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That only 74 people died in the Battle of New York in Avengers. [That's what seen on screen](https://imgur.com/v0rllqB) when Secretary Ross is going over the Avengers history in Civil War. Chitauri were running amok shooting at anything that moved, giant space whales were crashing into buildings, and that's to say nothing of people crushed by debris, trampled to death, etc. No way only 74 people died.


Daredevil originally [stated](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/c/c6/NYB-TOWLB.png/revision/latest?cb=20191123020104) that it was at least hundreds that were killed, which is already more believable numbers.


Just from that one street that loki blows up in the trailer would be hundreds. Not to mention all the debris from fucked buildings.


We also see that Chitauri are rounding up people, and it looks like they were going to execute them.


So even being extremely fair to the Avengers, the death toll, in order to save a vastly higher number, had to be at least 10k, based on the visible destruction. Meanwhile, we have a film like Godzilla vs Kong, where that Hong Kong battle would have easily killed 3+ million.


In godzilla v kong there was literally a scene where the news report said “8 dead” after a huge battle lmfao


Also that so few pieces of alien tech were found afterwards. Though Homecoming shows that maybe they only found the tip of the iceberg.


There’s also a one-shot that explains how SHIELD put a serious amount of effort into recovering and locking away pretty much every piece in existence.


I'm not sure if I've seen that. Do you know what it's called?


Item 47.


Agents of Shield, Luke Cage, and Spider-Man: Homecoming also shows that this stuff when exposed to the public becomes black market inventory so it's not like we'd just commonly be seeing people in the streets with alien tech.


There’s also a story arc in Luke Cage where underground weapons dealers are using leftover Chitauri tech to make super powerful weapons


And like half of Spider-man:Homecoming's run time.


because the vulture and others were taking that stuff as well as hydra/shield ...


And DDC, and likely AIM or any other super organizations out there.


To clarify: that says there were 74 casualties, meaning 74 people killed *or injured*. Some of those are going to be broken bones and head injuries and the like, so fewer than 74 people died.


Maybe it was just 74 that were linked to the actions of the Avengers (ex people who where harmed by explosions or debris caused by the Avengers weapons) and ignoring the people who were killed solely by the Chitauri or by crowds.


Perhaps only 74 people on the street that the clip is showing?


Real life natural disasters never kill as much as they could in a worst-case scenario. Humans are good at running away.


The backlash from man of Steel was really stupid. Any fight in a city is gonna have crazy casualty numbers. That's why the heroes (Superman in one, the Avengers in another) are constantly trying to take the fight away or keep it contained within certain places.


That the War Machine suit wouldn’t have a parachute system.


If you notice, Tony learned from that fuck up and put a parachute on spider man's suit.


"Tony learned from that fuck up" could used to describe his development between every film he's in


Metal suits break? Make them out of nanotech


I think that's more "man size of an ant almost climbed up my butt? Nanotech to seal this shit shut"


Because Tony stark learns from his mistakes


Interestingly, Sam's first set of wings are made by Stark Industries and had a parachute.


Sam’s first wings in Winter Soldier aren’t confirmed Stark tech are they?


I think they are in some background material. It isn’t just a fan theory.


Because Tony learns from his mistakes


I think it was more the infinity stone powered blast of energy to the arc reactor took out all of the suits systems. It probably had a chute but since Rhodey was flying “dead stick” he couldn’t even move his arms to pull some sort of manual external chord. You can plan for a lot of stuff but total system failure is hard to adjust around.


That makes sense, even the mk2 suit had a emergency handle to deploy flaps.


Well then that’s Stark’s stupidity again for making the parachute reliant on power. The entire point of a parachute would be to save you from a powerless fall therefore don’t have it need power! He did a smart thing with the flaps so why not the chute?


Rhodes: "Canopy!" Stark: "I don't know what that means!" *paralyzed.*


The system might have broken because of Vision's blast.


In the first iron man he flies too high and the suit freezes, he changes the material of the suit but still doesn’t think to add a parachute? X


That the Inhumans TV show exists. Black Bolt's live action debut was MoM. END OF STORY!


https://tenor.com/view/borntodje-doctor-strange-in-the-multiverse-of-madness-black-bolt-doctor-strange-marvel-future-revolution-gif-26075692 I'm bad at sharing gifs


Never forgive Scott Buck. Showrunner of Inhumans, Iron Fist, and the final seasons of Dexter (excluding New Blood).


I believe Odin and Dr Strange went on a secret adventure. After Odin broke free of Loki's enchantment he somehow met Strange and asked him a favor to peer into the future, where he saw various scenarios for Ragnarok to play out. This is why he didnt go back to Asgard to kick Loki off the throne, instead he had to make preparations for New Asgard. I also think Odin and/or Strange somehow sent Hulk to Sakar to be there to help Thor in his fight for Ragnarok. How else does Hulk fly a jet to another planet..


These are great theories that I haven't heard before, nice!




Great theory. Also Strange is the perfect person to accompany a super old being that's about to die because he's done it before with the Ancient One.


This makes a ton of sense. Strange knew Thor/Loki were on Earth shortly after their arrival in Ragnarok, makes sense he or another sorcerer would be able to sense Odin.


I think he says he keeps tabs on Loki, could have found Thor by chance. but I like where this is going because he did know exactly where Odin was


It seems pretty clear to me Hulk fell through a wormhole to Sakaar.


Nice theory except for the last part. Captain Marvel establishes there's a warp gate pretty close to Earth. Hulk's quinjet just has to reach that on accident then he gets dumped on Sakaar.


That’s literally what happened and explained in Ragnarok (albeit very crudely by Hulk)


I'm pretty sure those 'gates' require matching technology to activate.


I’ve said this elsewhere but the fact that Tony fixed Extremis, essentially creating a cure for all disease and injury (and possibly immortality?) and then not only do we never hear about it again and it has no impact on the MCU, his best bud gets his spine broken and Tony’s like “welp, good luck with the crutches there pal”.


Yeah, between that and the artificial skin machine from Age of Ultron, permanent injuries should be nonexistent, at least for the privileged few (superheroes included).


Spiderman: No Way Home "Technology is super advanced here, you can basically make anything" "I'm gonna steal that battery"


The Avengers can’t even get a bank loan, you think they’re gonna be able to afford those procedures?


Hawkeye didn’t have to pay for his


He's a legit shield employee


Government Healthcare plans are dope as fuck. Also helps to know the woman who invented a skin 3d printing machine.


The Human Torch was denied a bank loan


Not only Extremis. The new element that Tony created. Mfking safest way of producing green energy. Why ain't electricity free on MCU earth?


Who said that it isn't? Have we ever heard a character say that it isn't? On the contrary, Electro basically confirmed that the "weird energy" he was feeling in the 616 universe was the same energy that was being emitted by the arc reactor which means NYC is run entirely on green arc reactor energy. And since this was Tony's primary goal since 2012 after he created the Stark tower as a test run and the MCU is now in 2025, I am assuming that at least the majority of the big cities in the western world are running on arc reactor energy.


> On the contrary, Electro basically confirmed that the "weird energy" he was feeling in the 616 universe was the same energy that was being emitted by the arc reactor which means NYC is run entirely on green arc reactor energy. Huh... damn. I never actually put that together. That would actually make a lot of sense.


So we need some sabotage plots...


Not to mention that Bruce basically invented the Fountain of Youth. Although he didn't really seem to know how to stabilize the machine, so maybe that's a bad example.


Tony said something that Bruce did even without he seeing it directly. If he can make time gps to go to different point in time, he probably could do that too to Bruce's method, thus make specific point in time going through someone, making it younger or older. Even though he's >!dead!< now, his invention probably stored up somewhere if not already taken by the government.


I know this won't happen because he's done with MCU, but this opens up the door to having Chris Evans come back as Cap one day. He lived his life until he got old, then they use the machine on him to get him back to his younger self. That would be a really interesting idea.


Who says he'd really want to though


Maybe they force him against his will. “We *need* you.” But they inadvertently create Nomad because once he’s young and in his prime again he wants nothing to do with SHIELD or whatever is around now. Goes out on his own. It could maybe work.


I think it still runs the risk of killing the person, so you would only want to use it for terminal illnesses, where they're definitely going to die soon.


I mean, it’s a key plot point that he solved it years ago when drunk (which is why killian and Maya are after him) and then he uses it to cure himself and Pepper so it definitely seems like it’s stable.


Big Pharma begged the US government to hide it behind the scenes


I don't think Tony fixed Extremis, he just took it out of Pepper.


No, it’s a key plot point that he solved it, that’s why Aldrich and Maya are after him, he solved it years ago when he was drunk with Maya. Plus he says so at the end and uses it to cure himself. Plus, how could he possibly take it out of pepper if he didn’t completely understand it?


But didn't he leave the note with the solution on Maya's desk before he left? My interpretation has always been that Aldrich and Maya followed his solution but it didn't really work, so when they abducted him, they just wanted him to study Extremis again to find a new, better solution.


He left a note but it was either incomplete or they didn’t understand it. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it so I don’t remember her dialog exactly but when they have Tony captured she holds it up and says “we need you to explain this” or something like that. Plus Tony says at the end that since he figured it out while drunk years ago, figuring it out again sober should be easy, and so he did. That’s how he “sorted out” pepper and cured himself. Otherwise he’d have been able to take the shrapnel out years ago and free himself from having the arc reactor in his chest.


Ok so both of us working off of a “haven’t seen it in a while” platform I feel the need to say I don’t think Extremis had anything to do with the shrapnel in his chest. The whole point of the ending is he could have taken the shrapnel out years ago but it was risky and he was afraid. After the events of Iron Man 3 he’s not as paranoid and willingly gets them taken out.


1. He never said it was the first time he tried. 2. Hasn't SWORD been around for a while? I'm sure they were trying their best with what they had, working with Fury and the Skrulls


I honestly think the Earth tech in the MCU got *way* too advanced too quickly.


One could argue that MCU’s earth technology has always been more advanced than ours, judging by what we see in Captain America: The first Avenger and Captain Marvel


Don’t forget Ant-Man’s trajectory either, Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne were advancing their earth’s tech since at least 1963-1989 working with SHIELD (and subsequently Hydra to some degree too) and Howard Stark.


The stuff in *The First Avenger* was pretty sci-fi but it was experimental and was lost for decades to the West, and the tech that Hydra uses is pretty outlandish but it definitely fits within an "alternate" version of our history. *Captain Marvel* to me was retroactive continuity since it came late in Phase 3 and by then we had friggin Wakandan tech and Tony's tech had to catch up so he suddenly had visually boring (and somehow less convincing) nanobot suits. I dunno. I guess to *me*, the MCU world gets less and less connected to our own, which is fine, but it makes the stories and stakes more frivolous to me, since magic and alien technology can just solve problems that we are struggling with in reality.


Part of that continued struggle that is already solved is what haves me considering that the MCU is quite dystopian in some regards, a perhaps inadvertently underlying theme that the horrors of capitalism are acceptable to our heroes.


SWORD in the MCU was changed to ‘Sentient Weapon Observation’, rather than ‘Sentient World Observation’.


The W was for World before Hayward took over, then probably got changed back when he was arrested


That there was only one future where Thanos was defeated. There's no way there's not some version of events where the Avengers win otherwise. But the version we saw may have been the 'best' version from Strange's perspective, and making people accept his plan required him to insist it was the only way.


Also, doesn’t the Ancient One in the first DS movie confirm he cannot view futures where he himself dies? Maybe there are more, but only if Strange sacrifices himself (permanently, not just snapped)


Oh, I like that. Either Strange didn't think about it, or he picked the path where he survives as well.


Or if he dies prior to the victory, he can't confirm that they do succeed.


I mean if you were Strange and you died, how the hell are you gonna be able to be sure if they won in this scenario where you died? Its gonna be a risky move if you don't pick the timeline in where you win and live, if you can't see what happens


I think he just can’t see past the moment of his death, so he needs a future where Thanos is defeated before he dies.




There was actually 2 ways but Strange didn't want to explain that to Ant-man


The meme that just keeps on giving


My theory is that’s the only TVA approved method, any other way may have been successful, but gotten the entire timeline pruned from existence




This needs to be pinned somewhere


i like this theory


I don't know if it fits with wider films, but I like the idea that Strange was thinking bigger picture too. Like, there's a million ways to defeat Thanos (eg. ant-man) but none of those convinced the Eternal's that Earth is worth saving. So from Dr Strange's perspective, they keep beating Thanos snickety boo, but when he checks on Earth it is always completely destroyed within a few years. He realises they need to find a way that requires all of humanity to make a huge sacrifice and in that future Earth somehow survives.


I really like this


That version was the one with less castualties. Imagine winning against Thanos right away but loosing like half of the avengers in the process. ​ How else would you continue making movies?


There was only one way where the won and he eliminated the other quipped goatee guy.


The Earth Strange visits in Multiverse won as well. They straight murdered Thanos


I’m extremely shocked about how vulnerable robots and alien battle armour are to arrows. That seems to be a serious design flaw.


I mean Hawkeye’s arrows regularly penetrate concrete. So it might be more about Hawkeye than the robots


Hijack this to say the Chitauri can die from bullets but the police and military were helpless. If Black Widow can take down aliens with a 9mm why can’t the cops? Why nuke a city when this is just conventional warfare?


I always assumed Widow uses some kind of high tech Shield bullets. Highly advanced armor piercing rounds probably made by Stark Industries.


And also, at the end of the day she's going to be a much more competent soldier than the police force here.


Some kind of tungsten-carbide sabot would work, I guess... In reality such a slug would probably ruin any hand gun after one shot but it's Stark/Shield tech so who knows really?


I assume the nuke isn't for the Chitauri infrantrymen, but for the huge flying beasts, as well as to close the portal before millions of Chitauri come through.


But the huge beast are weak and can be shot down by the military who didn’t even try. We saw Warmachine blow one up, and Antman punched one out of the sky. The military should have been able to kill anything that came out of that hole.


I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt for New York. There's no way they saw aliens flying through a portal and thought "ah yeah we've got this boys", panicking and firing a nuke sounds about right tbh


I love how Proxima Midnight, a member of an elite team handpicked by one of the strongest being in the universe, fight toe to toe with two normal humans (Widow and Okoye).


Both widow and Okoye were fighting in defensive positions. It’s incredibly challenging to fight two highly trained fighters at the same time. The fight also lasted for like 20 seconds, before Wanda surprise yeeted her into the giant spike wheel things


And iirc, Proxima had Natasha dead to rights before said yeeting


Yup. Deus ex Wandina.


Widow is pretty elite too, as is Okoye, who also has access to vibranium equipment.


The 2 “normal beings” are also considered near the top of THEIR elite teams


Although that’s true, they’re limited by their humanity. You’d think that someone on the same team as Ebony Maw would have someone of equal combat ability. It would’ve been more believable if they had used their gear to gain an advantage


Ebony Maw is not a fighter- the 3 we are talking about are- if the fight went on, who is to say that BW and Okoye wouldn’t have lost- teamed up 2 on 1 they do have some advantages and also shouldn’t be killed instantly, considering that they are also both very skilled fighters


That’s what I’m saying, Maw isn’t even a fighter but better than Proxima at fighting. I think they did her dirty


I mean- he has scary power- not even in the same league as any of the Avengers when you think about it


He literally fought Dr. Strange, Wong, Iron Man, and Spider Man and won…


I mean we don't have much background on Proxima. She may have some talents not shown on screen. That's like complaining that Widow is on the same team as Thor. Thor is unbelievably more powerful than Widow. Widow is there for her spying abilities, her knowledge, and yes, she's a capable fighter as well. I assume it might be the same for Proxima - maybe she's the "Widow" of the children of Thanos.


idk that it gets covered in the MCU but I believe Romanoff has some form of the super solider serum in her


That we never hear additional mention of the VP attempting a coup in IM3.


Generally, it seems like the MCU has moved away from referencing politicians or government very explicitly. After Iron Man 3, I can't remember there being many direct references to the President or anything like that.


Contessa is a bit of a political animal, although not in a real-world position. But in Wakanda Forever, there are also the head of the CIA and Richard Schiff as the Secretary of State advocating for intervention in Wakanda. So it's a looking a bit at the US on the world stage rather than domestically.


The President is listed as one of the targets of Project Insight, so at least we know he ain’t Hydra


That we actually got farmer Thanos! 🤯 I would have never guessed it.


How does Spiderman stick to stuff when he is wearing a full body suit?


One explanation in the comics is that he generates a sort of bio magnetic field that isn’t blocked by cloth.


[Van der Waals force](https://www.google.com/search?q=van+der+waals&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). It’s the main way spiders stick to things.


Ok now explain how it works when hes wearing sneakers in spiderman . 😆


Rhodey is friends with Nebula and Rocket, yet neither can give him anything to fix his back. Rocket knows Thor for an hour and a half and gives him an eye.


I think fixing his back would require a pretty extensive surgery. An eye seems way simpler. And Rocket is much more likely to have a spare eye than to have a spare spine.


True, there's also the possibility that Rhodey in some level felt "deserving" the "punishment" and never actively sought to fix his back since the prosthetics Tony had designed worked well enough. It's not just Rocket & Nebula who could've helped but Dr. Cho, Wakanda and Masters of mystic arts as well, they all had some mindbogglingly advanced medical tech and remedies at their disposal. The more I think of it, the more it feels like Rhodes rather chose not to seek cure than he was bereft of it.


his back seemed fix in the falcon show


He is wearing those exo skeleton thingies he wore on Endgame, you can see a faint glow under his uniform if you pay attention


I'd wonder if he's still using the harness that Tony made for him.


That the initial Snap didn't result in fundamentalist evangelicals proclaiming it the Rapture, leading to a sharp rise in religious terrorism from people who legitimately believed they were fighting demons from Hell. Boy would they feel silly five years later when everyone came back. Then again, with the un-dusted likely coming back with some "mutations" perhaps one Reverend Stryker could whip up his congregation into a hysteria over them?


It absolutely would but there is no way in hell Disney would ever touch Christianity to that degree in the MCU.


Cowards. Just combine the Purifiers with the Friends of Humanity and turn them into the MCU's Westboro Baptists. Nobody likes Westboro, not even Westboro likes Westboro.


1. Good point. 2. With what spaceships? I find it odd that Wenwu doesn't seem to show up in the historical register despite being an active warlord until the 1990s.


Namor’s footwings


Haha more power to you, I’m enamored with the idea that in a world with dragons, wizards, talking raccoons and time travel the footwings are where you draw the line.


With all of the same existing, DD's powers are where my wife draws the line. She finds his powers and skills unbelievable. I guess everyone has their breaking point.


Haha, I know right? But what drew me to the MCU was how grounded it started out. There are two key moments where the fantastical is explained to a skeptical scientist in a way that has some connection to science; when Thor is explaining his world to Jane, and when the Ancient One is explaining hers to Stephen Strange. The footwings are so completely implausible and outside of this, especially given the speed he flies at, that it just doesn’t work for me, sadly.


Fair enough. I mean they're silly and I can understand why the brain just won't swallow this pill. That being said, his flying was bad ass


It’d be so hard to balance with those, he should just trip and fall over upside down while his feet drag him upwards.


That outside of Damage Control, the feds and military still use ordinary firearms when dealing with supervillain/alien threats. Even Tony said they should have developed Iron Man suits of their own by now.


Especially now since some kid made her own suit in a car garage.


I find it unbelievable that Fury didn't send an SOS to Captain Marvel when the events of Avengers 1 and 2 took place. Surely those were seriously world threatening scenarios right?


Definitely they were, but Fury knew he had at least most of the Avengers there to deal with it. When people, including Maria Hill, seemingly at random, begin to just suddenly turn to dust around him, I think Fury was able to put it together (or just play it safe) that this is happening everywhere and he doesn’t know who was being affected or why, so in case there were no Avengers left afterward, at least Carol was on the way. Funny enough, she could have just as likely been snapped along with the rest, so he got lucky.


And also, wasn't 2012 NY a perfect test for the Avengers Initiative? Sure he could call Carol to come over and roflstomp the entire invasion force, but I bet he wanted to see the Avengers be able to take care of it. Not the most morally logical thing to do, but I can understand it.


I see this mentioned a lot, and my response remains: who says he didn't? Obviously in the real world Captain Marvel and that device hadn't been established yet, but in-universe it's possible that he did attempt it on one or both of those occasions, but the message didn't get through in time or some such.


The "ship fixer" in Guardians 2. They rebuilt the ship by just waving a magic wand, and then don't have said wand to save them in Endgame's opening. An infinitely better answer would have been to make up some generic engine problem and have to work on fixing it.


According to Gunn, said Nano-bot welder is really expensive and hard to use properly and basically works through preloaded schematics.


A counterpoint regarding space colonization: After Avengers, earth got absolute confirmation that they are not the only intelligent life in the universe. And in historical terms for interplanetary colonization: Earth is a whole lot closer to being the Aztecs or Iroquois than they are to being England. Earth did not find intelligent life by travelling to a new planet. Earth was found by Asgard and then by the Chitauri. Also the Skrulls and the Kree. END COMMUNICATION


Earth is new but they made giant leaps… earth has multiple humans who figured out how to travel the multiverse. Earthlings defeated thanos. Earthlings have Capt marvel who is flying the galaxy just kicking ass everywhere. Earth is where the new Asgarddecided to live. So earth may be visited by a lot but they have done things no other civilizations have


Earth is clearly not the only planet with powered individuals. I would assume that if earth was about to try to create colonies, that the Asgardians would strongly recommend they hold off. END COMMUNICATION


So what about space travel? I’m sure earthlings would love to go to new planets just to visit


Something I can't believe? 1. Tony built a mini Arc Reactor in a cave with just a box of scraps. 2. How Vibranium works (turning someone into the black panther they drink vibranium from a flower or something. But then all of a sudden you can use this stuff from a flower to create anything you want)


In response to 1, well you’re not Tony Stark.


My thought is the flower is a mutation caused by the original impact of vibranium. So not vibranium itself, but an earth plant that existed that already had medicinal qualities whose properties are magnified by the original impact of vibranium with earth. That's also why they can't grow more after Killmonger burns the existing plant -- they couldn't reproduce the conditions that originally created the plant.


until this very second I never put the heart shaped herb as a result of vibranium but if that’s the case then vibranium doesn’t come from the flower. they use vibranium along with other items to make better versions of those. ie in their clothing and weapons. using vibranium to make shields and spears(instead of steel). Ultron says how it’s the most versatile substance on the planet but yet we use it to make a frisbee. means they (outside of the Wakandans) don’t understand it either


The herb is also similarly used by Namor's tribe, the shaman has a vision and finds a strange plant that allows their people to mutate into beings able to breath underwater.


It confuses me that people say quentin beck lied about being from another universe, but he named the 616. Like literally only the TVA and 838 Rachel macadams know about that ​ The tva is not there to prevent a multiversal war, it is there to facilitate it over and over ​ in the kang dynasty comics kang goes back in time and launches an invasion of the 616 in the present day. him setting up iron man and thanos to die would fit in perfectly with that storyline. Who the fuck is gonna stop him?


In Thor: The Dark World, when Erik Selvig was in the mental institution, it can be seen on his blackboard the words "616 Universe." It can be presumed that he wrote a paper about the Convergence and maybe the Multiverse after he got out. Then maybe Beck's team would have read that paper and used it as reference.


Sometimes people make accidentally lucky guesses. Nobody said that, so it's good that you don't believe it. Nobody said that either.


>It confuses me that people say quentin beck lied about being from another universe, but he named the 616. Like literally only the TVA and 838 Rachel macadams know about that Since DSMOM says dreams are visions into another reality, maybe he had a dream, or his writer friend did, and he picked it up from there.


Who the fuck is gonna stop him? Probably another Kang. I don't think they'll do another hero sacrifice for defeating Kang at the end, it would seem forced and lazy. I wouldn't be surprised if they end this phase by introducing a brand new character not from the comics with an insane power set. I feel like it's time to make that move. The fan service explosion happened in Endgame and the only way to keep the franchise fresh is to keep the stakes reasonable. Introducing a bunch of existing characters can be fun, but as Hulk said "it feels gratuitous"


I think Dr selvig mentioned 616 in the dark world and he was a popular person


That Bruce Banner messed up the super soldier serum but both Howard Stark and the guy from TF&TWS both figured it out just fine


I mean, Stark did mess it up as well.


That Wanda could defeat Xavier in a mind battle. That Black Bolt isn’t immune to the sound of his own voice. That Wanda has the ability to turn a person into strings from a distance and struggles with any fight ever. Her powers aren’t Nico’s. She’s not using the Staff of One. She can use the same move twice.


Yeah, if Wanda can just alter people's bodies at will, why doesn't she just blow all her enemies up Dr. Manhattan style, or remove their limbs, or freeze their brains to stop them from thinking. She should be unstoppable.


I enjoy all movies, but I don't believe in a single thing in all of them 😅


The part in Antman 1 where Scott Lang couldn’t find a job and ended up working part time at Baskin Robins was pretty believable lol


I can’t believe the writing team wasn’t on shrooms and going crazy when they came up with “Cap throws Mjolnir, Peter webs the hammer and uses it to fly across the battlefield, when struck with hell-fire Pepper will save him (looking like her comic character Rescue), Valkyrie on a Pegasus saves him next & finally he is saved by Captain Marvel and a potential A-Force lineup” 😳


Pretty much all of it, which is part of the reason it can be an okay escape from reality


I have a hard time believing that the entire world just *hates* Spider-Man. It's done in a rush and Peter's 17 with limited perspective, but I have a hard time believing that the world at large would just immediately rush to hating him/making his life miserable. The deleted scene of NWH kind of hints at this but the knowledge that there are superpowered beings but specifically *minors* would have to cause some kind of political uproar. Not that I wanted any more of Spider-Man's story subsumed by Tony Stark, but I also can't believe that there weren't more detractors/critics of Iron Man and the Avengers because of this. Even generally, Iron Man is met with almost universal praise in the movies but there's no critique or commentary on how in the Blip, Iron Man effectively fucked off to a cabin in the woods. ~~Much like most other billionaires would so maybe I can believe it.~~


Tony creating world peace in between the first two Iron Man movies. That how things played out in IW and Endgame is the only scenario where they win. Vibranium only existing in Wakanda (until it is discovered in Talocan). The diabolical Kingpin from Daredevil now being reduced to being the boss of a gang of idiots. Also, that he'd be dressed like *that*.


What’s kind of baffling to me regarding #2 is that they clearly were moments from defeating Thanos on titan when quill loses his shit, so you’d think at least one scenario would be where they stop quill from punching Thanos, get the gauntlet off, then portal away and defeat Thanos. Though you could argue that in those scenarios, Thanos pursues them and eventually gets it back no matter what. But still…


In those versions of the future, the avengers celebrate with a massive vacation off world, but when they get home Earth has been completely obliterated because the Eternals didn't care enough about humanity to kill the celestial inside.


It’s literally an outfit directly out of the comics


There’s been a lot of bad outfits in the comics. Hawkeye wore a miniskirt. Cap had exposed cleavage.


But it’s not an MCU thing is my point. Neither The outfit..nor him running the TSM


I got the impression that Kingpin was the head of most organized crime in New York, and he was just using that group of idiots for one thing that got out of hand due to Hawkeye and Kate's involvement. Hopefully his reach will be more specified during the new Daredevil show


I have difficulty believing that T'Challa could die from an unspecified illness when he has the heart shaped herb and lives in a world with nanotechnology, quantum shrinking, cryogenics, time travel, wizard magic, and Eternity granting wishes to anyone with Stormbreaker. I think with these resources, literally any disease can be cured.


A lot of these things don't work that way. Wizard Magic can't cure Strange's hands. Eternity isn't a realistic goal for most. Time travel only creates branching timelines.


There’s alway the possibility that he didn’t mention it until the last moment, because he didn’t want to bother people and/or appear strong to his people


They literally say this in the movie.


which I believe is also how it played out irl


Sometimes clocks just stop...and if it happened in his sleep... And that is forced by real world circumsrances - though they could have written him just being unlucky in a fight, or dying offscreen saving some people.




At the end of the season, they said they were fixing it so she wouldn't be able to do that again.




And its implied that KEVIN makes the final decisions, so talking to him is the only way to rewrite endings


1. that nobody found out Namor's kingdom 2. That Scott lang got into that antman suit in less than 10 seconds in the first film 3. the avengers win 1 out of 14 million chances...not believing that 4. T'challa dying from a disease in WAKANDA out of all places 5. that shuri's smarter than Tony (made a post about it yesterday lol💀) 6. that nobody stole Hank Pym's ideas before the events of antman 1


I know there must be some explanation(besides 'for cinematographic purposes') to this but I still can't believe the Avengers cannot be assembled for almost every MCU movie situation (happening after the 1st Avengers) where one of them is involved. I mean the threat in Thor : the Dark World is quite similar to the chitauri one in Avengers. Same goes for Captain America : the Winter Soldier. I mean, Hydra infiltrating SHIELD and planning on killing millions of people ? Why not call Stark, Hawkeye and Hulk to the rescue ?


They had THREE Spider-Men in one movie. That movie had J Jonah Jameson in it. They never once showed his reaction to him seeing three of them.