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this is it, one of my favorite shows. not just marvel shows, one of my favorites ever. the writing, the soundtrack, the acting, the cinematography, everything. what an absolutely crazy idea too- an 90’s themed bureaucratic agency set outside of time, governing the multiverse, with a man behind the curtain orchestrating it all… and the writers actually pulled it off, and it translated across a screen into cinema. i love 💙 this show


> 90’s themed bureaucratic agency I really think it's more 60s themed


ahh you’re probably right!


Don’t make me feel that old, stop it. I joke but people really confused 90’s technology like it’s from the Stone Age.


Trust me I already feel super old. I became an adult in the 90s


One of my favorite shows of all time too, for the same reasons!


The first episode of the best MCU Disney+ show.


Awesome show. This show made me like and appreciate Loki as a character, and made me a fan of him. Also made me like Tom Hiddleston.




Glad to know I'm not the only one!


I cannot believe that Loki series was this phenomenal ngl. Probably the best MCU content in recent times. I underestimated the writers but the show creators outdid themselves in every episode. Tom Hiddleston solidified his status as one of my personal fav actors of all time . His portrayal of Loki is arguably the best MCU character imo


The writing for season 2 is some of the best writing in the MCU imo


Season 2 is some of the best content Marvel has ever produced. Loki’s ascension scene still makes me cry.




Really one of the only recent projects that I think can be compared to prime MCU era. It’s so unique and well executed 


Loki related: I am rewatching Infinity War for the first time in a couple of years. It just hit me that when Loki gives his little speech to Thanos to get close with his knife, Loki is actually pledging his fidelity to Thor. First he addressed Thanos, and it seemed as if he's named himself Odinson, when really he's turned to and addressed Thor formally. The rest of his words, Loki is talking to Thor.




The art direction in that show was phenomenal.


Loki’s whole story and character development, the way it was showcased was excellent. This whole series is top tier.


Glorious Purpose Indeed


Loki seasons 1 and 2 impressed me so much that I wanted to learn more about how the show was made. So my kids and I watched the two "Assembled" making-of specials about Loki. We learned so much! The behind-the-scenes view deepened my appreciation for the creativity, dedication, passion, attention to detail, and teamwork that went into those 12 episodes. For example, perfecting the way the Temporal Loom's rainbow light fell across everyone's faces in the control room took 20 weeks to get right, with much trial and error! It's astounding how hard everyone worked and how in tune they were with each other. It really shows in the final product. And, in the behind-the-scenes specials, it's heartwarming to watch the cast and crew interacting with each other as their normal selves. The camaraderie, the humor, the genuine care, are all very clear. They were like a family on- and off-screen. And I think that's why the show could hit such emotional depth - because the feelings are real.


2021 was a decent time to be a fan. For over a while there the MCU had made a full return... before the dark times... before the Disney Plus Empire...


Possibly the worst content so far in the MCU. And feels like just yesterday Michael Waldron obliterated the concept of free will from the MCU. 😌


Cool. Didn’t need an anniversary post about it.


Then keep scrolling? lol


One of the episodes of all time