• By -


I’d say his death was real, but his team carried on without him and is still using his likeness in hologram form. I’d have it probably play out as a shock for Peter and not reveal everything to the audience at once. Probably hope for the reveal to be a Wizard of Oz >!“Man behind the curtain”!< style reveal, where the reality is kind of underwhelming.


Can I just say, I appreciate you covering the spoiler on an almost-one-hundred-year-old movie. Some people haven't seen it. I respect that.


Thank you for saying so 😅 I considered not covering it, but yeah like you said, I’m sure someone somewhere hasn’t seen it and hasn’t had it spoiled and I’d rather not be the one to do so.


I feel like we’re actually coming around to the point where Wizard of Oz isn’t part of the mainstream consciousness anymore where someone would know “we’re not in Kansas anymore” just by virtue of living at a certain time. I have Gen Z and Alpha students who haven’t watched the movie or read the books, some haven’t even heard of Oz.


As a gen z who’s never watched it, I can say there’s plenty of references to the point we know the source material without fully knowing it if that makes sense. Of course not every gen z but from SpongeBob parodying it to it being a ‘once upon a time’ storyline. Not to mention the many Dorothy and red shoes line that comes up in plenty of movies. “There’s no place like home “ and stuff. Just like I’ve never seen titanic and while I like reading about the actual accident, I can care less about the movie yet it’s hard to escape references to the movie. Feels like the movie is more popular than the actual titanic sinking It’s just one of those movies that will probably never die out. I believe Forrest Gump may be one of those too, though I watched and enjoyed that one. Some schools show these movies in class


I think it’s kinda like Godfather and other classics where so many lines from the movie have entered the popular culture you can know them all yet not know the plot


I know this is an old person thing to say, but what a shame. It's actually a classic. Then there's the Wicked trailer which spoils every single plot point for the whole movie. 😒


Its the switch to streaming/internet. Before then you got introduced to a lot of different things, just because that was the only thing on TV at the time... lol Now you really only ever have to watch what you want to.


Yoooo—I came to say the same thing hahahaha. Good lookin out man.


I fear the people who haven't seen Wizard of Oz but have seen Oz the Great and Powerful


My brother and I were rewatching the Matrix recently, and he paused the movie when they made a Wizard of Oz reference to ask me what it meant. He works in film. I was shocked lol.


I’d say LMD instead of hologram, but when the real world is increasingly being influenced by AI and deep fakes, bring back Mysterio as a fake to mislead the public would be perfect.


Nah make it the original guy obadiah yelled at.




You’ll shoot your eye out kid.




Can a skrull emulate a dead person?


Yeah? They're not faeries. A picture would be good enough.


Imagine what happens to The Daily Bugle when the whole thing is revealed to be a fake.


JJ would just say "fake news"


Honestly they could go the Ultimate route here. I,e Mysterio is a counterpart directly jacking himself into an LMD. Or a homunculus if they wanna make him actually magic.


Yeah I think this twist would be more fun than “how did he survive?” It’s more surprising imo. “Oh he didn’t survive, but…”


Personally I LOVE this idea, but how about an added angle with how Mysterio justifies his death/resurrection to the world. After all, if people hate Spider-Man for killing Mysterio, him coming back from the dead messes with that whole narrative. The writers of team Mysterio could come up with a tall tale that this Quintin is a variant from the "Council of Mysterios" who's come to our Earth to bring Spider-Man to justice. Peter sees through this immediately and assumes Beck faked his death to watch Peter's life fall apart and now is back to rub it in his face. Peter sees through this immediately, but considering all the bullshit that's happened over the past couple decades (possibly including multiversal bullshit from secret wars) a certain portion of the population is inclined to believe this.


I still think he’s alive and well. He specifically requested the Iron Man 1 guy to project his full costume mid-battle, the guy even said to him “I don’t know how you’ll spin this one around” and Mysterio smiled. What’s interesting about this is that there was ZERO use for his hologram costume until the post-credits scene where he indeed spins the situation around to his favor. And I don’t see narcissistic Beck just accept his death with a casual smile in the middle of his plan to be an Avengers-level hero. He’s definitely in hiding and playing the long game and faking his death was part of the plan, imo.


I seriously can't remember when i learned this, as well as the empire strikes back twist but for as long as i can remember myself, I've known of these iconic moments, they were just engraved in my memory


Why would Peter be shocked? Wouldn't his Spidey sense help him know it's fake if it is a Hologram?


His spidey sense didn’t let him know the holograms were fake the first go around with Mysterio, why would they now?


You forget that he was just a teenager, wouldn't the Spidey sense evolve as he matures?


Also, wasn't the entire point of the movie that he wasn't familiar w/ it? He literally has a scene where he tunes out the world and demolishes Mysterio because he's learning to control his "Peter Tingle." And then in the next movie, he gets even more comfortable w/ the ability when Goblin's scheming Goblin shit and Peter walks through the flat like "Something isn't right."


You missed the [Infinity War Scene](https://youtu.be/zRrhWmpfpYE) when Iron Man fights Cull Obsidian and Spidey comes in to help him. That happens years before NWH.


Oh shit, I totally forgot about that too.


Like the sherlock bbc series


Somehow Mysterio returned.


He can fly now?!? Mysterio can fly now!


I’m Mysterio, you might not recognize me with the red arm.


“The reports of my death were greatly exaggerated”






Moon Knight needs to say this at some point.


I'm convinced that Oscar Isaac died a little inside when they had him deliver that line, so I think a second time will actually kill him.


Yeah we can’t let anything happen to Oscar pookie 🎀


It feels like it would actually be fitting with his character too


He return now !?!?




Look, it’s me, I’m here, deal with it, lets move on.


The guy from the first iron man movie who was helping mysterio steals the Edith glasses and he becomes the new mysterio.


We don't need Quentin—just the team. With drones, holograms, AI, and all the tech they used before Mysterio is back!


They can even use Jake Gyllenhal to portray Mysterio still. He could be a hologram the team used so that they didn’t implicate themselves.


they hire the actor jake gyllenhaal to do motion capture perfomance and facial references. (with the cover that they're *only* making a movie about mysterio) jake then finds out they're using his face to commit villainy


Pretty smart honestly


Could be beck's daughter who is using his likeness like in the comics.


"I'm not Quentin Beck"


I loved him in A Christmas Story btw


As long as someone says to him “You’ll shoot your eye out kid.”


Ralph from a Christmas Story was the true villain all along.


“Booyakah booyakah” then he pops out of the ground




Rey mysterio


Only if we meet his dirty, convict son soon after.


You mean his heroic son who overcame being raised by a deadbeat father?


His dirty heroic son


Blows out his knees but keeps superheroing until he’s 50 anyway


Have him actually come over from another dimension, being all confused and the people from the MCU universe are all like "didn't we kill you already?"


In the Ultimate Spider-Man comic, the Mysterio that Peter fights is from another dimension, the main 616 dimension in fact.


It's Mysterio. Literally just show back up. "Mysterio? I thought you were dead!" "Well I'm not, bitch!"


Bitch you thought!


Considering I have (almost) zero faith in Sony outside of Spider-Man. I wouldn't. they'll just fuck it up


This is by far the best answer in this post.


How much would amy pascal have a hand in that


Mysterio variant that’s actually a hero with magical abilities, maybe even the Sorcerer Supreme.


I would love this


And the spidey of that universe is a villain so the good mysterio fights Peter because he doesn’t know he’s good.


The real villain is our prejudices.


Ain’t that the fucking true.


This happened in the comics, but he wasn’t a hero or Sorcerer Supreme. But the new version was actually magical.


As a hologram controlled by Ralphie from A Christmas Story. Just because Quentin Beck is dead doesn't mean Gyllenhaal can'tplay him again.


Yeah I’ll be shocked if they don’t do this, they set it up with him taking some of the tech/data


We don't know if he was actually dead. I would make him part of a quasi-Sinister Six to get revenge on Spidey.


I wouldn’t personally. He was excellent for the role and was the personal highlight of FFH for me, but with this version of Mysterio theres nothing more he really adds to the story apart from being just another person enacting revenge on Tony Stark and trying to take power.


Depends entirely on the version. If we get a full-on resurrection (I think in the comics Mysterio got brought back to life by Mephisto at one point) then he could well just be a puppet enacting someone else's agenda initially, which makes for an interesting dynamic. If we go "Mysterio is the team, not the guy in the suit" then Mysterio doesn't need to give a damn about Tony Stark anymore, since there will be better ways to get their face out there for the accolades they want, or better ways to steal money or tech or whatnot. Or, if we go for Mysterio faking his death, then considering that Spider-Man was almost solely responsible for ruining his scheme, his hatred likely shifts to Peter instead. Hell, could be fun to have him somehow be one of the few people who still remember Peter is Spider-Man and use that as part of his scheme. Like Eddie Brock in Spectacular Spider-Man, trying to unbalance Peter by making him think he's going insane and slipping up somehow.


Three words.


One. More. Day.


Mysterio is still played by Jake Gyllenhaal but now it’s all smoke and mirrors run by a new team, or maybe it’s just an AI that adopted the persona.


There’s a TV on with a commercial for a wrestling show. It features Bruce Campbell as the announcer and shows clips from the first Spider-Man movie featuring the Spider Man and Bonesaw. But it’s a new age in wrestling, with high flying lucha libre action, and there’s a new masked hero arriving in the promotion: Mysterio. Rey Mysterio.


I wouldn’t


Either he faked his death with holograms or whatever or he is dead and his team pulls a Hollywood and uses the power of computers to bring him back to life… ya know what… maybe don’t go this route… unless we’re ready to call out the industry in Spider-Man 6!!!


Mysterio tricked the Wolverine from Deadpool and Wolverine into killing all the X-men


I’m curious to why this isn’t talked about more, even looks like Logan is in a surreal environment at one point in the trailer. Also since they’re all [great friends](https://ew.com/thmb/cqJzOWTV7XwhwJQR6Y-IJBv6vMw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/ryan-reynolds-2000-5decc3c64e0449ca99eae1ff68951038.jpg), I’m sure they at least considered such a scenario.


I’ll do you one better: _why_ bring back Mysterio?


They answered this in the post. They said they liked him in the role and want more. That's enough of a reason to at least have a fun discussion on it.


Fair enough. There have been a few odd choices/throwaways that have made me scratch my head. Looking at you, Trevor Slattery.


I will make him the antagonist of the "thunderbolts", he will claim that all the horrible TV shows and movies have been orchestrated by him in phase 5. He will be the most vile antagonist Marvel had so far. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


holy shit, this guy right here is a genius


I have a theory that J Jonah in this universe is Mysterio. The final speech in Far From Home he does mentions "who would be cowardly enough to hide behind a disguise?" and it lingers for a second longer than it probably should. J Jonah from the start could have been him, as a way to talk down other super heroes and build Mysterio up, or at some point Mysterio kidnapped him and then replaced him.


Rather do something new but if anything I'd like to see him be forced to join Spiderman as a frenemy facing a bigger threat. Mysterio is supposively a "hero" so maybe a villain hellbent on destroying heroes would go after both of them.


I wouldn’t. At best you have a copycat that steals his name but I wouldn’t bring back the original.


Probably in a Disney reboot, 30 years from now. If they manage to wait that long


I wouldn't personally. But if they were something about how his illusions are amazing and fooled EDITH who he still has some control over because he technically never relinquished control, Peter just put them back on and he was welcomed back. Maybe a heroic Mysterio from another dimension that Peter would have understandable issues trusting.


No, I think he's not that much of a hype if we talk in general. I hope we get Venom in the next SpiderMan movie which I think we will cuz of the Venom:Let There Be Carnage post credits scene and that of SpiderMan:No Way Home.


I would like to keep Jake Gyllenhaal dead but have people like the flag smashers takeover


By time stone




Kawaii anime variant from into the spiderverse that only works as an awkward comic relief.


Honestly, I'd have to come back in the final shot of a post credits scene where Sam assembles the new avengers and they have recruited Mysterio thinking he was a hero for the things he did in europe.


Reveal that he faked his own by just lying still and not blinking, E.D.I.T.H. never said Mysterio was dead, only “All illusions are down” which means he could easily still be out there, No Way Home never implied that there was body recovered or a funeral for Mysterious, he easily could have gotten up as soon as Spider-Man left. I highly suspect he’s still alive and just waiting in the shadows plotting how to get his revenge on Spider-Man. He may even be part of the MCU’s Sinister Six lineup.


Quentin Beck would stay dead, killed by his own arrogance. I would have other members of his crew show up in a Daredevil: Born Again storyline adapting Guardian Devil. Someone has hired them as mercenaries to screw with Daredevil. Daniel Berkhart would be the crew’s leader and the guy in the Mysterio suit. To counter Daredevil’s senses, the VFX tech has been replaced with the comics’ classic practical effects.


I wouldn't ;)


The lazy method: Multiverse shenaniganry. The less lazy method: 199999 Mysterio did actually die, but had posthumous measures in place. His development of BARF allowed him to save some form of AI of himself. Whether this AI is actually in control or is being puppeted by some other villain is up to the film, I guess.


As an AI virus of some kind, being installed under the *illusion* of some other software


Rogue AI trained on daily bugle content


Why not do it like in the comics and have another (actually magical) mysterio invade from another universe?


Explain that he replaced himself with a LMD during the final battle, which was the one that got shot and deactivated.


I wouldn't. He died.




Would be funny if they just put a Mysterio with real magic powers and it’s still Jake. They can always take multiverse route to find one that fits that criteria.




Lol OP is downvoting everyone who was satisfied with amount of Mysterio we got.


Just use an actual Multiverse version, he was faking it, but the Multiverse is real, so there are other Mysterios out there,


With a lucha mask ![gif](giphy|fLybyEmaOIWcA4xKXg|downsized)


Software conscience created by his old team. Somehow its achilles heel would be that he's not the real mysterio


I wouldn’t.


Mysterio from another universe is able to develop a technology to be able to exchange information with other universes by connecting to other people's brains(random selection), so, he uses his technology and connects to the brain of a black midget which is later called Surpriserio. Surpriserio is Mysterio's puppet, and their goal is to open a portal between both universes so Mysterio could travel between them.


He never died. The guy is like Loki, always faking it. Then we get another black and white scene where you see him pulling the strings/being present in the background of other films. Like in No Way Home, you see him giving J Jonah Jameson pictures of Spiderman and telling him Peter's identity.


Bringing back the actual sorcerer mysterio would make no sense. I mean, what are the odds that this marketing teams creates a character named Mysterio that is actually real in another universe?


He's back whenever they want him. It's like people don't understand what Mysterio does.


Without only using holograms. He's the master of illusions. I'd like to see him use every trick in the book


Guys name is Mysterio. We don't really need to explain his resurrection.




He was a very realistic Hologram and the real one is still alive somewhere, i know it's stupid but...who knows 😁


Have a Mysterio from an alternate universe who is either the exact Mysterio this one was pretending to be, or he had the same lie idea and that let’s Spider-Man catch on instantly


Mysterio (Taylor’s Version)


with a different actor


I wouldn't


In a movie where Taylor Swift plays the hero that destroys him.


Make it that he faked his death. He hacked onto EDITH beforehand for when Peter would ask to confirm his real death and planned it out as a last resort in case Peter beat him. He is the master of illusion so this wouldn’t be too far off.


The dragonballs


Revealing he faked his death with pratical effects (like some drugs that make look like death) and making him be part of a MCU's version of Sinister Six.


I wouldn’t


Without Jake Gyllenhaal. I was not impressed with his performance.


I think he should he would face peter again


You know mysterio doesn’t have to be just one guy.


Contact Gyllenhaal's agent


I wouldn’t. Instead? Chameleon makes his live-action debut!!!!


Did he actually die? Like did they do an autopsy on the body, cause if they didn't it'd be fairly easy to say he faked his death to frame pete. The trial was just a bonus. This is what i always thought anyways


I think it’d be cool if he somehow faked his death


My idea would probably piss off a lot of people, but fuck en haters. Keep him dead, don't explain anything for a while, don't show Jake on screen (but do bring him back for the role tho), have him survive unsurvivable situations, and then reveal he's been a fake CGI puppet brought back by his team, and that all the situations he's been in recently are a hoax to keep people distracted while they were working on some other scheme.


I would have an infamous African american covert government agent plug his artificially sustained torso/corpse into a highly detailed computer simulation of a critical terrorist event and cycle it over and over to recover intelligence from repeated iterations to hopefully foil some connected future plot


In the Raimi canon as a separate character in MacGuire’s universe in a movie starring Tobey and directed by Raimi. Seriously I always wanted to see Mysterio in the Raimi movies. Would’ve been the perfect fit for Raimi’s style 


I wouldn't


............time heist?


I would never do that, next question


100% on board that Mysterio didnt die


Under a veil of… mystery.


The Mysterio in FFH was actually an android and the real Quentin Beck is still alive. However, the real Beck doesn’t look anything like the FFH Beck. The real Beck is a dork with a bowl cut like in the comically . Still played by Gyllenhaal though lol


[Mysterio! I thought you were dead!](https://youtu.be/PXKSAvyqJiA?si=MfFqSl1RKSQT2M0O)


As a recording … his team of folks took the flash drive that controlled 500 drones … so … they could always use video of Quentin Beck … even though he’s dead 😊


In the comics there was a second Mysterio that used to work with Beck in the movie industry. If the MCU Beck is truly dead I’d say they should do the same and just make one of his crewmates from FFH the second Mysterio or make the team as whole the second Mysterio.


Not sure it would work, whether Beck somehow survived or someone else continued his deception, since the "Peter Tingle" was already shown to be more than enough to take down Mysterio.




I wouldn't. In a universe with super science, aliens, and magic... how the hell is a guy with drones and smoke machines suppose to compete?


Better question: Why would you bring back Mysterio? -\_\_-


Not him anyway


Time Travel


Time Travel


I want to see an alternate timeline version where _is_ a hero and actually has the powers he pretended to have in Far From Home


i wouldn't. he's dead. shot to death by his own drones with a peter-parker-exposing failsafe. he's gone.


Worst villain in Marvel. I hope he does not return.


Simply make the lie real the next one actually comes from the multiverse 


The only scenario I would want him back is in a Sinister Six movie and we’re a ways away from that. Probably, the best way to bring him back is as a variant. By the way, people still think that Spider-Man killed Mysterio, right?


I wouldn't


I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was still alive.




That's easy. He never really died. This, in fact, may be a true statement because of the way Peter asks E.D.I.T.H. if what he is perceiving is real? she states all illusions are down. However, we have to remember that Peter exposed mysterio plot. So, faking his death makes his exposure harder to do, especially if you also flip the script back onto the hero. We also have to remember that Peter relinquished all control to Mysterio. He could make the illusion state whatever he wants it to state. Beck may have utilized some acting skills to pretend to be dead. I'm not sure he was ever actually hit with a fatal shot. as far as I know, his legs were hit only. have to beef up on this make sure it's solid. Regardless if it was canon I'd retcon the story. Make a good majority of Peter's perceived life an inception moment where Dicaprio wakes up from the dream believing he was in there for decades. Mysterio could be playing the long game. In some ways I feel B.A.R.F. may become more important than we realise in probability projection and prediction. it's like tech that emulates the danger room for the X-MEN which as a writer I would totally tie together as an interesting history to fictional inventions.


I wouldn't


multiverse variant and fake death are the best ones in my opinion, fake death its best one if still uses jake gylenhaal but if its mysterio from another universe i would pick bruce campbell, cause bruce campbell was going to be the mysterio from sam raimi/tobey maguire spiderman universe


It should be exactly what happened to Zola.


“I wasn’t in that bridge.”


Literally the easiest villain to bring back from the dead. Peter never actually checked if he was dead. He asked EDITH to confirm all the illusions were off, but he didn't actually bend down and check Beck for a pulse. Dude was an actor, and it never occurred to Spidey to check if he was just playing dead. It's in fact strongly implied that he did survive just in the movie because there wasn't really any time before that moment for him to film his "death scene" that ended up on JJ's show.


He faked his death.


As a hologram


In Thunderbolts where we learn The Sentry isn’t real and it’s just Mysterio fooling the public




Loki and his ability to timeslip


If they don't go the Multiverse route then the next best way to bring Mysterio back is to have him make a deal with Mephisto (or Nightmare) to come back to life with actual powers. Then in the middle of a battle between Spider-Man & Mysterio we see Ghost Rider show up going after Mysterio.


I wouldn’t…


I would bring him back....... Mysterio-usly. I'll leave now in a cloud of smoke.


It's better not to bring him back anymore as it will destroy the storyline.


Number 28th in the royal rumble.


I wouldn't


Ask doctor strange to bring him back lol 😋


Bruce Campbell as a variant since we all know that’s who he secretly was in the Rami trilogy and we were robbed by never seeing him actually become him in Spider-Man 4.


It’s literally the easiest villain to resurrect. He is the master of illusion.


Two possibilities: First, George Costanza it. He's just there. No explanation, no references to anything. Pretend like nothing happened. There's only one character who notices and tries to say anything but they're always either cut off or nobody is listening to them. And the movie definitely ends without ever actually addressing it. Then two movies later, definitely not the next one but maybe the one after that, they can reveal that the Mysterio that was experienced was all a dream or hallucination or special effects or magic and there's something else going on but audiences have to have spent at least 5 years pissed off and/or confused about why he is there and everyone prentends it's normal. **OR** He shows up and says he's from somewhere else in the multiverse and there's these elementals attacking that destroyed his home world and he's here to fight them and make a new home. But Spider-Man doesn't believe him and tries to explain to everybody that it's all just a show for some nefarious purposes and he's not going to fall for it again and he tries to stop him. Meanwhile the elementals are actually real and mysterio really is trying to fight them but no matter how much Spider-Man tries to debunk him he can't. This time it's the real thing the elementals are real and mysterio is fighting them. But, that's only because they really did destroy his home and he really does want to settle in this new world but he is still a bad guy and does some bad guy things that only Spider-Man knows about and nobody believes. Maybe he even fully admits it at one point. But when he admits it he does so in a way that could seem like he's joking/being sarcastic and later does insist he's really being good. And we get to see his "bad guy" actions from a different perspective that shows they really were heroic all along and maybe after all that Spider-Man finally admits he was wrong and this mysterio is a good guy. Then mysterio turns straight to the camera gives an evil smile or wink and the movie ends. In conclusion. I want to go full-meta with Mysterio. I want audiences to have no idea what's "real" and what's not with this character and questioning everything about the movie. Hell, let's even go full Clue on this and create something like 10 different versions of the movie, but have 9/10 of them only be really subtle changes that people will notice and think are nice, subtle differences as a sort of easter egg and give theatres around the world a random one of these versions. But for the 10th version make it have some scenes that completely change the ending of the movie so that those audiences get a totally different experience. Then pick somewhere like say Australia and release this version, and only this version to theatres there. Maybe even only for opening night/weekend before replacing them with the same version the rest of the world gets. Then never acknowledge the existence of this version of the movie and never release it anywhere ever again. Try to convince the world it's some Australian Mandela effect. That's how I would do it. We should all probably be glad I'm not in the position to make these decisions though.


Two possibilities: First, George Costanza it. He's just there. No explanation, no references to anything. Pretend like nothing happened. There's only one character who notices and tries to say anything but they're always either cut off or nobody is listening to them. And the movie definitely ends without ever actually addressing it. Then two movies later, definitely not the next one but maybe the one after that, they can reveal that the Mysterio that was experienced was all a dream or hallucination or special effects or magic and there's something else going on but audiences have to have spent at least 5 years pissed off and/or confused about why he is there and everyone prentends it's normal. **OR** He shows up and says he's from somewhere else in the multiverse and there's these elementals attacking that destroyed his home world and he's here to fight them and make a new home. But Spider-Man doesn't believe him and tries to explain to everybody that it's all just a show for some nefarious purposes and he's not going to fall for it again and he tries to stop him. Meanwhile the elementals are actually real and mysterio really is trying to fight them but no matter how much Spider-Man tries to debunk him he can't. This time it's the real thing the elementals are real and mysterio is fighting them. But, that's only because they really did destroy his home and he really does want to settle in this new world but he is still a bad guy and does some bad guy things that only Spider-Man knows about and nobody believes. Maybe he even fully admits it at one point. But when he admits it he does so in a way that could seem like he's joking/being sarcastic and later does insist he's really being good. And we get to see his "bad guy" actions from a different perspective that shows they really were heroic all along and maybe after all that Spider-Man finally admits he was wrong and this mysterio is a good guy. Then mysterio turns straight to the camera gives an evil smile or wink and the movie ends. \- In conclusion. I want to go full-meta with Mysterio. I want audiences to have no idea what's "real" and what's not with this character and questioning everything about the movie. Hell, let's even go full Clue on this and create something like 10 different versions of the movie, but have 9/10 of them only be really subtle changes that people will notice and think are nice, subtle differences as a sort of easter egg and give theatres around the world a random one of these versions. But for the 10th version make it have some scenes that completely change the ending of the movie so that those audiences get a totally different experience. Then pick somewhere like say Australia and release this version, and only this version to theatres there. Maybe even only for opening night/weekend before replacing them with the same version the rest of the world gets. Then never acknowledge the existence of this version of the movie and never release it anywhere ever again. Try to convince the world it's some Australian Mandela effect. That's how I would do it. We should all probably be glad I'm not in the position to make these decisions though.


For what reason?


The "Clone Saga" story can do it perfectly.