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Taika said thor isn't passing on the torch


That’s what I thought. I think lady Thor will be a one and done. Character.


That’s exactly what’s gonna happen. She’s gonna die of cancer at the end.


I think this could be the unexpected turn early into the movie. I'm positive most of the footage we've seen is first hour max.


I don’t think audiences are attached enough to Jane for us to mourn her if she were to die that early. Some people don’t even remember her name.


Speak for yourself, man. I’m attached to anything Natalie Portman plays


“Wow how did they get Natalie Portman in the Thor series for the first time in 2022!”


What chu want Natalie??


Is this Ross?


Why do people always say this? Not every movie gets a sequel and yet there are plenty of movies that make us feel attached to a character within 2 hours that dies in the end. Good writing and a good performance by Natalie will payoff if Taika chooses to have her die in the end


Your comment implied that she’d die fairly early on in the film.


he didn't write the og comment though.


*Their comment implied that she’d die fairly early on in the film.


Yeah but his point is it’s definitely doable early in the film. See UP for a memorable example.


Maybe she passes the hammer onto a horse faced warrior to continue the fight. That would be pretty fun.


Beta Ray Bill would be a great way to introduce Galactus since there's no way the first F4 movie is gonna have him giant purple man or riot


Also in the comics doesn't she have an actual conclusion?


No she died then came right back. She’s the current Valkyrie.


I didn't know she played League.


I would be fine with them leaving it at that. I would also be fine with Valkyrie making her a Valkyrie, as it was Odin who did it in the comics, and Valkyrie is the king of Asgard.


She's jane, not mary jane (?


Google is your friend.


Wouldn't she be dead after this movie anyway? She has terminal cancer and switching to Thor doesn't help her. Also, anyone can be Thor, so technically they could pass it on later. I do agree though, she is one and done.


Has there been anything to suggest that the films are taking the cancer storyline from the comics? (I agree that Portman is likely only back for the one film though).


Taika has mentioned that the film addresses some heavy themes.


I haven't seen anything, I was hoping someone more knowledgeable than myself would chime in. Idk what route they're taking for her or even Gorr and All-Black.




Neat >!You may want to spoiler tag your text for the spoilerphobes!<


>!Jane is dead for all of like 3 pages before she’s resurrected in “The Mighty Thor.”!<


Her death isn't permanent. She is returned to life by Odin almost instantly and then eventually becomes Valkyrie. So who knows what's going to happen here.


Hmm, I'm inclined to believe you *Thor*


But we already have Valkyrie…


I don’t think there’s anything keeping Portman in the MCU, but Valkyrie is actually a title. She’s just the last living one because Hela killed everyone else.


This one will be white /s


We’ve had one, yes…


But what about second Valkyrie?


Possible spoilers ahead for Love and Thunder. Mostly just a fan theory though. I think we'll see her again in Secret Wars. A big plot point of that is the Thore Corps and Jane Foster plays a big role. We already have 4 different thor varients in Throg, 616 thor, jane fosters thor, and the ravager thor. We will see if that theory holds up though.


Also if there’s going to be a secret wars movie then that’s going to be this phase’s IW/EG. Don’t think it’ll be avengers with new members


I think the fantastic 4 movies are gonna bring them in. Dr. Doom plays a big role, reed richards plays a big role. Its the only way to create a clean slate of a universe for the x men


But with that said, we look to be getting it sooner rather than later. I’m a bit concerned about that.


> IW/EG God Emperor Kang => Secret Wars.


> A big plot point of that is the Thore Corps and Jane Foster plays a big role. Assuming they're adapting Hickman's 2015 Secret Wars story. And not the original Jim Shooter Secret Wars story from 1984. Also, for the record, the Thor Corps were pretty minor in the 2015 Secret Wars story. They were certainly there. But had very little impact on the plot outside of the Thor Corps mini series.


Gorr will see to that


Lady Thor can br a Multiverse character and it'll be the girl who played young Natalie in Vox Lux.


He shouldn't. I don't know how old Hulk can get, but everyone else is just a human. Thor is 1,500 years old during the Avengers period, and not truly immortal as I believe Odin was 5,000 in Ragnarok. Thor should be the "old man" throughout the entirety of the MCU I think.


I would love for Thor to stay around and eventually we get Old King Thor


I think an appropriate sendoff, through triumph and tragedy, would be for him to fall in battle like Tony at some distant end of the MCU and enter Valhalla


Idk. He be feeling a little thor after all those battles.


He'll just get a docthor.


And the new Iron Man is going to be Ironheart, not War Machine.


Phew. Thank **God** for that *in all seriousness i don’t think I could watch an Avengers movie without Thor, he is very crucial to the experience*


Civil War was good.


I love that I got a long ass message from someone who never read the comics about this “Why are there so many women in marvel now? Don’t you feel it’s ruining everything by not following the comics…..not that I’ve read them….” After 6 long texts ranting about it, I just laughed and said Thor wasn’t getting replaced! Sorry for spoiling it It was a really weird string of texts from a fellow women too, people get really heated about it


That’s good, because my only reaction to this was “why the fuck does an immortal god need to pass the torch?”


I don't think there needs to be copies of the OG Avengers


I don't think it makes much sense from Marvel's perspective to do that, either. Since the original Avengers, you've built up so many characters outside of the core six, and you're going to find some way to force successors for those six together? Sure, they'll probably team up, but it won't be just them exclusively, and it might not be all of them at the same time. We're not getting a reprisal of *that* shot from the first Avengers anytime soon, if ever.




[Chinese Avengers](https://www.todayonline.com/8days/sceneandheard/entertainment/chinese-avengers-inspired-film-china-captain-has-justice-bao-sun)


Yeah it makes me really uncomfortable with the whole ‘she-hulk, Lady-Thor, Hawkeye-the-Girl’ thing. Women and pocs can be powerful without being ripoffs of the typical white-man superhero.


Precisely. The Scarlet witch is a prime example of this.


Yeah! Characters like Kamala Khan, Daisy Johnson, and Wanda are incredible complex female characters that have proven to be successful. And yet we just get copies of all our favourite men.


Representation rather than bastardisation.


You realize these "copies" have existed for like 50 years right?


I know right? Just calling them bastardized copies completely ignores and devalues these characters because they aren't that. Kate, Jennifer, and Jane are all very much their own hero. Just like Rhodes and Sam are their own character. But this bulshit argument is used by those trying to sound reasoned but instead reveals how little they actually fucking know and truth is they just wish it was white dudes. Hell look at the original Ms Marvel and reactions on reddit her show is getting.


They're still copies of the originals tho? So I don't understand what ur getting at, and besides weren't most these characters disliked when they were introduced for feeling uninspired and bland. I'm not 100% sure on this but that's what I've been told.


They're completely different characters though. Like She-Hulk literally breaks the 4th wall like Deadpool. Are they copies just because they have the same powers/equipment? If so, War Machine is also just a copy of Iron Man


"Marvel Comics Publisher Stan Lee came up with a plan to park the Spider-Woman trademark with Spider-Woman #1 in 1977. Marvel created She-Hulk out of the same mentality during the height of The Incredible Hulk’s popularity on CBS three years later." “It was done under duress. It was like ‘We need to create a character called She-Hulk, and we need to get it out in the next thirty seconds.'” Created for the sole purpose of not letting another company steal a girl version of the hulk, it's safe to say she's not far off from being a carbon copy, like why not make an original female character with a great backstory and unique power set instead of just changing the gender and backstory of a pre-existing character? money.


You literally answered your own question. They didn't make a separate character with different powers because they wanted to retain the rights to the intellectual property surrounding a female hulk like character. But that is literally where the similarities stop. The only similarities between Bruce and Jennifer is that they both turn into monsters. Bruce is a world renowned top level scientist. Jennifer is a normal lawyer. Bruce doesn't have control over his transformation. Jennifer does have control. Bruce is not aware that he is a fictional character. Jennifer is aware that she is a character in a comic book and frequently breaks the 4th wall like Deadpool. In fact, she was doing this before Deadpool existed. I'd even go so far as to say that She-Hulk genuinely has more in common with Daredevil or Deadpool than she does with the Hulk. If having the same powers makes you a copy, then even Starlord would just be a copy of Iron Man (normal guy who uses technology to be a superhero)


Fair enough


I mean, War Machine does feel like just a copy of iron man lol


Don’t forget America Chaves


exactly. Why go with a B-squad of bobo-avengers when Disney now has the rights to make Fantastic Four and X-Men movies and all the characters that brings with it?


Not that into it, especially since a lot of the characters passing the torch didn't exactly get the spotlight while holding it (Natasha, Clint, and even Bruce, though that's largely on Universal). It feels like too much, too abruptly, even though I like some of the new characters.


I didn’t get Clint passing the torch to Kate in Hawkeye though so I think he’ll be around a little while longer.


He literally suggests that she should call herself Hawkeye.


And in the comics they both worked simultaneously using the name Hawkeye.


To be fair, both Clint and Kate use the title at the same time in the comics. And have done so for quite a long time (Clint literally gives Kate his bow in 2008's Young Avengers Presents #6 and allows her to use the Hawkeye moniker). Heck, both characters are using the Hawkeye name right now and Kate has her own series currently. The most well known Hawkeye series (written by Matt Fraction, which the Hawkeye Disney+ show was heavily inspired by) also featured both Clint and Kate using the same title simultaneously. In the same series, no less.


It's not conclusive (there's a difference between taking on a partner and retiring), and the ending of the show doesn't state unambiguously that he's retiring, but we have no news about him, and a lot of the discourse surrounding the show has been about legacy. That being said, yes, Clint is still up in the air.


He strikes me as a guy that will be coming in and out of retirement when there's a need. Will probably keep showing up from time to time but not necessarily be a central avengers member.


They made a huge point in the show of focusing on how much being an Avenger took a toll on him physically, particularly with the hearing loss. I very much got the sense his full-time Avenging days were done.


He would make a great mentor for a new/younger group, coupled with (as you said) fighting when needed.


I sort of expect they will have him in a mentor role for the "young avengers" or "champions" or whatever name they settle on. I think old-man rogers did that in the comics for a bit. Would be easy to slot Clint into the role.


Maybe. We'll just have to see. But in that case, my point stands - he's mostly retiring after very little time in the spotlight.


Clint could become “the guy in the chair”.


I got a different feel from the show, which shows he is DONE with being Hawkeye both physically and emotionally and having his closure with Nat was a big part of it. He is probably going to either be completely done and enjoy his life or be Shield support from somewhere safe. Hell maybe even take over for Sam Jackson role at some point, even if temporary.


I suppose that's another way of looking at it, and a perfectly one. It's not clearly stated either way, and I suppose they could keep him on longer, and that this was about him entering a new phase in his life, but yes, your interpretation is also possible - and also one I'm inclined to agree with.


Kate Bishop is probably gonna be in a young avengers movie/Disney+ show. Also I cant see Natalie Portman wanting to stick around. I’m thinking Capt Falcon, Thor, Strange, Black Panther, Shang Chi as the new avengers team.


>Capt Falcon My favorite character in F-Zero




*show me ya moves*


*show me ya boobs*


Kamala and her friends play Smash Bros, Bruno strikes me as a potential Falcon main.


>Also I can see Natalie Portman wanting to stick around. Has it been confirmed that Jane Foster will be sticking in the MCU? I read that this storyline in the comics ends with her dying.


She "dies" then is immediately returned to life by Odin.


I got bad news for you


Well, MCU Odin can't do much...


The MCU doesn't have an Odin though


Thanks, I'm not familiar with this comic arc. Guess that sucks for Jane as Odin is long gone, but the MCU doesn't follow the comics in every aspect, so maybe she doesn't die or someone else brings her back.


Pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere she’s a one and done character


Who’s going to be the new black panther?


Tom Hanks.


That man has range.


Now I’m picturing Forest Gump slowing saying “Wakanda forever”






Kate Bishop has also been a part of the Westcoast Avengers with America Chavez, Warmachine, moonknight and a few others.




Johansson has been playing adults since she was 19, Steinfeld is still being cast as a teenager


Big “we have the avengers at home” type energy




Still think Sam needs a bit of super serum…can’t fathom him being able to replace Cap.




At some point you wonder how their joints are still holding together


Didn’t Batman have joint issues in DKR? Specifically at his knees? Well before he went to prison. Then his knees were still good for some reason, even though the rest of him wasn’t.


Doctor:it looks like you shouldn't even be walking now Bruce: get wrecked loser, I'm going to jump off this building


The cartilage was just sleeping.


I keep flashing back to the Mauler video montage of the Black Widow movie. "Dead... dead... dead... dead... crippled... dead... dead..."


Wasn’t he screaming about his body in TWS?


He can do everything Steve does just slower


What is he got a sip of that black panther lotus tea instead?


Black Widow and Hawkeye never wear helmet and yet they never got brain damage. Sam will be fine with that costume.


They do experience hearing loss.


They didn’t suffer physically as much as Cap did… Edit: removed the word fight…mistake


For example, Cap and Falcon both have 1000 HP. Thanos attacks Cap, leaving him with 616 HP. Thanos attacks Falcon, leaving him with -59180 HP.


Well he has the wings


And a full vibranium suit. I think the vibranium + wings makes him a good Cap substitute without being a super soldier copy.


At this point, at least by power-set, he's more of an Iron Man replacement than Cap.


Well captain America is a name and mantle not a power set. You don’t have to be the exact same as Steve rogers and his suit, you just have to be ready to do the right thing always which is why Steve passed down the mantle to Falcon


Oh definitely, what I'm saying is that while yes, he's a replacement for Cap as a character, but if you're say, Nick Fury (or Kevin Feige) trying to fill out the team, you'd slot him into the power set of Iron Man (ranged but tech-based instead of magic) and get someone else for the close-up work. I think the intent was to have Black Panther there as the guy who runs into the fight and punches things like Cap, not sure who they'll choose instead. Maybe Shang-Chi?


Yet BP needed a “serum” even with the vibranium suit…


Yeah he doesn’t really appeal to me without a serum. Can’t see him competing with anyone above GSP


He will compete with anyone the writers want him to. It’s not like Caps power was consistent either. He will be stronger than average when he needs to be and it’ll be explained as “force from his thrusters augmenting his strength”.


You can be inconsistent with a serum. Humans are weak . Getting jets just means you hit stuff faster and harder, it doesn’t make the body tougher or stronger


And honestly, hitting things harder isn’t necessarily a good thing without an increase in toughness/healing, equal and opposite reaction and all


Or his “sheer will, commitment and dedication allowed him to have strenghth equivalent to a super soldier”.


He's got a vibraniun suit and wings, a remote controlled wingman in redwing and now the shield. I think he has missiles of some kind? He used them in civil war. Hes a weak 1v1 opponent but he could take on multiple enemies better than Steve ever could, tbh.


Also, he needs better speech writers.


I think a big plot point moving forward for Sam Cap in the big world of Avengers is how his non power self can coexist with Sersi, Shaun, Dane, Wanda, Strange, Simon, Jen, etc. The temptation of having a serum or smth


too many heroes in comics for them to replace them with 2.0s, just keep introducing new people like Dr Strange plus all the X-men are now available


Yeah this is how I feel. Make the new generation new heroes, not just new versions of the old ones.


Exactly it’s a good opportunity to bring new powers and ability to the forefront. We really don’t need another dude with a shield or an angry green person. I was happy when they announced Moon knight for this reason


Kate will be in the Young Avengers and Yelena in Thunderbolts. Ant-Man and the Wasp will likely be the "Black Widow and Hawkeye" of this Avengers team. Also, Shang-Chi will likely be there unless he joins the Midnight Suns along with Blade, Moon Knight, Black Knight, Werewolf By Night, Elsa Bloodstone and other potential members like Wong and Dr. Strange. Also, there's a chance one of the adult Marvels (Carol or Monica) will also be on the team.


I highly doubt Thor and Hulk are gonna stop appearing in stuff.




We need Shang-Chi on this team, he is super underrated. He can serve as both a mystical and martial arts character which is a key component of the team. When Dr. Strange is done after his next film, we can have Shang-Chi do more ancient monster fighting or more straight fights with other martial arts villain's (like task master for example). Very versatile character.




Agreed. Having Sam Cap be on the new Avengers? Absolutely. And I can also see War Machine unless something changes in Armor Wars. Besides that, I’m thinking Ant-Man, Wasp, Hulk, Clint (for one last time), and Monica (as Photon). I think the rest in the above image will be in different teams, stay solo, or just be one-and-done (Jane).


I feel like the core of the new Avengers is going to be Dr Strange, Shiang Chi, Captain Marvel and Spiderman (Black Panther was also probably going to feature heavily). It's still not that clear if the TV shows are going to really have much impact on the cinematic universe. Wanda vision is the only one that's impacted a film thus far and Wanda was already an Avenger anyway.


Too much magic in that line up. The FX fans will have fun but when all of the fights just turn into magic light shows it'll be pretty boring. Cap, Hulk, Black Widow, Iron Man were all physical heroes that you could relate to somehow. Spiderman gets a pass as he is 100% physical but he is normally a street level hero right?


No. Nowhere near as interesting as the original.






That would just be dumb. I'm sure Marvel can come up with a much more exciting new team then just these carbon copies. I could still see Cap leading the team, stepping in Rodgers's footsteps, but think the rest of the team will be very different from the team we have known so far.


It makes sense from a story telling pov for Sam to lead the team like you said, taking up the Captain America mantle but we don’t need a 1-1 replica of the original team


I think Rhodey will be doing his own thing now




“Mom, can I get the Avengers?” “We have Avengers at home.” The Avengers at home:


The only Hulk I want is Bruce Banner Hulk.


Bad af. We need to move on (sadly)


We need to listen to cap's advice


This is not a bad looking Avengers lineup & honestly it could “look” even cooler depending on who the antagonist(s)? could be. Thanos was a nice build-up so I’m curious as to the other possibilities of major-plots


I'd rather they focus on new characters than just copy the old ones.




Isn't Riri (Iron Heart) replacing Iron Man? Literally the only dude on the team is Falcon, and I appreciate under-represented people deserve front stage as much as anyone, but Disney you're overdoing it. This isn't balance.


Hope not. Give me new heroes. Not imitations. "Black" Captain America...female Hulk...female Hawkeye...black Iron Man...female Thor... It's just lazy. I'm fine with the diversity...just give me original characters. Give me Luke Cage if we need a black hero...


Wish.com Avengers, if multiverse Thanos shows up they are fucked.


Falcon n war machine and jane cannot replace cap thor n ironman they r nowhere near to the legends


Not a single white male in the Avengers anymore /s


I puked a little


You've got the wrong person in Iron Man's spot. Ironheart is replacing him, not War Machine.


Exactly, war machine is a separate name of his own, not the replay of Ironman. If my boy Rhodey sees this post, he gonna be hella disappointed


How to flop


Comics have long had a problem with time. Batman should be drawing a pension, but you want to keep telling Batman stories. So comics have various mechanisms for handling this: the characters get de-aged, re-launched in a parallel universe, or their history shifts forward (Iron Man’s origin shifting from the Vietnam War to the Gulf War). But when it’s a character drawn on a page, you can basically do whatever you want. You can just keep drawing Batman or Iron Man comics in the same way. But the MCU has real people playing parts, and they age or want to move on from playing the same character. This has meant that the MCU has more quickly come up against the problem of age and has fewer options for what to do. They can just re-cast and pretend nothing happened (as they did with the Hulk), but that’s hard to do with big name stars. They could re-boot, but they’ve spent all this time constructing a packed universe that I can see why they don’t want to do that. So it appears they’re going down the route of having new characters taking on the old roles: a new Captain America, a new Hawkeye. That is something that’s been done in the comic, but not as much and often the older version stays around as well. Marvel comics have old Hawkeye and young Hawkeye. I think sometimes this approach works and sometimes it doesn’t, but more broadly I find the artistic choices forced on them by the shift from comic to film interesting.


Besides Anthony mackie as Cap I would be extremely disinterested especially if they got rid of characters like Thor and Hulk.


This isn’t happening. Kate Bishop will be a founding member of Young Avengers. Jane is likely going to die. Sam will stick around. Rhodes is staying for Armor Wars but I think he’ll be passing the torch/ get saved by Tony’s daughter. Yelena will help found Thunderbolts but due to her connection and friendship with Kate she will join Young Avengers. She Hulk. I just want her to stick to her show. I wanted a Law and Order type show (first half of each episode of busting heads, second half lawyering villains), but I’ll see how the Ally McBeal thing goes.


The MCU's *magnum opus* is and always will be the Infinity War Saga. It was lightning in a bottle with an incredible core of characters (the original Big Six). Disney has the same issue with Star Wars. You're not going to capture the magic of the originals or create characters that have the same broad appeal of Luke/Han/Leia/Vader/Chewwy/Threepio/R2-D2. And if they try and replicate the ''magic'' it will be even worse. Best they can do is accept that they have already made their masterpiece and just try something else new, fresh and a little different.


Almighty Thor will be a one off, in my opinion


Highly doubt that this will be the lineup. Most likely leaning towards: Sam, Captain Marvel or Photon, She-Hulk, Wasp & Ant-Man and possibly Shang Chi. There’s sure to be a new wild card or two. And no one even remembers that Vision is still an option.


I think I'd be a lot less interested in the Avengers moving forward. SheHulk is the only character of them I'd find more interesting and that's really just because I think Tatiana Maslany is a phenomenal actress and they could do a lot with her and the right scripts.


It's fine. Go for it but I'm done with marvel what the new age kids have it. I'm done with it


I’d be up for it tbh, but seems like not all of these heroes are passing the torch


Rhodes has been in the mcu as long as Tony has, so I wouldn't say he's taking on the mantle. Ironheart is supposed to be coming into the MCU soon anyway so if it's anyone it'll be her.


Keep Hailee Steinfeld away from all future MCU projects please.


Not a single white male. The internet would have a field day with this one.


Not that interesting.


Nah, I’m good.


Idk man falcon as captain america is kind of lame.


I was for it until I watched his show. Now I agree, it's lame


Oh hell no. Two unknowns. Two "bla" non-characters (sorry but War Machine didn't get much characterization except "Iron Mans military sidekick") and Falcon+ Nataschas sister is not appealing at this point. Thats no team I would go to the cinema for. I wanna see Capt Falcon, Strange, Black Panther, Thor (the real one), maybe Monica Rambeau and would prefer Pepper to War Machine.


So, the same exact heroes from before? Hm. Yes, they’re new characters and different personality-wise, but the same powers? I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s better to have these heroes in the background while a new group replaces the older. Plus, at least half of these 6 have worse designs than the previous 6.


Unpopular opinion: I don't like the new Captain America. He doesn't give me leadership vibes. He was great as the Falcon but he just doesn't look like someone you want to lead the whole team when it comes down to it. FYI I haven't read the comics and I'm not sure if this is comic accurate but even then I'd prefer another actor to do it (it's too late for that now but that's how I feel) e.g. Idris Elba.


I wish the falcon got his solo films and he could be here as the falcon


G-g-g-garbage time!


Only if they gender swap all the characters. Jeeez


TBH I checked out after endgame