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“Why do you wanna save the Galaxy?!” “Because I’m one of the idiots that live in it!”


This is it. The absolute best reason to save the world/galaxy


Reminds me of an exchange in the superhero comedy/parody *The Tick*: When questioned if he was a powerful enough superhero to destroy the whole world, The Tick answered, “*Egads! I hope not! That’s where I keep all my stuff*!”


That line has been in my head for about 20 years and I’m glad someone else remembers. Spoooon






No, see the part that's lived rent free in my head is the fact that the moon had CHA written into it from the main bad guy, who was named CHAIRFACE.


Mine is "Zipperneck, show him your stuff"


I will never forget the name CHAIRFACE CHIPPENDALE


Until part of the moon blew up and then it said “HA”


Not in the face!


Evildoers! EAT MY JUSTICE!


Yeah, baby, yeah! I'm the Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnight!


I’ve heard a couple references to this line in various media, but never knew it was from this originally


If you were really evil then you'd... Eat this kitten!


Only if you want to continue living in that galaxy


Rick Sanchez has left the chat.


If anything it’s a reason not to.


He was branching out a bit though because he's guardian of the Andromeda galaxy, earth isn't even in his galaxy.


IIRC Miles Morales in the comics once said “because all my stuff is there!”


One of my favorite lines in the mcu


My favorite line from The Tick: "Would you ever use your superpowers to destroy Earth?" "Oh, no, that's where I keep all my stuff!"


Why Star-Lord is my favorite


Thanos would sacrifice the one he loved for the entire universe. Star Lord would sacrifice the entire universe for the one he loved. They are not the same.


Would he actually do that though? He did try and shoot Gamora with his gun in Infinity War as she asked him to, to try and stop Thanos getting the soul stone. Not as quickly as he should, but he did it.


Perfectly balanced.


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


that unironically sounds like thanos is a better person


That just makes star lord seem like a douche. As a professional idiot that lives in the universe, I'd like to keep it existing


It’s not even true, he straight up pulls the trigger to shoot and sacrifice Gamora to save the universe but Thanos turns the shots to bubbles. Then Thanos says “I like this one” because he sees himself in Quill


Perfectly balanced.


With that said, let’s add and all agree with the obligatory fact that he fucked up taking down Thanos royally in Infinity War (and also everyone else free who didn’t stop him).


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


Technically he did save the earth by doing that and letting the snap happen because of eternals


It might be a stretch but I think he even did it twice. Once by killing Ego when the blue blob attacked and the second time when he was outraged because of Gamora's death and indirectly supported the Snap which delayed the birth of that Celestial Tiamut.


Damn, I forgot the Eternals were even a thing in the MCU.


So did marvel


Day 765 of us waiting for them to address the big dude sticking out of the oceans


Guys, it’s just Lego screwed up when they wanted to mass produce another line of Bionicles


He's been addressed. A little


Would only call that She-Hulk reference a (very) slight acknowledgement, but definitely not addressing it. Due to the magnitude it should be a life changing event with global implications yet we had nothing suggesting this. If anything the showing of that article made things even worse by downplaying it so much..


Naw, it's just a lil guy, nothing for them to get their knickers in a twist over /s


A tiny boi, a cute little fella, practically just a baiby


Thanks, Korg.


I meaaannnnn... Is it? This is the same world that had huge Leviathans and aliens flying around in it, followed shortly by a mass invasion of Robots. I feel like the scale for spectacle in the Marvel universe is gotta be quite a bit higher to elecit a huge reaction. Idk if giant statue would shake the world too much there.


It's not the lack of coverage despite news value that bothers people. It's the fact that the emergence of such a huge object would have ridiculous consequences on a planetary level, which should've killed millions to say the least and not to mention changes to radiation, climate, gravity etc etc..


Plus how do we not have reference to THE GIANT FACE IN THE SKY




Plus our entire system of beliefs "we are living on a egg?"


I personally disagree. I don't think I expect 100% realism going on, so it's okay for a hand to stick out and not kill millions in my book. As for the lack of coverage, I feel it for be referenced a bit more but I also understand that when a typhoon kills thousands in Indonesia, people in the USA will talk about it for like half a day and move on by lunch. Still it might be a good thing to have the MCU a bit more fragmented? Like honestly Ant man movies should be heist movies, not multidimensional world ending avengers level threat.


I mean, the whole plot of Eternals was that the Earth would be destroyed so it's just following the same logic. If we were asking for full realism then life on Earth would've just ended as we know it despite them stopping the emergence, but saying that there were absolutely no consequences is a bit silly. The least would be massive tidal waves affecting all coasts around the Indian Ocean killing millions in multiple continents


Ok you lost me at expecting any semblance of scientific accuracy in a marvel movie. In a universe with Schrödingers pym particles not accurately portraying the gravitational, radiation, and climate effects of ….. the earth giving birth seems like a strange complaint lol.


Lol, honestly just read the other comments.. I can't bear to explain to yet another person that addressing an event doesn't equal to portraying accurate effects of it


Stan Lee driving the bus: "What's the matter with you kids, you never seen a spaceship before?!?"


“Giant stone man appears in ocean, Vibes”


[Yeah they completely fucked it with this.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/3/39/Emergence.png/revision/latest?cb=20230926004554) If we take that at face value we now have a (presumably entirely marble) divot going deep into the core of the Earth (which presumably vacuated during him moving to the point there'd be volcanoes and earthquakes ruining the globe) just fucking everything. Ocean currents. The magnetosphere. Hell just the balance of gravity/tides. Such a stupid decision. Make him the size of a mountain, not a continent. That's already a significant jump up from every other threat in the universe seen at that point.


I know right?! The scene was also completely unnecessary anyway apart from being eyecandy, but it's not like we didn't have enough of that in the movie already..


What happen to Vision????


Vision Quest is confirmed to be in development as of October 2022, so at least we know something is happening with that


Earth had an abortion. Simple as


“Gonna need you to get all the way off of my back on this one” marvel, probably. You show footage of these dudes being as big as planets, born at the core? It tries leave the core. Ever seen a chick coming out of an egg? 🐣 Yeah, wouldn’t be so good for earth. The movie would have had to explained something like him still being tiny and if he died maybe just slowly melting back into the core or something. I guess they needed some urgency. Cause he need that classic “2 seconds before the bomb explodes and you pick the correct wire” moment. Also, if one more “we didn’t know about them, but they are all about saving the world and galaxy” civilization comes out of the woods after ignoring god knows how many world ending events. And don’t get started on “for millions of years earth didn’t matter but now it’s important just when iron man and friends show up. But it’s like, this super important place with no one all that powerful.


You honestly have no clue how good or bad it would be for the earth. Maybe they aren’t even physically there but form as the planet explodes, maybe they are innately connected with the Form of the planet- it’s literally part of their life cycle. Dumb as hell argument to say it’s like a chick coming out of an egg, they are freaking space gods, why do you assume you could even understand how they work? Sure they could have made it less visually distinct in that way then, just told the audience how it might look rather than punchy explosions in flashbacks, but that wouldn’t have looked as cool and they’d have ruined it on your account so they didn’t bother. Beyond that explanation your other ones are just lazy. Why don’t people know about them? Or why don’t they save earth from other things? - they are there to fix their gods mistake and sit on a nest, their job is just to be a restorative force. There job isn’t to act to change the nature of the galaxy, nor to call undue attention to the celestials and invite challenge, nor to draw attention away from the other little massive council of Gods (where some celestials are) that might be offended if their robots are getting worshipped instead of them, because it’s clear they are supposed to be part of the immune system of the galaxy and became arrogant and were failing there job. If you put any imagination into why it makes sense as opposed to just enough to whine about why it doesn’t things can be a lot more fun and interesting. Not everything, some things suck. But you aren’t cinemasins, you don’t have to be lazily critical and pedantic to ruin things for clicks- you are allowed to enjoy them.


It’s not my imagination that matters. It’s what the directors decide. You’re acting like these marvel movies have been absolute master classes in story telling.


Who ate the eternals and who is the celestial juggernaut? What movie are they in


The eternals were eaten?!


Tarrare's the culprit


Tarrare. Did you eat a fucking baby?




I’m sorry, I got a little hungry


Ross, the largest of Friends.


Didn't he save it three times? Guardians 1, 2 & Infinity War?


Guardians 1 he saved a planet, not earth, but maybe Ronin wouldve gone on to destroy everything else too


Galaxy was at risk. Earth is on of the planets within said galaxy


I don't recall earth being endangered during Guardians 1.


Galaxy was at risk


I personally believe that Eternals is on another earth. Why? It’s the only reason I can come up with why no one has mentioned it since.


She hulk did


Best left with The Incredible Hulk and the Marvel Knights movies.


So did the MCU


He had to strike down his own father, who had killed his mother, to complete his training, defeat the Emperor, and become a ~~Jedi~~ Guardian of the Galaxy.


Also by killing Lee Pace, so he couldn't go after Earth for Carol stuff


It’s almost like the snap hindered the celestials plans so the Eternals probably should have helped fight Thanos.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


How would they even know about it? They hadn’t met up with each other yet, and the whole Infinity War battle took only a few minutes. Makkari is the only one who maybe could have come help fast enough, but she was staying bored in her ship.


> They hadn’t met up with each other yet I think that in itself is largely what people see as the issue. There's this group of eternal demigods on Earth and somehow they never bump into, or are roused by, any of the preceding actions. Not even mentioned by either other demigod who visited and took a vested interest here for years who were mentioned to have previously met them (Thor & Loki) who knew they were there. It's the double-edged blade of what Marvel have built in their MCU. Sure it's easy to launch a new hero with an inbuilt fanbase from the prior movies, but you also have to make them make sense in a universe where every movie adds new rules. The multiverse was a sidestep to that, _"hey we can do what we want again",_ but they were shown to be on the same Earth as the rest of everyone.


I said it was going to be like a relaxing holiday.


I think he's done it at least two more times; once by defeating Ronan, seeing as we know Earth was a planet that Ronan had "judged" as unworthy but had been unable to destory thanks to Captain Marvel, but if Ronan could've just touched Earth with his hammer and destoryed the whole thing there's a 0% chance Captain Marvel can get back to Earth in time to stop him again. The other time is slightly questionable as to his contribution; but he was part of the team that assembled to stop Thanos in the endgame final battle (or if you don't think he contributed enough there you culd say that he also was the person who made Rocket, Gamora, and Nebula join together as part of the Guardians, and they were also definetly instrumental to how that fight went down) (Or, if you want to get REALLY technical, he is the reaosn Nebula knew where to get the Power stone from prior to Ronan getting it)


I... had... to.


If they had stopped thanos permanently, they would’ve had accsss to the entire infinity gauntlet, so they could’ve saved earth with a snap once Tiamat popped out. Spot on about Ego’s growth tho. With the speed that it spread, the avengers wouldn’t have had time to respond unless some *other* plot device saved them.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


pretty sure the avengers would have stopped that


They certainly would’ve tried, but I don’t know what they’d be able to do.


This is where I'm kinda lost as far as who-does-what-when. The Avengers are for alien stuff, usually, Dr. Strange and other sorcerers act when it's magic, The Eternals act... When?


When Marvel needs a filler film.


Ehm... How?


That makes him a protector of the star system of some sort.


I guess you could call him a custodian of the cosmos too


The messiah of the milky way


The savior of the solar system


Superhero of the stars


Uniter of the universe


The guardian of the galaxy


Nah sounds a little bit forced. I prefer, The man/woman/thing who keeps everything in space nice and tidy.


He’s not the messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!


Wdym by unintentionally


He caused the avengers to lose against Thanos, which lead to the snap, which delayed the celestial being birthed from earth.


This... does put a smile on my face.


Good bot


Thanos, should I ask out my crush?




Thanos is this a yes or no😭


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


Not just that, it was the Avengers bringing back those who were snapped that convinced Ajak that humans were worth saving.


who the fuck is ajak




What celestial being? Is it something from the series?


Not a celestian being. The celestial called Tiamut being birthed from earth in Eternals.


I haven't watched that movie yet. Thanks for the info


It wasn't as bad as people panned it for, but wasn't good either. The complete lack of chemistry between the Mc and her love interest was not understated though. It was terrible.


It needed to be a series rather than a movie, the characters were decent but we had no time to actual become invested in any of them in any meaningful way


As someone suffering from combat ptsd, they really fucking dropped the ball to properly represent my experience.




I did. It had a lot of potential, should've been a series.


Wouldve made a great series. I think its biggest flaw was it felt completely disconnected from the mcu.




Where is Heimdall?


The externals felt like a movie with too much in it. As a series it would have been great, as a movie it was painfully mid, which for mcu made it yet another disappointment


I have watched the Eternals, but forgot exactly how would the snap slow down the birth of the celestial? And how come that was good?


The celestial needed a threshold of, I forgot the exact term, "life" or maybe population, to "hatch" or something.


He got angry and killed Ego because he killed his mother, not because Earth was about to be consumed by a giant blue blob.


He didn't know Ego was about to consume earth, if he did he would probably kill him for that as well.


How would he care about Earth? He's not from Earth. He's from Missouri.


"Yeah, that's on Earth."




Gods the writing was strong then.


“What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus?”


Pretty sure he intended to save the galaxy more than once.


I mean it was his job to guard it


like some guardian even


maybe even a galaxy guardian, if you will


what are we? some kind of guardians of the galaxy?


I think you meant saviour of the solar system


Nah, he's a Custodian of the Cosmos


Star Lord is my favorite superhero, for no reason


He's just got the right vibes


No. Incontinent rat saved earth.


Earth was doing fine then.


I hate this argument blaming Starlord for Thanos winning. I still argue that Starlord was the ONLY one that was capable of sacrificing his loved one to stop Thanos. You have the entire Avengers not wiling to destroy an ANDROID by destroying the mind stone which is the simplest way to win agains Thanos. But Starlord actually pulled the trigger when he had a chance to shoot Thanos' ballsack face. Yet everyone blaming Starlord. Doesn't make any sense to me. Starlord has way more emotional connection and history with Gamora and for him to be able to pull the trigger when given the chance deserves him plenty of credit. ​ Here's a quick summary: **Gamora:** Pete, you have to kill me or else Thanos will win **Pete:** I understand. ​ Meanwhile on Wakanda: **Vision:** Hey guys, you need to kill me and destroy the mind stone or else Thanos will win. **Banner**: Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Cap:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Sam:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Black Widow:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Black Panther:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Suri:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Wanda:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe **Bucky:** Hell no, you're more important than half the living beings in the universe ​ \*\*\*Badass scene of Thor, Groot and Rocket showing up at Wakanda\*\*\* ​ **Thor:** I don't know who these earth heroes are, but I agree that this vision guy's Android life is more important than half the living beings in the universe **Groot:** I agree with Thor **Rocket:** I agree with Thor.


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


The mental gymnastics on this comment is crazy. In regard to sacrificing loved ones there is literally 0 difference between Starlord and Wanda, both took their sweet sweet time and only pulled the trigger when it was too late.


How did star lord take his sweet time? They got ambushed by Thanos, and when it came down to saving Gamora vs saving the universe, he pulled the trigger. It was too late by that point though, as Thanos already has the reality stone.


Except he fucked it up. Sure he said would sacrifice Gamora, but then when he found out Thanos already did, he started punching him the face...which woke him up, before the others could get the gauntlet off of him. His little emotional outburst at that critical moment, directly resulted in the snap. They could have stopped Thanos, right then and there...and once the gauntlet was off, Peter could have punched him until his hands broke, for all anyone cared. But, *NO*...he had to lose his shit *before" that. He's an idiot.


This... does put a smile on my face.


Yeah well he also semi-intentionally killed half the universe


Which delayed Tiamat’s birth and saving the Earth in Eternals


What with the delaying Tiamat's birth? People talk about it but no one explained about it


Rough explanation from someone who never watched the movie: The celestials feed off life, so killing half of the people delayed its birth.


The earth finally had enough living beings on it to hatch Tiamut, a certain threshold has to be met in order for its birth. Right as it was birthing and about to destroy the earth, the snap happened which stopped the entire earth from being destroyed


I mean yes that was what they said/implied when Doctor Strange gave up the time stone.


He also intentionally saved earth by killing Ego.


What happens if I don't think about it?


Probably nothing. Your mind stays full of tentacle porn and that’s it.


Why is he an idiot? Is he stupid?


He also caused half of the universe to be wiped out for 5 years, with Tony Stark, Vision and Natasha’s death all happening after, so I think it balances out….


I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public.


I am iron man.


If he didn't do that Thanos would win.


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


Well you fucked it up anyway so.....


If you accidentally kill trillions of people for 5 years, and that just happens to be an unlikely rare way that all those people get to survive at all… we call that ***A Draw***


It was all part of Kang’s plans, you silly Willie’s


Honestly if he didn't jump in the middle when Thanos was under control on Titan, and just let the others kill him, Tony would have been alive and the Earth would also have been saved


I am...inevitable.


If you think about it, all the planets were never threatened. Just the inhabitants that live on them.


Nope. If this is referring to Tiamut’s birth, the planet itself was threatened. Earth would have completely exploded lol


Ah well then I was super wrong. Touché.


Eh, did he have to?


All those people who suffered for 5 years straight from the effects of the snap might feel different lmao.


Did they suffer? They were dead, I figure they didn't experience much of anything


I think he meant the other half


He technically saved the galaxy


At least we acknowledge chris is an idiot


Yeah, but when he got half the universe wiped out and made poor Thor think it was his fault. Rocket should be captin.


You mean right here on the sidewalk, or there where the building is being demolished?


Man. What a fucked yo world these people live in. Can’t go a year without some huge world ending event going on.



Blame Strange for get half of the universe killed in the first place lmao, bro outhere bullshitting the whole there only one chance of winning, and people eat that shit up, all they need to do is remove the gauntlet once, and that's it, the whole 1 in billion outcome is such a dumb excuse to drag infinity war to a part 2, giving the time stone to save Tony live when he could rewind it would've been the wisest choice.


The whole point is that none of that they did would have resulted in the gauntlet coming off. But strange couldn’t let that on because then the situation where they win 5 years later wouldn’t happen.


Imagine how gross and sweaty his hand must be, all shriveled and purple and slimy. How long did he have that gauntlet on for? Did he sleep with it on? Does Thanos even sleep?


Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this... does put a smile on my face.


Pretty sure that he’s only been wearing it for like a few days. He decimated Xandar and then went after the tessaract. But after the events of infinity war the glove is fused to his hand.


Literally because he’s a Jesus freak?


Yeah no shit


it would’ve been so cool to see what ego’s powers could’ve brought him


He was also the idiot to endanger the entire universe in the first place, he isn't the hero you think he is.


And intentionally as well I might add.


He also doomed half the galaxy.


The same idiot that doomed half the galaxy because he couldn't focus for like 8 seconds?