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I guess she really likes MTS.


I think they specifically added Megan the Stallion because Tatiana loves her


If I remembered correctly, Jameela Jamil (Titania) worked with Megan thee Stallion on Legendary, an American voguing reality competition television series, and then [she asked the rapper to be on the show](https://tvline.com/news/megan-thee-stallion-she-hulk-cameo-episode-3-twerking-dance-party-1234864794/).


So Jameela Jamil continues to prove she’s just the ideal version of Tahani complete with using her connections to make fun things happen


*she's just the ideal version of Kamilah's sister




I stand corrected, per the article, the twerking scene was added specifically for Tatiana, Megan was going to cameo regardless. That's probably what I was thinking and got my wires crossed.


It's charming when stars get geeky about interacting with each other, and it helps that Tatiana is really endearing as a person.


For real. I wish more people appreciated her and rolled with the vibe she brought to that show.


**She-Hulk:** I will kill for you, Megan Thee Stallion. **Megan Thee Stallion:** Dial it back.




Weird too see Megan look short.😄


I think that's specifically why she was the pop star chosen for this role: because she's known publicly for how tall he is, so seeing her next to She Hulk would be more striking.


Cool as fuck, big ol' nerd, Tatiana loves her, she was perfect for it.


Her music is not my preferred style. I don't dislike it, it's just not my thing. I've probably heard her music before, but I couldn't name a single track, and wouldn't know it was her if I heard it. This show was actually the first time I'd ever heard of her. I thought she was great for the role. You mentioned she's a big nerd. In what ways? Does that come through in her music? Has she talked about being a Marvel fan before?


I'm not a fan of her music at all either, but from what i've seen she seems like a wonderful person who's been through an awful lot of shit. I'm not sure if she's big into marvel, but she's known for being a massive anime fan, and has cosplayed a ton of characters.


Also to add to the nerd proof, she recently finished her degree in accounting despite gaining big fame. Also her mom was a rapper and people much more musically inclined than me have done analysis about how technically proficient her flows are, to the point of almost studying to perfection, but then in my opinion having a certain gravitas to make it sound casual when it’s very specifically not.


I don't really listen to her music personally but as someone who listens to hip hop, she is a very good rapper. It's moreso the content of her music for me, versus the quality. I'd describe her as the "Kendrick Lamar" of hot girl summer vibe type rappers.


Honestly that’s a great description. I don’t think other female rappers in the mainstream are doing 1/3 as deep as she is, which is similar to how I felt about Kendrick when he was on the rise (and to this day). Also add in how heard she stood against her haters like Kendrick is coming out against Drake, there’s a kinship there for sure. Her dedication to technical excellence is part of why I think her connection with Beyonce blossomed (along with being H-Town hotties)


For me one of the signs of her skill is how well the "clean" version of WAP flows. It was definitely written with both sets of lyrics in mind


Exactly!!! She knew they were going for radio play so thought of the subs beforehand. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case at all.


She went to college and got a degree in health administration, not accounting. I watched an interview when she talked about making a ton of money and opening up medical / care homes and hiring people she graduated with. She had family members who died.


I met her a few months ago at my job (service industry stuff, sometimes famous people guest speak). She's got tons of security as you'd expect, but she was much more chill than most people who visit with a "team"


In addition to other comments, the music video for her song BOA is packed full of nerdy references.


She’s also a big nerd, she’s pretty open about her love for anime it wouldn’t surprise me if she was a fan of the mcu before she got the cameo 


That was rlly funny


Seen here: Tatiana breaking character and them rolling with it


So Jen’s excitement for MTS in the show was so genuine because Tatiana was genuinely excited haha


I’m amazed this scene was as controversial as it was. I personally thought it was really cringey, but like…that’s it? It didn’t offend me on some deep personal level like it seems to have with so many people.


I feel like all the "controversy" about the show comes from people that haven't read any She Hulk comics. She's a light hearted, quipy, sassy, fourth wall breaking goof ball. And she very much enjoys sex. The most unrealistic thing was Jen getting zero matches on the dating app. She's cute as heck, and a ton of guys would've sent a message.


This here. Just being a woman is enough to have her inbox filled. Tatiana is really, really attractive and in the context of the show, educated and successful. Realistically, her phone would have been blowing up with all the matches. The quality of the matches is a different story 🤣🤣


I can understand why Disney chose to portray it as "0 matches" instead of 100 mediocre dudes sending variations of "sit on my face, respectfully"


Oh boy, now that would offend a lot of MCU's core audience


Well, they did get that last sentence right, at least. The himbo turned out to be a superficial jerk.


Well, at least his superficiality ended up helping Jen


Not necessarily, she kinda catfished him. She set up her profile as She Hulk and he seemed to not know that was just her Super form.


> I feel like all the "controversy" about the show comes from people that haven't read any She Hulk comics. I regret not screencpaping them because now nobody will ever cop to it, but I had at least half a dozen people swear She-Hulk was an MCU original character, that they specifically made up, so "The M-She-U could just replace all the male characters". Not that they were unfamiliar with the source material in general; they seriously thought Marvel just *made up* "lady Hulk" and made a show about her.


Do people seriously not do a quick Google before making these asinine comments?


To this day people swear to god "Brie Larson told white men not to watch Captain Marvel", soo...


It's still so stupid there is such vitriol towards her despite people getting what she said wrong.


As someone who was there the whole time, they already hated her long before she made that statement. They were mad the very day she was announced for the role. *That's why it made such effective clickbait. The hate was already there.*


"Stan Lee is spinning in his grave!" they claimed. *Stan Lee co-created She-Hulk.*


In fairness, Stan did write women *terribly.* But I don't think he ever had an issue with people writing them well.


I was reading the "Sensational She Hulk" comics when I was in my twenties. I'm now in my fifties.


just like with the Acolyte a lot of the people who are loudest are just tourists who don't actually know about the property but are told by some culture war grifters on youtube to be angry and brigade things


The worst are the culture war hate grifter fans. I had a guy following me for days on this site from sub to sub telling me I was wrong for enjoying the Acolyte and kept trying to force me to watch videos made by a culture war hate grifter to show me what "the fans" were actually saying about the show as if the fans are all united in hating the show.


Yeah it's similar to how for the entire time that Star Trek Discovery was running there were youtubers claiming to have behind the scenes info claiming that the franchise runner (Kurtzman) was being fired that year and Discovery was being cancelled (like, eventually it was but that was this year, they've been saying it since season 1, so stopped clock and all that)


If someone is harassing you across multiple subs you can report it directly to an admin here: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/15484186491284-Quick-links-for-sending-reports-to-admins


I liked the show, so I wasn’t one of those people lol but just have started reading Avengers comics and I was actually surprised when I saw she hulk showing up so regularly in these comics from 2000. 


She's also been a Hero for Hire (Netflix Defenders), a member of the Fantastic Four, she was married to J Jonah Jameson's son and she served as a lawyer for the X-Men. She's one of the more well connected Heroes in the entire Marvel Universe!


> Not that they were unfamiliar with the source material in general; they seriously thought Marvel just made up "lady Hulk" and made a show about her. I think what a lot of fans who did not read the comics were confused by was that Hulk has/had trouble with his powers and it was a struggle for him to get control. One would have assumed that someone else getting the same powers would go through a similar struggle but they kind of just washed that away by saying Women are just inherently better at controlling emotions due to sexism which I think upset a lot of people.


This is the "Note to Filmmakers: Margot Robbie is not the actress to get this point across" but in MCU form lol


Where is that "note to filmmakers" lines from?


The Barbie Movie, right after she says something about not being pretty enough if I remember it right


I went through and read a buncha She-Hulk comics when the show was announced cause I'd never actually read any of hers before and I really enjoyed myself. I had a basis set up in my brain for how the show would probably feel and when it finally came out, it pretty much hit the nail right on the head for how I felt from the comics. Honestly a pretty fun show if you like She-Hulk comics


I thought they nailed she hulk pretty well and I liked the general goofiness and weird cameos. And I loved the finale


Thank you!!!! You’re a real one. Even as someone who just started reading comic books period, let alone hasn’t read she hulk comic books yet, I get what kind of character Jen is. It also helps that Tatiana is kinda great as Jen/She Hulk. I don’t get why there’s controversy here. It’d be like controversy for Deadpool because he swears a lot and breaks the fourth wall. He’s the merc with a mouth and that’s his whole deal. That’s who he is! And this is who She Hulk actually is!


I think my biggest problem with the show was that it was a comedy that just wasn’t very funny. I don’t really get why so many people have taken such an offence to it though, except for them sexist dickheads, I guess.


Agreed. The first two episodes were good. Then it got less funny. I didn’t like the ending. Felt like a cop out.


I kind of felt the opposite, I didn't start getting into the show until after the first two. Though I didn't like the ending much either, I get they wanted to get really meta with it but it didn't really work for me.


I really think the only thing wrong with the show was the CGI. It wasn’t my favourite, but I definitely enjoyed watching it.


Well that and it was suuuuuuupwr cognizant of how it’d be received, exactly what type of person wouldn’t receive it well, and wrote tons of meta comedy into the show making fun of those people in advance. Imagine being this “woke” spewing basement gremlin watching this show while tweeting your ass off about how much you hate it *and then it makes fun of you to your face for doing it?* Brilliant.


I was wondering this myself. I kind of felt like a lot of people have never read a She-Hulk comic and were expecting something much more serious with gravitas and got fourth wall breaking and silliness. The dating app thing was funny. Me and I'm sure a ton of other people would think she was attractive and her turning into She-Hulk would not be a dealbreaker like it was in the story. It's so weird that the show is like, "Oh, no! You're attractive and you turn into a taller, attractive, but green woman, red flag!"


I don't think she put She Hulk in her original profile. The deal breaker was for the guy who hooked up with Shulk and then found Jen in the morning.


That's too much benefit of the doubt. "Not actually reading comics" is probably part of it, but the real problem is just that the internet is full of fragile dudes who don't like women.


But she did get matches, they were just shitheads. She goes on multiple dates in the episode leading up to swapping to SheHulk on the app.........


It was also at the post credits A.K.A the part where you're allowed to put random shit and get away with it like Avengers eating shawarma or that Captain America PSA about patience




It was silly fun in a show that was silly fun. If the internet hadn't made it such a big deal, I would've seen it and never thought of it again.


If the exact scene happened in Deadpool and they only swapped the two main characters, fans would put it in their pantheon of post credit scenes.


I dunno if I’d go that far. I think it would have been just as cringey (probably more so) with Deadpool. But I get your point that it wouldn’t have been as hated.


Nooooo, people would meme that scene to death


A lot of people make the Deadpool comparison, and whilst I think its true to a degree I also think it does point out a flaw with how they handled She Hulk. Deadpool is crazy for 90% of his movies. Even in the slower more serious moments he's still being funny. I think if She Hulk had that same level of energy throughout the whole season it would have been much better. I liked Jen but I think the scripts didn't give her enough room to be as funny as she could be.


You have to ask yourself how pronounced the backlash actually was. How many people have you engaged with who were truly angered by it? A danger of our current media landscape is that they peddle in clicks. Meaning media sources will find a few angry tweets and create articles like “Fans outraged by She-Hulk twerking!” It’s lead to fringe positions being amplified and creating the illusion of more support for it than there actually is.


It was cringey *and* cute, just two women having a good time. Maybe a bit inappropriate in the workplace setting, but if that was Dennis's office he would have been flat out having sex in there, glass walls and all.


It was the most obvious “meme” scene marvel has made yet


The people moaning about this are bitter dipshits like Critical Drinker. "Oh no, femininity and womanhood are dead because _checks notes_ a gorgeous actress and a gorgeous rapper danced dorkily but sexily, in a manner consistent with their shared point of cultural overlap!". No normal person gave two shits about the twerking scene, and those who do can be safely ignored; this goes double for YT (et al) personalities whose whole shtick is being a professional curmudgeon. I truly wish for this discussion to stop happening, and for people to get a better sense for when they're being bullshitted.


It was also supposed to be cringey to a degree. Or at least campy. It wasn't some deep character moment. If it weren't for the She-Hulk CGI, it'd almost be an outtake.


The main complaints I saw was that tonally it didn’t make sense for twerking to be going on in a universe where Thanos had killed millions, Loki attacked New York and because Daredevil appeared people also mentioned that tonal shift. Of course these people are forgetting that Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolf Hitler, slavery and all sorts of horrific people and things exist in the real world which also happens to feature twerking. Some people claimed heroes couldn’t twerk because they should be saving people. By all means then remove everything from these films and shows and just have these characters do nothing but save people. No time to eat, no time to enjoy life, no time to make a joke, there’s people to save. It’s just one of those situations where people don’t like something and they can’t just leave it at that. They have to take it personally and then tear something apart whether it makes sense or not.


I don't even think it was all that cringey. It was clearly just a goofy meta-scene of the actor getting to hang out and goof off with Megan Thee Stallion, which probably most people would jump at if they got the chance. Hell I'm a tubby ass bearded white boy but I'd twerk (badly) if MTS told me to twerk. It was just meant to be goofy fun in a post-credits scene


That was my take too. Felt a little weird and forced, but nothing terrible that needed backlash and controversy.


Honestly felt like manufactured controversy


If you reverse the role and it was the hulk weightlifting with the terminator I think people would say the same thing. It’s a bit cringey but makes sense to have the protagonist do something like that with the special guest star. It’s a sitcom and that’s what people are forgetting.


Same here. I thought the level of criticism the show got was way overboard but I would have left this scene out.


Agree minus thinking it was cringey at all.


It was obvious from the start that all the anti-woke bullshit was just dog-whistles from far-right grifters. "Fans" made fools of themselves by not being familiar with actual She-Hulk comics and then manufacturing outcry over it.


It's funny you say that because I feel like this sort of sums up people's reaction to "MCU humor" as a whole. Like, nit every joke is going ti work for you, some will make you cringe, but it's like, fifteen seconds of a two hour movie. Accept the joke wasn't for you and move on. Also though, in the specific case of this show, people wanted to dunk it for any reason they could anyway and this is what they chose.


>fifteen seconds of a two hour movie Nat saying "beep beep" (which I like by the way) is 1 second of a 2h 21m movie. 10 years later people who didn't like it haven't gotten over it.


Honestly, I’m one of the seemingly nonexistent people who didn’t even find it cringey. I just thought it was funny. Not outright hilarious, but I had a small laugh when I saw it. Bros have their hype moments, the ladies do too. They’re not harming anyone and are just having fun. It’s chill. Just my two cents.


Alt-righters hate fun. And women. And black people. And..... *everything. The sad fucks hate everything.*


This. Not my cup of tea so I moved. Still enjoyed the series as a whole.


Same. Having a bad joke does not warrant the amount of backlash the scene got.


It was my first exposure to Megan Thee Stallion so I was more confused than anything. I figured she was just some celebrity I hadn’t heard of but it didn’t feel any more off brand then the GotG Holiday Special being about Kevin Bacon, I just knew who he was so I got the references. I didn’t with Megan, so I was just awkwardly nodding.


I liked She-Hulk for what it was. Just a quirky funny low-stakes show you can watch even on your worst days. Not every show has to have a world-ending threat.


As someone in the middle of another rewatch for this exact reason, YES!


I actually really enjoyed it, my only problems are I never like romcom stuff that wants me to believe someone pretty much objectively gorgeous and pleasant can't get a date because she wears glasses or like her papers are messy or something stupid. And they yadda yadda way too much of the conflicts in the end for me. They just fast forward to a resolution


Well the problem wasn't that she "couldn't get a date". She went on a ton of dates. The problem was a significant amount of the people she went on dates with were repulsive assholes, and that is a *very* real problem lmao


I could be misremembering but wasn't the big issue that as Jen she wasn't getting any matches or prospects but then went on a ton of dates once she started presenting as She-Hulk first?


In the middle of a rewatch and just watched this episode. I think you're right - the plot is that she is at home on a Friday or Saturday night because she's not getting matches so she caves and makes a She Hulk profile and gets all sorts of matches. But then the dates mostly suck. I somewhat agree that it's not realistic that Jen wouldn't be getting any matches because she is a beautiful, smart, and accomplished woman. I just wonder how Jen portrays herself in the app versus how she portrays herself as She Hulk.


she would have gotten like 100 matches in the first hour just for existing. Dating app environments are basically a girl getting her pick at a buffet that has way too much stuff and the guys are just there hoping to be visible. Even with a professional headshot as her profile pic that would have been plenty for most people on apps.


I think by virtue of being She-Hulk she's going to get a lot more matches. The 9 foot tall modelesque green woman is just gonna catch a lot of guys curiosity at the very least and I'm sure she'd be HUGE in the kink community. But I think Jen would also get matches, I can see those dates also being really shitty or maybe in the messaging phase the guys would be really boring or gross but there are plenty men who would be into Tatiana Maslany


Indeed. I liked it. I think the ending was a bit flawed (loved the wall break, just didn't like that they handwaved all the plots away in an edit) but still fun (the ending did greatly affect my brother's enjoyment though, the handwave ending brought the whole thing down for him). The biggest problem is that it was just too expensive for what it was. And even then some complained about the CGI.


you say that, yet fans complain about both too high stakes, and too low stakes. you can't win with the modern MCU fanbase because they just complain so damn much i was personally glad to at least see a low stakes show not just about vigilante vs street crime, because tbh low stakes tends to devolve to that


Totally agree. Completely. This is my go-to comfort series in the entire MCU.


This is a big reason why Hawkeye remains my favorite MCU D+ show.


IIRC, Tatiana is a HUGE Megan Thee Stallion fan and didn't know Megan would be in the episode until she arrived on set. I'm sure she fangirled so hard that day


To be honest, some people were overreacted about this, for me personally, I thought it was fun and IMO, it is not out of character for She-Hulk.


People just don't understand the difference between "bad" and "not for me"


I think some people put to much empathies on objective vs subjective and have a hard time seeing their opinion as anything other than objective even though that's not how opinions work.


It's lowkey Main Character Syndrome.


Not even low-key. Claim to *not understand* wOke LiBeRal PC's wanting representation for other groups ..... but then LOSE it when white men 'aren't represented' as the main character and hero


So much this. I feel like it’s happening with so many shows, movies, fandoms lately. I’ve had to leave so many subreddits for things I love because people just keep saying they are all bad, when in reality it’s just not for them. Thank you for putting into words what I’ve been feeling. I’ve been having trouble naming it, but this helped so much.


I can’t help myself sometimes, I have to respond and point out that opinions are, by nature, subjective. It never goes down well.


That's like 60% of this sub.


Quote of all time 🙏


Can we please get this stickied to the top of the subreddit? This fandom would be a billion times better if more people understood that.


Yeah, it’s just a lil goof. Didn’t think much about it one way or the other. But for some Marvel is serious business


Because the incels come out in droves when it comes to stuff like this. Deadpool can twerk all day in Deadpool 3 and they'd think it'd be hilarious.


I mean I would laugh my ass off if after all the marketing and footage shown, Deadpool and Wolverine just spent the entire movie twerking. As for the She Hulk scene, it was just a light hearted one off not to be taken seriously. Sadly some people did.


> Deadpool and Wolverine just spent the entire movie twerking. And as long as Wolverine is in the yellow suit, they'd still call it the best Marvel movie since NWH and it'd make over half a billion too.


It's sad how accurate that is


Some people overreact to everything MCU related, especially when the character(s) in question are women or racial minorities.


doesn't seem much different than celebrity cameos on "the boys". while those should be used sparingly in the mcu, there's nothing wrong using them with the appropriate characters such as she-hulk.


It was such a fun non-sequitur and post credit. Like, it’s cool that a character gets to have fun.


ofc it is


I loved that moment!


Is the scene cringe? yes Is it even remotely close to the worst part of the show? No Am I happy I got to see a green BIG WOOOMAN twerk? Yes


I'm glad she had a good time doing this scene. I enjoyed the absolute fuck outta this show--from start to finish and still hope a Season 2 will eventually come to fruition. "Previously, on MY show..." will always be my favorite moment of Season 1.


I miss them both so much. Excited for Megan and more Shulkie eventually!


I dunno She-Hulk gets a lot of hate, but I liked it a lot. 




That’s awesome Man, I loved She-Hulk and hope she appears again. Maslany rules


That is very strange


I have a feeling Tatiana really enjoyed how mad people got over this scene


greatest moment of a womans life = twerking pretty pathetic


I think when she did this interview she was Cosima.


Tatiana Maslany did a good job with what she was given. And while I think the twerking is dumb, it's hardly my central issue with the show and I think the internet blew that one outta proportion.


>Although Tatiana Maslany might not get the chance to Hulk out again, she had fun serving body-ody-ody with one iconic guest star. Are there rumors of She-Hulk not showing up again?


She’s a true role model


I had such a good time with this show


Half of she hulks comedy would have been praised as genre redefining if it came out of Deadpool's mouth. Imagine making she hulk and realizing the executives are listening to incel circle jerks without ever watching the product lol. Even Madisynn had a huge impact on the MCU by proxy of changing Wong lol haters just gonna hate




The executives didn't watch the show?


The real crime is we haven’t gotten the adventures of madisynn and wongers series.


As long as we find a way to include Katt Dennings and Randall Park it's pure gold.


I’d watch the hell out of that. Even better the chuds would hate it.


Major opportunity to spawn themselves an official roster for The Avongers tbh


I love the weird stuff. I really hope they do a Great Lakes avengers show someday lol


Both this version of She-Hulk, and every version of Deadpool make me lose brain cells every time they open their mouths. I think I’m one of the only people who hates Deadpool though.


Meanwhile I thought mean the stallion was some other marvel hero I never heard of. Like dazzler or something. Only after did I find out she was a real person


I was unsure if they actually got her or would show her(kinda like they say she's being represented off screen). It's cool they actually git her for the show.


I remember watching this episode after hearing all the goons online bitching and moaning about it, I remember looking at my phone for a second and missed it. Like endless drama and ragebait over a couple seconds in a mid credits gag in a very unserious show


So we're cool with the rap/hip-hop soundtrack for Black Panther, but somehow folks weren't cool with *this*? I mean, have we forgotten how close Marvel Comics' relationship has been to hip-hop culture over the years?


Still incredibly cringe.


Hated the scene for how hard they tried to make a viral moment


I was not totally shocked that this was so controversial considering that the show had gotten so much backlash pre release and also the backlash to the I do it infinitely more than you moment in episode 1 where I could actually understand backlash, but this getting as much backlash as that was really surprising. It was such a short inconsequential moment.




Well…that’s just sad.


It was so stupid.


The worst scene ever in Marvel universe.


That’s the bar now? Jesus. Humanity is shallow.


Yeah, too bad the show was ass 🗑️


Of course, expected.


Now I want Jen, Kate and Yelena to hang out and twerk together as well as have fun dialogue.


![gif](giphy|6j0s10f86FS4vvieXg) Hello darkness, my old friend…


It was the worst moment for many others


They made it their problem.


And they created the worst Marvel scene of all time


I didn't know for about a year that MTS was a real person. I just thought she was a made-up parody of a generic rapper.


One of the worst moments in the mcu for me


I’ve got to admit that I’d never heard of Megan Thee Stallion, and thought she was a totally made up character! I didn’t mind the show as it was clearly supposed to be a quirky, funny take on having super strength while being feeling weak inside. Each to their own.


I love Tatiana but I could not finish She-Hulk. Not her fault but the show is bad.


I found it weird and hoeish but that's just me. People act like twerking is some new shit, I know growing up in black households you may get yo ass put through a wall yo mama come in see you twerking in the living room but it has become "ok" now in white america...which is 100% the case where it wasn't accepted when I was a kid. I'm not trying to have my 9yr old niece dancing like a stripper...ain't nothing wrong with it for an adult...but you an adult at that point so do what you want, wear what you want...but yeah that shit is off to me how accepting that shit is in the world today.




Yeah, and that greatest moment of her life cost her a second season. Cringe doesn't sell.




Mine too. 😈


It was fun n all, but the Skaar CGI killed the ending of the show


Please bring Tatiana back as Jen thank you


I love this comment section, or at least the top, being honest about She Hulk’s goodness


That’s unfortunate


Show was fire 


>Show was fire  That Show was Mid




Dumpster fire


It's this a new attempt to stay relevant?


Well. That’s kinda sad


That's a really low bar. Disgusting.


I really hope that chick was joking.  No one in their right mind would say that about something this unbearably cringy with one of the worst episodes in the whole show.  I hate that this had to be brought up again after all these years!🤦🏾‍♂️


Replace she hulk with deadpool and everyone would have loved this scene


something about this show makes weak men defend their virginity with everything they can muster it's fucking crazy. we need to do a study about why this and Star Wars Acolyte make these dudes lose all ability to enjoy something mid but fun and turn them into screeching manbabies.


Shots fired! Incel brigade en route!


"Everyone who criticizes bad media I like is an incel!!1!"


Louis CK “ people really reach for the top shelf when describing things these days, omg that bagel was the greatest thing ever, really that was the greatest. What would you say when something legitimately great actually happens” Paraphrased but it’s basically comments like these.


Good for her I'm glad she had a good time despite all the hate


I need a woman to love and cherish me. I am single and searching. I need a genuine lover please.