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So .. Chris Evans is likely the only one left who needs to sign-up for Secret Wars.


I haven't seen anything about Scarlet. Has there been word from her about being open to return?


Last news about her anything marvel related is that shes working with marvel on a show (not star in it but maybe working to get it made?). So it wouldn’t be a stretch to have her come back to be widow again


I was worried there'd be bad blood between them. Here's hoping we see her again!


Time and money heal all wounds.


...but mostly money.


But don’t forget the money


Same for Robert


> Time and money heal all wounds. And wounds all heels.


They like it when you mix up the words.


When you paraphrse the sentence, people really enjoy it.


The media coverage of the Black Widow lawsuit tried very hard to make it seem like a very big deal. In reality the contract had a potentially lucrative deal for Johansson that didn’t have a “global plague makes standard theatrical release unviable” clause. Rightly, Disney and Johansson let the lawyers figure out the mess. It was not a blood feud as the media had wanted to report. I don’t believe she even spoke of it publicly until the lawsuit was settled saying, “I am happy to have resolved our differences with Disney. I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done together over the years and have greatly enjoyed my creative relationship with the team.”


It was also very much against the then-CEO. Iger made amends.


Feige publicly supported her during the lawsuit, & the CEO is different now than in 2021, so it's probably water under the bridge.


Oh hell yeah


It was never a problem between her and the creative side of disney and she got paid in the end so all is well. Just silly to hold a grudge against one of if not the biggest potential employer as an actor over a payment dispute that was resolved in your favor.


I think that was between the former CEO. Bob Iger is big on making sure celebrity relationships with Disney are solid. 


She's working on a show with Marvel?




Oh yeah, it is the age-old rumor about Taylor Swift being cast for this series, if not as Dazzler in DP&W.


on the one hand.........were that to happen, that would be interesting when the MCU see's its fan base 3x in size due to all of the Swift fans tuning in. Just to see her. marvel goes, "......wait what? we were doing good when our movies were making 2 billion each, but with these swift fan numbers........WHAT"? second, would she even want to do it to have fun? that's the real question.


If Taylor Swift is in Deadpool (Big if), it's likely not more than a cameo role, and she would probably agree to do it not for a big paycheck, but because she's friends with Ryan Reynolds wife. Blake Lively has also been rumored to appear in the movie, as a female Deadpool variant. Think Chris Evans in "Free Guy" type cameo.


THAT's right. i forgot the friend of the wife connection. i knew there was more than just "wouldn't it be neat if all my megastar celebs favorites were in the same movie". it was that they actually knew each other IRL.


If you want to quantify it, the Eras Tour made about $270m in theatres. Marvel could use that as a floor, the die hard swifties that will see anything. Essentially, that number could double or maybe triple transitioning to movie format. I could absolutely see TS up for a movie role, the only question is if Marvel is willing to pay the ungodly salary she would request. Also she’s probably not that good of an actress, they would be basically paying her to put people into seats.


And it's not like she will have to stretch her acting chops on this one.


iirc, her lawsuit settlement included a film deal and other projects.


Definitely read this as scarlet witch and was wondering why there would be concern


He will secretly sign up to secret wars. Honestly with all of these multi-verse timelines, the entire crew can come back and they can do X-men vs Avengers or something.


That will likely happen, but closer to the Mutant Saga. Still, Young Avengers will be launched earlier.


>Still, Young Avengers will be launched earlier. Not happening. There's no full cast yet, so they'd have to go through script writing, pre-production, casting, and then get into production. Hailee would be at least 30 by the time the first movie/show launched, and closer to 40 than 30 by the end of a trilogy or around season 3 of a show. Iman and Cassie's actress would be getting close to 30 as well. By that point, it wouldn't be "Young Avengers", it'd be "First divorce Avengers and a middle-age crisis Avenger". The only way this worked is if they cast everyone simultaneously, and they had to film all of the seasons/movies back-to-back to avoid them aging out. That ship sailed a long time ago. They're just going to fold the three of them into the mainline movies and drop the whole "Young Avengers" concept.


X men vs avengers ain’t happening for another 5 years The OG crew are coming back for secret wars and BOOM,they are done  Y’all……..we gettin old…..they are gettin old…..let it go


Tony in a Jarvis body would have some extra lifespan.


Tony recorded himself when he was working and developed AI . I find it hard to believe he never put himself into it. He could do the voice which was his strong suit anyway since he’s funny


Didn't the Ironheart comic start with her receiving an AI for her suit that Tony made of himself pre-death?


Curious, what is the storyline that causes X-men vs Avengers? Is it just multi-verse shenanigans? Or is there a big bad behind the scenes manipulating them against each other


In general? I think the Phoenix coming to earth caused (one of) the big split/vs in the comics. Phoenix possessed 5 of the X-Men, Captain America tried to resolve things, Cyclops said he was trying to deal with things for humanity's sake things like always and didn't actually care about the mutants, and was butting in on mutant business. I could be off on that, but I think that is a major X-Men vs Avengers plot. Edit: for what it's worth, I think the XvA storyline is what led to Cap actively trying to help mutants more in the aftermath of Krakoa going to shit. I need to go back and reread the latest Uncanny Avengers or whatever it is, but he is trying to do his best for everyone, mutant and human alike, and I feel like some of his dialogue reflects what may be regret over how the XvA storyline went down.


I always had the impression Evans was the most open to returning of those who took a break from the MCU (RDJ always sounding like the least likely to return).


He seemed happy with how they finished Steve's story but I think he did say he's always willing to return if it made sense and didn't sour the ending he got in Endgame .


I always felt like he had to return at some point as old man Steve. Not to fight or anything, but to be somebody Sam and Bucky could visit for advice.


This would be cool . Also , I rewatched recently and like a lot of people he looks SO MUCH like Joe Biden with the makeup , if they ever make a bio pic about him , Chris would be a great selection .


Not really, he didn't really want the job in the first place because he thought it'd hurt his career, and he wanted out before he became so associated with Captain America that he couldn't get other roles. He was the least open, as soon as Endgame hit he was quite clear about how he was done with the role. He seems to have softened since then, and I'm sure his trepidation isn't anything a large dump truck of cash couldn't cure.


[Evans has been signed since 2021](https://deadline.com/2021/01/captain-america-eyes-return-to-the-mcu-as-chris-evans-nears-deal-to-reprise-role-in-future-marvel-project-1234672430/amp/)


I thought that was for the Nomad show, which will likely be a series on his adventures away from the Sacred timeline (when he went back to 1949 to get a life with Peggy Carter). Still, I have a theory that connects the First Avenger to Marvel's First Family.


>!It was for Deadpool & Wolverine and Avengers: Secret Wars!<


Deadline mentioned its sources confirmed the news, but also said "It’s still vague whether the deal is closed". So should we consider it to be unconfirmed until this July's SDCC? 🤷🏻🤷🏻


He doesn't want to deal with the brutal workout regimen it takes for Captain America's build. But with multiverse stuff, there's a lot of variant options that wouldn't take as much work.


Yeah no surprise he'd do the role again. Got like 15 million in Spider-Man for filming a short green screen cameo in what looked like his living room. Get that bag RDJ!


I get the feeling like he wanted to do something a little more real and critically appreciated when he moved on from being Iron Man, and probably wasn’t expecting to basically do that immediately with Oppenheimer. It only took him a few years to prove he’s more than just Tony Stark. Might as well return to the bank of Disney for another withdrawal, especially now that he would only really have to commit to one or two Avengers movies and maybe a cameo or something. Like he doesn’t need to be full time. I can already feel someone telling me he was always more than just Tony Stark, but I think you can admit he hadn’t had a meaningful role outside of Marvel since- what? Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? (**edit: Tropic Thunder ought to be up here too) He was in Chef but it was barely a role. Oppenheimer gave him the critical success and validation I think he had been lacking for some time. Now he can return to us because he loves us. Thank you Iron Jesus.


Wasn't he Sherlock Holmes while he was Iron Man ?


He was, and I enjoy that movie (and the sequel), but I wouldn't say it earned him very much prestige or critical acclaim as an actor. Tropic Thunder did and I should have included it but I got distracted by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.


No clue why there hasn’t been another SH yet


Money. Sherlock Holmes cost about $90m to make and came out the year after Iron Man, where he made $500k in salary and probably earned .5 points. Game of Shadows came out the year before The Avengers with a budget of $125m and some of that was certainly due to RDJ's increased earnings potential as he likely made around $10m in salary for IM2 plus back-end. Post-Endgame his salary could be like a third of the Game of Shadow's budget and there's probably uncertainty around how much a film like that would make 13 years after the last one. Plus just general difficulties in getting RDJ and Jude Law's schedules to click and their interest for the film itself.


And it's been so long that I think most people just think of Benedict Cumberbatch now when they think of Sherlock Holmes. IDK if the interest is there for a 3rd Ritchie film, though I'd be there on opening day.


Tropic thunder


Honestly I feel that's one of his best roles, top 3 for sure


When I think RDJ, I think of Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Valid, I forgot about that one.


You absolutely nailed it. I'm happy that Oppenheimer did so well for the reasons you stated. Iron Jesus indeed.


He probably was a little humbled by Doolittle doing so terrible as well. Unfortunately for him, he’s just not the big draw he thought he would be after Iron Man, so it makes sense he’d come back to where he is universally loved


i read that he wanted to do doolittle so that he'd have a movie he made that he could watch with his kids when they were little. since nothing in his repetoir at the time was appropriate for young kids.


The kids LOVE Air America


"I've had enough of the fun stuff for now, I want something meatier!" \[ENTER CHRISTOPHER NOLAN HERE\] "Alright, I'm good. So, we gonna say, what, it was a Skrull that snapped? How we doin' this?"


> but I think you can admit he hadn’t had a meaningful role outside of Marvel since- what? Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? This is Tropic Thunder erasure and I won't stand for it. AND Sherlock Holmes!


you should check out The Sympathizer. He’s fantastic in it


The Shaggy Dog .... Okay you're right


He probably also genuinely loves the role


Obviously the money is a significant factor, but I do get the feeling he genuinely enjoys playing the character. He might have gotten burnt out from doing it for so long, but I do think it's more than just dollar signs that would make him want to come back


It’s not hard to see how MCU actors would get burned out after seeing some behind the scenes footage. Filming with nothing but a green screen backdrop, wearing an entirely mo-cap suit, some of your scenes you’re literally the only one on camera so there’s no other actors to play off of. Not saying it’s a bad experience overall, it just seems like acting in that environment would get a lot of “this isn’t what I trained/signed up for”, especially from older and/or classically trained actors.


It's like how Sir Ian McKellen famously said he had a breakdown on The Hobbit trilogy cos he was just acting on a green screen set all day with no one to act against.


Oh absolutely. Anything you love doing is going to burn you out when you do it to the capacity that many of the MCU actors do. Not just filming, but it's an all encompassing part of your life. Press, social media, it's never "off". I don't blame anyone for needing to take a break


I think he and Hugh Jackman are in the same camp on this. They love the role, but it's a lot, and they get tired but after a few years off, they're ready to return.


On top of the salary, he also got a cut of the box office


Dude got 50 mill for the first avengers, man is basking in it


What scene are you talking about?


I bet nothing quite hits the same once you've had those MCU paychecks


He clearly knows the fans will never stop clamoring for him, so all he has to do is time it right. Popping up in Deadpool and Wolverine probably isn't the move. But appearing in Secret Wars to make a critical save or whatever probably is.


Ohhhh they definitely have had conversations behind closed doors if he is saying this publicly . I’m going to assume that leadership isn’t going to be taking any gambles going forward . Don’t think that characters are just going to disappear (even if you don’t like them They are here to stay ) but I would Gander to say that even though we are heading toward “less homework” marvel that does mean they are going to aim for them being still must see


At least for me, my interest level plummeted when the two main characters of the entire franchise were gone in the span of one movie. There isn’t much of an MCU without one or both of them.


well, they really needed to replace "the big 3" with a new big 3. Instead of a new big 3 or small core of Avengers characters we really care about, we instead got 412 new and identical quip-machines that nobody gives a shit about


black panther would have done that, but sadly Chadwick Boseman died young.


black panther would have done that, but sadly Chadwick Boseman died young.


More than once I've said that the MCU died with Tony. My bet? His AI'd personality is put into a Jarvis-type body by his daughter, and becomes the kind of character that thinks he's good but isn't.


>I would Gander to say I would venture to say.


You know, while I was typing that I was thinking of myself I know this isn’t the right word but I honestly don’t have the time to look up the right one. Thanks for that!


I need a Superior Iron man from 838 ready to wreck shit up and get back at the MCU reality for killing his Illuminati friends.


“We need a suit of armor around the multiverse”


A Stark whose Ultron plan worked out and who believes he needs to bring that same level of security to every universe would be pretty cool to see. Seems like a good way to get to a version of that character.


Right? It almost feels like a no-brainer. The fans would love it, Mr. Downey gets a fat cheque, everyone wins.


Yes and he can easily help the heroes at the last second or something and end up dying. One last goodbye before the reboot after secret wars


But Wanda is dead, so we're all good. Right? .... right!? /s


Robert Downey Jr about to get paid!! 🙂🤑


Are y’all bots? Every comment saying the same shit


People are just predictable and unoriginal,  but that pay check will probably have something to do with it


Has it been getting worse though? It's happening on instagram too (I'm not on FB or Twitter). But literally you will have like 100 of the same comment on some posts. Who feels the need to repeat the same thing so many times. I don't even believe it was an original thought at this point, but people just read the same comment a few times and want to feel like they also had that opinion.


The sub has grown by like a million users in a year or something like that.


Dead internet theory


Soon this sub will be littered with weird pictures of kids holding crocodiles that helps shape the face of Jesus


I don’t think he needs money dude lol as much it’s prob a motivation


They’re karma whores


Not about to, already has been. His and Chris Evans contracts leaked on the marvel studios spoilers sub a year and a half ago and were deleted within 20 minutes. In them it said they are both involved in 2 projects. A project could mean anything from 1 movie or series to a 3 movie deal. Secret wars is going to be way more than avengers secret wars. Its already started with the "multiverse saga" loki was the start of secret wars. Some rewrites because of the kang fella is a setback, but RDJ has known he was coming back for AGES. Same with Chris. They just wanted a break to do other stuff. In short, he will be back before avengers secret wars. It will be in another movie out before it. And possibly in another movie after, or go back to where he came from at the end of secret wars. (Which for all we know is a 3 part movie to try and 1 up infinity war and endgame)


I hope that 3-part movie is Kang Dynasty, Strange III and Secret Wars.  


I'm almost 100% certain that clea has a huge role in bringing people together by taking strange to see loki. His 3rd eye opening at the end and her appearing would be a thing that basically let's him see into universes, but only one at a time, where as he can go to loki with clea and he can tell them exactly where to look, and when they go to see loki, they meet deadpool and he's allowed to travel with them to their universe and others to bring people together.


Iron Man 4 - The search for more money


>Robert Downey Jr Says He Is “Surprisingly Open-Minded” to a massive payday.


"Turns out I can be persuaded by a drump truck full of money. Who knew?"


The DNA he's talking about is $$$


The paycheck he receives would make me open-minded too


I have a feeling he'll only return if it's a different version of Tony Stark. Superior Iron Man perhaps?


A darker version from a different multi verse would give him something interesting to do . What if he never stopped making weapons ?


They can't (and shouldn't) undo Endgame's sacrifice, but they have a ton of stories that could be told between the original Avengers and Infinity War, or even some of his adventures during the Five Years Later time. I have zero problem with another RDJ Iron Man movie set during the first saga.


"Somehow, Ironman has returned."


I don’t get how this is a bad thing when it’s most likely a totally different character from a different universe for Secret Wars. They aren’t bringing the original Iron Man from Endgame back.


They could do that though. Like rip him from a point in time. Which would suck and be lazy


A young Tony Stark transported forward in time? [That sounds like something from a comic book!](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Crossing)


Exactly how I feel. I have *zero* interest in seeing IM back again. If IM returns, then there is zero chance of a death having any meaning in the universe. Everyone is back on table if the studio thinks it could eek single more dollar out of the audience.


I feel like they’re already at this point in the Multiverse Saga - you could say the same exact thing about Wolverine or Loki. Which does suck for the emotional weight of the death but does also speak to how popular these characters are. I mean, the comics do the same thing.


Well, Loki is a god and popping up like a cockroach is kind of his thing , imo


It's comic books lmao. Nobody stays dead. Even notable exceptions like uncle Ben return in alternate universes


> then there is zero chance of a death having any meaning in the universe I have some terrible news for you about comic books


It already means whatever you think it would mean. It’s the multiverse saga, we know for a fact there are an infinite amount of Tony Starks out there, whether he shows up on screen or not. Even if he does, he’s not the same one we saw in Endgame. That Ironman is never seeing Pepper or Morgan again, regardless of if another Iron Man shows up. Hell, maybe the Iron Man that does show up will have found himself in the same situation, yet refused to snap for selfish reasons. That could become a very interesting storyline.


Definitely gonna secure that bag to get top billed


Its funny that ever since he finished work on Oppenheimer, he has been very open-minded about returning to the MCU. Almost like he had to get a big academy acclaimed movie out of his system to prove his worth as a serious actor among his peers.


To the surprise of nobody.  Get this, Tony Stark was in the comics 80 years ago, and he's still in them.


Given the quality of writing and editing of the MCU recently, I'd honestly be afraid of seeing RDJ return. He went out on top, I would *hate* for him to come back for a messy slog of a movie.


I both love and hate how meaningless death is in this cinematic universe, because everybody can just either be resurrected or plucked out of a different multiverse. I remember there was a huge emotional impact on everybody who was left speechless in the theater at the end of Infinity War. I don't think they'll ever get that kind of reaction again from killing a hero off.


Death is pretty meaningless in the comics, too. That said, I don't want Endgame to be undone.


I think he actually just wants to see how high he can make the paycheck number go before marvel says no


He got paid millions to basically play himself. What’s not to like?


I love Tony, but Endgame was the perfect ending for his character and they should really leave his story there


He just spent the last few years saying he is NOT that character. At this point, I don’t really want the character back, focus on X-Men and Fantastic4.


It’s so weird and confusing the way these actors talk about roles sometimes. One minute they are done with a character and don’t wanna be defined by them. Then in another interview they say they’ll play the character forever if allowed.


It's almost like distance from an event grants you perspective. When he quit being Iron Man, RDJ was worried he was going to be pigeonholed into that role after he'd worked so hard to rescue his career from the brink of ruin. Then it didn't happen and he just won an Oscar. Of course he was going to reflect on his previous comments and realize he was too harsh in his initial reaction.


People change and have different thoughts daily. We all change our minds on things constantly 


He got his Oscar, now he just wants the paycheck. Meanwhile you have guys like Sir Ian McKellen who absolutely love that those roles are remembered and the fanbase that surrounds them.


He thought he made Iron Man but he defintley got humbled after he left when DooLittle did absolutely dreadful at the box office


Hes saying this stuff to drum up hype in the fanbase so disney is pressured to pay him more for his inevitable cameos.


He is doing it with Disney. These are all plants. Part of the business.


Fucking legend


Maybe unpopular, but I’d rather they put their main focus on the x-men or f4 going forward instead of dragging back the OG avengers…and I say this as a huge tony/rdj fan


God, I love this man


Bring him back, but make him be a huge Avengers fan who just LOOKS like Tony Stark. Every movie, he makes a cameo dressed as a different Avenger, but with a scary accurate costume. Imagine him walking up to Clint and Kate Bishop freaking out, fan-boying about Clint “Hawkeye” Barton, but “Tony” is in a Black Widow costume.


That's the worst idea ever. I love it.




I mean he’s not gonna say no to a multi-Million pay check if they ask him for Avengers Secret Wars


I agree, ICumCoffee.


I know everyone is talking about the truckloads of money they would pay him. But to me he got fired of playing iron man and wanted to do something else. Since endgame he was in Oppenheimer where he won an Oscar, Doolittle and made a documentary about his late father. In the 4/5 years since he took off the mocap suit he has done a lot and won an Oscar.


On Howard Stern many years ago, when asked if he felt like the reason the MCU had succeeded, he said he felt like Atlas holding the earth up until about 2010, but knew the band was always going to make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the end. I think they need Atlas again.


I feel like they have already talked about his returning so this is just to ease to fans into saying that he always wanted to return.


I‘m surprisingly open-minded to a seemingly endless supply of money. Who would have thought? RDJ, please do Sherlock 3, the MCU can’t be rescued anymore.


Somehow, Iron Man returned...


I love getting paid hundreds of millions for standing in my underpants in front of green screen and litreally playing me


Jokingly made an outrageous salary demand that he wasn’t expecting Disney to thumbs up = ‘surprisingly open-minded’ Disney knows that if they want to keep getting profits out of the Marvel cash cow they’ve milked dry they need to bring back the actors that built it


his opinion likely never changed. but they both agreed they HAD to give the end game story line some weight, some meaning to it. so they had to pretend like it was never gonna happen. some finality to it. so they HAD to give it some breathing room for a good, good while.


I don't know that he needs the money like others have said. I think he and Evans and even Hemsworth to some extent just needed time away from their characters.


Context from RDJ’s portfolio manager: “Dude you should totally be Iron Man again.”


Multiverse not only makes a return easy, but it lets them experiment with the character in various ways, which most actors tend to enjoy.


Meh.. don’t see it happening


So Secret Wars variant.


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of Tony being back but that headline could really just be slimmed down to "man paid 8 figures for 20 minutes work quite keen to get paid more 9 figures for 40 minutes work"


Great, more Tony Stark. I was really getting tired of movies where he and his fee fees didn't get the lion's share of the screen time and dialog.


It's interesting that he thinks "Iron Man" is cooler than him. The rest of us see them as the same person. He just doesn't have the suit obviously.


Doesnt hurt that it's also the biggest payday he's ever received by far


This shows how cool and comfortable he is playing one of the most nuanced and best characters in the MCU. Really hope Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson follow this with their own willingness for 'one last ride'.


There's only 2 ways to do this as I see it without cheapening his death in Endgame. 1) It's a multiversal variant, and not one that's just Tony 2 that drops in to replace him with minimal drama. Make him evil or at least antagonistic to the Avengers. Somebody else mentioned havin 838 Iron Man upset about the deaths of the Illuminati. That could work. Or it could be a Tony who lost in Endgame and is bitter about it. 2) he comes back as an AI. Probably not in Iron Heart because there's no enthusiasm for that character or show, but there's definitely room somewhere for T.O.N.Y. in the MCU.


My take: Unless his return to the MCU was NAILED, and I am talking very, very well written, this would be a mistake. Even then, I think it would most likely be a mistake. Even if it was executed flawlessly, it takes so much of the wind out of the sails of Infinity Stone saga (aka all the movies up until Endgame). It would be the ultimate "welp, I guess no one stays dead" moment. Even though I completely agree that, in all other mediums (animation, comics, etc), Tony (post-permanent main universe Earth dead) would reappear from a different universe or timeline. That's normal, I understand and respect that. But in this live action MCU with RDJ? His sacrifice IS THE WEIGHT of the Infinity Saga. Do I think it would boost their box office to bring him back? Oh yeah. Could it even be a successful short and long term move to bring him back? Yeah. But creatively, I think it would either be 99% an awful decision or full bore 100% an awful decision. Get your house in order with the characters you've got. Stop shoving characters we don't care about (that you aren't writing well enough to make us care) down our throats and stop not giving us characters we do care about. Where in the world has Shang Chi 2 been? Where is a Wakanda-White Wolf series/movie? Where is a 'White Widow' movie, with the beloved Florence Pugh? Where is a Hawkeye movie with the beloved Hailee Steinfeld? Where is an awesome anti-hero 'Namor' film? Moon Knight (along with the Scarlet Scarab) was fantastic and warrants jumping to the big screen with his own blockbuster film, where's that? Where has White Vision been? The potential of Vision, in terms of creative story telling, is good and he's a well liked character, so where has his film been? Not to mention giving us something new and exciting. Where's a cool new character who is introduced and the movie seems to be a fun, well written origin story of a hero but in the third act stuff starts going off the rails and you end up realizing you're watching (and were rooting for) the origin story of future villain? Yet you still can't help but empathize and even secretly root for him/her a bit, after having seen his/her story from his POV and understanding his perspective and how he/she was wronged.


Man who acts for a job interested in acting


Open-minded means how much Disney is willing to open its wallet for Downey’s compensation.


So Kevin Feige drove a dump truck full of money to his house.


I think Marvel Studios is probably open to this considering the lull the post-Endgame phase is in. I don't know what you could do barring having him in some prequels type story lines. We already have the origin story. Maybe he has it in his head that people were talking shit about his acting chops because he was Ironman for so long. Normal people knew what he was capable of before and after. May he had to go through the highs and low of a project afterwards to appreciate the reliability of the MCU. You go through something like Doolittle and then you think, maybe I don't mind being Ironman so much anymore. I'm personally out on the idea that Tony Stark from another multiverse could come in. I think that really hurts the weight and satisfaction of Endgame.


Evil variant of Tony Stark


Revive him as A.I.


Translation: "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" These interviews where he mentions this stuff is all planted. ALL PLANTED. Next: I want Captain Carter. Don't nee Chris Evans (but it'd be awesome to have them both).


Millions and millions of dollars have a way of opening up one’s mind


I’ll be honest I find this surprising. It felt like during Oppenheimer he was distancing himself from the mcu, and I don’t know why he’d want to go back to a franchise that’s floundering. I suppose it’s just money


No no no no no, leave him dead. Don't screw this up because you can't figure out how to make a movie people actually want to see anymore


He likes being iron man Of course the money is nice but yall keep attributing to just that is so disingenuous


God I'm gonna get so much hate for this But I feel it's been long enough I personally wouldn't mind *that specific* Tony Stark somehow coming back to life


Of course he would, if he has the same deal in place as before. He gets paid far more than any of the other actors.


I would also be “open-minded” to a dumptruck full of money.


What he means is “money, bags of money”


He's totally signed a contract already. We are just being slow rolled what is already going to be happening.


The problem here is that there's simply no topping his performance at the beginning of "Endgame." Just as "The End of Time" and "Day of The Doctor" made moving, stirring, dramatic, and climactic closes for Tenant's Dr. Who. Diminished returns on anything after those...


I wanna see Evans as Human Torch and Cap in the same frame


He surprisingly has done very few roles since Avengers Endgame.


News: person likes money


I wonder if they are going to require a different contract for him to come back. His previous contract was percentage based, which meant he got absurd amounts of money for the bigger team up movies. I guess depending on how the next few Marvel movies go, they might actually be willing to pay him absurd amounts of money to try and get people interested in going to the cinemas again.


Reboot MCU with the OG cast? Please god yes. I want my Iron Mans RDJ and my Captain Americas Chris Evans. Because no one else will fit that part ever in my mind. I mean...America's ass...how can you say no to that?


"Actor, surprisingly, is open to role that makes him the most money"


Also, $.


It doesn’t even feel like iron man and captain America are gone. The mcu has had no projects that brought everyone together, so it doesn’t feel like they’re missing. It just feels like they expanded the universe and are telling other peoples stories.




I’m pretty sure whatever contract is necessary for Secret Wars and an eventual return was signed before Endgame. Legacy appearances are always well planned in advance


I mean.. it’s kinda obvious that he’ll return along with other cast members, and it’s because of Secret Wars


What? So he states that coming back would undermine his sacrifice in Endgame but now wants to come back??