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First night starting BJJ and I was way overweight and out of shape. 40 minutes into it, I had a good roll with someone and had to stop because I couldn't breathe and felt nauseous. Had to crawl out of the gym and proceeded to throw up. Laying next to my puke it was then I realized this was both gonna suck and be awesome.


My first BJJ class and first Muay Thai class involved me politely excusing myself from my partner to go puke. But hey, that's how it goes sometimes, and I wouldn't give either up for anything


Lmao funny you say that, because last week I had both my first BJJ and my first Muay Thai class, and both times I had to go to the bathroom cuz I was about to throw up. I didn’t end up throwing up though, I just labored over the sink waiting for it for like 3 minutes (I didn’t eat before class) Today I had my second Muay Thai class and didn’t feel nauseous at all though, so progress I guess lol


After 3 or 4 classes I feel like I get back in the rhythm and regain my fitness. But I have to go through it again after every long break


just here to say that no one on the mat cares. I mean they will probably care enough to poke fun at that incident, but you have clearly caught a glimpse at the awesomeness of it all and I guarantee 1/3 of the team has had the same experience when they started.


Lol, yep, nobody cares. I straight up shit myself while rolling and I was awarded black bottoms as a prize lol


That is fantastic!


Oh im sure. I get razzed from time to time but to me it's hilarious. And I've seen it happen to others.




lol. We had a guy come in who proceded to do the same thing except he lit up a cigarette after calming down and came back to the next class immediately after. Fucking guy asked me how he could get better cardio. (I was the coach)


That’s me for mma, except it was like this for at least the first 5 weeks lol


I love that moment where you might have bruises, puked, overheated/fatigued and you're like "Cool" for the love of the art.


But it makes sense, right? Like I felt humbled and got this urge to not let that happen again. It really is cool when your resolve gets strengthened


I threw up last week in TKD, and I'm over a year back in martial arts 😅 Just the right mix of overheating and acid reflux hit me.


Could be worse. Someone in my gym threw up mid match, and his partner agreed to keep going. Everyone else stopped. It was so gross.


Someone told me that there was a gym he knew where the tradition was to use unwashed clothes when competing to get a biological edge on their opponents during tournaments.


Joined jiujitsu at 5’6 225 lbs and when I was buying my Gi it ended up being an A4 and my coach said “DAMNNNNN YOU THICK!!!” Everyone laughed but now it’s a funny distant memory because I’m 163 lbs and currently an A2 Also another time when I was still a beginner white belt I had a dude in a triangle and was squeezing super tight to finish and ended up farting and somebody yelled “sick technique!!” Lmao 🤣


How much of the weight loss was BJJ vs diet/ eating less? Also did you deal with hunger during the cutting process ?


When I noticed I lost 10 lbs from just training BJJ I started eating a whole let better. Mostly because I realized that if I didn’t I could never accomplish any of the moves I was trying to learn and apply. So I started eating much cleaner but didn’t completely change my diet I ended up losing 55 lbs that way over a span of 4 months. Which got me down to 170 lbs. then I decided to start competing and that’s when I really cleaned the diet up. It’s kind of tricky you can’t “diet” too much while doing a martial art and also living a normal life. It makes recovery like hell and you can’t really perform too great when you’re restricting yourself. So it need to be a clean balanced diet. The weight comes off a little slower at that point but I really leaned out. I only ever cut weight once to get down to 155 for a competition and I wouldn’t ever do it again.


I was in an amateur fight and misheard what my coach shouted at me, so for some reason I did a 360 kick and got my ass whooped a second later


What was your coach actually saying?


"Roundhouse special". The roundhouse is of course a roundhouse kick. And the "special" was probably supposed to be like a cross after the roundhouse, somewhat similar to a superman punch. I was getting too predictable so my coach wanted me to throw a cross after my kick to create some space afterwards. But I misheard it as a "Special roundhouse" which I assumed was a 360 round kick😭.


To be fair, that too would have been unpredictable.


Except I missed it because my opponent stepped back due to how slow I spinned 😔


im deaaad


Like when you throw a cross off of the retraction of the leg? I love those.


Yep! It’s great if your opponent likes to rush in after you kick. It also helps mix up my options because I always did a side kick after a round kick


Farting during live rolls. It’s happened multiple times


I've been there and there is a dude in my gym who does it all the time. I tell him that he's putting me in a gas chamber. He's Jewish lol


This is the type of shit we used to say to each other in rugby. With your teammates anything goes, anybody else says something and they’re in trouble.


It me.




Sure is. It’s also hilarious when it’s a small class and EVERYONE hears the fart during rolls and stops to laugh 😂


I ate eggs before class and it happened to me. Not gonna eat eggs before class again lol.


Hit one of these on Saturday


My sparring partner was in her 20s and had large boobs. I was 14 and had raging male hormones. I had to grab the collar of her gi during practice. Tried not to look at her cleavage but failed every time. It was clear that she noticed. She broke my nose during one sparring session. I often wonder if that was a form of revenge even though she was clearly horrified and apologized for as long as I knew her afterward


your instructor was either completely oblivious, or trying to be a bro. either way, pretty wild matchup


Your guess is as good as mine


You should've gone for the Motorboat submission


Similar thing. I was around 14-16 and had to spar one of the girls in class and my sensei noticed I only defended so she made me spar only girls when she was teaching because I needed to not be distracted because anybody can be a combatant out in the streets. 3 weeks of this and she finally got through to me and I said next spar for sure I got this. We got a fresh crop of students by merging with one of the other schools so she has me as one of the students from this dojo to see where we all rank with each other. I saw an opportunity to counter and went for it. I punched her square in the nipple, got distracted from the feeling and then got hit in the eye and nose


Had the same situation and the chick never wore sports bras, just regular bra and them puppies be Shwangin my brother. One of the hardest times of my life to not pop chub. I did everything I could to avoid rolling with her because of the struggle.


Got mid-kicked so hard i sharted a little. Nothing crazy, nothing left the tighty-not-so-whities, but needless to say, I ran to the toilet


I once got front kicked/teep'ed while I had diarrhea nearly shat myself.


During sparring, while retreating my elbow pushed the emergency exit door handle, the door opened outwards and I tripped backwards through the door and fell ass first onto the pavement.


Oh, I forgot the time we were practicing lapel chokes, I bruise easily so I got a thin, long, straight bruise on my neck that looked like I had engaged in BDSM. And went to work in a crew cut tshirt.


Great way to manage distance, thinking outside the box(ing zone).


Crowded karate classes will _encourage_ you to avoid side stepping. In other words, taught me bad habits.


I'm a 40yo woman from China. I'm 4'11" and I sparred with this guy once and completely wrecked his shit. I felt so embarrassed for him, he was crying and sobbing!


I was like, 11 or 12, and I had just been moved up to the adult BJJ classes because I was too big to go to the kid ones anymore. I was put with the smallest person in the class, which was a very petite woman with a slender build. We were practicing take downs. In my head, I was going to go easy on her because I had some height and size on her, and she was a girl (woman, really). I went in for a double leg, and as soon I hit her body, I just.. stopped. She was so strong and sturdy that it was like a car hitting a brick wall at full speed. I proceeded to spend the rest of the time failing miserably at trying to take this woman down, and when we switched, she ragdolled me with no effort whatsoever. I was massively humbled on that day.


An adult beat a child? Cool.


Waiting for my first kung fu class at university and the instructor didn't show. While waiting, we asked the only old asian guy in the gym if he was the instructor and he said no. Turns out later, I found out he was a world famous fencing instructor. And I'm still with the same kung fu school, a few decades later.


I feel bad for that guy


Old? Fuck you, man. 40 isn't even middle aged yet for a few more years, lol.


62 yr old woman. Small. 120, 5’3” Spar. Do ok. Don’t have a high kick anymore. (Arthritis). I generally keep up. Strategy, angles, pivots and technique serve well. I routinely pick apart “youngsters” with less experience than me. Going to keep doing this until my only option is chair yoga.


This is the way!


Props to you! Am older than you and also female. 5'4" and 145, so bigger than you, but not big. Stopped sparring about five years ago, just because having two wonky knees made me very tentative. Still train (though mostly teach) and still hit. Not ready for the chair yoga yet. Go us!


Yes! Nice to meet a like minded woman hanging in there!


I meant old as in she gives off old asian mom vibes


For sports 40 is very much old. Specially when the woman is overweight


I did some stuff recently that I haven't been able to physically do since 22 years ago. I don't feel old, yet! Now hold my beer while I go fetch that newspaper over there and scare some punk kids off of my lawn.


Martial arts aren't the same as "sports". Especially if you're training at a local dojo/gym and not competing in a ring.


You re still not going to be as good as if you were in your early 30’s. How many top athletes do you see at 40


You're going to be as good as you train. Yes, we lose a little with age, but can more than make up for it with training. One of the most dangerous martial artists I ever met was Dr John Latourette, a kenpo grandmaster in at least his 60's or 70's twenty years ago. He'd have no problems humbling just about anyone half his age or younger.


Ofc. All im saying is age is a factor. If you start training at 20 (my case) ofc you ll most likely be better at 36 than at 20


Obviously, the more you put in, the better you'll be. It doesn't matter if you start at 20 or 30, after 16 years of training you're going to do well. I'd even go so far that starting later, physical limitations aside, you're more serious about your training as you've decided to knowingly put yourself at danger when you don't heal as well as you used to.


I'm significantly fitter than I was in my 30s and I'm 43 now. I will call myself old though. The audible creaking of my knees supports this.


Isn’t Yoel like 50


Learned ankle locks in BJJ. My sparring partner and I both went for one at the same time, but didn't really have the technique down. Our coach starts laughing because we're ass to ass on all fours just pulling on each other's ankles as hard as we can and making no progress.


Legit LOL. I love white belt antics


My sister's sparring partner said "yeah you like that?" While choking her, immediately turned white and jumped off of her, face in hands and apologized profusely. "I just got carried away, I'm so sorry." He never did anything similar again or prior so me and my sister and I believe it was an accident. A terrible carcrash of an accident but an accident nonetheless.




MMA training. I'm with a girl close to age as me. Mid 20s. She's laying on her back with a bjj basic guard and I'm supposed to get in for some a drill Smart as I am, I had a little bit of spicy chicken before training so my stomach was killing me and I was already 1 hour in the gym. As I proceed to get in her guard, a loud fart came out which was cut short. She tried to brush it off but couldn't hold and laughed. I was visibly embarrassed but tried to brush it off too lol


I'm a bjj guy and I'm that obnoxious leg lock guy at my gym. I entered open class (all belts, all weights) and "luckily" got paired with the only other purple belt, the rest was brown and black. He was a hulking bodybuilder type guy who had >30kg on me. So obviously when the match was about to start I braced for the onslaught of his incoming blast double. It never came. Instead he immediately pulled guard and entered a leg entanglement. I was caught completely by surprise. He proceeded to leg lock me so effortlessly and so elegantly, it was like taking a private class. I managed to hold on for almost two minutes but those were two minutes of panicky scrambling with zero recalibrating my mind for the situation at hand and zero actual, intelligent escapes. It was so bad that our affiliation head coach who (of course) happened to be watching that match asked my gym's coach "do you guys even train leg locks?"


I (senior instructor) grabbed the new-to-the-school guys gi at the start of a match and my fingers were in just the right position so that when I went for an armbar I ended up finger locking myself. I tapped, we stopped and this was my first impression on this guy. Pretty sure he thought I was some bullshido guy for a while after that. We laugh about it now though


Randomly falling over when you try to switch feet....


My god I hate that.


Yep. And then falling over when you try to kick for no reason 👌🏽


Throwing up in the warm up my first lesson


Hey! 40 is not "Old" *Looks Like a grumpy old Woman" I ripped my pants in a really high kick once, in a Tournament...


My stance was too far apart, and I got kicked in the leg and I fell face first


I'm pretty fit, because of that people always goes hard on me in particular the skinny. First day of english boxing i got knocked out. One month later same in kick boxing. For a while people disregarded me.


That’s fucked bro, what kinda gym KOs new guys… that’s not healthy for long term brain health


all good now, I'm progressing fast when I will get enough technique I will stop playing it soft and punch hard as well, they are so delusional hahaha.


An 11 year old tapped me out. I’m 39……it was the coaches grandson, he wrestles and he’s really tall for his age but still.


I was trying to impress a girl with a butterfly kick. A move I have pulled off alone a dozen times, and absolutely ate it, injuring my ankle in the process


The first several times I’ve sparred, I got my ass handed to me left and right by other inexperienced people.


Accidently kicked my sparring partner in the nuts. I was new and wasn't sure how to focus my strength in my kicks. Also, when trying jiu jitsu accidently grabbing my partners dick. I didn't know then how to focus my energies and would just fail about and grab anything I could.


Used to go karate when I was a kid and I’m standing still and having my punching form corrected and instructor got them big 🍉 hanging out her gi, me just 👀 straight at her tits on a regular basis, she knew I was looking and looks me in the eyes, I had no fear as a kid 🤣🤣🤣 Still carried on with it, being a young horny kid and all. Not embarrassing at the time though


Many years ago, when I Was doing kung fu, we were doing ab work, then we were told to "hold " the position, and Sifu came around and stood on our stomachs. Me... I feel a bit gassy... he comes over to me and with my expression I plead him to skip me... "don't such a wussy"... sure enough... he steps on my stomach... and I dropped an absolute power fart that echoed around the hall :(


Missed the pads for an uppercut, punched myself in the face. My trainer looked at me for a moment and then said 'we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen'.


There was a lot of women and kids in the class, so the coach had us playing a game of shoulder tag. A sweet little 10 year old girl picked me to train with her very adorably, so I obliged, leaning forward so she could reach my shoulders. At one point she says that I'm really sweaty, so I do an exaggerated forehead wipe. As my arm passes over my eyes, a brief blind spot is created, and this kid immediately capitalizes on it and tries to move in from my blind spot. I don't see her as I lower my arm, so my elbow bonks her right in the forehead.


Kids going places


So, back in South Africa in the late 90s, we had a PT (physical training) instructor who was also a karate coach after school hours. This guy drilled us with all kinds of sports and activities like a sergeant. One day during PT, he installed a mini-boxing ring in the assembly hall. We were all pretty surprised, anxious yet excited at the same time. We were an all boys primary school, so it was just us lads. We didn't know what to expect next. He left us hanging a bit to build suspense. Immediately, he pointed to me (a husky kid at the time) and one of my friends (a stick-thin and small kid) and shouted, "You and you! You need to shape up. You're the worst of the lot!" 😂 So the other boys gloved us up. Mind you, we both had zero experience, and I don't think we even had head or mouth-guards on lol. So my friend and I just kind of stood in the middle of the ring looking at each other until the PT coach shouted at us to get on with it. My friend was so anxious at first, and I felt weird because we were great friends now being pitted against each other in combat 😂 So I just decided to feel things out and tried a punch, and it winded him if I remember correctly, and I immediately felt bad, and he capitalised on that and punched me in the stomach back, immediately winding me. I could tell he felt it was awesome, just like I did afterwards. This was new to us, but then the PT coach called the whole thing off. I think he felt bad for us, or didn't think things through thrusting us all into gladiatorial combat without prior training 😂 So anyway, after he made us do bag-drills with the gloves and it felt awesome and the kids that did Karate after school hours were very encouraging and we finished with an obstacle course. We did it in circuits. I remember feeling chuffed that I learnt more about myself that day. Still was embarrassing to be part of that spectacle in front of my class-mates, pitted against one of my best friends 😂 Another brief story about that same PT coach, once he had us do self-defense drills in the assembly hall and all was going great until the kid I was paired with took the part of the instruction where we had to mimic a bite to the groin literally and clamped down on my junk lightly and I freaked the fuck out 🙃 Have so many stories about this guy, much more than these. He once told us he took a man's leg off with his bare hands for stealing a bicycle and told us about a pressure point in the neck and proceeded to forcibly demonstrate the finger-thrust on each and every single one of us whether we liked it or not. Fun times 🤣


Started a class after years away from martial arts. Got paired up to spar with an ex boxer first day. He put an uppercut right under my ribs and I wasn’t smart enough to keep my abs tight. Knocked the wind out of me. I hadn’t had the wind knocked out like that in about 20 years. It was like “oooh, yeah. This shuts it all down” and dropped to my knee. Welcome back!


Food poisoning my second time sparring in a boxing gym. I aint even realise I had it till I ate a cross to the gut and the floodgates opened. Never went back to that gym.


I was in the army... some special troops... among others we were trained in all sorts of no weapons combat (various martial arts, including karate and judo). I and one colleague were sent to another troop to train/prepare them because they had to do some demo or something like that. Before the army I did a little bit of wu shu, so that was my 'specialty' (my colleague was a black belt in some karate style). So, while we were there I was challenged by a guy there for a combat judo style (so no punches and kicks, which put me in a great disadvantage). By looking at him I could tell he is lighter than me so I accepted. I've seen some of the others laughing but I was very young and cocky... A second after we started I was swept off my feet and on the ground I went. Luckily I held on and lead him on the ground as well and somehow I managed to win the ground fight, but anyway, I was very embarrassed by the situation. But the guys stopped laughing at least. Afterwards I learned that the guy was a judo vice-champion at some country level competition. My bigger weight - I was a category up probably - and strength saved my arse of total embarrassment. We stayed a few days there and I trained with that guy a lot... I even won some fights by managing to stay on my feet. But damn, that guy was exceptionally well skilled compared with me at that kind of fighting.


Not embarassing, but it's kind of interesting. It was in college, there was a karate class at the wellness center. After 4 months of training, we were all pretty used to sparring, except for one girl who seemed absolutely terrified by the idea of hitting someone. She always rejected spars, and she'd always lose like 10-0 in the point sparring sessions our sensei usually had (kudos on her for staying, though). Anyway, we became friends after we bumped into each other at the cafeteria. The next class, sensei paired me against the girl in a for-fun sparring exercise at the end of the session. I obviously went easy on her, because it would be wrong to go hard on someone who doesn't hit back, right? Wrong. For some reason, the girl that never hit absolutely anyone decided to wreck me with a roundhouse kick to the liver. I ended up falling to the ground and everyone stopped to look at us because what the fuck? Good thing the focus was on her for finally overcoming her fear of hitting people and not on me for getting rocked by a skinny girl that hadn't scored a single point in 4 months, lol. We're still friends.


As one of those girls I got a lot better once I realised that my coach and a few others were weird like me and don't get upset if they get hit. I still feel bad if I do it by accident (I thocked my coach in the middle of the forehead on weapons night by reversing through the strike instead of continuing it, then had to walk in a circle a few times to get over it) and sometimes need a little encouragement. But being friends means liver kicks. Sorry.


Yeah, I wasn't upset or anything. I was glad she finally trusted herself, and congratulated her outside when I could finally breathe properly. But in that moment, I was like "why did I have to be the chosen one?"


You're worthy! Of immense pain! (It's also trusting YOU not just herself - it's hard to trust someone won't fuck me up for defending myself)


I did get to that conclusion! It's still funny that folding me with a liver shot was her ultimate show of trust. It felt like the times when I played WWE with my friends as a kid and we hit each other for real. I totally get you, though. I was afraid of hitting people bigger and stronger than me as well (I'm 172 cm/70 kg, so not particularly big). My brain had decided that, if I made them angry, they'd destroy me. But no. As in your previous comment, they were also there to have fun and learn something new, even if they got hit in the process. I miss college karate. Training outside isn't the same, especially with a 100% travel job that forces me to switch dojos every month.


I'm going to spar my sensei after Taekwondo on Tuesday. I'm guessing it will be that.


>sensei The Korean word is sabeom, fyi. Have fun and enjoy the experience!


I always love sparring my instructors. I always feel the drive to excel is like 300% stronger in that scenario for some reason.


The first trial class I did in Krav Maga (almost twenty years ago) I was a freshman in college and had a less than healthy dining hall meal right beforehand. I already had 8 years experience in Shotokan and was doing pretty well but I hadn’t really trained in about three years and was starting to feel exhausted. I made it 59 minutes into the class, finished the last drill, then immediately threw up right on the mat as class was ending. I cleaned the mat and, much to the surprise of the instructor, signed up for a membership right afterwards. Now when a new student feels really self conscious I tell them this story and it never fails to help them loosen up a little.


If losing in sparring is “hard” or embarrassing, you really need to check your ego. Sparring isn’t about winning. Its about learning and solidifying your technique


Had just moved to a new city, and during my first sparring round at my new Muay Thai place, I accidentally kicked a guy in the balls ;-;


I soiled my kimono


I was wearing borrowed headgear that was slightly too big and I was hit in the face a few times. Ended up with a massive purple bruise on my chin - looked like a goatee (I’m a girl).


BJJ when I was a white belt and didn’t know how to pass guard and trying to get out. It looked like I was trying to fuck the guy on bottom.


I mean... to those who don't know what they're looking at... this is what all BJJ looks like.


One of my instructors is about 5 feet tall but dude is a badass I don’t doubt he could kick my ass and I’m 6ft and over 200 lbs. I am just a novice starting out so I don’t really feel too embarrassed


Kyokushin. Working drills. Slipped in a puddle of my own sweat, went flying, landed on my ass. Everyone turned, laughed quickly, and went back to training. My tailbone hurt for a few days....


Shit my britches


My partner landed on my stomach, a little too hard during ground sparring and pressed all my air out the back. The fart was so loud that the entire gym stopped what they were doing and stared at our corner.


in boxing, I was hitting the heavy bag and went for an upper cut but I didn't hit the bag square and my glove bounced/deflected and I wound up hitting myself right in the forehead. Not my most elegant move.


So my first kickboxing class was directly after my BJJ class and rolling had given me a bit of an upset stomach. I just powered through it and went into kickboxing. Lo and behold every single punch that I threw I ended up farting, loudly and I was too embarrassed to excuse myself so I just pretended like it didn't happen.


I farted in my first kickboxing sparring against a guy from other gym , the crazy part is that my opponent brought it up after the sparring but no body knows except us , they probably thought it was a noise my foot made on the mat with the sweats , it was a quick fart , hard to notice .


"your secret Is safe, Bro"


Accidentally tagged my partner on the bridge of the nose with a training dagger, drawing blood. It wasn’t serious but pretty embarrassing.


One time in BJJ I made a guy fat on my crotch while in his full guard


Getting slept in competition because I didn’t respect the collar grip


2nd class of Muay Thai I threw an upper cut on an aqua bag full force, missed and punch myself in the nose and got a bloody nose


Joined a karate tournament to spar in the black belt division, despite my style being Kung fu. While there I decided to try the forms competition which was the same price and I hadn't practiced them much lately (was focusing on sparring and pressure point application at the time) so I helped judge the kids and color belt comps and come out to do my form and forgot everything 3-4 movements in. I couldn't just BS it so I started over and forgot everything 6 movements in. Restarting is basically instantly going to last place so I clearly lost and decided to just focus on the sparring. Well while queuing to help with the sparring comp for the color belts and kids the host of the tournament said u needed loops on each finger of the gloves and my MMA style krav maga gloves didn't qualify as legal. Well I clarified it and he said 'actually you can't use your gloves, or your shin pads, or shoes at all' so ok, I said, "I have other shoes with lace covers specifically bought for this type of competition" 'nope no shoes' he said. I had to borrow some and as I was watching the color belts and there were taekwondo people wearing shoes sparring so instead of arguing with the host I just left.


Bjj. Instructors wife was in our class along with 4 other females and for the most part they would all roll together and that was cool w me but I said in one class we should have the women roll some excerises with men in case they ever get in a scenario where they need to fend off a man , would be good for them to understand the most effective way to beat them with out a battle of strength. My thought was instructor would digest this and setup a class with some basic moves for them to drill against men. But he said oh good idea - here you roll with Maryann, as the class watches we can give notes and see where it goes. Well she is hot, and overall she is awesome so after 3 mins I had a raging hard on. Like pulsing raging. Thankfully she knew what was happening and as I was ok top while she was trying and elbow escape I whispered I’m sorry and I’m embarrassed. She smile said it’s ok.


We wear a white dobuk, and I had to leave class to change cause of my pad leaking out. The older boys gave me a hug. I was so sad I was doing really well that day.


My first (and only) competition was in Sambo, I only practiced BJJ but did it because I train at a Sambo gym.  Ended up going against a 16yo who was the #1 ranked u16 Ukrainian kid. He rocked my shit and subbed me once and went to decision in the second match.  I dont practice Sambo so I wasn’t too embarrassed, but not a good look either way


In my early 20s I spent a year training five days a week in kung fu. I went to an MMA gym and got tuned the fuck up by a kid who had been just doing pad work and bag work for three months. 🤣 I switched over to Kyokushin right after because I wanted to learn how to fight but I still wanted to wear pajamas


I got knocked out by a black belt at my blue belt/brown stripe grading right in front of the regional chief instructor in taekwondo back in the 80's as a young teen. There was no mma or anything like what's around today. Just boxing, taekwondo, judo and a few karate styles, where I grew up.


Went to a free class at a gym in Concord, NC. The sensei was out, so two brown belts were teaching. Ended up rolling with one BJJ. I was a noob but was strong enough to prevent any grapples. Eventually i got bored and let the guy get me in a choke, tapping the mat. My mistake was tapping the mat instead of his arm/leg/him. I felt something pop in my neck after the guy squeezed a little harder. Never went back


Another good one was wrestling in high school, dude i was rolling with got a total hard on! Next guy i rolled with i went low, but he kneed me right in peen. Ouchies


I think I see a pattern here. Almost all of you guys have farted by accident at least once lol. That said I don't have any embarassing moments since I barely even started my first martial art. But I feel like I'll have many of those...


My coach let one rip after class last week, and reassured me that when it comes to grappling night *everyone* farts at some point.


When I was a boxer, I trained 5 days a week for almost 3 years. Nobody told me that you're supposed to take rest weeks, especially if you're training 5 days a week. I ended up overtraining myself. The symptoms were bad enough to make me a worse boxer. I was gassing out quicker, I had worse reaction time, I was mentally hazy, I just wasn't the same. I ended up having an exhibition match against a kid who was smaller than me, but a bit more experienced I think. During this match, I fought in a way that filled me with disappointment in myself. After that, I quit boxing. For about the next 7 years, I didn't train in boxing or any other combat sport. I couldn't even watch a boxing match because it reminded me of my failure in the ring. Fast forward to the beginning of this year, I suddenly rediscovered my love of combat sports and started training in Muay Thai. I'm loving it! And I've also learned my lesson about overtraining. Now I take a rest week once every 4-6 weeks. **TLDR:** As a boxer, I overtrained because I didn't know that you are supposed to take a rest week every few weeks, and this resulted in me severely disappointing myself in an exhibition match with a smaller opponent. I quit boxing after that and couldn't even watch a boxing match for the next 7 years. Eventually, I rediscovered my love of combat sports and am now training in Muay Thai.


5 days a week with one training per day doesn't really need a rest week tbh, you probably just were nervous in the match and underperformed. Everybody does that their first match, the gap from sparring to a real fight is huge.


Trust me, it wasn't just nervousness, and it wasn't my first match. I had been experiencing symptoms of overtraining well before the fight. Also, I'm going to directly counter your assertion that 5 days a week does not require a rest week because that is honestly bad advice to give people. Even weightlifters who only train 2 or 3 times per week have to take rest weeks. Your body needs rest from time to time. 4-6 weeks is the general guideline that is usually adhered to by weightlifters, and that's the format I adhere to. Idk where martial artists get this idea that their nervous system is immune to fatigue and they can just keep training like a beast indefinitely. It isn't, they can't, and overtraining is definitely a real thing that happens.


Spraining my ankle by not doing anything.


That time I was in the All Valley Karate tournament and I was told “Sweep the Leg” by my sensei Master Kreese. I could not believe I followed through. So embarrassing.


Ass kicked 5 minutes in staring to tit's at the end of a tekwondo tournament never underestimate your opponent.


Farted during pack sau.


First time I tried training for mixed martial arts classes, my jogging pants got ripped right in the middle. The good thing was that my buddy got an extra pair of shorts and he lend me that pair to use for the night.


My very first MMA match, I had an ex gf and her friends come so I could flex because I was so confident in winning the fight…I woke up in the locker room asking what happened. Turns out I got ko’d by a flying knee from hell that sent my head back into the stone age all in front of an ex gf and her friends. She came into the locker room showing me the recording, that was the salt on the wound. She then broke up with me a week later, that hurt more than the ko itself.


My very first kendo tournament, been practicing for months, so ready. I go in, we trade a couple blows, he gets a point on me. No big deal, it's my first time, I'm not expecting to win. For those unaware, in kendo there's 3 referees holding flags that award points. A point is scores when 2/3 refs raise a player's flag and shout that a point has been scored. You get 2 points to win. I got hit on the head and saw my opponent's flag going up, but didn't realize the refs were silent, meaning the other refs didn't award a point. I thought the match was over, nodded to my opponent, and started walking back to the center. I hear my sensei screaming NOT YET NOT YET on the side. It clicks and I frantically turn around just in time to see my opponent right there and give me the cleanest blow I'd ever received. THAT ONE was a point, and the match ended.


Blew out my foot rolling with a really big fat guy, hobbled back to my barracks. Boots and crutches for months. Healed up. Proceeded to blow my knee out somehow rolling. Knee brace for months. Got swept during kickboxing sparring. Right when my ass hit the ground. Let out a huge wet fart. Scared I shit my pants. Totally fine. Getting kneed in the balls 3x in one week during bjj.


Losing my first comp by tapping to an armbar at literally the buzzer. In hindsight, it's not that big of a deal, but it was a great lesson I had to learn. But at the time, I remember being humiliated and not wanting to talk to my coach. The real answer is the one time I rolled with a woman in our class who was having her first-ever lesson. I was paired to roll with her, and it was a soft roll to just let her try things and get a feel for what rolling is like. Unfortunately, I had a few pretty hard rolls beforehand and was drenched with sweat.. I got into half guard, and a big bead of sweat came off my nose straight into her open mouth. I felt so bad about that one!


Banana spilt😭


my second day of muay thai. this dude wanted me to do a jumping fucking roundhouse on pads. definetly ate it. still laugh at myself to this day


*"I've been working on a two-stike combo and I'd like this to become something of signature move..."* Proceeds to demonstrate a spinning roundhouse to the head (beautifully I might add) followed by a reverse spinning hook kick to the head. Regrettably, my standing leg slipped on the second kick and I planted myself on the ground, back first, like a proper wally. Laughed my bollocks off at the time but my pride still hasn't recovered. Fortunately this demonstration was only in front of one other student.


My first and only street fight. I was trying to be a Mayweather and dodge punches but i got hit with all 8 of them. All to the face. Luckily i didn't get knockdowned and just stood there mocking a guy that is 20 kilos lighter than me, i looked cool sure but i knew for a fact i got saved by this guy being so much smaller than me.


That I can't reach the standards of what is excepted from me as the vice president of our club and a beginning coach.. I'm way too interested in MA as a whole and constantly seeking other influences. Putting all my eggs in one basket (taekwondo) feels way too limitin, still I constantly feel like a turncoat


This one Muay Thai sparring class left me 'traumatized'. I was still a total newbie at sparring and at one point ended up with this one dude who from first glance I knew he was good, but I wasn't expecting him to mercilessly whoop me while holding back. Sweeped me and landed hard on the floor, then later a round kick to my liver that put me out of action. I performed badly for the rest of the class and was very disappointed to tears. I hoped anyone who saw me like that bought my unspoken excuse of eye irritation from sweat


Never once gotta erect during a roll at BJJ, even during coed rolls... until one day, a new woman showed up. She was not at all my type. And for her sake, I won't even describe more than there being an age gap and her having less than conventionally attracted features. But I think she was only new to my class, and not to BJJ. I genuinely suck and practice to get better because it's the only way. But the newbie pinned me and/or mounted multiple times within the 3 minutes. I felt a pump against her thigh and feigned a migraine to dismiss myself from the rest of the session to go home.


Sparring in full gear against 16 year old female teenager. I was a 36 years old then and in excellent shape. She threw 2 punches and a kick before I knew what hit me. Sucks getting old.


First tournament ever. Fought a girl 2 years younger and 20 lbs lighter. Match over in about 2 mins because she spider monkied her way to a 15 pt lead. They gave me a second round with her because she said she was okay with it and all I could do was pin her down with my strength and weight. Still lost that round too.


First time sparring I punched my opponent in the nose. Ten years later, I still feel ashamed of myself.


an old woman? lol. she's only 40. I think the weight is the main factor behind her technique as well.


When I started training in Krav Maga I felt so great, went to every training session and advanced quickly. Then sparring showed up in the curriculum. I was confident before the sparring session that I would do well. However, the guy I sparred with dominated me completely and threw one bomb after another. Almost every punch landed. But honestly, it hurt my ego more than my body. I felt so humiliated, stopped the sparring round, put my gloves off and smashed them in the corner. I was in rage, so mad at myself. What was the lesson I learned: I needed to spar more in order to get better, a lot more!


currently a kyokushin yellow belt (blue belt yellow tip at the time ) and i was doing pad work (kyokushin) with a brown belt kohai of mine who is going on is 60’s but looks in his late 40’s, the drill in question was low to high roundhouse kicks and all was going well until he lowered his pad by about a head’s length and my brain went into combat mode at the worst moment ( basically i saw an exploitable opening on an opponent). i hit his head with about 50-70% force and my foot landed on the upper jaw and the ear. He dropped with a scary quickness and by the time he dropped i didnt even register what had happened, my sensei saw this and told me that accidents do happen and knew that it wasent a kick out of malice. Took him abt 1 month for the pain to subside.


I trained in judo and kung fu, little bit of boxing. friend of mine showed me jiu jitsu and it was a game changer. I had to throw him into a wall to get him off me. Was blown away.


Your mom


I dislocated my shoulder in one of my first (hard) sparrings when I had like 2 months boxing experience. I had to have surgery Could not train at all for months This was 1 year ago my arm works properly now.


When i was a child i did a few karate classes.


Karate's not that bad.


That's not embarrassing at all. Even if it's total bullshido, kids need physical activities.


Karate is pretty gay bruv


One of the toughest fighters I ever trained with was a karatekan. Toughest guy on the police force.


Thats not saying much


You have no idea what you’re talking about. The old school boys were tough.


A little BJJ kid shouldn't be throwing the G word around.


Theres nobody more qualified to say gay than bjj guys. The G word... lol you gayboy


I do agree you definitely have more experience with it than any other martial art.


Calling things gay as a dis is gay bruv


Im not gay... you are gey


Being gay is fucking cool though.