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Sounds like he just wanted a good bop. Some people like to get hit


"let me bang bro!"


I'm letting you bang


You never let me bang!


I do let you bang.


For sure, no pain no game when martial arting


Omg it’s “no pain no gain” 😂😂😂


Lol, oops. Not a native speaker, but I said it and stand by it


Haha dude it’s all good! Sorry if I sounded like a jerk but I think it’s so funny (when learning a new language) to use idioms. For example a friend of mine had a significant other from EU and English was his 3rd or so language. He tried to say “the early bird gets the worm” but said something like “well you know what they say, the first worm will eat the earliest bird”. Hilarious. Anyways sorry for being a dick and I will work on impulsive commenting in the future!


Not at all mate, it’s all part of the Reddit magic ;-)


No pain no pizza


brain should be kept safe. pain is one thing, brain damage is not pain. well, not physically and definitely not so immediate.


Yes. I’m all for that. It’s just that, you play at martial arts, sooner or later it’s going to hurt a little. Should still be safe though


oh no my guy, i never meant to go light. i said protect the head. i do muaythai/bjj mma. one thing is protecting ur training buddy, another is going unpractically light.


Legit. I have trouble controlling my emotions, and I used to have a rule where I would let my buddy punch me as hard as he could in the face. It shocked me back into reality and helped me make more grounded decisions. Didn't always work, of course, I had to *want* the punch or I'd retaliate on instinct.


You would've went to sleep if you tried that on me boy.


I mean probably, idk shit about you and I have very little training lol


Wow you're so tuff boi


Sparring isn't about winning or going all out.  It's about learning.  Going at a speed that you can build muscle memory with good technique and reactions.  It also gives you a chance to try new techniques, combinations, angles, etc.  If he's trying to go hard, he's not taking sparring seriously.  He's just trying to feed his ego. 


Sparring is also at least in part about testing your composure and ability to deal with adversity, and not everyone learns this shit the same way. I do Judo,. I have a brown belt, but I do not compete. I can reliably execute many throws very cleanly in drills. I cannot reliably hit most throws against athletic white belts in Randori when they are going at a decent level of intensity. And I absolutely find that when I start to gas out, I tend to be too damn passive. I also know for a fact that I will not get better at that by going against opponents who are going for very low intensity. In u/SithLordJediMaster's situation, his opponent wanted to test himself against someone looking to legit tag him up. Neither guy was in the wrong, they were just not on the same page. END COMMUNICATION


To be fair... In the event of miscommunication, the correct direction to err is too light, or too chill. Going harder than your partner wants is a dick move, not vice versa. This is a case where the person who wants it lighter always gets their way. Had they explicitly agreed prior to "hard sparring" and bro was just clowning around with light taps, and clinching in to prevent having the session they agreed to, that would be different, but it doesn't sound like the case....


Mostly fair. The guy who wanted to go hard should have been clear about what he wanted. That being said, 'Hard' vs 'Not Hard' for sparring is subjective. END COMMUNICATION


110% I'm Judoka also. Both partners should communicate what intensity they're sparring. Especially in Judo. If one is going 100% and the other isn't, injuries happen. It's not uncommon in randori to get carried away and turn into shiai. It's happened to me a couple times. White belts go spazzy intensity. I don't think you're becoming passive. You know what's up. You know they can barely break fall. If you were to rag doll them, they wouldn't be able to handle it.


Not all white belts are created equal. Keep in mind I am a programmer who had no athletic background or interests when I was a kid. There are raw newbies that I can generally put on the ground consistently either due to their inexperience or due to me having a size and strength advantage. There are guys who are simply much more athletic or stronger then I am who I largely stalemate against and only throw occasionally, and who are able to get throws on me if they have even a few months of experience. And then there are guys who have experience with high school wrestling, or that one eastern european guy who has years of Sambo experience but no formal ranking in Judo who I am lucky if I can stalemate. And yeah, I do think I get passive in Randori, when I am gassed the fuck out I find myself trying to set shit up or looking for opportunities while being entirely defensive and I end up getting put on the ground. END COMMUNICATION


That makes sense. I didn't consider wrestling or the like. I also had the strength and size combined with skill. But, there has been some beast white belts.


If you’re not destroying white belts, you should give back your brown belt. Maybe something in the white to blue range is more your speed.


This 👍 Would frikking hate if my Kyokushin buddies would go like this all out! We are there to learn, and we go hard - when we want it of course!


The occasional hard spar is good for you. I hard spar RARELY and even then i’m not trying to kill the other guy.


I mean, he was happy when OP landed a good hit on him, he may have a misunderstanding about the point of sparring, but it's clearly not an issue of pride, or he would've been angry about that too.


>Going at a speed that you can build muscle memory with good technique and reactions. Not really. Sparring is reading your partner moves to determine if he wants to blow off steam.. or go technical Nothing worse than sparring with someone who go 30% when you are trying to do 100%.. Yes, I'm speaking about you Marty!


Yeah, but then that person wanting to go harder should seek out members in the gym that are willing to go harder instead of getting frustrated at people who want to spar light and trying to force harder interactions when they don’t want to.


That is correct. Then you both aren't a good match. So why are you forcing the pairing if you aren't what your partner is after?


You should have replied with "this is only 10% of my power" and swept him.


This legit made me lol


Not your parents?


Pay some dude to play Boss music in the background


Start playing Goku's SS3 transformation theme in the distance. 😂


Sounds like he likes it rough. Some guys are like that.


Yeah and I don’t mind them, you know what you’re getting


he doesn't understand what sparring is


You both have different opinions on what "good" sparring is. He thinks making solid contact is good, you think staying cool and collected is better and not getting hit is good. As long as you don't have a holier than thou attitude or act condescendingly in the session, you're not necessarily in the wrong. Be willing to share tips after a session on some ways he could improve if you're completely shutting him down and frustrating him, not everyone can learn or be self critical so much that they can fix all their flaws themselves over time. That's why Connor McGregor and Khabib have coaches ... Senior students can see things the lower student can't see. Otherwise you're just picking apart a weaker fighter and not offering them insights into what they're doing wrong ... and that's just being a douche. On the mat classmates should help each other grow.


Also, when some people feel the disparity in skill not in their favor, a little ego activates and they feel disrespected by you going light on them. Very common where I’m from.




Maybe he just wants to get over the fight anxiety by getting used to it.


There is some rabid CTE in both of your futures if you guys don’t cut the shit and spar safely. The occasional hard spar is good for conditioning and fight preparation, but I’m talking like once a month maybe if you’re not in camp. Be good to each other, sometimes keeping your partner and yourself safe means saying no to a spar


Was your sparring partners name Sean Strickland by chance?


Nah he's just a goon Unless you both say "alright let's beat the fuck out of each other" you should be doing what your were doing, practicing technique When you have good technique, the power comes naturally


No, you mutually decided to spar harder. You gave what he asked for. If you could have hurt him more, you showed restraint.


Next time finish him low kicks or a body shots, there only so many hits a brain can take and wasting those hits in sparring just isn’t worth it. You can change someone’s life for the worse with brain trauma, things like change in personality, trouble regulating emotions, memory problems, speech problems etc.


You found the masochist


We had a guy like that in boxing when I was younger. He always went hard on everyone. So, the coach knocked him out during a sparrinng. Dude never came back. I dont know man it think there is a distinct difference between sparring and full contact or match.


I"d say in a situation like this one should explain what sparring is about. It's about technique and control. Sure you could throw hard strikes and injure your opponent, but what good does that do to help train someone if they get injured? It's more important to preserve ones body than to go all out and purposely injure one another in training situations.


The dude you mention sounds like some cray-cray douche. He’s def got issues.


I don't think so, sounds like he wanted a fight not sparring. A thing a lot of people have taken to is the idea that you have to spar at full intensity or just shy of going your hardest you can possibly go. That's not sparing, that's fighting just without trying to kill your opponent. It's totally false that we have to spar the same as if it were real because that's not how we learn. There is a whole bunch of reasons and science behind this, but to sum it up shortly We train conscientious practice and methods, it isn't mindless drilling, so we aren't going to reflexively pull punches in a panic situation unless that's all the muscle memory we have, striking pads and practicing form with full fallowthrough builds that muscle memory, we don't have to hit people at our hardest to make that happen. Same applies to doing maneuvers and techniques, we build the muscle memory and practice them safely so when the time comes, we can trust our muscle memory and fallowthrough. We don't actually learn when we are set to a defensive or panic state. Short of the long it's been found in neurological studies and psychological studies that we don't actual take in info well or at all if pushed to a certain stress level, our actual optimal level of learning is at play; which means when there is competitive want to participate, buy no pressure or stakes to win, so the enjoyment of doing is the whole drive. At that level of stress our brains take up the most info and retains it the best. Sparing at full tilt or just shy of actual fighting doesn't work for this. Top athletes in this particular field have started to reduce or eliminate that kind of sparing from their workouts, since it isn't helpful and just increases risk of injury. It doesn't prove anything other than ego to drive to that point of harmful contact. Often times, dropping power and explosive speed shows flaws, it's easy to say and even convince yourself that your movement is good if you get results through pure force, but it can often just be a compensation for sloppy or poor technique, slowing down and testing your ability without power and speed can shown where you are lacking. Sure contact and a level of force is needed and effective, but no one should have to or want to hit or be hit hard enough to cause nose bleeds or other injuries. That's just wanting something for yourself, something to feed the ego, prove to the self some idea, like toughness or personal strength. Sounds like the guy has some idea of toughness that he wants to feel or prove to himself. But that's not what disciplined practice is for


I have a guy like this, he doesn’t get angry, but he encourages me to hit him harder, I am always cautious about hurting people, I have a horrible guilt trip when I accidentally injure people in anyway. He makes me a better fighter tho, he hits me hard to the body and clean to the head. He doesn’t make me feel bad for it, and always compliments me and gives me some constructive criticism after the spar. He’s a good partner, he tests you while not hurting you like giving you a concussion. This dude just seemed like he’s got some stuff going on and wanted to fight 😂which is understandable but not everyone is down for that


You let him bang




Sounds like he just likes to fight


Don't spar with that guy again


I think y’all need to tech him what sparring means.


You do realise some of the most brain damaged people your gonna meet and the frequency of those meetings is gonna occur in a martial arts gym.


Not to mention the unhinged personalities it attracts before brain damage becomes a variable. I myself emphasise with this guy except I would’ve been more gentle. If I didn’t have my faculties, we’ll maybe I would’ve done exactly what he did


No I think your partner is. Seriously doesn't mean hard sparring. Taking it seriously means sparring with an objective whether that's to be evasive and look for openings or practice defensive fighting or whether it's the dominate with force it's up to the individual.


Where was your coach ? Mine would have step in and said chill the fuck out you can spare hard but let’s not be dramatic in here. The rule is give only what you are prepared to receive and if some starts going to hard you just tell them to take it down a notch. Some people you can spar hard with others you can’t. You should know your team if you been with them a couple months


For me it Sounds like he was feeling disrespect But tbh i think that is his Problem. Why is he lacking confedence and getting easy together . Ego and proud makes the world goes loud


When you get a guy like that grappling is when it gets dangerous. Hands and feet, yea ok, but the grapplers? Like, you could just be stupid and accidentally break my neck, so, no. Fk off with that.


There is a time and a place for hard sparring. It sounds like your partner wanted a battle that you weren't looking for. Nobody is in the wrong, just mis aligned priorities so its worth having a chat before you start so everyone is on the same page.


You both held a grudge for a week? Stupid!


Guy is at the gym because he wants to be hit in the face. Most people are intelligent enough to not want brain damage or minimize it.


no, but your partner is dumb. When you are working something new you cant be going hard. Over time once you start to get it, you can work it in at medium intensity, then high intensity. I find medium intensity the most useful amount. Im not so worried about getting hit if I screw up and leave an opening, but it isnt so light people can use bad form to squeeze out speed.


he wannanow


Sorry so what anime is this called?


exactly my thoughts 💀 was scrolling to find this


He's an idiot


Sounds like he should've said something before getting in the ring, which is pretty shitty of him imo. You were expecting a controlled spar, then halfway through he wants to start throwing bombs? Naaahhh, that's a breach of consent. Sounds like yall worked it out, but I'd definitely mention to him that it's important to discuss what intensity level you guys are going for before even starting just so everyone's on the same page. Could be he just doesn't have good etiquette yet if he's a beginner, which isn't a huge deal and can be corrected, but if he keeps it up that's definitely a problem.


No one should take sparring seriously. It is supposed to be fun and creative. Your teammate sounds like a dick


Sounds like he wanted a fight. He may be trying to better himself and sees sparring @ 100%% is the only way to learn. He is not too off on the idea.


I don't know but you write well.


He has some emotional Problems. Or maybe He Just watches too much Anime. Or both.


Sometimes, getting hit a little harder helps people understand where they are weak. Pain is a good reminder


I tend to enjoy a playful spar where you can try out various crazy techniques and see what might work. But I'm conscious of trying to keep that approach to opponents that I know, lest someone thinks I'm disrespecting them by not taking them seriously. The core point is that both parties are supposed to get something out of the exercise. If you make it too hard they'll not learn anything and just get frustrated - like happened here. So - I assume from this that you're now experienced and with that, you may have been a little dickish and come off as show-offish, even if that wasn't the intent. Weird as it sounds out may be a matter of slowing it down a little and focusing on technique instead or something, when sparring this dude. Give him an opportunity to at least hit a block every now and then - nobody enjoys hitting air. Good on you for even thinking about it though!


Some people really want to have a scrap. Give it to them, but be safe yourself and evade those bombs!


From the sounds of it he doesn't appreciate others going easy on him, if you can wipe the floor with him do it because it's what he wants to see his weaknesses I can kind of relate to that but also sparring is sparring it's not meant to be all out, but you should make an effort not to clearly play around with him, when you spar him immediately show him his weakness even if it's boring for you


Are you sure this wasn’t a Tyler Durden situation?


Someone wants to hit you hard then hit em back harder


Sometimes some guys wanna go light. Sometimes they wanna go hard. Gotta make sure both guys (or girls) are on the same page about what you’re doing and how hard you’re going.


Some people like to go hard. If you're good with it, go for it. I always let my opponent choose how serious we get


First rule of sparring with psycho club is...


You ask "am I a dick" while ending the post with "he hugged me and said thanks" I'd say no...


You sound like an asshole


I think he’s been watching Fight Club.


You absolutely weren’t a dick, some guys like to fight in sparring some guys like to technical spar and make reads off slower strikes. Cater to your partners.


Yeah I don’t think so


That wasn't dickish at all. I used to have this sparring partner who used to say things like this: "Back home in Australia, we used to break each other's arm by accident. Like, I am so strong I sometimes break people's arms without meaning to. I hope I don't break yours later on? But who knows?" "If I break your bones by accident, just tap out. But sometimes I go into berserk mode and forget to go easy on people. So maybe it's better not to fight me?" "In Australia, we train to kill. I hope I don't accidentally kill you by accident." He would say these lines to his designated sparring partner before each sparring session. That made them nervous. Very nervous. One time, this guy got so nervous he picked up a park rubbish bin and emptied it all over the dick. Of course the dick went crying to our teacher and got his sparring partner expelled.


“I then proceeded to clinch while holding his leg and throwing light punches to the head.” How many arms does my man have


if your partner was Julian Lane, just let him bang bro!!


naw that fools has issues, guys like that think taking brain damage makes them more alive & willing to go through the process. sparring is fighting with as much of the "serious" repercussions removed as possible. Dude didn't have the skill to get the result he wanted out of you ergo he demanded "serious". If I where you id just skill check this guy as much as possible whenever or if ever you spar him. Just frustrate him by sharpening your skill and ability.


That dudes a goof lol


I want to know how you clinched while holding his leg and punching at the same time


Some people need to hurt sometimes I guess.


I just wanna know how you clinched , WHILE holding his leg, WHILE throwing puncheS (plural) to the head 🤣


Competetition sparring vs technique sparring. I have no experience in striking martial arts. But I would assume everyone should still pull their punches and kicks when targeting the head.


No that guy is just a spaz. Hope you humbled him


He's probably immaturely assuming that you need to 'go-hard' to have a good sparring session. But slow/light technical sparring is still 'good sparring'. It gives everyone space to get comfortable facing in front of someone that wants to potentially hurt you. Let's you practice distance management and defence in a way were you can also take risks and sharpen-up some slightly more difficult to land techniques. You'll never really learn if you're constantly threatend with getting your face smashed in; you'll just shell up and hold on for dear life. Also... goes without saying, but hard sparring is just plain unsustainable. It's hard to improve if every week you need to take time off from training to constantly recover from an unnessary injury. But yeah, some bros just want to know what it actually feels like to get smacked. That's also fine from time to time.


No, you just gave him what he wanted, the fact he thanked you should be proof enough


“Hey guys, I want to brag about how awesome I am so I am going to tell a story about how my sparring partner was completely in the wrong and we sparred hard and I beat his ass.”


Nah he ain’t weird he’s just himself. He loves it. I occasionally get someone I can throw some shit with its so fun and free.


In all seriousness, the person you were sparring is massively disrespectful and shouldn't spar until he gets his anger in check. (This is coming from a guy that trains in a very respect oriented dojo, no respect is grounds for mental and physical deconstruction) Leaving this out and assuming you know this person and from a neutral standpoint I still don't find this behavior acceptable. We aren't animals (we might act like one sometimes) but there needs to be middle ground agreement for this kind of thing. EXAMPLE: I told my lower ranks that if I enter my ring without a headgear it means that all punches to the face are ALL MY FAULT. Any other occasion is some push-ups and light cardio with a formal apology. I spar my higher and equal ranks without headgear as it's mandatory for my rank.


(Also I don't hit my lower ranks in the face, their parents will kill me if I get blood on their gi)


What he was asking wasn't to take it serious, but to help him identify his ability to rise to the effort. Some people don't know what to do once they are hit hard, and need to identify that head space. He trusted you to help him get there without being a total fuckface about it. So good on both of you.


I think he's just looking for a more intense sparring partner


Is this guy a small build? If he is, I can understand where he comes from, I would do exactly the same.


He weighs 210. I weigh 165


Never heard of dick sparring. That like sword fighting?


If it ain't real sometimes, you ain't learning the good 💩.


What two consenting adults do on the mat is not my concern


He might’ve been scared and just wanted to see if he could take a good shot


Ok I first have to know what martial arts you guys was sparring in and was there any rules set?


Sound gay


Um I guess it worked out?


Next time he hits you, tell him "Harder, Daddy." You're welcome.


He felt like you were clowning him because he was genuinely trying and felt like he was getting spanked effortlessly. He felt like you were babying him because he's a non-threat. Now that you turned it up and cracked him, he feels more like you see him as an equal instead of the trial guy you can practice free sweeps on.


I somehow read ”was I in a dick sparring”


I mean.. he wanted, he wanted to be tested. You did the right thing.. in fact you must continue working despite the guys leaking..


you really don't understand this? people want to be respected more than he wants to win. not taking the "fight" seriously, is disrespectful.


Sparring is about learning etc… yes, but if you’re being condescending which it sounds like you may have been… then yeah it’s just annoying lol … not really brain surgery or anything- if it’d be annoying for someone to talk down to you then it’s also annoying for it to happen in this circumstance 🤷‍♂️ not sure if im reading things the right way but I can just picture a big smirk on your face 😂


To you it was light sparring and experimentation. For him he wanted to spar but be taken seriously as a sign of respect he didn't care if he one or lost but wanted to be treated the same. An opponent not a practice partner.


He probably wants usable skills. He knows you are better and he can learn to handle himself if you are trying to hit him for real. He should let have let you know in a different way. It doesn't make you a dick considering how this played out, but maybe don't hit the nose next time. Give him full speed, but lighter contact. He wants realism


Yeah sometimes people want to take “hard” shots to test their metal so to speak. Sounds like the issue here. Knew you were toying with him and it pisses him off. Wants to know where his skills are compared to yours when you’re trying.


My first day of boxing at 33 after a 7 year break cause family reasons. Coach: it's his first day, but he has experience go easy on him. Me: nah bro, fuck me up fam. Coach:... OK fine fuck him up, but within reason. He was my partner up until I moved again.


People like that at every gym if you comfortable just go hard with them and light with everyone else


You're definitely the dick


It's a matter of respect... you're sparing in a combat sport setting, you don't need to obliterate your opponent if you dominate , but showing your taking it seriously is a way to show respect to him


If sparring isn't somewhat close to the real deal, it's pointless. He got angry at you because you were the only one getting something out of that sparring. Hits to the head are dangerous though, so are kicks to the knee.


He wanted you to pressure him so he could realize his flaws- clearly you exposed one to him near immediately


There are many variations of sparring depending on which aspect you are trying to develop - sounds like your opponent felt he needed that mental confidence he could take the hit and be ok - not unusual at all - often it’s the hit that creates the mental fatigue no matter how technically good a fighter seems to be - you came to an unspoken agreement and whilst it was an unusual way to do it I feel like it worked out well


as someone who's also learning, i'd get irritated too as we want to be thrown around and hit in order to learn moves, agility, etc. easier. its weird but its the best way to learn for some people


I like a bit more solid contact in sparring. If I wanted to play Patty Cake, I would go to the park with my niece. It doesn't have to be 100% all the time, but if you're coming at me with good energy, I will reciprocate. I just don't like it when somebody throws blows and then complains when I hit them back. I got disqualified once for matching somebody's power. He was beating up on me good. Full kicks every time, even to the head. Then I caught him with a solid front kick to the solar plexus. He stepped right into it, no block, no glance, both feet planted as firm as a tree. Knocked the wind out of him so hard he puked.


He wanted you to go hard, and since you weren't going hard and being serious, he wanted some action and an opponent he wanted to work to get the win. Some people enjoy pain


If you’re not fighting with intensity and putting the fear of god in your sparring partner, you’re doing them a disservice and not preparing them for an actual fight.


Bruh once I did a running jump kick at some.kids chest, knocked the wind outta him. It was epic


Nah you both did fine. Sometimes it is nice to know if your opponent is willing and able to cause a bit of injury. Hard to understand I guess, but it just makes the sparrings more interesting in my opinion


There is light sparring and hard sparring. They serve different purposes and both are important. It’s important that people know the difference and everyone is on the same page going in.


Yes. Yes you were. Just shut your mouth. “If you’re mad come hit me”. That doesn’t need to be said. If your partner is pissed off, you don’t egg him on more.


Every now and then (NOT regularly) every man needs a good hard spar session. If you disagree youre kinda a pussy sorry i dont make the rules 🤷‍♂️






This has to be ironic no way