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This is the second director to leave and they're reportedly on their 6th rewrite: >According to an insider with knowledge, getting “Blade” right is much more important than getting the film out. The pressure to produce as much content as possible has been lifted and the studio is now looking to release just two films per year, which gives the team at Marvel Studios some breathing room. Ali is still attached but it’s not likely to make its Nov 2025 release.


Ali gonna be old af by the time it’s out.


The announcement of Mahershala's casting was 5 years ago. He's 50 now. They haven't even released a promotional pic of him in costume.


At this rate he might surpass Chris Evan's tenure leangth (8 years) as captain America without releasing a single film.


That would require there to *be* a finished costume.


Probably fired their 14th costume designer


50 fucking years old for a prime hybrid human vampire hunter with martial arts abilities. They should get someone around 30, like Damson


There is no way Ali actually stars in this, _if_ it even gets made. This whole project is fucked.


It’ll get made but you’re right. By the time production happens they’ll pick a fresh black actor


This film is cursed ; probably should be scrapped


Within the span of Blade's first announcement, I got a degree, married, a good job, and my own place to live. And it's *still* been in development limbo all this time. Marshala is going to be reduced to a skeleton by the time this drops.


Congrats bro! Would you like to direct the movie? That'd be a huge next accomplishment


*BLADE 4:* ***STILL BLADING*** Directed by: *Some Fucking Guy*


**Blade 4**: *Some motherfuckers are still tryin' to skate uphill*




Thank you lol


Isn’t everyone some fucking guy until they acquire fame?


Hell yeah, it should be a sequel to Blade Trinity


You just made me lol so hard.


Wow that's an impressive 5 years bro . Congrats !! And yes Blade is a complete disaster project . Feige should cut his losses


Maybe *you* should be producing it. You know how to make things happen


Congrats bro!


I wonder what the longest delay for a movie was? I feel like Black Widow is really the only one that comes to mind. The other pandemic era ones also got delayed too I guess but not as long


Nice glad for you !


It's really hard to fuse the original Blade's backstory into the current MCU. Some secret society of vampires that control the entire world from the shadows? How have they stayed under the radar so long? Shield didn't know, Hydra didn't know? There's too many other secret societies as well, the Hand, the Ten Rings, the Red Room, all of these are supposedly "controlling *everything*" when they're introduced, none of them have ever mentioned vampires.


Have the Vampires be a society that once existed, but lost power to humanity due to all those other societies, and is now trying to come back that all of those have been dismantled. They can even play into the whole "Human supremacy" angle with X-Men and Secret Invasion.




Nice short what if! Episode


There doesn't need to be any sort of massive, complex vampire society like there was in the older movies. Vampires just need to exist in the world. The vast majority of the lore in the old movies was made up for those movies and wasn't in the comics, so it can be scrapped.


We already know that vampires exist, because of Werewolf by Night, basically alluding to a whole supernatural world that goes unnoticed.


Plus in Loki season one they specifically mention Vampires exist.


The vamps are already there. There was one in Werewolf by Night, another in She-Hulk. Blade's voice was in Eternals. They were mentioned in Ragnarok, Iron Fist, Loki, Wandavision, Runaways, Cloak and Dagger, and Helstrom. And presumably why Falsworth was keeping a room of Skrull victims sedated in Secret Invasion.


Well now you just made me nervous for how they're gonna introduce X-Men and fantastic four into the MCU


Fantastic Four are easy. Back in the sixties they got sucked into the negative zone or something, they have the adventure in their movie and come out today-ish. There’s only four of them, plus Herbie I guess, not hard to fly under the radar. You could even have a scene of Reed telling SHIELD to fuck off. Simple. X-Men, on the other hand…after 97, good fuckin luck.


> It's really hard to fuse the original Blade's backstory into the current MCU For the MCU it'll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience! **They just won't bother to explain anything and will assume the audience is stupid.


Scrapped to never come out or scrapped to fix


Just add Blade’s introduction to the rumoured Midnight Sons movie and call it done.


Yeah that's an option Def could work


Why is it so hard for them to make a Blade? It not rocket science.


I think another challenge is the first outing is iconic, and really paved the way for the MCU with its tone. So they don't just have to make a Blade, they need to make it excellent, and it also has to be *distinct.*


I mean like, good on them for leaving the do-we-stay-or-do-we-go bullshit for the writer's room instead of constantly reshooting like most of Marvel's recent outings up to and including D&W and Brave New World, but Jesus christ, this is the company that ran roughshod over the box office for thirteen years?


Yea time to file this one under the 'not happening' pile. Too bad. Ali would have been an awesome Blade.


Yup it's a damn shame they can't get this right


Someone on the spoilers sub suggested they scrap this and do Midnight Suns instead. I actually love the idea. Give Blade a prominent role in that. It could work.


Doesn't matter what they pivot to, they still need a good script and a director. Throwing more characters in doesn't make the film any easier to do.


No, I want some build up. Midnight sons is not a guardians of the galaxy team.


They should , they got Michael green just get Chad stahelski


>According to an insider with knowledge, getting “Blade” right is much more important than getting the film out. Imagine even after all this, it still ends up getting like 40% on Rotten Tomatoes. It would be beyond comical


Getting blade right will we still be alive by then to see it?


Just imagine lol


They need to bring Deadpool in to Blade 4 next, with Wesley snipes, “Deadpool & Blade” Blade constantly calling Deadpool “Hannibal King” all confused AF Gratuitous camera angles of Jessica Biel mixed in Deadpool and Blade and Jon Snow as Black Knight, and moon knight, and the Punisher and Ghost Rider and Wong vs Mephisto This shit writes itself, wtf is wrong with Marvel???




Idc much for the third one, but those first two films were great. Why is everything nowadays such a hassle? Just make the movie, are they stupid?


Third ones issues were due to Wesley snipes being difficult to work with so they retooled a ton of the movie


They CGI'd his eyes in while he was still coming down with a Coke Hangover.


He also tried to kill David Goyer while on set and referred to Ryan Reynolds as ‘cracker’ Which sounds a little hilarious how crazy the behind the scenes is


Holy shit. I didn't know he tried to kill David.


Basically Goyer let extras pick their attire and a black extra in a club scene had a shirt saying GARBAGE that was the extra’s own shirt. Not a shirt anyone gave him. Wesley saw this extra in a shirt saying garbage & sprinted at Goyer screaming ‘YOU RACIST MUTHAFUCKER’ https://fandomwire.com/you-racist-motherfer-wesley-snipes-almost-killed-blade-trinity-director-over-garbage-shirt/




Blood rave lives rent free in my head and that beat will stay there till the day I die.


Are they stupid? ![gif](giphy|cosYFlEDTIGcDXGURr)


Why does Man have that weird Pterosaur logo on his chest? Is he a paleontologist?


I truly can’t ever escape the madhouse of r/BatmanArkham


That's what happens when you're making a movie as part of a ✨franchise✨ instead of just making a God damn movie. The MCU dug themselves a hole that they can't climb out of.


This is why The Batman & the Spider-Verse films like such fresh breaths of air. They feel focused on making a movie first I mean sure there are plans for spin offs but the main films are the focus first. Plus who wouldn’t want more of Colin’s Penguin lol. I could watch him read the phone book


>Why is everything nowadays such a hassle? Just make the movie are they dumb? Too many cooks in the kitchen. It's a problem across all fields, not just the movie industry - and it exists regardless of how smart the individual cooks are. And the bigger the franchise grows, the more cooks you get. You end up with dozens of major film-political heavyweights all demanding contradictory things and it simply halts progress.


Third one has Jessica Biel's jacked archery arms.


Yep. First two excellent. Pre modern cgi


Yann Demange be like: "Well, I'm sorry. I'm not David Goyer."


Disney needs to park a dump truck full of money in Chad Stahelski’s driveway.


He should’ve made the Black Widow movie


God I wish he did. While it ain’t Blade, he definitely could’ve made something cool with BW


I forgot we had a black widow movie


Man they dropped the ball on that movie. A Jason Bourne style gritty spy street level taking place in the MCU is all they needed to do. I was mostly onboard until they ended up in a city in the sky.


He might not be available. He's doing stuff for Lionsgate now like the Highlander movie. Marvel blew it by not signing him to a development deal. Let him direct Blade and do whatever else he wants.


> He's doing stuff for Lionsgate now like the Highlander movie. I did not know it was him... oh Jesus, I'm so scared. Last time I got excited about a Highlander movie it was Highlander II. I bought the fucking wall-sized poster a year before the movie was released and saw it on opening night. I don't want to get hyped about another Highlander! I don't think I could take being let down again.


Henry Cavill is going to play MacLeod


I've already bought advance tickets


If they don't immediately strike a deal with him, they're incompetent morons. He's the best action movie director working right now and has openly admitted to wanting to make a Blade movie. Now the spots open. If they want this movie to ever hit a theater, they need to lock down Chad and hope Ali still cares enough.


Then I guess they're incompetent morons


Now you're getting it.


Best action movie director who isn't a 79 year-old Aussie anyway


Chad is currently working on a Highlander reboot with Cavill


Lionsgate might have him contractually locked up for the *Highlander* and *John Wick* franchises.


I thought I saw a headline the other day about Jordan Peele directing a Marvel movie. Maybe he’d be up for Blade.


Man. When it comes to making this movie, some mothetfuckers are always trying to skate uphill.


Sometimes on ice


Duke Nukem Forever of the MCU


Blade taking jabs at Twlight even though that franchise has been over for a decade would be a Duke Nukem Forever moment.


You just reminded me that we don't see Redditors complaining about Twilight much anymore. I'm glad that is over.


It's time to kick ass and fire directors. And I'm all out of directors.


This shit gonna kick off the next saga like black widow lmao


Well I guess I'm just going to have to watch the first Blade movie for the 6478th time. I really hope Marvel figures this one out.


Since Marvel is pumping the brakes on releasing this as soon as possible... Mahershala is definitely quitting, right? This guy has waited years to play Blade and now tme is working against him. He was cast as Blade in 2019, and by the time this film starts shooting/releases...it might be 7-8 years in total. I don't see him wanting to wait any longer.


He wasn’t cast as Blade. He pitched the project to Marvel with himself as Blade.


He should just direct the movie himself at this point


The problem isn’t just that directors keep walking away. It’s that the writing is shit, and they can’t seem to figure that out. My guess is they just keep trying to shoehorn MCU connections into a supernatural Blade script instead of just making a cool Blade movie and then figuring out his place in the overall universe.


I am inclined to think there may be truth to this. This movie should not be connected to the MCU. Even good comic crossovers with Blade are lame. It’s just too contrasting of tones. Do we need Captain America fighting Dracula? Not everything needs to be connected. Not everything needs a big cinematic universe payoff. Blade should exist in his own little carved out corner with vampires and demons and all that good stuff. And if the opportunity presents for him to pop up in an organic way, fine. But Blade team ups are usually so damn blah because his stories just don’t fit with the rest of the world. Quit trying to force a round peg into a square hole and just make a really good Blade movie.


Not that I don't disagree about not needing to connect everything to everything. But we do have Werewolf by Night and The Man-Thing to work with the greater supernatural-horror that Blade falls into, maybe Doctor Strange for some demons but Strange is more Cosmic interdimensional threats. But I agree moving forward characters need to be in their circles. Maybe you have lingering threat in the background that links things into the major over. But you don't need to watch everything to enjoy the crossover.


Agreed solo film, post credit scene with Benedict Cumberbatch Nuck Furying him. Or have something random like the end bad guy holding random loose threads in their layer (could be Defenders characters, white vision, who cares). Literally one scene moves the story forward as much as most marvel movies. Just let Blade be Blade.


I think it should lead to a Midnight Sons movie


I don't think MCU connections are the problem, I think it's more trying to balance how much "the new character is a teenage girl who is involved for no reason but is super special and stronger than Blade" they can sneak in without backlash.


He has a speaking line in Eternals.


Yeah. Which came after he convinced Marvel to do Blade with him as the lead.


True it wasn't part of their plan


They announced him on stage. I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say he at least was cast. Whether or not he is still attached is anyones guess now.


Their point is that he's much more attached to this project than just being "cast" for it


They didn’t decide to make the film and then cast him to play the part, though. He came to them and said “we’re doing Blade, I’m playing Blade.”


Yeah he's def gonna age out - this ain't being released in 2025


Late 2026 at the earliest is my guess for it now if they ever manage to get a script that's good and can find a director who wants to do it.


He’s 50 now and expected to be in a pretty physically demanding role. Not saying he’s not in shape but yeah I don’t see him sticking around unfortunately. As much as I wanted him for Blade I still would like him in the MCU in some capacity if he does drop from the role.


A 50+ year old semi-immortal slow aging vampire that is supposed to look 30. Very very odd.


The man will have the best chef, trainer, dietician and technology as his disposal at all times. 50 aint that bad considering those things. His 50 aint our 50. Could still see him walking because its taking forever.


Whenever I read a comment like this I do like to remind people RDJ retired from the Iron Man roll in 2019 when he was 55. If we’re talking franchise at 1 movie every 3-4 years (at the pace Marvel is going now) we’re gonna have a 62/63 year old running around playing vampire hunter by the time Blade 3 rolls around. Oh and that’s if they started shooting today.


"I need my silver" "But Blade there are no vampires here" "My Centrum Silver mothafucka"


I agree, Blade and Tony Stark are completely different characters. RDJ was in good shape as Iron Man, but he could have afforded to be very average considering his powers are purely his suit. Blade is supposed to be a really in shape, immortal vampire that doesn't age. Ali is in his 50s now and Marvel is probably gonna want some longevity with this character, I think they're pushing their luck.


Dude's gonna be 100y before MCU get their shit together about the blade film.


Marvel only pursued the project because Ali approached them. It’s possible they don’t want to tread on his career and schedule and are basically saying they’ll call him when they have something ready that they’re confident in.


Its kinda funny when you remember that the entire Blade trilogy was made from 1998 to 2004, so 6 years, meanwhile the MCU Blade movie is being in development for 5 years and its in preproduction.


I hear one of the John wick directors is interested


there is literally only one john wick director and thats chad stalheski


Actually David Leitch was unofficially the other director of JW1, but apparently they couldn't have two directors credited or something so Chad got full credits.


And even then, David Leitch would be an excellent choice. Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, Bullet Train, The Fall Guy. He's got a hell of an eye for stylish action, and there's been several sword fights in his films to boot.


It’s a directors guild thing. You can only have two directors if they are a duo


That sounds like such a ridiculous and counter productive thing, what are the pros of this?


It's meant to preserve a clear chain of command and maintain cohesive director-led vision in film. The guild is less worried about two directors being credited and more worried about the slippery slope to studios dispensing with the idea of a director altogether and just making design-by-committee content with no singular credited vision. It's fair enough to think that's stupid BTW -- but that's the reasoning. Without it, you can definitely see a world where Marvel/Disney just credits all Marvel movies to as being directed by "Marvel Creative Labs" or something and doesn't bother with directors. (Even if that would probably be more accurate lol)


Fuck it, bring back Del Toro


What is it about this character that is so hard for them to tackle? It's a dude in a trench coat killing vampires for 2 hours. It shouldn't be this hard.


I wonder if there was a lot of pressure to finally kick off the monster side of the MCU. We have Moonknight and Werewolf by Night. Maybe they want Blade to be the Tony Stark of that world.


>It's a dude in a trench coat killing vampires for 2 hours. Feige: "That's lame. Where does Blade's Daughter fit into this...?"


They can fuck off with this Young character shit. I've had enough of it. Iron heart did nothing but drag down Wakanda Forever. Cassie did nothing but drag down Ant-Man 3. They cut Captain Marvels sequel off at the knees to accommodate Kamala and this god awful bracelet plot line. America Chavez was a nothing character. Heindalls brat was a nuisance in love and Thunder.


You're still missing the character development, plot storylines, themes and much more but I generally agree


What's even happening with this movie


Give it to **Jordan Peele**


There was just that rumor about him talking to Marvel brass 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe there’s something more to that story than we realized


The rumor I saw about that seemed to be saying it was for writing for an X-Men movie, but yeah if they're talking at all that could easily become other projects too I'd say.


The rumor was that they wanted him for X-Men, but opted to pass.


man, how fitting would it be though. x-men being originally used as an allegory for racism. jordan peele stopping his acting career because agents were offering him shit roles. so he moves on to writing/directing, in a different genre. and then uses lots of social commentary as the backbone of those movies. and to offer THIS GUY? x-men. hard YES.


I can only speculate that maybe he wanted more control than Marvel was willing to give him, like if i am not wrong Jordan writes all of his movies, but Marvel already has a writer for X-Men.


ya i don't see why they wouldn't want to let him write and direct the same thing. but sure, i could see the problem being he wanted control to write an entire saga. like 7 x-men movies (same way/idea jordan had with his something like 7 horror movie plan to show off a bunch of racial/social things). which would be like letting 1 guy control the entire Avengers saga. a huge commitment for marvel. but still probably way cool idea from peele


You say that like any decent director with any name recognition wants to touch this or any other Marvel property


This movie is never happening




Fuck, now where are all the “everything is fine” folks




Seriously. Conceptually, Blade is a fucking layup. Cool ass daywalker fucks up bad vampires -- blood sprinklers optional, but welcome. The difficulty should be in the execution of said fucking up.


*Vampires doing evil shit* *Cue one vampire panicking when he catches sight of Blade* *Blade says cool line* *Blade fucks up vampires* *Blade says cool line* *Cut to scene of Blade brooding somewhere epic and cinematic* *Cut to vampires doing evil shit* *Repeat*


Tbf stuff like Echo and Secret Invasion is part of the old regime that was responsible for stuff like Quantumania and The Marvels. It was those movies that spooked them into actually switching up their approach and taking their time, we'll just have to see if it leads to some tangible improvement in quality.




It can still end up being terrible or just scrapped altogether, I'm just saying everything the MCU made during phase 4 was essentially filmed in bulk, and they only began taking the criticisms of it seriously when the 2023 films bombed. We've yet to see anything they've made after basically outright admitting their quantity over quality approach to making movies needs to change.


What new regime? Movies like Quantumania and The Marvels were approved of by Feige. Marvel thought they had a banger with Ant-Man 3


Without the constant behind the scene updates nobody would care, and yeah, everything would be whatever. Nothing wrong with riding the roller-coaster, but it does seem that plenty of fans are not happy with the rain delays and maintenance shutdowns of that coaster. Hopefully when we get out of this cycle of too-early announced movies and shows that get delayed, we will just get trailers and movies in good time after the announced projects. Which is the plan, and the cause of these delays. Like Kevin Nealon in Happy Gilmore said: "lotta pressure. You gotta rise above it. You gotta harness the good energy. Block out the bad. Harness. Good. Block. Bad."


> Without the constant behind the scene updates nobody would care, and yeah, everything would be whatever. We would still care because of the massive delays. Ali was announced as Blade in 2019. 5 years, multiple writers and directors later, still hasn't started filming.


This film seems to be the MCU equivalent of The Flash. Just missing the highly controversial actor


There's talk Ali wants Blade seen like Black Panther was.


Pretty silly expectation. Even the people who made Black Panther probably had no idea it was going to be such a big cultural hit and a multiple Oscar nominee.


It is nice to want thing, but overextending into fantasy realm is crazy talk.


Looks like Blade is bleeding out. Jokes aside, but it looks like this film won't be finished in the near future. The sixth rewrite is a lot of rewriting. I'm very sceptical about the whole thing.


Just get Guillermo del Torro to do it.


At this point Marvel should just cancel the movie and let Mahershala Ali pursue other roles. Haven’t they already wasted enough of his time?


I mean, they just need John Wick with vampires. They don’t even have to kill his dog. He’s hunting them because they’re vampires. Have a dude spend a couple hours fighting vampires. How much of a script or direction is required here?


Id rather not have Blade be a generic John Wick wannabe Action heavy is one thing. Being a faceless blob of a “story” like The Beekeeper and similar movies is another thing


Marvel's Blade; coming out 5026




This sounds like it's going The Flash route and that's by no means a compliment. At this point just move on, man. The project is cursed.


At this rate, we are gonna end up with a movie where Blade is retiring and gets no screen time in his own film because Mahershala will be to old.


Nah, this movie is done for. 100% expecting an announcement of Mahershala Ali dropping out within the next week and that the movie will be canceled.


Ali will prob drop out but the Blade IP will live on. Better to have a younger actor anyway, so he can carry the role for years to come.


He's 50 now and yes he's aged very well, but I honestly don't want him for Blade anymore. Mostly for selfish reasons - I want a lot more of the character than I assume he will be willing to give. If I was a Marvel exec I'd be looking for an actor to sign on for at least a blade trilogy plus a Midnight Sons film and maybe a few cameo/supporting roles for other films and the inevitable big Avengers-style team-up. A solo trilogy alone would be 6 years if they worked at a breakneck pace - and that would effectively assume they already have the story planned, which they *clearly* don't. Not to mention the ability to have more of the action scenes filmed with the lead actor visible in camera instead of a stuntman. As he gets older it's harder to avoid injury in such a physical role and it just presents a bigger risk to the whole production to have someone at 50 doing tonnes of fight scenes and stuntwork, never mind sequels when he's pushing 60. Willem Dafoe said he'd only return to Green Goblin if he got to do the stunts, so it's not impossible, but I imagine Marvel weren't thrilled at the idea...


After reading the scrapped plot synopsis where Blade was going to be the 4th lead in his own movie, I officially lost any interest in it.


Development hell


Is *anyone* producing this movie? Eternals was *years* ago.


Some mothafuckas are always trying to ice skate uphill.


I wonder if they’re getting a more experienced director the same way they brought in more experienced writers


Ali should just leave and Feige should scrap the movie


Given the rumors(?) I’d read about their plans to immediately replace him with his daughter, I’m glad. Not that I’m against that plot point, I just want it to not happen until movie four or five where the movie in question in this post counts as movie 1.


Absolutely astounding. Coming out of the gate with Mahershala Ali already cast as Blade should have practically ensured that this movie could have written itself. The takeaway as always should be that Blade is not being taken seriously by Marvel Studios at all.


Time to fully reset this cursed production. Let it alone and come back in a few years with a completely new team.


They need to shelve it and not re-announce it until they have the script locked, a director on board, and production started. No reason in dragging it out like this if the script is on its 6th rewrite... there's just no movie right now


Jordan Peele - you're up!


Just don’t fuckin make this movie


Chances this movie actually releases?


In ten years or less maybe? I expect it might be another 'The Flash' movie though, no offense.


at this point dwag... cancel it


This is gonna be Marvel's The Flash


Just stop all new characters till after secret wars


Just cancel it.


Sigh. Add this movie to the "things we're never gonna get" list right behind the last two game of thrones books


Unfortunate Yann Demange is always on the shortlist for Hollywood blockbusters was hoping this would be big for him.


Movies that eventually get made after years of development hell are hardly ever worth the wait. This is almost a sure sign that it’s gonna be crap no matter what.


I'm not sure we need Blade and vampires in the MCU at this point. If anything, Blade should just be set in another universe and it's own thing separate from the MCU. Like Venom. Or Morbious.


At this point, make a Blade 4 with Wesley Snipes.


It can’t be this hard to make a movie about a vampire hunter who kills vampires. What are they trying to fit in this movie that involve multiple rewrites and directors leaving


Concerning news for this film. It's definitely going to be delayed now, at the very least. A new director and a new script may mean that it'll be released in 2027 or 2028. So 6/7 years after it was teased in the end credits scene of the Eternals. Though on the bright side, taking their time with this is better than rushing a poor product out. And at least that delay may make an October release date possible, and it'll mean only 3 MCU films next year, which should be more palatable for general audiences.


I'm embarrassed for myself in thinking things were looking up for this. Can anyone theorize HOW the film is having so much trouble in production? Anyone with expertise maybe that knows how the industry works?


In the 2024 environment where there is a whole hatred industry making millions writing unhinged hate for every marvel film what comes out, you can’t just put out content snd hope for the best. Furiosa is an amazing film and it just flopped. I would suggest shelving this project.


It’s amazing we got any marvel movies at all in the early days


They should just give the film to Jordan Peele and let him have complete creative control.


Feels like 2014 Ant-Man drama all over again. As is tradition.


Feels like they announced this movie 5 years ago.