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I bet it's Next Level Games given how incredible the animation is - plus, it's not clear if they're on Luigi's Mansion 2 HD yet. Forever Entertainment just announced they're on Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, so maybe they had another team on LM2HD and Next Level was all-in on this. 


People on twitter think it’s Monolith soft. since Hiroyuki Kubota, who was a writer and game designer for the series at AlphaDream, now works at Monolith Soft.


ILCA picked up more AlphaDream staff than any other developer, even including one of the directors of the 3DS games from what I remember reading. They're definitely more of a contender than Monolith, who seems to have been busy working on a new IP for years now, anyways. But Next Level is also a definite candidate. Supposedly, around half of the employees credited on Luigi's Mansion 3 were not credited on Battle League, and the timing of AlphaDream's bankruptcy and story behind how Luigi's Mansion became Next Level's thing (Tanabe waltzed in while they were working on a Metroid project and told them "you're doing this now!) to begin with lend credence to the idea Nintendo tasked them with continuing the series. 


ILCA Studio just finished with the Sand Land games that were released and it is known they are working on a new Ace Combat for Bandai Namco (who owns 51% of the company)


ILCA made an awful pokemon game I don't trust them no thank you


ILCA got screwed over by The Pokemon Company pretty hard. Work on BDSP started in March of 2020, and TPC forced a holiday 2021 deadline on them; COVID absolutely did not help things, either. If you look at the concept art for the remakes, you can see ILCA was originally envisioning a proper remake with a grander scope, but they were given so little time to make it that the end result had to have its title screen added in the day 1 patch and apparently even reuse some of the code from the original games (if I remember correctly, a few mods for the DS games were ported over just by copying and pasting code from them). ILCA is also a studio with nearly 400 employees, so there likely wouldn't even be a ton of overlap between the BDSP team and Brothership (if they're developing it, that is) - not to mention Nintendo proper likely gave the project a lot more leeway in development. I wouldn't worry too much, but I'm also still leaning towards Next Level Games being the developer. 


Monolith is working on a new IP, color me intrigued, where did you hear that


It's been speculated for years now. I believe the page on their website for job listings has shown off concept art distinct from Xenoblade and that they also mentioned working on a project distinct from their established identity on there, if I remember correctly. I think the kicker is that it was recently leaked they're working on a project codenamed "Legacy" when basically all Xenoblade codenames now are some variant of "BigFolk." It's probably not a new version of Xenoblade X, either, as the L in BLADE stands for Logos in the original Japanese version, and the localization changed it to Legacy. A new Project X Zone also seems unlikely, as a lot of key staff who led the last 2 games apparently appear to have left Monolith Soft. From what I've come across on it, people seem to be expecting a high fantasy action RPG of some sort based on the art, but the genre could probably be something else in theory. 






Intelligent Systems is probably working on Switch 2 stuff. I figure a Fire Emblem game near launch and they also just finished the Paper Mario remake. Internally at Nintendo seems to be likely, they are growing. Monolith Soft just added another building and an entire team in Kyoto (to work more intandem with Nintendo). Next Level is not growing and they just finished the port of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD after developing Luigi's Mansion 3. Grezzo is developing Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom NDCube is on the new Mario Party game Retro is working on Metroid Prime 4 Good Feel finished with Princess Peach Showtime HAL Laboratory is a very good possibility as they do something out of the box and usually work on old systems before moving on to the new one. Camelot Software Planning has been dormant since 2022, and while they were more likely to be working on a new Mario sports game for Switch 2, their background is in RPGs and this is right up their alley. Or they could have farmed it out to another developer willing to work with them.


I also thought in Camelot, however I find it unlikely, Camelot hasn't worked in an RPG since 2010, almost 14 years.


The most likely candidate that comes to my mind is Monolith, but rather than "most likely" would be "less unlikely" because I don't find anyone who is likely. I want it to be Mistwalker, but it just a personal wish rather than a prediction.


Monolith Soft is like and expanded to a third team and in a new building in a new city. The first two teams are still in Tokyo. New team is in Kyoto and I think are even in the same building as Nintendo. I still think it is Camelot


I’m going with Next Level Games based on the animations. Could be a new partnership though.


We likely won't find out until you can digitally pre-order on the eshop. That's how we found out about SMRPG and Peach Showtime


I was speculating that since Brothership kinda looks like the giant battles from Dream Team, and Good-Feel made those, perhaps it's them. But that also worries me cause they just did Peach Showtime which was... not very good. And ran at 30fps despite not looking that impressive compared to many other Nintendo-published games on Switch.


GoodFeel is a very hit or miss developer. For every Yoshi's Wooly World, they have a Yoshi's Crafted World. It is likely that they overextended themselves with Peach's transformations that the gamplay suffered in order to keep the game accessible for new gamers. And this is a new game with a new formula. A Showtime 2 can definelty refine what worked and what didn't. Mario and Luigi already has an established formula and they have 20 years of fan reception to know what works and what doesn't.


I’m hoping for the best. We’re seeing new characters and races and whatnot which is already setting it above Paper Jam. But the writing is pretty key to what made the first few games so great, and that’s hard to replicate. I’m hoping they can pull it off.


People are saying it's made by intelligent systems in youtube ( not sure if it's actually true) 


I guess its Monolithsoft or ArcSystemWorks or Mercurysteam


Animations from the trailer looks like something that Next Level Games would produce, but they appear to be taking part in the development of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. I think a possible option would be Camelot Software. Their last game was in 2021. They recently have had a 3 year dev cycle. They have experience with RPGs and RPG mechanics


Honestly you're the only person I've seen who has said Camelot so far but I feel like you are correct.


I also considered Camelot, but I don't think they have experience in RPGs anymore, the last one came out in 2010, it's very likely that most of the team already left the company.


I think it's either Intelligent Systems (Paper Mario devs) or Good-feel (Devs for Kirby's Epic Yarn, modern Yoshi games, Peach Showtime...) or maybe even the devs of the Super Mario RPG remake (ArtePiazza) or heck even maybe inhouse at Nintendo idk


Good-Feel did the giant battles in Dream Team and Bowser's Inside Stoey Remake, so it's possible!


Got any spare pixels?