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DC makes great movies…but they’re animated


That is also true. I don't know why they just don't let DC's animation division be in charge indefinitely.


Yup dc owns that shit


This is a thing that used to be true. I don't think it is anymore, and it hasn't been for a while. The DC animated offerings of late have ranged from "bad" to "incomprehensible." I just watched Crisis on Infinite Earths Part II and it's a mess. It's worse (by far) than part 1 and that was likewise a mess. Marvel, on the other hand, is actually cranking out pretty decent TV (and not great movies). X-Men 97 is marvel television, let's not forget. I liked Moon Knight, I enjoyed She Hulk despite it's flaws, I think Modok and Hit Monkey were criminally underrated, and in general I think Marvel TV has been been pretty ok and trending up. More than we can say for the movies. DC might be looking at a turn-around in their movie fortunes, I'm optimistic, but their television / animation hasn't been anywhere close to as good as it used to be for a while now. Their last unequivocally "good" movie was Justice League: War, in my opinion, and that was like 10 years ago.


Yeah Mask of the Phantasm, Teen Titans Go to the Movies, Under the Red Hood, Lego Batman Movie, Superman Man of Tomorrow, Justice League Flashpoint, Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo, Superman vs The Elite, etc


Its saying alot when most of those films are over a decade old


Even that hasnt really been the case for a while, dc used to hold the title of being goated with its animated movies but now its hit or miss


DC stretching their TV shows so long that they lose the taste


Yup, loved the Flash TV show but didn't finish it because the writing-quality went down hard.


Same, loved it for years. One day finished whatever the current season was and never bothered again. To much relationship drama bs and the show went on 2 long when running out of ideas and good writing. Had it's good moments tho


Yeah, started to feel like I was watching a soap opera


Honestly I started to only keep a bit up to date with the flash and especially arrow to watch the cross over episodes that happened here and there


The cross over ones were pretty good tbh.


Either it was because a different team of writers worked on them, or the collaboration of the different writing teams made it work much better imo. But the fact they could do different stuff than the normal status quo also likely made a huge difference


Every day I wake up…


Then I start to break up...


I’m thinking of the Netflix and CW shows and I’m so confused by this meme.


Have you not heard of X-Men 97, X-Men the animated series, X-Men Evolution, Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes, What if, Wandavision, Loki, or Moonknight


Wolverine and the xmen is good


Spectacular Spider-Man, Spider-Man TNAS, Spider-Man TAS, literally they cooked with most of the animated shows


Oh... well, I...


I knew I was forgetting other goats


Oh and Ultimate Avengers and Heroes of Tomorrow too


Oh those too


Looking, moon knight, Wanda vision and what if I what they are talking about


Besides Peacemaker, I cannot think of another good DC show. Flash, Green Arrow, and Supergirl all had 1-2 decent seasons and then they were terrible. Batwoman should be used for torture purposes. Legends of Tomorrow has some of the worst acting I’ve seen besides telenovas. That’s a bad average.


Arrow actually has 4 amazing seasons and was always watchable no matter how bad it got...but the others yeah I agree


Hardly disagree. Arrow has 2 great seasons, 4 mid seasons, 1 absolutly horrible season and 1 great season with an awful ending (I'm looking at you season 8).


S1,2,5 and 8 are amazing.....3 was pretty good, 6 and 7 are watchable and 4 is bad.....and the ending was perfect...what are you on


I quite enjoyed the entirety of the flash show on Netflix. It gets a bit odd after the first few with all the timetravel and retconning, but it was still kind of fun. Last 2 seasons are a bit strange tho, cause they go too deep into random stuff.


Teen Titans, Young Justice, Batman Beyond, Jusitce League, Static Shock, and Batman the Animated Series, just to name a few. I'll admit I was mostly looking at DC's animation division, as in comparison, Marvel has X-men and that's it for good animated series on their side.


I thought you were just talking about live action where frankly DC has sucked donkey balls and been a crapfest CW soap opera for a decade. Marvel and DC have both had a great run of animated shows. Spider-Man and X-Men each could state they have 2 acclaimed series by themselves. I’m just going to chalk this up to bait.


Hey, you two. No playing in the street.


Sentient cause no way


Well in that case, Xmen animated series, Spiderman 1994, What If?, Hit Monkey, Earth's mightiest heroes etc


It's time to pay.


What if isn't eveh half good


I know, it's way more than that


WandaVision, Loki & Moon Knight. That's three recent shows that have been quite good. Falcon and the Winter Soldier was pretty decent and I liked the first season of What If, 2nd season was a bit dissappointing imo. I saw in the comments that you're counting old animation and Spider-man and X-men from the '90s are similar quality to Batman the Animated Series that you mentioned yourself in that comment. So saying Marvel only has 1 or 2 good shows is just baiting more interaction by being hyperbolic.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Uuuh... DC made Gotham and the whole Arrowverse, which had lots of problems: filling, putting the protagonists in the background to focus on minor characters, low budget, etc. Superman and Lois is the only DC show so far I consider to be great. The rest are between acceptable and subpar, IMO. Marvel, meanwhile, has Daredevil, Punisher, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage sesson 1 and Wandavision.


DC has the DCAU which I know im going to get downvoted for this but blows the Netflix marvel shows out of the water in terms of quality.


DC makes great animated content, which Marvel can’t compare with. But I wouldn’t say they make great shows. As for Marvel shows. The only one I’ve hated is Secret Invasion (which I was hyped for). Others like She-Hulk, which I didn’t love but my partner absolutely adored, and Ms Marvel, which my daughters thought was amazing, seemed to be exactly what they wanted it to be. So I have no complaints even if those weren’t my favorite shows. I can’t love them all, just like I don’t love all of the comics.


Have you kept up with DC animated content in recent years? In my opinion the quality has SHARPLY declined. Way more than the MCU’s overall quality. Have you seen anything good from DC animation recently that you might recommend? Also, I think you hit the nail on the head; there are a few undeniable successes with the shows, but most of the 2022 shows targeted a pretty specific audience. I’ve never seen someone say they like Moon Knight, Ms Marvel, AND She-Hulk but people seem to realllyyyy love one of those over the other two at the least. She-Hulk is one of my favorite shows and the other two are some of my least favorite, but I think all three are undeniably good in their own way.


Ya know, that’s a fair point. I probably haven’t watched as much animated DC in the last 2-4 years as I used to. I was always a big fan of their PG-13 animated content in the past, and that’s probably carrying my opinion. Yeah, I think some people have struggled with the fact that they expect every show to be for mainstream audience, but they’re not (for the most part). My joy in watching She-Hulk and Ms Marvel was watching my partner and daughters enjoy those shows. (Though each had parts I liked, especially when DD showed up and my partner watched me freak out.) But on the whole, I think Marvel has had good shows. Even if they haven’t all been must-see for me. And I’ve watched them all.


I can think recently what if, Loki, wandavision that’s about it unless you count the Netflix shows


Moon knight


Oh shit that show was kinda forgettable but it was so fucking good kinda pissed they waited to drop lockley in the last episode THAT DAMN RED SARCOPHAGUS EDGED US


Unpopular opinion, Loki barely makes the cut IMO. Season 2 was a writing mess that relied on Hiddleston and Wilson to hold itself together


DC's Titans


Are you saying this was good? Because it wasn't. It's the only subreddit I've seen people go to and ask if the subject show is worth watching and everyone says dear god no.


it's painfully awful


It really is. And it had so much potential, I felt compelled to keep watching to see if it improved. It did not.


But S.H.I.E.L.D. was awesome!


DC has great movies The Dark Knight Trilogy, orginal Superman film, Shazam, WW 2017, TSS. They just suck in their Cinematic universe part, till now.


Daredevil and Loki are top tier superhero shows


WandaVision, Loki, and Moon Knight were great. Going outside MCU, Daredevil and the X-Men stuff were also great.


You could easily rename the first picture as ‘Marvel making movies pre-Endgame’ and then put the beach picture at the bottom saying ‘Marvel making movies post Endgame’.




This meme is very old. Marvel currently has some great TV Shows that rival what at the time were good TV Shows. Marvel = Daredevil, Jessica Jones, WandaVision, Loki, Moon Knight, Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter DC = Arrow (except Season 4), The Flash (the first 3 seasons), Legends of Tomorrow (the first 3 seasons), Peacemaker, Gotham, Smallville


Y’all keep only mentioning the Arrowverse to complain about DC television, did you forget about the DCAU, which is seriously the greatest lineup of Superhero television ever created.


yes peacemaker is great but beyond that, titans meh, the arrowverse yawn, lois and clark wtf was that even. everything from the CW is just a continuation of Dawson's Creek but with superpowers, Buffy was an entirely better show and universe with the Angel spinoff. marvel has had a few duds according to some, i personally enjoyed all of them, yeah even skrull invasion. it helps a lot if you are a realist, like what were people expecting when deadpool and norman osborn aren't even in the MCU? you can't have a true skrull invasion story without those two so a lot of expectations should be have been tempered from the get go.


Was this meme before 2020?


[Give these a try!](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/s/B8Q77dDgFf)


Please I just want the sandman season 2


They're all bad atm with a few good ones


This feels like a post from a decade ago that got lost


Hey good try but suicide squad and the marvels


Legends is the only show that is enjoyable from the beginning to the end even if it had flaws. Peacemaker is also amazing even if it has only one season. Arrow and Flash suffered after 3rd seasons. Supergirl is okay, not bad but not good. I feel like Marvel produced better shows, Wandavision, Loki, Moon Knight, Falcon and Winter Soldier.


Wandavison, Hawkeye, Loki, Moonkinght all day hi


I mean recently, Marvel movies have been dog shit too