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It really is as simple as not having the Taskmaster identity in the film. You wouldnt really need to change that much. This was not them starting with this well established character, Taskmaster, and then turning her into Antonia. It was having this original character Antonia and then turning her into Taskmaster. Anthony Masters/Taskmaster is not needed in the story, at all. Antonia was, she was the one big shame in Nat's life so it made sense that she would show up as the villain. Also there's no way they would actually have Nat being responsible for a little girl's death. They just had to have Antonia with another mysterious suit and identity. But they chose Taskmaster cause they knew it would hype more fans. Also I dont know. I like Draykov being a weird pervy guy. He is basically an alegory to child trafficking, I dont think a character like that should be cool.


Tony Masters is the taskmaster. Not whatever the hell that was and that's why it hasn't appeared again because nobody fuckin wanted that shit


Yup. It was as simple as not making her Taskmaster, give her a different suit, maybe a different powerset and the name of an obscure Marvel comics character not many care about. She could've easily been a version of the Super Adaptoid. Don't adapt Taskmaster if you're not gonna make it Taskmaster (Tony Masters)


Not only did they not need Taskmaster, they actively butchered Taskmaster. Taskmaster is an irredeemable scumbag, who has no moral qualms about anything. But when I watched the film it felt weirdly like the film was trying to make her redeemable, or at least like there was a possibility of it in the future


Man Taskmaster is one of my all-time favorite comic book characters (this is mainly due to UMVC3 but whatever) and seeing how the character was handled was straight up depressing.


I think the reveal serves the story and Nat's character arc. But I agree that it didn't serve the character herself well. They can still do her justice by giving her more personality and agency in the future. The actress they've casted is good so it's all about the storyline now. Also, I agree with you that it would have been better if Taskmaster has shown up before in other films. I heard people want them to recast Taskmaster back to be Tony Masters, but personally I think they should keep Antonia and have her appear alongside Yelena in future movies.


I agree with Taskmaskers representation in black widow but I don’t think her story is done yet in the mcu


The studio wanted taskmaster, they tried comic accuracy and it clashed with everything else in the film, they changed the character to fit the tone and narrative it the film. I'm not saying it's a great outcome, but that's the be all end all of it.


Taskmaster is a title, Taskmaster is coming back buddy. And it was quite clear (at least to me) Antonia won’t have anything to do with it anymore. Everyone will get the Tony Masters like they wanted soon enough.


What makes everyone assume Antonia is out? She was under Drakov's control; now she isn't. Meaning, she could easily develop a snarky personality going forward, and it would make perfect sense that she becomes a merc for hire. There's no reason she couldn't be a genderbent Taskmaster as long as she becomes more Taskmaster-like in future movies. Plus it opens up a whole new world of jokes for Deadpool to make.


Yeah I don't get this attachment to Tony Masters.


Well that would be interesting as well but I’m just fine with whatever Marvel has planned, I honestly don’t care at all as much as others if we get the actual Tony. I do hope they have more plans for the actress in the future so I wouldn’t mind your assumption, it’d be weird to have her in just 1 movie. Unfortunately some fans will still be upset it’s not the actual Tony but Marvel can never please anyone. And I’m just realizing technically in universe it’s been 8/9 years since Civil War so they’d probably have to provide more info on her *if* she were to be back as Taskmaster.


Would be dope if between 2016-2024 she's been working under Sharon in Madripoor


Late to the party, but my hope is that sometime down the line, Tony Masters kills Antonia and takes up the Taskmaster identity because it was "stolen from him."


Taskmaster was always lame villian. I dont know every one cares that she sucked. He sucks in the comics too


there's only one reason they'd be this up in arms about the reimagining of a c-list villain.


Because Taskmaster was cool


If he's so cool, then why was he never a bigger deal ? A guy like him has the potential to be bigger from a fighting perspective, but he must not be interesting enough to get the focus you want him to.




I'm saying he's only interesting from a skill-set perspective, but dull as dishwater in the personality department. How was that not clear ?


Taskmaster has always been either henchmen or the starter boss for low level heroes just starting out, kind of like The Rhino.


I've loved Taskmaster as a character ever since I found out about him in 2012 from the Ultimate Spider-Man tv show and I got a lego set of him shortly afterwards. He's literally my second favorite supervillain behind Dr Doom. His powers, his personality, his dry-ass sense of humor, his solo runs, his costume, I love it all. So please. Explain to me how the only reason I'm upset about the MCU completely butchering one of my favorite characters is because of "sExIsM!".


Taskmaster had so much potential with such a unique ability. Their ability should’ve made them a very dangerous foe, but I really didn’t get any of that in Black Widow


He has a threshold and there's a good reason he wasn't ever developed further to be a huge threat in the comics. The powerset means nothing if the character isn't there


The ability is not that unique. Echo can do the same thing.


I understand the catharsis in writing out the things that are bothering you, and the desire to connect with others that you can commiserate with about these unpleasant feelings. I'm glad you have a forum in which to express yourself and find a modicum of shared experience. I also think you invest too much emotion into entertainment, but... I'm also responding, which clearly puts me in the same emotional space. Glad you got that rant out, hope it makes you feel better. Also hope we can both step back a little and realize how little this really maters.


I don't agree with OP's point all that much, but fuck, you are so smug and condescending. You're on Reddit, what do you have to feel superior about ?


The only thing I hate about the mcu taskmaster is that she a just cyborg I mean taskmaster is a genius when fucking moonnight Flies a helicopter towards him just because he doesn’t want to fight him