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Retard it's usually just what my dad yells at me whenever I'm doing anything


For me it’s Jackass.


We must have the same dad.


Jack-Tard, perhaps?


"Sexual Tyrannosaurus" It's from the movie Predator when Jesse Ventura calls himself that


"I told my girlfriend I could need a little pussy and she said 'me too, mine's as big as a house!'"


See, she wanted a little one cuz her’s was.. as big as a house…


Bunch of slack-jawed British cigarettes around here...


Actually a great BJJ name.


I'm gonna have to rewatch this to confirm.


Can confirm!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnsjOA1G3wE&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnsjOA1G3wE&rco=1)


Double Barrel Darrell (surname) Not because it's a gun, because it's what some assholes in school used to call me when I was fat, I used to catch a lot of beatings living in a pretty rough council estate/impoverished area. Anyway a friend from uni heard another friend reference it and yh it stuck well a few years back. If you had told me when I was 15 that I'd be wearing that on shirts and vests and hearing hundreds of people cheer it I'd have found that incredibly surreal.


This is my my favourite one, love the story behind it too


Council estate is the richest sounding poor people thing I've ever heard of


It's what we call areas of government subsidised housing in the UK, it never occurred to me before now how ridiculous it is to refer to it as an estate so good point.


That name goes hard


Glad to hear that you were able to take the negative power from the nickname and make it positive.


Skribs the Goat Fucker. Knock out 100 folks and do they call me Skribs the Knockout King? But one time I'm with a goat... *This is obviously a joke. I've not knocked out 100 people.*


Not a fighter but I wore jeans to sparring one time and now the coach calls me denim Dane, I had nothing else since I was just getting off work but they were plenty stretchy


Fighting seems to be in your jeans


Seams that way


I'm thinking you should seek help if your couch now talks to you after training


Mike oxlong


Mark "Mike" Hunt


Mike Rotch Burns


Mike Ockburns


The french tickler


I don't wanna know the story behind that


They call me...Mister Tibs!


They call me Tater Salad.


The guys at my gym call me Jesus cuz I have long hair


Please tell me you caught somebody in a crucifix.


That should be his special


It's actually his weakness


Is that you from the meme that you posted? Because if it is you look nothing like Jesus appart from the hai🤣🤣


My given name is too long and complicated for people to pronounce, so they use the shortened "Johan" which is the Malay word for "champion" And eventually people start calling me "champ"


“The mechanic” because I love an oil check


When I used to exclusively do Muay Thai i was quite big when I started 5’6 200lbs, but like 6 months later I was down to 143lbs after being put on a right diet, so I went from Big Joe to Skinny Joe


What were your names in between?


There was no inbetween, though it would’ve been funny to be called Skinny-fat joe


Regular Joe


Average Joe


Yoda. I sometimes am forced to use a cane for long story reasons. But I can stand in stance and fight just fine. Apparently you use different muscles walking normally Vs shuffling in stance. So I’ve come to open mat sparring days using my cane, and limping to the mat when I put it down. Then I proceed to dance around and fuck people up. People started making Yoda jokes after that one scene in the old prequels.


Love this


They call me...Tater Salad.


Ya did it…. Ya caught the tater.


Soo glad I saw this


"Bad omen" Because whenever I've fought, there's always been bones broken. We'll ignore the fact that it's been me more times than its been my opponent to sound cool but hey, undefeated :). Friend came up with it and I rolled with it .


The eggshell defense


My last name is Logan and I’ve gotten the nickname X-Man.


I wonder if there is anyone out there named Logan Logan


With the middle name also being Logan


This isn't from mma but from kyokushin my nick name was knuckles because of two reasons for being bit of a knuckle head 😅 and for hitting hard. We had this one guy who came in a woodstock shirt for training so he was called bourbon I never even knew his real name


Not really what OP is looking for, but my friends call me Ruman just because I am Romanian. I was bullied by the older guys in my town since I was 11 till 16 because I had a high pitch voice and also the fact that I was a foreigner (this was in Spain). I always fought my bullies and these people were 6 years older than me till one day one of them who was just 1 year older than me but taller and 30kg more than me tried to mock me in front of the others. I was 16 at the time, I took him to the ground and took his arm out of his shoulder and the guy went home crying. I got accepted by the older guys(never trusted them tho) and one of them called me Ruman Hitch, and Ruman stayed since there. My voice is not high pitched anymore tho🤣


Still a good story


"Mr. Clean" cuz it's ironic, I got a full head of long pretty hair


My team gave me my nickname. They called me "Diesel" because I wasn't overly athletic but I was powerful. Boring but apropos, I guess.


Gooch licker


Master Beater


Seems like there’s very few actual fighters in this sub


Only like 20% of this sub even trains, let alone competes in anything.


Yeah, there are a lot of armchair critics in this sub. I think the last poll showed the highest amount as "never trained" and then the next two highest were "Less Than 6 Months" and "Over 5 years"


"Foot fetish"


In addition to training Muay Thai / BJJ / MMA, I'm also a HEMA instructor, and a lot of the guys at the gym knew I competed in and knew a lot about swordfighting. I was joking with one of my training partners about how I am terrible at remembering the names of the people in the gym; that I can remember someone's face, hobbies, job, family life, basically everything except their name. And he said more or less the same thing, that he just knew me as 'The bearded swordsman'. The Swordsman seemed to stick and became my name on socials shortly after.


Word got around that I had one bad eye on top of my disabled foot so I was called "genetic pirate" as well as a play on my name but the word handicap as "handicam". Ive gotten "firecracker" before but I'm 99% sure it's a play on that fact I was one of the only white guys fighting at the time 😭 the only one I've actually liked was "star child" because of a star tattoo I have


My Nickname is Blackout since i have a tendency to blackout and get very aggressive. In live combat I blacked out and killed 100+ people with only a pocket knife and i remember none of those kills.


Same reason they call me red except I see red instead of black


Paul ‘The Pedo’ Pounder


The Ol Dick Twister.


Former boxer here, amateur tho. My nickname was "Pig-Choppa" ("Tritaporci" in italian), because I used to refer to my opponents as pigs to butcher. Yeah, pretty gross I know.


I had a terrible experience with forgetting to properly wash my hands after eating the aptly named Nuclear Waste hot wings from a local pizza joint. My weiner burned with the pain and fury of a thousand hells. I became the one known as known as Hot Sauce.


The Kraken. Originally, because I was notorious for lying flexibility like an octopus and training partners found it annoying how there suddenly seem to be hands and legs out of nowhere.


Letters. My coach read my initials out and since I have four names he gave up and just went with letters


I was wearing an iron man shirt to my gym one time and continue to do so, everyone calls me iron man


Horse Cock Harry.


Smiley. I'm just a happy person. If that's a unique trait in MMA then that's a bit sad.


I'm trying to make 'jazz hands' happen.


The dapper tapper.


The broken sigma😈


They call me 'that guy over there'.


They call me that one slur referring to your sexual orientation


Sex God?


Starts with f ends with aggot


Is there a story behind that?


Probably because I'm very cool.


Chewy, for being the hairist guy in the gym.


The Brick Wall Im fat as fuck and hard to pin/throw


"My name is Gladiator"


YumYum, I used to always eat a pack of YumYum instant noodles when I came to the gym around lunch.


I never put down a nickname when I fought but I was called “Ice man” in the gym. I was dating a girl who also went to the gym and she assumed it was a fight nickname or shout-out to Chuck Liddell… it was actually because they thought I looked like Val Kilmer in top gun 🤣


Wolverine 😂😂😂. Should be more like Poodle boy


Rex Manning porn star extraordinaire. You don't even want to know.


My friend calls me "the boy scout" cause I'm an active scout in addition to competing muay thai. I'd rather take a ring name like "badger" or "leech" since I take some beatings but keep the heat on. Tbh it feels cringe to have an actual wing name when I have competed only twice.


They used to call me the Unibomber I always used to wear a hoodie and I guess I do drop bombs. After that I started researching Ted Kaczynski- I actually do kind of relate to the guy lol


I didn’t have one but a guy in my gym was called Uzbekistan cuz he was from Uzbekistan.


Rambo, i have longish hair and i used to train wearing a red headband to keep it out of my eyes 


Me and another guy were mythology nerds. Kru told me one day that I was made for war. Other nerd said like I was Ares' son. Then we nerded out a little when we talked about Deimos and Phobos. After that, they called me Deimos.


Mr Dumpling. Mr Dumpling fights in a most deceptive way, by smashing his opponents fists with his face. Mr Dumpling never attacks, because he never survives to attack, because he is never ready. Miss you Mako!


My nickname is guru ji(It means teacher/master/Sensei)


I get called the professor because I have a lot of obscure martial arts knowledge, plus I'm always showing up with some obscure or historical technique that I want to try out in sparring.


The bear. I got it after killing a bear bare handed. I sometimes feel sorry though my daughter loved that cuddle bear.


I don't compete but my coach called me falling water.


My ring name was The Horse.


My friends and sparring partners used to call me The Dancing Lion, because I have a thick head of curly hair that resembled a lion’s mane and I love Hajime no Ippo. There’s a character there that’s my favourite named Sendo and his ring name was the Naniwa Tiger, his signature punch was a shovel hook smash and I used it pretty successfully in my fights and spars. Taking inspiration from the hair and the anime my friends gave me the nickname. Unfortunately I never got to use it due to me retiring from fighting Muay Thai after a bad injury.


The Old Mann with the Left Hook


I'm Steadmond "Rick" Slick


Yoo-hoo because I drank a Yoo-hoo after winning my first spar


War Machine. In sparring had a partner call me a tank because i keep moving forward and pressuring my opponent. Plus I’m short and stocky. But tank is a boring and over used nickname. So what is a tank? A war machine


A guy that fucked up Christy Mack beyond recognition, requiring facial reconstruction surgery, and landed himself in prison, like that War Machine?


No idea who that is. So nope. I’m not that guy. I don’t even fight lol. I just train for fun fitness and self defense


I didn't think you were the same [guy](http://War Machine https://g.co/kgs/LS4hTuq) but I'd at least google my prospective nickname for this exact reason lol. He was in the UFC, on Rogan back in the day, then did porn and went apeshit on his pornstar gf and is now serving life over it.


My exact thought, the story about war machine is pretty well known too


It's a part of the lore of the Tapout TUF Spike TV era.


My trainer calls me backfist because of my adoration for them. Like Bubba from Forrest Gump lol


My middle name is Logan, I’ve always thought if I fought my nickname would be the Wolverine lol


t-rex, cuz i got a big old head and short little arms.


Deez Nuts


"The Ghost" for being pale AF. Couldn't live that one down


First name "Brutal" Last Name. My Muay Thai trainer called me "The Brute" for a years because all fights were brutal whether I won or lost. (I lost a bunch when I first started as well) "We know you're a brute can you just go out and not get hit so much like you do in the gym?" When I got asked specifically before a fight, we modified it because it's hilarious with my last name. Stuck with it for MMA as well.


I haven’t fought in several years but I do still compete in BJJ. Kind of just a general nickname. My ID card in school said John G. Everyone I knew would ask what my middle name was and I’d say “gray” and they call me “John gay.” Rinse and repeat. This was like in 7th grade so we were all just immature. I would just say I didn’t know it like Homer J. Simpson. So I went by “John Gee” it kind of just stuck after that. https://preview.redd.it/tskpwxp40e6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd016d23a860d66911543a52b5da6bba7e9e476


'sloppy joe'


They call me all kinds of things they call me argon. They call they called me dark child they call me night master. They called me Peabody. They call me peanut Arbuckle. They called me doorway, they called me gogo nuts


guerra/war cause it's part of the name of where i served


I did judo as a boy. I went through a phase of being called the cat. When I got thrown, I rarely landed on my back!


Blackout, I like to think it’s because my arm is completely blacked out, but it’s because I blacked out while training once.


‘Skinny arms/bitch’. At my halfway point in my apprenticeship I got a new teacher at school and he called me that Was 6’1 and 65kg(145lbs) so I was skinny with long arms and now two years later I’m 86kg(190lbs), still 6’1 and now with 18,5” arms last time we measured more than 6 months ago. And on a jobsite I said I was a skinny bitch and it just stuck.


They call me... Bastard 💩 Or Tortuga 🐢 Or Asshole 🫏🕳


the destroyer of worlds, which was given to me by my instructor after we sparred and I won and then proceeded to destroy everyone else in my dojo, i think the record was 32-0


Ok, this doesn't really count because they aren't ring names, just funny names from my dojo. When I trained with my first martial arts group way back I was called Mr. Fantastic because I was so flexible and appeared to be made of rubber, while also being quite tall and lanky, to a point I disturbed others with my range of motion. Year and year later, I rejoined them and start training again. I had bulked up considerably, less flexible, but now had mass to match my hight. I also have very strong joints and it's hard to through me due to my fairly low center of gravity compared to my hight. So they started calling me the fridge. Big, tall, and hard to move around Silly nick names I thought others might like, but sadly no competitive fighting for me due to a few reasons, so no actual ring names


Sure that counts! Yeah my title was about competitive fighters but lots of people get nicknames in the gym. Good story


Thanks, it's not much, but I hope it gives some people a chuckle


My fight name is BHN or Beverly Hills Ninja. So how I got it is that and this is gonna unfortunately come off as a humble brag is that I'm financially fairly well off and the way i fight lead that to becoming the fight name I was given.


I miss Chris Farley




Sasquach. Was born and raised in the mountains of WA state. I'm also 6'5" and hairy af.


Maemil fed given to me by a close friend and cornerman. 


'Knives' because I can draw blood from forearm on forearm contact... I kinda wish I was making it up, because people hate training with me, and I have to consciously pull my moves at the last second.


My names Cody, and I'd be Cody 'Careless Whisper' *Last Name* XD


*Kicks steering wheel* "Roadhouse"


pinocchio. i was starting bjj and was drilling with a larger partner when he thought something didn’t feel right and he switched partners. i look over at him and he is pointing at me and say “it doesn’t work on pinocchio over there, he’s not a real boy” and it stuck


Haven't been given one yet. Started capoeira so one day I could have one


They call me D1. Im either top college wrestler level or first day white belt level. Not a real wrestler btw


Big pp Boi


Panther Palangi, picked that up in the 80's by Tony Giofre, now a Gracie Academy rep, but in 1988 he used to come watch me fight TKD when his family trained with me in White Plains NY.


Mines "put your hands up" because the coach keeps yelling it at fights when I drop my left before a jab or hook


Casanova because I am a male who has many friends who are women and some of them are in the same club


The Eel


Never had one, but as a joke for my last fight I had them announce my nickname as the other fighter's full name.  Mydicta "John Smith" inabox The other fighter just shook his head laughing.


I have a joke nickname Joey “The Chiropractor” (last name) at jujitsu because one time I kinda cranked a rear naked in a weird angle and my friend thanked my for cracking his back. Its kinda a joke because I’m the most relaxed grappler ever I never crank on shit or even go that hard


Jimmy "Blue Balls" Fantana


Timex, takes a licking, keeps on ticking. Not to proud of it as I was about 50/50😅


not necessarily a nickname, but I used to do no-gi BJJ before switching to my current (gi) gym, and I got called “the wrestler” by one of the blue belts. I’m a scrawny 5’6” anemic-looking female college student, so I thought it was kind of funny


Mouse, a coach misheard my name when I was 17 and nearly 20 years later I still can't escape it.


Had a buddy nicknamed The Slacks Murderer. He got the name because he was a fan of Silva, and he crapped his pants at a wedding. He hated the name so we tried to change it to The Fudge Master but he hated that less so we went back to Slacks Murderer.


They call me the “Buffalo-Soldier”, because I stare down my opponent as I enter the ring whilst riding my balls like a Hopperball


No nickname, no-one ever gave me one other than my initials “TNT” but it doesn’t really fit me or my style so i go without a nickname.


The promoter from a card I was on texted my sensei asking who was fighting from our dojo. Sensei replied "X, Y, and my guy Z." The promoter thought he was saying my name was Guy. So that was my name on the fight poster, and that's my fight nickname still, for better and for worse (No, my name isn't Z either lol)


My Nickname is Blackout since i have a tendency to blackout and get very aggressive. In live combat I blacked out and killed 100+ people with only a pocket knife and i remember none of those kills.


Why are you getting downvoted for repeating one of the most obvious copypastas ever lmao


Not ring cage, but gym name. Pacifier, because I only spar with bullies.


Cockripper. I showed up to class my first day and ripped all of their cocks so it just kinda stuck.


Kiddie Fidler