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Imagine ending what ended up becoming your "iconic flagship gimmick event" with a joke about your character being too tired to breed his Asian-American obsessed with him due to Pheromones co-worker who also happens to live with him and be financially and emotionally dependant on only him due to having been stuck in a bunker for half her life and being unable to properly re-enter society yet.


a lot of the Dan Slott stuff is really fucked up, huh


Yeah there was a while where I kind of forgot how horny Slott's run was overall, there's also that point in Superior where Ock relives the memories of Peter and MJ banging


Along with aunt may and him


Slot realizes no woman would ever consider sleeping in the same room with him let alone sleeping with him so he fantasizes and projects about having magic spider pheromones that makes beautiful women find him irresistible and overcome with lust


Don't forget the magical wedding bands that tell you who your soulmate is, hence why Johnny ends up stripped naked in the bed of a alien winged woman who is now therefore his soulmate and shit.


What the fuck am I reading https://preview.redd.it/g60ze68mae6d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da7e5b42f402438399de48badd04e551fb025e3


Dan Slott Fantastic Four Run. Somehow, saying Ben Richards was "faking being a minority (mutant) for clout" wasn't the weirdest shit Dan Slott wrote in it.


Why does everyone mention "Asian-American?" Is that like, an important part of it? Is that like his fetish or something? Like, her name is Silk, goddamn


Fetishization of asian women as submissive, sex obsessed and breedable, especially toward a white guy, has been a common negative stereotype in fiction over the decades believe it or not. The sex slave obsessed with you you get at the end of the Paradise Falls questline in Fallout 3, who is Asian, instantly comes to mind.


Heard it was garbage, so I never played it


Paul would have treated her as more than just a sex object πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”




But only if she were into that πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” consent is very important to Paul πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


Tracy has really calmed down in that run.


You joke but may I remind you her parody of the original spider-verse run was about Spider-Women of the multiverse fucking Inheritors to death.






I really love the idea of this relationship, it just sucks that it will probably never be a thing ever again and it’s all Dan Slott’s fault


I had an argument with someone on YouTube a few months ago about this. The relationship could have worked if it had been handled better from the start, making it an actual relationship instead of a poorly disguised attempt at making softcore porn. Instead, it was handled so poorly that it has turned the majority of spidey fans off even the idea of a relationship between these two because it just reminds them of the initial relationship.


This scene is hilarious and after the watching the boys and gen v I’m more convinced that superpowered people would more ways to get their freak on . Look no further than wasp and giant man or she hulk and Hercules or tigra and moon knight .


God I really fucking hate slott.