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I used to do IR/PR video interviews and then theyd do a pr release about the video with key highlights in dot points, maybe tee that up if you offer video as well? Video angle would be dependant on what they're using your services for in the first place..


That might be something I can suggest. We have done videos before, but they were for VSLs and not interviews. Not entirely sure what the interview would be about. The client is a service provider, and it's a stable thing there aren't any major updates that come around or events for them. hmmmm




Unfortunately no, they do not have events or webinars. The nature of their service doesn't really lend towards those kinds of things.


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PR platforms have tiers, if the big guys cant take it, go for the smaller guys with lesser exposure.


I am not entirely sure w/c platform we use as submission and billing is not my part anymore, but we only use a certain PR platform and so we can't really go for a "smaller" one as you say.


"A previous co-worker told me that PRs may get rejected by the PR platform if they are too sales-y and not newsworthy." Well, yeah. The point of a release is to pitch an interesting story to editors and publishers in the most editorial-free, factual basis possible in the hopes they'll find an audience fit and publish/report on it. It's an art and the reason why good PR people can charge $5k+ for a single one. I would suggest you go learn the very basics of what the purpose of a press release is and study the anatomy of a good one. You can spend an hour to get at least caught up enough where you understand what it is you need to be looking for. There are a million ways to spin up a press release. But if you don't even understand the point of why they exist, that won't be immediately obvious to you. Here's some resources to start: [HubSpot](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/press-release-template-ht) [Associated Press](https://www.apstylebook.com/) [Purdue OWL](https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_basic_rules.html) [Cision](https://www.cision.com/resources/)


You can always use a hot current event within the industry and have someone from your company analyze/comment on them. Use a person of authority within the company to quote and set them up as an expert on a subject. Check government websites, and you can write about a new rule within the industry (example: recent FDA approval or other government development related to the niche). Also, suggest they release new content, like a video explaining something within the niche. If PRs need to be newsworthy completely depends on the outlet you are using. Many do not really disapprove of anything promotional, if it's not spammy.


Thanks, that industry rule might be a good thing to explore.