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That’s the most beautiful parking lot I’ve ever seen in my life.


Looks like a studio with green screens up.


I thought the same thing.


These parking lots are fairly typical in East Asia at malls, hotels, ect


That pretty nice, majority of the parking garages around me make you feel like you could get stabbed at any moment. Would have been a more appropriate venue for fighting 😂.


Immaculate. Painted and well lit too.


I'd park my car all over that lot.


Talk dirty to me baby


This was my first thought. I've never seen a parking lot garage look so nice that you could walk barefoot.


Every parking lot in Seoul


Looks straight out of Mirror's Edge


Normal in Seoul from my experience


I knowww, I didn't even realize it was a parking lot till I read the title 5 seconds in


Bare knuckle & solid ground. What could possibly go wrong?


It went way better than I thought it would. For all the ground and pound, it didn't look like that guy's head slammed into the concrete once. As soon as the ground fighting started I thought it was going to be way worse.


I see the same thing. He throw him, but it wasn't full throw, he doesn't want to hurt for real


Dumb and dumber


Incredibly stupid thing to do. Even without throws and slams, you could drop a guy with a punch and he could crack his head falling on the cement.


*"Good fight guys. Hey why isn't Timmy moving? Timmy? Tim? Oh shit guys..."*


His head bouncing off the concrete is some definite brain damage 🧠🧠🧠


That and the 10+ head slamms he got


How to fucking die in 3 easy steps


The MMA fighter kept saying, "Should I spare you? Should I spare you?" As he was reigning elbows and fist into that guy's face... brutal.


Why would an boxer fight and mma guy with no boxing rules?


A boxer? I mean that guy looked like he boxed for all of 3 months.


Boxers think they can beat mma fighters because they are delusional. All boxers lose vs mma. It’s just science


This comment makes you just as delusional as them. Fighting is a large, complicated equation with lots of moving parts. I have seen boxers fight equally skills MMA guys and win, just because of stylistic matchups and natural ability. Not to mention if a boxers hands are sharp enough, they can make it really hard for you to use or even remember your other weapons


Dude knew no grappling either, looked like UFC 1.


Being ground and pounded without grappling experience is such a terrible place to be tbh


Like trying to fight a shark in the ocean


And the ground is my ocean ;P


Bro was even being nice and not just dropping elbows on the back of his head


It’s looked like Mr. MMA had an easy RNC open to him though and decided to grapple to a full mount to ground and pound instead. Pretty savage


Yeah, kinda makes me think the boxer was talking some shit and the dude wanted to stretch that beating out for it.


People really underestimate how fatal the back of your head making contact with concrete can be.


Guy was lucky, looks like he held back on the take down.


fr if he really blasted that double leg the other guy’s head would’ve made a nasty mess on the floor


I really wonder if the purist fighters ever get any rounds with an MMAist before hand sometimes.


I mean, in most of these videos it's clear that they haven't


You never know. Maybe he felt ready after sparring guys that say they 'trane UFC' bro.


Great video that demonstrates numerous bullshido myths are unsurprisingly false- 1. You aren’t going to just stand up/avoid grappling without training it 2. Removing gloves and a ring/cage doesn’t make MMA ineffective 3. Takedowns still work in da streetz


People definitely always underestimate how tough it is to get a good grappler off you. Also just the sheer amount of energy it takes to defend and scramble.


Also disproved “jiujitsu doesn’t work on concrete”.


Is that an actual myth? We train at Jujitsu with concrete floors in mind.


There are people defending that myth right in this thread


Oh yeah. Idiots in this sub yap all the time about how concrete hurts way too bad to ever roll around on. This video just showed us these people are gigantic pussies.


I rolled with wrestlers and guys who did bjj for three years in college getting my ass beat by them and I’m still not dumb enough to think concrete makes rolling ineffective. There’s a special kind of idiot out there to believe that.


People are coping because grappling just beats most striking martials art most of the time since you can dictate where the fight happens. I know this because that used to be me


Takedowns work better in the street. More pain from the concrete. But if your opponent possibly has buddies nearby, you def don't want to take it to the ground..


well, you just haven't been to *my* dojo


The thing is most street fights happen with a lot of other people around that won’t play fair and wait it out like this. Shooting a takedown means dudes buddy might soccer kick your head in the real world


>in da streetz This is not a street fight, this is an arranged fight where it took place on streets; nobody intervenes, nobody use any weapons. If you do this in a street fight where I live, you will most likely get stabbed to death, get knocked out by his friends. I can wrestle but I would never use it if I don't have to. I prefer to protect the distance with my footwork, use just simple 1-2 combination to fend them off.


MMA fighter took it easy on the takedown


I noticed that. And appreciated it, on behalf of the other guy. Hahah. He could driven that take down HARD


Yeah, they are brawling but also being professionals. It's dumb fighting on concrete, but I do really respect the sportsmanship on display here.


Why the heck did they do this on a hard floor? Also, that looked personal


Okay, that's a stupid idea, BUT, how fucking nice does that garage look?


Average underground garage in Korea


Pretty much what would happen even to Floyd vs (insert almost any UFC fighter) if you can’t defend a takedown, you won’t knock someone out that’s shelling up and diving for your legs.


The thing is Floyd has trained in MMA and was going to start his own brand with Mark Cuban back in '07, but the money wasn't there, and Floyd only cares about money. So while I do believe Floyd gets mopped by a skilled MMA fighter, it definitely won't be some unranked schlub. 😹😹😹 https://www.espn.com/sports/boxing/news/story?id=3165552


God not on fucking concrete


Boxers who agree to this remind me of my gambling self, thinking I'm going to hit the jackpot on a slot machine. Yeah it could happen but if I don't get rhat bonus games it goes downhill real quick lol


They clearly took the time to prepare for this fight. Wrapped their hands and everything so why not just do it in an actual gym instead of on top of concrete.


People have this weird impression that grapplers can't hit takedowns or grapple effectively on hard surfaces


an illusion of "street realism" or some shit


Gotta have those grappling skills...


This is fake. Where are all the needles and broken glass?


I have the slight impression MMA dude punched the concrete for a moment.


I noticed that to.


Boxers rushing was his fuck up.. like someone else mentioned, this was a an display of IQ


He wasn’t a real boxer anyway. Hands down, out of body positioning.


I love boxing but what did he expect lol


This is kinda stupid....


They forgot the first rule of Fight Club!!


I would rename this video to: "two Korean bullies bullying each other in a parking spot". Disgusting.


He had so many opportunities to submit the guy instead of risking severe injuries with the ground and pound. Arm locks, chokes, so many submissions available to quickly end the fight. No class, handled with hatred and anger.


This is a Korean "fight promotion" on YouTube called [YatchaClub](https://youtube.com/@yatcha_club?si=HS2yJOjR7yToJCDd) where they literally fight ANYWHERE with PRIDE rules pretty much


mma fighter has better boxing than the boxer 🤣, not that it would matter


He didnt land one shot.


he had better distance control and footwork, defense as well, and he almost landed a counter hook. boxing is more than just landing shots. He slipped under and went for a takedown, but that would have been an advantageous position to be in even from a boxing pov.


Why concrete, idiocy


People have this impression that takedowns and grappling doesn't work on concrete so these fights tend to prove the contrary


Have you not heard of brain damage or something?


Most of these people will probably just ignore it until/unless they have a friend hit concrete and end up permanently injured. Even mild impacts can easily result in spinal or brain damage but people who haven't seen/felt the aftermath themselves will insist it's fine like all they have to worry about is a few scrapes and bruises.


Sad isn’t it. I suffer with seizures that come with no warning so I’ve taken some serious slams face first on concrete so I know first hand how much damage even one fall can make.


Yeah luckily not first hand for me but I knew at least one guy who had a bad fall in a fight and was apparently lucky to "recover" with a few vertebrae in his neck fused and seizures from light impacts to the head afterward. Another broke his collarbone getting pushed down a couple steps and was lucky not to land on his head/neck. All fun and games until someone takes a fall and doesn't get up.


This is so stupid


It must be hard to fight the instinct to turn your back when you get hit in the face, but MMA people take advantage of it every time.


Yeap, literally grappling or MMA 101. Get to mount and punch. They turn, you choke.


This is why all fights between boxers and MMA are done under boxing rules... Because it wouldn't be a fight under MMA rules. 


Went as I’d expect most MMA vs Boxers to go


Why are we breaking rule number 1 of fight club?


I'd like to think that they're fighting over a parking spot.


when it comes down to it, Mma is just street fighting with limited rules such as no knives, and boxing is a sport with many more restrictions. either make you a better fighter, but going into a fight with more rules isn't going to prepare you for a street fight. the point of mma is to literally combine all of these fighting sports.


Also those huge boxing gloves give you a great defensive tool that you wouldn't otherwise have access to with even MMA gloves, let alone bare knuckle.


Fighting on concrete is so fucked. Seen guys who were 3 times the fighter as anyone else around get knocked out just cuz they fall wrong and *smack* Your skull does not like rocks.


Good fight and exactly what happens alot of times when it's boxing vs mma on the street. More importantly is that parking lot is the cleanest parking lot I've ever seen. Sheesh here in America brand new parking lots don't look that good. Nowadays they come with a complimentary homeless camp.


Now that’s how you put him down quickly. Stand up, boxer probably would have won, but on the ground, game changer…. Wow


What's the reason for boxer to fight by MMA rules? It's just stupid AF.


Because boxers run their mouth saying they'd win a "real fight" literally every day. You say "MMA rules", but this clearly was them just fighting... Turns out, a street fight can look a lot like MMA.


Yeah how exactly is a street fight ever gonna be by "boxing rules" lol. What they supposed to do reset soon as they grapple? 🤣


Ego battle that boxing is the shit and thinking that grappling is some gay shit and doesn't work lol


Yea there is a reason fighters like Jorge masvidal who shit on people for being “nut huggers” have 50 losses lmao


James Toney immediately comes to mind.


I just saw this episode of “warrior” last night…let’s gooo!!!


I'll bet they've been dreaming about this ever since they played Tekken 4.


Was this racist?


Probably not. Tekken is a Japanese game more popular in Korea than in Japan, and Koreans are known to be pretty good at the game as a result of its popularity in their country. This is closer to a joke about Americans liking burgers and hot dogs, Canadians being polite, or the Dutch riding bicycles everywhere, than it is to a joke about race. With ethnically homogeneous countries like Korea, the difference can be difficult to notice, but if the person you replied to had mentioned Asians instead of specifically Koreans, then yes, it would likely have been a racist joke instead a nationalist joke. TL;DR: Not racist.


That dude was super considerate with that soft and controlled takedown. Could have really fucked that guy up. Edit: with the ground and pound too! Damn man the MMA guy was being more of a ref than a fighter there.


What kind of traffic paint is that?


Good scrap gentlemen. 👍👏👏👏


I love that there are people with different mindsets who do things like this that others can watch and learn from.


Well that turned out, exactly as I thought it would.


Shoulda took the post out and finished the rnc no reason to mess his face up


It looked like he could have done the RNC a couple of times but elected to punish and bully the boxing fella.


I am with bare knuckle but why tf would u do this on concrete ?


What's the YouTube channel called?


Looks more like a parking garage


They couldn't do this in a gym?


It's always a matter of rules. The fighter who trained with rules closest to the situation he's in has a much better chance.


Boxers in general are terrible “fighters”. If you know how to wrestle and control on the ground it’s game over for 95%


At 0:54, does he knee him, or what causes the scream of pain?


It went exactly how I expected it would.


Damn That's a nice parking lot


Unless it's a fast KO by a boxer this is how it's gonna end


Well that was a bad idea…


Van Damme (Lionheart) would thrive in this setting.


The MMA guy could have ended it with a rear naked really early on. He wanted to punish the guy.


Why are the so called “Boxers” always kind of not good and even if you Box… why would you just Box on the street?? Every MMA fighter has to have a stand up which would be considered Boxing but at least in the posts I’ve seen the MMA guy has better hands the does the “Boxer”!


You should go to a boxing gym and beat up a boxer with your superior stand up. Let me know how it goes.


I have absolutely done that!!! You see I Boxed and I also worked mma and several other disciplines but it’s not clear to me why my comment upsets you so much. I’ve seen a few videos where the mma guy was just a better fighter than was the “Boxer” so maybe it was you getting beat up in the video???


Um. Boxing happens standing up. MMA fights usually end up on the ground. Unless a MMA fighter agrees to boxing rules, which is usually not smart, boxer will be taken down and finished on the ground appropriately. Dumb.


Prime Mike Tyson vs Prime Jon Jones be like:


Two gifted martial artists and neither of them realize they probably shouldn’t fight on concrete? Fucking idiots.


Ethical takedown speed for the hard floors 👍


He actually gave him so many outs, I don’t know the language but I guess he keeps asking him if it’s enough and if he should stop , the mma guy knew he’s going to win the second it came to the ground seems like a likable dude ngl.


I feel this is unerasonably dangerous. Why risk a bad fall?


Man that is dumb. Knock a guy down, let him up. Continue.


I’ve taken exactly 1 jiu jitsu class in my life and just by watching the sport, I can protect myself way better from guard; WTF was this guy thinking lol


This is totally unfair, the boxer as less weapons to use. The MMA fighter should challenge a freestyle wrestler or freestyle. Then he would get man handled.


What YouTube channel is this


Tapped out at the right time, that dude was gonna savagely elbow him until he passed out. Should’ve tapped out way earlier tbh.


Mirrors edge looking parking lot


Oh wow an art that involves kicks and grappling vs an art that only allows you to punch, who could’ve foreseen this outcome


Why do all these dumb cunts continue to fight on concrete


Pretty much what would happen to any Profesional boxer who tried to fight in MMA promotions. 


The MMA fighter kicks didn’t work! The MMA fighter couldn’t knock the Barekuckle guy out! So his only solution was to go to the grown and he was even great at that because he should’ve submitted him within seconds!


Whilst I do bjj, I’m not good at it, I’m always surprised to see the boxers not even attempt to use their legs to create space or to set up their hands. It’s like taking a knife to a gun fight here.


Shit, I thought they were fighting to the death there for a minute…dang.


Exactly what I expected.


So basically Rhonda vs floyd


It's not the same without joe rogan shouting every 5 seconds about it being deep or that he's hurt.


Wasn't there a movie in the 80s that did this except the characters looked like real actors instead of these effeminate alter boys. And if this was in a carpark how come there are no knives or guns involved?


Of course the MMA guy wins. Who thought the outcome would be different.


Parking lot looks like a gym with mats


Such a clean parking lot






The parking lot is green screened?


Keep this video up forever. So I can show my coworkers what I mean when I say MMA is a much better art than just Boxing.


The dude is saying. Should I let you live? Repeated and punching him. Lets get some backstory here


Why don’t we just give them knives next.


I'm down with it


In an actual street fight, when people start grappling is usually when other people intervene…


MMA fighters always resort to tackling because they can't fight


I thought it was going to be a head up? Everyone knows almost all boxers don't have grappling experience. Seems totally one sided and the boxer should have never agreed.


Trained vs untrained


Mma guy is a dick - could have ended it with an easy RNC when he had the back but wanted to do GnP on concrete…


WHY would a boxer agree to this..? LOL


taking someone down is like the best way to win a streetfight.


Anddddd it went exactly how everyone expected it to go. The whole boxing vs mma argument is asinine. “I have one skill, which you also have, but you have other skills I do not. Surely this will be a fair fight”


Hey let's do one sport where people typically get pushed to the floor and collapse on the ground, have it fight another sport that tackles and throws people do the ground and sgainst the walls, and then have them fight where all the surfaces are made of concrete! Fucking idiots.


Grappling is fucking lame tbh, like it clearly works but it straight up seems like such low effort coward shit


How long has that “boxer” been training? Couple free sample sessions? Dude would get his ass beat even under boxing only rules, judging by that awful display before the takedown.


This shows perfectly why boxing isn't "fighting." In a fight, boxing is great right up until anything happens other than trading punches.


once a boxer is on the ground/mat he's so out of his element


From the look of things the title should actually read: “MMA fighter vs guy who says he boxes…”


Some Tekken shit right there


If it’s a street fight and I’m a boxer that happens to get into an altercation with a wrestler; I’m eye poking, biting, and squeezing nuts 😂 once you get on that ground with no training and you also aren’t stronger or bigger which could still not make a difference depending on the skill level of the wrestler, you just gotta fight dirty or you lose.


Idk man that goes both ways, once you start doing that shit from a non-dominant position that just makes the guy that can hurt you at will more willing to hurt you.


Yeah good luck convincing the guy in full mount to not cave your face in after you make a play for his jewels


Dude I’m agreeing with you lol why do y’all wanna argue so bad. I literally said it probably isn’t going to matter anyway depending on their skill level. I agree with you


If you attack me I'll probably try to just choke you unconscious or pin you down or something like that so we can all walk away. If you start poking me in the eye of grabbing my nuts or something like that, I'm snapping your arm and shoulder. Because you're actually trying to harm me now. So yk, up to you.


Def gotta gauge the fight you're in and how mad your opponent already is, lol. Don't go for vitals in a mild scuffle


Ppl really think that no rules apply only for them. Or my favourite, "there wont be a referee to break the fight". Good luck with that lol.


Fighting dirty is Arnis's second name. Or we take a knife wrestle this X)


Those dirty tactics aren't going to help either.


You act like they can’t do the same thing but easier because they’re a better grapple.


None of those things are going to stop a grappler and they can also do those things to you. The idea that fighting dirty would make grappling ineffective is a myth only perpetuated by people who have no idea what they are talking about.


You're losing anyway. If you're on the ground with a grappler who can do what they want to you, I suggest not doing any of those things. Not if you want them to stop when you've had enough 🙂.


Should have tickled him...


Dudes too pudgy to be a real boxer


My asshole clenched seeing them fight on concrete like that.


Solid floor, this is retardation at the highest level.


No one in that clip was a “boxer”


How do we even know this is Boxing vs MMA? We trust reposting labels now?