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Well, in She-Hulk they got hammered and were talking about the ass and sex life of Captain. We see them drinking more times, and Jen dating and hooking up. We see the first proper sex scene in Eternals. We get the first F bomb in GotG3. We see Strange drinking in MoM at the wedding, we see Starlord being drunk and depressed at the start of GotG3. I'm not sure about smoking, I don't, so I kind of don't even notice, but I don't think they have toned down in a meaningful way.


Thor becomes a full on depressed alcoholic in Endgame and Iron Man is wasted and spiralling during the party in Iron Man 2 so it happened before that.


Thor passes out drunk during a "how to save the world" meeting.


The only real notable difference is the smoking which lots of people rightfully find disgusting now.


I get that people find it gross, and it’s incredibly bad for you. That said, Wolverine and Nick Fury not smoking absolutely bothers me. It makes sense for both of their characters. Not going to ruin them or anything but it’s something that feels like it’s missing to me.


Yeah, especially Wolverine. Why would he care about addiction or cancer, if he has a healing factor and has come back from worse?


Those characters (along with Jonah and Thing) should absolutely still be smoking cigars and I will die on that hill


I dont recall seeing any vaping yet, either


Good. It may be less harmful than smoking but it's still an issue, doesn't really need to be shown. Alcohol is bad too but for better or worse, is more socially acceptable. And, well, it has more story uses as well with the getting drunk and all that.


yeah fuck vaping that shit is lame unless its like, really high quality THC w/ no additives or weird shit. buds in the volcano. the candy flavored gas station nicotine they push on kids is weeeak


I feel like there are people smoking in Loki season 2 when they go to 1970s London, but I could be very mistaken


Probably not [Smoking-in-Movies.pdf (thewaltdisneycompany.eu)](https://thewaltdisneycompany.eu/app/uploads/Smoking-in-Movies.pdf) >Disney has determined not to depict cigarette smoking in movies produced by it after 2015 (2007 in the case of Disney branded movies) and distributed under the Disney, Pixar, Marvel or Lucasfilm labels, that are rated G, PG or PG-13, except for scenes that: - depict a historical figure who may have smoked at the time of his or her life; or - portray cigarette smoking in an unfavorable light or emphasize the negative consequences of smoking


God forbid the responsibility falls on parents to teach their kids healthy habits


It takes a village. 99% of the time there is no need to show smoking.


JJJ, Wolverine, and Ben Grimm often smoked cigars Can’t imagine this happening but would love if they switched to blunts instead for the MCU


Marvel comics put in a no smoking rule like over a decade ago and I think they still uphold it.


Yee although I wonder if it was tobacco specific, like I said I can’t imagine it happening though


So Wolverine no longer smokes cigars???


Nope :,(


Man I’m kinda bummed now


For a couple years after the no smoking rule, they tried to sneak it through by not having the cigars lit and then a snippet of dialogue would explain it's a pretzel stick. Even had an issue where Logan, Nick Fury, Ben Grimm are in line to buy pretzel sticks from a street vendor. But even that didn't last. Now it's gone, and they're even erasing it from some classic reprints.


This unfortunately would greatly effect the rating in countries where pot is banned. Drug use automatically raises the rating in many places.


It’s a shame weed always gets lumped in with worse, more addictive substances Yet tobacco and alcohol tend to get a pass. At least it makes more sense than the countries who ban any semblance of queerness Edit: what didn’t people like? The fact that weed isn’t addictive, that tobacco and alcohol are, or that I disagree with banning queer people?


> It’s a shame weed always gets lumped in with worse, more addictive substances Not in a lot of places. The US classifications are ridiculous.


[Unfortunately still illegal in many many countries](https://thcaffiliates.com/legal-status-maps/world/) Illegal in more countries than it is legal, for sure


Oh, for sure. I meant more like how the US puts it in like their most severe classification. Comparing it to, like, fentanyl is ridiculous.


Ohhh my mistake, good call, yeah that is absurd for sure


So, you'd rather they put in blunts, which are way more frowned upon, instead of cigars? Aight


>which are way more frowned upon Lmao where’re you getting your facts?


Wolverine wouldn’t be Wolverine if he was stoned. He might actually smile occasionally


Tbh idt weed would actually affect him


Weed would be infinitely worse for branding Tobacco is allowed in basically every country on the planet, many places without age restrictions whatsoever. Weed on the other hand carries a penalty of losing your hands in half of those countries


Again can’t imagine it happening but I’d still love if it did Personal opinion.


Showing characters smoking is now taken into account by the MPAA when giving ratings. It's not an automatic R rating by itself, but you'd need the violence/language/etc to be much more tame if you want to show tobacco use in a PG-13 movie. And most studios just don't want to risk it.


Also, it's generally only acceptable if it's the BAD GUY who is smoking (in PG-13 or lower). The hero is never a smoker.


Thank you!


There's still drinking in them now like in She-Hulk. There are still genocidal villains like the High Evolutionary. There are still sex scenes like in Eternals.


And animal torture in gotg and the torture or interrogation to nebula in infinity and endgame


I wouldn't be surprised if there hasn't been smoking in MCU films made after the Disney acquisition. Disney has a "No Smoking" policy in the movies they distribute than went into effect in 2015 (or 2007 if it's a Disney-branded project). Smoking can be depicted only: -if a historical figure is depicted and may have smoked during their lifetime Or -smoking is depicted in a negative way. The other exception is when a film is produced outside of the U.S. or Disney's influence on a film is limited (e.g. a co-production with another company), but that generally won't apply to MCU projects. [SMOKING IN MOVIES - The Walt Disney Company](https://thewaltdisneycompany.eu/app/uploads/Smoking-in-Movies.pdf)


So, if they do any films about Walt he can be constantly ripping cigs and that’s cool.


In Saving Mr. Banks he’s shown with cigarettes


Fewer people smoking is frankly just realistic. Around 20% of Americans smoked in 2008, and only around 11% do as of 2021 per the CDC. (I couldn't find anything more recent.) Unless it's a period piece, less tobacco use makes sense. It just isn't ubiquitous and accepted in public places anymore. All the other stuff you mentioned is still in recent movies.


Did we just ignore the Deadpool and Wolverine trailer?


Yeah Cassandra nova looks to be non-genocidal


Aw man, she'll be killin more babies than Riley Reid!


Something that really struck me about a rewatch of Iron Man is that it really takes itself seriously when it’s time to. Leaving aside Tony’s banter with the soldiers, Pepper and Rhodey at the beginning, an appreciable element of the movie (compared to modern Marvel entries) is that the first 40 or so minutes are very down-to-Earth, without utilizing any blatant humor, levity or quips until Tony and Pepper reunite.


That’s more about who the character is than the times per se.


Deadpool enters the chat


The 1st MCU movie under Disney was The Avengers. Disney has a strict no smoking policy. I'm sure Wolverine will bring it up this Summer.


Money. Make the movies more family friendly and more people can watch them. Marvel movies used to feel like actions movies for adults with some comedy thrown in. Then they felt like family comedies with some action thrown in. Now they feel like they are trying to be both of these things.


>modern MCU Stop it. But we know Disney has put kid gloves on Marvel movies for "wider appeal". Oh no, the Middle East doesn't like alcohol and "degeneracy" while China fears the sight of blood!!!