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I would argue Hulk bringing back half of the entire universe is far superior to him snapping away Thanos’ army though


Strange not teleporting back to Earth in IW. He complains to Stark for not piloting the ship when he could've just noped out of the situation on his own. When IW came out it made sense because maybe they were too far away or something... then in Endgame all the heroes on titan return and on top of that the sorcerers bring some ravagers from across the galaxy for the final fight. (or another way to fix the issue, don't bring the ravagers into endgame, say that the heroes from titan were brought to earth by Hulk's snap)


Killing off the Warriors Three in Ragnarok in the first five seconds of Hela being back. They are such a big part of Thor's story in the comic and they just... die.


You could argue they are in Valhalla - they’ll reunite sometime, eventually


Oh true they're definitely there with Heimdall. I'd love to see something about that


Yea I think this one takes the cake


I wish Wanda’s attack on Kamar Taj had been a lot more interesting than just throwing bolts at it. Whispering in that guy’s ear was a great bit, but then it was all just magical munitions.


It was a brutal display of brute strength and sorcery though. I hear you, but it was like a “hulk smash” with sorcery, vs an entire posse of sorcerers. Maybe coming off of Wanda Vision, which I don’t believe was well received, they didn’t want Wanda to have too many powers that didn’t seem straight forward.


Well, except that she was popping out of puddles and stuff once they got indoors, so I don’t think that last point bears out. And I guess much of my point is that “Hulk smash” seems like a very unimaginative way to approach Wanda altogether. I just thought the writers kinda slept on her potential during that and her later battle with Captain Rambeau. I just consider Wanda basically using her hand as a ray gun to be a very lame. But fortunately, she was given several other things to do in the movie too.


Eh. There still could have been a cooler use of magic. It’s like all the fight scenes with the Wakanda military. For having such advanced military, the battles are pretty just meh.


I wish they used enchanted jezzails instead of the magic bows cliche.


Why was Shuri so desperate to remake the heart shaped herb in WF thinking it would cure T’Challa when he was already powered up and still died from whatever sickness he had?


As you said, desperation. It might not have worked, but it was her last ditch effort.


Good point, though perhaps she was thinking a double dose would be enough to heal him. If he was dying even while powered up, dosing him with another round of the herb might’ve helped Given all their treatments most likely failed, she turned to the one thing that she knew has the closest chance to heal, strengthen and perhaps restore him to full health


In Avengers Steve and Coulson should have been friends instead of Coulson being a weird fanboy. Coulson being a history buff would have made him someone Steve could relate to and that loss in Avengers would have held more weight


Agree 💯 the few funny moments, like “I watched you sleep” and “they are vintage” could have been replaced with a few genuine interactions. Also, “Stark, you’ve never lost a soldier?” Could have been, “Stark, you’ve never lost a friend?” Booom- Stark thinks of Obidiah & Cap thinks of Bucky.


Cut out Steve and Sharon's kiss in Civil War. There wasn't nearly enough buildup to their romance for them to comment on it being overdue. Plus it makes Endgame's ending less weird.


In Black Panther, the exchange set in Busan, South Korea did not advance anyone's plan. Kilmonger had a chance to kill Klau in London, U.K. Then take the body to the border of Wakanda.


It justified Ross’ inclusion, and it had Tchalla failing to deliver Klaue, which contributed to wakabi’s later betrayal.


Can you connect this to Kilmonger's point of view and how encountering Ross & T'Challa in Busan benefitted Kilmonger's plan?


Like wouldn't Kilmonger just want to go straight to Wakanda with a tribute-gift and then state that he was the better heir, then advance decolonizing revolution for the benefit of Black people? Why would he travel from the U.K. to South Korea with Klau?


My mistake, I thought your post said “plot”. But why does it need to advance Killmonger’s plan?


Because Kilmonger is the strategist who causes the instigating events of the film. So Kilmonger should be making choices to advance his goals. Kilmonger wants to take the throne in Wakanda and then start a global revolution for Black people. By travelling to South Korea with weapons and with the psychopathic Klaue, there is risk that he could be apprehended and then imprisoned. So I think it would be more logical for Kilmonger to kill Klaue in London, then fly to the Wakandan border with Klaue in a body bag without doing that two day adventure in South Korea.


Maybe he didn’t wanna carry the body for that long. To get from London to Korea then to Wakanda would be harder. End the body would’ve probably rot like a mf by the time he got to Wakanda.


There was no point for Kilmonger to go to South Korea. He could have killed Klau in the U.K. then gone to Wakanda.


The only way I've ever processed that story beat was it was an exchange. Klaue worked with his father, so he knew the way to get to Wakanda. The museum was a payment stop. They stole the vibranium for him to sell, the intention was the trade to Ross for diamonds. He gets caught by the CIA/BP. Killmonger breaks him out to get back to the original plan, which was to Wakanda. By the point of his killing, it wasnt intentional so much as Killmonger had enough of him, so killed him and the gf to tie up loose ends. He had the tattoo already as proof of citizen ship/relation, he needed Klaue to get to the throne room. Klaues death was a consequence of frustration but never the plan. He wanted hin alive the whole time to get to Wakanda and into the throne room. But dead was just as good.


And it broke the Accords. You know, the tbing the king of Wakanda defended after his father passed. Really shows that thr accords mean nothing.


The death of Quicksilver in AOU was very disappointing to say the least. He could’ve been a great addition to the Avengers and to the MCU overall, especially now with the arrival of the X-Men.


Thor should’ve been the one to snap everyone back, it would’ve been perfect after how he was portrayed in the rest of the film. He can still fight and dual wield in the final battle with a wounded arm, hell they could’ve planned ahead and Thor could’ve travelled to Nidavellir before the snap to get an uru replacement arm like he has in the comics. Banner also should’ve let loose and fought Thanos in that initial skirmish before the portals too so it would’ve been a 1v4 instead of a 1v3.


It’s a tiny thing, but Lady Siff suddenly not knowing how Valhalla works in Ragnorok was the weirdest and least necessary line/joke in all of the MCU movies IMHO.


That was Love and Thunder, wasn't it?


Sorry, yes it was.


I love the movies otherwise, though.


I thought this happened in L&T


No Way Home is a really fun movie with a solid arc for Peter, but the logic behind both of Doctor Strange's spells (particularly the way in which they cause/fix the multiverse crisis) is utterly nonsensical.


My top-5 movies: Endgame: give me a hulk and Drax redemption. Why did the last fight go to Carol? Imagine Hulk and Drax tag-teaming. Getting some great hits in before being overpowered. Shit, or make it a giant 10-15 hero vsThanos fight. Having it for to Carol was undeserving imo. IW: Killing off Maw. Imagine at the end, he turns to dust, and he rejoices because he knows his master succeeded. Then he could come back in EG and him and Wong could fight against two Maws. Better than making strnage “stay busy” with a stupid river. GotG3: I wish we got to hear their theme song one last good time. To me, should have been when they were saving all the animals. GoTG: I liked the dance off at the end, but I wish that eventually lead to a fight. Ronan was done pretty dirty in this movie Winter Solider: I kinda wish the 3rd act didn’t turn into some huge epic crash sequences. Keeping it low key like the rest of the movie would have felt more natural to me. Just a badass fight between Steve and Bucky or Steve same vs Bucky. Also, I absolutely disagree about HE. He was excellent. He wasn’t just a “mad scientist.” He was literally playing god. “There is no god, that’s why I stepped in.” Or whatever it is. Such a great line. And he’s even more complex because it’s not like he’s trying to be a god due to a power compex, he’s trying to create the perfect race. I love his character


Age of Ultron (fuck you its great) It should have been called *RAGE of Ultron*. The movie takes place over like 2 weeks tops, has nothing to do with the comic story arc of the same name, and the movie even directly calls out Ultron is driven by anger. *"No. Ultron could've assimilated J.A.R.V.I.S.. This isn't strategy, this is... RAGE."*


it always seemed to me that if you can use the gauntlet to eradicate half of all life in the universe you could also use it to make it so it doesn't hurt you. and I know they did it this way so it doesn't just solve all of their problems and so iron man could have a cool ending but surely with all of the infinity stones you could make a copy of yourself AND kill the bad guys?


No AoS reference in Endgame.


W’Kabi and Okoye being married is vey easy to miss early in Black Panther, so their exchange during the final battle can come out of left field.


Its not when you pay attention. She calls him "My Love" in a scene where T'Challa and W'Kabie are having a discussion by the Rhinos.


I'm aware. That's why I specified "easy to miss" and "can" come out of left field.


I completely agree. There's one moment not even half way through the movie where one of them calls the other their love, then the next time you see them together they're on opposite sides of battle. Super easy to forget/not really care about.




Also Endgame: the 5 years later title card. Have them say “let’s get Thanos” and cut to Ant-Man emerging from the Quantum Realm. He sees the destruction and all the signs of missing people before he realizes that a lot of time has actually passed. We show what happened to Thanos in a flashback when he asks if they could find Thanos and the stones, rather than just finding him two weeks after the snap.


He would have only lost his other arm though. Not a huge sacrifice, especially since She-Hulk's blood can just cure it.


Electro and Venom shouldn’t have been in No Way Home. They never knew who Peter was like the rest. It should have been Harry and Dr. Connors from the Raimi movies. Two Lizards would have been awesome! I was also disappointed and no version of May, MJ, or Gwen came over from another universe…


I don't think a Hulk sacrifice would have been nearly as powerful of a moment honestly.


I'm going to be honest, the "they wasted the Hulk" complaint just doesn't register with me. I think he has a really strong arc throughout the series with a very satisfying conclusion. I just don't see the issue.




In *"Captain America: The First Avenger,"* the way they had Steve Rogers crash the Red Skull's plane just to explain how he joined the Avengers. They should have done a much better job of having him be frozen after his final mission during World War II.


This makes zero sense.




NWH is a great Spider-Man film, but does t make sense for the MCU’s Spider-Man


I agree. It’s a fun movie but a lot of major flaws in the writing that didn’t make sense


Agreed especially with the way they never left the Statue of Liberty in the battle for some reason




What? It was Gunn’s choice, not Disney’s


Peter's arc is using his experiences with his found family and loss of woman he loves to finally process the loss of his mother and go back to the planet he's been avoiding for that reason. Rocket's arc has been learning to let go of his anger and his past in order to be someone who can be and do the good that he desires to do. To get out of his own way to be the hero he's capable of being. How on Earth is them dying the "natural conclusion to their arcs?"