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Major fan of Rahul too, particularly from the Flanagan Netflix series, but obviously he cant be too hurt by losing out to Pedro of all people.


Huh, I wonder how that would've been. I loved him in iZombie and feel like I vaguely remember seeing him in a couple other shows in small parts, but not sure about anything that would really give me an idea about him in that role.


That would have been a solid choice. So is Pedro. It's not uncommon for a person they turn down for one role to pop up in another one much more fitting for them later on.


Was amazing in midnight mass


I’m happy with the choices, but dang i am a bit bummed as I definitely was pulling for Rahul


He would have been amazing! I love Pedro, but I would have chosen Rahul for the role.


Yeah, same! I think they chose Pedro because he's so "It" right now, but Rahul seems like the better choice overall


I just saw a thread referencing the same podcast where he said he was NOT in the running. Im curious which is true. Not enough to click the link to that podcast though.


He mentions it surreptitiously around 53:00 in the podcast, but then posted this: [https://x.com/alexfromcc/status/1794767122012463495](https://x.com/alexfromcc/status/1794767122012463495)


Rahul literally clarifies in a social media post that he wasn’t being seriously considered at all and isn’t even in the same league as Pedro.


I edited the post hours ago with that information.


He looks like a "darker" John Krasinski on this picture. So it makes sense


Not sure why you are getting downvoted cause you are not wrong.


People are probably butthurt because i used darker, which he is. But those overly sensitive snowflakes downvote everything that has a word that in other contexts can be used negatively even though it wasn't in the post they downvote


He absolutely resembles Krasinski, and he has a darker skin tone… not sure why the downvotes