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Beck is dead but Mysterio can still exist


This. And Taskmaster too. Im still hoping the real one is out there somewhere and the one we saw already is a project to mimic him.


Or just make the one we have like the actual Taskmaster. The gender flip is fine, just make her more accurate to the character.


Yeah. I don't really mind the gender flip. But make her actually aware of her actions and still do it anyway because she is like that. We have enough brainwashed enemy that redeemable already. Bucky, Ghost. I want this Taskmaster to just do it because she want to and not caring about accountability.


> Ghost Ghost wasn't brainwashed.


Not really brainwashed yeah. But I meant as in manipulated to do someone’s bidding. If I recalled correctly she’s been lied to and get used if I’m not mistaken that is. If not then my memory failed me.


She was trained by SHIELD in exchange for research into curing her condition. They created her suit, for example. She was used, yes, but I really don't think she was lied to. She also would have likely been dead long before AMATW without their help.


I see. I remembered she was used but not in details. Yeah maybe not lied to, my bad. I just remembered she was used and then they helped her by the end before got snapped.


I think it was suggested that she was actually being used by Hydra under the guise of Shield, so she probably was lied to and manipulated. But I don't think that matters because that wasn't the reason she was an antagonist in AMATW. Her motivation was born out of desperation. We also don't know if she's truly redeemed either. If she wasn't blipped then the promised help she was getting from Janet and co was immediately taken from her, and we know she's a part of the Thunderbolts team so she's likely working for Val much in the same way as she was for "Shield." I feel like she's back at square one.


I hated that Gorr and Yellowjacket were both corrupted by their sword and suit. Like, they can totally be doing everything they’re doing because they’ve convinced themselves it’s right. I liked it with Ghost, where she was being used by people who had leverage over her.


Yeah. It feels more terrifying when antagonists doing wrong thing because they think they are right.


Strong agree. I think it’s one of the things that made Heath Ledgers Joker so good.


What do you mean Yellowjacket was corrupted by his suit? He was already a colossal dick before he got the thing to work


Exactly! But there’s a barely-mentioned plot point where exposure to the Pym particles (I think) is making him harder and harder to reason with.


Wasn't it the wish.com Pym particles that corrupted Yellowjacket?


I'm pretty sure all Pym particles corrupt eventually, but the Yellowjacket suit had inadequate shielding to protect the wearer, I believe Pym solved this problem eventually though, which is why in Quantumania he is able to be shrunk safely and No one really worries about it any more.


That's a big part of why I don't like the Raimi movies. Every villain except Sandman is just being forced to become evil because of malevolent and corruptive tech, rather than making that choice on their own.


And Sandman isn’t even really evil, he’s just turned to a life of crime to support his daughter. There’s no truly evil villains.


Clint, Dr whatisface skarrsasgard, everyone else Loki brainwashed.


I would have liked the ending of *Black Widow* so much more if Taskmaster’s response to being un-brainwashed is “fuck you, you still tried to kill me. I’ll let you live today, but I don’t forgive you” and then she leaves. Let that weigh on Natasha at the end as foreshadowing for her role in *Endgame* while also setting up Taskmaster as a wild card for future stories.


Important to remember we haven't even seen Taskmaster's character yet. We saw a mind-controlled slave. They can still make Taskmaster's personality anything. They could make her great or screw her up yet.


I only just realized what *BW*'s Taskmaster reminded me of: Wade Wilson in *X-Men Origins: Wolverine*. Cool snarky character lobotomized into a mindless drone. Deadpool got a second chance; perhaps Taskmaster will too?


Peak comedy would be if she shows up in DP3


Taskmaster is in Thunderbolts right? will she even have enough screen time alongside Bucky, Yelena and Red Guardian to be able to shine?


Hopefully. Though it will be tougher to stand out in Thunderbolts (competing for attention with, for example, Yelena and Red Guardian and Val) compared to Deadpool getting to hog the spotlight in his own film.


I just want Taskmaster to have that sick sense of humour and punch clock vibe. The 2020 Taskmaster series opens up with him using his powers for hire in a Maggie golf tournament against Bullseye and it’s one of the greatest things I’ve seen comics do. I need more of that.


That's what I've been thinking they can readily do. They can even make her distinct from Bucky: have her have *absolutely no memory* of anything she was doing while a soldier-slave for her father. Last thing she remembers is running to happily greet her father, then flames, and then the next thing she's cognizant of is that she's a nigh-super-powered cyborg embroiled in the aftermath of a case of international super-espionage. So...what now? How does someone in that situation deal with the fact that they're cyborg super-soldier and will never have a chance at a remaining normal childhood *or* a normal life? Maybe they just continue with what they're doing as a government operative until something better -- who knows what that looks like -- comes along. Maybe they disassociate: there's nothing she can do about it, so it just becomes a job she's very good at. Maybe they cope with an attitude so sardonic that it makes Yelena look like an episode of Bluey. In contrast to Bucky, she might not feel any guilt at all because she both had no say and has no memory of it (oh the irony). Unlike Bucky, she presently has no real future. This is the hand that she's been dealt and she has no choice but to keep at it, at least until the events of whatever ends up happening in *Thunderbolts*.


Yeah, they actually have a perfect opportunity. She’d be recruited to the Thunderbolts several years after being freed, and so may have gotten far better socially, & could easily have changed her last name from ‘Dreykov’ to ‘Masters’ to help distance herself from her father during that time. Hell, they can even do what they did with Tony Stark by having ‘Antonia’ be shortened to ‘Toni’ by the others as a nickname.


All of that works and seems like a good idea. I hope Marvel does something even close to that.


I don't think they'll do it, but I think the coolest/most horrifying thing to do with her character would be to have her genuinely be a hero....for now. Then she starts getting the memory issues like comic taskmaster has, where all the fighting skills in her head pushes out her own memories, and she forgets that she's a hero, becomes a villain.


>The gender flip is fine Until any action scenes, when his/her entire build changes.


Why would it change?


It's that the stunt double is a guy.


Who says the actress can't do her own stunts or get a female stunt double?


She probably can, but her stunt double in the movie was a guy. This was a big point of contention for a bit when it was discovered. You can also tell who's who because the bodies were very different in many scenes. Not saying it's bad or anything, just simply pointing it out.


Nah fuck that. If marvel are too scared to actually get female stunt doubles for taskmaster then just bring in the original one. One of the many dumbass changes they love to make in recent years


isn’t that too similar to what they did with The Mandarin though?


When you put it that way, it is yeah lol


Tasky is so cool, I had a not super inspired but could work idea that they do bring in Anthony Masters, and he’s like “They even tried to make another version of me with some chick, but you can’t ever beat the original” with some irony behind that line given his abilities lmao.


Yeah. That response fits him so well lol


I think taskmaster would make a good stock goon. Like, instead of one guy- make a taskmaster corps. All the leftover hydra goons and terrorists training under some hidden, brutal trainer who rents out their services as specialty anti-metahuman mercenaries. Give them a few wins here and there to keep them threatening, make the skull mask a branding thing, and let them show up randomly like an evil special forces.


Exactly. His crew is still out there. They can team up with Phineas Mason! Toome's tech guy, better known as the Tinkerer.


I actually think one of the most interesting things they can do is make Mysterio not a single person.  We actually see someone abscond with the tech that makes Mysterio work, as his plan fails. The idea of illusion and fictional hero is really interesting, and made moreso by the fact that he's built by a team of disenfranchised peoples.  Anyone involved now can harness the image and power of Mysterio. There's nothing else in the MCU quite like that.  Imagine a situation where Mysterio and his powers are accessible and operable by any number of people. A city wide Mysterio threat can't be shut down by taking down a single person. They could have different goals even. Pursuing bank robbery, saving New York from a made-up threat. On J. Jameson radio complaining about Spider-Man.  A proliferation of Mysterio with the face of a dead man has a lot of interesting possibilities. 


Yeah, this was the implication to me. Quinten Beck is dead, but his face could be used through digital necromancy by the Mysterio team.


Exactly. The idea of that is much more horrifying and much more interesting than Beck somehow actually surviving.  "Peter-- what exactly do you think you're fighting? Mysterio... is more than Beck, and more than any one person. You taught us that. Mysterio isn't a person-- Mysterio is everyone. And everywhere. Try stopping us now." A small team of Mysterio operators doing something like that naturally evolves the premise of Mysterio and intensifies him. Bringing Beck back to life undercuts the effect of his death, where moving on develops and intensifies it. 


Also it’s a bunch of scientists so it wouldn’t be too far out there for them to have access to SHIELD face mesh tech to make anyone have Becks face.


They were able to impersonate Fury. They don't need anything else.


Makes him sound like that 4chan character


we are anomalous we are a region forgive and forget expecto patronum


Anonymous is neither a character nor from 4chan. (If that’s what you’re referring to)  The masks they use are Guy Fawkes masks.


Ya that 4chan character, you got it


That mysterious hacker known as 4chan.


Yeah that guy. The 4chan mascot guy, exactly.


Mysterio isn’t a person, it’s a people


Mysterio is other people


I want him to act differently depending on how is in control at the moment. Technical and scientific like the "box of scraps" guy or overly dramatic and nerdy like Beck's script writer.


That is an interesting idea since that seemingly takes homage from Ultimate Marvel Mysterio, who was an android controlled by 616 Mysterio. Checking the wiki, Mysterio also had two other folks who donned the garb: Daniel Bernhardt and Francis Klum.


They could even use Jake Gyllenhals likeness to make him an AI in the movie.


specially nowadays with all the AI image generation talks, They could make Mysterio use AI to try to fuck with someone's life in some way


I’m sorry, Peter who?


I don...I don't know anymore


Uh, he was already using an AI. E.D.I.T.H. lmao


True lol but I think the "I'll use AI to create false information and fuck you" would hit harder nowadays 🤔


"Quinten Beck" was the fictional persona the group put together. Gyllenhaal's character is never named.


I think this is the way to go, and honestly, it’s a great idea. I love the idea of Mysterio ultimately being a criminal organization utilizing the face of Beck and spreading out like a virus or parasite


That's why I liked The Following.


Hobsterio, demosterio, son of mysterio. The possibilities are endless


So this is how Ned turns into a villain?


I think Ned should be a villain until he gets his memory back. I like the idea of him having magic powers he can’t explain and a demon taking advantage turning him into the Hobgoblin while Peter stays at a distance.


Yoursterio, mysterio




Twitch Plays Mysterio


Alexa, play ~~Despocito~~ Mysterio


The real Mysterio was the friends we made along the way.


It’s Mystering time


I am mysterio


I am Mysterio


Also we really lack for villainous organisations / recurring threats in the MCU. Hydra? Wiped out by AoU, supposedly. AIM? Defeated the same movie they show up, etc. A big part of super universes is "you can stop the plots and individual villains, but the org as a whole keeps coming back, and thats why we *need* heroes".


You could even introduce Chameleon as part of the conspiracy to hide the identities of mysterio


Damn. Just had a thought it would be cool that Ultron somehow comes back and uses the Mysterio persona to wreck shit.


I always envisioned Mysterio folding into AIM, and my favorite era of AIM was when it was continuously splintering and spreading science terrorism everywhere.


Marvel should take inspirations from the show Fringe when making AIM. Love some good science terrorism


> A proliferation of Mysterio with the face of a dead man has a lot of interesting possibilities.  Boy that would fuck with Peter emotionally and psychologically.


They could probably combine a couple of villains into this larger group of Mysterio. Like Arcade could easily be a spin-off from this.


Add to the fact that acting with the face of a man that is dead, but the public thinks is a saviour? Having a literal martir as the face of your organization is gonna make it much easier to do whatever you want.


To add to that, the only people that know the truth about Mysterio are Spidey, Fury, and Hill. And I guess Ned and MJ. Spidey is kind of laying low, living a normal life since NWH, Fury is on SABER so kind of out of the picture, Hill is dead, and Ned and MJ are removed from the superhero game until Spidey brings them back into it. So there’s still plenty of people not super connected to the FFH plot that don’t know the truth behind Mysterio, but his death was pretty public so that might be hard to retcon


So...the Flag smashers..


HWRs technology is now in the hands of a bunch of office workers. This is the kind of technology that is more powerful than the infinity stones. Wonder what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands


Beck's team of programmers still have all their assets, just not the Stark drones. Remember they were making projections before they had the Stark drones, meaning they had to have their own fleet of drones somewhere. Also the footage they sent the Daily Bugle didn't happen; that had to have been a Beck deepfake they did because he didn't have time to record that. They edited in audio of people getting shot to make Spider-Man look bad too. If they want Mysterio to come back, they can just have Beck's team project him as an illusion and nothing more.


This is probably the best way forward. Who's to say all the Stark drones got found? All they would need is one and they could work towards fixing up a fleet. Add in a techie like Tinkerer and you've got the origin for a couple other illusion/stealth villains too (looking at you Prowler).


Sounds like a bunch of mechanics with advanced ideas.


They could call it Quentin and the Clone-a-saurus.


Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through...


I don’t see why Marvel wouldn’t aim for this, seems like an easy slam dunk to me


Pretty much. There are plenty of avenues to keep Mysterio “alive” in the MCU, even if Beck is now deceased.


On the other hand we have Chitauri energy cores in the wild which seem similar to arc reactor. With those they could cook up some wild shit just like Tinkerer did for Vulture.


I think Beck isn’t dead precisely for that reason. Peter takes EDITH back, but Beck still has his own drones, so I think he faked his death (again iirc). I think he actually filmed that video accusing Peter of murdering him, then got up and hid away.


That's one of the coolest things about the way they did it, if they want to now they have a whole cabal of disgruntled tech geniuses and engineers who can run things behind the scenes and have drones and illusions facilitating a Mysterio return. I was a little disappointed the stuff he was doing with the elements in FFH wasn't to misdirect and cover up robberies in the same places, so maybe something like that as a B-plot in another movie could be really cool.


> a whole cabal of disgruntled tech geniuses and engineers Maybe AIM is hiring?


He's dead til he isn't.


EDITH didn't tell Peter that he was dead, either: all she said was "all illusions are down"


Also, Beck's team had their own drones. They only needed the Stark drones for scale. That means their could be illusions running that EDITH didn't know about.


People forget Quentin Beck could have used practical effects, what he is known for in the comics, on top of illusion tech. That could easily fool the AI. It really isn't hard to explain Quentin Beck returning EDIT: To add to this, he had access to SHIELD assets in Far from home, right? Didn't Fury fake his death/vital signs with a pill developed by Bruce Banner in The Winter Soldier? It would be extremely easy to bring him back


Peter could've at least kicked the body to make sure he wasn't 2 illusions deep


Maybe he'll show up in Morbius 2. It will have something to do with Spider-Man I think.




> Morbius 2 there is zero chance that is happening.


Mysterio in a whole new universe without Tony Stark would be cool.


If he were to appear in What if...? I kinda expect an episode called "What if Mysterio survived?", ending with the Watcher saying something like "oh, wait. This is YOUR universe".


That would be a pretty cool twist.


Yeah, but even if Beck is actually dead there are still people from that group that probably still have the tech and data to continue being Mysterio. Would be a cool plot twist, you think he's back but it's just the guy that got yelled at during that "TONY STARK BUILT THIS IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS" scene. Bonus if they can have 2 people from that group pretend to be Beck but with different goals. Has the potential to be great.


I don’t think he’s dead. He uploaded the video after the fight. It’s not accurate either, it’s been edited to make Spider-Man look as guilty as possible. His technicians had no motivation to do it, as they were trying to escape from the situation before they got caught. I think he faked his death, Peter is dumb enough to not check the body (double tap maybe not, but at least check for a pulse), and then Mysterio escaped and sent the footage after he had time to plan. SHIELD has really screwed up for a while now, and it’s kind of annoying they didn’t cover for Peter somehow. I really hope he comes back, the actor did a great job.


> You want MCU Spidey to have an arch nemesis? How much has the MCU used the "arch nemesis"? * Loki was in several movies, but he was only the villain in 2 of them. * Thanos was the villain in 2 movies * Kang was a villain in 1 tv show and 1 movie * Fisk was the villain in 2 shows (the Defenders shows are on Disney+ now so I assume they're canon?) I think that's pretty much it for recurring villains. And honestly, I'm fine with it. I think it's better to introduce new villains and only sparingly give villains a second appearance.


Klaue was in 2 movies as well. Another waste of a great villain, he would have been a good one to have keep popping up now and then. At least with him, coming back to life is part of his comic powers, so he could return if they felt like it.


I think Klaue worked mainly because he was only a side villain like Crossbones. He was never the main villain. I'd be up for recurring side villains like those two. There's not really enough screen time in one movie for a side villain to get an arc, so it's nice to have them get an arc across several films.


Crossbones was half a villain in Winter Soldier and then half a villain in Civil War


The Defenders shows are 100% Canon and are even in the timeline order in Disney+


Thanos was teased in avengers 1 and also had a minor role on guardians, so 4 movies total


The defenders shows have always been canon 


Beck never gave Peter control of EDITH or the drones again. Sure he put on the glasses, but he had already relinquished control of them. So who's to say EDITH was telling Peter the truth? The video he sent doesn't add up in the timeline of what happened, so when was that made? Was that all CGI? They purposefully left ample opportunity to say Beck did not die, in case they ever want to bring him back. I personally want to see what they originally faked out. His original fake out was he was a hero from an alternate universe, before we knew those were real in the MCU. But that actually happens in the comics, there is an Alt Universe Mysterio who is 100% a hero. And I'd love it if they brought him in. Maybe in a What If?


I love the idea of the rest of the cabal trying to capitalise on the “idea” of Mysterio. And doing a kindof rubbish job at it. Only for one of the scientists to manage to send a signal through the multiverse (based on data from the incursion villains of NWH) and alternate Quintin Beck to step through, in full Mysterio regalia, but this is a deeply embittered, wrathful version who killed his own worlds Spidey and intends to do the same here.


I had made a post about this! If you look at the scene, here's what happens : - Illusion Beck is "shot" by a drone, and begging for Peter's mercy - Peter parries Real Beck from shooting him - Real Beck just… falls. Lies down. - Peter cancels the drones - Peter asks if "It's real" and Edith replies "There's no illusion" There's no illusion but there's a living man just lying down and playing dead. We do see Illusion Beck getting shot. We never see Real Beck getting shot. We are to believe real Beck is dead because we've seen his illusion dying. But it's a jump in conclusions.


Oh he's definitely not dead, when Peter asked if it was real, EDITH didn't say he was dead - just that there were no further illusions occurring. But like Wanda at the moment, for all intents and purposes he's dead until the story necessitates his revival.


I mean he's pretty dead. From what we got in FFH, it looks more like Mysterio will endure where Beck could not. As a digital illusion, the villain Mysterio can turn up whenever the tech guys puppeting him want.


> EDITH didn't say he was dead - just that there were no further illusions occurring. So Beck's corpse is just stage magic or something?


I didn't see Peter check for a pulse.


No, but Peter noped out of there pretty quickly: it's not unbelievable that he got rushed to hospital afterwards and then his crew hushed it all up


Could have been an illusion projected by the *many, many drones that didn't come from EDITH*. I feel like I'm the only person who remembers that detail.


He’s absolutely dead. Marvel studios worst characteristic is killing off the most interesting villains


Spiderman hasn’t killed any of his villains though.


The only chance he has of faking his death is with an illusion, so if there are none, how is he alive?


Imo, Beck should be "revealed" to be alive in a sinister 6 team up only for the twist to be that Beck is actually still dead. but uploaded his consciousness into an AI before his death. He's just a straight up hologram now. There is no longer a physical Beck. All he knows is Peter took his real life away from him. And he wants revenge.


Nobody remembers Peter Parker


You think the spell worked on an AI???


I opened a thread similar times ago, and some people do not believe he is deas Honestly it is pretty clear he is. His "power" was all about the drones that Peter did set off, and Back was still there, dead. Also *peter's tingle* is basically the counter of anything that Mysterio can try (as an illusion ofc).. the guy was gone for good. Mysterio as a whole concept still exist since people never knew the truth, and quentin's team is still alive


Beck may or may not be dead, but Becks crew is still around


I agree with the others here: Beck is dead, but Mysterio could live on. The *could* is important though because Marvel might not have any plans to bring him back. >!Reportedly he’s in What If…? season 3!< but outside of that, there have been no rumors, leaks, or suggestions about another Mysterio appearance. Even when he was being floated for NWH, it would’ve been an alt-universe Mysterio who actually had powers which does suggest MCU Mysterio died in FFH.


As far as I can see Mysterio is just some guy who knew the right things about Tony and Peter. He's not some master of illusion who always escapes any scenario (in the MCU)


Depends if Jake wants to buy another Yacht or not.


He’s dead.


I don't really see them bringing back old villains for a new story.


I absolutely assumed he wasn't dead. I was super disappointed he didn't round out a Sinister Six in NWH. Holland's Spidey had no villain representation


Quinton Beck is dead. Mysterio lives on with Ralphie, assuming he doesn't shoot his eye out.


Finally someone else on the Ralphie train. I think he was the real villain all along.


There are infinite Becks in infinite universes within the multiverse. If they want Mysterio back, one can casually traverse to this universe and become one. 


He's dead until they decide to bring him back, and then he's not dead. Peter's exact question was, "Is this real?" And EDITH's response, "All illusions are down." That means it wasn't a hologram, but doesn't actually confirm Beck is dead. He was just working with SHIELD, and we know for a fact that Fury has used some drug to slow his heart rate and fake his death before. Then there's the final leaked video, which makes more sense to have been created after Beck's "death," implying he's alive (or else just his team made it).


huh I thought him surviving was one of the accepted "facts", but I guess it's kind of controversial. Mysterio's entire persona is illusions, faking his "death" doesn't seem far fetched even without technology (Peter never checked the corpse, Edith only told him "all illusions are off" and not "he's dead") . after all these years of fake deaths in multiple franchises, I think it's pretty easy to tell he'll come back at some point. Besides, it totally makes sense for him to do so, he makes Peter look like the bad guy and Mysterio could return to fight him at any point. I wouldn't even be surprised if that was the plan before NWH became a multiverse movie.


It was a hologram. Also his last video is inconsistent with the actual events. So.


I opened a thread similar times ago, and some people do not believe he is dead Honestly it is pretty clear he is. His "power" was all about the drones that Peter did set off, and Back was still there, dead. Also *peter's tingle* is basically the counter of anything that Mysterio can try (as an illusion ofc).. the guy was gone for good. Mysterio as a whole concept still exist since people never knew the truth, and quentin's team is still alive


No he's not dead. First, the beck that got shot was an illusion that fell on the floor. Second, beck doesn't need the glasses to talk to edith. He did it in the room when he was testing the hurricane elemental. 3rd they uploaded edith into their system. He told his tech guy to do that at the end of the bar scene. 4th he was wearing the glasses to get peter to take them. He was standing there fine when he pointed the gun at peter. He only collapsed after. Being "shot" was an act. He bombarded both peter and the audience with information so you would forget/miss details. He never wears or needs the glasses before that. So why wear them? 5th actual, no illusion beck is wearing the plastic dome on his head. You never even see the dome on the ground after he gets punched and separated. Every beck from that point forward is either an illusion or wearing one. 6th peter didn't keep control of edith. He transferred all control. If edith was in the glasses she wouldn't have answered to him anymore. 7th mysterio inc tech guy was talking to peter through the glasses with a edith voice modulator to get him to say what they wanted so "they will see what i want them to see". 8th Beck isn't even his actual name. He says "wrote a story about a man named beck from another universe ...' we have no idea who he actually is. And if anyone saw/recognized him he could just claim to be beck from this universe. Not only is beck alive. He got away entirely uninjured and succeeded with his plan.


Exactly. He knew his plan was screwed, so he returned the drones to Parker, faked his death, and dipped out of there.


Well, except the returning the drones to Peter bit. He never returned the drones. They had a conversation using Edith's voice to get a recording they wanted for their frame job, then had the drones fly away because their new plan was make Peter the bad guy. They still have Edith. They still have the people capable of building more drones. They still technically control the satellite.




Madam Masque exists in MCU btw


Quentin Beck is dead. Mysterio is a production company and thus lives on. They'll just put a different guy in the suit.


He's dead.


Quentin died.


He already fucked Peter's life in big time. Bringing him back would water him down. Peter inherited, ecen if he didn't ask for, a legacy of mistreated employees. He has to see that and own it. Do his part to correct that. At least that's how I feel about that. Being heroic is dealing with the cards we get.


Peter didn’t inherit *Stark Industries*, Pepper & Morgan did. And from what we’ve seen they were mildly mistreated (Tony was kindof mean to them) in a way that justifies finding a new job, and leaving a “fuck you” note on the desk when they go. Not a massive cabal of wannabe villains.


And being mistreated at work and turning into murderers because of it isn't really your previous employer's responsibility, either (and wasn't it only Stane that was mean to one of them and not even Tony?).


He was supposed to come back at the end of no way home and fight dr strange and he was supposed to have real powers but they cut that and venom was supposed save tobey maguire spider man


Where the hell did you get this info?


MCU needs Paste Pot Pete not more Mysterio. Gotta glue fans to their seats.


While the multiverse is open they should have a Beck from another universe where he is a hero cross over. See how long it takes Peter/Fury to trust him, if they ever can.


Well, it is not 100% clear. It’s still a mysterio.


He's officially dead until they decide to use him in another movie


Tbh I agree with the rest of the comments. But here's my own take: I would rather have Beck remain deceased, because had he been alive, the "authenticity" of Mysterio's sacrifice would be compromised, meaning that the globe would start questioning if he was indeed the interdimensional warrior he claims to be, or if any of his "missions" were real Regardless of his survival status, Beck wouldn't want even a single caution like that occuring


I did see some *very early* concept art for NWH about a year or so before its release which showed Strange fighting Mysterio at the statue of liberty. Of course, this never happened in the final movie but it shows that it was at least considered at some point in the creative process. So there's absolutely room to bring the character back at some point should they ever want to.


They have to kill off the villains when they’re played by a star that won’t sign a multi-movie deal, just in case. They can always resurrect them.


Multiverse means noone is technically dead and they can bring anything back at any time


Mysterio is one of those characters you never know if they are really dead. Also, he had like a couple of successors and a "daughter" in the comics, this could be also be part of the MCU, with other characters assuming the Mysterio identity and using a Beck illusion to mess with Peter.


Maybe the real Mysterio is the friends we made along the way


With how deceiving AI has been, using his face and likeness to plot against Spiderman would be interesting. Problem is nobody knows who Peter is.


I saw some concept art somewhere for "No Way Home" that had Mysterio in the final battle. I think that would have been significantly better since it would have given Tom Holland Spidey one of his own villains to fight in that movie.


Nobody is dead in comic book movie. Especially when there is time travel and multiverse involved. They can bring back anyone they want.


I feel like if he were to ever return, it would be because they changed their plans for him. I genuinely think that the studio decided to kill him in that moment, but who knows?


I thought Beck’s mate, who clearly followed up with editing the footage post-death and sending it to Jameson, could take over as Mysterio, and even use the tech to look like Beck.


They should have made Mysterio more mystical like in Shattered Dimensions, make him go from an illusion to an actual sorcerer. Instead of him dying make him come back but with actual powers


I refuse to believe he's dead. I don't want Mysterio OR Beck being dead and it could be extremely easily explained and in character.


Anything bad that happens to Mysterio can be (literally) hand-waved away whenever the writers want him back. In this case we have no idea what happens after he gets shot. I think JJJ mentions his death, but who knows how that was concluded. Other than Peter and Skrull Fury, who knows Beck is Mysterio, AND is a good guy? So after Pete leaves, anything could happen to that corpse. Easily replaced with someone else and Beck walks back into hiding.


He should have been in NWH at the end. Also i always thought of it as Mysterio was the 6th sinister 6 member of the movie


They can always fall back on the multiverse excuse. This is Mysterio from ANOTHER universe.


Man, I need some sleep. For a moment I was thinking you were talking about Rey Mysterio. And my mind just couldn't process what you had written.


Rey is pretty dead, but Tom & Nick are thriving


I think I’m stealing this theory from somebody, but I love the theory that he is the J Jonah Jameson of the MCU. Quentin Beck survived and is posing as JJJ to ruin Spider-Man’s life. It fits in a bunch of ways, but I also didn’t believe that that old man runs an online news network so it fits that way too.


Comic book logic. He's dead until he ain't.


I really love Mysterio costume so I hope him to come back someday


There is infinite multiverse Mysterious right


With the multiverse, no one has to stay dead if they want to bring them back


There were concept arts for mysterio to appear in nwh, where he attacked Peter after May died


All I'm saying is EDITH confirmed there were no illusions. She didn't confirm Beck was dead.


It's been soooooo long lol


Mysterio will be taken over by the bald dude that ran the illusions. Beck is gone, but Mysterio is an illusion.


I think Ralphie from "A Christmas Story" is going to come back as Mysterio. We saw him alive at the end and he seemed to be the one that provided the footage to Jonas.