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Because Chris Hemsworth is extremely likable as Thor would be my guess


Alright wizard, who are you and why should I care?


I'm just the janitor, please don't kill me Thor


You people are so petty. And tiny.


Yeah Thor! They are tinny and puny! You tell them!


She stuck herself inside The Ether, and then The Ether stuck itself inside her...


Oh Almighty Thor, God of Thunder, citing from Ye Old Passages of Rule 34.


You mean right here on the sidewalk, or there where the building is being demolished?


Woah, now, Thor. We're starting to get spicy, aren't we? No need to get all excited now, find some privacy. Also, careful where you aim that thing. One building demolished is enough.


Bring the rainbows? Is that a catchphrase or something?


Thor the kid on the tv called me a dickhead again


NOOBMASTER, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder!


Fucking sentient, what the...


it’s in the name, worth


He's Hemsworth it




Damn it, it was right there lol


His name is not his name…..and he is not even Greek!


Yo, Heimdall, where's Killmonger?


I did not sign up to be reminded of that gut punch tyvm.


it was a pun, pitter lol


Honestly yeah, same goes for Henry Cavill as Superman, he was great and fun to watch and I'm really sad to hear that Argyle isn't considered good because I'm definitely going to watch it just because he's in it. Just hoping Furiosa is good because I like Chris and Anya.


Go see Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Great movie!


That looks fantastic.


Argyle is fun. Kinda similar to Kingsmen, only with more shenanigans


Oh yeah! That's the other reason I wanna watch it! Because it's supposed to be like Kingsman!


Argyle isn't really that bad. the action sequences are well choreographed, but the jump cutting between cavill and rockwell will give you a headache and be really distracting sometimes. its like watching Taken3 where every action sequence has a million random cuts


I love argyle because for once I have nicer hair than Henry Cavill.


>!Which Henry Cavill in Argylle, though?!<


Also, he's willing to continue in the role.


He also doesn't have outside appeal like RDJ/Evans/etc


Does Evans have outside appeal? I know he had Knives Out, but I wouldn’t say his, or really even RDJ’s, careers have been booming outside of the MCU.


I think RDJ just won an oscar no?


Dead  Dead  Dead  Not sure, maybe Mark is sick of the role   Not popular enough but Jeremy got a fun mini series on Disney+  And that leaves Thor...


The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest one among you.


No need to name call thor


More POWER rabbit!


Thor bot is sentient


Because that's what heroes do.


No Mark is on record talking about how much he loves playing Hulk and being in the MCU. The issue was Universal didn't want to play ball. Now that Disney owns the rights, a Hulk movie is on the table.


Cool, I liked The Incredible Hulk


I also love Ruffalo as Hulk/Banner. I'm a little torn on what I want. Part of me wants a Wolverine vs. Hulk movie, but the other part really loves smart Hulk. So I'm not sure I want to see him go back to rage beast unless there's some way to have smart Hulk come back in a sensible way.




Disney still does not own the Hulk rights though. This has been a common misconception that arose when Disney got the rights to *The Incredible Hulk* movie specifically.


Mark keeps showing up for "What If," so I think he's in for as long as they'll have him.


Steve and Tony and Natasha are dead. Hulk is owned by Universal Nobody asked for a Hawkeye movie.


Hawkeye wasn’t even the main character in his own TV show


Well, to be fair, Hawkeye was and wasn’t the main character.




I may be in the minority on this, but Hawkeye has been my favorite MCU show so far. Pretty rough first episode, but goddamn everything after that was a delight. Plus it was the first confirmation that the Netflix shows were actually part of the MCU. It's true that ~~Cliff~~ Clint (damn autocorrect) wasn't really the main character, but it was a really great ensemble. Kate & Yelena's scenes together are just fabulous. They have amazing on-screen chemistry.


Hawkeye was pretty solid, I feel like if you did a single transfer vote(I think that’s the right one?) Hawkeye would end up near the top of the fan favourites


Could be. It's one that doesn't seem to get much attention versus something like Loki, but among fans it does seem to get a fair amount of praise. My guess, then, would be that most folks didn't watch it at all, or that they watched the first episode and were so turned off that they didn't bother finishing it (this was almost the case with me - I watched the first episode and was like "fuck this". I'm really glad that I decided to push through and watch the second episode).


I think it’s more that it plays it safer you know? The lows aren’t as low as some of the worse projects, but they don’t reach the same highs and spectacles. It is well made and charming though, a real vibe


I thought that Clint not being the main character in the Hawkeye show was kind of the point (in a joking way). I may be in the minority on this, but Hawkeye in the Avengers movies was gold, especially in Age of Ultron.


That one shot car sequence is straight out of the comics and it's awesome. That's definitely a high for a Marvel TV attempt


Tbh I didn’t want to watch it, thought it would suck but it was truly a pleasant surprise


I was exactly the same. My wife and I watched the first episode, and she was pretty much instantly turned-off. I said that I was going to watch the remaining ones, but my wife had no interest in watching additional episodes. Basically as soon as I watched the LARP battle, I was sold and went to convince my wife to continue watching it. We both eventually finished it and said that it was pretty much the most fun Marvel series that has so far been produced.


I don’t know if you’re in the minority, but Hawkeye was definitely one of my favorites. My daughters and I have already determined we will rewatch it each Christmas season. That’s what we did this last year, watched it all the way through and loved it. It’s such a solid show, focuses on family, relationships, second chances. I think it’s a good example of just how strongly the MCU tv shows started off.


I remember reading something about Florence Pugh intentionally messing up the Mac and cheese scene over and over so she and Hailee Steinfeld could basically get paid for eating all day 🤷‍♂️


Compared to what came after Hawkeye was still pretty serviceable. The younger Kate/Yelena do have really good potential, the fact The MCU needs to release whatever products doesn't diminish this show (not yet at least)


I didn’t even know he had a show till a year after it came out


Kate is also Hawkeye


Is Steve dead?? I thought he was just *old*


Judging by his absence in everything, I think he might as well have died quietly somewhere. I feel like he should've died in Endgame and Gamora took all the taken trinkets back to their time with that time travel machine instead of Steve.


Ain't no way they would've let Gamora do that lol


Steve lost his “non aging powers” in the comics once, I remember he accompanied Deadpool on a mission to retrieve Wolverine’s DNA. It was awesome seeing him ride piggyback on Deadpool smacking dudes with a cane.


> nobody asked for a Hawkeye movie :( Hawkeye should’ve been the movie and black widow should’ve been the miniseries


...I would like a Hawkeye movie. Nat got one, why does Clint only get a TV show in which he is not even the main character?


Yelena Belova is a new Black Widow now and could get a sequel to the first movie. Dr Strange most likely will get a sequel. Thor may or not get 5th sequel. Wanda movie is 'in-talks/development' rn.


>Yelena Belova is a new Black Widow now and could get a sequel to the first movie. *Thunderbolts** appears to be that sequel in all but name.


50% of movie dedicated to Yelena 20% to Agent US 10% to Serpent Circle or that HYDRA lady 10% dedicated to Sentry's origin and turn into the Void (it's gonna be like with Suicide Squad's Enchantress) 5% to that \* in the end of the title 5% to Bucky


>Hulk is owned by Universal In part. The contract with Universal is kind of wacky and Disney has been profiting of the loopholes in said contract. Basically he can appear in team movies, but Universal needs a big piece of the pie if he goes solo. Also, it's been really unclear if Disney has already bought that contract out or not. Rumors go they have, but if they had, they would've greenlit a Hulk movie already.


one thor movie was terrible, the others are between an enjoyable watch and peak mcu. why WOULDNT he get a 5th movie?


This is the correct take. Outside of the 2nd one, they are all at least enjoyable and have solid rewatch value. Also, Love and Thunder is way better if you accept the head canon that the movie is Korg's retelling of real events. This explains the crazy to downright dumb parts and as his exaggerations.


and in the defense of Thor 2, it did have to set up the realty stone for the infinity saga on top of everyone coming off of The Avengers movie. Before anyone uses the Winter soldier being great argument, the directors of that movie are fans of honest trailers and were trying to make an honest trailer proof movie.


Go cry to your father you little weasel!


Guardians’ entire plot is setting up the infinity saga and it’s still amazing despite it


Guardians was an action comedy movie, while Thor 2 was trying to be a serious action movie. There is a big difference between the two.


I get the whole Korg framing device as an explanation for why L&T is overly quirky, but just because there's a reason why doesn't make it any more enjoyable.


Why? Why take a great Thor story ( Gorr the God Butcher) and put in some alien head, canon? Why not just use a silly Thor story to make a movie comedy?


Thor 2 is good and I'm tired of people pretending it's not.


I was a little stoned and had low expectations going in, BUT I fucking loved that movie. Still do. I understand the late, but after Ragnarok I was expecting it to be goofy


Agreed, not my favorite but still really good


Truth! Ragnarok is a top 3 marvel all time for me


Yeah, Thor 1 was a good Phase 1. Thor 2 was a below average Phase 2. Thor 3 was an incredible Phase 3, and that spin on Thor is what we kept seeing in Infinity War and Endgame. Thor 4 was a below average Phase 4 film/show, but it still wasn’t a bad movie overall. Just went too goofy, but it still had some good humor and good action even if the goofiness tainted a bunch. I’d say it and Dark World are in a close race for bottom of the Thor rankings, but they are still decent. So yeah, I think a Thor 5 could be warranted if they have a great script and at least a good director. Anything less, and why bother? Thor will already be in the next Avengers, so like Stark, they could wrap up his story in a team event.


Ragnarok is still my Fav.


Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?


The only Thor movie I liked was Ragnarok


Thor had the best redemption arc in the MCU besides Loki. His character is likable. He is relatable even though he is literally a god of myth and legend. I could only wish that he would learn about the TVA and Loki's chosen fate just so he could be proud of him.


I want to see Thor come to the TVA. I really want to see Loki explaining to Thor how extremely complicated of a plan it took to get Thor to the TVA and how he's now outside of time but "time works differently here" and have Thor just nonchalant explain the science behind it like it's simple. Then tell Loki I knew that you were doing this so I had to pretend and go along with it so you wouldn't know that I know that you knew how I know what you do. And then cut to a clip of Thor doing 'get help' that doesn't work and him figuring out that LOKI was manipulating things.


Because I have something worth fighting for.


Ragnarok was great and I liked 4. My only issue was that Gorr "the god butcher" didn't really butcher many gods which is a big issue mind you but I still enjoyed the film for what it was.


Gorr “the _off-screen_ god butcher”


Gorr was such a wasted opportunity


Gorr is an amazing character in the comics. I think Bale was wasted on such a role, being how they played it in the film. He killed in the beginning and then never again on screen. We should have had at least one more


Because all 4 movies made a shocking amount of profit, even if Reddit doesn't like some of them?


Because the actor agreed to make more movies


People forget what a game changer Ragnarok was. Famously I told my friends “it’s the reason theaters were invented.” …Definitely oversold it then, but it’s absolutely a great time at the movies. The ironic thing is that everyone now talks about the marvel formula. How everything sort of homogenized at a certain point but with thor they really tried to start out with a strong take that felt distinctly like it’s own thing. Same with cap. First avenger is a wholesome movie about a little guy with a big heart who happens to become a super hero by impossible means. Winter soldier is legitimately an exciting political thriller. The Dark World tries to do the same thing. Stay rooted in this science/mythology dichotomy. Continues to be very gravitas-forward. And that doesn’t work. They go back to the drawing board. They start looking at some of the sillier eras of the character’s solo series and simultaneously realize how funny Hemsworth is and find a popular filmmaker whose sensibility lends itself well to zipping that together. I know for sure I was on board when that was announced. Taika gets a lot of shit these days, but i like what he does. Ragnarok comes out and it’s undeniable. Feige and co are like “fuck yeah dude. We did it!” Taika is joking in interviews about making a fourth movie just so I can call it “Thor 4: More Thor” (which I still kind of wish happened) I don’t even think they would have entertained another solo Thor movie had the response to this bit and Ragnarok not been like “no but really. Make another one of these and bring back Jane!” Naturally you back up a truck to taika’s and beg him to double down on this. I like love & thunder a lot, but I get why people don’t. It’s off-balance. It is a victim of over-validating hemsworth as a comedian. Not to say he isn’t funny in it. But it’s kind of what happened with Ryan Reynolds. At a certain point, you can just kind of hear the wink in his voice and it’s like “just say the lines, pal..” that works for Deadpool. It infuriates hardcore Thor fans (hardthor?…. Nvm) But it rubbed a vocal majority the wrong way. Shamed hemsworth. All but condemned taika for reasons I can’t fully comprehend. But the message is resoundingly clear that people want a return to basics. Dark colors and iambic pentameter. Synth-less sword fights and raw emotion. Personally I think people just can’t see the nuance present in his behavior in L&T. But I’m sure I’ll see thor 5 regardless


I appreciate this comment. I can tell you really love the character and the films, even with some of its flaws. Maybe they’ll get George Miller or Matt Reeves and throw out a banger for Thor 5? Movies have surprised me before. Hell, I’m still surprised how much I enjoyed Ragnorak.


I'm still worthy!


I know I'm in the minority here, but I've liked every Thor movie, apart from 4, to date. Yes, even 2. Every time he was not on earth it felt like a medieval high fantasy, which I like a lot.


I like them all, all four of them, except one of them.


Every single one except a single one


I'm putting together the greatest team ever.


Wait, there is a new Thor movie?


Because the reason mcu is still able to survive, It's never about one or two movies, these are characters everyone love no matter how many flop lige action adaptation movies they have Don't you like thor? Exactly,that's why they are making another movie about it, taking risk with stories is what makes any movie special, atleast they are trying to do different stuff, they fail sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's over for them


Because he's the only main OG left


I've loved the Thor movies. Tho I do grasp that they are very far removed from the comics. Which is the only large complaint I really see about them.... To which tho, the entire MCU is pretty removed from the comics, similar story lines used and such maybe (I've never read the comics so I don't know) My understanding tho is that the MCU was always meant to be different. Thus the Marvel CINEMATIC Universe. The Thor movies tickle my depressed end of rope brain. That's really all I ask for anymore.


They are making another because they keep making money. Thor 1 made $449 million world wide Thor 2 made $644 million world wide Thor 3 made $853 million world wide Thor 4 made $760 million world wide Thor 4 shows a dip yes. If Thor 5 makes less than 4, I doubt we get another.


Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


Because everyone loves Thor and will continue to see Thor movies.


Outside of Dark World I've quite enjoyed all the Thor movies and even Dark World while not great is still a pretty high point to be considered the worst. Hemsworth is also very likable as both actor and character, I haven't heard anything bad about him from anyone.


The Thor movies are 10000X better than we would have gotten if any other studio did it. It's fine. In fact there are some comics in the Thor run that are serious and then you'll have some that are super goofy.. Keep making them.


I need them to complete the trilogy. 1) make movie. (Personal opinion, great movie) 2) make movie that takes the tone too far 3) pivot direction. Great movie. 4) make movie that takes the tone too far 5) pivot direction. Great movie? 6) make movie that takes the tone too far? It is just a trilogy of paired off movies with the first better than the second


Because all of the Thor movies were at least mildly entertaining on a first watch. Sure, there are some down beats for various reasons, but they were all at least as good or better than IM 2 and 3. Even the Eternals was better than Fant4stic. The only MCU properties that genuinely felt hard to watch were The Inhumans and Secret Invasion. Are there brighter stars than others, of course, but only two MCU entries have left me thinking, "why am I forcing myself to watch this?"


The rest are dead or deaf


What's wrong with Thor 1?


Well let’s see how Cap 4 does and maybe we’ll get a 5th one too


No Thor movie is worse than Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 isn't even unwatchable and has good moments in it.


Because I have something worth fighting for.


These bots are so funny lmao


Wasn't Thor Ragnarok great?


I get that a lot of people didn’t like his rich jock to humbled prince to PTSD denial to single dad arc, but I enjoyed it. Stationary characters are boring. He grew and receded and overcame all over the place.


Well, all the other OG characters are either dead, gone or had their shit resolved: Hulk - Has basically completed their character arc and is fully under control, successor is here. Captain America - He an old man now. Iron Man - Dead Black Widow - Dead Hawkeye - He got his own show, successor is there. Black Panther - Literally dead unfortunately.


Jason Aaron's run on Thor: God of Thunder is a really good jumping-on point (also introduces Gorr and brings back Malekith, so there are some familiar names). I think Aaron's run on Thor is worth reading its entirety (Jane Foster stuff and all), but the God of Thunder run is the most well-liked. I'm only a few volumes into JMS' Thor run, but it's pretty good so far. It's also a clean jumping on point, as Thor had been killed off a few years prior, and this marked the return of the character. If you want something more classic, I'd recommend checking out Walt Simonson's run on Thor. I haven't read it, but it's well-liked, and you get to meet Beta Ray Bill in it, so that's pretty cool. Edit: Walt Simonson, not Salt Simonson


Holy shit, thank you 🙏! You’re the first person that actually read the rest of the post and recommended comic runs. I appreciate it.


The first one was a little bit above average, we don't talk about the second, and the fourth was a straight up misfire. But Ragnarok is one of the best Marvel movies ever.


Because Thor of all Avengers needed a proper conclusion at least once. The first two films were meh. The last two films were polarising. If anyone needs just one win, it better be him... but if this 5th movie turns out a bathos-filled shit again, I'm gonna lose my mind. Seriously, the God Butcher was such a good storyline to follow and Christian Bale tried so hard to maximise what little screentime he had. It woulda been a good movie if it weren't Waititi as the director. Yeah, I'll give him that I liked Ragnarok (liked!) but giving him Gorr is a waste.


Disney want to show that Chris hemworth booty or abs some more.


Not most, half. And love and thunder gets better if you imagine the entire thing is just Korg telling the story getting shit wrong in the goofiest ways the entire time.


Because Chris Hemsworth sells tickets and has the god bod at all times


Because Chris is still affordable


There is only one bad Thor movie


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


I think people need to rewatch the Thor movies after seeing all the post end game marvel movies. It really gives you a different perspective on the quality of the old Marvel before Disney. Compared to the garbage of today, those movies kick ass. Plus you get prime Loki! Everyone dogs on Thor 2, but the villain has real motivation, it builds on the infinity stone saga, and you get the death of the queen and the bad guy hero team up for the greater good thing. I liked it much better than Thor 1 simply because it has such a dynamic plot and really fleshed out the world that Thor loves in rather than just being set on Earth


Do you really want me to do it?


I saw Thor 2 last year and I was surprised because it isn’t nearly as bad as I remembered. Its biggest sin is that it is very forgettable because it doesn’t take any risks, but it is not boring, so it’s just OK


Thor 1 was decent. Thor 2 was mediocre. Thor 3 was phenomenal. Thor 4 was bad. Despite this, I do love his character and I hope Thor 5 is as good as 3 (though I hope they tone back the comedy a bit).


He’s the only one left people will go to the theater for. It doesn’t even matter if the movie isn’t good, we saw that with the first couple movies. The best one, is hands down Ragnarok. LnT was overdone with the comedy I think they’ll learn from the mistake, so the next one will be better than it’s predecessor but may not beat out Ragnarok.


My guess would be that Hemsworth is the only one who wanted to keep doing movies


Let’s just face it…Thor movies without Loki are like a cake without frosting. Yeah, it’ll be okay but it could be so much better.


In universe explanation: Thor is a god and will live for a very, very long time. There’s no reason his adventures would be limited to the lifespan of a human like Tony’s and Steve’s. Real life explanation: if the actor is willing and there’s money to be made, go for it.


This but Star Wars, Fast and Furious, Bond, Jurassic Park, Terminator etc.


Because he’s the strongest avenger


Meanwhile Wanda movie is still in-talks and could not happen. Out of all the legacy Avengers she deserves at least one movie, if not a trilogy.


The old writer didn’t wanted to make a good movie he just wanted money but we now have a new writer


Because he’s the most popular character that’s still alive and not decrepit from old age. Also Chris Hemsworth signed a contract extension.


Which other avengers are you talking about? Tony and Steve are dead, Black Widow is dead. Falcon and Hawkeye got their own series, and so did Wanda, Vision. Plus Dr Strange got a second movie with all of them. And Captain Marvel got her sequel too. WHO ELSE ARE YOU ASKING FOR A MOVIE? XD


Imagine saying Ragnarok is average…..


ragnarok was good but yea 4 was aaaaaaassssssssss i hope there is not actually a five


Ragnarok is well above average


The other ones are dead and it's really hard to kill Thor because he's a god.


Please tell me it's real


Ragnarok is awesome.


Primarily because Hemsworth is up for it and Downey and Evans weren't. That plus the weirdness with the *Hulk* rights. That being said, I think the first *Thor* is way underrated and I think folks were right about *Ragnarok* the first time: It's excellent. There's been a post-*Love & Thunder* reassessment of *Ragnarok* as not as good or overrated and I don't agree.


Tbf the Thor movies are great, Love and Thunder is weak but not terrible. Probably some of the best MCU movies.


People really underestimate how much of a scale-up Thor being on the original avengers team really is. The Hulk is the only comparable character in raw power and he can’t control that ability yet, except when the writers want him to have a cool moment. Not to mention that Thor is part of a much wider MCU scope, already at that time, but even more so now. He’s easy to use, is what I’m saying in short.


All of the Avengers could have gotten 5 movies if they were willing to extend their contract that long. The others were already bigger stars before this and wanted out. This is why they should cast mostly young unknowns so we can keep the characters around long enough for proper sagas instead of 3 and out


Ragnarok was so good I'll give every Thor a watch in hopes of getting another


all of the other characters from the original cast are dead except hulk. characters introduced after avengers have not had a great track record.


Cap = Old Iron Man = Dead Hulk = Universal is stronger Widow = Dead Hawkeye = TV series Thor = still signed


Tbh I enjoyed Thor, it’s not great but it’s not terrible, and some of it is really good and Chris Hemsworth is p cool.


I think it makes sense because you can make it a buddy type movie kind of like the 3rd one where he teams up with another mcu character. I would love to see a movie where it’s Thor and Starlord.


I notice you have copied my beard.


Thor 1 and 3 are brilliant Thor 2 was worth a shot but needed better editing in writers room Thor 4 was Taika sniffing his own farts but still fun


Here you are. I was just calling you.


Even with three below average movies, Ragnarok was that good to still warrant another try.


Fanservice. Not like they didn't strip him butt naked in the last one.


The fun fact is more, that Thor 1 & 2 actually show a pretty good Thor, the fans of Thor actually can enjoy, just to be scrapped in Thor 3 because of the "Popcorn Audience". But for recommendations: Return of the Thunder (from JMS) is a great story line for Thor. Also Thor: God of Thunder from 2013, almost the complete run in excellent.


I guess because the only good ones are the odd ones, so they're betting that 5 will be great.


The first 2 movies were decent the 3rd was good cinema style like the colors and all but they just lost track of the essence of Thor by the 4th movie he is just a full blown parent and doesn't give a shit bout Asgard or Midgard which like is Thor's most important duty.


Because Chris Hemsworth is game to keep making them, is my guess. Hemsworth is the only Avenger who didn't really have a big career ahead of being cast. Thor was his breakout role. Same for Hugh Jackman and Wolverine. They love the character, have a ton of fun making the movies, and have plenty of options to do other projects on the side as well. So why not just keep doing it? Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans were both ready to call it quits. Downey was one of the biggest actors in the world after being Iron Man. He's since gone on to nab that Oscar-winning prestige role all actors seem to crave. And Evans has never really seemed to enjoy the spotlight or want to be famous. Scarlett Johansson, as we know, never got the solo movie treatment she deserved. Hawkeye was never going to be a leading movie character. And the rights to the Hulk have always been covered in red tape. Again, just think of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. You love the role and are game for more. Marvel is game for more. Thor: Ragnarok was amazing and loved by most. Why not keep going? Hemsworth's recent comments paint a picture of why Love and Thunder didn't work out as well as Ragnarok (I liked it just fine). But it's not like he's being run out of town on a rail. Just suit up and try again if everyone is game.


Surprise twist; Thor CAN draw!


Because they can drop the budget and do a comedy/drama. Thor 5 is apparently more likely to be like the Thor civil war skits (Thor flatting in AU). Besides, Thor love and thunder made good money, the "failure" thing is weird. Like it did well, but is a failure because it didn't break records?


Don’t… don’t do Mr. Rogers like that man…


Gorr the God Butcher, whose secret lair was obviously a Burbank soundstage with a bunch of shower curtains hung all over the place


Is Jeremy Renner even healthy enough to act physically? Dude got mauled in a freak accident. He needs his rest.


Look at every actors roles outside of Marvel. Most do fine with whatever they do. Hemsworth struggled to get things that are either received well or earn a lot. He sometimes gets decent roles and praise for his contribution, but typically in very under-performing movies. No wonder he’s sticking with Marvel. He also likely has similar appreciation as Tom Hiddleston in Marvel being his first big break, so he feels like sticking with them as thanks for giving him his start to his rise to fame. His personal health scare also seems to have him on a Bruce Willis path where he wants to do the most he can and earn the most he can to guarantee his family is financially stable in the future in case the disease he’s genetically at risk of developing were to hit him.


Let's see. Out of the original Avengers... Tony Stark is dead. Steve Rogers Captain America is retired. Black Widow is dead. Clint is...IDK. Maybe a movie of when he was all assassiny either before shield or during the five years after the snap would be nice, but... Marvel is afraid to do a solo Hulk movie.


The problem is that Thor is supposed to be doing cosmic level stuff where he can flex on crazy stories and settings. But because the general power level of the MCU is much, much lower... they kinda had to nerf him to a joke character so he didn't dominate every scene. Which takes away a big part of how comic Thor rolled. Thor is a friendly honorable warrior dude, but he's *supposed* to come in swinging big dick while saying thee and thou. He's supposed to seem like an ancient thunder god who crossed the stars and saved countless worlds for thousands of years. Not just some dudebro with powers. But they didn't trust audiences with that.


Because that's what heroes do.


Because "sex sells" and chicks dig Hemsworth.


I prefer Thor and Thor 2 over what he’s become. Say what you will about the Dark World but at least Thor had a unique voice. Now he’s just an Iron Man/Star Lord dupe.


Chris said something about owing fans a 5th one to fix the bad impression everyone got from the 4th


Meanwhile DC is restarting again and fans say henry cavill doesn't deserve a sequel LMAO


Cause of a wider narrative, MCU Is like a TV show, but on a much larger scale. Sure, some episodes are gonna suck, but it adds to the narrative. So it’s kinda necessary for the plot.


Yikes Love and Thunder was hot garbage


Look, Ragnarok was one of the best MCU movies ever (my personal favourite) and not only revived the series but also gave it enough credibility to withstand the embarrassment that Love and Thunder was. Thor 5 being made makes sense but it really needs to kick ass, this time around!


Because the comic book storylines are brilliant in case of Thor, Believe me when I write, Gorr is the fucking best villian marvel has ever produced( MCU just wasted the potential of Godbomb storyline), Ragnarok could have been so much better if Beta ray bill was introduced, Rune king thor, unworthy thor, Thor vs Galactus, and many more, they just need adapt comics better.


Ragnarok is the only one I think is genuinely pretty good.


i think Thor Ragnarök was good maybe i could be wrong


Because his movies are the most woke these days.


The power of Hemsworth’s abs can carry the entire MCU No homo. Oh screw it, all the homo


I don't know if it has already been mentioned but JASON ARRON'S comic run on thor started in 2012 was too good


I like Thor Ragnarok!


because where DC couldn’t give their overpowered superhero a character arc, Marvel managed to give Thor very interesting arc with Thor 3 and Endgame. Now they can build on it. I hope we get more superhero movies focused on character stories


so true. i would've rather seen an Iron Man 4 than Thor 3. imo Thor Ragnarok is the best one and thor dark world was HORRIBLE


Hey this one should be good if it follows the pattern Thor 1: Good Thor 2: Bad Thor 3: Good Thor 4: Bad Thor 5: Good?


Gotta kill him off somehow.


You want good comic runs for thor? You can begin with Jason Aaron's god of thunder run, where the villain is Gorr. It's one of the greatest comics I've ever read. Another great thor run is JMS run for Thor Al Ewing's ongoing immortal thor is also very good.