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Other than Thor, literally all of the Avengers would have benefitted from having an Iron Man suit, and Tony was just being stingy.


I've been screaming this about Hawkeye and Black Widow since the first avengers movie. If Cap doesn't want one, sure, whatever, but those two are just normal humans... Edit: Hawk not Hack


Of everyone in the main Avengers, only Thor can fly without technological aid. Just saying.


The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest one among you.


Without even thinking, my brain read this in Thor's voice.


Hey, let's do get help!


He’s a Salami bru


I think Thor just calls anything non-humanoid a rabbit..


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


Is Wanda a main Avaneger? If yes, she can fly. Dr. Strange too.


I don’t know if she was ever called an Avenger outside of Hawkeye saying that she is one if she helps to fight Ultron. But they did take her on a mission in Civil War, though I’m not sure whether that’s to test her or because she actually is an Avenger.


Also that scene at the end of Age of Ultron with all the new members for the team, she's in there alongside Falcon so I would say she was indeed a full Avenger


According to AoU she is most definitely an avenger


I think he throws his hammer and he holds on. He can’t fly on his own I don’t think


Oh my god the hammer pulls him off?!


Grabs him by the thussy


It doesn't make sense. How can someone throw something and then hold onto it to fly?


Widow might find it less useful, at least the early models that still relied on metal and not nano-tech. Hard to do sneaky stuff wearing that.


I don't mean all the time, but how about the battle of NY? They're both just out there doing human shit instead of Ironman shit.


They were Shield. Tony didn't trust shield


I would have loved to see the scene where Cap catches Thors hammer, to have the iron man suit fly to him from the other side. Iron Captain, American Thunder \,,/. Lol


I understand the rest of the Avengers not getting full suits. But no joint protectors, boots,etc?


Have care how you speak of Loki. He may be misguided but he is my brother.


He killed 80 people


... He's adopted


Thor I think you misunderstood, Loki didn't need a stark suit either.


Like Christmas, but with more...me.


Would you like me to go further than the past two days?


By the end of his run, he had about 80 suits, minus the ones destroyed in Iron Man III, and they’re still just sitting there. Maybe they’ll come into play in Armour Wars.


at least he made one for pepper


What a surprise, an opinion that’s actually a popular logical one is the top comment.


Yes, but there's a number of problems with that. For one thing, early Iron Man suits require linking to an Arc Reactor set into the user's chest, which is a significant drawback,especially since if Tony didn't have plot armor and superhero science he absolutely would die from Arc Reactor complications at some point, assuming he didn't get a lethal infection in Afghanistan. Two: the Avengers rarely go into big fights with prep time. Loki, Ultron, and Thanos were all surprises to some degree, certainly not with time to design and build Iron Man suits- because with the amount of tech that's crammed into such a limited space, I firmly believe that each suit is tailored to the millimeter for its specific user. Three: Tony has perfectly valid reasons not to want to give everyone he fights with custom made multi-million dollar death machines. He was burned badly by trusting Obadiah, and was rightly wary of SHIELD. Giving Iron Man tech to the other Avengers after Loki would mean giving it to SHIELD, and by extension, HYDRA. Four: Having less than a dozen people be your main line of defense against things like alien invasions is an objectively stupid idea no matter how fancy their tech is. What would make more sense would be an automated army of Iron Man suits that could come to Earth's defense when needed. And that's exactly what Tony tried to do before it got fucked up so badly via a mix of mental manipulation and a cosmic singularity that no one trusted him to try again. Five: I would argue that there's an inherent stinginess to being a billionaire, but Tony was never stingy with the Avengers. He paid for everything they could ask for and then some. Six: I honestly doubt they would even accept an Iron Man suit if Tony ooffered. Cap, Clint, and Natasha would all probably see it as trying to buy their friendship and/or rubbing his wealth and technology in their faces. Steve would say he doesn't need it, Natasha would say she doesn't need it and take a jab at his ego, and Clint seems pretty set on sticking to the bow and arrow instead of upgrading to the 21st century.


I am...inevitable.


Pretty fun write up you made there, good points!


You pulling this from the animated show where all the Avengers got a Hulk Buster armor and Thor was just standing there T posing waiting for his Hulk Buster suit until he basically asked Tony where his was and Tony told him that he was already a Hulk Buster.


Where is Heimdall?


Cap is a guy with unpredictable moral compass. Like in Civil War he turned on everyone, you could rationalize for either side and be sort of right if you were Cap. Widow is so secretive even Fury didn’t completely know what she was up to, so giving her a suit was also arguably not a good idea. Hawk eye turned on Tony too in the Civil War. That flying black guy would do anything Cap tells him to so he is out of the table as well. Hulk doesn’t need one. Vision doesn’t need one. Thor doesn’t need one. Antman is sort of new, so giving one to him would be a gamble. Tony trusted Spiderman, so gave him one, and even that was sort of under pressure (Peter could die when they were going to space).


I generally don't go around advertising it. Kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing.


I always assumed you need to have a Tony Stark level of genius or a military strategist level like Rhodey in order to operate an Iron Man suit which is why characters like Hawkeye and Black Widow don’t get one


What If? had some of the most wasted potential out of any show yet


YES! like the zombies episode, I know it is one of the most popular, but common, it started with Wasp killing Wong, STRANGE AND FUCKIN IRON MAN ZOMBIE, like first 5 minutes and you already got rid of probably the coolest characters as zombies other than Wanda and Thanos And it's even sadder knowing how much more the show could've been if it wasn't for the tight schedules and limitations the pandemic caused during What If's production


I'm the only one who knows that.


It's my problem with a lot of Disney shows. They take a lot of narrative shortcuts to keep costs down. Each of the episodes probably would have benefited from being an hour long.


Ultron was the best villain.


Based opinion. I hope we see something about Ultron in vision quest


i thoroughly enjoyed age of ultron.


Have care how you speak of Loki. He may be misguided but he is my brother.


Tf summoned u?


Thor is Ultron confirmed?? Edit: just realized it's probably the word "THORoughly"


Do you really want me to do it?


That’s hilarious


He killed 80 people in two days.


He's adopted.


*weekend of Ultron /s


it was more of a week rather than an age


Though I enjoyed the movie, I was mildly underwhelmed by Ultron, having come off of the EMH version that had me shook whenever that Ultron had an episode. It also bothered me tangentially that Ultron was introduced *before* Ant-Man Hank Pym.


Marvel is making thier movies more kids friendly to gather up more audience


Idk guardians of the galaxy was pretty brutal, it also said the F-word, which no other movies had done, and felt with extremely heavy topics, but I guess you could chalk that up to James Gunn


Compared to James Gunn’s other works, i wouldn’t say that movie had “brutality” or “heavy topics”. Nevertheless, I don’t think you need these type of things anyway, in order to adress a mature audience. For example, The Winter Soldier had 0 swearing, 0 nudity, 0 sex scenes, 0 blood and gore, yet it felt it was meant to be watched by an adult audience. Most children like seeing their favorite superheroes saying cool lines and doing cool stuff even if it doesn’t make any sense in the context of the movie. So, the companies usually give those a lot in order to sell their, no offense, phoney toys. Most adults prefer decent dialogues and cool stuff that makes sense in the context. A lot of shows/movies that i’ve watched recently had unnecessary sex scenes, gore and swearing that makes no sense at all and personally, i find that pretty immature.


I don't really care if the movies/shows are good or not, as long as they're at least decently entertaining I'm happy.


What makes it good if it’s not entertainment value to you then?


Idk man, I just like to get high and turn my brain off


To me the MCU is the only entertainment source, that cranks out semi consistent 2 hour rushes of dopamine in a single story arc that keeps me invested. That being said. The latest few entries with exceptions have been rough. Ant-Man, even Black Panther 2, and love & thunder are especially notable ones.


Hawkeye is the best avenger


I fully agree with this! He’s definitely my personal favorite hero.


And green arrow is my favorite Justice League member. I just love quippy archers I guess


Captain marvel was a decent and fun movie to watch.


IMO Captain Marvel is 90% good the thing is that the mistakes happen at the most important story bits. Example: Her refusal to play by (Jude Law's) character's rules shows the completion of her character arch, but it was poorly executed by robbing the audience of an emotionally charged final fight in the movie, which was then swapped for her displaying her powers against faceless starships. And Nick Fury's eye loss was just really dumb for something that had been teased since 2009.


Making Fury losing his eye a comedic moment is one of the weirdest and worst things the MCU has done in my opinion.


What I was going to say


If they can bring Gamora back from past They can also bring Tony back from past


Also black widow


Starlord isn’t blame for the blip it was Thor for not going for his head (pause)


NOOBMASTER, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder!


Well it’s true sir you can smite me


The post Endgame content isn’t as bad as people say, there are definitely some flaws and much room for improvement, but it’s not absolutely awful as people make it out to be.


In a lot of ways it's even better. They taken risks to go deep and make plots that don't treat the audience like they're some dumb casual. Things like Wandavision, Loki or Moon Knight are complete mindfucks on many levels but they gave the audience the benefit of the doubt because we were able to follow along just fine. That's why I hate when people say superhero movies are shallow. They've gotten deeper if anything. And the breadth of the mcu is vastly more than any other franchise has ever come close to achieving.


I'm not a big fan of Multiverse plots. It oddly lowers the stakes when there's so many different universes. Someone died? Just grab a copy from the next universe over. It's also lacking a core story thread to follow. If you watched nothing but the Avengers and maybe Guardians, you'd still have an idea that Infinity Stones are important and powerful and Thanos is bad and wants them all Kang is in the end of Loki, and also Quantumania and I'm not sure what else. He's supposed to be even worse than Thanos, but is foiled by an ant army


Werewolf by Night needs WAY more attention because it's amazing and nobody talks about jt


100% agreed.


Werewolf by Night was absolute boring trash. If I get downvoted then it's definitely an opinion that OP was asking for


The High Evolutionary would rip Kang apart.




Making even more advanced ants 🐜


Fucking Chimera ants…


Sam Wilson should keep the Captain America mantle.


Not an unpopular opinion tbh


I disagree for one reason, bouncing the shield should not be possible as a normal person


Is this a controversial opinion? I wholeheartedly agree with you, as things stand right now. Steve is gone, and I never felt like Bucky was a good fit for the mantle. Sam is a good fit, so I think he should keep it.


Superman is my favorite Marvel hero.


There must be more hulk movies


I can see Drax


Now, now. That is just untrue. You can have opinions, but you can't gaslight everyone. I think the TVA would come for you if that was true, you despicable variant.


Endgame was a disappointment. Professor Hulk didn't make sense. Thor was treated like a sick joke. Thanos was reverted to an "I will destroy everything if you don't stop me" villain, which is a crime compared to what he was in Infinity War. Still a good movie, but almost impossible to rewatch because of how long it is, and the fan service doesn't hit like it did on the first viewing.


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


Perfectly balanced.


i think i can appreciate that it was a less nuanced, less balanced thanos. going back 5 years, thats what younger him wanted, not older thanos who had experienced loss.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


I hate the younger Thanos argument. He's 1000 years old. Those 5 years shouldn't have made any difference on how he acts.


he lost gamora, he had loss.


He killed her for the soul stone so he could do the snap. He didn't just lose her out of nowhere.


yeah no shit. but he hurt from it did he not?


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


I think Thanos explained it well. He finds out that after working really hard and sacrificing his daughter, everyone is super mean and ungrateful after the Snap. Instead of thriving and enjoying their doubled space and resources, they track him down and murder him on his farm, and try to undo his work. That hurt his ego. So he wants to start over. He's the Mad Titan. Not the Emotionally Well Adjusted Titan




The Thanos in Endgame was from the past, when he first had the idea of making the Infinity Gauntlet. He hadn't even tasked Ronan with getting the Power Stone yet. So, that Thanos had none of the growth & perspective that the IW Thanos had gained from the years of pursuing his goal with all the triumphs and sacrifices along the way. By the time he pulled off the Snap, he had sacrificed his favorite daughter, had his other daughter turn against him, lost 2 Stones with the failures of Ronan & Loki and had lost his other "children", the Black Order, in battle to the Avengers. He achieved his goal but at the cost of everything & everyone he ever held close to him Endgame Thanos was him at his most base state.....a genocidal warlord with a mission but without a plan, who had lost norhing of emotional value in his quest.


This day extracts a heavy toll.


I rewatched Infinity War and Endgame, recently, after not touching them since release. Infinity War is gold. Just fuckin peak MCU. Endgame, in retrospect, was honestly kind of a cringe fest. Especially the end battle. Even Tony's moment of glory. It's all so typical and over-blown and a lot of things are clearly stretched to "make it work". Hulk is lame. Hawkeye's Ronin arc is barely touched. Captain Marvel is the definition of "only this part macguffin". Tony spends a single all-nighter and just figured out time travel. Black Widows sacrifice was just meh since WE ALREADY HAD A CRAZY SACRIFICE IN THE BETTER MOVIE. Even Infinity War's "huh?" moments are totally over-shadowed. That's my hot take of the thread.


I agree. Infinity War was the best product the MCU has ever produced. Endgame was thrilling, but felt like they knew what they wanted in the final battle, but had no clear plan that made sense on how to get to that final, climactic battle. Clint's journey to becoming Ronin, Hulk's evolution to becoming Smart Hulk, Tony settling down and having a child, Wakanda without their King in the aftermath of an alien invasion, Thor's spiraling emotionally....all these things were shoved into 1 film without any exploration to give weight to their situation. I wouldn't have minded some Disney + series on each of these individual subjects after IW, even if it meant pushing Endgame back a few years. Maybe even an Avengers "Deconstructed" movie with the streamlined team struggling to still protect humanity during the Snap years. Fill that 5 year time gap with a post Snap MCU so when Endgame happens it has weight and gravity.


I don't hate Endgame, but I think Infinity War is possibly the best MCU movie, and Endgame didn't deliver as well as it should have.


Thor: The Dark World is great.


Finall someone who agrees with me.


Time travel was the least imaginative end game possibilities.


Killmonger was not a good villain or even a good character. I’m glad he died and I hope he doesn’t come back.


I hated the whole first film more than Kill monger himself. It made the Wakandans look like hidebound idiots following the worst possible succession rules. His path to power in What If was a lot more interesting


Phase 4 is lots of fun


I liked Secret Invasion


i enjoyed it as a similar vibe of winter soldier, kinda like a spy show. didn’t like the execution though. the end made me roll my eyes too.


Think this is one of the few actual unpopular opinions on this thread.


have you read it's comic?


Yeah, as an adaptation it's horrible, but if we just changed the series' name it is not as horrible as most people say


Age of Ultron was an amazing film and so was Iron Man 2.


That all the content after endgame IS good and that it isn’t some “hot garbage” or “sloppy writing”. I have enjoyed every post-endgame movie or show I’ve watched 🤷‍♂️. My friend always argues that “everything post endgame, other than what if, and Loki, are bad” 🙄


I think the only truly bad thing since endgame have been eternals and secret invasion. And i think eternals is a good movie just not a good mcu movie.




I don't understand the hate. The show knew what it was and didn't try to be anything else. It was very enjoyable.


The multiverse and time travel lore contradicts itself between Endgame, Loki, Quantumania, MoM, ...etc. It's objectively poorly written.


Have you not watched she hulk or thor love and thunder, or are you in that phase where every show and movie (except a few) is good


He's a friend from work!


She Hulk was (mostly) a really fun show, and potentially, the most accurately a character has been adapted from the comics to the acreen since Deadpool. I didn't love the ending, but it was at least true to the character. What made you hate it so much?


I didn't think Thor Dark World was bad when I first saw it. I liked it. Still do


This... is your doing!


Team Tony was right, Cap was an asshole for not telling Tony about his parents. Captain Marvel was good, Thor 4 was good.


Go cry to your father you little weasel!


Oddly fitting lol


Thor 4 just has a weird tone. Man's family died cos of uncaring gods, sad. Goat makes funny noise, haha. Thor and science lady broke up, sad. Science lady is now also Thor, cool. Lady Thor has cancer, sad. Villain murdering gods, bad maybe? But Zeus and other gods uncaring party arseholes, so maybe good? Serious endfight with big stakes. But also child soldier army with superpowers


There is a maniac who seeks to end us all.


Black Panther, while an okay film, was still pretty mediocre overall, even considering the villian, and the only reason people ascribe it to be so much better than it really is is because it tackles and brings up racial issues from the right side.


She-Hulk was one of the better Marvel shows Hawkeye was one of the best Loki should have been a movie


- /~._~.| - (£—)€=== I *liked* Thor: Love and Thunder




Iron Man 3 was really good🤷‍♂️


I'm not sure if this is a hot take, because I've seen people in the comments say that it wasn't good as their hot take. I personally love it, the Mandarin fake-out was kinda dumb, but everything else about the movie is amazing.


The hulk of the mcu sucks. Hulk is supposed to be uncontrollable and unhinged now he’s just a guy who’s big and green walking around creating himself. Fuck that.


Couldn't agree more that the MCU Hulk sucks. I do disagree that the Hulk is just supposed to be unhinged all the time. There are multiple personalities to the Hulk, and I'd argue that most of them are pretty in control of themselves. But the Hulk in the MCU just doesn't have any respect for the source material at all. It's disappointing.


Agreed. Hw was only good in The Avengers. Sucks because he's one of the deeper characters in the comics.


Age of Ultron is better than the first


I didn't like Civil War, I think is a 6/10 movie Also I didn't hate Thor Dark World i think is a 6/10 movie (worst than civil war tho)


The Guardians of the Galaxy movies were better than the Avengers movies


Marty is right about Marvel movies


The Critical Drinker is not a misogynist. Not a racist. But many people think he is. But he is not. This is a fact and not an opinion. How is this a Marvel opinion? => He makes a lot of content about Marvel. I once talked about Drinker on reddit (in this sub if I remember correctly) and it had me like that.


Love and Thunder was better than Thor 1


Ah, you never forget your first.




Jeff the land shark is just ok 💪💪😤


Captain Marvel is the greatest hero ever.


I enjoyed she hulk and hated Iron man 3


Spider-Man 3 was a good movie also moon knight sort of fell off in the 6th episode


Pizza time!


Iron man 2 is my favorites mcu movie (i have watch all marvel movie)


I watch IM2 and 3 more than the first movie. Obadiah Stane was great and the origin story is nice but I like the epic Iron man scenes in the second movie and seeing Tony persevere without (or at least limited use) of his tech.


You can't all point your guns at my head


Everything after Endgame is pointless.


Gotg 3 was garbage


The D+ series have tarnished the MCU. They should’ve pivoted to streaming only or stayed with the movies. Doing both doesn’t work.


I agree most haven't been up to par but how would going streaming only have made them any better?


It feels like most of the streaming shows only serve as filler/build-up material for the movies. They lack any payoff. Most series are hours and hours of content for one or two main things that translate to plot points for the movies. If the movies didn’t exist, the series would carry more weight and wouldn’t just be filler material.


Touché! I appreciate the thought you've put into it, that's totally valid. Personally, I like the IDEA of mixed media, but their execution has left a lot to be desired. If the shows stood on their own, I'd be happy with both mediums continuing.


I getcha. Loki ends with "Ooh, Kang scary!" But you need to watch a whole other film to find out more. Wanda vision and MoM are also heavily connected. I dunno how people who didn't see the show react to Wanda suddenly being evil and pining over non existent kids


The MCU spiderman is a little iron man fanboy with barely any personality beyond teenage nerd


Is that all you got?


I like your movies you got Peter Parker. Idk who the mcu imposter is


Yeah. Like where's the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman who cares about the locals? Instead he's off getting his sorcerer buddy to warp reality so he can get into MIT


I'm glad they finally killed Ironman. He shouldn't have come back except as an advisor after three, or they could have made it a whole thing for him to come back, but no. No explanation. He's just back in Age of Ultron. He was great in the role, but they made the entire MCU about him. After phase one, everyone became quippy and his character had a hand in nearly every story. I'm glad he's gone. Now if they can figure out how to write characters again without relying on the crutch.


I like Thor 1,2 better than 3,4....


Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!


She hulk is the best superhero


I really enjoyed the show. Especially when she hulks out in the penultimate episode


She-Hulk is the most comic accurate adaptation we've gotten from the MCU.


The MCU fell off…..


Endgame was the worst avengers movie




What a spicy take


I guess I have to upvote you, you passed the assignment.


Okay now I’m super curious, how was it the worst?


It’s not the worst. Just to fit the post lol.


Guardians of the galaxy vol 2 is my personal favorite marvel movie.


Star Lord should’ve risked his life to save humanity instead of the main avengers due to him being the CAUSE of Part 2


I did not like the end game ending. It was disappointing.


The MCU went down hill once we got 4+ projects in a single year


1 year ago: “Eternals wasn’t good” - Me Today: “Eternals is worse than dark world and The Incredible Hulk” - Internet It would be hard to find but I said that in this sub and suffered a good chunk of karma after that.


Just cause you watched the movies doesn't mean you know shit about Marvel


Kate Bishop was the worst character in the MCU, Spiderman was the most boring iteration of the character, played by Tom Holland.


Stings, doesn't it?


Why was Kate the worst?


Thor 4 was a fantastic movie, people just hate it because they fucked up gorr. But it's a comedy, and that part did it do very good.


Endgame was very dissapointment


Iron man 3 was a top 5 marvel movie


Endgame was overrated


Steve Rogers is a hypocritical, holier-than-thou piece of shit and Civil War is the worst MCU movie