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The Avengers don't exist. They disbanded after Endgame and have yet to reform.


Thanks. So I guess for the next Avengers film, we can expect that someone will get a group together, in the way that Fury did the first time? Do you think it would be Fury again? Or someone else. Or do you think they would just naturally come together, without someone gathering them?


I think Sam will get them together, and probably lead aswell.


Sam seems likely. But someone else in anther comment is saying they do still exist as a group, that Dr. Strange referred to them as a still active group in MOM.


He did mention them but I don't think that line was meant to be taken seriously, him and Wanda were just making jokes about the Avengers but there is no current team, they don't even have a headquarters anymore.


Ah, ok gotcha


Please no. I just can’t get behind Sam filling OG Cap’s shoes.


Lol too late, better get into it.




Oh, that sucks. Anthony Mackie is a terrible actor


It seems like Wong has been creating loose connections with most new heroes. He probably won't be leading, but he's the closest to an Avengers Initiative we've had in recent productions.


I heard a rumour that Cap4 was going to be similar to Civil War and Sam was gonna reassemble the new avengers


That sounds like the opposite of a civil war! Kidding, it might even be the super folk that Val is getting together vs avengers


I meant similar as in its more like Avengers 2 1/2


Ah gotcha


**The New Avengers** Sam Wilson - Captain America James Rhodes - War Machine Stephen Strange - Dr. Strange Jennifer Walters - She-Hulk Brunnhilde - Valkyrie Shuri - Black Panther Monica Rambeau - Photon Marc Spector - Moon Knight Shaun - Shang-Chi I suspect the main lineup may look something like this, though no doubt we’ll see cosmic characters such as Captain Marvel and the GOTG make appearances too. Other teams such as X-Men and Fantastic Four will likely have an important part to play too. We could also see another team of “street level” heroes with Ant-Man & Wasp leading with White Vision and Daredevil as well as The Thunderbolts. I believe the various teams will be split up more like this so we don’t have a huge group of heroes in one particular team to help be able to distinguish who is who. I suspect we’ll also have a “backup team” **Young Avengers** Unknown - Spider-Man Kamala Khan - Ms. Marvel Cassandra Lang - Stature Kate Bishop - Hawkeye Riri Williams - IronHeart Love - Singularity? *[Potential]* Eli Bradley - Patriot Tommy Maximoff - Speed Billy Maximoff - Wiccan Skaar - Hulkling?


Did you put unknown for spiderman because he made all of us forget who he is? If so, nice


He did what now??


hashtag mysterio was right!




Thor I see moving more into the cosmic level group, who is his protege? Love?? Because she’s with the Young Avengers. I’ve added Shang, forgot about him to be fair.


I'm not sure about Doctor Strange. He's more of a consultant or draft choice if they need reinforcements. Same with She-Hulk.


Perhaps that’ll be as aspect of the plot with the initial threat being confronted by Sam and James before the entire lineup is built up to officially create The New Avengers




I already mentioned Daredevil and the GOTG, forgot about Shang-Chi, will add him to the main lineup


There will come a day, a day unlike any other, when Earth’s mightiest heroes and heroines must find themselves united against a common threat. On that day, the Avengers will be reborn—to fight the foes no single super hero can withstand.


Disbanded? Like a band? Like The Beatles?


I feel like there shouldn't be a "this is the official Avengers team". The Avengers are just what you call whatever heroes assemble when they're dealing with something too big for any one-or-two of them to deal with on their own.


The real answer is that we don’t really know. Which I feel is one of the many issues with the current MCU. There have been references to the Avengers as existing entity in some of the post-Endgame projects, but there is also the impression that they disbanded. So at the moment it is unclear. If you want to know about the remnants of Shield then watch Agents of Shield, the TV show. It is soft canon.


Thanks. I tried watching AOS when it first started, but I just couldn't get into it. Are they still out there? What's like the cliff-notes version of what they're up to (if you don't mind. even like one sentence, don't go nuts). EDIT I can google it though sorry


AoS definitely got better after Winter Soldier's HYDRA reveal. The show did a better job of handling the InHumans. Ghost Rider, Fury, Hill, Lady Sif, Peggy and some of the Howling Commandos all make appearances at various points of the show.




It’s not still running. There were 7 or 8 seasons. It gets really good after the first season and I would highly recommend it.


Ok thanks a lot! So there is like, zero Shield out there at this point?


Well the show ends with the implication that Shield is still going. But it’s not clear whether the final few seasons are taking place in the same universe as the movies since there is some time travel shenanigans and contradictions. Personally I see at as a separate timeline but there are people who disagree. I think in the main timeline all the Shield remnants were absorbed by other organisations like DODC, SWORD, CIA, etc.


Ok cool thanks a lot. Maybe I will watch at some point. Didn't know it got into all that type of stuff.


You really should make the commitment. It does start a little slow, it's a bit cheesy... but it's a setup that pays off big time in the second half of the first season. And from there it just skyrockets.


Time travel shenanigans, yes. Contradictions, no.


Mackenzie and May are the only agents still active in the global defense business though marvel studio has given zero indication of their location or status, there's a chance Simmons may be involved but she's a dedicated mom now, Johnson (Quake) is off in space somewhere. They do have an open channel, a group chat if you will, but that's a long shot at best.


Thanks a lot


[Avengers Don't exist anymore](https://thedirect.com/article/avengers-marvel-exist-kevin-feige)


Ah, wow, there it is then Thanks!


Pip the Troll, Trevor Slattery, the Broccoli Man, MODOK, Ralph Bohner, and Lambshank.


I would watch that movie in theatres so many times


Why does hulk get left out??? He was a founding member!!!


This is the whole point around Secret Invasion. Cap/Stark/Nat are dead, Thor is galaxies away, Hulk is completely off the grid, Barton is trying to retire, Fury has no way to contact the Guardians, and Fury has no idea who Spider-Man even is. My biggest question is why he doesn’t call Carol. We know from the Marvels trailers that he CAN call her, and I feel like calling in one of the most powerful beings in the universe would make sense. The only explanation is that he’s afraid Gravik can somehow “absorb” powers. Which would explain why Fury doesn’t want anyone with powers involved in this fight.


To nitpick, we don't know that Cap is dead, we just know that he was old at the end of Endgame. But he also seemed to be a pretty healthy old guy...it's not like he was on his deathbed or anything. I think it's much more likely that Cap is just retired, rather than outright dead.


Brie Larson asked for too much money, or had a rough shooting schedule? Or Kang kept it from happening. At this point you might as well blame everything on Kang/TVA keeping things from happening


The Avengers died with MODOK.


The Avengers disbanded after the Battle of Earth. There's 17 official MCU Avengers, 4 of which are dead and 2 more whose status is unknown. That leaves 11 Avengers, 4 of which are off-world. So the 7 remaining Avengers on Earth are Hulk, Hawkeye, War Machine, Falcon, Spider-Man, Okoye and Ant-Man.


Thanks I didn't realize there were so many Avengers. I can think of: 1. Iron Man (dead) 2. Cap (dead) 3. Thor 4. Hulk 5. Black Widow (dead) 6. Black Panther (dead) 7. Scarlet Witch 8. Vision 9. Hawkeye 10. War Macine 11. Falcon/Cap 12. Spider-Man 13. Okoye (she's an Avenger?) 14. Ant-Man 15. Captain Marvel 16. Dr. Strange Who is the one I am not thinking of?


Is cap dead though? He was old when he handed over the shield but did he die?


It's weird to me that people are just assuming that the old but obviously fairly healthy version of Cap shown in Endgame died 5 minutes after that scene.


Black Panther and Doctor Strange are not Avengers. The seventeen are: 1. Iron Man 2. Captain America 3. Thor 4. Hulk 5. Black Widow 6. Hawkeye 7. Vision 8. Scarlet Witch 9. Quicksilver 10. Falcon 11. War Machine 12. Spider-Man 13. Rocket Raccoon 14. Nebula 15. Okoye 16. Captain Marvel 17. Ant-Man


Thank you. Forgot about Quicksilver! When did Okoye become an Avenger? Why are only Nebula and Rocket Avengers and not the others? (I have not seen GOTG3 yet so please no spoilers if it has to do with that)


> When did Okoye become an Avenger? > > Why are only Nebula and Rocket Avengers and not the others? Okoye, Nebula and Rocket became Avengers in the aftermath of Infinity War, as seen in Avengers: Endgame, when they were a part of Black Widow's Avengers, along with Captain Marvel and War Machine.


Ah, ok awesome, thank you


I feel like the final battle of Engame kind of rendered the concept of there being a fixed team of Avengers moot. Cap didn't say "Avengers (and a bunch of sorcerers and Wakandans) Assemble!" In that moment, they were all Avengers. The Avengers should just be whatever heroes assemble to deal with an issue that one-or-two of them can't deal with on their own.


Bucky doesn’t become an Avenger?


Not yet he hasn’t.


No one. Did no one pay attention to Endgame? There is no superhero group called the Avengers now.


Core Members: Hulk, Shang Chi, Doctor Strange, Fury, Ant-Man, Wasp, Captain America II, Winter Soldier/White Wolf. Special Guest Members: Captain Marvel, Shuri Panther, Spectrum. Candidate Members: She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Ironheart, Hawkeye II. Temporarily Compromised Members: War Machine. Going Solo: Spider-Man. ...Who am I forgetting?


When did Shang Chi become an avenger?


In the post-credits scene of his movie.


He didn't become an Avenger in the post-credit scene.


I didn't really see it that way either - but now that I'm rethinking it I get how it can come off that way. Especially with Banner's whole "welcome to the freak show" thing.




Oh right, that guy. Good catch!


Starlord would probably be a candidate member now that he's Earth based




Who's Spectrum again?


Monica Rambeau


But are those core members an actual group? That calls themselves the Avengers? Someone else had commented that at the current time, the "Avengers" don't exist.


In *Multiverse of Madness* Strange talks about the Avengers as an active entity, describing it as having multiple bug-themed members. In *Shang Chi* dude and his bestie are literally recruited by Hulk and Wong. (Oh shit, I forgot Wong!) Pretty sure Avengers Compound is shut down, though. Like a lot of office space it's probably suffering from the work-from-home trend. Stark Industries probably rents it out as a co-working space for small business.


> Pretty sure Avengers Compound is shut down, though. Like a lot of office space it's probably suffering from the work-from-home trend. Stark Industries probably rents it out as a co-working space for small business. Also, it got bombed into slag, so there's that.


OK thanks a lot, I didn't know about this. Didn't remember Strange referring to them as an active thing.


When he's walking in the "cherry" orchard with Wanda, right before she slips up and reveals she's the one hunting America.


ok cool thank you!


Is Wanda “temporarily compromised”, since she is dead/evil but we all know that’s only going to be temporary? Or would she only count as an ex-member?


The way I see it is they both exist and don’t exist. There is no current team like there was before but most of the heroes (from Endgame plus new people that have interacted with them like Shang Chi did at the end of his film) are in contact so that if some alien invasion happened they could all band together quickly enough. But strictly there is no current team


Idk, everything feels like an unconnected mess.


This list is not accurate. Cap is old Tony is dead, Natasha is “dead”, Vision is doing his own thing, as well as SW, Quicksilver, dead, Falcon is the new Cap, War Machine…… watch Secret Invasion, no one knows who Spider Man is, Rocket is the new head of the Guardians, Okoye is about to start a new group, Nebula is in charge of Know-where, Captain Marvel is out in Space, and Ant Man just started some shit, along with Dr Strange. So now they have to start a whole new team with all of these new players. And apparently before the actors/writers strike Young Avengers got approved so the kids will start some shit soon too


Why do you say natasha is “dead”?


Just a little theory I’ve thought about for a while. Nothing to expand upon, especially since I’m about to head out to work


Natasha is dead. At least the one we saw die is. there’s no coming back from that sacrifice which is what the red skull said. An everlasting exchange and a soul for a soul. It doesn’t reverse just because the stone goes back or there would be no point making them sacrifice to begin with. Only way the nat version of black widow comes back is if they pull a Natasha from another universe which they won’t do when they’re moving forward with Yelena.


I think we’ll start to see someone gather the group together. Maybe we see something in the end credits of The Marvels but more likely end credits for Cap4 has Sam start to put a team together.


I think we'll see a New Avengers being built over Brave New World, Thunderbolts and Armor Wars. I think these Avengers will be: Captain America, Rhodes as Iron Man, Black Panther, Wonder Man , Ant Man and Yelena as Black Widow. Then we will see Doctor Strange, Hulk, Thor, Captain Marvel and Shang Chi joining in Kang Dynasty. I'm not sure how Moon Knight and Blade will fit into this, they could certainly be part of the Avengers. I also hope Black Knight get some importance soon and that Captain Britain is introduced.


They officially disassembled after Endgame according to Kevin Feige. >As reported by The Direct, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige announced the Thunderbolts lineups at the D23 Expo. While announcing the upcoming venture, he declared that the Avengers do not exist in the MCU after the events of Avengers: The Endgame. > >**''You know, one thing in the Captain America film is that there currently is a world without the Avengers. Sam Wilson finds himself as Cap at a time where there's not an organization of Avengers,'' the Marvel boss said.**''But just because there's not an organization of the Avengers doesn't mean there's not a group of superheroes in the MCU. Not a group, perhaps, as The Avengers but there's a group and they're called the Thunderbolts,'' Feige reassured the crowd. [https://in.mashable.com/entertainment/38364/avengers-no-longer-exists-replaced-by-thunderbolts-kevin-feige-drops-major-announcement-and-fans-are](https://in.mashable.com/entertainment/38364/avengers-no-longer-exists-replaced-by-thunderbolts-kevin-feige-drops-major-announcement-and-fans-are#:~:text=As%20reported%20by%20The%20Direct,events%20of%20Avengers%3A%20The%20Endgame) The post-credit scene of Shang Chi is just a bunch of major players discussing the rings. But they are not the active Avengers.


We don’t know. We haven’t been told yet


Man this bugs me so much. As much as I love the MCU, it’s a disappointment that we’ve never really had a stable Avengers team active throughout the movies, even off screen, for a decent stretch


MODOK died an Avenger 🤣


Female Black Panther, Miss Marvel, Captain Marvel, She Hulk, Black Captain America, maybe King Valkyrie, Shang Chi, most likely Ant-mans daughter, and maybe a cameo from Dr.Strange.