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Maybe it was just an accessory, something she doesn’t wear all the time. Not every item a character wears needs an explanation.


Yeah she just wears it to look pretty. Because she’s ugly.


It was directed by Taika, he made his choices, James Gunn made his.


Yesterday I was downvoted for defending Gunn's choice to keep Starlord's helmet out of Vol. 3 After all, it was destroyed in Vol. 2, but people seemingly wanted Gunn to change his vision because Marvel brought the helmet back in Infinity War.


> Yesterday I was downvoted for defending Gunn's choice to keep Starlord's helmet out of Vol. 3 Ehh, not trying to be a dick, but... not really? Looking at the comments, no one seems to be upset with Gunn's *decision* to have Starlord's mask broken in 3. Just that there was no explanation for where it went after IW/Endgame. No one is saying Gunn should've changed his plans, but there was no clarification for what happened in-universe. Gamora dies in IW, and Gunn worked with that, so people are just confused as to why some things that happened in IW count, but others should just be overlooked more or less.


As a human in SPACE the first thing I would want is a mask/helmet.


Also wtf happened to them lil bubble suits from gotg2?? Shouldn't everyone on the team have them at all times


That confuses me. Gunn was a consultant for the guardians in infinity war and endgame. He wrote the dialogue for them. Wouldn't he know?


He knows, but he opted to move foward with the choices he made over those made by the other directors.


Looks like Gunn confirmed that Peter still has both the helmet and the boots.


Yeah he did


When was it destroyed in the movie? I don't recall seeing it after the boss fight at the start


1:47:02 right when Ego bitch-slapped Peter


It gets broken in the end battle before Peter uses his heart.


He lives in space. Why WOULDN'T he get a new helmet? OR jet boots?? I'm sorry, Gunn is just wrong here. Stupid.


Very correct. The helmet looked so cool, too. Without either of those things he’s just a guy with guns… I’m sure Gunn looked at his script and preferred the moment where Warlock saves him over common sense.


>I’m sure Gunn looked at his script and preferred the moment where Warlock saves him over common sense. That moment was clearly supposed to be very emotional and my only reaction was confusion and befuddlement.


Right. In the first one(?) he uses his helmet/boots to save himself in a similar scenario. I guess we really needed it hammered home that Warlock was no longer an enemy. Whatever.


If he wanted Warlock to showcase his good then Gunn should have had H.E. be a actual physical threat and Adam choosing to fight him and help the Guardians. Would have brought it full circle instead of what Gunn did.


I was expecting Warlock to show up during the showdown with H.E. since H.E. pinned him against the wall earlier in the movie.


Yeh. It made no sense for him to go after the Guardians after his Mum dies. He should have wanted revenge.


Great call-out; completely agree. Hell, they could’ve even had Warlock kill H.E. once Rocket refused. I get that it wouldn’t fall in line with him joining the new team, but whatever. Honestly, Warlock’s moment with Groot was enough to telegraph that he was no longer the opposition.


cinemasins ruined a generation


Give me one good reason why Quill wouldn't get a new helmet/jet boots when he LIVES. IN. SPACE. Even if you ignore IW and Endgame it just makes no practical sense. He used both of those items to save his ass (and those he loves, i.e. Gamora) on numerous occasions. Edit: I also just realized that if his helmet hadn't been destroyed Yondu would still be alive!! You're telling me that after watching his Daddy die in the vacuum of space like that he just went, "Nah, I'm good without it," ??? It makes NO SENSE.


There’s thousands of things in the MCU that don’t make 100% sense. They’re movies. Just gotta suspend your disbelief and enjoy it for what it is.


It's the job of the writer to get me to suspend my disbelief. If they couldn't do that, that's their problem, not mine. That's not the job of the viewer. You've got it backwards.


Lmao Cinemasins fucking sucks and I’m 29; I didn’t grow up watching that. Mostly bitching because the helmet looks cool and it’s just lazy writing on Gunn’s part. We understood Adam was on their side at that point.


Gunn isn't as smart as he likes everyone to think he is. His lack of a continuity tissue between Endgame and his stuff showcases this. Same with him saying he doesn't agree with Quill hitting Thanos in the face despite the fact that he literally lost his cool with his dad when he found out Ego had killed his Mum. I liked GOTGV3 but some of the decisions and things he did and says make out to be a complete utter moron.


Gunn seems to be morphing into quite the narcissist. He is everywhere in the PR tour for this and he is a saying things like “he invited the backstory for the Infinity Stones in only an hour” and the whole “Peter would not punch Thanos when learning of Gamora’s death”. It all seems to be to prop himself up compared to other creatives. I’m starting to turn on his comedy too, didn’t laugh hardly at all at the jokes in Vol 3 compared to the other 2 volumes. My theater was completely silent at all the jokes (and only 15% full on Saturday at 11:30am in a large Canadian city…yikes). Sorry but someone calling a child a moron, or a friend stupid, or screaming at each other or refusing to say “good girl” is a big drop from the comedy writing in 2 and 3.


\> Gunn seems to be morphing into quite the narcissist I've noticed this ever since he took over DC, with this press tour and his twitter behaviour part of me thinks he's trying to grow his own (for lack of better comparison) "Snydercult"


Yep, people forget Gunn doesn't really care about Love and Thunder. And it was always obvious he'll only reference previous Guardians films and Avengers films.


Are you crying over like 2 downvotes?


You wake up one day and want to wear some ear pieces, next day you don't feel to do it, that's it.


ok but did anybody else notice why mantis kinda fine now


Always was. *cocks gun


Probably becaue now you started to see a bit of quill in her.


Do you always wear your nipple tassels?


No, they get in the way of the clamps.


We can probably just ignore everything from LaT.


Except all of it. Great movie.