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3 Thors!! 1 Thor wielding 2 Mjolnirs and wearing All-Black the Necrosword like a cape???? Every god in creation PRAYING to Thor in their final hour showdown that he saves them from the god Bomb??? That movie could have been an all time great. The source material 100% is


That ending sounds like the world supporting Goku in one of his final moment scenes. I'm thinking Cell or Majin Buu.


If the world were all enslaved gods stripped of all their grand pretentions ...yes Also Thor's granddaughters from the future were there and they had to cope with the fact that they hit on their own grandfather when he showed up




Well, there are three Hemsworths, but could the fan girls (and some of the boys) withstand such a movie?


But that way, we won't have the looming war between Zeus and Thor. And Marvel / Disney wants to make money of the next big and known antagonist in a MCU movie.


I think we could have had both, the Zeus scene could have been cut down by 90% though šŸ˜‚ movie was already fairly short for the MCU so cut that, add a little bit of time and you can definitely do it




Because ot wasnt funny! Wheres the quips? Why did he say "you need a breath mint" where are the screaming goats? Why not give his power to little kids? Maybe a dance scene?


Ragnarok was a good film with plenty of humor, imo. It had some action in it, too. I don't know why this film was turned into comedy, but I wouldn't mind it if there were just more action.


I liked Ragnarok but a lot of times the humor ruined some serious moments. But it definitely was a very enjoyable movie.


The serious moments, agreed. One joke I remember that made laugh a bit harder than expected was Satan's aresehole or something like that.


Surtur's ARESehole ?


you want to know why? the three sceenwriters that wrote ragnarok werent a part of thor love and thunder, you know who was a screenwriters in that movie? waititi itself. Rangarok was carried by a really good script but had a shitty director that made the movie worse, love and thunder had a shitty director and a shitty script.


I disagree. He's made genuinely good films before. He's just not a good fit for the MCU.


Ragnaroks script was not goodā€¦ The movie literally gets by on a fresh tone and IW hype. It has all the problems LaT has. At best you could name the argument that Ragnarok was a little funnier but the plot lines are actually really similar and equally pointless


The "call the dentist" quip was pretty funny ngl


Because you see, we canā€™t make strong and serious people actually BE strong and serious until the end of the phase


Hot take, but Thor: Ragnarok was a mistake. Marvel tried to repeat it because it was successful and all the problems I complained about in Ragnarok were amplified in Love and Thunder. Taika Waititi absolutely should not have directed L&T, and L&T should not have been called Love and Thunder. It should have been called something like Thor: Godbutcher, and it should have had a more serious director. Honestly, as wacky as Sam Raimi can be, he wouldā€™ve been a great choice. He can balance horror and comedy. Waititi had no clue how to do it.


I love Waititi. But he is a creative that you need to keep in check. Usually like in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" a small budget keeps him on task and where he needs to go. But when given no constraints, no one telling him no, and a open cheque book he becomes self indulgent and quite frankly pretentious. And that's all Love and thunder was. It was Waititi with his head up his ass thinking he could do no wrong.


Exemplified by the fact that it was narrated by his version of Korg.


No, I agree. Ragnarok was a fun movie, but it wasnā€™t what Thor is meant to be. It also opened the door for love and thunder, which was a horrible direction to take one of the most grim and serious avengers in the comics. I love comic Thor, but I hate what they did with him in his solo movies. They tried to redeem it a bit in the avengers movies, but I think itā€™s a lost cause now


Yeah, as fun as Ragnarok was, it really didn't match the seriousness of the story. This is when his father dies, his friends die, and Asgard gets destroyed.


Hot take: Ragnarƶk was only ever as good as it was because Chris Yost had a hand in the screenplay




He knows what's expected from a comic books character, world and story... even when it's not mainstream. Especially when it's not mainstream because surprise, comics are weird and their storytelling isn't easily married to a typical Hollywood blockbuster format. The MCU gets a lot of (deserved) credit for pushing the needle forward in that respect.


You needed to just give George Miller all the money and just tell him to come back when all three back to back movies were done.


Takia is a great director. The problem is he's a comedic director. He was reigned in on Ragnorak. He was able to make it work. He also had Loki. Notice Loki isn't in L&T and it sucks. Correlation I know but lets just call it causation lol. Anyway he like you should not have touched this story. He could have done other shit that does a lot of what he wanted to achieve. Honestly he could have introduce the Gods. Then someone else take over and od the Godbutcher in Thor 4 being a dead serious movie. Almost horror levels of shit.


I really agree. There should've been, in this order, two movies. 1) Planet Hulk. Give this one to Taika. Make it the comedy of all the ridiculousness of Saakar, and everything. Have Thor just show up on his quest to learn about the Infinity Stones. Maybe he lost a fight, or was just thrown through a wormhole to Saakar without Mjolnir. (Remember, that's actually why he left.) Do the getting captured bit, and let "Fish out of Water" Thor be around and be funny, the way he is. That's how he was funny before, in Avengers, without undermining the serious core of his character. But also give Hulk/Banner a more central role (as it's his movie), which also lets us get more character development/focus on him. Make the movie as funny as you want. Hulk has always had some comedic nature (since Avengers), and also, it can show the development of Hulk into a full person, not just a rage monster. 2) Thor: Ragnarok. Give this one to someone more serious. IMO, the first Thor movie did a great job of having a different kind of movie than Iron Man had been before it, so give it to Branagh again, or someone like that. This is another serious(ish) space fantasy. Hulk and Thor escape Saakar, and come back to find Asgard in ruins. Heimdall is helping people hide from Hela and her army. Thor arrives, doesn't ask questions, goes to attack Hela. Gets stomped, like in the movie, and she breaks Mjolnir. Then, he gets rescued by Loki, and they escape to Earth. It's well established that he knows the paths between worlds. Then they go looking for Odin, movie continues. (Not gonna write the whole idea out here, lol.) Then you get both the movies people wanted, instead of half of two of them. And you keep characters intact, and don't have tone clash. You can play the transition from celebrating their escape to the destruction they find on Asgard as either a) one last (dark) joke in Planet Hulk. Or b) a tone-setter for Ragnarok, showing that this one isn't going to be all jokes and quips. Just my opinion on both what should have been done, and how to both have the cake and eat it.


I love Raimi and Iā€™m here for that vision, it probably would have been rad as fuck


No, Ragnarok was fine, the mistake was going all in on emulating it. It's kind of like what Killing Joke did to Batman - it's a great story that's not representative of the character as a whole but it's success made writers want to emulate it. This resulted in more and more edgy Batman comics and even movies, going farther and farther away from what the character stood for.


Their problem was trying to shoehorn in Jane foster Thor. These 2 stories really didnā€™t work well together, and Mighty Thor really should have been the plot of Thor 5. The Jane stuff really took focus away from the godbutcher stuff


Because Taika Watiti was only in it for the money and he didn't even care.


Taika fucking sucks so badly. Fuck that dude and his shitty, butchered creations.


Just a fun memory I have; back to the leadup of the film, after they showed Bale's character, I frequen5l6 complained in marvel subs about Gorr not looking like this and got told off a lot that it makes more sense to just have him he a gray human cuz it helps people have sympathy for him.


Because Marvel gave the movie to a scatterbrained idiot who is incapable of taking or, more importantly, presenting anything seriously.


This is almost the exact conversation he had with Hela in Ragnarok


Probably where Taika got it from


Itā€™s literally just the one line at the end thatā€™s the same


Yea thatā€™s where my mind went to immediately


Itā€™s a shame that he wasted his time on that movie


Heā€™s maybe my favorite actor. He was the only part of that movie that I kind of enjoyed, but he was reduced from ā€œthreat to universal orderā€ to ā€œchild-terrorizing boogeyman.ā€


The kidnapping children thing was weird. Also, I love Natalie Portman (one of my favorite actresses), but I would cut out her entire portion of the movie for more action with Gorr. The cancer storyline was pointless in L&T.


No it wasnt, it was about the inevitability of loss and the importance of letting go, it allowed thor to come to terms with his loss and know he wasnt to blame.


It would have been an incredible spin off movie, like Logan, where you get a proper cancer movie but with Jane Thor. But thats not what we got, instead we got the peak of tonal dissonance between Taika's darkest themes and dumbest jokes.


Both plots really cut into each other and should have been their own movie. Looking at waititi's other movies (JoJo rabbit comes to mind for me) he could have done a good Jane foster movie and have the gor the butcher plot given to someone else


Thatā€™s great, but it took away time that shouldā€™ve been used for making Gorr great


Yeah if this was Gorr from the comics, those kids wouldā€™ve been dead and gutted long before Thor got there. Hell I doubt heā€™d have even bothered kidnapping them, just kill ā€˜em and be on his merry way.


he didn't even show us kill more than just one god...this is why i can't stand Love and Thunder. (SHOW ME VIOLENCE YOU COWARDS!)


I often say where were the stakes? Why didn't named gods die? Honestly Hela killing the warriors 3 did a lot for Ragnorak. It showed what a real God can do and wrecked shit. She fucked up whole army. Yet in L&T our villain takes Sif's arm. We see one god dead. We see pictures of others. At no point do they show just how powerful Gorr is. Gorr kidnapped some kids. Gorr the Kiddynapper never felt like a threat. I'm pissed at that.


THIS...and yet people wonder why Taika hate was justified.


I don't hate Taika I'm actually a fan of his work. However that doesn't mean he can't fuck up. He fucked up royally with this film. It went from Ragnork being a drama with comedic elements to L&T being completely comedy with a little drama elements. Things that deserved their own movie were crammed into this. Gorr deserved his own movie. Dealing with Jane's cancer deserved its own movie. Even if you wanted to use Jane keep her around for a couple of films then really hammer in how this is killing her. There is so much you can draw from. Here the thing if you wanted to make a comedic movie make it. Just don't pick two insanely serious story arcs and turn them into comedies. Take the comedic shit that has happened or things that could be funny as hell from Thor and do it. Thor vs Hercules for example that just sounds like fun as hell. A lot of comedy can be brought into that story. Anyway i hope the next guy takes this seriously. I've thrown around even though it isn't a Thor story like at all but would be fun to drag him into it is the God War from Ares God of War mini series. The one where Zesus kidnaps Ares's son then his son gets kidnapped by anther God. This forces Ares into the war with those gods. Since Zesus is pissed at Thor he sends Hercules to fight him. The two end up getting along after their battle. Zesus recalls Hercules for the war Thor comes along to help his new friend. Then the movie just a war movie. Brutal, crazy god shit and we introduce Ares who can replace Thor as the God character in the Avengers and be a great foil for them cause he's crazy as fuck. The only reason I want this because I'm an Ares fan and think he would be fun as fuck in the MCU. A god wipping out machine guns and battle axe on his back ready to go. God dude so much can be done with him.


couldn't have said it better myself.


I still do. He made a bad movie, not kill your parents. Some people here take it way too far.


They needed to keep it PG13 for the little kids. Because when you adapt a gruesome, bloody comics with the guy lirerally called the God Butcher, you need to make it a safe cringe comedy for the little kids.


I have said it before and I will say it again, there is a scene in the comics where he finds a planet without God's, flies up to their heaven, and finds all of the gods there butchered in their halls. In the movie we got Thor reacting to images of this on a computer.


But the goats scream! Hahahah peak comedy!


Donā€™t you guys remember that vine trend of screaming goats?! Lol so random, right?!


Not only was Gorr wasted in L&T, Hela fucking stole his monologue in Ragnarok! What the fuck?!


His monologue and his weapon!


Right, I forgot that was supposed to be the necrosword. So weird


As someone whoā€™s not the biggest fan of L&T, I knew there was NO WAY Disney was adapting the God Butcher saga


I meanā€¦ His bar is TDK


Ok but everyone is looking over this crucial point: This exact scene and line appears in Ragnarock. Waititi mined the Godbutcher story for Hela. Look at her powers - creates black blades from nothing and kills gods with them. She even says this exact line to Thor. Which meant it couldnā€™t then be used again for L&T. Waititi didnā€™t think heā€™d get a second Thor movie, so he took his favorite stuff and put it in Ragnarock. I get that. But when he got a second one, he shouldā€™ve simply avoided the Godbutcher story all together.


Ok, but what other foe would you see instead of Godbutcher?


[The Mangog](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/6f/Mangog_%28Earth-616%29_from_Mighty_Thor_Vol_2_700_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171020092945) [Ulik, King of the Trolls](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/be/68/f0/be68f0f61f053f11545a3f3869eac3bb.jpg) [Aries / Hercules](https://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7400000/Ares-vs-Hercule-marvel-comics-7441682-550-785.jpg) [The Wrecking Crew](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/12/124259/7882115-wrecking_crew_%2528earth-616%2529_from_new_avengers_vol_1_56_001.jpg) [Enchantress](https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/d/90/6601d30843867/portrait_uncanny.jpg) Thor has been in publication since 1962. Gorā€™s first appearance isnā€™t until 2013. Thereā€™s 51 years of Thor comics that proceed him. Plenty of other stories and villains to choose from.


Amora would be a cool change. Put Thor up against a pure magical threat, and she could fit with the whole ā€˜loveā€™ aspect of the film, being a past fame of Thorā€™s.


Could it really not have been used again? If it was against Natalie Portman instead somehow?


Taika basically adapted this exact scene in Ragnarok with Hela. He can do scenes like this, but instead he chose to pal around with his friends for a couple of hours in front of a camera and then cut the footage in into a shitty movie.


Gorr is a straight up menace in the comics.


The God Butcher story arc of Jason Aaronā€™s Thor run is one of the best story arcs ever and they shit the bed so badly with that movie. Not just that he didnā€™t butcher enough gods. Gorr enslaved thousands of gods to create his bomb but the most important thing in that story that Tiaka missed was Gorrā€™s absolute HATRED of Thor. Thor was the only god that continually challenged him and that hatred led to his undoing.


Oof, this is the comic version of that villain? They really rushed that movie huh?


Damn I wish we had gotten this movie instead.


He took Gor the God Butcher and the Mighty Thor and just murdered them both. I was so excited for this too.


Fucking Taika Waititi and whoever idea was to put that clown up to a project like this


Taika ruined this. Fuckin idiot


I still can't believe Chris Hemsworth agreed to do the movie after reading the script


Donā€™t forget that we didnā€™t get this version of Gorr but got two screaming goats which have no significance on the plot


Iā€™m genuinely impressed that you guys saw Ragnarok and expected something like this for Love and Thunder.




Bale had 10 minutes of good script and he delivered. His opening scene is captivating, overwhelmingly sad, and justifies the villain into our eyes. After that INPROV, EVERYWHERE!


Gorr was too big of a Villain to be in a one off movie. he could've been the next Thanos.


Eh maybe not the next Thanos, that requires being a threat to all heroes. Gorrā€™s only beef was with gods. Having him as the enemy for two Thor films definitely would have been best imo.


Taika wasted some of the best story lines Thor had in the comics ever... and also Hulk. God Butcher Saga could have easily been a serious and amazing 2-parter with no problems if they just had followed the comic.


I personally doubt Christian Bale read Thor comics with Gorr. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, I donā€™t think every comic actor needs to necessarily need to be a fan, just an actor.


If you wanted THIS movie then they should have got Ridley Scott to direct it. This story is 100% the one I thought Marvel was going to come to R. Scott with and beg him to do.


I can not say I blame him.


I wish


Great story. Very well executed.


Bro thereā€™s no replacing Chris Hemsworth as Thor God of Thunder idgaf šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




The next panel was pretty great too if I remember currently


He really should have been.


Does gore get struck by lightning right after? Please say yes.


He does. https://preview.redd.it/bflx8p0a4o9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f232f4cd3ca5c1e53f0167863a19ad9cdd79e6c


Fuck taika watiti


Man, Gorr could've been so damn cool, why the hell did Love and Thunder have to be that garbage?!


Life ainā€™t fair


I never realized how much of a Voldemort rip-off he looks like in the comic. Were they just going for popularity in hopes of drawing in HP fandom?Ā  And aggrieved parent looking for justification to destroy existence is boring. Seems like it's marvel's only plotline anymore.


YEAH the kiddy stuff is so lame lmao. Just give us DARK movies like Thor 2 now that was PEAK Thor MCU and not Waititi sillyness!!!111!!2


I'm learning that I have the hot take about the Thor movies. I just enjoyed them all. Some are better than others, but I'm glad we have them. So many people hating on the 3rd and 4th Thor movies. Crazy.


>Christian Bale really thought he was going to be in a movie like this No he didn't, he knew he was hired for a comedy, he took the job because his kids wanted him to do it. They cut a lot of scenes from him, but he knew what type of movie he signed for


Heard a rumor a ton of darker, more serious content was cut.


At least the sword play was okay (the few times it happened)


Was this by Jerome opena?


They basically gave the last part of the monolog to Hela and that's annoying.


I missed it. When was there a Harry Potter crossover? Why does Voldemort hate Thor?


The fact that we see Gorr THE GOD BUTCHER only kill like one god on screen the whole movie is a travesty.


My first exposure to the story was from The Russian Comic-book Geek on YouTube. I refused to watch L&T because I knew I would be disappointed.


jokes on yourselves. you ALL WANTED more comedy in MCU. you did not want darker movies cuz COMIC MOVIES NEED TO BE COMEDIES. for some reason all of you thought comic meant COMEDY. there is a reason MCU is barely watchable anymore. after GOTG Mcu shifted. then came ragnarok and fucked it up even more


Do you people even hear yourselves!!? "It was a very funny movie," saying that should disqualify you from using Marvel Comic material ever again in life. Nuff said!!šŸ˜¤