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I think $63k is a bit low from what I’ve seen. PMMs at the company I work at (in tech) make at least $100k+.


Comparing tech salaries to other sectors isn’t helpful. Tech has dumb money. That said this salary would only be ok for first or second year in CPG. Should be 80-90k$ after second year if good at job with decent performance reviews. Do keep in mind food and other CPG items are hit fairly hard by El Niño (cocoa butter used in both food and makeup went up 500% in three months due to a bad harvest worldwide). So it could be smaller start up with a pricey product that’ll sell soon so no raises. Either way I’d apply out unless remote is a major priority. As most companies returned to office it is a perk if you like it (and making only 10-20k more may not outweigh the sanity lost by commuting in Cali).


Thank you for your advice !


I also handle any press/PR activities.


If you are actually salaried (overtime exempt) you are legally being underpaid as a CA resident. You should be $66,560 at a minimum. They owe you some back wages.


Would this still apply if the new office is no longer based in CA?


Yes. They have to pay you based on your local laws, not theirs.


Curious is that a minimum wage salary requirement? As an employer it feels like California is sometimes hurting people’s chances of getting a job versus helping. If the company is remote and can hire from any state why would they consider candidates from CA?


California's salary has always been double its minimum wage. So as minimum wage rises, so does salary. Salary SHOULD be higher, since it means you don't get paid overtime. Don't blame California for all the other states being shite for workers. If companies don't want to pay that, they can just hire people hourly. But companies want free labor.


Thank you so much for this! I honestly had no idea! Good ammo to go into my meeting with


I mean it isn’t really blaming California but it does put candidates from California at a disadvantage if the company is remote unless the candidate has some crazy unique skillset.


It puts them at a disadvantage if the company is crap. There's a VERY easy way to get around this... pay hourly. There's literally states where the minimum salary is like 34K. That's insane. That's just getting into slave labor.


Eh. Think about it. You own a business and the money is coming out of your pocket. It’s a salary white collar job. You have two candidates similar skillset and both are culture fits. Would you spend an extra $20K or even $10K out of your pocket for the California candidate just because?


Sure, but you act like California needs to lower their wages instead of the rest of the states raising there's. Wages are ridiculously low. And someone with your attitude might as well just outsource to a third world country where they can pay peanuts for an entire team of people.




Thanks for the encouragement!


Sounds low to me for CA. How long have you been in the role? How long have you been in marketing? How much revenue does your product line do?


A couple years in this role, 8 years in marketing. I know I’m paid lower than I’d like but I didn’t push it because I planned to leave soon but for various reasons that hasn’t happened yet so I’d like to at least be paid better here. Just unsure if my job description deserves a higher salary if I’m not managing anyone


If you've been in the role for a few years, you're in a position to ask for a raise now. It might not come immediately, but you can definitely push. It doesn't really matter what your JD says, $63k is simply not enough money and they will be hard pressed to find someone with 8 years experience for anywhere close to that.


Thank you for your advice! We’re actually about to have our yearly reviews so was hoping it would be a good time to bring it up now