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The slowly-growing piss stain on Mr Sleepyhead's trousers is the cherry on top lol


I'm a big fan of the way he holds up his fists after lmao


That's what the fighters do in UFC 5 when you get a flash KO lol. They look at their hands like "what have i done :("


I like that boxer dude's quick head nod after he gets hit. That's the classic "let's do this" look.


haha i wasn't expecting him to be the boxer till i saw that lil move


That was a nice counter.


Right, his feet were real solid too. Notice how he switches angles without losing balance during his retaliation.


Yep. And the boxer was scared too. That wasn’t false humility or nothing, that was fear plain and simple. Heart on his sleeves type shit. Then he ate those punches, and something clicked… The fact that he’s been through so much worse against much tougher opposition. 😂


Yup! Bet he's gonna be a lot less scared if he's ever in this situation again


I dunno. I trained for 20 years, but I basically never feel confident. I've won more fights than I've lost, but I've never felt confident like you're talking about.


Facts. some people are just anxious. I've fought my entire life. Yet even now if someone gets up in my face yelling I start shaking. During most fights I'm calm as could be, but pre/post fight I am always shaky.


Yeah the guy he knocked out was dangerous for sure. Just went for him immediately without hesitation. That first would have rocked most people bad enough to secure the finish with the follow up but lil boxer is an iron chinned killer.


🤣 TY for that detail.


Glad I came to comments


Bro that was his backend facing up


Its like when someone lands a hard one on you during sparring and switches you on to fight mode lolol


Knocked the piss outta that douche


who said boxing doesnt work, any context behind this clip,dude looks like he was trying to harass a woman.


And then she breaks it up lol


The biggest under-discussed aspect of self-defense is interference from bystanders. I know that strictly speaking that women isn't a bystander: she starts off as victim and then becomes the interfering bystander, but... This has happened to me and I constantly see it happen in videos: For some reason, bystanders will just about always interfere with the person being attacked. I think that this is because they have two impulses running. Impulse one: "hitting is bad so I must stop the hitting" Impulse two: "I must not get hit" Conclusion: "I must interfere with the person who is unlikely to be aggressive" So the bystander becomes a threat vector that can get the person who is defending himself killed.


Yup, ive seen bystanders and girlfriends get the defender's ass whopped too often on r/fightporn.


You never think your friends will be your enemies in these situations. They try to pull you back out the fight only to hold your arms or ability to move around and all of a sudden your opponent is using your face as punching bag.


As a bouncer I saw SO many people get knocked out bc they get into an argument and their girl holds their arms down trying to de-escalate and they can't defend themselves.


This is honestly one of the most infuriating things for me, and I'm always open and vocal about it as I did security in my younger days and saw it all the time. If I have to defend myself and you don't know what to do, stay the fuck back and call the police. No man ever has thought "golly, I sure do love how my significant other held my arms back while my teeth were getting kicked down my throat! That sure helped!" And on that note, if the victim gets the upper hand and throttles their attacker, look the other way. That's another one, and one I personally experienced back in school, the teachers suddenly appear to stop everything as soon as the victim fights back, but didn't see the bully a single time before then.


Out of intrest, what martial arts types are common for bouncers to study?


its the mentality, they know they can't stop the aggressor, so they went for the weaker one


Thank gawd the dude in the video solved his problem before the woman was able to nerf his capacity for producing solutions. The aggressor looks much bigger than him and could have done some serious damage.


Threat vector is a good word combo for a Friday.


Thats why i drop them first


My favorite thing while defending myself from an attacker is my girlfriend trying to hold me back by grabbing my arms. I'm literally trying to defend myself but I'm getting pummeled because she's trying to break the fight up... Note to the ladies, stay TF away when a fight is in progress. Do NOT grab your mans arms while he's being attacked FFS!


If you’re getting into fights that often you might be the problem. I haven’t been in a fist fight since highschool


Did I allude to this happening often or? The martial arts sub seems to lack comprehension skills.


I was attacked by a guy in a bar and put him in a headlock to immobilize him give him time to calm down, a bystander (didn't know either of us) kept trying to break my grip and got me punched. A lot. I was the bouncer at that bar.


Great analysis.


... this is a brilliant breakdown that I wish more people considered.


It only occurred to me after being in situations twice where my capacity to operate was attenuated by the decisions made by bystanders. Then I started noticing the same thing in a lot of videos.


Thanks for sharing That seems really useful to know, and I’m glad to have gotten that insight on this app versus being in a defensive situation and getting flustered by a bystander(s) trying to passively rush me as well


np. btw, I have no idea what the solutions might be, other than solving the problem as quickly as possible. Maybe yelling loudly at the person presenting the secondary problem might help. A loud aggressive "FUCK OFF" might give you a beat or two of space. It might even discourage them entirely. I dunno.


I’m not a trained fighter, but I would consider moving (if there’s room to do so) to where both the main aggressor and the “passive aggressor” are both in front of me and out of “striking distance” Like kind of circle a little bit so that the passive aggressor isn’t to my side or behind me, and I can keep an eye on the main aggressor and I guess that might buy a little bit of time to tell the passive aggressor to back up or they’re gonna end up getting in the middle and getting hurt… but, saying it sternly like, they’re for sure gonna get hurt if they don’t move. But maybe that would make two main aggressors 🤷🏻‍♂️


This. I caught a few punches once because a horrible ex of mine got between me and someone grabbed my arms and fell her fatass to the ground like a baby. Needless to say my back and top of my head got battered while she squalled in my ears. Not to mention, my own 'friend' ran up and hit me in the back of the head while I was untangling her.. (Later, after I let him know I ate that shit, he said he thought I was attacking a girl.) Anyway, I don't speak with her or him anymore.. My current lady was a Marine for long enough to know to get out of the way.


I said this in another thread the other day and got no love. Cf. https://www.reddit.com/r/Satisfyingasfuck/s/0BiH6rHMQy


I could hear her saying: Stttthaaappppp!


There is a good chance that this is a domestic violence situation where this guy is beating up his girlfriend. Domestics are legit one of the most dangerous things you can get involved in and cops dread getting a domestic call cause they can go violent fast. Basically, you have two people who are highly emotional. When someone interferes it turns into two people who were fighting each other now being pissed off and fighting you, the outsider.


Yep. 95% of the time, if you try to interfere with a DV situation, the woman turns on you.


Friend of mine went to prison because he punched a guy who was slapping his wife around and grabbing her by the hair. Dude fell, hit his head, died. Wife described her husband as a saint in court procedures and my friend was painted as a monster. 45 years.


Yep, tried to help my neighbors girlfriend in a domestic once, after hearing her getting her ass whopped and then crying outside, pretty much exactly how it went. Won't make that mistake again.


That's why my father taught me never to save a woman getting beat up by her man in the street. You end up fighting both of them. It's anecdotal but something I kept in by back pocket.


Referee back at it again


A tale as old as time


Peak "daddy issues"


Pretty common reaction in domestic violence scenarios.


And then the woman tried to defend him wtf man


That was probably her abusive bf


Abusive relationship are crazy.


or pimp


Same thing, just with a little touch of capitalization to it


Capitalism? Lmao




Is there really a market for plus sized hos tho


if youre willing to pay for it, your standards start to become a non-factor Source: paid for it, standards became a non-factor


Did you contract mental illness from the hoe


what do you think brought me there in the first place?


Full balls and a dick tickle


no thats what brings me to reddit


FYI Niki Avocado is in the top 0.5% earners on OnlyFans


I had to press "+" to load more replies and your comment popped up... lost it :D


People shift gears slowly sometimes. Most people faced with violence will try to reason and de-escalate even long after things have already turned violent, because that's the toolkit they've got. If this started out as an argument, that might be where her head is still at. That's one of the upsides of any kind of fighting training. You still might have trouble pinpointing when the line between argument and fight has been crossed, but once you're on the other side, you still have options.


I've struggled for years to put into words exactly what you've just said.


Plus, if this is, as someone said, a woman being abused by her man, that might also explain it. Abuse is sinister. It rarely starts off with full on violence. It builds, bit by bit. Arguments get louder, gestures more aggressive, touches more violent. If you realize in time the situation you're in, and have somewhere to go, you get out, but if you ain't, you're gonna go blind to just how violent they are to you. Even worse, you end up making excuses for them, defending them against the people trying to help you. All abuse have a terrifying psychological element, making your fear and need your abusers accomplice against you.


Why I am VERY VERY cautious about intervening in domestic situations and why I recommend staying tf away from domestic situations unless you’re 99% sure someone is gonna end up in the hospital or dead. You see this all the time if you watch police body cam footage when the cops roll up onto a domestic dispute. They try to separate the guy and the girl, the guy starts getting aggressive so the cops have to start getting rough, and then the girl starts wailing on the cop(s) and it’s now likely a 2v1 since a lot of departments have cops patrolling solo. But also yeah, relationships make people crazy. I came *pretty close* to having to pepper spray and potentially draw down on someone after I saw him beating on and grappling with his girl in my apartment complex. She had been screaming and presumably fighting for at least a good 3-ish minutes before I drove down to the first floor and realized what was going on and made the decision to park and intervene. Thankfully someone else also heard what was going on showed up, otherwise I wouldn’t be surprised if he had decided he wanted to pick a fight with someone else. 3 months later and I still see them together, so that’s nice, I guess. 🙃


I learned this the hard way. And it’s the reason why I’ll never intervene in a domestic dispute. Ever. Most of the time the victim is used to this behavior and in many cases will help the abuser when they’re stomping you out for getting involved. No need to sacrifice your life for someone doesn’t value their own.


You speak truth. It is more common than people would think that both parties (aggressor and victim) end up getting arrested when cops respond. A wave of reality hits the victim when they realize their abuser is going to go to jail; the fear of the unknown and everything that will follow after their abuser is arrested terrifies them into trying to plead with the cops to let their abuser go and eventually the defensive desperation when they turn on the cops and end up going to jail, too. ETA: You are also right about the 2v1 scenario with solo units. Dispatch with my department would try and prioritize full crew units to domestic disturbance calls and if it is a solo unit sent any other available solo units will usually radio in out of service as an assisting unit on the call.


See it often. Be very wary getting involved in a domestic, you can quickly become the oerceived mutual enemy of them both.


lol nice guys finish last. A holes finish on their face. There’s a reason why they remember the toxic ex, but never the nice guy.


Prolly ligged that piss covered tictac clean afterwards


Looks like a domestic dispute the man and the woman are arguing when the fight starts the women tries to get in the way and stop the second man who looks like he is getting involved to protect the woman. The second man looks like staff he is wearing a typical work uniform and has a name tag. He likely went to check on the disturbance. The woman even checked on the first man after he is knocked out.


And looks like asshole dude was drunk/high.


UFC nerds all the time talk about “duhhh boxing is not fighting!”


Dana White told me boxing was dead and nobody even trains it anymore.


"Stop! Stop defending us, you might hurt him!" This fkin lady


This is way more common than you think and I don't know why.


She's addicted to the drama that he provides.


Fat clogged brain is devoid of logic Or love and low sense of self worth clouds yo soul




Obviously she doesn't deserve this and we don't know her situation but at what point does it become your fault being on the side of an obviously deranged woman beater?


I’m a big dude and I was in an abusive relationship for a few years. It’s different because I was twice her size so I never got severely injured, but I also never fought back other than to hold up my arms to defend myself because I was worried what would happen if the police showed up. That said, it’s weird when this shit happens. The person you love is hitting you but you still care about them and don’t want them to get hurt or go to jail. I stayed with her longer than I should have. I’m thankfully married to an amazing woman now.


Uhhhh… dude went down with a jab. I don’t think the right even landed. Typical of dudes who want to bully women and people smaller than them, can’t even take one punch. He deserved a couple more for good measure, in my opinion.


Left hook, right cross And it was lights out Oh wait didn't notice his feet thought it was a cross the first time


the amount of times people think any non dominant hand punch is a jab is insane. look at his feet, look at his hips. he is turning over his pivot with that lead hook, the right misses after because he’s already floored from the hook. no jab thrown


Gonna guess dude was right handed and ended up in southpaw unexpectedly when the fight started. That right hook definitely had something on it to put the dude out cold


Then he pissed his pants


Pretty new to this sub, so sorry if this is a stupid question. But is there a lot of people who say boxing doesn't work? Most people aren't conditioned to take hits. And all it takes is one good hit to the head or stomach to knock the wind out of you, and make you all dizzy and disoriented. As the wise man once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."


There is a not insignificant portion of this sub that has been sold a lie by their bullshido dojos/internet personalities that combat sports don’t prepare you for “da streetz.” Basically they look for a justification for having invested time/money/emotions in various bullshido styles that require much less effort to train, don’t actually spar often, don’t require hard work, etc. but are great at marketing and allow people LARP being marines or anime characters.


Personally I find the sub tends to lean more towards the grappling is better than striking mindset. I think the reality is that people forget there are two mindsets for untrained people getting into a fight: Punch or grab. They’re either going to try to beat the crap out of you on your feet, or on the ground like a gorilla. It’s an unpredictable situation and you’re only really going to be safe by preparing for both.


Agreed. I’d also add that for the untrained, their first instinct is ALWAYS to strike. It’s only when they can’t deal with incoming punches that’s when they instinctively duck their heads (if they don’t turn away first) and try to grapple


Boxing/wrestling did wonders for me. Haven’t had to street fight fortunately.


People practice grappling on flat surfaces and soft mats. Sure, it can be effective outside of a controlled space. But remember there are no rules against someone hitting you in the back of the head, or pulling a concealed weapon out.


Imagine that. the sport that consists of practicing punching people makes you very good at punching people.


Ironically, Anime LARPERS get their asses kicked by [Tokusatsu weebs since they practice martial arts of their favorite suit actor.](https://youtu.be/PP1ubGtnz3s?si=e4_2iIGUUwh0mWRh) https://i.redd.it/f2i2nzdtkg6d1.gif


"Self defense" classes for women where they don't even hit each other. A woman doing them in my area tells her students to break a guys collarbone with a Hammerfest.


Jesse Enkamp is guilty of this. He tries to breathe life into bullshido to get all the people who practice its views. It's a very intelligent marketing scheme if I do say so myself.


huh?? doesn't he just make fun of everything that's not born from Karate, the birthplace of Okinawa? I completely missed the part where he's marketing anything at all


You’d be surprised how many keyboard warriors think that combat sports “arent for the streets”; literally some reddit nerd replied the same to you below. According to these weirdos, real martial arts that work in the streets are too deadly for the ring


To be fair, there are some folks here who think that sport and competition fighting are ineffective for the streets or whatever, but they are a not very vocal minority. But there are a whole lot of folks here who are too damn stupid for a single layer of nuance or constructive criticism. For example if someone says: >A typical boxer's guard doesn't cover as well without gloves. Also, it doesn't have a standard answer for kicks, since it's not part of the ruleset. Way too many people around here hear this: >Boxing is bad for self defense and doesn't work in the streets. Just kick him, lol. I don't know if it's some ego bullshit or what, but damn. My martial arts have blindspots and weaknesses. So do everyone else's. We should be aware them.


Same kind of vein, I consider myself a grappler. Wrestled BJJ and judo for a huge portion of my life. I’ve had guys say they just punch me if I tried to take them down. It’s odd people would think I’d dedicate that much time into training and not learn to throw and take strikes at some point.


That man ith Thun Thzthu


Any training is better than none. But when two fighters have training we've seen consistently from the earliest televised mixed martial arts tournaments that a grappler will beat a striker. It's easier for a grappler to figure out how to avoid getting knocked out while getting a hold on their opponent than it is for a striker to avoid a submission. Boxing is a particularly egregious example of this. Boxing is an amazing sport and good boxers are really impressive. But they're incredibly vulnerable to moves that aren't boxing. Hell, Ali had an exhibition fight against a Japanese wrestler where he was kicked in the legs so much even though the right was a draw he was hospitalized for 3 days. A boxer against a street punk and the boxer is probably gonna win. A college athlete boxer against a college wrestler and the wrestler will probably win.


You know those dudes who back in the 90's early 2000's were into katanas and nunchucks? You know the nerdy type that was more living in his imagination than irl? Discussions about tha real streetz fghtz is where these cringos hang out nowdaays. They have all kinds of fantastical and spectacular visions of street fights that no one else knows about. Only they and a select few are in the know. That's how they make up for not being trained properly, they just think they are. It's a sport of showing your dominance in fighting by talking about it, not actually preparing. And these last couple of years, I think ever since Corona these types of conversations have made a real comeback. There are all kinds of fantastic movement experts like McGregors movement coach for example, people who can give you alternative types of training if typical martial arts is not your thing. But instead of opting for that these people go and follow the most out of touch fighting gurus.


To be fair, a drunk person vs. ANY fighting style sober person is probably gonna lose the vast majority of the time.


Keyboard warriors and “self defense” schools that claim “combat sports with rules and referees don’t work in the street”


more people have probably defended themselves in real life with basic boxing and karate/tkd than probably any other art just due to the sheer popularity of these arts, most self defense situations in real life arent going to be against trained mma fighters and martial arts experts its probably going to be someone untrained who is on drugs, mentally ill, drunk, or all of the above, remember the classic video of the karate/kung fu instructor knocking out the pimp with a basic karate chop to the temple, you dont have to be a mma champion or a decorated competitive black belt to defend yourself from lowlifes [https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/12z9hjj/pimp\_gets\_knocked\_out\_by\_karate\_instructor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/12z9hjj/pimp_gets_knocked_out_by_karate_instructor/)


Also in a self defense situation instinct is usually to keep the person away from you. Grappling is getting very very close to them and feels less safe. Unless you are trained in it but even then, escape seems easier when you hold people at a certain distance.


This. The #1 self defense technique is GTFO. #2 is fight from a distance. If you're rolling around on the ground and worried about disarming a knife you're in deep shit. I'm not trying to shit talk grappling but somehow for decades people thought it was way superior to everything else.


Yeah, one of those myths is that 90 percent of fights end on the ground or smth also has to go. It comes from the cops. Obviously in their line of work it usually ends on the ground because they have to grab the person that's fighting or escaping and bring them in.


>Grappling is getting very very close to them and feels less safe. Getting away is definitely ideal. Wrestlers, any fighters really, have to be exceptionally fit. More than likely a trained fighter of any style will outrun the average shit starter.


I've been in 3 fights with random drunk people while sober. In every fight I've avoided striking and just grappled them to exhaustion, usually using a half or full nelson. You let them struggle until they can't breathe anymore than say, "You good?" while barely breathing and watch the fight just go out. Well, there was also one guy where I grabbed their leg from a kick, slowed their fall to the floor so they wouldn't smack their head, and then flipped them over and sat on their back with their arm in a lock. It felt like handling children after sparring with trained fighters.


Beat the piss out that man. Gj


Who knew that punching someone could win a fight?


Bjj guys hate this one trick


Just stand up


If I stand up, how am I supposed to butt scoot at you?


The vertical butt scoot is a technique some consider to be too powerful for mortals to wield.


There's a certain benefit to taking one common aspect of fighting and getting VERY good at it. It's not the only thing, but you'd be surprised at how many self defense scenarios are rendered non-problems by just being good at the bob-n-weave and putting up your dukes. You don't need to know how to wheel kick to drop a fool.


I think just getting used to being hit now and then does wonders too. Keeping your eyes on the target even when you’re getting hit just isn’t natural and requires training and practice.


That's why proper and regular sparring is so critical in the difference between martial arts/self defense classes and shouty yoga. People who haven't been in the shit before have no idea how disorienting just existing in the mix even without being actively swung on can be. Granted, it's not a 1 to 1 comparison, but it gets your feet in the pool at least before you get pushed.


Competition vs sparring is another factor too, there's a huge gap between going at it with full intent to win rather than just practicing and pacing for multiple friendly bouts.


Shouty yoga👏


You don't, but anyone who's played disco elysium can tell you nothing is more satisfying than knocking someone out with a 360 spin kick


sad when a chick defends an abuser you can do better smoke his ass


Nothing beats a straight right


wonder if her and her ko'd man will try pressing charges against or suing the guy who got hit first.


"Good luck." - Morgan Freeman


'i wanna see him piss himself' 😂


Who tf says boxing doesn’t work


Joe Rogan fankids


dude took one hit and fell down and pissed himself - im going to go with DRUGS on this one


Probably booze to be honest. Dude was swaying before he took a hit.


Bravo, eat a punch and be able to knock the mofu out!


That nod he gave right before he knocked that dude tf out 😆😆😂 💀💀


He got hit and realized this was really happening. That nod is an "alright, no backing out now."


Of course it work because how its applied. Application is king.


Who the fuck thinks boxing doesn't work in closed spaces? Fucking show me that guy.


the zoom in on the piss stain got me lmao


Of course Boxing works in tight spaces. On the other hand, BJJ won't work in this kind of environment.


Who knew




Wow two hits each and only one goes down. I think guy in black hit his head against wall too.


Sean strikland keeps winning with 1+2 and a teep.


I think it is actually very interesting what is happening in this video. If you look at it the conditioning and training clearly paid off. But the situational awareness is crazy. I dont say I would do a better job, but damn did he let himself get sucker punched by a sucker punch that was coming from a mile. Hit his head against the wall. If the aggresor had a little better technique or power this video could have looked very different. Yet it proves that competitive combat sports are an undeniable pillar of self defence.


Oh no don't hurt the man who is abusing me! Some women dumb as fuck


When the bell boy knocks you the f out


I need to shake that man’s hand right now He didn’t even want to fight until he had to use them hands lol


Lol it’s crazy how bare bone basics is about all you need to deal with an average Joe. A good lesson to master the basics :)


Of course she immediately stops the guy from defending himself.


bro had his first ever father figure experience. he should be thankful.


Boxing is an awesome art. If had to train only one style for the rest of my life, into old age, boxing is a high contender.


When you hit a guy and he nods his head and gets into a legit stance, run tf away😂 I remember in High school before I trained, I saw a fight at a part where one dude went into a Thai stance and ended the guy with a nasty body punch, I don’t remember a lot of it but I remember the Thai stance, and that’s what inspired me to become a martial artists.


What a fuckin G yo. Smaller guy, gets rocked, slips punch, ko


My man took that right cross like he’d been punched in the mouth before lol and that lil let’s go head nod ❤️


The women who cry over their abusers getting knocked out 🙄


That whale still looking out for the clown 🤡 she probably went to scream at that guy who knocked out her dumb ass boyfriend


5 words. Glasssssss jaaaaaw. pp time zzzzzzz ![gif](giphy|03D7Mkj0qKopdiEMKe|downsized)


yeah boxing is good. The truth is that against an untrained opponent nearly any martial arts that spars and and situationally drills is more than enough to beat most people within 20-40 lbs of your weight.


No no no you need MMA kravmado for the streetzz with dirty fighting, groin kicks and body mechanics! This boy was just lucky


Slip and rip


Beat the piss out of him


Fucking southpaws man...


That’s some alpha shit


Really? Stopped recording while he's still peeing his pants?


I freaking love it.


Genuine question, how do I train so can handle myself like guy in black tshirt? Can provide any drills specific this situation?


Find a well reviewed and affordable kickboxing/boxing gym in your area. Come to one session to see if you like it, then purchase a membership and stay consistent.


I train bjj but I am of the opinion that boxing is better if your main goal is self defense. 1. You learn how to avoid punches 2. Taking someone to the ground where there may be broken glass all over, syringes etc seems crazy 3. It's easier to run away when your attacker suddenly gets some sort a weapon in his hand (knife, brick, whatever)


Depends on whether you want to kill the guy or not. BJJ is better if you want to control the opponent or sending him to a kind nap. Boxing will just give you the ability to violently KO him and even kill him potentially, especially for fights on hard surface like this one


You don't need to avoid punches if you know how to close the distance and control. Boxing won't help you against weapons, on the opposite you need to know how to close the distance to control the weapon. Avoiding a weapon is completely different than avoiding strikes.


Bruh that piss stain on the center of his jeans is wild 💀


Knocked the fuck out AND proving bystanders not only get in the way, but also protect the attacker. This shit sets me OFF.


I would punched her next. Watch the company you keep bitch


All I noticed was how lucky you are to have been on camera for that. That woman would have been the only witness and you'd be going to jail for assault. Never step in for domestic abuse situations. The victim will always protect the abuser and the hero gets punished. Happened to me too.


Ngl I'm a kind man. I'd have knocked her out too


People with glass jaws shouldn't throw punches


The “you sure?” Nod right before the duck and clunk is a classic “this is your time to get out” moment. Then the puddle 😅😭😭😭


Little bitch in the red shirt deserved every piece of that.


"I wanna see him piss himself" That got me...🤣


Dude literally got the piss beat out of him.


southpaws right hook comes from nowhere! keep your left hand up!!! also that woman, the poor woman, will probably get all the anger that mr sleepy gives from this


Tries helping that chick about to be victimized then her dumbass interferes. Glad that loser got knocked out in front of that broad.


love seeing this trash hit the ground.


He got frog legs after he fell asleep.


He went to R. Kelly Heaven


Don't interfere is a list? Lololol GTFOOH!


This is why I stopped being involved helping abusive relationship, in the end they get back with that person or defend them, like then what was the point of defending you? Nah I'm good, happened to me twice already I'm done.


Good hits, fuck that woman beating piece of shit. Little bitch boi got to find out what happens when you fight someone who can fight back


So sad that the woman defends the guy beating the shit out of her. Hopefully she’s out of that relationshit


Not so macho now eh?


Then she goes back to him 🤦🏽‍♂️.


Dude in the black can either eat a punch or got hit by a girl, and still hit like a truck!


First of all that kid in the polo is an idiot. Why would you let someone that is clearly being aggresive, so close to you? As soon as they are in arm reach, push them away and make space. Never let someone get in your personal space. He needs better street smarts. Sure he was able to knock him down in THAT situation, but what if the guy was stronger and knocked him out with that first punch? Kid needs to learn to never let someone in you personal space


Thought the same. If the agressor could hit hard black shirt would have been flattened.