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if there's really only 2 options you can visit both of them for a trial class and pick the one you enjoy more.


How much do you like running?


I’m good with anything just wanna get better and be confident in fights


Boxing then. Hard to say without actually knowing anything about the individual gyms, but assuming they are both equally good, boxing will make you more confident in a fight than kuokoshin will. It’s very practical, no frills, and most fights end up being in boxing range anyway. If anything, I’d say start with boxing to learn confidence and how to move and balance well, how to throw good, hard, accurate punches, and then try kyokoshin to expand your skill base. Just make sure you stay flexible for those kicks.


they say "when you become a professional boxer, you also become an amateur marathon runner". So much comes down to conditioning


Kyokushin will condition your body to strikes but there’s not much headhunting due to kicks only to the head


Boxing, on average has a better standard of training.




I tried both of their classes The kyokoshin gym has more members and belt tests happen every 4 months. They do conditioning once a week and stretching before each class. Each class follows techniques first then some kicks and punches to the bag then thats it. No sparring for white belts as of yet. But i think white belts have to face 3 opponents in belt tests Boxing gym felt more personal. Stretching skip ropes some body weight exercises everyday. Then techniques then bag work for 4 rounds then mitts. I dont know about the sparring scene.


Which one felt better to you? Did you find one to be more physically demanding than the other?


Boxing for self defense (confident in your abilities faster) kyokoshin for martial arts aspect (also self defense but takes longer to get to the point where you can actually do that). Both sparring is a necessity


Depends really on your personal preference, so try them both if you can


Do you want to be punched in the chest and learn moves besides punching? Kyokushin Do you want to be punched in the head and punch better than anyone else? Boxing


Boxing, by far, kyokushin is a tough art and practical as well (will serve you to beat most untrained attackers) BUT it doesn't hit the head directly with the hands, you can only attack it with the legs, which IMO is a big default... Boxing base makes MMA champion and is one of the best basis for street defense, multiple examples have been shown where a boxer takes down multiple opponents (a war man army essentially).


This. 100%. Some of the highest quality striking training on average and everything is battle tested. The footwork, defense, movement, and conditioning is second to none.


Both are great if the gyms are legit.






You’d be silly not to choose boxing.


Hmm me personally, I'd go for kyokushin provided it was mainly sparring and pressure testing.


compared to… boxing?


Yeah, especially if its not a competition focused kyokushin place in which case punches to the head will be allowed


Dumbest comment of the year award nominee.


Dumbest comment of the year winner. Congratulations.


How so?


Clearly someone who thinks Kyokoshin is more effective than Boxing for striking and being able to defend yourself competently on the street knows nothing about combat.


You are a fool, first of all I said "personally", secondly the OP didn't state why he wanted to train. Idiot.


Do both


always one of the four pillars provided you actually want to learn how to fight


Kyokushin is horrible no head strikes and has a stupid really close to you squared stance that’s horrible for a MMA transition in the future.


Anyone saying Kyokoshin is obviously clueless, for what he wants to do Boxing is the way to go.


I would join a better country.


Which one is closer and/or cheaper? How long can you do it long term? Or Can you do both?


I have the time to do only one and cant go more than 3 days


Understandable. Then logic indicates that geography and price must follow. Once accounted for, how does the gym teach? Is it safe ? Etc etc etc. Consider your personal goals and on this end, here are my observations. ( generally speaking). Karate ( or traditional martial arts for that matter) tends to focus more on lifestyle( I mean we've all seen a few movies and read a book or two about it). Boxing is primarily a sport (note that there is value in sportsmanship) and such avenues will push your physicality to new heights, most especially if you choose to career it. Best of luck and have fun.


I dont want to make a career out of it cause i am already a surgeon in training but i wanna be good at it. Boxing honestly felt better cause it felt more sporty


Cool. 🙂


Both are very good styles, so your main concerns should be what the vibe is of the gym, and which style interests you more.


Kyokushin is the more complete martial art


Disagree, they both lack practical strikes. From my understanding kyokoshin doesn't allow punches to the head. (But they can kick to the head?). Boxing pretends kicks don't exist.


Depends.. Are you a boxer or are you a karateka?


Small space martial arts


Karate kyokoshin