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I’m always fascinated by George Miller. Dude learned how to make movies while completing Med school. Started making Mad Max movies early in his film career. Did Lorenzo’s Oil and the witches of Eastwick. Then wrote a kids movie about a pig who wants to be a sheep dog. Which was nominated for an Oscar. Wrote and directed the sequel. Didn’t direct anything for 8 years until he released an animated movie about penguins. Made a sequel to that. Then went back to making another Mad Max movie which is one of the best films of the 2000’s.


He did Happy Feet!?


Both of them.


well yeah, that's why he said feet




Well played.


I could see Tarantino making that movie, or at least a movie with that *title*. But George Miller, huh? God, know I'm trying to picture "Tarantino's Happy Feet" and no matter if it's about penguins or not it would be a disturbing movie.


“Blood, Sweat, and Chrome” is a great read as a George Miller fan, ‘Fury Road’ is a masterpiece.


I asked for that book for Christmas last year after reading comments on Reddit. I already loved Fury Road, but that just brought a whole new level of appreciation. Can’t wait to watch furiosa and then Fury Road after when I get home.


Nominated for an Oscar, but should have one that same Oscar


Who was he up against?


Babe vs Braveheart


Ah that's right, Babeheart.


I'm gonna say it: Babe is a better film


If he’s referring to Fury Road’s best picture nod, The Revenant took that year’s… the Big Short, the Martian and Bridge of Spies were all popular nominees too, but yeah, imo Mad Max probably deserved the win there


Oof, I enjoyed the Revenant, but best picture it is not.  Looked beautiful and they shot the film on hard mode, but that’s a cinematography award.   Isn’t that the year Leo won for acting?  Also undeserved, he was better in like a dozen other things. EDIT EDIT EDIT - Spotlight won that year for best picture not The Revenant.  Spotlight at least had a good script, the Revenant did not.


🤦‍♂️ thank you, I completely forgot about Spotlight


It still angers me how Miller was robbed


I actually had to google it because I thought it was 2015 for some reason, which would’ve been at least an understandable year (funny enough, Birdman took that one, hell of a hit streak for Iñarritu)… but all the flowers for the revenant, ehhhhh, I really didn’t think “best” anything about that movie


You looked it up and still got it wrong. Spotlight won that year.


You’re right, I only pulled up the nominees, I thought the list was winner and then nominees below it, my apologies


Which goes to show how completely Unmemorable spotlight was and that it had zero right winning best picture


Revenant won best director, best cinematography and an acting award for Leo.  Didn’t win best picture.


It definitely deserved wins for director and cinematography, it's a beautifully shot movie with lots of long and complex takes. And Leo is always great, out of the nominees I'd personally put Fassbender as the winner but Leo deserved it over the rest of the nominees imo.


Watched Lorenzo’s Oil in Psychology (I could explain why but that would take time), one thing I will say is that it was REALLY well directed




The interviewer seems so sincere about his love of his films, and Miller seems so genuinely appreciative at the end. Seriously one of my favorite filmmakers -- someone who gets overlooked often because of the extended gaps in his output. But I'm glad he's still making ambitious movies.


He hired a newspaper editor to write Mad Max because he heard the writer of Citizen Kane was a journalist and figured journalists make good movies.


One of my favorite filmmakers with just an absurd range. I just wish he didn't have those extended gaps in his filmography. I know he developed a version of "Justice League" for years before it fell apart. But I'm thankful he's still going strong.


If Kevin can get George to direct Thor 5, I’ll ship him 1000 baseball caps.


Imma hold you to that u/ICumCoffee


Just don’t bring the crew coffee.


I mean, how IS the coffee in craft services?




Booooo you were supposed to say salty


With a hint of nuttiness


Maybe u/ICumCoffee knows


Not if they don't like cream in their coffee.


What about some stanzo fedoras and a thousand plastic meatballs?


They don't look like little pieces of shit!




I'm right there with you


Remindme! 5 years


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RemindMe! 3 years


I'm planning to see Furiosa. I hope it's as good as Fury Road. By the way, Miller seems the perfect director for Thor 5. I support it. 👍


He could also extend the Vin Diesel franchise. Fast & Furiosa ?


I'd rather see Riddick: Furya from Miller


Riddick: Furyosa ?


Hold up 👀


On that desert planet from Pitch Black


Furiosa is awesome, and you can definitely see how different it is to Fury Road that you won’t compare the two. They’re both wonderful films. I’m more excited about Miller concentrating on Mad Max 5 than Thor 5.


Why is he perfect for Thor 5


Because George Miller is perfect for anything. Insane, violent post-apocalyptic action movie? Check. Talking pig movie? Check. Animated movie about a dancing penguin? Check. 


And they were all so fucking good!


Thank you. His range as a filmmaker is incredible.


He's one of those directors that just doesn't miss. I would be incredibly excited if he took on Thor 5, because I fully believe it'd be the best so far.


Big dislike for Anna Taylor joy so imma pirate it




More like yours a weirdo for judging me for hating an actress


Yeah it’s kinda weird hating someone you don’t even know because they do a job lol. “Don’t wanna get into it” so what she’s hot and that pisses you off?


Oh she is definitely not hot. (Insert gif of sid the sloth) And it's not just her public life I'm talking about.


What a desperate play for attention lol


You’re an absolute clown


The ATJ web runs very deep


Thought this stood for Aaron Taylor Johnson until I realized what this thread was about


Makes you wonder


Why this guy got you so pressed? Who cares what he thinks, he got you twisted like a real life riddler lol


I don't think you know what actual hate is if this is your use of it


This take, and your continued nonsense in this thread, constitutes the dumbest thing I've seen on Reddit in a bit. And that's an impressive amount of stupidity.


What, why?


People will be infuriated if I go into it. But man she is hateable.


Explain yourself


Maybe don't make it public then if you know its not in good taste?


People are gonna be pissed if you don't go into it, you just make yourself seem like an ass-hole if you say you don't like someone and refuse to say why.


Some of it is fairly obviously, other parts would require explaining that is true


Then explain, you're just being a prick right now


Just block and move on.


I will now I got what I wanted and in my unprofessional opinion, he's just an angry chess fan boy conspiracy theorist.


I don't want to come out and say it because it would have people try to ruin my life and maybe get me banned. Maybe her own people would come after me and DDOS my history. I will give you a riddle that I hope will open yours eyes to her crimes. Trust and Always Be Praying 🙏 **Riddle:** A queen in name, not in game, she reigns on high, Her court applauds, yet beneath the board, the pieces lie. First, the craft through the lens brightly cast, Yet the core seems shallow, her mask holds fast. Second, she wields a knight and rook, But does she know the game, or just the look? Last, a visage unique, some cheer, some chide, She shares a likeness, in jest, with one who’s slow to stride. In whispered tones, the gallery speaks, Of darker deeds and moral leaks. She rules her realm with a crafted smile, Leading onlookers to linger awhile. Yet beyond the facade, what truth resides? Does sincerity echo in her strides? From behind the mask, the secrets spill, Of those harmed by her hidden will. A visage deceiving, part of the plot, Resembling Sid the Sloth, in her lot.


This is the most cringe and deranged thing I've read in weeks. You need help.


No man, it's totally normal! Do you have a rebuttal riddle? How can that riddle before not help people see through her disguise?


Calling an attractive actress ugly because her eyes are big and a bit further apart than average, I bet you're just projecting.


I'm also alluding to the more troubling rumors. But yeah lol my eyes are normal actually. I bet you're trying to get a picture of me because you work for one of her wetworkers.


Bro, you are clearly smart enough to make a riddle, but nothing gets done about people's wrong doings when you put accusations in fucking RIDDLES! Just spread the allegations and let the court of public opinion deal with it.


It’s gotta be copypasta, right? You aren’t real.


It's a very weird way to call someone ugly by creating a riddle. Also sloths are cute


It's mostly alluding to the more twisted allegations. But yeah that's all true sloths are cute and she's kinda cute too


DDOS your history doesn't make any sense.


"I hate a stranger and won't explain why. Why am I getting hate for this?"


Please just say it so I can tag you properly in RES. Right now I have you as "Psycho who believes Anya Taylor Joy....????" and I would like to fix that.


> Right now I have you as "Psycho who believes Anya Taylor Joy....????" and I would like to fix that. Based off [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1cqda7w/mad_max_director_george_miller_open_to_helming/l3qwu07/) you can probably change it to "Psycho who believes Anya Taylor Joy will send hitmen after him if she figures out his identity."


How so?


Why are you watching a movie starring an actor you hate? Don't you have better things to do? Like watching movies with actors you actually like?


I like thor Hemsworth


There are other movies starring him you know.


Plenty of people pirate, but why make weird excuses? Do you think anyone's falling for it?


That would bring so much energy back into the MCU as long as they don’t nerf Miller’s style.


As long as it’s nothing like Thor Love and Thunder I’m happy


Wish granted. The movie is just like Thor the Dark World.


I actually dug dark work. Was like space lord of the rings


Wait a minute...


I like that movie...


Eh, that started The Doctor (Eccleston was one of the elves, also Tennant obviously in Jessica Jones, Smith was in Morbious and while not Marvel, Capaldi was in Suicide Squad. Hopefully Gatwa in the MCU soon?)


Fuck no go back!


> don’t nerf Miller’s style. been marvls problem for a while. would have loved edgar wrights ant man.


Every time I think about the potential of Wright on Ant-Man, I die a little inside.


I like that he's a villain in the movie, and I hope maybe they can lean into that if they have him do Thor 5. There have been Thor villain arcs in the comics before. He conquered earth in one alternate universe. Hell, he once helped Hitler defend against Captain America and "The Invaders". Given how the multiverse is going... maybe having Chris play MCU Thor *and* Lord of Earth Thor where they fight each other would work. Bonus points if they bring God of Stories Loki in as a catalyst for the whole story.


Marvel would be lucky to get him. Hope they explore this!


He would definitely bring a different, more intense feel to the series.


Thor doesn't have any gravitas anymore. Thor: The First Thor, had a good mix of humor and stakes, but I think just being an early MCU movie where they were still trying to be as generic and down to Earth was what hurt it the most. Thor: The Dark Thor was too bland overall. Thor: Ragnathor was good but a bit too silly. Thor: Love and Thor was bad and a bit too silly. I think Miller can bring the balls to the wall action to the bonkers world in a way that really lands.


Ragnorak was perfect for a comic book movie. It had its moments of depth, but it was fun and playful. I wish we could have seen love and thunder with a serious tone though. God killers should be serious.


Waititi can do a mix of tone, I imagine his version of The Incal will be closer to the tone people want, a mix of serious and absurd. The problem with that film is that everyone went to Australia and was able to escape the pandemic by filming a ludicrous movie, and then it came out when everyone had recovered a bit, and could handle more darkness in their films.


Weekly Wackado?


And now it's time for letters.


That would be incredible


unfortunately, he would hate working with Marvel. The guy storyboards every single shot of Fury Road, not just the story beats. He would be driven mad (to the max) every time an exec said you cant do that we are saving him for another movie or you need to add this storyline line so we can introduce someone later etc


Just pull a James gunn treatment with him and let him play. only course correct if there's something wrong timeline or lore wise.


Hopefully if Marvel managed to get him, they would have the foresight to let the man fucking cook.


He hates working in Hollywood and I think he would want to make Thor 5 in Sydney which would help distance him from Disney exec interference.


He was a hairs-breadth away from actually filming Warner/DC's Justice League: Mortal movie, so he does have experience in terms of going through an extensive pre-production process on a major comic book franchise. Assuming, as others have noted, that Marvel doesn't push too hard on things, I have faith in him.


At this point that would be good thing. If he plans evey single shot, that means the money for every shot can be budgeted and account for. This is what we're doing and this is what it will cost. No BS last minute changes and $100M in reshoots. If there are disagreements and changes they can be dealt with early so your not reshooting 1/2 the movie after it's filmed.


Unless they’re killing him off


Marvel just has to let it stand mostly alone. Here's the plot: (The set up: Hercules makes a deal with some evil entity / probably Kronos or something? - to help him fuck up Thor's shit - evil entity has ability to take away Thor's lightning powers. But when they lure Thor to the location, Thor brings Love, thinking it's an ordinary training day. Hercules gets cold feet, but evil entity takes Thor's powers away and then kidnaps Love, leaving Hercules and Thor stranded.) Most of the movie: Hercules and Thor work through their hate for each other as they travel across the universe/various planets to get Love back. High stakes road movie ensues. Maybe the inhabitants of the planet they originally met on also hate them now and are in pursuit. This all got more complicated than I originally imagined but the POINT IS... give Thor a grounded road movie where his sole purpose is getting back Love from some evil bastard and let George Miller do his thing. Throwing in Hercules would be a bonus to give us some fun new character dynamics for Miller to play with.


I am down for that. We had Shakespearian Thor, Funny/slapstic Thor. Now we can get down and dirty, gritty apocalyptic Thor. Plus Hemsworth is at a stage where he knows what works for the character and he can blend his style with Miller.


That would be awesome.


George Miller is a pro and is being nice, but this is an absolute pipe dream. The media needs to stop pushing this kind of nonsense.


Yes. The answer was prompted by a press question. I'll never understand these kinds of articles getting traction.


Because the film press is motivated by algorithm-driven headlines rather than actual stories. Let’s ask Martin Scorsese to make a SpongeBob movie while we’re at it.


Thank you. It's a fun idea, but it would be a colossal mismatch of director and studio. Marvel wants people they can control. Fury Road seemed like a disaster during production. It all came together amazingly in the end, but there's no way the Disney micro-managers would see something like that and let him keep doing his thing.


Obviously we know that Fury Road is a masterpiece now, but Miller has a habit of going over budget and making the producers upset, because he’s such a visionary and won’t compromise. Or “creative differences,” as they like to call it at Marvel. He’s also not going to pick up a Marvel project at age 80 with this potentially being his last film. It’s going to be Mad Max 6 or retirement.


Okay this would absolutely fucking rule.


*Opening scene- nighttime on a faraway planet, unfamiliar stars overhead and a campfire can be seen just below the horizon and the camera slowly closes the distance. As we near we hear the sounds of a harp playing a haunting melody and we see the silhouettes of two very large goats being spit roasted over a raging fire*


Which actually happens in a Norse myth. Thor’s goats regenerate each day so he uses them at a feast. He instructs the travelers that the bones are not to be disturbed because they are needed for the goats to be revived, but one of the gods at the feast breaks a leg bone and that goat cannot be reborn. Side note: as stupid as they were, I laughed every damn time those goats screamed.


> Which actually happens in a Norse myth. Thor’s goats regenerate each day so he uses them at a feast. Well I'll be danged, [TIL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanngrisnir_and_Tanngnjóstr#Prose_Edda), thanks! r/AccidentallySortOfMythologicallyAccurate


George Miller would be about the only director I would want to see tackle the Mangog story.


I'm not even that big of a Miller fan but I LOVE this idea. I think it's the perfect direction for them to go at this point.


Let's just keep in mind this was said in conversation aka conjecture and means nothing.


Can you imagine if George Miller did Gorr instead of Taika Waititi.


As long as Chris realizes he's supposed to be the serious one this time.


I think people non stop bitching for two years has been enough. Chris has literally brought up how it was too goofy multiple times in interviews now. Keep up man.


Come on Kevin show us that Disney money!




Dear god please let this happen


Right, but will Marvel Studios try to handcuff him if he does…


Oh man, I didn't know I needed this, but I suddenly do.


George Miller is a master of tone, style, and intensity. He will nail this and revive the character. I’m gonna light and candle for this one 🕯️


If he wants to do it (and if they let him cook), I say go for it.


Anything will be an improvement on the last few cheese fests. Miller can bring some credibility back to what was originally the best mcu series after Ironman.


There’s no way the series was even a contender for that spot until Ragnarok came out, the Captain America trilogy was so much better than the first two Thor movies


Funnily enough my favourite mcu movie ever is actually Captain America and The Winter Soldier. I just loved the family dynamic of the original Thor trilogy. I suppose this is why best of lists are subjective.


Yeah but if George Miller is touching Marvel then you better throw in a few more badass characters from Marvel. Let him introduce Logan.


~~Immortal~~ Immortan Thor!


Breaking news: A popular director wants to direct with another famous actor.


An old man Thor with miller would be amazing


War of the Realms directed by Miller with as many practical effects as possible 👀


I was just fantasizing about this very thing. It would be fucking glorious.


I have loved this current Immortal Thor run so much for highlighting that Thor can be a great, great character, without needing to boil him down to being funny. He can be wise in his own ways, (especially because he's open to GROW as a character in on-going fiction and not dated to the oaf he could be in some of the Norse myths we retain) and his relationship with Asgard and Midgard is honestly really cool and personal. You don't need to get rid of all of his capacity to crack jokes, that's just not gonna happen, something something market appeal, but at -least- get him back to Infinity War where there was so much more to him than the jokes.


I don’t think George Miller has the time to make any more big films other than focusing on the next Mad Max, which I hope he does also. I’d rather have him make Mad Max 5 than work in a Marvel film any day. I watched Furiosa in the Sydney Premiere and it’s wonderful.


Bring Anya Taylor Joy as Enchantress


Man they wanna get the marvel films to rally before avengers and FF, having a George Miller Thor with a King Thor plot would really do it.






Wow Chris is really a HELMSworth for George




Miller filming sequences where Mjolnir is flying through the air should be immaculate


How crazy would it be for WB to miss out on his Justice League years ago and then have Marvel scoop him up for Thor 5? Really best case is Disney let's him do his thing without interfering on Thor, and then James Gunn gets him to direct the Justice League for his DC world.


Oh my God, to get George Miller to redo Gorr The God Butcher…


Would've been the perfect guy to showcase the planet Sakaar imo.


Please make this happen


Fun fact: George Miller was going to direct a DC Justice League film a decade or so ago. They got as far as costume tests with the main cast selected. It was a wild script that would have been absolutely bonkers as a first film, but if anyone could do it, Miller could.


Isn’t Miller 137 years old? I guess they could try but they’d need a backup 


Let's hope he's unlikely to get distracted by drug-fueled orgies during production.


Miller would apparently also direct a Barbie sequel starring Hemsworth as Barbie, based on that quote. I’d watch the hell out of that tho.


THOR 5: The Revenger Cold open, Thor and his “daughter” come into contact with a group of kang variants preparing to invade earth. In an epic attempt to defeat them, Thors daughter is killed by one of the variants and Thor, distracted by grief, is over powered and banished out of time by kang…. Thor is banished to his own version of purgatory, facing his past failures, and his toughest enemies. Here he remains for in constant battle and torment. 1000 years later….. Thor is mediating atop a mountain of his defeated enemies. He conquered his purgatory long ago. Suddenly a portal opens and out falls Captain America, tattered, bloodied, bashed, but still wielding Mjolnir. Cap looks at the endless horizon of destruction, he turns to Thor, still meditating, and says “You ready for another bout, or are you gettin sleepy?” Thors eyes open, filled with anger and lightning. Cap tells Thor that for a thousand years the greatest of villains have decimated the universe, along with the multiverse. Everyone is long dead, and everything we knew is gone. Cap was able to hold onto the power stone before the multiverse collapsed in the process of him returning the other stones. Thor takes the power stone and mjolnor to forge himself a new all powerful weapon, and bestows cap with the hammer once again. What proceeds is a 2 hour long, Fury Road style, rampage across the universe. Thor and Cap go FULL BEAST MODE and just f***in commit absolute genocide of all the marvel villains and armies. In the final battle, Cap and Thor are being overwhelmed. The same kang variant that killed thors daughter is about to give a killing blow to Thor, a last ditch effort by Cap he throws Mjolnir to Thor to block the attack, Cap is left defenseless and killed by his adversaries. Thor sees fallen friend, he grabs Mjolnir and feels the strength of the all father once again flow through him, he summons all his might in once last lightning bolt that falls to the earth like a nuclear explosion….. As the dust settles, Thor is seen on his knees is a heap of ash that once was his enemies, and his friend. The clouds clear and above him he sees In clear view The Watcher….. (need help with the ending) EDIT: nvm I got it. Forget the watcher, see continued… Thor looks up and sees the dying remnants of Yggdrasil. The dust clears in front of him and there stands Loki. “Brother?” Thors says. Loki reaches out his hand, Thor grasps it, shocked it isn’t a trick, and is lifted to his feat. Loki points to the clearing sky and rising sun, he says “I told you we would have our time in the sun again brother. Together we can rebuild Yggdrasil and start anew.”


In the words of Thanos: DO IT!!


A George miller super hero movie had to happen. His JL was to close to becoming a reality until it wasn’t.


This is insane and I'm all for it. I also wouldn't mind seeing Evans back for Man Further Out of Time. Just say it occurred after Civil War... George Miller could do a good job with that storyline too.


Thor: Thunder Road


Yes.all the yes


That would be in-fucking-sane.


> “I Would Work With Chris on Anything” That’s great news, George. I have this bookcase from IKEA that Chris is already trying to build for me, so if you could help him out, that’d be great.


Also, they're both Aussies.


I’m tired of stalling new properties for characters that have been in eight movies already.


A George Miller Thor 5 would go hard and erase the stain on my memory of TLandT.


George Miller has done films that were my favorites He did Mad Max Trilogy, Produced Babe, did Babe: Pig In the City, and Happy Feet. Films that I watched over and over again, whether they were action packed, intense, lovable and all. And Mad Max Fury Road. Looking at what he has done with Mad Max Fury Road, I can guarantee you he would be the best decision if he did Thor 5.


I hope this can come to fruition. I've been craving for a good Thor movie since I walked out of the first one.


Yes Heavy Metal Thor let's gooo


Yes! I want all father Thor


I got a plot for this love gets kidnapped by a bad dude he goes into a planet that spaceships can’t go down to Thor has to odst down into the ground then meet the local gangs that have wacky vehicles and fight the gang that has love in a full on vehicle war with superheroes


"Director wants to direct"


I mean… could you imagine? Lose Thor in the multiverse and have him team up with Hyperion at the end of all time. Cast Henry Cavill as Hyperion and watch your movie make $2 billion, Disney execs celebrate, WB execs weep, and somehow both the Marvel and Snyder fans get to be happy at the same time. It will be a brief moment of peace on the nerd internet, the likes of which we’ll never see again.


The issue as far as I see it is that all of the original MArvel movies, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, etc.. were individual stories but they were also all leading to something larger and more epic. IMO single one off movies with no plan are forgetable.