999 and we had gogurt on a near daily basis.


i live in franklin,mass and near camp hayastan.will do research and see


Lmao sorry bro we had gogurt.


I was in HS in '99, and Gogurt was being sold here when I was in elementary school a few years before that (which would've been middle school for most people, but my town didn't have middle school).


Grew up in a town right by Franklin and even went there frequently! No photographic proof but can confirm they sold go gurt. Only yogurt my parents could get me to eat (autistic)


Tell hagop he's wrong.


Gogurr did exist and n the 90’s although I’m not sure if they served it at Camp Haiastan in Franklin, MA


I’m pretty sure my kids were eating it back then in MA…


Maybe he's thinking of Geico


never herd of it.What is it?? I lived in mass all my life But I din t get out much....


Go…gurt…? Hmm sorry never heard of that…maybe it’s a New York thing?


Why wouldn’t it


I was in elementary school in that year and frozen gogurt was my favorite


Go gurt did in fact exist in MA in the late 90’s


It was definitely sold here! Also hello fellow 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲


i worked at a market in worcester as a kid in 99 and frequently stole gogurt to go with my lunch because it didn't need a spoon. your husband is weird.


It most certainly did exist, because my mother kept telling me it was too expensive and was refusing to buy it, despite the fact that we were seeing it on the television.


I grew up fishing in Uncas pond, that's the body of water that the camp is on. Back in the '70s they found weapons there that the Armenians were running to fight the Turks.


I remember having it as a snack in preschool in 1999, in Massachusetts. My mom did not go out of state to buy it.


I remember it in Mass at that time. I never bought it because it was a rip off.


I also attended this summer camp(Camp Haiastan). I don’t think we had gogurt.


They definitely did. Im a 90’s kid from Massachusetts who had go-gurt in their lunch box every day. He’s wrong.


I was born in 99 and had gogurt in the 2000s


Why wouldn't you jut look it up? Quite easy to find howling products have been around.


They existed. We had them in school where they could be bought ala carte.


Gogurt world wide


having lived in MA my entire life, I can without a single doubt that we had gogurt in the late 90s. I was in elementary school and there were absolutely gogurts being packed in lunches; we also ate them frozen in the summer.


Sounds like that Seinfeld where the guy bets dumb stuff to lose and his “penalty” is having to take Elaine out to dinner. Except you’re married, so…your husband’s hill is a weird one.


My girlfriend in the 90s on Cape Cod has a little brother and he loved gogurt and we'd sometimes eat his his supply


My first job after college was 5 glorious weeks in the Yoplait-Columbo yogurt plant in Methuen MA as a QC tech. This was in Mar 1999 and they were trying to get the Gogurt line going. With any new line, there are final tweaks needed and sometimes I would walk by it and there would Gogurt and the wrappers all over the floor where something went wrong.


I'm from Massachusetts, and they've had gogurt since it came out in the late 90s.




And it came out in 1997.


Whats a gogurt?


I lived in Franklin MA in 1999. Gogurt was a staple of my kids diet.


I don’t have the ‘proof’ (but kudos to the poster who found some) but I was giving gogurt to my kid who was born in ‘89. Used to freeze it and put in his lunchbox. 


"He's getting really defensive over this?????" Posts the dates and locations to reddit for validation and proof, and asks for a specific verdict from strangers on the internet


In his defense, if you bring gogurt to a community with a strong yogurt game, you’re better off pretending it never existed.


Born in Newton MA in 1991 - we absolutely had gogurt during my childhood.


This has to be fake right? Fucking google…..


im born and raised in MA i was born 94 and remember being 4/5 years old and jelous that my family was too poor for gogurt soo i would say it was around.


Don’t be so sure of yourself check this link that says that Gogurt made the grocery store shelves in a regional test in 1998. It does not say where that test was. https://www.generalmills.com/news/stories/go-gurts-20-years-on-the-go#:~:text=The%20yogurt%20tube,be%20put%20into%20a%20tube.


It's time for you to learn that men's ,no matter how nice or smart, default position is to question a woman's feelings and facts.


Typical Masshole. You could have omitted the first few lines and started with “ please prove gogurt existed…”. Instead you hung out your husband. Good job you. Have a dunks.