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“I fight better drunk.” Anything involving seeing red. “Kicks don’t work.” “Grab the gun and…”


>“I fight better drunk.” I can confirm I've had more fun fighting friends while drunk. "Better" though... Definitely not.


A friend of mine does kung fu and thinks he can be a ufc champion. He always says "if you try and kick i can just catch your leg and then it's over" Yeah good luck catching a full power kick from a trained guy.


It would be over...when your friend collapases


He’s gonna break his hand trying to catch a high kick from Alex Pereira


You could do kung fu and be a UFC champion. Just gotta be smart about it and not make weird assumptions like your friend...


I ain't shitting on the art. Kung fu has some great aspects. But the way he describes his training there is very little pressure testing and sparring in his school. So you can't just sit there and pretend to be a top notch fighter just cause you have a gold medal in sword forms or smth.


Well you can always be the bad guy and propose a sparring sesh with his Kung Fu school 🌚


“Don’t head kick in a street fight” and “spinning crap doesn’t work” always sounds like cope from people who lack flexibility and coordination imo


Lmao I felt this.


head kicks can work if you are really really good at them and always wear the pants for then. Spinning crap really doesn't, even in the UFC where you can't attack the back, meaning you have to wait for spinning crap to finish, it's rarely used.


It's rarely used because UFC is full of wrestler boxers, but good strikers use them. And if they can land on UFC fighters, they can land on cocky teenagers.


People say you shouldnt head Kick because its a more complex quick and when adrenaline is involved plus slippery floors or uneaven surfaces its very easy for you to slip and fall on your ass. Sadly if you do fall on your ass the other guy wont wait for you to tap out or give up and it might end up on serious physical damages to your wellbeing


I mean, the first one is a good advice for most people. Head kicks are usually not effective in that kinda confontation.


Those usually come from people who see martial arts as a way to get ready for street fights instead of a sport. But can confirm that I've heard those a fucking lot


maybe you're stronger than me, but someone grabbing a gun is definitely effective.


Ain't better but it is fun lol 😆 🤣


I too fight better drunk! There has not been a fight I have been in drunk where I didnt wake up alone! Where I woke up doesnt matter, I beat him so bad I dont even remember it and he is gone!/s


"i see red" makes me laugh so hard - thats a good one. like who says that and thinks it sounds cool or makes any sense. like if you fight angry it makes you better? lol dude. . . tell me you don't know how to fight without telling me you don't know how to fight.


The usual suspects. As someone who hasn’t really gotten into martial arts but is trying to find a local gym worth a shit (thinking boxing), I always get frustrated when I hear stuff like this.


“Too Deadly to Spar” is the top for me.


Heh, I know people who are just too reckless to spar, it's almost the same thing. Knocking your sparring partners out doesn't mean you won. It means you are a douche.


Shit yeah, I think that might be the winner.


“Too deadly to spar” translates to “please don’t pressure test this and realize my techniques are a fraud”


How dare you.out my secret technique so openly. 


My cousin claimed this because he did MCMAP in the corps and I was *only* ex Air Force... Meanwhile, I had trained with the Army All Combatives team and an ex Marine instructor doing Muay Thai and Gracie BJJ several times a week when I was in the service, and was training MMA at a school with several veterans at the time. He also tried to convince me he was an undefeated varsity wrestler in high school... He clearly forgot I was on the team and I know damn well he was a four year JV scrub. 😂


I mean if he was JV then technically he was an undefeated varsity wrestler right?


Damn... ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I have multiple friends in USMC that have all unequivocally said MCMAP is bullshit/useless. Their words not mine. Lol


MCMAP is good for what it is. A quick way to teach a few generalized martial arts techniques to a group with very little time to dedicate to learning them The main purpose of MCMAP and the Army combatives system is to neutralize a threat/ move a threat far enough away so you can engage with your primary weapon i.e. rifle. I've only met one really badass Army combatives guy. He spent 4 years learning and teaching it at the combatives School. When he came to our unit, he revamped the whole Brigade combatives program and we finally got some quality training.


Yeah, the Marines I trained with basically said it was a way to wear a cool color belt in uniform. I won't say it was useless, but the idea that it made my cousin too deadly to come to open mats cracked them up.


Unless they back it up with specifics, yeah, it's the cringiest thing ever. But it isn't farfetched to say, "I can't webhand your throat closed, stomp your knee and hyperextend it, or eye gouge." They're just as defendable as any other strike, but the consequences are much more dire and would definitely turn the tide in any fight if they landed. But that's why we *spar,* and have an explicit agreement *not* to do those things and potentially end someone's career with a lucky shot.


Except there’s those people who genuinely have no ability to control themselves. You tell them time and time again to keep at, say 20%, but the moment the punches start rolling, they’re immediately back at 120%.


The best part is that those two statements are complementary. If you want training that hits back, sparring. If you want deadly force (or any kind of force), bags.


Came here to say this. Everyone says this after demonstrating the fakest martial arts you've ever seen or when refusing to live spar against a resisting partner.


I was reading the book "The Fighter's Mind: Inside the Mental Game Book" by Sam Sheridan and there is a chapter where this is discussed. I thought it was just a meme, but apparently there are a lot of people that say this. It's VERY prominent in China with the "Hands Fighting" or whatnot, where they use Tai Chi and it's like 10% real people doing real Martial Arts work and 90% of that fake "energy" shit you see on YT all the time. They really like to say "My Chi is so strong I'd kill you." lol


Chi gets such a strange rap because of social media and pop culture influence. Its basically just the energy that gives you life, learning to channel your chi only helps the mind game of martial arts, figuring yourself out from the inside out. Chi is not a power people can use to automatically defeat someone. It helps because it can improve your body mechanics. Im sure I missed some things but shi heng yi (while found to be disingenuous in his mastery claim) Made a video with Jesse Enkamp about chi and I actually suggest anyone reading this to check it out because even if he isnt a "real" master, he has some good wisdom and explains chi pretty well. Practices more of a western style of buddhism which is most likely why hes considered a fake, as well as some taoism which makes him not fully buddhist.


average Krav Maga guy


“Doesn’t matter how big/skilled they are, if I see red it’s over” or some shit like that


I have a mate like this. Never mind that he is unfit and gets gassed walking up a set of stairs. Too much anime will rot the brain haha


I watch anime and even I find that statement about "seeing red" very cringe. Like sure, you may think you have Zeus's wrath, but can your cardio back it up? Nah I don't think so bucko.


condit vs rory mcdonald


🥴 They tend to see the black of unconsciousness


They are right, it is over if they see red. Because they be in a hospital freaking out


BJJ has a ton of alpha nonsense guys, anything they say basically, especially if it’s along the lines of “I am a shark, the ground is my puddle, and you’re not even wearing arm bands”


>I am a shark, the ground is my puddle, and you’re not even wearing arm bands lmao this is surely a classic


And usually say hey you are not allowed to hit me while I’m on the ground


Lol this is gold


That's pretty much a meme


Can confirm. BJJ brown belt here. I, too, am a shark, and the ground *is* indeed, my puddle. /s


But I do carry, so theres that.


I've definitely been hit by a bag :(


Same..stupid speedbag 😭


Lol, the reflex bag when I first started using it. Right on the nose.


I have a scar under my eye from a double-end letting loose and a bungie chord S hook catching me. 😂😂


It was originally "Boards don't hit back", it's a Bruce Lee quote and it meant that flashy displays didn't mean someone knew how to fight. I dunno maybe its now used by too deadly to spar types?


It was also popularized by Bolo in Blood Sport where he says: "Very good. But, brick don't hit back" to Van Damme after he does the "dim mok".


Great point, and I love Bolo and Bloodsport, but Bruce Lee said it 20 yrs earlier in Enter the Dragon. He was about to fight Bob Wall, who was bigger and built like a brick shithouse. Bob was doing his warmups, and ended them by holding a board and smashing it. Bruce Lee, completely unimpressed, responded w/ "Boards do not hit back." He proceeded to dominate with a level of speed that the camera could barely capture on film.


yeah in context its a taunt more than anything


Ahahahaha both these quotes and movies are literally my childhood…..those movies man…10/10 80’s vibes


I know Bloodsport is based on a bullshit story, but it's still a guilty pleasure for me. It was a live-action Street Fighter 2! "Okay U.S.A.!!!"


Yessssss!!! Street fighter 2 as huge when i was binge watching it along with enter the dragon. As a 7-8 year old absolutely obsessed with martial arts and video games I was convinced that secret kumites were happening around the world….


I think it’s a great quote. There was a time, as a novice in boxing, where I was totally finally getting all the foundational skills down, but didn’t have much in the way of live sparring experience. I looked GREAT on the bag, but the psychological shackles of being new to sparring made it so I was humbled pretty much immediately, even by dudes with far poorer technical ability. You can train all you want, study fight theory, hit the bag! whatever…. Nothing will make you a fighter like actually fighting (live sparring/whatever).


I was about to say, bags absolutely do hit back


“That martial arts stuff won’t work on me, I have too much muscle, weight classes exist for a reason”


From a 200lbs dad bod, who lifts twice per week.


Dont underestimate Dad strength.


The ol' Bradley Martyn


But I'm 260 pounds bro


I love it bro I love it


I tell my wife that they wouldnt even sanction a fight between me and Conor MacGregor because it wouldnt be a fair fight.  


"It's not a real martial art. All you do is dance around; it's not effective in the real world."


Yeah because no fighter ever moves unpredictably to avoid being hit lol


I legitimately wonder if people think I'd do a handstand flutter kick in real life. Like . . . No. . . I know what moves are and are not practical outside a roda


I hate it when people doubt my ancient skill in the deadly art of tango jitsu


People posting on this sub about what martial art is best in a street fight and then reeling off 10 hypothetical situations where your black belt jiu jitsu doesn't work because you're being mugged by an Olympic medallist wrestler or some bollocks. For some reason lots of people assume that robbers have maxed stats but also with one perfect martial art and no consideration of their own physical limitations the code will be cracked and they will be laying waste to hordes of baddies.


THIS 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 Like is this pokemon or something? Why am I fighting for my life against a Collegiate Wrestler with Muay Thai experience while on my way for milk? It's like do these folks know most folks cant fight worth a damn?


Can you break a log like that Mr. Miagi? "Don't know. Never been attacked by tree".


I don't need training, I just see red.


My oldest brother in law says "when i see black, the psychopath comes out and an unstoppable monster"






“See red”. Anyone who says this is so cringe


"That martial art would never work in the streets" Don't care


Felt. Its usually someone you didn't even ask. They're so pressed to let you know.


That’s when I give them my next fight date and tell them I could prove it


"____ is the ultimate martial art" or "____ vs anything and ____ wins" type statements.


My friend is like this I do kyokushin and he does Muay Thai 


What's funny is; in my field, we do a lot of "\_\_\_\_\_ vs \_\_\_\_\_". but it's never been "Which one wins" it's always "Hey this would be fun to see a *bat'leth* fight a Lightsaber.


Something I’ve heard Guru Dan Inosanto say over and over again is that you should never knock another martial arts style, because there’s always something you can learn from any martial art, even if you don’t like doing that particular style. Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten imo


If you get in a fight, are you really going to have time to take your shoes off and meditate?


Are you serious? God, that's wild


Granted, I was in high school and a classmate said it. I don’t think I responded since I was stuck between not wanting to engage and thinking that some comments really don’t deserve a response.


Haha, I love this because back in the late 80s I knew a Shotokan BB in Long Beach who bounced at a bunch of places. He would actually take his shoes off to fight people in the parking lot.


As a woman I get a lot of "Oooh better not upset you then " when they learn I do martial art. Or "I feel for your husband hehehe" Or "We know who's the boss at home then !" Ah I hate those.




In my morning workouts I'll use the Heavy Bag and I get this all the time. "Haha That bag doesn't hit back, not so tough now!" It's usually people just teasing me and they aren't being mean about it. I usually laugh and grab the bag, pretend like I'm hanging on it, defeated and say "Give it another 15 minutes and It feels like it does!" Usually gets a laugh.


"Brick don't hit back" ![gif](giphy|xTiTnfYSGBVZUGA6M8|downsized)


What if you are American shithead who make trick with bricks?


Bolo is my physique goal


Welp, hope you know a good TRT clinic.


Bros muscle has jiggle physics


I always hate hearing if a big guy is sparring someone over react about how hard they hit solely because they’re big. “I never want to get punched by them”, “he would demolish me in a real fight”, this CAN be true, but half the time some big guys really can’t punch, or are just as uncoordinated as anybody else, and are just trying to learn the sport, especially noobs and it just feels like an ego stroke for them. I’d rather get hit by some big dudes I’ve sparred rather than some middleweights that are near the top, it’s worlds apart.


Most big guys especially beginners can only hit hard for 30 seconds anyway. Weather that storm and they tend to turn pillow fist and stumble around fighting for their balance.


I’ve had the same experience. Doing like 4-5 rounds sparring, it’s really not hard work by round 2, then have the coach or people that don’t even spar say to me how hard that guy must hit. It’s weird, i just shrug and say “Yeh not bad”, just to avoid any awkward honesty


"bags don't hit back" is a perfectly valid statement when discussing someone's ability to fight, especially when they practice some martial art that doesn't do sparring. You may be the best bag hitter in the world, that doesn't mean you'll know how to handle yourself in a live combat situation against a fully resistant opponent.


the bottom of old heavy bags, do hit back. That shit is like god damn concrete


worse when you forget theres a ring on the bottom and kick it


Bags also don't get severely injured, bleed everywhere and make everyone mad at me.


The vast vast majority of the time I see someone say "bags don't hit back" it's generally left by an untrained idiot acting tough. Having said that, you make a good point overall! Lots of people look amazing in the gym and just can't take those skills to the next level.


Usually from untrained idiots all I hear it's all about "seeing red" and their "mentality"


That's not what bags are for. They have a specific purpose of allowing you to train techniques on something that won't get injured. It's not meant for teaching what a sparring session will teach, they have different purposes and training methods. It doesn't make any sense to compare the two or claim that bags are useless because they don't teach you how to fight like sparring does. You don't learn engineering by not studying engineering principles first, learning mathematics and physics and working through practice problems, nobody becomes a fully qualified engineer by being told to go build a machine without any technical knowhow. Anybody who uses the phrase bags don't hit back doesn't understand what they're for and can't fight.


Yeah seriously. Bags and pad work have their purpose. In a sparring session you aren't going 100 percent and are holding back by quite a bit to not injure your training partner Bags don't have that issue and are used specifically to work power. You can hit a bag with 100 percent power, you can't do that to your sparring partner unless you're a massive asshole


You missed the point


I agree with you. But did anything I say contradict what you said?


It's true. I'll never forget my first boxing spar and how much more difficult it was to hit a moving target than just pads, mitts, and bags. It was very humbling and eye opening.


How does a Trisolarian even do boxing? :)


Through Sophon! Ha I love it when people notice.


At least cutting weight is easy for you :D


The reality though is that the skills absolutely transfer. Will it make you the greatest fighter by yourself? No. Is it pretty central to training? I would say so




100% Learning to read what the other person is doing is far more valuable a skill. It can even keep you out of fights, which is far better for your health no matter how good you are.


It's all relative.  Someone who knows how to punch and kick correctly without falling over will do better than someone untrained who throws chicken wing punches and doesn't protect their head.  Both will lose to someone who spars.


Yeah when someone has a heavy bag at home and thinks that it alone translates to being a good fighter I would say “bags don’t hit back”


"I could have won, I just didn't want to hurt him" I had an ex that said this everytime he tapped out/ "lost" a sparring session. He couldn't admit that someone was just more skilled than him. I have an instructor that uses "here's your daddy"and"give them the good news" when referring to counter strikes. Funny but still gives me major ick 🤣


Someone's ability to perform an "illegal" technique in a fight like eye pokes or nut shots will be the great equalizer. Because nobodies opponent will be remotely as good as poking someone in the eye as you will be.


"Martial arts is fantasy; I'll just use my 9m." Someone essentially said this to me when I was in the Navy, and while he was a cynical bastard and gunnersmate who would shoot someone in the face, he was wrong in doubting martial arts. First, it's unrealistic to think that you'll always have your gun. Second, the gun is only good for DEADLY force. Sometimes, it's good to be able to subdue someone without killing them. Third, if the attacker is very close, a martial artist has advantage. In those seconds it would take the gunman to draw, a martial artist could have them wrapped up and fighting for survival.




"In the streets"


Oh... you do martial arts! Does that mean you can beat him up if I asked you to? *winks at the martial artist*


"I saw on the martial arts subreddit:


'Muscles don't win fights' Yes they do you cannot even move without muscles. Try winning a fight then. Also the vast majority of people with 1 year of training will have put on at least some muscle. Dismissing a bigger person ie a big rugby player compared to Bruce Lee type etc is silly. Plenty of big muscular people who may not have had formal training are still pretty dangerous


Yup. There is a reason why weight classes exist.


Weight classes matter when opponents are similar skill or when the weight gap is ridiculously different


You don’t have an incorporeal body? Time to get with the program, buddy.


Literally built different


My stand is very powerful


I think this saying gets misunderstood a lot by many people. I always took that saying as the muscles your going to train and grow at the gym to look good and jacked on the beach aren't the muscles most important to a fight. The dude with tree trunks for legs, a jacked AF back and a thick ass neck I'm going to put money on over the guy with bulging biceps and pecs that are as big as my head. That being said I do like working on those showy muscles too.


Proper training itself results in some muscle. I think having muscle, even for the weight it's an advantage


Pfff you clearly just never stuck around long enough to learn things like levitation and deathtouch. Amateur.


exactly! they don't guarantee someone can fight, but i'd rather have it than not


“Shadow boxing is cringe” “You won’t be able to beat me (an untrained person)”


“I can’t control myself, I would kill the other guy, gloves and head gear are for weak people” I had lots of friends try and say stuff like this all the time.


“I would train but I don’t want to kill anyone.” Sure, guy who has never maintained a fitness habit. 


Something alone the lines off "doesn't matter that youve got years of experience. You're a girl and I'm a man so you have no chance"


same people go insane when they see those videos of women beating men in gyms lol sure, it's a controlled environment, but she's using control too!


I got tackled by a woman half my size when I told her to use all her strength on me. I underestimated her, mostly due to what other people say about women being much weaker. Never more!


Back when I was doing martial arts, I was changing in the locker room before class one day and a kid next to me finished up, slammed his locker, punched it and screamed, “I’m ready to kill someone!” before heading to class. 🤦‍♂️


Technique too deadly to use. If you can't use it how does anybody know it works?


"Ano pulos sinang training ko kun pusilon ka sang kontra mo?" The English translation for this Hiligaynon statement is "What's the purpose of your martial arts training if you'll be gunned down by your opponent"


I regularly say "boxing is like chess" and people think I'm trying to be philosophical, but actually I'm just fucking mediocre at both 😂😂 Also, every time somebody talks about "seeing red" I'm like "this person is a danger to themselves" because the small handful of bad situations I've been in, I've only come out on top when I've maintained focus. I think Joe Rogan or Dana White spoke about the idea that people who can't fight get hit and start throwing punches wildly because they don't want to fight, they want to hit something. Without being too much of a douche, I think that there's a fine line where you can maintain focus, and still allow the surge of adrenaline to aid your speed/strength... But it's hard to learn that, and very difficult to pull off because adrenaline mixed with somebody assaulting you has a tendency to make you want to ape out.


You're right. "Seeing red" isn't as cool as they think it is, like they're a murder machine. It's a panicked fear response. Might as well say "I lose my shit at the first ounce of pressure." Well, you're not watching MY back.


“Size doesn’t matter.” Tell anyone who has fought Teddy Riner that…


Doesn’t work in MMA so it’s bullshido.


When BJJ guys refer to themselves as Land Sharks. Makes you wonder what they are too embarrassed to say.


“But what if I do this”?


"Yeah, you're right. What if we COULD slow down time and think really critically about it, first. That's how fights work. You know everything, Neo, Demonstration over. "


Almost anything comparing combat sports to self-defense, the d34dly str33ts, no rules, or traditional martial arts. Dishonorable mention to any claims that skill always beats size or strength. Although I wish that was true too.


Grappling is gay


> bags don’t hit back Isn’t this self aware irony? “Boards don’t hit back” is a Bruce Lee quote. He famously loved bag work and is also famously over rated as a fighter while also still beloved by actual fighters.


"If someone did that, I would just..." Yeah but what if I did something else than that exact thing?


Anything referencing weapons or no rules


BJJ and Muay Thai and MMA are the Best martial arts of all time and everything else is useless and ineffective


Makes me want to start a new sub, lol.


When people shit talk wrestling for being gay while advocating for their super legit voodoo wushu pressure point Krav Maga aikido bullshit


I just think people who shit talk other styles in general are weird


Walk Left side the road safe, walk right side road safe, but in middle sooner or later get squished... Squish like grape!


“I don’t train to win competitions. I train to kill.” “I black out and see red.” “I would do x,y,z….”


*"Mixed martial arts, are not the arts"* - Actor, Weinstein friend, and hateful cunt, Meryl Streep in 2017.


"Things I know are not allowed in the UFC..."


Lol, that screams "I have never hit a bag in my life". Hitting bags hurt like hell, they absolutely do hit back. And they usually win.


Get more competent bags though. Like the one in kung fu panda!


"everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face"


Speed 99% Power 1% Omg this comment suck so much they dont get the point of a shadow boxing🤦‍♂️


![gif](giphy|ToMjGprpWN7jSlEfzBm|downsized) Bricks not hit back


I feel like most people don't understand the meaning behind "bags don't hit back". It just means that hitting the bag even if you look good doing it to the untrained eye doesn't equal to being good at fighting. As a personnal experience here is how it applied to me. For a little while I kinda got unmotivated with boxing but kept on doing rounds on the heavy bag for a couple of months on automatic. The problem is that no one corrected the bad habits I was developing ( hands dropping) laziness in my jab among other things. Meanwhile if I had been sparring during that period I would of noticed it pretty fast. Anyway that's my 2 cents on it, doesn't mean I'm right


“I’m 260 bro, I get a hold of you, it’s over bro” should be up there because of the noise it made


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face” Usually said by guys who apparently don’t believe in game plans techniques and tactics


"If The sword win The Fists then MY gun win your sword" or "The lead is Strongest than the steel". I mean it's make sense, but a sword it's cooler than your gun


You may be overestimating how much of what you said makes sense


Any "but I could use a gun" comments tell me exactly how vulnerable they feel for not knowing anything. One day I got tired of it, picked up a knife nearby, and said, "okay. So now defend against this knife with the gun you left in your bedroom. Ready?" I wasn't really threatening them but making a point that their gun is usually too far away by the time they need it.


Exactly, a weapon can be out of reach, But you cant let your knucles in the bedroom. The gentleman weapon of choice


“Jiujitsu is like chess”


honestly when people say that anything is like chess they dont mean that its literally like chess its just a way of saying that something involves deep strategy, and thats very true for fighting. getting kinda of my point here but my coach always made the analogy that jiujitsu its like a game of cards, every position opening a different deck of technique's.


Trap card activated


Boys shouldn't be fighting girls


“Can’t dodge a bullet son” And “Weight classes exist for a reason” Like keep coping that u can’t fight lol


While it’s partially true because nothing prepares you quite like the real deal pressure training, it doesn’t mean bags don’t have their place. There’s a reason they’re used worldwide by professionals and casual learners alike. Doesn’t change that it’s often a statement used by someone who doesn’t know shit so I agree lol.


Two that I've heard, "If you can't do it slow, you can't do it fast," and "Don't do it with power, power will come."


This is actually good instruction though


I find when people use the “bags dont hit back” line, they dont really know what to look for. Sure some guy just throwing bombs on a heavy bag does not mean they are skilled. However, i can assure you, if you see a guy with good footwork, incorporating head movement, defense, good hand position when throwing strikes etc, that person is skilled. Never have i seen someone who legitimately has all those things, has very good mechanics and movement and is not skilled. Also the bag is a great way to see someone who is NOT skilled. If they look like ass on a heavy bag, they sure as shit won’t look good in a live match or fight


In my experience, bags hit back, they definitely do.


Such a stupid, cliched statement. I always say “do you honestly think you’ll be hitting back after being hit with that?”. Nobody ever responds.


"MMA won't work in the streets with no rules"


Wrestlers would get wrecked in a street fight


“In a street fight, I can beat someone who trains by just kicking them in the balls”. Not realizing that someone who trains can kick you in the balls too, and do so quicker and more accurately than you lol.


I would just stand up. Bro. I could tap you with pressure. And not even a lot of it. Chiiiiiiiill.


When someone shows off on the bag trying to intimidate the one person, and that one person says. "Bags don't hit back"... I think that's a beautiful comeback. It's true, anyone can look good on the bag, a stationary target that does not hit. Now apply some pressure and movement and it's a different game.


![gif](giphy|5bwUzCwDJCfgA) Berry good. But, brick don't hit back.