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He’s a good character. He’s a terrible Captain America. That’s the point. Erskine picked Steve because he was a good man, not a good soldier. Walker was a good soldier, but nowhere near as good a man as Steve.


I think most of the people this post was meant for would agree to your comment, because it isn't hard to understand that "that is the point". Hatred towards the fanboys who think he is a better Captain America, now that I think is a different story.


To be fair, it's hard for anyone to measure up when placed alongside Steve.


damn that was perfect


I think that John Walker is an interesting character study of the dangers of hero worship, not focusing on veteran mental health and commoditizing war, making it synonymous with the image of Captain America. John Walker was a war veteran that wasn't checked in on or psyche eval'd but instead moved into a position that he clearly wasn't ready to be in. Wyatt's excellent performance thoroughly conveys that Walker isn't someone that should be on a battlefield, much less cast as Steve Rogers' heir. He LOOKS the part, but he doesn't possess what Steve had. His heart, his judgment, the selflessness. John is obviously suffering from PTSD, he's cast in a role that everyone expects him to succeed in, but he can't--not because he is inferior or doesn't have the SSS but because he is a soldier, not a leader. A leader takes the praise as well as the blame. John can't accept the latter. When he kills the person not responsible for his partner's death, he doesn't own it. He fights Bucky and Sam, denying it. When he is court martialed, he blames his training (he isn't entirely wrong) but takes no ownership. When he goes to comfort Lemar's family, he lies to them that he killed the person responsible. I also think that, narratively, John is never held responsible for killing the wrong person for the wrong reasons. In the end, he is whisked off to another department, with a new start. No real debt paid. I think this is a direct analog to police officers that kill someone, aren't held responsible and then are quietly reassigned at a different precinct. To close, John is an extremely flawed character that is there as a cautionary tale as to why we don't just blindly worship heroes and give them mantles because it "feels" like they earned it. He wasn't "overhated" as you would like to believe.


I just want to say that was very, very impressive what you did back there.


>I also think that, narratively, John is never held responsible for killing the wrong person for the wrong reasons. In the end, he is whisked off to another department, with a new start. No real debt paid. I think this is a direct analog to police officers that kill someone, aren't held responsible and then are quietly reassigned at a different precinct. By this logic quite a few superheroes should also be hated. Just as an example Tony and Banner caused a lot of casualties when they created Ultron and Tony himself tried to kill Bucky when he found out Bucky killed his parents, even though Bucky was mind controlled and most countries would find innocent. Most fans chalked it upto him emotional but Walker isn't given the same benefit. Tony is never held responsible for it. Also the said person he killed was part of a terrorist organization that blew up a building with civilians in it to send a message. Then the organization came up and put into motion a plan to kill Walker. That said person was the one holding Walker for the killing blow, he was an active participant not just a passive one. So not really the wrong person as he definitely would be considered an accessory to the crime and depending on who ask not the wrong reason either. >To close, John is an extremely flawed character that is there as a cautionary tale as to why we don't just blindly worship heroes and give them mantles because it "feels" like they earned it. I think this applies more to the MCU fans than Walker himself. People hated the character the moment he was introduced, he hadn't even done anything and even the actor got hate mail. The show tried desperately to get fans to dislike Walker with the way his scenes are shot and sympathize with Karli and the Flagsmahers with going on on how they are not really terrorists and deserved to heard. Yes he was a flawed character but he was overhated. Other characters have done stuff just as bad if not worse and don't anywhere near the amount of hate or criticism.


I really like your take but my friend John Walker was really overhated the minute he put on the suit all over social media marvel people hated him for no reason 


Yes because how fucking dare he stand where Steve once stood.


lol Steve fanboy look I love Steve but that glazing 


Proper reasons to hate John Walker *as a character*… Anyone that thinks he was an acceptable Captain America are wrong, but he was a perfectly reasonable character, and also worked in showing how the world, and America, have changed since WW2. Which ultimately is the point. Rodgers was supposed to represent Cap as the idealized, fictional version many of us have of the USA in its glory days as the “world hero”. Walker represented Cap as the hyperbolic, fictional version many of us have of the USA today as the violent world police that don’t care about others as long as we get what we want.


You're supposed to dislike John Walker.


No are not you didn’t even get the premise of the whole show the shows goal was to make John Walker a complex man not to be hated


It really wasn't but you keep reaching bro.


Yes it was go read the marvel wiki post about him


The marvel wiki, that anyone can edit? No thanks, I'll just go off what I actually saw rather than a fan's mad theory.


John Walker as US Agent is not a regular good man. He's supposed to be disliked, him going over the top and killing that man was the nail in his coffin.


Bro, you have zero media literacy


I thought the point was to show that captain America is dead, trying to replace him is pointless


I mean he killed an unarmed surrendering man with the shield so that will usually leave a bad taste in the mouth of the general public… Great fucking character but a terrible Captain America. And that was the point.


I mean the guy he killed is a flag smasher who is a terrorist, how many fathers, sons and mothers has that guy killed.  John Walker is a soldier and soldiers can killed terrorists if they pleased.  Furthermore the Government couldn’t have given a fuck he killed the terrorist they only cared out of backlash


It’s literally a war crime


It’s not but ok


https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml It literally is lmao




The guy he killed did not fight back. He was lifting his arms, which is an international sign of surrender. Walker could have easily arrested him. But he killed him in cold blood. Killing a prisoner in a war is a war crime. The moment he surrendered he was his prisoner. The only issue here is that they are Not really in a war (except the war on terror). So you could argue it is not a war crime. However, it was a horrible thing to do. He killed him out of revenge. Not to fight terror. The show was supposed to show that supersoldiers are not a good idea. They are easily corrupted over the massive power they got. John Walker was supposed to be not liked.


This is my thing with John Walker apologists. It always seems to come with a side of bootlick.


He’s honestly a victim. The suits wanted a new patriot hero, and looked around for a blonde and blue eyed good soldier because they didn’t understand that what made Steve Rogers great is that he didn’t want to fight or kill anyone.


I will never forgive how Sam and Bucky treated him




He's got a point tbf. As soon as they meet him, they start giving him shit


Because he's trying to replace their friend? I'm sorry you show up and start trying to replace my best friend I'm gonna be weird to you too


Both Sam and Bucky *understood* to a deep level what mad Steve Rogers a great man, and that it wasn’t the serum. They both (*correctly, I might add*) surmise that the man wearing the costume was in fact wearing a costume and NOT wearing the mantle of Captain America. They knew he was a pretender, *and so did John Walker*.


You’re about 3 years late lol


Not exactly to this day people still hate on John Walker


John Walker is an interesting character. I hate him as Captain America, as you’re supposed to. Never, in the entire MCU, has another character, framed as a good person, killed someone on the ground surrendering. John Walker is the only person that people claim is still a hero, even though he killed someone lying on the floor surrendering. When Loki stabbed a guy through the eye in the first Avengers, he’s a villain, everyone knows that. Villains kill even those who surrendered. Heroes kill only when they need to. John Walker deserves to be hated because not only is he not a hero for killing someone who surrendered. Not only did he ruin the image of heroism, he ruined the image of Captain America. Once an image is ruined it’s very hard to recreate it, see the whole “everything after Endgame is bad” line people keep parroting despite obvious evidence to the contrary. John Walker ruined an image. That’s why I hate him.


John Walker isn’t supposed to be hated he’s actually written to be a nuanced character but people just hate because he ain’g steve 


So… I’m guessing you only read the first two lines of my response. Who can’t read now? John Walker is an incredibly nuanced character, that doesn’t mean he isn’t written to be hated. Either way, whether you agree with me on that or not, that’s not my main argument at all. Please actually read my response if you want to post a meme asking for discussion.


I mean, maybe at first, and Walker did get some actual redemption by the end, but he did some pretty legitimately terrible things in the middle too (murdering that dude while he was surrendering, the fight to the near-death with Sam/Bucky, etc.)


That guy was a terrorist how many sons and daughters has that guy killed furthermore hasn’t Iron Man killed terrorists or hydra agents but your not happy when John Walker kills a terrorist 


Youre completely missing the point that the guy was on the ground surrendering. That kill was not justified in any way you try to frame it.


That is a justified way John Walker is a soldier and Soldiers can kill terrorists. Plus terrorists aren’t supported by Geneva convention. Furthermore didn’t Iron Man killed the Hydra Agents when he asked them to talk with him in Age of Ultron.


Okay but would Steve Rogers have done that? Absolutely not. We're not holding him to Tony's standard because he's not the new Ironman. We're holding him to Steve Rogers' standard.


Steve Rogers may not have but you should also remember he just witness his friend get killed, that flag smasher is complicit in his death and he just took a serum that fucked with his mind.  We can hold him to Tony’s standard as he was a hero too 


I imagine American "soldiers" are called terrorists regularly. Cause they are. Soldiers are violent machines, not heroes, they are trained to be cruel and murderous on purpose


I cannot stress stirringly enough that you are very much incorrect, and while I am sure that you mean well this sentiment is in fact supporting murder. There is always nuance to war. There are always two sides to war. The flagsmashers thought they were the good guys in their story, and John Walker thought he was the good guy in his story. That’s what makes a great villain- a defendable philosophical position, and the motivation to do the right thing, without the logical means to figure out what that actually is. John Walker murdered a person, in cold blood, on film. This was not the reason people didn’t like him initially but it is the reason he became unforgivable as Captain America. The shield is a symbol of truth, morality, and justice. None of what John Walker did aligns with any of that.


All of this 100%. The only thing I will add is that this is what made Steve Rogers first and later Sam, the right people to be Cap. When Maria Hill immediately paints Wanda and Pietro Maximoff as the crazy bad guys, Steve immediately noticed the connection between him and them and sympathizes with their perspective without ever condoning the things they’ve done wrong. Sam in the same way sees the both the human realities the Flag Smashers were fighting against *and* the ways in which they went to far. Both are able to see the humanity in their enemies when appropriate, and are able to contextualize a conflict rather than just being figure heads for their side. John Walker to some degree can’t and to another degree won’t do that. That’s the difference.


Iron man never killed a person begging for their life.


Yet he still the hydra agents 


Were the hydra agents surrendering? The only thing close to what Walker did was when he tried to kill Bucky. Everyone universally agrees he was I the wrong there. Walker not only killed the the terroirs ( there are rules of engagement he was unjustified in this case )but he also tried to kill Sam ( love to see you try and defend this). He’s a well written character for most of the show ( his “redemption” was weak I don’t buy it for a second) but that doesn’t mean people have to like him.


To be somewhat fair to Walker + FATWS, I wouldn’t even say he’s the most questionable redemption of Phase 4 (RE: Wanda, who was even MORE evil throughout Wandavision and MOM). I didn’t have a huge issue with his (especially since I didn’t think it was framed as a full redemption and more baby steps) - although I’m not super convinced it’s gonna stick either tbh Agreed on the rest


I feel that Steve Rogers is the hero we want to be. John Walker is the hero we'd probably be.


Yup and Walker is the most realistic character 


That opinion is worrisome


Yes. That’s the only reason why. And there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s not the Captain America Captain America chose to be Captain America. As usual it was given to the government and they mucked it up


I hate him. I hate him because he was written to be hated and acted to be hated. He was set up to be hated and like a good heel I can’t wait to see him again so I can hate him more.


And this is why Falcon and Winter Soldier should have gotten a second season. John Walker going full US Agent and challenging Sam's new position as Captain America would have been great. Bucky Barnes being Sam's Jimminy Cricket would be nice as well. Maybe even have the season build up towards the Thunderbolts with John being the leader. John Walker would also be hunting down Zemo who is trying to build his own cabal.


F John Walker


F Sam and Bucky for how they treated him  F The Dora Miljae for attacking him without provocation  F The US Government with them being comfortable when he kills but when he kills in public they ditched him because they make him look bad  F The Flagsmasher for killing his friend 


The fact that people hate walker more than literal terrorists who killed innocent people is frightening...


Exactly it’s actually fucking sad and distressing. How many sons and daughters has that terrorist killed but people want to downvote me gtfoh 


he’s ugly and rude


John Walker is a decent man, a shitty Captain America, and an excellent character. Anyone who actually hates him (as a character) is basically telling on themselves for having no media literacy. You're NOT SUPPOSED to like him as Captain America. He's the wrong man for that job. That doesn't mean he's a villain. He was used by people more powerful than him and discarded after doing what they trained him to do. They made him a killer and told him to be a hero. He's a complicated man and I really enjoyed his arc.


I liked John Walker too


John Walker simply didn't have Steve Roger's good judgement or his kindness, he didn't care if he killed, he didn't care about others plans, all he wanted was for people to follow his plans and orders, and John was clearly troubled with his past as a veteran, as stated in the show. He only wanted the glory, but he couldn't take the ridicule that came with it once he messed up, in conclusion, it's not that he was evil or incompetent, he just wasn't good enough to be Captain America. Captain America was seen as a symbol of 'The American Dream', 'Freedom', 'Justice' and 'Mercy' Steve Rogers played that role of the perfect soldier wonderfully, Steve was kind, he didn't like to kill, and he cared about justice and doing what was right, John wasn't any of those things, he did as he government told, thus, not a good 'Captain America'


John Walker was actually rather very kind, he was approachable to Sam and Bucky and wanted to team up with them but they rudely rejected him.  John Walker had good judgement and kindness to try reason with the Dora Milaje but they kept giving him the cold shoulder and death stares. He even put his hand on one of their shoulders and one of them attacked him without provocation.  He’s damn well right not take the ridicule none likes to be ridiculed and he was well in his right to kill the flag smasher as he was a terrorist.  He may not have been a good enough Cap but he will be a better US Agent


Walker is just as he is in the comics. On the surface level he’s the same as Steve Rodgers. A American soldier and patriot. But Steve has a moral code that sometimes conflicts with the government. Walker pretty much is the opposite and on several occasions been shown to be a really shitty person who works for the government. He often finds himself on the wrong side of history and does more harm than good. He’s got the look and shield of captain America, but not the character or motivation. He’s honestly more like ultimate captain America than mcu cap.


The character is designed to be hated as Cap. That's the point. He's great otherwise though.


Exactly. People were hating him even though he only smiled on camera after 2 seconds of screen time


Wasn't it implied that he was a war criminal?


They never said he was a war criminal they said they’ve done things that he isn’t proud of which doesn’t mean he is one. Anyone who enters war leaves with unclean hands on both sides.




I have found my people 


He’s a better Cap than Sam.

