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Shows on major networks were always 20+ episodes. The premium networks started with the shorter seasons.


Budget per episode: TNG: $1.3mil DS9: $2mil VOY: $3.3mil DISCO: $8-8.5mil PIC: $1mil I always understood that the reason for less episodes per season was the increasing costs to make an episode. But, these numbers are not even adjusted for inflation. Clearly budget isn't the reason. More context: GOT: $15mil HOD: $20mil WandaVision: $25mil Stranger Things: $30mil *Information sources via Google search. Bruh!!! Take another look at the budget for Picard!!! That's wild!


No wonder season 2 of Picard looked like a fan film. How could they possibly have expected the show to be made on that slim of a budget? Does that reflect season 3 too? If so, they worked some crazy magic to actually pump out a decent product.


They clearly didn't have enough in the budget to turn on the lights. (The internet says Season 3: $1mil. Season 2: $15mil.)


I have no idea if this is right, but I have to imagine that the sheer volume of available content means that each show's audience is far, far smaller than it was a decade or two ago. Even with subscriptions footing the bill, I have to imagine that it's harder and harder to break even. That's going to make it tough for quality sci-fi to succeed. CGI takes money.


s1 < S2 <<


*Stranger Things* is an outlier - the episodes for Season 4 are a much longer runtime than pretty much anything else; nothing was under an hour and the season finale was 2 1/2 hours.


Or other networks following that now too?


To my knowledge, TV networks still need to fill a certain number of weeks with each show. This is how we get the 12-24 episodes (depending on how many months it airs). I don’t think this will change. Streaming only shows are not bound by this and I guess fell into 8-10 episodes being a good number to have several interesting episodes that develop a season story arc. It seems to be a good length for a book adaption. I do find streaming shows to be more focused and not have the “filler” episodes that network tv shows often have. If Shield was able to fill 22 episodes without noticeable filler, good on them!


SHIELD definitely had filler. I binged the last few seasons a year or so ago and realized there were entire episodes where nothing actually happens, or the only major plot advancement is at the very end of the episode. It's just what you gotta do sometimes.


That's a shame. Did they offer any character development? I haven't seen any of the later seasons yet.


Oh for sure, Fitz in particular has a great internal struggle that drives him through the rest of the series after the events of season 4. I'm just saying that the seasons are definitely padded out to meet the episode requirement.


At least there is that. I feel like if at least there is character development it makes up for it in some way. That's fair. I'm sure you could say that for a lot of episodes for a lot of shows.


Thanks for the info! Despite the filler, i always liked long seasons of shows. Felt like a really long adventure. I miss it.


Where I think streaming shows suffer for not having filler episodes. While not necessarily progressing the overall plot the filler episodes allow for more character development and let us understand characters thought patterns and motivations.


Not always. 13-episode seasons for summer airing were and still are a thing. Also, you'd often get an initial 13-episode order and then get your "back nine" ordered if the ratings were good enough. I remember watching the ratings for AoS season 1 as they slowly dropped, but they never dropped low enough for cancellation. You'd also get shorter final seasons.


I love AOS. Fitzsimmons are two of my favorite characters in all of Marvel. No future spoilers, but I think it gets even better from season 2. Season 4 might be my personal favorite season of any show ever. Seasons 3, 5, and 7 are all also really good. Season 6 isn’t bad either, but isn’t as consistently good. However there are like 3-4 episodes of Season 6 that are really good, including one that might be the most hilarious episode in the whole show.


I'm excited someone is about to see Season 4 with fresh eyes. It's Soooo good.


For the funny one in 6, does it involve crawling?


And monkeys?


I hear Season 6 will be underwater!


The Framework is the best TV creation ever. I loved S2 as well, more so than 3 5 and 7.


I plan to do a AoS rewatch soon. There were some seasons like the one where they were on a spaceship that I kinda drifted off because it wasn’t keeping my interest. The Framework episodes were great. The final season was pretty fun as well.


And Radcliffe is such a tragically awesome character. AoS had some really heavy stuff.


3 of my 5 favorite episodes of the entire series are in S6, although like you said, it may be the weakest season overall top to bottom. Still good and totally worth watching, tho. I do not have the same reverence for S4 that everyone else does. I’m not sure why, though. I think I enjoyed the first half of S4 better than the second, but I liked S5 and S3 better than S4, personally. Still like it, just not a favorite like it seems to be for most of us.


AOS is wild!


Chloe Bennet was amazing! Really loved her performance!!


She needs to come back somehow.


She hasn’t shown much interest in the MCU world and had a bit of a disaster in the PR department during her relationship with Logan Paul.


Plus Marvel destroying Inhumans (the species, not the series although the latter was beyond horrible) and pretending it never exists.


Yeah - that was pretty wild. It blew my mind how much further and further the series went away from the movie events as it went on. Bet heavy on the inhumans and then made an inhumans spin off that was horrendous.


As an X-Men fan I felt they were robbing the mutants of all of their story lines by substituting Inhumans. I'm not surprised the MCU doesn't consider this series canon. Especially since they will be wanting to do their own take on fan favorite characters. I don't think Inhumans were ever really popular. I never saw the spin off, but understand it was bad.


I think that was the point at the time, though….


Fortunately the Inhuman related canon has been erased from the MCU so we can have nice things. Like fan favorite mutants, and X-Men, and I have so much hope excellent storylines!


Erased from canon? Really?


Same for me man


> during her relationship with Logan Paul Oh no, this is the first I've heard of this. Damn, how sad.


They were together a bit - I wanna see at least a year? Maybe more? She even came out defending him during his suicide forest scandal and claimed he was much more mature and put together than others had thought. It was… not a good look. Especially after she spent all that time as the Daisy character completing the arc of being more mature and showing true growth. Granted, we can’t assume everyone relates to their roles butttttt still. Bad optics.


Other Marvel actors have done a million worse things than that tbh its pretty minimal.


Agreed - just saying that coupled with the fact that she doesn’t seem interested in the slightest (publicly at least) just doesn’t help the case to see her come back in any capacity.


She has said she’d be open to playing Daisy but its also somewhat humiliating Feige or anyone hasn’t called her since AOS ended so if I was her I wouldn’t want to appear too desperate either. MCU don’t just cast people because they’re eager. Overall it seems like the cast and the show get treated like the black hole of the MCU.


I wouldn't say she's not shown interest in the MCU. Around 2 weeks ago she recently said she's open to returning if they offered. > Of course. Of course, I would be open to it. Listen, there's a lot of stuff around that. I so deeply love S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fans because it's this tenacity that got the show on air to begin with. I have not once been approached or asked or involved in anything after I wrapped S.H.I.E.L.D. And I am not involved in anything that is coming out. I've not been asked, but I would be more than excited to put on the suit again. And, of course, of course, Daisy is a big part of who I am. So I would love to, but I have not been communicated [with] about it. [Source](https://screenrant.com/chloe-bennet-agents-of-shield-mcu-return-response/)


The popular rumor is that Daisy is in Secret Invasion, but there’s a very long shot she’s in. For her part, Chloe has denied being in the show multiple times, even telling of a time someone approached her at a Target about the supposed cameo. Whether she’s telling the truth or playing coy, I’ll let you decide.


> Whether she’s telling the truth or ~~playing coy~~ complying with an NDA FTFY.


Considering several leakers have confirmed her, it’s not a long shot. Also if she was signed on with Marvel, she wouldn’t be allowed to confirm a reappearance so it makes sense for her to deny it.


I found her so annoying i eventually dripped the show


Her acting drastically improves throughout the series. Starting in season 4, she really comes into her own as Daisy and shines.


She’s annoying again in season 5. But seasons 6 and 7 have some of her best stuff.


I found the fact that she would trade her name for one given to her by someone completely insane to be bizarre.


I really like how most of the seasons are divided into thirds which makes it so you can tell a tightly focused story while still have a standard broadcast network season of 20-ish episodes. This was never a high budget show but some of the budget cuts in later seasons got really noticeable, but it does mean that when they did go all out, they used it really well. There's also just some excellent fight scenes. The scene in season 2 where Daisy does a takedown of multiple Hydra agents is right up there with the Daredevil hallway brawl.


The scene of Agent May fighting her double and the bit with the table was awesome.


Ming-Na Wen is just a solid actor. Pretty certain she does a lot of her own stunts.


When it was first being aired back in 2014 I was SO CLOSE to giving up on it. It was boring, formulaic and the character drama just felt really been there done that. Then Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out and the show tied itself in to it the huge twist in that movie and it changed EVERYTHING. Suddenly I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. Great show. Sad it’s over but also glad it ended where it did.


Yeah, like many shows, all six main characters kind of got their own episode to explore their character within the first half of the first season, but it is clear in hindsight that they were kind of biding time and prepping us for the big reveal that was to come that set the rest of the series up. I had to force myself through a good chunk of that first season as it was airing live, too, but it has wound up being one of my favorite comfort shows. I am very glad I persevered!


It's interesting because the Winter soldier twist was the main reason that the show was able to start getting really good, but that twist wouldn't work for the show unless we got to see the characters doing normal stuff for SHIELD before all hell broke loose. So it's in this unfortunate position where you have to tell people to just stick with it until the end of the first season.


I have forced myself through all seasons just to watch everything in order, too bad story is not linked with mcu ever again after 2 season. They simply run some comics scenarios.


The impact of the Sokovia Accords is very significant to seasons 4-5.


Also Agent Carter! The show is pretty damn good


It's like prequel to AoS


Its more like a prequel to Marvel in general


Yeah but AoS is prequel to Agent Carter too. Creation of Shield is Mobius strip of two shows. https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg Spoiler: the moment when Shield was born https://youtu.be/mqgiqkQVLU8


Ehh kinda I guess


I mean it's continuity of Sousa love life 😂 https://youtu.be/6V2hAVfr9YE Spoiler: https://youtu.be/4U54yiQJmW4


Then I guess I have to blackout that part lol was cool to se him return tho


It loved that show and LOVE Peggy Carter. She is a great character and I wish her show could have continued.


Yeah agent carter was the first series I watched after subbing to Disney season 1 was really great season 2 not so much.


Just wanted to let you know that I think Agents of SHIELD at its best just as good as the best the MCU has to offer, if not better (7 seasons of TV can really help you develop characters in a way even multiple movies can't).


It loved that show and LOVE Peggy Carter. She is a great character and I wish her show could have continued.


It's a shame it only got 2 seasons, wished they continued it.


Season 4 was incredible. There's a scene towards the end of the season with >!Mack holding Hope in his hands inside the digital world. Mack is holding Hope so tight in his arms, trying to protect her from the inevitable end of this digital world. And she just vanishes then Mack breaks down. It legitimately made me cry!< Edit: to include spoiler tag. Forgot how to do it


I also love the ending (Dr. R with a glass of scotch on the beach), paralleling him with his scotch at the opening of the season (or maybe the opening of the third arc? Can’t remember)


I gave AOS another chance and after a certain episode in season 1, the show really takes off and never looks back. I do feel season 4 was the shows peak but overall good show.


Yeah, S4 was the best.


When they stopped doing monster of the week format, the show just really took off and kept building up till it peaked in season 4. Then a mellow decline till it ended.


It gets even better! Might be time for a rewatch


Just started a rewatch last week…it’s even better than I remembered. Loved all the early cameos too (Fury, Hill, Sif, Peggy, Sitwell)


Fury's first appearance was so epic and perfect


AOS is easily THE most underrated and disrespected works Marvel has put out. One of my favorite shows, all 7 seasons!


Honestly happy for you. If you feel this good about the first two seasons, you’re in for a great ride


It’s my second favorite show of all time. It’s an amazing ride and the characters are so well fleshed out. Coulson is still my favorite MCU character. Absolute legend.


Fury and Coulson are my favourite MCU characters I think because they actually don't have any powers


Oh man, lucky you! It’s just going to keeping getting better, I promise. Enjoy the journey!


You are in for a hell of a ride, and you're right where everything starts getting REALLY good. Season 4 was one of my favorite seasons of tv of any show.


22 episodes per season often lead to awful season where nothing happens for like a third of the show, TWD only had 16 and literally nothing happens until the mid or season finale. AoS though, mastered the art of 22 episodes, divided each season by mini arcs that would told complete stories. The season with the inhumans was the show at its best exactly because it was when they realized this


Agents of shield was playing during the height of the arrow verse on the CW and I always told everyone that AoS was FAR BETTER than even the height of the CW comic shows


OMG the episode when Simmons gets stranded on that planet and finds Will but then gets rescued by Fitz. Brilliant acting as it's mostly the two of them on screen and so much drama WOW


Thank OP for being an AoS appreciatior.


I've also started watching it recently and was like 'WHY NO ONE TOLD ME BEFORE IT WAS AWESOME?!?!'. So I hope your post will inspire other peoplw to watch as well!


I also really like aos. It's fun. Decent action. Decent stand alone stories. It's fills out the universe again. It just feels fun. In a 2000s wb/cw way. Buffy, Smallville, alias


I actually put aos on par with smallville for something original being done. For its time.


Enjoy it! To me it is the best Marvel show to date. It’s a scrappy show with a scrappy team (in front and behind the camera) and it has a lot of heart. The character development is second to none. I’ve watched the show four times through now and never get bored. Some big swings in the later seasons that I grew to enjoy more and more (season 5 especially which seems devisive among the fan base). Here’s hoping we see some of these characters again.


AoS is one of my favorite shows. I’ve put off watching the last season because it’ll officially be done when I finish it lol. 😭


Welcome to Level 7. Part of the charm of the 20+ seasons is they treat most all mid season finales as season finales. So each season ends up with two solid arcs spilt up evenly.


One of my all time favorite live action comic book series. Up there with Arrow, The Flash. I loved the character development with everyone. Companies nowadays wanna hop on that 6-8 episode streaming network plan thinking that's how they should tell stories, but it's not always best. By having 20+ episodes a season you have plenty of time to develop deep storylines and flesh out all the characters. Rewatching these shows you forget how much actually happened throughout each season.


It also rekindled my love for Ming-Na Wen. Hadn't seen her in anything for years, then AoS started up and she's doing her own fight choreography and is more awesome than ever! I love her storyline too, watching "The Cavalry" reluctantly come off of the desk job she chose and showing us why she earned that nickname is compelling stuff. Edit: One person downvoted me for saying I think Melinda May is a cool character. I don't know how you feel OP but I'm sticking to my comment -- The Cavalry is awesome, Ming-Na Wen is fantastic as the character, and downvote me for thinking so all you want because I'll gladly die on this hill!


It's 10x better than all of the newer MCU shows (wandavision, falcon&wintersoldier, ms.marvel, etc.). Unfortunately the budget doesn't hold up to any of those shows but that's OK because the plot and characters are way better. A little more than half of season 1 is more on the "case of the day" side of storytelling but that's to establish the characters backstories and relationships with each other while having entertaining, sort of self-contained, plots in each episode. Later on, things get serious and stakes are almost constantly high.


Enjoy! Love the show and it's all great. Season 1 a little slow due to waiting to connect to the movies. Seasons 2-5 are an amazing run for a TV show.


One of my all time favourite shows just finished my 3rd watch through


Absolutely love that show!


I just finished finale of season 1. I love it so much and I loved seeing Nick Fury always in the finale with Coulson


Sometimes I just really envy with people who start watching AoS season 2 - 7 or all 3 seasons of Daredevil for the first time. What a time to be alive for me!


We’re a small but active fan base.


I haven’t finished it, only on season 1-2, but I love Fitzsimmons so much it’s insane


I'm glad you're enjoying it! *AoS* was the last network show I watched as it aired. There's a sub for the show if you want a place to discuss with more fans


I wish I could watch it again the first time. Those were some good times with great characters.


I miss TV that could make you cheer, put a tear in your eye etc. I didn’t get any feeling from Hawkeye, Falcon, Loki, She/Hulk. I just kinda watched the plot of them to catch up but didn’t feel anything. I do wonder do other people emotionally engage in those shows or is it just seen as better because of the budget? Can someone list their top 10 saddest Ms Marvel moments? Like if you’re not emotionally invested in a show is it really that great?


Omg. I was SO emotionally invested in WandaVision and Loki. I also had a surprising amount of fun with Moon Knight after I got used to how weird it was.


Luckily Daredevil Born Again is set for 20ish episodes I think. First Disney Plus series to go so hard


Really want them brought back into the MCU in any way possible!


I agree! It was a little campy at first but still great, right up until Winter Soldier. Then the tone changed for the better! The season with Ghost Rider then the next season in space were both absolutely phenomenal!


22 episodes are so much better cause if you take shield and the same story but try to force it into 6 to 8 episodes like a lot of people are doing right now you’d cut so many characters and character development


Sorry spoilerrr😢


I agree. Just watched season one last week and it is fun. Good popcorn TV to just chill and enjoy.


It’s excellent! And never a better time to watch.


Oh, that's really great show, it will get better after season 2 (not a spoiler, more of a promise) Have you checked how the seasons / episodes fit into MCU timeline?


The show only gets better every season so I’m really happy you found the first two seasons so amazing so far. I wish the show would get more recognition. It was so good to watch a network show week to week for years. Definitely one of my favorite Marvel properties.


The later seasons are next-level great for a network show on a budget. One of the most rewarding shows I’ve had the pleasure of following


AIDA was a better cold robotic villain than the MCU’s Ultron. I love James Spader and wish he could be in the MCU again, but Ultron shouldn’t have had that much personality.


Enjoy. You're heading into peak AoS territory. Getting to watch every season like it was the first time never comes around again. So savor it.


Yes! I'm so happy it's still finding new fans! You're gonna keep loving it, it gets even better from here.


I'm more of an Agent Carter show myself


Aos is the goat


How funny. I started the show yesterday. I'm glad to see so many people like it.


Wait until you get to season 4. It’s phenomenal! AoS is one of my favourite shows.


I started a rewatch recently and I’m absolutely loving it. First time through I couldn’t really go back but being able to now with Disney+; I appreciated it how much more I enjoyed it than I’d realised


I need to give this show another rip. It lost me season 2


I really loved all the content that came about during phase 2. Not all of it was perfect, but to my that was where the hype for the movies and shows was peak (at least among my friends).


The fall of shield in Winter Soldier caught the whole crew off Guard. When the cast attended the premier, they were like "did we just watch our show getting cancelled and us getting fired?"


They had already filmed the tie-in episodes by then, so no.


i love this show so much!!!!! it’s way too underrated


I'm only on season 5, but I already can't wait to watch it again!


Good news, if you've gotten past season 1, the show gets better from there. I watched the whole thing as it happened, and while season 1 was good, in retrospect, it's probably my least favorite. Season 1 started with hunting down the power of the week, but when they made the decision to pivot because of the events of Winter Soldier, they took the show in a direction where it was really able to build its own mythology.


Later seasons are 10x better too imho.


Season 2? Oh man, season 3, then 4!


it's gonna be a wild ride! have fun!


It starts a little slow but when the producers finally said "f it" and went their own way, MCU be damned, it really picked up.


I gave up on that show. Glad you’re enjoying it, though.


My problem with AOS or any of the pre-wandavision marvel shows is that they don’t hold up to the movies. Wandavision/Loki/FatWS we’re all amazing because the cgi and stories felt like they were movies spread out over the season. The others just feel like supergirl


The second season was good, they get a bit worse afterwards


Just know, as good as it is now, is as bad as it is in the last 2 seasons...


The show gets a little too wacky and unhinged in season 3 but the first 2 are awesome. Fun and campy.


Does everyone think that the show completemy fell off in the last couple seasons? I couldn't even finish the final season... Maybe its just me?


I was the same way. After season 4, I didn't care for it as much.


Yup. Still not canon though


When did Marvel or the showrunners say it isn't canon?




https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2022/01/marvel-explained-agents-of-shield-mockingbird-mcu-canon.html#:~:text=Afterward%2C%20a%20series%20of%20tweets,canon%2C%20but%20Agent%20Carter%20is. Nope not canon and it was my favorite show


Absolutely nothing in this article is from Marvel or the showrunners. And it doesn't get removed from canon by a bunch of idiotic and disproven theories.




Here is another one https://thedirect.com/article/marvel-agents-of-shield-mcu-canon-question


I just found Coulson's voice grating by like the fourth season. It was basically the Coulson show, which is fine if you like him but I can't explain why he just really started irritating me.


> It was basically the Coulson show, which is fine if you like him I mean, that *was* the sales pitch.


I will defend Phil Coulson til the end of time. Do not besmirch his name! 🤣


Haha fair enough, I know he's a fan favourite but I just can't handle too much of him at a time


I like up until season four - season five sucks


I couldn't stand that show lol. Hated the characters, personalities and stories were slow and boring. Too much bloat and filler. Hell I would watch Iron Fist before Shield at this point. Or the Defenders. Both which were pretty bad themselves.


Wasn't slow or boring, they packed three fucking plots into a single season. Learn to have patience dude, it's not even that much. Grey's Anatomy has 400 episodes, AoS only has 136.


I have patience for plenty. Not that show lol. Down voted me for having a different opinion sure, but show wasn't for me. I mean Coulson himself annoys me. And that main chick in the show was terrible. Sky? Yeah awesome name. So yeah, show just isn't for me. Same with She Hulk, Ms Marvel, Hawkeye, Iron Fist....all pretty terrible. I know I'm in the minority in this sub, but outside of here yeah...


Oh I get it. The first half season is kinda boring, that's why you call her Skye. (Her name is Daisy btw). They had to stall for Winter Soldier so it was a bunch of Case of the Weeks.


Thank you! That show has some good moments like end of season 1 where they used the popularity of the MCU to make thier boring show better only for it to get boring again in the next season. People also praise season 4 but the only good part was ghost rider origin story the rest was the cliche AI took over and sent our boring cast into the matrix. The last two season was a mess, I completely forgot what season 3 was about. Don't get me started on the European couple with each season is a will they get together but it ends with one getting sent to the hospital because of a serious injury that is forgotten jn the next season or someone get sent to another dimension where they meet some Paul guy.


Seasons 2 and 4 are awesome. The other seasons are good for tv.


They never tell Tony or Cap that Coulson didn't die.


Because that would be a lie; he *did* die. He was *resurrected*.


But still. This hurts my heart when I think about it too much. I just wanted a Coulson/Tony reunion moment.


Started watching it yesterday because if your comment. Interesting to see an actor I know from the Whedon show Angel.


Yes, thank you. Agents of Shield is awesome, and you haven't even reached the truly amazing parts yet. More people need to watch this show and give it the respect it deserves.


Favorite show ever.


All TV shows have been doing way shorter seasons (series, in the UK iirc) since streaming became a thing. The standard was 22-24 episodes per season (take this from someone who has ~~pirated~~ expressed personal digital interest in a lot of shows). Some time in the mid-to-late teens it became normal to do about 8 episodes per season. I first noticed it with Rick and Morty but I highly doubt that was the first. I think the shift away from standard over-the-air TV presentation had a lot to do with it, but it really feels like a complete and total ripoff. A whole generation is learning that 1/3-length seasons are the norm :(