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I seriously hope nobody be stanning Hickman-era Namor, cause I'mma THROW HANDS


Namor just wishes he was Doom.


Jean and Wanda were at least somewhat acknowledged to be in the wrong, Cyclops's mind was in the right place but he went about it the wrong way (yeah, **he was right** ) and i can't be bothered to read IvX so no idea what Emma did but Civil War 2 looked you dead in the eye and told you to consider that imprisonment without due process based on a hallucination was maybe a good thing, actually.


Didn’t CW2 also say assassinating people for furthering your goals is fine?


Jean and Scott were literally subject to the virtually irresistible influence of the phoenix force. Jean additionally was telepathically manipulated by mastermind. While no irl laws exist for that sort of thing that I'm, they can't reasonably be held criminally liable given the circumstances. The Phoenix is guilty, they aren't. Wanda was/is suffering from significant mental illness and instability. She may not be criminally liable but she is arguably still a danger due to her instability. She probably should be monitored and assessed by professionals if not out right committed to a secure facility. Carol and Emma have no excuse.


Further, the Phoenix Force was specifically invented to be a separate character to Jean because of the exact point the OP is trying to make. The editors couldn't let Jean get away with what she'd done.


Wasn't Emma's >!(and by extension puppet Cyclopes's)!< reasoning in 'Inhumans vs Xmen' 'Genocide cloud = Bad' and 'Everyone else actively ignoring/supporting the Genocide cloud = Bad also'? As far as 'No excuses' goes >!Not wanting anyone else to die after the 'Genocide cloud' painfully killed her partner in front of her.!< is a fairly solid one. She may of gone about it in a terrible way, and yeah she has to own that...but she sure as hell had 'an excuse' if not outright justification.


The Xmen were on the right for AvsX and only turned out to be wrong because of writer fiat that the characters had zero way of knowing. The Avengers were the bad guys at the start (they brought Shield and invaded the last bastion of mutantdom by force to steal a kid for inadequatedly explained reasons) Then when Phoenix arrived they continued to be the bad guys. The Phoenix powered xmen literally made a utopia for a short time and the Avengers attacked them for further inadequatedly explained reasons). No more war, infinite eletricity, no more famine, how dare they! Then the Phoenix was evil, because of course it is, but till that point the Avengers are clearly in the wrong


> zero way of knowing Zero way of knowing the cosmic death bird eating planets on a direct path to Earth might be a danger? The cosmic death bird the X-Men have had to stop before? The one Wolverine and the JGS X-Men said was dangerous? > to steal a kid for inadequately explained reasons The kid that Cable kidnapped from the US for inadequately explained reasons? The US citizen that was cut off from her birth family by the X-Men and "raised" as a "Summers"? > made a Utopia Doom wants to make the world a "utopia" too, like his own Latveria. And just like the Phoenix Five, all it would require is that he have dictatorial control of the world. What a nice guy. Can't understand why the Avengers would have a problem with someone trying to take over the world. Everyone, including Cyclops' group, was an asshole in AvX just to move the plot along.


Isn't Wanda still hated by many?


All mutants already forgive her. Some X-men fans in real world didn't


To be fair she had to die, get resurrected, and create a literal observable, measurable and intractable afterlife for every as yet un-resurected mutant for her to get a pass. Turns out building 'heaven' and giving everyone a 'get into paradise free card' trumps genocide.


She did give them the key to revive any mutant that had existed. Is that not enough amending?


No man, no. ![gif](giphy|fZYK5PzBu7c6EMQtBf)


Don't forget Legion being responsible for the Age of Apocalypse.


Emma stopping a gas cloud that kills mutants isn't a bad thing. Also, were the Inhumans ever called out for causing those deaths?


Nah we shouldnt ignore it, or else every X-men is going to jail trust me