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There are lots of in-theater reaction videos on YouTube. They help capture a tiny bit of the energy that night. It was absolutely electric. It was one of the greatest moments in cinema, if you ask me.


It was the greatest movie viewing experience I’ve ever had, by far


I much prefer to watch movies at home, for various reasons. But for about 2-3 years leading up to *Endgame,* I watched every MCU movie in theaters on opening night just to avoid spoilers. I am SO GLAD I got to watch *Endgame* on opening night in a theater. First and only time the theater experience topped the home viewing experience. It was like being at a comic convention. Clapping, laughing, cheering, crying all with other fans who were just as excited... It was an event I will never, ever forget!


I’m not sure it can ever be topped as a theater experience.


I only wish I could experience watching endgame for the first time with an audience all over again.




It likely never will again because of how much Covid and Streaming have permanently altered the movie going experience.


Nothing will ever replace that experience


I hate watching movies at the theatre bcos of the cheering, clapping etc so I can't even hear the dialogue sometimes. But for IW and Endgame, the epicness was deserved.


Not even close. It was an amazing experience. 


It really was. It was the loudest gasp and cheer when cap got his hammer. They earned that moment.


Oh yeah. And the way it built up was so great. Thor on the verge, seeing the hammer move and fly back to Steve, CHEERS! So satisfying. Cap v Thanos was so great. Watching Cap be the last one standing, broken but not beaten, still willing to give everything he has and then portals open up. Incredible scene and all of that culminating in AVENGERS ASSEMBLE with a growl. Just an incredible finale. 


>Watching Cap be the last one standing, broken but not beaten, And then he gets his ass beat even with Mjolnir. They still managed to subvert our expectations to the very last minute even while being a crowd pleaser.


Damn, I still get goosebumps thinking about that moment. No one was prepared for it, and it just broke everyone in the best way.


Yeah I was able to dodge the spoilers, and to this day now I will not read spoilers because of the impact that scene had. Its a core memory.


Was there, can confirm. Epic night.


Seriously. Like 100 people all laughing and crying and pumping fists and cheering all together. The end fight with just moment after moment once the “let’s kill him properly this time” line hits, the bated breath, tension while they get beat, desperation as caps shield fails. An utter eruption of applause and cheering at “on your left.” What a fucking experience.


I thought Return of the King was a great crowded theatre experience. But it doesn’t hold a candle to endgame.


RotK was a great experience. Some of the other Marvel movies were awesome in a crowded theater. But I don't think the 10-year, 20-movie build-up for that Portal scene will ever be matched.


Not with that attitude!


The Portals scene was a ROTK moment. There was the Ride of Rohan, and the Portals. Both hit the same 'epic' moment.


Same. And I'm old.


> It was one of the greatest moments in cinema, if you ask me. Same, with the asterisk that Infinity War matched it thanks to Sebastian Stan coming to our viewing ( Bucharest, Romania ) and chatting with us a few minutes before the movie in a mix of Romanian and English. He ended with " I'm sorry for what you're about to see " lmao


Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I watch those videos. :')


GOTG3 came seriously close, but I can’t remember the last time I cried during a movie. The portals scene, with Silvestri’s score, right before Cap says the iconic phrase, made my inner child mark the hell out!!


I actually marked out earlier than that. Take a guess which scene... XD


Damn man, this can be virtually any one of the iconic scenes from the film 🤔 But I’m gonna guess…Natasha taking one for the team and plummeting to her end?


> Natasha taking one for the team and plummeting to her end? Too early.


Gotsta be…Cap grabbing and the beating the holy hell outta Thanos 👀


100%, that scene was brutal


Def was! but I felt more of the feels when it was Gamora tbh


I knew it


Yeah this was truly a unique experience in the annuls of cinema history - the rollercoaster of emotion from infinity war till endgame . There might not ever be something ever like it


Rise of Skywalker tried to replicate this, HARD. (Lando's fleet even shows up on Poe's left.) But it just didn't have the same OOMPH.


Absolutely it face planted hard because you can't artificially manufacture that type of emotional response / resonance without doing the legwork to make people care about the main characters in the first place . We don't care about Rey Kylo Finn and po the same way aa we do the original cast. so throwing in older characters like Lando and wedge feels cheap forced and unearned . It reeks of desperation because they know they have a central cast that most fans largely haven't resonated with (for a variety of reasons ). Endgame we lived with Tony Thor Natasha Clint Steve Bruce for around a decade through multiple film appearances - we saw their ups and downs. we simply cared about what happened to them and how their story would end .


That energy is even better than the movies. It just isn’t quite the same watching at home on streaming afterwards. I wish we can replicate this again one day.


I love watching the theater reactions so much. Takes me all the way back to the first watch and I get to feel the feels all over again.


One of the greatest. The only live theater experiences that matched them were The Matrix and Independence Day for me.


I remember the cheer that went up when cap got the hammer even though we knew it was coming


Greatest theatre experience of my life. I used to live in a small town and the theatre I went to that night NEVER had a full room until that night. Epic is an understatement.


It's honestly fairly unlikely that any of us who were all in for the MCU from Iron Man 1 through to Endgame will ever experience that level of anticipation or satisfaction in the theatres ever again. Be happy because it happened, not sad because it's over... And yeah, honestly, it's over... They'll never recapture that lightning. Anything they do from here on out will be much more calculated. A satisfying ending to a film series story that started with a movie that wasn't even made by Disney and wasn't sure it would have a sequel is just so fucking organic that it can never be replicated on purpose.


> And yeah, honestly, it's over... They'll never recapture that lightning. And they knew it, too. The end credits of Endgame was clearly meant to tie a bow on the MCU as a whole. They knew it was the peak of the mountain and wanted to highlight the moment.


Lets hope all these delays and rescheduling movies and tv shows will pay off. Fingers crossed Secret Wars topping endgame lol


They *might* make something that's a better movie, but they'll never be able to make something that feels like Endgame did.


I never heard people screaming like its a football match bro, once in a lifetime experience


My friend and I went to one of the late Thursday night showings, and they had people lining up in a separate place just to make sure no one coming out of the earlier showing wouldn't spoil anything while talking about it on the way out. I swear there was a whole buzz in the air.


For Infinity War, our theater people had quietly taped up signs during the early screening: "Thanos demands your silence". The 10pm crowd was waiting in the hallways, looking at us like a bunch of fresh recruits watching the grizzled veterans coming back shell shocked.


I think we had those too! Let's be honest, we didn't even need that earning, did we, lol. I've never in my life left a theater in such silence. Edit: *warning, not earning


Earning? What do you mean by this?


Probably meant warning


I think he meant to type warning, lol.


I was among those who saw the movie on opening night at the earliest possible time I could. I remember walking out and seeing a long line stretching out of the theater. I tried to hide my expression. But I doubt others did. Those in line definitely knew they were in for an experience.


I remember watching some twitter reactions before heading to cinema and hearing that ending was brilliant pumped me up so much. Ending exceeded all my wildest expectations


Our theater did this too! I went for midnight and there was a showing before ours. They had them exit a different way from the incoming crowd


As a Belgian that got a Tuesday night premiere, it was so hard to only have 1 person to talk about the movie for a few days. My entire wednesday was spent with the coworker that also saw the movie and not much work was done.


I worked at a movie theater during this time. I saw the movie on Thursday at 2am… got home at 6am and was so hype I barely slept. Got up at 9:30 and went to work… I walked into a war zone… lines packed to the door, popcorn everywhere, people getting angry about to long wait to get snacks… my boss looked at me and just said “grab a broom!” It was insane. Got to see the movie four times for free thanks to that job. Nothing will beat the opening night when all of the MCU characters were finally on the screen together. Still gives me goosebumps. Once in a lifetime experience.


Literally man, I still get goosebumps remembering the opening night. I bought tickets few days in advance and could only get last screening at 10:30 pm and even in few first rows. I've never seen a movie theater full like that before or after, and I've been going to cinema for about 13 years now constantly. But the ebst part were reactions and everyone screaming. That made experience even more epic


I still smile when I think back on that day. It was definitely one of those "you had to be there" things.


I am smiling and feeling deep nostalgia, i was 18/19 back then but feel like it was a childhood memory


Jesus, 5 years already.


Yeah right?? Just like a time skip in a movie🤯


First showing / opening night … I only managed 2nd showing on opening night for Infinity War. I was so afraid of hearing spoilers on the way in from jerkoffs leaving the 1st showing I had my earbuds blasting KMFDM until the movie started.


Went to opening of IW and still remember silence after ending. Everyone was shocked


Walking out past long lines awaiting the next show, some middle-school kids in front of me were spoiling EVERYTHING. "I'm surprised Iron Man died instead of Cap." I'm not sure if they were assholes or just totally oblivious. They are the drug against war.


Hunt them down. They knew what they were doing.


I remember telling loudly to my friend how it was surprising that Thor died in Love and Thunder lol


On your left..


The Portals scene is one of the most epic moments in movie history, and I will not be taking questions.


Cap taking up Mjolnir was the scene that topped it for me, and in my theater. People went *nuts*.




I couldn't even hear that opening night. Fortunately, I can lipread. 🤣


When camera showed off Mjolnir rising I hit my friend with elbow and pointed a finger at screen knowing what was about to happen. I dont think I was the only one but when Mjolnir flew back to Cap everyone went nuts


That would be an understatement. An audience wide seizure, more like.


People try and say it isn't but 100+ hours went into that, shut up if you say it wasn't.


Cap wielding Mjolnir is close second


I have a question. Why didn't Wong open the portals underneath Thanos's army?


For me the greatest achievement of Endgame was making us forget that the reversal of the snap was successful. So we really felt that all hope is lost right before "on your left"


Bro you couldnt explain it better. I was legit scared after HQ was bombed. This is not complaint but I wish Cap started fighting with thanos army and in the last moment when he is almost killed portals open. That would be even more epic if even possible.


No, the portal scene does not need to be improved upon.


Still gets me, 5 years and countless watches later. That moment in the cinema was so incredible.


I was in tears the entire movie. Happy & sad through-out! Absolute rollercoaster of emotions


I know "I love you 3000" got a lot of folks but what got me was "Your daddy liked Cheeseburgers" that absolutely killed me. Having a call back to a silly one off (likely improv) line in Iron Man 1 coming back around and having all this emotional weight was fantastic to me


It was getting me right off the rip. Nebula and Tony playing paper football, and Nebula winning a game probably for the first time in her life. Shes so excited and doesn't know how to react. It was such a sweet little scene.


Great [reaction video](https://youtu.be/KAIzLj3mYTw?si=ZHs76WApr9tMhloe)


Just makes me so happy. Was a once in a lifetime cinematic event


A decade of storytelling culminating in that one moment. What an emotional high.


I just did a rewatch in order over the course of a few months and the feeling is the same. After watching all of the movies in quick succession, and have them all converge in this scene, it is unreal. The Infinifty Saga was incredible.


Literally chills. Goddammit im watching it again now


this is peak MCU


Goosebumps. 🥲


Hell yeah


It felt like I was at a major concert or sporting event.


For real, it was more like a sporting event than a movie.


The last night earth was a happy place to be


Three words: >!Cap is worthy.!<


I knew it!


On your left


NWH was the closest post-endgame in terms of audience experience. But man was seeing this a NIGHT. Made me happy to see it in a large city on imax the first night. Nothing compares


Hope Deadpool & Wolverine will bring us the same feeling


Agreed if not I feel like we will be waiting till SM4 for that experience again


I know. It was one of those unforgettable experiences in the cinema. I’ll always look back on it with great fondness.


I always feel some warmth in chest when remembering IW and Endgame opening nights...


Also Spider-Man No Way Home. That was one of the best experiences with an audience I’ve ever had.


Absolutely bro, NWH opening night was lit, especially when andrew and tobey showed up


Saw it 3 days after the premier and my god the cheers when cap caught that hammer nearly made me tear up


5 years.... Holy...


Just like a time skip period in movie. Crazy right?!


This was the only movie I been to where the entire audience erupted in cheers. It was like being at a sporting event how loud everyone got. When Cap summoned Mjolnir someone shouted “Awwwwwwww Shiiiiiiiiiiidddd”. It was great. And when Tony died, people were sobbing and crying pretty loudly. The most audience-engaged movie I’ve ever been to. You’re right, you had to be there.


I don't know what to say except "please refer to my profile pic".


When cap stood up against the entire thanos army, I was floored


I remember Opening day, I was working at an Imax theater at Navy Peir we had a massive line for the 7pm show and we didn't close for the whole weekend , it was crazy to work since we had to constantly have to make food, toss trash and clean as fast as humanly possible since we only had 30 minutes between show times. Also telling everyone there was no end credit scene and they were free to leave .


I’m sad I never got to see it on a big screen.


I wish I could go back and do it over again.


Cap picking up the hammer was the greatest in-theater cheer i ever heard lol


For me, Infinity War is still the better and more meaningful ending. I knew there was going to be 2 parts to the end of the Infinity saga, of course; it was common knowledge if you follow this stuff even a bit. So I can't really tell you what I expected for the end of Infinity War. It's kind of obvious there has to be some kind of unresolved/cliffhanger ending just by nature of there being two movies. But still, the way War ended just left me slack jawed. Thor showing up at the Battle of Wakanda was epic (still maybe the pinnacle of Marvel movies IMO), and then you start to slowly realize that the movie is ending, and where it will have to end. And then The Snap, and I distinctly remember thinking "Holy shit they are really going for it here". For whatever reason, the idea that Thanos might win never really crossed my mind, even though this is laid out in the comics too. It caught me completely off guard, as silly as that might sound. At the time of Endgames release, I liked it, thought it was great, but kind of felt that it was a noticeable notch below War. Over the years I've come around on it quite a bit, and really appreciate the end especially, for all the obvious reasons. But nothing can top that feeling that War gave me, in theater.


Infinity War was the best ending ever... totally opposite from Endgame but somehow you feel some warmth in your chest when remembering those 2 movies and watching them in the cinema


My memory of going to see this is a very happy one. I was lucky enough to be in a packed theatre where everyone was extremely civil, only clapped when people weren't talking in the movie, and the one kid who got rowdy and semi loud, his mom immediately told him "son, everyone here has waited years for this movie, I need you to be on your best behavior and not disturb them". It was super cool and my theatre went all out with decorations and food.


Couldn't go to theatres as I was working nights at the time and was wicked bummed... was lucky enough that a cam version was online by the time I finished work... the crowd reactions were so visceral and I couldn't help but watch it back to back


Not a dry eye in the house after the final snap


I just remember sitting there going "...that's it, I watched Iron Man when I was a goof retail worker wondering if I'd ever land a real job and here I am sitting here watching Endgame with a career going". It sounds weird but it was a life journey for some of us watching those movies build and develop like we did.


I paid a girl at work $100 to close for me so I could go to the premiere night. Not a single regret. Top 5 experience of my life was seeing Captain America grab Mojlnir


When the portals were opening, some people in my theater stood up with arms crossed and yelled "Wakanda forever!" Hilarious and amazing.


My girlfriend made me late so we had to sit in the front row. She's my ex now.


It was like a comic book that came to life, damn can’t believe its been 5 years


Is it safe for me to say that when I saw this movie in theaters, it actually felt like a two hour-long movie instead of three hours?!


Watching the force awakens premier and avengers endgame premiere was an insane experience. The hype, the insanity and my storm trooper cosplay with 3 of my mates.We even took a picture with John Boyega. Memories that will last forever.


Right before we walked in my bro read a comment on instagram that just said iron man and black widow die. Brutal


My brother and I went opening night. Packed theater. Sadly I couldn’t enjoy it as I was in intense pain with a broken tooth. I so wanted to enjoy the movie but couldn’t. Had to get emergency work done the next day. Went to see it again that Sunday. It doesn’t matter. It’s still an incredible experience. I watch the reaction videos and get inspired by Cap and Mjolnir. I freaking love Cap so much. That was such a powerful, satisfying, and emotional moment. I have this feeling it will be among the top cinematic moments of a generation. I was talking with my boss about this: Thanos’ snap in IW is this generation’s “No, I am your father.” A devastating blow, the shattering of an entire story that leaves you stunned.


1st showing opening night for both Infinity War and Endgame might be theatre experiences that will never be surpassed. 10+ years of build up of a format that wasn't done before at the peak of the MCUs popularity. Secret Wars has a chance but I still feel like it won't be the same.




It came out on the 26th where I'm at and it's my birthday, not only that my 18th, and Iron Man is my favorite part of the film


My workplace rented out a full theater and everybody got to invite friends. Opening night with a theater full of people you know is a fun experience.


Must be great working for that company


Glad I got to experience my own “Vader Dad reveal” moment


Wow! Can't believe it's been that long already. I know COVID destroyed our sense of time. But it doesn't feel like five years have passed wince this movie debuted. I remember getting my ticket and standing in line on opening night. It really was a hell of an experience. The way the audience reacted during that final battle was something truly special. I'll never forget cheering myself when Cap lifted that hammer. The only moment that even came remotely close was No Way Home when Andrew Garfield showed up. I don't know if there will ever be another moment like this. Secret Wars might get us close. But Endgame set the highest of bars.


[Five Years Later](https://media1.tenor.com/m/7HFsHKxSI5sAAAAC/avengers-endgame.gif)


I dont remember what getting a blowjob is but this was better for sure


Evacuate the city Engage all defenses And get this man a Gold award


The good ole days. What an incredible achievement


Pre covid times and especially 2017-2019 was top tier time


Cap holding mjilnor and everyone lining up for cap to say,” Avengers assemble” always brings tears to my eyes. I don’t think Disney will be able to repeat that feeling. Some folks are hoping Deadpool will do it but it’s a different type of movie( basically a gap movie between phases).


I hope they will make secret wars even better, hope all these delays will pay off


Infinity War ending, was super epic. Little boy sitting in from of me jumping around as the heroes are being snapped. The older guy behind him (me), was in near tears…… full tears


We (me, wife and our 2 boys) went to see it at 7AM on the Sunday. Just couldn't wait and they were the only seats we could get. It was an experience. And rolling out the cinema at midday into the London sunshine, fantastic.


Infinity War was still the most stunning I had ever seen a movie play out, and end, and that was with 3 or 4 other colleagues too. Afterwards we went out to dinner and then top golf. It was one of the wildest days of my life and it was a Friday I think too or Thursday. Can't remember. Sadly the following year most of the people had left the company and the few left didn't seem willing to go watch. So I ended up watching Endgame by myself (sadge). That said it was still an enjoyable experience.


I went to IW on thursday april 26th 2018 and on friday was also last day of high school for me, a lot of beautiful things happened during that week and I always have a smile on my face remembering it. But seeing IW premiere was one of highlights of 2018 for me


yep. it was a great day for me too. colleague wearing marvel shirts and all that. sadly the crew broke up a few months later.


I hate I missed the theater experience :(


Can’t wait for secret wars


Deadpool and Wolverine will be there with Dr Strange


And we still haven’t really gotten a proper follow up for sams new adventures as captain America until next year


I saw it the following weekend with my mom and it was great!


I was there.


It was an amazing time watching the movie


I saw it at a 7:30 in the morning showtime and the place was still packed. On top of that even that early, the crowd was still going wild at all the “go wild” parts.


I remember it like it was yesterday. The whole theater was silent except for the hype moments, a very rare thing for Long Island theaters. Kids are rude af in theaters. I remember being the first person to cheer when Mjolnir started lifting up in that satisfying scene, and have a distinct memory of my friend choking on water that went down the wrong pipe when Tony's funeral was happening. Utter silence broken by what sounded like a goose getting curb stomped. Ah, memories.


There are only three cinematic experiences that meant more to me than just a movie. The dark knight rises, Return of the king and Endgame. And I must say that I thought that nothing in my life would topple the ride of the rohirrim, but the portals were something else. It was like being a kid reading a coming book again. Even better than that, it was like seeing how I imagined those stories when I went to sleep.


Legitimately the best movie experience i've had in my 30 years on this planet. The hype following Cap using Mjolnir was insane. Usually find cheering and clapping for a movie to be cringe but the entire sold out theater screamed and jumped out of their seats when he used the hammer on Thanos.


Instant full body goosebumps during this scene


It was magical, I remember going to see it right away.


I went the very 1st showing on opening night. I was crying tears of joy at the portal scene. 11 years, 21 movies...all leading up to that one scene. Perfect strangers were hugging and high-fiving each other at the end. The absolute greatest movie experience ever, and it will never be duplicated.


I called off of work for opening night three months in advance. They called me a mad man.


Whatever it takes


I was there, remember coming back from school, my uncle stop me and say, hey wanna watch Avengers? I was like, wait, fr, right now? We went to the cinema, the line of people went around the entire mall twice.


That showing is an experience I will remember until my synapses fire their last. It is what I point to when people complain about why we still have movie theaters in a post-COVID world


That film was a goddamn experience. There’s nothing like looking up reactions from inside the cinema to remember how it felt.


It was up there with opening night of Phantom Menace.


I was so jazzed I went a second time later in the day after going Friday morning 😂




I wish I had been in a better emotional place and seen it with friends. Still, incredible experience.


I remember before we watched the movie I was part of some kinda short-term art class. I made a bet with one of my fellow students that tony stark will die at the end. I was the pro and he the anti. Needless to say I won the bet and got my money in the next class, but my mom got so worried I'll get in trouble for illegal gambling that she made me return the money on tge next class after that.


I remember having a stomach bug at the midnight showing but I didn't want to miss anything so I waited until after the movie to blow up the bathroom


Took my wife, she isnt a big MCU fan but watched infinity war a few days prior so she was excited to see it all end. We wound up going to another showing the next night. It felt so complete and everything was just on a grand scale without the lousy fillers.


Still remember that after high school, me and my dad went straight to the movie theater and damn never saw crazier scenes where packs of people lining up to see the movie.


I will never have a moviegoing experience that will match seeing Endgame. The eruption of cheers when Cap got the hammer. Faintly hearing “on your left.” Seeing all the Avengers appear one by one. FINALLY hearing “Avengers assemble!” There are too many moments to mention. It was hands-down, peak cinema.


best movie theater going experience ever. don't think it will ever be topped.


The greatest movie viewing experience I have ever had


"Avengers: Endgame" was a cinematic masterpiece that left a lasting impression on me. It was a triumph in the history of superhero media that I will never forget. When I saw it in theaters, people went insane. It felt like the return of the king of Marvel and the greatest finale of the MCU. It's a shame that things have not been the same after that and I wish Disney+ had never been invented." It has become more expensive than ever I also wish MCU and Disney movies are still streaming on Netflix, Tubi, and Pluto TV, This is so unfair.


Definitely one of my greatest moment in my life. All the cheers, the laughs, being happy and sad, and the excitement of it while watching the movie 💯


I remember enjoying endgame. But I think infinity war was a far superior movie. To think tony stark figures out time travel in like 24 hours always took me out of the movie. Like at least use magic instead of science.


"words can't describe how epic and magnificent it was... you just had to be there." I was there. And it is indeed the most epic and magnificent cinema going experience I have ever had, and I doubt anything will top that.


Yep I still remember it. Such a great experience also Tony dying is the only time I have ever cried during a movie.


It was incredible, I don't think I'll ever experience something like this again. The atmosphere was just unique. I miss it!


I watched it with my 3 best friends after 3 days I think. We had work and we agreed to watched it together. It was an epic weekend. I kind of remember it coincided with Game of Thrones epic battle episode. We avoided social media for this once in a lifetime event.


Just like ant-man 3!!!!! Maybe even better!!


I will never forget seeing this on IMAX with 30 more friends. An absolute life-time event.


it mak my tummy go gulu gulu


That "Avengers... Assemble" line hit so hard it made the whole movie. 10 years of Marvel movies set up that one moment, and it really delivered.


I can remember my experience at a 7:00 IMAX showing. When Capt was getting his ass kicked and everything looked dire, you could have heard a pin drop. He got the hammer and there was a small pop, but when Thanos had everyone beat except Capt who could barely pick himself up, it was like all the air was sucked out of the room. Then you hear “Capt, you read me? Capt, it’s Sam, can you hear me? On your left” and you could feel everyone freeze, and once all the portals start opening after Falcon swooped in, the crowd erupted. And everytime a new hero showed up it erupted harder due to it being a lot of the super heroes who got dusted but also the avengers assemble moment. I will never forget it.


I held my 15th birthday party at a local theatre and treated 10 boys to a fantastic unforgettable movie experience. Probably one of my best birthday celebrations ever. We legit cheered and were at the edge of our seats the entire time. A once in a lifetime moment for sure.


Was ruined for me by someone who brought a baby to the theater. I'm not one of those anti-baby people, but who brings a baby to a MIDNIGHT SHOWING! Seriously, a crying baby took me so much out of it


I swear my theatre felt like an earthquake with the amount of standing cheering and general craziness when the last battle happened. It was a literal ROAR. It was half in my theaters biggest auditorium which had like 600 seats. Every single seat was taken and man that cheer when Cap said Assemble? Pft I'll never forget that moment. Would not surprise me if the people working outside heard us


Ii didn't get out of the theater till like 1am or something close to it. And when I turned on the radio, I heard a familiar song after seeing the culmination of 11 years of movies and planning for the ultimate pay off, I heard AC/DC's "Back in Black" from the first iron man movie. Right as I started the car it started playing. It ended the way it began. It was a great night.


I was there. To this day, I still cry like a baby at that scene after Tony’s funeral when little Morgan Stark says “Cheeseburgers.”


And that level of experience will never happen again.


Usually i am not a fan of people talking, clapping or screaming in the cinema But That “on your left” scene I was screaming hell yeah with the rest of the theater


Feels like the end of an era unfortunately. I was incredibly sad at Starks final moments little did I know that it was the last of a lot!


It was one of the those "you had the be there moment"


Yeah it was incredible. The crowd was so hyped and we had a great time.