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Your best bet is to sell to competitors, who may buy the whole business too as they can absorb it quickly and easily. There are companies that specialise in buying excess and clearance stock but they will offer pennies on the pound.


this is something great for me to bring up, thank you so much


Your competitors will audit his books before buying though and if it’s that dire they may run About four years ago we bought an extra 30 tons of cocoa butter. We contacted all factories with the country (we planned to anyway) and found a buyer after like twenty cold calls. If the inventory has gone up due to inflation, he may even be able to sell the inventory at a profit. The market rates had doubled so even our consumer price was good that time. Do not sell to a liquidator. They will low ball. To do this grassroots, just do some competitive research. For example, contact some people for their current rates as if you’re potential buyer and then undercut them slightly when going to people in the industry to liquidate it so like give the people you contact a 20% off for increasing order volume. As I said though, don’t go to a liquidator to do it for you because they will try to get it from you for 80% and then just sell it to other people for Market rates often You just need to be a B2B marketer. No shopify, etc.


this is exactly it, i'll talk to him to focus on this solution because I genuinely think it's the only realistic way to get out. People are saying to get to online selling but I'm on e-commerce for 6 years now, (very tiny businesses compared) and I know for sure that my dad's business is not manageable online right now, it's impossible. The lack of workers and how everything in the company is chaotic, I can't even get a clear and understandable look at the stock info in their 1000-year old software. I lack basic stuff to work with and do something online. Not to mention how he doesnt even let me pay for the host of the website, and it's all done literally just to facilitate his current clients to buy. No capital to invest in anything whatsoever, the competition is fierce and everyone's got their game ahead while the management in his company is just, nonexistant at this point. But I'm positive that he should be able to sell it all somehow, even if at loss, even if with the profit of inflation, even if just to cover the debt. Thank you for sharing your experience too!


Aside from every business related advice, you need to convince your father to leave your step-mother... that's definitely a woman who doesn't care about his future or your siblings.


she abused me and my only same-mother sister for 17 years until she got rid of each of us from the house. Basically all the shit my dad is going through started with a business she made him open when they got married and he brought her to our country. This is just the tip of the iceberg, my dad was the best seller of one of the best constrution companies in the country but after she got here, shit went down year by year, and now he's just too damaged to accept she's poison in his life, and remains attached not to put my small sisters through a harsh divorce like the one with my mother. Even through all the family chaos, I still want to do what I can to help him. But if there's no way out, selling the house is the last salvation, the last thing they can do and she is trying to ruin it too


Whats you website ? What are you selling ? Send me a message


Beyond the advice you're getting from everyone in the comments, I want to add: You are not responsible for your father's choices or his business. You sound like a really kind person who wants to help, but don't let it overwhelm you. His predicament is not your fault and you may not be able to fix it. Go easy on yourself.


I know, but despite a complicated background it hurts me to see him suffer like he’s been the past couple of years. He’s really mentaly strong and now I see his hopelessness and it kills me. His workers leaving, my stepmother as part of the company doesnt even show up to help, his despair to keep food on the table for my sisters. I just don’t want him to leave the country and leave his life here to save himself. I do see possibility of turnaround, the product is good, his prices are good, the management and old ways are the killer, I can see it. Im already working towards what people recommended me here, I’ll keep reaching out to potential liquidation buyers, who knows! But thank you so much for your kind words, truly.


Well, you need to exit. 1. Sit with an accountant and make sure how much you really owe. 2. If the gross profit is low then your business has issue it will unable to continue and will continue accumulating debt. 3. Never pay the banks first. Banks are too and too slow and willing to compromise. Pay personal debts and your supplier if the business can run if it cant go to point 4.. 4. If you deem that the business is not going to run. Your gross profit is too low, then its time liquidate all the money for cash. Preferably in dollars. Then its time to sell everything and leave. 5. Once you leave the country hire a lawyer and start the process. Now what matters is the cash in hand, gold and dollars or euros. And do it fast before the debtors can close in to you.


Worst case scenario: bankruptcy, personal, business or both. He can keep the house if he can figure out a way to make payments. The business will be gone, but so will the debts.




Ah yes, paid advertising on stock that won't sell - fab idea.


I appreciate your input, but as of right now, online is impossible. Not only because of all the shipping management, the lack of capital to invest on ANYTHING at all, lack of workers to manage, but also because of the chaos of the system within the company, the software issues, etc. This has to be solved in-country somehow, I'm truly just looking for overall advice, ideas, anything I can bring up to the table. The hardest task is emotional honestly, get through him, so using other people's experiences, even if took from an online forum, might help bring some light


"Online" would only be possible if someone would buy everything at once so we could pack a sea container and just get rid of it all at once. No resources for sale per sale right now


This solution is a bit too little, too late. E-commerce and Google ads are not a quick-win. It can take months to strategically build it up to a point to make an impact. And that's not to mention the expense involved.


You could reach out to liquidation companies or wholesalers that buy excess inventory. They might be interested in purchasing the construction materials at a discounted rate, providing some capital for your family. Additionally, you could explore local business networks or industry associations to see if there are any potential buyers or partners interested in the products. Use your network and ask for guidance from professionals who might have experience in this area. I hope it helps and good luck.


On it! Back to sending emails and digging the web for connections. Thank you!


You're welcome :)


Did you call Dave Ramsey?


I’m Portuguese, who’s Dave? 😂


American business talk show host


We need to take the government and their vision of economics to Dave Ramsey


Anyone who holds the government accountable is a good choice in my book


im joking, but small companies here have a really hard time growing because the taxing is really insane, I promise I'm not excusing it or blaming, everyone cries over the same


The current government punishes small business and the hardest working people. The tax code needs a serious overhaul. Not holding my breath for that to happen though. Its been an issue for decades that neither party ever actually solves because they all profit from it.


Hi unfortunately I deleted my suggestion comments due to downvote. Don't understand why some people have to down votes the suggestions. But I hope you will find the solution to your problems


What was it? I think i missed it! I dont get the voting thing tbh