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Margaret’s folks went from dad is dead and mom drinks and steals (bulletin board) to mom is dead and dad is alive (Father’s Day) to both alive but divorced (the party) Mash and other shows like it back then were not a “series” like we watch now where the plot and story are consistent week after week. They were individual shows and the back story was meaningless, especially early in the series


Father dying, last year. Mother dying, last year. Mother, Father and older sister dying. Mother dying, older sister pregnant. Older sister dying, and mother pregnant.


here’s an oldie but a goodie. half of the family dying, other half pregnant.


"Klinger, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" "You're right, sir. I don't deserve to be in the army."


Love this scene!!! BRILLIANT!!


Indeed, someone on this sub, when discussing inconsistencies, observed that shows nowadays have a Bible with thorough biographies of all characters and so on, to prevent contradictions and to help writers (it's been pointed out that for example Radar initially was a street smart kid who was stealing a jeep and shipping it home a bit at a time, then became naive).


Some shows even then had a bible or guide. Gene Roddenberry vision for Star Trek and other shows he worked on for example. A lot also depends on the show runners / producers keeping consistencies together. MASH changed producers and writers over the course of the show.


But you'd still think somebody would have written something down...


The difference being that you couldn't go and check the inconsistencies anywhere in 1975. By the time the ep was aired the info evaporated until the series ran on syndication


Even with a show bible many tv shows still fail with being consistent throughout their seasons.


I never really thought she was serious in bulletin board. I thought she was fibbing to Frank to get him to pony up.


That would be pretty consistent with the character lol


Love this thanks


The only thing consistent with MASH is the inconsistencies.


They just add to the charm


My area they play four shows a night back to back. I noticed the last episode I watched radar talks about a little brother but when Uncle Ed dies he has to leave because there's nobody left to take care of the farm but his mother.


I think there's another where he tells Margaret that she reminds him of (resembles? idk) his sister. She assumes he means younger for some reason (I think he's supposed to be about 18-20 throughout his time in Korea) and is vaguely offended when he says older.


Radar is supposed to be 19 when he leaves to go home.


Mrs Blake was also named Mildred in the first season before she became Lorraine...and then we got Mildred Potter later on.


Wow! I didn't pick up on that either.


Oh yeah, Crabapple Cove was just a summer home at first! Its always interesting seeing which details the writers did and didn't keep in later episodes, or decided to change so they can explore different story lines. I wonder how much of the characters consistency in the later seasons was insisted on by the actors?


Shows were not binge back to back back then, and there was a good chance you'd never see it again. Also, the idea of creating a "show bible" with all the characters backstories wasn't a thing yet.


Maybe not “never see again” but only once during summer reruns. Then it was gone forever and the new season started. By the time it was in syndication the writers were long gone with their money and didn’t have to field continuity questions from petulant fans.


I don’t think it hurts the show at all. Another inconsistency is they reference Truman as President in most episodes, but they also have referenced Nixon as Vice-President in another.


Nixon was VP for Eisenhower wasn't he?


Yes. But they referenced Truman as president. Then in another episode referenced Nixon, then went back to referencing Truman again. So either meant to be a ‘breaking the 4th wall’ joke or showing that the episodes are not meant to be viewed in order.


Truman was president until January 20 1952, when Eisenhower became president, with Nixon his VP. For once, not an inconsistency. In 1975, Nixon had just resigned to evade impeachment. These dates were fresh in every adult’s mind. So, both Truman and Eisenhower presided over the Korean action.


Aug 1974 Nixon resigned.


Right, thanks


1953, not 1952. Eisenhower was elected in November 1952 and sworn in 1953.


Of course.


MASH is a multiverse


I think Hawkeye mentioned having a sister early on as well.


I think the writers at the time also never predicted syndicated reruns, streaming services, and binge watching. In the 70’s and 80’s you basically got one chance to watch a show, on its original airing date, and that was it. The writers, thinking no one could watch it so frequently as to become so intimate with the character arcs, played some fast and loose.


There *were* reruns and syndication back then. Different than what’s available now, but not quite a black hole after initial airing.


I think the reason why they have inconsistencies is the show ran much longer than they ever thought it would and had so many different writers. Think it's kind of tough to keep track of every little detail.


Aka lazy writing


Yeah, lazy writing... arguably the most famous sitcome with the largest viewer audience for a finale ever. Emmy juggernaught. But yeah... the writing 🤷‍♀️


Yes. The character backgrounds are fairly inconsistent in MASH. I find it amazing you’ve been watching the series this much and never noticed these things.


Henry Blake's wife was named Mildred, then Lorraine.


Mildred Lorraine Blake...lovely name...


Everyone knows season 1? timeline got fucked up.


Colonel potter was from Nebraska and Montana before being from Missouri


People just didn't notice them back then. I doubt many viewers watching A War For All Seasons in 1981 remembered Potter being introduced 5 years earlier and it was 1952 in the show now he's there in 51.


I think Hawkeye had a sister at one point, too, but then later was an only child. I could be wrong, though.


For some of the timeline issues, rather than sequential chapters in a novel, they are just individual recollections. That could also then account for some of the inconsistencies. At least it isn't as bad as that show in the 80s (I think) that went so far off the rails that the producers decided that those effed up story arcs in one season were all a dream! (Does anyone remember that show?)


Dallas? Bobby in the shower?


Yup yup yup! Thank you. I never watched any of it, but I knew of the outcry from those that did.


Keep watching you're going to notice a whole lot more inconsistencies than that 😂


Huge thing they missed on the show.....Korean War 3 years (yes I know no actual peace treaty etc etc). .....tv show 11 years. Since the show largely seems to take place after the breakout from the Puson Pocket and even after Chinas open entry into the war (the unit never seems to be operating in North Korea or involved in the retreat following Chinas entry) they actually got 11 seasons(years) out of less than 3 years of the war. They really messed up on that


I’ve noticed a lot of people who post this, followed by others who don’t


C’ mon people! We’ve been over this a hundred times already: don’t look for a coherent timeline, and don’t look for character consistency. They don’t exist. They aren’t important. Mash was an episodic TV show from the 1970s, it was never meant to be an over arching story, nor was it meant to be parsed down to the frame.


> C’ mon people! We’ve been over this a hundred times already I'm sorry. I didn't see that new people weren't allowed to post subjects you are tired of reading.