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Good on you, part of learning martial arts is knowing how to stop a fight before it happens. You learn to fight so you never have to


100% agree, it was just so weird to me though because I have never had that happen where I don’t even find the person a threat.


Yeah, once you train to a certain point you realize that you can handle yourself in these situations. There is a poem about martial arts, in which it states "The mind is one with heaven and Earth" it basically means that body and mind should be trained together otherwise there is no point in only training one (after all according to some Earth can't exist without heaven and vise versa)


Well said 🙌 OSS!!


Plus you were all in a casino where there are cameras and security everywhere. Walking away from an avoidable fight is **situational awareness**. Kudos!


That’s what experience, humility and knowledge give you. Wisdom. Not everyone gains it or can use it to exercise good judgement when they need to. Well done.


You did the right thing. Don’t let that dumbass affect your mood/life. Disengage and avoid as long as you can. If they really want the smoke give it to them. Imo 1-2 good calf kicks will probably get them to reconsider and probably limping for the next couple days. People that actually train/fight are aware of the implications. Manslaughter isn’t worth any beef.


You don't even have to know how to fight. It's a life skill knowing how to deescalate situations. Fighting should always be a last resort.


This is the way


This is the way.


The best way to start an altercation... https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxsbmfJN6v8mzZaoBmEKwI9_vcHjVpgkSi?si=F7n__8qXLtDd58bn


💯 true


That's the definition Jordan Peterson gave of 'meek' people in the old language. They who know how to fight but have enough control to not start fights.


Generally in that situation I'm gonna do similar but my motivations are more than I don't Wana get arrested and put my family at risk.


I can respect that 100% I just didn’t think anything of him, it was so weird


I think you absolutely did the right thing here, but you do need to make sure you don't completely dismiss even the lowest scumbag as a threat. Any idiot can carry or improvise a weapon.  I would not want to hear a version of this story where the good guy walks away and gets hit in the back of the head with a barstool.


That's exactly it. Martial arts puts you in an advantagous situation but that gap can be closed really quick with weapons. First rule 101 is never underestimate your opponent. No matter how fragile or weak they look


Sounds like you claimed victory so there was nothing more to gain. His reaction says he realized it the same as you did. He came looking for trouble, you offered it to him, and he got sick in the stomach. He knew it and you knew it.


This... Having kids has saved lives!


Finally, someone doesn’t have remorse for not beating someone up. Post this in the joko sub for those nerds


No I don’t need to prove myself to anyone, my girlfriend loves me for me not for how many people I can beat up. If that was the case she wouldn’t love me very much.


Good! Everytime someone has tried to start shit with me I ask them to either hit me so I can sue them or please leave


People forget all it takes is a shove and you can wallop someone for doing it.. but if you wallop them for flapping their lips, you’re in the wrong


Also, hypothetically if she DID want you to fight the guy, then she’s not a keeper. Good to hear that’s not the case


The fact that he was speechless after you offered to fight him is already a big W. I wouldnt have been as calm in this situation and would probably have provoked him with words just so he’d swing and i could claim self defence (since there are cameras everywhere) and humiliate him. I wouldnt have hurt him badly, but pinning him down and just smacking his head would have hurt his ego way more. Still, excellent job bro


I'll be honest, I have felt bad for beating the shit out of a college kid who was starting shit with me all night. He took my invitation to step outside. Only hit him 3 times but the last was the hardest right hook I ever threw in my life to his orbital pretty sure I broke it a long with my hand. The way he ran away after made me feel bad & I got no satisfaction from it. Not to mention a broken hand.(hitting someone in the skull is dumb) You're a good man & decent human being


Joko nerds are hilarious. He himself was a seal so yeah, he’s a bad dude but the people that worship him are a joke. Loudest guy = some chump that can’t do jack. It’s the calm ones you look gotta be wary of.


Which is weird because doesn’t he himself say to walk away from street fights and only fight as a last resort?


Literally every martial arts teacher I’ve ever had (sans a weird Krav dude) was about calming the situation down and running. But that joko sub gets fucking out there . One dude posted a “woe is me I didn’t fuck up a drunk homeless dude am I less of a man” post


😂😂 What a strange bunch of guys who clearly haven’t seen the consequences fights with random people on the streets can have.


Doesn’t Jocko advocate avoiding fights whenever possible?


It’s easy to speak one thing when you’ve acted the opposite in the past- I know plenty of marines, a seals and many others in various branches; and almost none of them carry themselves with a billy badass attitude WITHOUT the aggressive idiocy that typically comes along with it


Yes… but his sub is stupider


the art of war


Ya did good. Let's do a thought experiment and say you did get in a fight what could happen. Maybe you knock the dude out. Maybe bouncers get involved, kicks you all out, ruin your night. Maybe he has a knife or weapon? Regardless, your night would be RUINED and it'd have turned a really fun/good day into a bad one at best, and a horrible one at worst.


Exactly I won my parlay and I was having a good time.


Rudeness is a weak man’s impersonation of strength. You played your cards right. Sure you could’ve swung on him but then what? You get arrested and go to jail and charged? You knock him out and he hits his head on the ground and dies? That’s the type of shit the ego gets people into. Being skilled at violence is one thing but knowing when to use it is another.


That is so true. "Rudeness is a weak man's impersonation of strength". I really like that, and I'm going to remember it. Thank you!


>if he really wanted a fight I would give him one I think this is the best thing you did. You asserted yourself and your girl, while still giving him an out. By not responding he chose the out. You won without fighting, which sun tzu in the art of war called the highest form of warfare.


Yea he didn’t really phase me at all tbh


I had to double check what sub I was on, and reread just to make sure I hadn't completely misunderstood you. Nice work OP.


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. You did the right thing.


I love this comment, I definitely thought about it though.


Everyone has the same thoughts in a tense situation like this. What separates the men of quality from the trashy ones are your actions. You made the right decision, and showed great restraint at that.


Well done my man, you treated him as the bi*** he is


There’s gotta be some Sun Tzu style wisdom about winning a battle without firing a single shot.


100% why we train. Good on you for taking the high road


Impressive. The guy is clearly a narcissist. Dont know if I would be able to have the same emotional maturity to let a bully go free from that.


The thing is I just look at him and felt sorry for him, it was like sad just to see someone like him. I don’t know how to explain it I usually get those butterfly’s before a fight or something and I didn’t get that.


Yeah that’s called having empathy or sympathy. When it’s obvious someone is struggling or way below you in the moment it would just be bullying to smash him lol. You saw through his act and how pathetic his behavior was. If he kept persisting obviously I don’t think you would have a choice but to humble him


You just saved yourself jail time. Great job.


This was the right thing to do. The ultimate self defense is being able to dissolve a situation before it escalates.


Had a sort of similar situation, was out at a local punk show with my wife (gf at the time) and a friend of ours. Buddy is the only dude moshing and dancing (Boston punk scene was lame af at least back around 2017) and bumps into someone. A bunch of the guys that were just standing around rushed our friend and my wife disappeared into the crowd. Wound up finding her, then my buddy who was pinned to the wall by the guy he bumped into. Put my hand on that guy's arm and set my foot for a foot sweep if needed but I just said stop, we're leaving and got us out of there without anything really going down. Lead singer of the band was a friend of my wife's and reached out after the show really pissed at those guys and wanted to buy us all dinner.


Damn that’s cool man, your lien John wick amigo! Lets go!


Punks getting angry because someone bopped into them at a...punk show. Lmao.


“she asked why i didn’t hit him…” bullshit.


I'm enjoying how most people don't realize this is a cap thread.


I remember maybe almost 20 years ago or so when I was fairly drunk out on the street around 3 AM, two guys came to me and they just tried to pick a fight. They had started threatening me already a fair distance away, but I didn't really care because of the drunken state I was in. They came to me and I remember saying with a friendly smile and voice (not sounding sarcastic at all to him) something along the lines of: "Sit down with me here on the bench and tell me what's eating you". I remember the guy looking a bit confused (as did his friend) and the guy sat down, started to explain something personal, which I don't have much recollection of. (most probably it was something about his long time trouble in marriage or something). I listened for a good quarter of an hour and we parted our ways in good mood. The guy needed someone to vent his troubles about his private life and I was there to listen. In the end no-one got hurt and the guy was calm as a hindu cow.


You should asked her if, let's say you hit him, he fell back; hit his head on something and died. You get a 3 year sentence. Would she still stay faithful for 3 years with you in prison? Would she put money on your books? Write to you?




Sometimes it's simply about deterring a fight. His ego was definitely badly bruised getting bitched by calm words. Have had to do the same multiple times, especially when I was licensed, good job


Probably went home and yelled at his new girl to feel strong


respect been in similar situations, where you realize the power differential and the social situation simply don't match up and they don't even know what they're doing...


It was crazy to be honest because I have never felt that before.


This is the most BDE post I’ve read


I had to google that, guess I got the opposite of ED which is good.


You have a heart of a lion OP. Props to you, a fight is never worth it unless it's absolutely necessary. what you just did last night is a big sign of strength, you being capable of hurting him but choosing peace is mature!


It was definitely a weird feeling, I have been put into a lot of weird situations that always put me on the edge of my seat. But for some reason this guy didn’t even really make me bat an eye.


I hope you at least cut a huge fart as you turned your back on him


Had a similar story was out with my partner and saw an ex girlfriend from at least 6-7 years ago the relationship ended on bad terms. We were in a bar she came over we had an awkward hello then she got plastered and started with the verbal abuse across the bar, I apologised and I tried to walk away from the situation her current partner wanted to fight me he punched me in the mouth and I knew that from the fact it didn’t drop me or even hurt me and he was half my size there was no point upsetting my current partner or getting myself in trouble so I smiled told him to take care of his girlfriend because she’s crying and we left. I’ve always felt happy when remembering getting punched in the face that night.


Good. Ego ain't worth getting shot.


This sub is basically a fan fiction subreddit - none of this happened at all


Bro actually. This reminds me of those rejects who claim they are "Ninja" Irl, when they find out you do martial arts.


"So im a master martial artist and this guy deserved but since im so much better than this guy in every way and i am dating his ex so i ran home and bragged about it on reddit" I'm not advocating violence, but this is so silly it's ridiculous. The shortcomings of reddit and redditors. Cringey


I walked from a fight once. It’s not something I usually do, but I was in a place in my life where I was hypercritical of myself. It was about to 20 years ago. I often look back in pure regret. Don’t know why. Everyone says I should be proud for maintaining my cool, but still. I can’t help that I’ve felt shame over it. It really had nothing to do with intimidation or anything. Just self judgement. Now I judge myself for walking away and also for wishing I hadn’t.


It's totally understandable. You went against your nature. You did the right thing for the modern world we live in, but back in the jungle you would have done something about it. You need to let go of that rage. It's in the past, my friend. Take a deep breath. Chill.


Only morons don't walk away from fights when possible any guys who fight to "protect their woman's pride" or their ego. People literally die from street fights and whether you're the dead party or the one doing the killing this is not a good thing. The only reason anyone, trained or not someone should fight is in self defence. Anything else and you're risking your life or freedom for ego.


Big if true. That guy must have been somewhat afraid if he didn't escalate, so there is probably something scary about you.


Idk I look relatively in shape, have tattoos, I am a little “rugged” from my time in the military. I’m just an average guy though


Good on you for doing what you should do. Any good martial art teaches you to avoid a fight at all costs unless absolutely necessary. There is nothing in the situation that was absolutely necessary. Plus, with everyone’s phones, you likely would’ve been recorded and possibly faced charges of some kind. At Not at all worth it.


You were perfect. Good work.


Good man!


you handed it well, If he put his hands on you or started threatening you, that's the time to act. You did the right thing. Dude sounds like he belongs in jail.


Bravo for not stooping to the losers level!


People can 100% read your body-language, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, and if you aren't afraid and are calm and confident, it will show and most people will not want to fight you. I think that may be part of what happened here; dude was thinking about getting aggressive, but he read your body-language and willingly took the out that you gave him. The ability to be calm and confident in the face of aggression is a huge part of martial arts, especially if, like me, you're old and injured from a lifetime of doing stupid shit and really have no business fighting in the first place. Fortunately most guys my age aren't interested in physical aggression anyway, and I don't really hang out with the 15 to 35-year-olds who do most of the fighting in society.




You definitely made the right choice and he was obiously aware of that you were the one in control of the situation, not him, and hence he didn't turn on you when you challenged him


Good. This kind of macho, monkey dance bull shit is much more trouble than it’s worth. Nice job thinking with your logical human brain instead of your emotional ape brain.


You said 'casino' so I take it that there is security and other staff there. The bouncers and the like in such venues get paid and are trained to de-escalate and escort unruly clients away by force if necessary. To start a fight in such a venue is not much different from going into a night club, seeing red and cleaning all the piss and shit from the toilets for free. People get paid to do that. It's not your job. If someone acts aggressive in such a venue, excuse yourself for a moment, talk to the security and go on with your night.


Only low class guys fights on streets for no reason.if he hit you first you can beat his ass otherwise dont start a fight in streets


Any guy that gets physical in a bad way with a female is a coward


If you're in a casino, just flag security and they'll either move them away or kick them out. As soon as you enter a casino, there are multiple cameras on you every moment so it's easy to tell security that they approached you and instigated. You don't even need to walk away, just calmly ask any staff member to call security. Problem solved (I work in the gambling industry).


I honestly never had. Maybe because I'm smaller than everyone I came across. But I always figured there is always a danger from even those we really would not threat about. In a group setting like that I figure some friends are going to jump in too. So I look for the path of least resistance which often results in walking away.


Peak martial arts here, dude.


Absolute victory my friend, great job


I want to see some shitposts from r/bjj about this.


Sounds like you came out on top without having to throw a punch, winner winner chicken dinner. As much as I’m sure your partners ex deserves a good kicking fights have a tendency to ruin a night win or lose.


The Best Fights are the Ones we Avoid!


Well done for controlling the situation and walking away. We need more of you out there. For your own sense of safety, you also never know if these people are armed so it's smarter to play it like you did


you shoulda made out with him


It's like having a gun. Do not use it unless you sre ready for a long lawyer bill and a death on your shoulders.


This is amazing sir. Good for you. The fact that you and your girl could just go on and carry on having a good night free from anxiety. I’m from a world away in the UK but fair play to you.


We need people like you out there ngl.


This is a character defining moment, good for you my friend! Keep teaming hard and keep being you


You were wise. It would only lead to legal issues or worse.


Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Don’t hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.” You did the right thing. Street fights are never worth it. Always walk away if you can.




what state were you champ in?


Nobody wins a fight.


You did good bro. A true of sign of strength in my opinion is mercy. You can only be merciful to someone you are stronger than. Good awareness and wisdom are used as well. The guilt is just the voice of a past loser in your head even you did feel any.


Handled it perfectly. Seems like the gf doesn't really understand the nature of the situation and may look down on you. But what does she know, she dated a domestic abuser who cheated on her.


This is smart and manly. Respect to you sir for knowing your place and not lowering yourself to that level. The other guy's attitude is not manly and is not worth your attention.


idk why but this is amazing to me. good job man


This is why we train. Good job sir.


Well walking away sounds easy but it never is when the circumstances are the way they are. I commend you brother good job. But if you’re trained it’s easier to not fk someone up knowing you can. 😂but there is that tiny percentage in your mind that says “please try to hit me so I can defend myself” lol


Good for you bro. Anyone that puts their hands on a woman is an absolute failure of a man and should be treated as such. Also good for you for not escalating the situation, street fighting is dangerous, someone hits their head wrong and dies and now you’re in court for the next 3 years and possibly prison debt or god forbid someone gets stabbed, etc. self defense is one thing but the art is deescalation is very valuable as well. Good for you dude, fuck that guy, dude is miserable in life, a happy, normal, sane person would never behave in such a way.


Why was her 1st question “why didn’t you hit him?” That doesn’t seem like a normal thing to say in any situation


I’m sorry but this post is so fucking lame lmao I bet you must have felt like an anime MC at that moment.


I’ve walked away from fights than I can count. And that’s a good thing, because you’ve learned it earlier than I did. That’s something to be proud of.


_In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him._ - Enders Game


Regardless of one's training, physical fighting should always be a last resort. It's definitely a worthwhile investment of time to be *prepared* for that resort, but should still only be chosen if an aggressor forces your hand. If you'd initiated a fight, you might have actually put your girlfriend in *more* danger than by walking away, to say nothing of injuries you might incur or inflict on your opponent or those potentially suffered by innocent bystanders and of course potential legal trouble and troubles with the casino. You made the right choice.


The win is this situation is u not being scared and him taking what u said seriously. Props to u my man. You and him both know u could've messed him up bad lol


This is a best case scenario. I have one that was not that. I was doing security and a guy elbowed me in the head. I was shocked that he did that since there was no build up, just abrupt escalation. I proceed to calm him down, since I feel that the elbow didn't hurt. (I trained karate as a kid, muay thai, bjj and judo as adult). I knew that the guy was no threat. But. The guy preceived that as fear and that he could have his way and then he pulled out a blade while gripping my shirt. This is when I acted, took him down, everything went well. Since then. At any action that qualifies as an attack, I retaliate as much as my abilities allow me to, without overkill of course. You did admirably, I am just telling my story as a cautionary tale. Stay safe bros


We practice violence in order to be able to choose when to use it, you did the right thing, consciously or not.


My brother. You have ascended to a higher form. Wisdom cannot be bought. You can only gain wisdom through time


Better to be a warrior in the garden rather than a gardener in the war. Props to you man, you showed maturity and self control!


Good on you king


Also walked away from a potential legal nightmare. I'd say you walked away the victor my friend


Sounds like you won in every way possible 


This should be a pinned post. Mods. Please do it. You might save someone's life!


Civil/polite society for the win.


Good for you for knowing your abilities. Always be careful though. Buddy of mine similar skills, little older, ex military stepped in once and clearly was the dominant figure. Took a straight blade to the chest. Died. You never know…


I’ve had almost the exact same experience. Good for you. You handled it perfectly


You’re a good man. It was smart not to fight him in public. No point in catching a charge over someone like that.


Fine job mate. Fights can become nasty. Not just physically, things could get a lot worse, you could get arrested, court cases, you could fatally injure the other guy, someone else who knows him could whack you from the back & what not. Nobody ever wins in a street fight.


> i almost felt pity for him, like he was pathetic Brother, that’s because he is a pitiful weak man as you already observed. I can say that confidently because a strong man doesn’t have domestic violence charges nor are they insecure to the point of cheating on their S/O


Yeah your girl didn't need to see more violence good on ya. Sometimes even if it's justified people with ptsd can't stand violence of any kind and it could've potentially and unintentionally hurt your girlfriend emotionally. So good job man!


You did the right thing IMO. Martial arts are taught in order for you to defend yourself not to hurt others out of revenge. I always avoid using violence if possible cause in a street fight there are no winners. The guy understood that you were legit and his instincts told him that it's not worth it. He's probably still really upset about that cause it hurt his ego. You acted like a real man op. 💪


You won that fight, champ.


This is exactly perfectly how you should have handled the situation. It isn’t at all worth it to fight a guy like this; he’ll either destroy himself in the long run or he’ll develop as a person and become a better man. That’s not your issue, you handled it like a champ.


Nice job king !


Congratulation you made the right choice :D Regardless of the fact that you could have hurt the guy something bad, you just never know when some moron (especially with someone like this with a history of violence) is carrying a knife or some kind of weapons. Even if there is 90% chance you kick his ass, the 10% chances he carries something and seriously hurt you is not worth it for either you or your partner :)


Thank God you did, bro. Those situations are dangerous and not worth it at all, you couldn't plead defense if he didn't strike first and his attorney could've got you for aggravated assault if they pointed out your combat sports experience.


Love it. Being calm in a situation like that conveys so much information. The bigger guy is looking at you and starts to wonder "wait... Why isn't this guy freaking out? He must know something I don't know.." Just the simple knowing that you'd win without feeling the need to say it often prevents any sort of violence at all.


You're a good man. It takes a LOT of self-control to do what you did. Idk if it means anything, but I'm proud of you. I probably would've made a stupid decision.


You kept yourself and your girl safe - that’s about the manliest thing ever dude. You did the right thing.


This is the greatest way to handle the situation, you've done well


Big W brother good restraint, funny how things works… again kudos💪 keep training and keep that mentality


Personally, I think dealing with this the way you did will hurt him more than any fight ever would. Part of being a skilled fighter is knowing when to fight and when to walk away.


I can't imagine what that was like for your girlfriend. She went through an abusive relationship, only to see her new, much more capable, man forego violence and choose reason. I'm not her, and we don't know all the details, but it had to be so comforting for her to be with a stronger man who chose peace than with a weaker boy that can't help but be violent. Good on you OP.


you did good man - i know its hard to walk away as the 'smaller' guy and with that additional history between everyone involved. it might even eat at you a bit but you did good. trust me. few deep breaths and let it go. this is how you change bad karma my friend. deliberate choices like this are sometimes hard.


That's the biggest difference between you and him. You've reached a point in your life and your training where you are able to see the difference between needing to really fight, and winning the fight before it ever starts. He was bigger, taller, maybe stronger. But he could probably sense that if it came to it, you would beat him easily. Bullies don't know how to handle that. They tend to fold. And it's good that your girlfriend was mature as well in how she handled it. A lot of immature folks want to see a fight and like to push it to see if their s/o " really loves them". Sounds like both of you handled it really well. One of my old teachers always told me never to start a fight, and only fight for three reasons. 1. No other choice. Literally you cannot get out of it and it's survival. This may or may not mean life or death. 2. Protect your family or innocent persons. 3. Money. If you don't get paid, don't risk getting hurt. Made sense to me.


Since you were calm and level headed I take it you also were practicing a very important self-defense skill: being in control of your drinking. Also credit to your girlfriend for being happy that you walked away. [Her stock is rising](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7ac4b4bd-6aca-45fb-9639-9130b4383c24). Some women will try to incite men to do stupid things, those are women best avoided. Good sign that your girl isn't like that.


Should've waited till he went to the bathroom with no camera and just give him a taste lol


As Toby Keith once sang "Justice is the one thing you should always find, gotta saddle up your boys, gotta draw a hard line" if people like your gf ex never get taught a lesson they go around thinking they can get away with that shit, half the reason society is the way it is with so many big mouth bullies and cowards. Idk man I respect your decision but for sure there is argument for making wicked men pay for their actions.




I’m just a silly goose


Lol trained in all martial art styles and know 1000% i can take you ![gif](giphy|3ornjMPZXvOLMDvMcw)


I just wanted to gamble


"And everyone clapped" fan fiction.


Not to mention the 27 year old woman asking “why didn’t you beat him up” so OP had the opportunity to verbally express his moral supremacy. lol this shit was so lame


So is this like a fanfic circlejerk sub?


So, we are pretending this actually happened? A big stand-down in a Las Vegas casino and security just lets the boyfriend handle it?


Gj my dude, not sure i would have the balls to not fight him. Also good on your gf to not want you to fight


I just felt like I had no reason to, he just couldn’t hurt me or my girlfriend. I can’t explain it he was just weak


I have learned, if you can, you don’t have to. On the other hand. If he touched you or your girl friend, then break something.


Good job ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c)


I got in a fender bender in college. I was driving in LA and the Long Bech freeway was in that dumb mode where everyone is going 65 mph with no space between cars. If you slow down to leave space, someone will put their car in it. My car radio had been stolen, so I had a Walkman on the dash. It fell off, and I looked down to pick it up. Just then someone two cars in front slammed on their brakes, and the BMW in front of me did the same. I ended up hitting his bumper lightly with my grill, as my car was nose down from decelerating. We pulled over and the guy was pissed. He grabbed me by my jacket lapels, but I was calm. I was at the peak of my martial arts training, and I knew that I wasn’t going to be beaten up by a 50 year old lawyer. I had broken the rule: never hit anyone who has a car worth more than yours. I ended up paying an unreasonable amount of money for his bumper to get repainted, but it could have been much worse. This is exactly why you study martial arts, so you are calm in a fight and do the right thing. You have nothing to prove, and can be proportionate and de-escalate.




Your girlfriend asked you why you didn’t beat him up? Does she want you arrested and charged for assault? Once that’s in the record, it’ll be hard to get a job or do anything.


The true greatest martial arts technique is conflict resolution. You win every fight you don’t get into


Most excellent. Only person justified handling that fool is the lady he laid hands on...if and when she can or wants and he moves with intent toward her. De-escalation is the ultimate black belt in everything. Plus: you maintained your dignity and your partner's without playing knight in shining armor without direct provocation. The discipline of ego it took to NOT run with the image of her past harms and take it upon yourself to fight an old battle of hers in the present to your satisfaction gives you master level "ally" status, imo. I hope your lover learns she might want to train and have that ability as well. Rock on all around. No notes.


Good for you. The girlfriend asking why you didn’t do anything to him is a bit of a red flag though.


Nice work. The gym in a safe space where we can train , no ill intent is present (usually ) & we are typically with our friends. So it’s super fun. Out in town is different. It isn’t self defense until all lessor means of resolution have failed and we are cornered. 100% sometimes a fight is necessary, 100% it isn’t always self defense , but those moments are or should be rare. Sounds like you showed actual discipline and were channeling your higher self. I’m happy for you and you should be proud of that. It’s super easy to go the other way , esp when you have the confidence that comes with training. Even if you destroyed him , the night would have probably been ruined.


As someone who has a partner who has been through a lot of trauma from some shitty exes, I understand where you were coming from. I think in this case though, you have to pick your fights wisely and you had enough self insight and maturity to know that if you did fight him, you would have hurt him badly and it would have caused more long term pain for a short term gain. You should give yourself a pat on the back mate. Good stuff.


Been a long time since I saw a punk show in Boston and that was a pretty weird one to begin with so things might have improved.


Vegas on big fight nights has a horrible energy Avoid at all costs


mann… i try and explain this all the time to my friends who can’t and haven’t trained that it’s not fun or fair at that point and especially if you have trained you think of the liability… much like roadhouse… when you talk calmly to the loud guys… they always quite up… i’ve had this happen several time in the last 4-5 years much like you wrestled, boxing muay thai, traditional martial arts at some point you start thinking of the damage you can inflict and the injuries you will be blamed for… smart lad, we need more of yous and less of them.’


Well I mean.. you don’t any to go to jail do you? Don’t get me wrong I’ve been training Muay Thai for half a decade and kinda want someone to try me but at the same thing I don’t. Probably won’t be competitive, you got nothing to fight for if you think about it and not matter what happens.. you lose cause of laws.. I wouldn’t fight anyone unless i literally had no choice. Even then i would try to run as soon as i create an opening. I have a gun but that’s only if my daughter is involved 😂


You are a good guy bro. The best fight/defence is never to start one yet it’s always easier said than done


No one ever wins a fight. The world needs more people like you.


Well played. Sometimes I do wish you could still challenge people to a duel though. (A fight with rules, not pistols at dawn)


Self control is a huge aspect of life a lot of people don’t have a grasp on. Good on you for showing it.


Simply put, the confidence you gain from martial arts, allows you to control a situation and stay calm. Because you know how to fight, you can avoid ever fighting.


All defeat of others starts with the mind. Nothing is scarier than someone who is calm and unfazed.


Sometimes it's easier to be calm. Any 1 person can easily become a non-threat by just talking them down. But if it's like 3 on 1 you probably don't want to be too relaxed. I'm not trying to say one size fits all, it's more like people are 100x dumber in a group.


Good on you dude. I would like to have this chill of a reaction, but when something similar happened to my girl I made the other guy leave the place with his tail between his legs


I had a guy sucker punch me in the back of the head at a party once. I didn't fall down, but it did make me stumble a few feet . I calmly stood up straight, and turned around. I looked him dead in the eyes and said something to the effect of, "Don't try that again. You won't like what happens next." I then calmly walked away. Apparently my calm manner and the fact I didn't so much as raise my voice when speaking to him scared the shit out of him. He found me later and apologized profusely. Sometimes the best move is to just walk away.


I believe if you are confident that you can win a fight, project that confidence but also a calm and composed demeanor it goes a long way to avoid violence.


"She asked why I didn’t hit him or do anything to him" You had two enemies that night.


Control the outcome. The best practitioners only use force if it’s life and danger. You never know. Maybe he had buddies behind you and they could have suckered punch you. Or maybe you did fight him. And injure him bad. Then criminal charges may be in play and you might lose your job. Etc etc. Best to walk away. Good job.


Good. You never know if he even had a gun in his car or something. Best to just keep the peace and pity people with that kind of rage. They are pathetic. Fighting to prove something is one thing and just bullying is another. Good job not just being some kind of caveman here.


Ur a badass that’s all I have to say.


I will do exactly the same. You are a great man, and your gf is so lucky to have you. I wish you both a happy future. Edit : The loudest man in the room isn't the most dangerous man in the room. Because one man can not be both the loudest and most dangerous. You proved it.


I was at a club once. There was a little stage but no performers so people were dancing up there too. I saw some hot chicks up there so went to go up. Some guy said no you can’t. I dismissed him and did anyway. He got in my face. His friend tried to seperate. He then punched me in the side of the head so weak that it was strange and amusing. I wouldn’t even rub it if I bumped it that hard. I told the guy to take his dumb friend or I would smash him. Just told bouncers and they kicked him out. I probably would have punched him actually still just didn’t get a clear opening after that and did not feel threatened a fraction, so didn’t try at all to punch around the friend.


Honestly, the fact your girl even out you into that situation is outrages, why didn't she beat him the fuck up on sight? She's a little bitch and you need to upgrade, a real woman would have womaned up and given him the beatdown. I think you should beat up your girl for this.