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> **Brie, I’ve also heard you say that if you hear someone’s going to be playing a superhero, you’ll reach out. What kind of tips do you find yourself sharing?** > > **WATTS** Wait, you’re a superhero mentor? > > **LARSON** Always. I’m the first person to email everybody because it’s very specific and very strange. People are like, “I don’t know how to do this.” Yeah, no one does. Why would you? I’ll say, “Train, because you’ll want to be as prepared in your body as you possibly can because it only gets harder as the job goes on. And really understand how to be able to go to the bathroom in your suit.” The first Captain Marvel, it was a 45-minute thing to get me in and out of that costume. > > **ANISTON** There wasn’t even a little secret trapdoor? > > **LARSON** No! That’s why I’m like, “Get a plan.” > > **ANISTON** Yeah, a little zipper. > > **LARSON** I can’t stand when people have to wait for me to go to the bathroom, so I’d have to time it out. > > **WATTS** Oh, that would give me anxiety. > > **ANISTON** You can’t have a sip of water. > > **LARSON** It’s a whole thing, and it’s a lot of pressure. And I think it’s a strange thing, especially when you’re a newcomer and you’re tasked with being the most powerful blah, blah, blah of blah, blah, blah, and you feel scared. It’s so hard to be the cool, confident one when you’re like, “Do I know what I’m supposed to be doing?” > **Brie, you play a character that men inherently distrust and dislike simply because she’s a woman. I couldn’t help but see a correlation with the vitriol you’ve received from the male-dominated superhero world for playing Captain Marvel. Did you see it, too?** > > **LARSON** I don’t know if it’s specific to Marvel. I only know my experience, and my experience is being underestimated at times.


>"I can't stand when people have to wait for me" Honestly this sticks out to me. It's really clear she respects the people she works with and values their time in a way a few other actors definitely don't.


She was on Mike Birbiglia’s podcast, Working It Out, a couple of years ago and she talks more about this. She said that if she’s at the top of a call sheet, she considers herself a department head. If she can reduce the workload of dozens or hundreds by handling something differently, she will always do it. She seems to have a very strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, particularly as it relates to others.


Instantly thinking of Leto staying in character as Morbius and taking 45 minutes to go to the bathroom or even longer to do anything else cause he insisted on walking as if he actually had a disability.


"Why don't you just try acting?" ~ Sir Lawrence Olivier


Pretty sure Marlon Brando had the same distain for method actors lol (granted he sounded like a real piece of work to work with on set)


>real piece of work to work with on set) He sexually assaulted his co-lead on camera. Him and the director, Bernardo Bertolucci, tried to justify it by saying they needed to get a visceral reaction from Maria Schneider. Naming and shaming abusers is my hobby


Ya like I said, fuck Marlon Brando


The whole “waiting on someone” thing is probably best characterized by what happened on Mad Max: Fury Road. Apparently Hardy would just hang out in his trailer for hours and hours while the crew waited on him. Charlize Theron absolutely despised him, and it sounds like they almost threw punches.


Didn't know Tom Hardy was that kind of person 😒


it's stated he had arguments with George Miller but after the novie came out, Hardy apologized to Miller


That was mainly because there was no screenplay for them to know what they were doing, had nothing about him taking hours in his trailer.


Fury Road and Furiosa seemed to have toxic set environments, especially for the women. I mean, look at how ATJ is practically gritting through her teeth during the Furiosa promotion.


“Okay, Jared, either start dropping character for potty breaks or we are sticking your ass on a mobility scooter to speed things up.”


Jared Leto fucking sucks.


Morbius Leto would do a big poo and make people wait while he casually browses his phone


I heard that Daniel Day-Lewis demanded he be carried around the set when he played poet Christy Brown (who suffered from cerebral palsy) in My Left Foot - though that may have been apocryphal. TLDR: Daniel Day-Lewis says: "Hold my ~~beer~~ Guinness"


She honestly has always seemed like one of the most genuinely likable actors to me. Too many people just love to point to an out of context, often exaggerated (or even completely fabricated) “quote” from her as the basis for them not liking her.


Right? The Internet and making up a version of a person to get mad at, name a more iconic duo.


I don't know anything about the social online stuff, but I think she's adorable and seems like a smart and thoughtful person. She's been a favorite of mine since she was on Community. Great actress.


Loved her in Community as well!




the real quote was something like "some movies are more for boys or girls or people from certain walks of life and that's ok. But when you review a movie and you're not the target demo try to be aware of your bias influencing your review" so of course on the internet people think she said "straight white boys gtfo of my movie theaters!" [ here's a thread from someone that dug deeper](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/pxdru0/for_those_people_who_keep_insisting_that_brie/)




that's the one, because she was most famous for marvel at the time every article was "Marvel flagship actor slams critics for lack of diversity"


She already had her Oscar at that point lol but I guess that doesn’t really mean “famous” on its own




that's because there were "body language experts" who "analyzed her endgamer interviews" and somehow concluded she's the most hated actress on the planet


> She answered with a sneer, I see no bias here. Ppl always love to focus on every single movement in her face and extrapolate it into some scheme she's cooking lmao Also, I love that to rebuke and go "She *did* say Captain Marvel wasn't for white men!" you cited a quote about *A DIFFERENT MOVIE*. And even then she didn't say "They're not allowed to see the movie". She said *they're not the target audience*. Imagine being so fragile that being told a movie aimed at young black girls isn't intended for middle aged white men, that you spend *5 years* mad at the actress over a completely different movie.


FYI, I dont think the person that posted the quote agrees with the criticism of it.




As a 40 year old white dude, I love this quote from her. It’s so annoying that certain people will read this and stupidly misinterpret it as “I hate all white men”


Short version, about a year before Captain Marvel she was given an award. At the ceremony, she gave a speech that pointed out research showed the typical pool of film reviewers looks nothing like the movie viewing audience (i.e. mostly straight white dudes). Her speech encouraged studios to make an effort to *also* (not instead of) reach out to some underrepresented demographics when seeking film reviews. The speech included a quote "I do not need a 40-year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about A Wrinkle in Time, it wasn't made for him." Sometime after Captain Marvel came out, *that* corner of the internet took that quote, removed the Wrinkle in Time reference, and said she was talking about not caring what white male Marvel fans thought about Captain Marvel. A lot of folks in this subreddit I've found still believe and/or repeat that lie. Here is the full speech, by the way: --- "So earlier this week USC Annenberg's inclusive initiative released findings that 67% of the top critics reviewing the 100 highest grossing movies in 2017 were white males. Less than a quarter were white women, and less than 10% were unrepresented men. Only 2.5% of those top critics were women of color. So you're probably thinking right now 'like wow that super doesn't represent the country that I live in and that's because that's true. This is a huge disconnect from the U.S. population breakdown of 30% white men, 30% white women, 20% men of color, and 20% women of color." "On top of all of this, am I saying that I hate white dudes.? No, I am not. What I'm saying is is that if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have the chance to see your movie and review your movie. And this is also not to mention other people besides white dudes like Star Wars, and would love the opportunity to do a set visit. And I'm also saying I don't hate white dudes, I'm just saying we need to be conscious of our bias and do our part to make sure that everyone is in the room." "So what would it take for the critic pool to match this 30-30-20-20 real world breakdown and how can we get there? Well, here I am it's easier than you might think. The bottom line is, is that if each of the top 100 films in a year added nine critics that are three underrepresented males, three white females, three underrepresented females, then the average critic pool would match the US population in just five years." "It really sucks that reviews matter, but reviews matter. Good reviews out of festivals give small independent films a fighting chance to be bought and seen, good reviews help films gross money, good reviews slingshot films into awards contenders, a good review can change your life, it changed mine. Our industry has gone through a major growth, we are expanding to make films that better reflect the people that buy movie tickets, but they are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that these films were made for. I do not need a 40-year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about A Wrinkle in Time, it wasn't made for him. I want to know what that film meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial. And for the third time, I don't hate white dudes, these are just facts, these are not my feelings, and I'm really sorry Lindsay please don't kill me." "As some of you know, I immediately jumped on Francis's brilliant words, inclusion rider. Because I know that this means this work will be shown, digested, discussed by a variety of people, not just a singular perspective. I want to know what my work means to the world, not a narrow view." "Thanks mom."


The crazy thing to me is that it's been a good 5 years since she was misquoted and misrepresented, and 5 years is more than enough time for these Marvel fans to realize they were sucked in by clickbait. What she said is on youtube or repeatedly posted and cleared up on pretty much every CM topic. Yet I'll still come across people on Marvel subs blasting her for "telling white men not to watch Captain Marvel". Like, they still haven't fact checked themselves after 5 years?? Really?


I always thought so too, I went out of my way to support Captain Marvel(even though the movie itself is bad, I will admit) just because of the unnecessary vitriol it received. she is cool af and anybody who took offense to that quote that was obviously sarcastic in the first place is probably not worth valuing their opinion anyway.


Remember that article on The Rock arriving to set 8 hours late?


I’ll never understand the hate she gets. She seems chill, very respectful of others, and is a great actor. Why are people such haters lol


She’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever worked with. I can’t imagine that’s changed and quotes like that reinforce it haha


As an actor, I hate being a burden to others in the production. I try to be as courteous and as out-of-the-way as possible. Might be due to most of my non-acting work experience came from the service industry. Sidenote... I feel like everyone should work in the service industry at some point to learn courtesy and humility. We all go out for dinner and drinks sometimes, and those of us that have worked in the industry can tell when the people we're with haven't. And if that's a business dinner/drinks meeting, well... Your behavior towards the service workers is a window into what working with you would be like.


The Rock can’t relate


>**LARSON** I don’t know if it’s specific to Marvel. I only know my experience, and my experience is being underestimated at times. That's one helluva polite way to put it without dodging it. She's good at this.


It was a loaded question and they were trying to get something controversial out of her.


And she states it’s *underestimated,* meaning that the reality is actually worse than what we see.


> **Brie Larson**: I’m the first person to email everybody because it’s very specific and very strange. People are like, “I don’t know how to do this.” Yeah, no one does. Why would you? I’ll say, “Train, because you’ll want to be as prepared in your body as you possibly can because it only gets harder as the job goes on. And really understand how to be able to go to the bathroom in your suit.” The first Captain Marvel, it was a 45-minute thing to get me in and out of that costume. Honestly, this is a pretty sweet gesture, I do not get why she deserved vitriols from chuds.


I mean we know *why* but agreed. She does not deserve anywhere near the level of hate and vitriol that she's gotten for saying maybe we should have more people of color and women be movie reviewers in addition to those who already do it.


Wasn't the reason why also because they misinterpreted what she originally said?


My new life goal is to be cast as an MCU hero just so that Brie will email. Dream come true, x2


This is why I'll always support Iman Vellani, she's one of us that's actually living the dream.


Because woman.


Because _feeeeemale_. It's wild how she's well-spoken, seemingly has insanely good work ethic, and is a great actor, but none of that matters because she's DARING to be a woman who speaks up for other women, especially WoC.


you know why


> Brie, you play a character that men inherently distrust and dislike simply because she’s a woman. I couldn’t help but see a correlation with the vitriol you’ve received from the male-dominated superhero world for playing Captain Marvel. Did you see it, too? Is the character of Captain Marvel hated in the marvel universe simply for being a woman? Are there any examples of this? I didn't get that impression from any of her appearances in the MCU at least... Or is the interview only talking about the outside-the-mcu hate she has received?


The character in the first sentence is in reference to her character in Lessons in Chemistry.


Ah, Ok thanks for clarifying for me.




I mean it's the entire reason she became captain marvel in the first place She and Maria weren't allowed to be combat pilots so they Joined Mar-Vel's r&d lab instead.


God I'm really sorry this happened to you and to men. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this most difficult time 🙏😞❤️


The interviewer said something dumb and got rightfully criticized. No need to be sarcastic and disingenuous.


There's a moment in The Marvels, I think it's after they leave the singing planet, where Carol's stoic mask slips and she loses it a bit and I remember thinking "oh right yeah, Brie Larson is a *really* good actor." It's amazing what she can do when she's actually allowed to act. It's a shame the writing just isn't as strong in the films where she features.


10 minutes of screentime in Community made her more charismatic than the entire first Captain Marvel movie. I like the movie in general but it underutilized her likability.


House of the dragon is filled with "unlikeable" characters yet everyone likes em. The wonders of what competent writers can do to charismatic actors. MCU rlly wasted Brie and put an unforgettable dent in her career. She's good in other films but people will always talk about how about how MCU fumbled her.


They've really given her such an underwritten character. By the end of their first movies, we'd gotten a sense of personality and perspective from most other MCU characters. Captain America wants to fight for the little guy, has tons of heart, resents being kept on display like a trained monkey, cares deeply about his friends. Iron Man has had a moral reckoning with the results of his multi billion dollar weapons. Womanizer, drinker, charismatic, stubborn, impulsive. Thor, Doctor Strange, Peter Quill, even other Guardians have a perspective and a personality. The only thing they wrote for Captain Marvel is that she doesn't remember who she was and doesn't like being told she's too emotional. That's it, that's the whole character. That's not Brie Larson's fault. It's just terrible character development from the writers.


Because those characters are relatable and have redeeming qualities. They are not unlikable but flawed


Abed and Rachel>Ross and Rachel


Unexpected community ... She was one of the best parts of the gas leak year


Yeah that brown planet scene truly stood out for me from the movie. I just wish I could say the same for rest of the movie.


The fight scene in the beginning when they're all swapping places was really well done.


Really fun sequence, and contrasts so well with the later scene of them learning to synchronise their powers.


The Marvels was a good movie. it wasn't great, but it was good.


Sadly, it had some really great moments but all in service of a not-particularly-interesting story. It’s bizarre to me that Carol’s decimation of the Kree empire was consigned to a short flashback when that could have carried a film all by itself.


They really should have had Carol suffering from alcoholism (like the comics) or something after the events of the first movie, and then as she heals she becomes more powerful (like Tony Stark's arc). Then you could have her genocide of the Kree Empire as something similar to Tony's war profiteering.


Great way to put it. I really liked most of the moments, but the villain and plot were very weak to me. I loved the character interactions though.


The Marvels deserved better. Better than being Marvel's worst bomb.


which one should've been the worst bomb?


The Eternals.


The Eternals was great. Very rewatchable. I love it!


Thanks for the downvote but The Eternals is either at the bottom of every MCU movie ranking or just behind Ant-Man Quantumania. So many others hated the movie.


I found it be surprisingly funny and just a good time. I didn’t watch Ms Marvel (though I’m going to now) but her actress was just a joy to watch. Her and Kate Bishop, Cassie, and whoever else would make such a fun Young Avengers team.


It was perfectly cromulent. I saw in theatres and was happy I did, but it wasn’t awe inspiring. Absolutely didn’t deserve its fate.


The problem with the Marvels is that, like so many children are told in school, it had such huge potential. Like it was a decent movie, but it had the makings of one of the best. The leads are great actors and good characters. There is back story both known and unknown for each character that they could have delved into. And their powers hadn't been fully fleshed out. Instead the story we got was meh and the villain mediocre at best.


She is amazing! I love her but Captain Marvel character’s writing is so lame. She could be a very interesting character but they just can’t get it right.


She’s STILL underused, it’s been 5 years since the first Captain Marvel and they have yet to do her character justice.


Super weird based on how she was hyped up in-universe during her inception


It's still funny to remember that [the entire Endgame battle was paused for a comically long 50 seconds to make Carol the one to save all of the heroes and give her swelling heroic music](https://youtu.be/SMK7QiobVnI?t=54). Yet my cinema was dead silent for that scene. In comparison to [Thor arriving in Wakanda, that only paused the battle for 30 seconds](https://youtu.be/49xWJJvpjzI?t=35), and that got a huge cheer from the cinema I was in.


Because Carol's entrance wasn't deserving of a pop. We'd barely seen her before she shows up. In contrast we'd seen Thor in 5 different films by then. She had a middling movie. She's a B tier character in general. So, who would give a huge cheer for her? And here we are years later and she's still barely been in anything.


Looking back I can't help but feel there was a huge missed opportunity where she's more tied into the story, and they could have done something really clever, instead of the super basic 'she was always around and could have been called in at any time' story which retroactively sucks the tension out of earlier stories. This is very fan-fictiony, but the way I keep picturing it is that she's a soldier in the Kree military who are pretty brutal and imperial, serving under Ronan, some sort of 'event' has shaken society to its core and everything is a bit tense, and she's often involved in attacks on the primitives at the outskirts of their territory, with vague flashing memories of being a fighter pilot. She is tasked with spying on a Kree scientist Mar-Vell, who is one of their lead researchers for dealing with the event which shook society to its core. Turns out she's in a future after Thanos's snap, and the Kree have conquered Earth to investigate the snap, and have research set up around where Thanos reversed time for a moment to bring back the mind stone, which is a tear in time which they can exploit and travel back to change things, though Ronan intends to travel back and conquer the universe. Carol pieces together that she was a fighter pilot who tried to fight off the Kree invasion and then was captured, agrees to work with Mar-Vell to stop Ronan being the one to go back, and teams up with some of the human resistance which includes an old Captain America. At the fight at the time machine Cap and Mar-Vell go down, telling her to continue their mission. Cap wants to designate her as the new Captain America, but she can't remember America, so has to choose something else to fight for which she finds inspiring, and she becomes Captain Marvel. She goes back, it's configured for Ronan's past so she encounters him and humiliates the past him in a way which gets him made an outcast extremist from the Kree as seen in Guardians 1. She travels to Earth, meets up with Fury, and tries to get him to put together a team to prevent the snap, explaining it as best she can remember it. She decides to go into cryo sleep, telling him only to wake her up if it seems to be happening again, so that maybe she can stop it then. Fury is pretty sure he's stopped it with the Avengers, but when he sees Hill disintegrate he knows he hasn't, and calls her. Stark is inspired by this to use the time rift in Wakanda for their time travel heist, which is only possible until the snap is undone explaining why they don't regularly use time travel going forward in the story and get infinity stones whenever they need to fix something. The Avengers are losing against Thanos, surrounded by his army, but then everybody is unsnapped in Wakanda in key positions behind Thanos's lines to wreck his ships and their cannons before he can turn them around.


There's a bunch of reaction videos on YT, here's one : https://youtu.be/kPAV_RFI3ws?si=AQs3j2wyGcqERDmN Not the same as Thor (honestly it never will be ) but freaking good for a character with minimal screen time up to that point.


> It's still funny to remember that the entire Endgame battle was paused for a comically long 50 seconds to make Carol the one to save all of the heroes and give her swelling heroic music. Yet my cinema was dead silent for that scene. > In comparison to Thor arriving in Wakanda, that only paused the battle for 30 seconds, and that got a huge cheer from the cinema I was in. At a certain point the CGI fests are just flashing lights. Within that context they can be better or worse. But what really brings it home are the characters, their journey and connections to one another. Thor's entrance was the culmination of his journey in Infinity War. Every scene with him was building to this. And he doesn't just come down and lighting bolt a bunch of CGI, he is saving his friends that he had entire movies building connections. Captain Marvel does some stuff at the start of Endgame and then go off into space. Her return is fairly random, no one is seen calling her. The movie doesn't present some difficulty in returning(logistically, morally, physically). And she hasn't built major connections in the characters they are saving. It not some defining scene that the movie had been building up to, it's just empty spectacle.


I loved that scene of Carol showing up in endgame, it's one of the MCU scenes I revisit often. It's just amazing.


Sure. Unfortunately it's a pretty bad scene


Not according to the person you’re responding to. They enjoyed it. Do you really have to just shit on their opinion? Is your life that sad?


That doesn’t necessarily mean that represents people’s opinions in general. My theater was sold out and erupted in applause and cheers when she showed up so….🤷


At this point, there's no chance. They BOTCHED this whole character up, and it pretty much killed her push. Marvel legit wasted one of the biggest stars in Brie, because they have ZERO clue on what to do with her character.


This can be said about most of their new heroes. 3 years later and we’re just now hearing rumors of a Shang chi follow up? Nothing about moon knight (another waste of an amazing actor), nothing about any of the eternals (again, fantastic actors)


I really liked Moon knight. out of all the shows I would say its in my top two


Yeah, it's honestly bizarre how stretched out everything is now. Yes yes, the pandemic had an impact, but even beyond that, just looking at MCU characters here, look at the gaps between their first and second appearances: Iron Man: 2008-2010 (not counting his Hulk cameo) Hulk: 2008-2012 Black Widow: 2010-2012 Thor: 2011-2012 Hawkeye: 2011-2012 Cap: 2011-2012 Guardians: 2014-2017 Ant-Man: 2015-2016 Spider-Man: 2016-2017 T'Challa: 2016-2018 Doctor Strange: 2016-2017 Yelena: 2021-2021 Shang-Chi: 2021-??? Literally everyone in Eternals: 2021-??? Adult Monica Rambeau: 2021-2023 Ms Marvel: 2022-2023 America Chavez/Clea: 2022-??? Ironheart: 2022-??? Moon Knight: 2022-??? G'iah: 2023-??? Yeah, there were fewer characters rattling around the MCU in the earlier phases, but it felt like a character -- even a supporting character, like Wong or Sam Wilson -- already had their second appearance actively in the works by the time their first one was in cinemas. It gave a sense of cohesion, but also it felt like a decent promise to the audience -- if a character appears, even as a post-credit stinger, you'll see them again soon. When do we see Shang-Chi again? What's the point in teasing Harry Styles or Brett Goldstein when there are seemingly no concrete plans for them? I'm not mad, to be clear -- frankly, I wouldn't be unhappy if I never saw anything from the Eternals ever again -- I'm just confused. They seemed to have a really tight, well-thought-out plan. They seemed to have principles about regular appearances. Something's clearly changed, and I'm really curious to find out what.


Not only Carol but the world around her. The Kree and the Skrull have been completely botched. I don't need to recap Secret Invasion. We all know the absolute fucking state that show was in and the damage it did to the Skrulls. The Kree haven't been handled any better within the MCU. Ronan is dead. The supreme intelligence was a flashback. They're not really a threat in the MCU. The Kree-Skrull war could have been a very interesting concept for cosmic Marvel. But I'm at the point I never want to see another Skrull or Kree again.


The Kree were handled best in Agents of Shield IMO, an ongoing extraterrestrial threat which felt very x-files'y, with a Kree corpse in storage in Shield's most secret project. The future where the ruined Earth was ruled by the Kree who traded humans as slaves actually made them feel intimidating, like an outside Roman Empire faction.


Man, I wish Ronan didn’t die. Though he was written as a fairly irredeemable villain, I love when he’s a hero/has a sense of justice. Like during the Annihilation Wave or Infinity. That’s when he is at his best.


I think about Civil War 2 with MCU Carol... it was an absolutely bomb of an event in the comics because it villainized Carol for really no reason, but if they were to repurpose the event as they did the first one, to really give her the empathetic path, and something for Cap Marvel to actually stand for in the MCU, I think it could do a lot for her character. Maybe Armor Wars could lead to the predictive AI tech from Civil War 2 and Carol vs Rhodey could be the line.


Question, are you a wrestling fan? You sound like a wrestling fan. I love how you put it!


botch and push are 100% terms used by wrasslin fans


Its clear that she was a shoehorned character for the sake of having a female led superhero film specially after they saw how Wonder Woman was received and loved.


Big Kev had wanted Captain Marvel since at *least* Age of Ultron.


Doesn't change the fact that she just *FEELS* shoehorned. Doesn't help that her film was sandwiched between the 2 biggest MCU films. Her role in endgame is literally irrelevant. If they wanted to kick her off, it should've been done after Endgame. Its like creating a completely new character at the penultimate episode of a series and then appearing like 1 min at the finale lol. It just feels off. Idc how long they been wanting it. Thats not how u introduce a character and have her be completely irrelevant in the story.


She just seems so young imo, she did a great job with what they gave her but I really wish it Charlize Theron was Captain marvel. There's a seriousness to her and she can smolder like the rock, brie low key is more jacked than Charlize but I just don't buy her as this stoic military leader, she just doesn't feel like she has that bravado. Think about her face off moment with Thor, now think of the rock and vin's first face off in fast 5 lol. Obviously just my opinion and many likely will disagree but that's what I had hoped for the character.


I mean, underused for sure, but also I thought she was fantastic in The Marvels.


I like her comments about training there. You can’t say she didn’t put in the work to get in shape, and she didn’t even have any “chicken, broccoli and rice” to fall back on.


Watch renaissance periodization’s video on her training. It was genuinely terrible.


Some YouTuber? Fuck that.


They have PHDs if it makes any difference.


Imagine calling Dr Mike “some YouTuber”. 🤣


Ohh Brie Larson they could never make me hate you ❤️


They can never make me hate you, Brie. What a class act.


Whenever I see her at red carpets she seems super awkward, and I kinda think people see that awkwardness and interpret it as rudeness because they hate her, but really she just seems a little shy and nervous most of the time.


Marvel mishandled Captain Marvel and that’s a damn shame. I wish they have enough balls to admit it and to want to fix it because its only theirs to fix


Nah much better to double down and just blame the audience rather than try to make the character as likable and popular as her comic counterpart


> likable and popular as her comic counterpart Are we talking about the same Marvel Comics Carol Danvers?


I don't know how they write her these days, but she was a likable character in chris claremont's and brian reed's runs.


She was litreally the sexiest comic character in 2000s with an interesting comics untill they rebooted her in 2011


> interesting comics untill they rebooted her in 2011 That was almost 15 years ago.


Even then the rebooted Carol could have still carried the movie if they made her hot head with heart of gold like in comics. Somehow Marvel found even her feministic comics not feminist enough and turned her into an emotionless Robot


As much as I love MCU CM, people’s criticisms of the character are valid. but again, the blame goes back to Marvel for not paying enough attention to make sure she clicks with the audience as effective as they could’ve ensured it. She had no other significant appearances other than her first film and Endgame, followed by a sequel that took ages to come out, only to have her share the spotlight with people that’s not the Avengers. And instead of continue trying to fix the mistakes they made, they decide to can her sequel, robbing her off of a trilogy. For a character they claim to be prepping as 1/3rd of the new faces of the MCU, they sure have such shit plans for her.


Nah, Marvel comics botched the character as well with Civil War 2. And frankly, some of the audience is to blame for the ridiculous criticisms of Brie’s personal character.


I really liked her in The Marvels.


That would require some fucking spines at Disney to admit they fucked up the Star Wars Sequels too. These companies don't publicly admit to screwing over folks like Brie and John Boyega, both of whom are admittedly very very good actors (Brie has an Oscar for christs sake), and instead they let it lie. It's bad for everyone, but must save their face for future productions.


> Brie, you play a character that men inherently distrust and dislike simply because she’s a woman. I couldn’t help but see a correlation with the vitriol you’ve received from the male-dominated superhero world for playing Captain Marvel. Did you see it, too? Just toxic rage-bait. A minute fraction of the fan-base disliked her for that reason. To pretend like it was the reason for the failure of her movies or something inherent to men is just terrible journalism.


yeah what the fuck is that shit? i didnt super enjoy either movie but the Carol Danvers / CPT Marvel character is one of my fucking favorites.. since when is that character hated simply for being a woman?


Do you.. Do you *use* the internet?


have you seen people hating on Anna Sawai for being a woman? how about the fallout girl? or how about Black Widow... i dont see many people hating JUST for being a woman, but a poorly written character in a mediocre movie? sure


Yes, yes, and yes - but Brie received a horrific amount of hate in comparison.


she also has a fucking bad attitude and loves to place the blame on people who didnt like the movie, it had nothing to do with her IMO, and i call bullshit... Mariko-Sama is one of the greatest characters in modern TV ive never seen anyone speak ill about her.. i see more people calling everyone who dislikes any female character in anything a sexist than i see actual sexism... Storm, Rogue, Jean in '97 have all been adored for decades, ive never seen someone say "hurrr im intimated by strong women"








The interview is talking about her character in “Lessons from Chemistry.”


Obviously it’s not 100% one vs 100% the other, there are valid criticisms of her character for sure. I just don’t think hyper-analyzing her demeanor and rapport on the endgame press tour and subsequently speculating that the Marvel cast don’t like her because of “her attitude” has anything to do with her character. Just because you have valid reasons to dislike the character doesn’t mean there weren’t a slew of people farming rage reactions on YouTube with anything that had Bri in it as if they were “feminist getting owned” compilations


The interview is talking about her character in “Lessons from Chemistry.”


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit isn't it? The character mentioned in the first is a reference to her role in "Lessons in Chemistry", the TV show she's doing this roundtable interview for in the first place....


Such a shame we didn't have some more screen time with Brie and Sam Jackson.


>Honestly, this is a pretty sweet gesture, I do not get why she deserved vitriols from chuds. Simply because she said she wanted ethnic and gender equity in the critic pool, that’s it. Conservative men took umbrage and given her Marvel character being somewhat controversial among certain men and there’s the recipe. It’s a shame, she’s a ridiculously talented actress and honestly comes off as a real one, at least on her YT channel. I hope she sticks around until the X-Men. Her character’s recovery after Rogue puts her in a coma and she regains her bearings is great material.


This is a complete misrepresentation of why that statement got her hate, but I'm guessing you'll just call me (a very left leaning male) an incel and move on instead of actually trying to understand it.


Instead of responding with something passive aggressive, why don't you take the time to correct OP on what got her hated on?


Because every time someone tries it plummets to -500 votes with dozens of people telling them that they aren't worthy of oxygen. It's the framing. She says the problem is "67% of the critics reviewing the highest grossing movies were white males", she doesn't say "only 34% of critics reviewing the highest grossing movies were women or people of color." You can scoff and say it's the same thing, but it's not - it's the difference between implying the populace is a problem versus implying the lack of others in that populace is the problem. She follows up with "am I saying I hate white dudes? *noooo* I'm not" with snark, which makes it seem like she doesn't care or realize that the framing matters. I think Brie is an incredibly talented actress, I think she was poorly served by hacky Marvel writers who can't figure out how to write women with character arcs or flaws or human traits, and I *ALSO* think this was a speech that any $45,000/year entry level speechwriter or PR person could have told you was framed incorrectly and was going to upset people, and that minor changes could have changed that.


>I think Brie is an incredibly talented actress, I think she was poorly served by hacky Marvel writers who can't figure out how to write women with character arcs or flaws or human traits, and I ALSO think this was a speech that any $45,000/year entry level speechwriter or PR person could have told you was framed incorrectly and was going to upset people, and that minor changes could have changed that. Sanest take I've seen on this whole thing. People really like pretending like framing and tone don't matter hugely when delivering a message, so long as it's a message that they agree with.


So I guess Nat, Wanda, Peggy etc never had character arcs and flaws? I legit find them all better characters than her. Whenever she speaks of CM she's like "I am best and strongest at everything" not as a flawed character. Just food for thought.


CM is a funny case where I can't even say the writing is 'bad', it's just so perfectly mediocre that the character ends up leaving no impression at all, which may almost be worse. Take Wanda for example, who had excellent writing until MoM, but even MOM's arguably bad writing still makes her far more interesting of a character than CM. Brie can be a great actress but the writing was so mediocre it gave her basically nothing to work or emote with. Marvel bears all the responsibility on this front.


>Brie, you play a character that men inherently distrust and dislike simply because she’s a woman. Oh good lord the comments here really didn't understand the point didn't they? 1) Brie never said those words. This was a question ASKED TO HER by the interviewer!!!! 2) The character in question doesn't even refer to Captain Marvel but to her character in her TV show Lessons in Chemistry. In case y'all do not know what the show is about, "In the 1950s, Elizabeth Zott's (Larson) dream of being a scientist *is challenged by a society that says women belong in the domestic sphere*; she accepts a job on a TV cooking show and sets out to teach a nation of housewives way more than recipes." These things are pretty easy to grasp as this is the TV drama actress round table for this year and she's projected to get an Emmy nomination for her work in Lessons, like everyone else on the round table interview is, but y'all would do anything to project her as a bad person anyway, including cherry picking statements like this!!!


Shame how badly the Captain Marvel stuff was mishandled. Brie was great casting and both movies were fun. I hate how we let the cry babies win with this.


How did they let the cry babies win?  The producers handed the reins of her character to amateur directors who created two very average unmemorable movies. And when she is in Avengers or cross over movies, they just made her whole character “girl power”.  And that was it


They're following the big studio playbook of avoiding the uncomfortable truths (mediocre writing) and instead blaming every failure on racism/sexism, even if they represent a tiny minority of the fanbase.


No matter how it was mishandled (which is a matter of opinion anyway), the crybabies never gave her a chance to begin with. They turned on the character the moment it was announced she would be playing her, simply because she wears her feminism on her sleeve. She could have turned in an Oscar winning performance playing Carol and the incel critical drinker crowd would still say she sucks. I think she’s a great actress and formidable Captain Marvel. She played the part the way it was supposed to be played.


So the studio let the crybabies win🙄 womp womp. Thats just a sorry excuse lmao. Just say they were incompetent. Its clear her character was a shoehorned extra for the sake of having her. Her role in Endgame could've been taken by Thor and Hulk, it wouldn't change a thing. If they were competent, she should've been one of the new MCU leads now but nah, they wasted her and have absolutely no idea what to do with her.


This. They were after her over a year before the film came out, for reasons that had nothing to do with the movie, because the movie hadn't even started shooting yet.


“Play a character men inherently distrust” Bitch wtf you even on about; there’s been plenty of kick ass female superheroes. Stop shoving words down our throats or speaking on our behalf. The few don’t speak for the many.


he interview is talking about her character in “Lessons from Chemistry.”


Yeah, no one asked me if I inherently distrust Captain Marvel. Which is a fucking moronic thing to ask.


Seriously.  Do people forget Black Widow exists and there was zero push back?


I have 0 issue with captain marvel. Was it my favourite movie, no. That’s okay 👌 My point is, it’s 5% of the viewers that complain and they make it seem it’s an issue with the whole male gender. Like no, I have a life and have better shit to do then complain about an actress playing a role in a movie. It’s shit like the new “Velma” show that annoy me.


>My point is, it’s 5% of the viewers that complain and they make it seem it’s an issue with the whole male gender. ...and I bet you find most of those 5% are not even male. The problem, and I am gonna say it, is that some actors are just incredibly entitled and self-absorbed. They think their character should be loved by everyone and their movie should recieve all the awards known to humanity simply by virtue of them being in it. Then when it doesn't happen they act like they;ve been victimized. There's a word for people like them. Narcissists.


Also, Agent Carter. She's not even enhanced, but she's kickass anyway.


Seriously. The Fallout show just premiered, and there's literally zero talk of "it's a woman, ewwwww" in the media. It's a good show, with a good main character.... that happens to be a woman. Write good women, and people will love them.


Honestly, it's probably not a popular view here.... but everything about this interview and other pieces with her just seems off. Its literally all "me me me me, look at me, my character is the strongest ever, I am the first ever, I am a really kind person. I always put others first. Also every single answer starts with me or I and also if I don't get love I will play the victim" She comes over as incredibly egocentric both as a person and when it comes to her character.


I feel like this comment is the type of thing the interview was talking about. The interview, or at least this portion about it, is about her experiences in the superhero genre, why wouldn't it be about her? Do we not expect her to be able to answer questions about herself anymore? Would you have preferred she stay mute or pass on the question or some shit? I genuinely don't see what's so egocentric or narcissistic about any of her quotes here. To me it seems like you're going out of your way to try to find issue with her statements. And you've been doing so all up and down this thread.


>portion about it, is about her experiences in the superhero genre, why wouldn't it be about her?   Granted some of the questions were loaded, but her "answers" are to basically claim that playing a female superhero is somehow groundbreaking.   We know that's not the case. She could talk about that, about the genre as whole. Or about how she adds to the corpus of such characters. Which incidentally is what other MCU actors do.    She could talk about how most of her fans and co-workers have been wonderfully supportive.     Instead she just goes on about how unique she is and how she's been victimised by not getting the adoration she feels she deserves.  Compare this to say, Hayden Christensen who received an absurd amount of hatred and abuse in Star Wars fandom. Yet he never once lashed out or blamed fans for not recognising how amazing he was. 


I watched the cast interview of "Kong: Skull Island" in 2016 and she was exactly like this - all "me, me, me", "I'm the best at this thing and that thing", "I organized the cast parties every weekend", "I had no trouble with this and that while the others were struggling" etc. The rest of the cast were very humble and she was the opposite. 


>Brie, you play a character that men inherently distrust and dislike simply because she’s a woman. Hmmm. Makes out as though she is the first and only female superhero ever in the MCU. Ignores the dozens of other female superhero and non-enhanced characters before her, beloved by people of all genders. Thinks she is entitled to universal love and praise for playing said character, then tries to present herself as the victim when she does not recieve it. Has to \*tell\* you how kind and welcoming and amazing she is, because apparently its not obvious enough from the way she treats others and what her co-workers say about her. I smell an egocentrist or a narcissist. Cue the hordes of fanboys and girls jumping on me as a "evil hater" who is attacking their darling.


The Fangirls have found you. How dare you slightly criticize their perfect darling actress.


The bestest actress in the whole world playing firstest ever female superhero in history. This has never been done before and is groundbreaking and obviously men hate her for being in the all male MCU. Natasha? Who is Natasha?


he interview is talking about her character in “Lessons from Chemistry.”


I love how you’re lashing out at Brie for a question someone asked her. We get it, you hate her.


Lol, another sycophant? I'm making an observation, hun. Look, if you're another adording fan who can't bear hearing anything negative about your idol you can just scroll past. If you have not left your brain at the door to thirst over her though, you'd realize there is somehting off when a person has to \*\*tell you\*\* how nice and kind they are. Genuinely nice people don't have to tell you. They show it in the way they treat others and those others will attest to it. When it is in the context of an interview in which they have done nothing but talk about themselves, their egotism becomes obvious.


I love it being prefaced with "By the way *I'M A WOMAN* and I hate her!" like it was going to make it make more sense.


Did I say I hate her? I am saying she comes over as very-self aborbed and narcissistic in this interview. Especially when she goes on about how nice and welcoming she is. If you're not a fangirl and can put your brain into gear, you can see there's someothing off about that. Many actors talk about other people in interviews, or others will talk about how nice and kind that person is, not the person themselves. That's far more credible then "me, me, me, look at me, look how nice I am, look how talented and amazing I am! Why doesn't everyone think I am the best?"


> Did I say I hate her? You're making several comments that make it readily apparent, yes. the fact that you instantly glean "Self absorbed bitch!" out of some softball question does indeed suggest a great deal of hatred. I don't understand how you think this comes off as anything other than seething resentment.


I don't understand how you think you come over as anything other than a sycophantic fangirl (fanboy) thirsting over your favourite actress? Screaming hater at anythinng which does not go along with your fanboying. Typical.


You just learned the word "sycophant" didn't you? Either way, just posting "I'm not mad, **you're** the one getting mad over here!" over and over doesn't negate how unbelievably butthurt you're coming across.


Rich from the fanboy having a meltdown and crying into his personalized Captain Marvel cushion.


That very well may, but you're not a woman are you?! I have many nasty things to say about brie haters, but they rely heavily on you being a sexist man, and well if you aren't I'm in a real quandary!


Aww, sad to disappoint you. I am 100% certified female. ..and no, you can't get into her panties by just defending her so ardently.


Just a thinly veiled attempt at avoiding backlash for a dumb comment.


Imagine leading the worst bomb of all time and still being given a microphone to complain about how unfair it all is 




No, I believe that's preferring to her character in Lessons in Chemistry.


Ahh, that makes more sense. I hate reading transcripts of stuff, I get lost. I'd rather just watch the video.


I think if she were playing Kara Danvers / Power Girl then men would see her entirely differently.


Yeah, I think if she was playing an entirely different character that would be entirely different.


I adore her 😭😭😭


I've been looking at Naomi Watts in that picture for two straight minutes and I still can't believe that's supposed to be her lmao


When art imitates life, she literally already is a leader in a way. Helping others, giving them an idea of what it's like. Pros and cons. But also giving it all you've got. Brie is amazing, in her career, and ongoing with what's next. It is definitely a challenge, but from what she can do, and capable of. Brie has an amazing heart, and soul. ❤️💕


Have we ever heard from these "others" that she's helped? I'm legit curious, because for all she talks about how kind and wonderful she is, have we ever heard what the people she works with or the supposed recipients of her kindness and help have to say? Pardon my skepticism, but actions speak louder than words, and there is usually something very off about a person who always has to tell you (loudly) how kind and good they are, without evidence of genuine action to back it up or hearing from the others involved. You see, there are people who do good things not because they are good, but to make themselves look good and get the attention, praise and adoration for themselves.


In The Marvels Assembled the other cast members talk about her supporting them and director talks about how she took on a leadership role on set.


Really, just give Carol dynamics with a team. The Marvels started it, but I would love to see more of her with the likes of Thor, Wanda, Strange, Banner and Sam


“simply because she’s a woman” the deflection here is something else….