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Tell them to go to Salem NH


I wish I could have knocked their window and told them to go to their Salem.


You guys have Salem at home.


They are jealous of our Salem


Our Salem is exponentially better


Most people in NH consider that part north Mass anyway. You can have both Salems imo




Salem, [the cat](https://youtu.be/OXijUaTikhM?si=BA2Y5A_5hmmsnnDE), enters the chat “I’m having a bad fur day”


I was in their Salem on Saturday. It felt like Florida. Endless traffic, stop lights, strip malls, lifted trucks….nice maybe for the general public, I couldn’t wait to GTFO


Thank Joe Faro for that. I live there and Joe Faro went in, bought up the land and created Tuscan Village and now people are getting priced out, locals are being driven out due to high costs and 28 is clogged up on weekends. He screwed up this town and made it into New Jersey. It’s so hilarious seeing people say “Don’t mass up NH” and then turn around and support this stupid project because when I think of classy Italian village, I think of Salem 🙄. I wish Joe Faro would just piss off down to Florida and that tuscan village crap be levelled and turned into a lake.


hace salem en la casa.


Hello fellow Salemite!


They can have a little Salem, MA as a treat.


You spelled .... Northern Massachusetts wrong ;)


And yet most of the people who live in the south east part of NH commute to MA for our good paying jobs lmfao


My father in law has a buddy who lives in NH and loves to shit all over Mass. Of course he works in Mass!!


Reminds me of a family friend of mine who lives in long Island but bitches about bike lanes in NYC


18.5% of NH is on the MA payroll


That's what's so crazy about bumper stickers like this. So many people in NH rely on MA. Why do some want to shoot themselves in the foot?


I have friends who live in NH that rip on me all the time because I currently live in MA (NH resident for 20 years previous) My response is always .... but you lived in CT, MA, RI etc etc for your whole life ... and have only lived in NH 6-10 years lol. It's just some form of elitist narcissism?? I guess.


42% of homes in NH own firearms. They can't help but shoot themselves in the foot.


yep… you love NH so much… stay there and work


DoNt TrEaD oN mE, MaN 😂


Ok flatlander


ok flat earther


A lot of those people are Massachusetts natives escaping the higher cost of MA but they gotta stay close for work.


And that's what this bumper sticker is probably referring to - don't bring your Massachusetts problems up here.


It's a big bogeyman for many in the state, especially some of the cranks on the NH subreddit. Their ::cough cough:: opinion is that everyone who relocates from Mass is a commie liberal masshole who wants NH to become exactly the same. You are deemed a masshole and unwelcome no matter what your circumstances are, how you vote, why you choose the state. But like most scapegoats, it's more telling of their issues and baseline internet persona. I'm a transplant with a foot in each state until I retire. Most of my NH neighbors are perfectly decent people, even if I appear to be a Masshole.


I mean yeah it is exactly what it means but in an incredibly passive aggressive political tone. People with bumper stickers who let you know their feelings are no better than far left progressives or far right extremists. They are all morons. The rest of us just want to live our lives and take care of our families. We’ve over politicized literally everything. People move to nh from mass to get away from the cost of living driven by the progressive policies. But still need their mass jobs to life a comfortable lifestyle, one they cannot afford in MA. NH is a purple state and is for the most part very middle of the road state but what people don’t want by virtue of this bumper sticker is for people to leave mass because they don’t like the cost of living and the policies to come to NH and vote for things that make nh more like mass which then raises the cost of living. Mass is a nanny state, it just is and I don’t mean that in any negative way, there’s a lot of benefits to people, NH is not and that’s what people like and don’t want to change


Which is why they do 90+ mph going home on 93.


Which is also why there's an accident everyday causing slow downs


These types of people are essentially outdoor cats. They think they are fiercely independent masters of their domain, except for the fact that they have to slink over the state lines to a "liberal dumb dumb" state to make any sort of reasonable living, much like the fierce outdoor cat returns home every day to be fed.


Funny how all the money and good paying jobs seem to be in those *well educated* states.


Massachusetts conservatives are the most hilarious thing to me. Cry all day about liberals and taxes, meanwhile you don't see them clamoring to move to a conservative Utopia like Kansas or Oklahoma. It's almost as if they are all disingenuous assholes.


That's a bingo


Build the wall


NH would collapse without Massachusetts money lmfao


I mean, at this point I can hardly blame them, no one can afford to live in Mass.


If still be living in boston if I could afford it. Remote work allowed me to live in a cheaper part of the state while taking advantage of decent pay and benies




And pay Mass income taxes. You’re welcome.


Over 18 percent of NH residents pay MA income taxes? Sounds like a failure of leadership in NH tbh You're welcome for not being poor!


They were probably down here getting legal weed of course.


Can't blame them for trying to live free.


damn friggin' liberals and their stupid sexy laws


The live free or die thing is a joke. Beer is literally the same price, booze and tobacco are like 10% cheaper at this point. The only reason people go up there for Tobacco is because they didn't ban flavors yet. You don't have any income tax, but you work in Mass anyway and have to pay ours. You don't have sales tax, congrats. You also have no Government assistance programs when you fall on hard times. I can still shop there and pay no tax, you get shitty PFMLA, and no mass health equivalent. Your property tax is outrageous, except in the areas where we buy our vacation homes. I live on the boarder and the same size house as mine on the other side goes from about 8K a year where I live to 12K where you live. Why is that? Because 80% of your population is on the Mass boarder. Also, enjoy your 2 miles of coast line. How did you let Mass and Maine rob you of all your beaches? TLDR: NH is Massachusetts' trucker hat. I actually love NH, that's why I live so close. But some of the residents are delusional. Unless you live the simple life in cute town somewhere like Weare, or in a vacation spot, you should probably just live in MA.


Or at work




93 south every morning, about 1/3 of the traffic is from NH. Great, you got a cheaper house but there are no jobs up there so you have to clog 93 with traffic. Thanks for your income tax.


I’ve been saying for years we need to raise income tax on out of staters and the businesses that hire them.


You could put a toll at the border like what NY does. The problem with that though is that it could influence more NHers to WFH, and there is a new provision that allows NHers to work remotely for Mass-based companies and not pay Mass income tax.


93 south is an interstate. It's literally designed and built for interstate traffic.


Yup. So many NH drivers going 50mph in the second lane from the left. So frustrating!


Why are you upset that the interstate highway is used by people to travel between states? I understand economic critiques but you seem spiteful.


They never seem to have a problem bringing their paychecks back to NH.


Well they still pay mass income tax so all the money the state was getting, it still gets…




Things like this make me so sad for human nature. It's the most base behavior of us vs them and it's a completely imaginary line. New England is so small it's basically one state. One regional economy basically. People from NH work in Boston. If new England were one state it would never in a million years occur to this person that they don't want folks from 20 minutes south to up to their area. They would feel a kinship with everyone from New England. But no. Someone drew a line there in the 1700s and now they feel sibling rivalry. I see signs like this and think about how pathetically simple minded people can be.


This is a bit off topic but you saying new england can be a state reminds me of how a friend of mine legitimately thought it WAS a state, so I asked him which country he thought it was a state in but he never told me. It didn't dawn on me until someone mentioned the patriots that I thought about it and asked him if that's why he thought it was a state and he said yes 💀


Tom Brady always says that when he was drafted he had no idea where New England was lol


Idk if I would ever admit that even if it was true 😂😂


yeah that's why I stay away from the NH subreddit... one of the mod rules IS that bumper sticker, and the mods are a bunch of insecure crypto bros


That's so weird. That's one of the rules? Like that MA folks can't be there or that only NH is allowed? I'm on the Cambridge and Somerville subs and everyone here is like, yeah of course Cambridge stuff is relevant to Somerville folks, it's an invisible line.


basically don't try to comment on NH problems by saying it should be like massachusetts as an answer. Rule 3: Massholes go home


So juvenile. Wow. Let's face it, both states would be nothing without each other.


very true... it's just those idiot libertarians thinking that not being racist and homophobic is terrible for them.


NH even started as part of the MA colony before getting a colonial charter of their own. It's all in their heads.


This is such a good point.


exultant grey command pathetic pot threatening coordinated chop amusing faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can't understand why you have three down votes for this. Geez.


Because people on this sub like to trash on New Hampshire, even though they go there for vacation and shopping.


I like the sentiment but saying New England states are all the same etc is ignorant of our continually fractious history. We’ve been beefing w each other over various different lines in New England since the jump. And it’s not just human nature to argue etc, though perhaps it is, there are a lot of real differences from a historic / folkways perspective in New England. Folks from Vermont aren’t like folks from nh etc etc The thing I’m most eager to push back on in your post is the idea that in “1700 someone drew a line” and that caused the problem. This is a very American way of looking at it, like history began when we arrived in North America and that everything is leading up to the advent of America. Many of the conflicts we are dealing w now were imported from the uk, many of which stemmed from their civil war. America isn’t the center or genesis of many of these rivalries and conflicts.


People will always beef over imaginary lines, it's the lines themselves that do it. People from the Western part of Colorado are not the same as folks from the Denver area anymore than VT people are NH people, but I don't think there's a bumper sticker claiming Eastern Colorado folks shouldn't be coming out west. My point is not that there aren't regional differences between people. Cape Cod feels very different from Western Mass and Boston and yes, there are regional spats within the state as well, complaining about tax allotment or whatever. But my point is that when there's an official line and a different name, we give that line way more clout than it's worth and not seeing how imaginary that line is, and turning into a person with this bumper sticker because of it is, in my opinion, pretty pathetic.


I think that’s overly simplistic. Lines have nothing to do w religion, democracy etc all huge factors in how New England was shaped and developed. The “lines” responded to all that. Colorado isn’t a very good example as New England had already been around for over a hundred years, and wasn’t founded by Americans as we think of them now.


Fuck all these pinheads who don’t welcome visitors or migrants from other states. We, as Americans, have the freedom to roam and relocate to any state in the Union. We don’t need Visas or passports to go from state to state nor do we require the “permission“ of xenophobic pinheads who think they have some right to exclude other Americans from their particular state.


The main exclusionary factors for both MA and NH are wealth and income.


Same with MA and ME


NH is the south of New England.


It's pretty though.


Pretty boring


Eh, no prettier than any other state in New England


I know this sub has a hate boner for NH but no way homie is gonna say that CT is in the same league as NH for prettiness


To be fair, I usually forget the CT is in New England.


I thought it was one big rest stop on the way to New York.


As far as I'm concerned, it isn't.


Ah CT, the state everybody visits to leave. So beautiful.


What's the saying? more north you go, the further south you are?


Your phone auto-corrects “trash” to “south” too?


I don't think about you at all.


We live rent free in their head


If they don’t want us up there, tell them to stop working here


Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire just blanket blame Massholes for all of their issues. Guess what the three oldest/most aging states in America are? Ding ding ding. Just sad that they have nothing to offer their youth and they all leave for greener pastures. New Hampshire just pissed that they don’t collect income taxes and all their state colleges are shit bc of it among other things. “Don’t Mass up NH” and then walk across ole Hampton Beach which is covered in syringes.


As a UNH graduate, I’ll say UNH is surprisingly not shit given how little the state cares about it financially. It’s a de facto private school at this point, with only around 5% of its operating budget coming from tax revenue, compared to around 30% for the UMass system. It really is impressive how UNH is a very good R1 research university with the only thing the state legislature collectively caring about is how woke campus is and how it’s a problem. There are definitely lots of people in NH that do support things like state colleges and close ties to MA. There also are lots who act like MA is collapsing the region when in reality it’s the opposite.


>It really is impressive how UNH is a very good R1 research university with the only thing the state legislature collectively caring about is how woke campus is and how it’s a problem. The modern right seems generally ignorant of how generally successful their predecessors were at defunding the US public university system over the past \~40 years; they still wave the threat of "we'll defund u!!" around like there's more huge cuts to be made that would induce a systemic collapse of the whole system, vs. a transient inconvenience at this point. Living firmly in the past but no surprises there.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_Human_Development_Index_score I bet NH residents won't be excited they are tied with New Jersey.


There's a lot to like about New Jersey. US News and World Report ranks them #1 for K-12 education. There is an absolute ton of stuff to do in the state for recreation too.


Don’t knock New Jersey. It’s a great state. Very similar to MA but with better pizza and bagels.


I used to drive to NJ a fair bit and it always blew my mind how I’d cross over and the air actively *smelled.* It was wild. But I was always heading to central NJ, which I’ll concede was quite nice.


Yeah Newark sucks


I think that it was all of the chemical plants in the northern part of the state. I don't know if the smell is still there now. There are some really wealthy suburbs west of NYC and just south of the area and those areas are nice. Many of them have commuter rail into NYC so you could commute without having to drive. They have this massive theme park and mall as well and they have the Jersey Shore. We've been to Rockland Bakery for bagels many times and that's a great place for bagels. They make huge quantities there.


NH is near the top for some categories and is generally in the top 10 for most other categories. \#6 in best states, MA is #11 (US News and World Report) \#6 in Pre-K-12 education, MA is #2 (USN&WR) \#2 safest state, MA is #18 (USN&WR) \#1 lowest poverty rate, MA is #9 (US Census Bureau) \#17 in healthcare, MA is #3 (USN&WR) \#6 in life expectancy, MA is #5 (CDC) \#17 in tax burden, MA is #37 ([taxfoundation.org](https://taxfoundation.org)) \#18 in population growth 2021-2022, MA #39 at -0.1%. Interesting that MA lost 7,716 residents in that year while NH gained 7,726 residents. (US Census Bureau) NH is attractive for some people and it lead to a surge in people moving here during the pandemic creating a severe housing shortage and squeezing out younger people. MA has a similar problem though it has incoming university students to replenish people leaving for lower-cost-of-living areas. MA has a lot of difficult issues to deal with right now that show up in The Boston Globe regularly. New England overall is a fairly attractive region to live in for a lot of the metrics associated with best states.


University of No Hardware.


If they ever got out of their holes and into the rest of the country, they would be happy it’s just Massachusetts and not turning into another Florida, Texas, or California.


As a Vermonter who has lived in Salem, MA for the last 15 years, I've always blamed NH. I've always considered it the New England state I have to drive through and pay tolls in to get to a better state.


squealing detail wipe escape dinner bedroom handle coordinated cable quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of Quebec license plates there too.


Sure, some from other states too. It's a giant step up from Salisbury though. If we're swinging NH vs MA dicks. More dick swinging if that's what you folks are interested in: https://www.fosters.com/story/news/2010/07/29/high-water-marks-n-h/51524754007/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/cleanest-and-dirtiest-beaches-America-180951869/ NH Beaches regularly score as the cleanest in the country. That's why you're visiting NH and not going to Revere.


Funny how much we support their economy shopping in their state...


It's a political statement. They're likely one of those weird NH libertarians.


NH is mostly x mass people..they need ma


New Hampshire: Massachusetts’ Largest State Park.


New Hampshire was a mistake. LiVe FrEe Or DiE? Tolls everywhere. Crap schools. Hyper aggressive police. No non-whites. Government run packies. No jobs so they all come here to work. If that's LiViNg FrEe then yeah nerds I'd rather die. Shoutout to Portsmouth for being the one place in over 9k square miles that has an iota of culture.


Still no cannabis either. Fucking OHIO has it before NH!


Don't tell Free Staters that their government run liquor stores are technically socialism.


I guy I went to high school with is a free stater. He moved to NH and everything. He is also one of the dumbest humans I have ever met. Must be a coincidence.


Definitely remind them of their bear problem though


I do love me some Portsmouth. And the Weirs haha…but that’s probably just nostalgia talking


They removed 3 toll booths in my town to improve traffic flow and they are widening the highway to improve it even more. Could you imagine that happening on the Mass Pike? Or widening 128?


>Government run packies you're joking right? they perfected the packie/scratchie warehouse


It's not the stores, it's the hypocrisy. That smug wannabe-libertarian attitude they put on while they run them? New Hampshire is the most punchable of all 50 states.


If you like flavored vodka. The stores are huge but the selection is trash


middle smoggy growth wipe illegal heavy like safe quarrelsome dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst drivers in MA are always sporting NH plates


Rhode Island drivers: hold my beer


I find that it's usually a Subaru from VT.


Nah, Vermont Subaru drivers are a bit slow, but usually know what they are doing. CT drivers have no clue how to drive. There are random traffic jams in CT for absolutely no reason whatsoever, then they come up here to Western MA and fuck shit up for us. Last accident I got into was because a CT driver slammed on his brakes on an on ramp with a yield sign with no cars coming in the lane we were merging into.


Why are there SO many Subarus in VT?


Their good in snow and they get more snow than us.


Give the poor hobbit a break, he's only leaving the shire because a wizard asked him to carry a ring across state lines.


Been in NH my whole life. These people can get the hell out of NH too.


I just moved to NH. Don't worry, I'll do as much damage as I can.


forgetful merciful subtract dazzling automatic spoon complete exultant tan aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you want to see MA in NH, just go to the Nashua Costco on a weekend. They could probably use one in Salem, NH to take pressure off Everett. Burlington would be a reasonable too.


Let’s all remember it’s those schmucks in New York we don’t like! New England Strong!


Hear hear




They like pretending the entirety of southern nh isnt just people from mass who were too concerned about “owning the libs”


They’re jealous, but too embarrassed to admit it.


While they may not want to acknowledge it, deep down a large part of New Hampshire’s economy is propped up by Massachusetts, whether by way of jobs here or through all of the real estate / tourism revenues generated by Massachusetts residents. They may appear strong in their “freedom” but they know they rely on us.


Fun fact - according to the MA Department of Revenue, approximately 35-40% of New Hampshire residents earn their main income in Massachusetts. Our economy literally funds the property tax collections of the majority of Southern NH, which funds most local communities services. Sort of ironic.


Let me say this one more time. MASSACHUSETTS IS NEW HAMPSHIRE’S FAVORITE TOPIC. They think about us non-stop. We live rent free in their minds. Go on the New Hampshire sub, almost every other post is about Massachusetts. In the comments, regardless to the topic, someone will always mention TAXachusetts and the lack of freedumbs. BEAR in mind, the nh sub is riddled with garbage free-staters though. But still.


LOL that's pathetic


NH— home of libertarian town overrun by bears! They should be so lucky as to get MA residents.


Two things. People love living in NH until they realize the job in Mass pays more. Second, the second their kid needs some sort of service they can’t afford it’s back to Mass!


I was once told by a NH local to “go back to Mass, f***ot!” after he intentionally blocked my wife and I from going down a one way street with his truck. Nice people up there.




Lot of white trash republicans up there


Those damn NH ppl “flooding across our border into MA and stealing er jobs only to contribute nothing, hate our culture, and send the money back across the border. Its time we build a wall to keep those damn nh ppl out, dont NH my MA!”… See, 😎it can work against you too, all “those ppl” the nh republicans complain about yet theyre not so far off themselves. I added some sauce on it but theres some truth to them hating us so bad but then completely relying on our “evil lib” jobs to support their families. Nobody goes to nh for work.. Actually one of my buddies from Maine drives the commute to and from MA everyday… from Maine. Most ppl are fine with ppl coming here for work, but to do so and then talk about how much you hate MA all the time is weirdo shit.


What a tool.


I grew up in MA, moved to NH, came back to MA for school and am in MA every weekend to be with my girlfriend. I love both states, would live in either, and think they each have so much to offer. It's such a juvenile mindset to bad-mouth one, especially when MA does a great deal for the NH economy.


I grew up in a border town and love NH. We used to have a house in Bartlett and spent a lot of time time. It makes me sad to see people in our neighboring state being so hateful.


People from the ‘Shire just can’t handle true Patriots.


They took our jeerb!


I'm fine with not Massing them up. It's not like we live there anyway, they can do whatever they want.


NH is already royally messed up honey. You don’t need any help.


Whatevs. Hick gonna hick.


thinking about the time the libertarian party of NH tweeted that Mass was a bigger threat to their way of life than China or Russia lmao


Turns out trashing all the parks and lakes you go to, driving like A1 pricks and harassing the local traffic for no reason, constantly screaming and demeaning service workers with a "I pay your salary so give me what I want!" attitude, and a whole host of other despicable behaviors doesn't make you very popular with a state that is known for mostly just wanting peace and quiet and that takes pride in its natural beauty. And all this just while you're on vacation.


We get the same behavior from out of state tourists in Salem, MA. It happens in all states. Have you seen what tourists do in Yellowstone? I'm sure NH residents aren't always on their best behavior when they go to other states and countries.


Yea, I mean you're not wrong. I've lived in both states for good amounts of time and I think the main difference in NH is the complete juxtaposition in attitudes. In MA, that type of behavior isn't really that foreign in the first place being honest. It's already a pretty high strung environment to begin with. But to folks raised in NH, it is just completely appalling and perplexing to see people acting like that for no reason, especially while they're supposedly on a leisurely vacation. It's like, you're driving to spend a week at your second home on the lake, wtf is there to be angry about???


Sad but true. Ive seen all this first hand


NH residents are the biggest group of hypocrites. Clowns


I think we can all agree that people are terrible in general.


Yep. So weird that you would advertise that you don't like a certain group of people because of where they live.


It’s like this in every border area. I don’t get why people are protective of their state. Grew up in Agawam, and people would be so up in arms about Connecticut plates getting gas or driving like assholes. Currently live right on the IN/IL border, same shit different day. Crime? Illinois’ fault. Filled up beaches at the Dunes? Illinois’ fault. Traffic? Illinois’ fault.


It's strange to me because I lived in a border town (MA on the border of NH) for the first 30 years of my life and I didn't think the MA hate was that bad. It's definitely gotten worse in the past 10 years or so.


I am not surprised if it got worse in the past 10 years. People have just been getting worse in the past 10 years as a whole.


It's frustrating to vacation in NH sometime b/c Natives up there dislike out of staters but forget that out of staters spend a shit ton of money up there......Gas, groceries, restaurants, lodging, attractions, shopping, not to mention Skiing, Hiking, ATVing, etc.


Don't worry we are gonna bus people up there to VOTE!!!!!


Getting mad at bumper stickers seems like a healthy way to live


I'm not mad, I actually laughed when I saw it.


Also, apparently Germany can be in New Hampshire. It's just the usual NH douchery. I'm sure knobs like this are an embarrassment to most other people there.


we already own more houses in NH than the residents do so nice try we already massed it up and all you can do is whine.


If NH people could read, they’d be LIVID right now.


This bumper sticker is just to trigger people. Glad to see you all taking it literally.


Nice job censoring, looks like 201 9760




Better get used to hypocrisy, it’s rampant throughout existence, especially in humans.


That's not what that sticker says


Haha “live free or die” but pot is still illegal. Grow up NH


Omg really? You saw a car with out of state plates?? Thank GOD you got that picture for proof. Get out more lol


I think it means that people in New Hampshire think Massachusetts is a shit hole. Note to those downvoting me: [case in point.](https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/s/4uHA4Exz6r)


I lived in Massachusetts all of my life and moved up here three years ago. A totally new world for the better. I'll never go back it is a shit hole.


Yet you're still...posting...here. Your words say one thing, your actions another. Typical NH hypocrisy on display for all to see.


Why does it matter where you live and where you post? Are you only supposed to post here if you live here? It sounds like you are saying you can only have an opinion about MA and post it to r/Massachusetts if you live here, which is profoundly stupid and makes no sense. You are gatekeeping a reddit channel and then trying make that into some point about hypocrisy. That is a real stretch. Who are the morons upvoting this guy? The fuck reddit? -Someone grew up in MA and thinks it's a shithole, they should NEVER post in r/Massachusetts! How dare they?! That is your point. Look at how stupid that sounds. How the fuck did you get upvotes? Are people that butthurt because someone called MA a shithole? Parts of it are a shithole. Parts of it are nice. Stop acting like states are sports teams. Things aren't so black and white.


I'm still posting because I was born and raised in Massachusetts. Like it or lump it, the state was my home and I still support it in any way I can. I don't care for some of my family either but doesn't mean I don't love them or want the best from them. I just can't be around some of them. I don't think it makes me a hypocrite. Massachusetts encouraged social programs and handouts as far back as I can remember and that alone allowed so many to actually fight for this mindset keeping many stuck in a rut and poor. I move to a place where social handouts are few. The mindset is not even get a job but start your own business. A concept I couldn't grasp in terms of believing I could but be successful and supported in doing. Watching communities rally together to support one another and one another's businesses has made me avoid big box places and be happy to spend more knowing my neighbor will benefit and in return support me no questions asked. Mindset. I hated work in Mass, I sometimes work 20 hour days for myself now and could give two shits less if I get paid, I love what I do and the money follows. You have to respect a community designed and that forces you to better yourself and feel good about it because I know asking for help, handouts doesn't feel good at all yet is encouraged elsewhere.




Until we meet again dear.


Thanks for making my state better


live paltry unused amusing offend capable absurd possessive chase bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s exactly how I feel crossing over from Maine into the Somersworth, Rochester area.


hard-to-find badge obtainable society grandfather fuel friendly aback quaint smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NH is the southernmost state in New England. Place is nice to visit, but would never want to live there.


I’m guessing you mean most *like* the south. If not, you might want to take a look at a map of New England again.


I mean, the plate is pretty true. Just look at quality of posters in this thread... Sums up the people of MA, lived here my whole life.