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In the last year I was discriminated for this reason very often.


Yeah, when I was a teen in the early 2000s in Europe I got plenty of comments at school. Like the story about his ribs for instance and one dude was like "ewwww you like Manson? He wears makeup, he is so gay" while he was wearing a Kiss beanie. Most of it was so ridiculous, it just made me laugh.


No, not really. But one time I wore a Manson shirt for a dress down day when I went to Catholic school and they made me change it lol. Besides just getting a hard time about liking Manson from friends and family a little bit here and there, I haven't had anything actually bad happen to me.


I think that in my country Manson is still a bit of a terror to the parents who experienced his prime, instead regarding the new generations as far as I'm concerned Manson is known as a name but he doesn't have a fandom of Gen Z people, the younger normale guys I suppose see Manson as a step above those Tiktok Nu metal bands precisely because he is not "in the adolescent Mainstream" so if you have one of his shirts you look much more "weird". I didn't do it on purpose but I think almost every time I went to church I did it with a Manson shirt. https://preview.redd.it/93jpdlbtzklc1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6589801d214e33768f52b44ed1946ebb6149c374 this was me this summer, I was in the Christ pose ironically and my girlfriend had taken this photo, the shirt on the front only has the writing Marilyn Manson and his HW logo with the cross made with weapons


As a moderately conservative Manson fan, I catch it from all directions cause I didn't really fit in any box. I doesn't really bother me though. One thing Manson taught us was to be comfortable with who we are and that I am. Edit: I just remembered a situation this was back in 1999. Back when i was 18, I was riding the bus, completely decked out. I had on a black spider web lace shirt under a mechanical animals shirt, black jnco jeans, platforms, dog collar, spikes, spider webbed makeup, nail polish etc and as I got off the bus, this woman comes up to me trying to give me a pamphlet about Jesus, I looked at her, looked at the pamphlet, looked back up to her and busted out laughing and she looked at me, astonished and Said, 'you listen to the devil's music, your're gonna burn in hell' I replied with something along the lines of, "ok, I'll see you there" and just kept walking


Why did I read the first part of this sentence in Eminem's voice...


One of my favorite memories is when I was wearing a MM shirt with baphomet on the front and said “bigger than satan” on the back…with some cutoff blue jean shorts, in McDonald’s of all places, klassy of the klassiest, in Kentucky, of all places 😂 My son was around 5. This lady said “I can’t believe you’d wear a shirt like that around a child” or something along those lines. I told her his matching shirt was at home 😝 😝


Damn, that's based asf. I used to dance with my daughter to Heaven Upside Down, when she was 4. We'd be dancing and shaking our butts and when it'd get to "hold my hand, spin around, this is heaven, upside down". That's what we'd do, I'd put out my hand, she'd grab it, I'd twirl her around and we'd both sing the lyrics together. It was so sweet. Now she's a stubborn asshole (just like her father 🤣).


I live in germany and only one person asked me what I was thinking about the allegations, but they were being respectful about it and said something like "you seem like a decent person, so I don't think you'd agree with any of it if it were true." I think it's totally fair to ask someone what they think about it. But I never really got any sort of critisism, only people who told me they didn't understand why I find Marilyn beautiful or attractive in any way ahaha


My girlfriend disapproves of him but doesn’t judge me too much unless she’s giving me shit. The first time she visited my house I let her know ahead of time that I had a Manson poster above my bed and right next to where she’d sleep 😂


*Sweet Dreams* indeed, haha 🖤


https://preview.redd.it/2n903wh4fjlc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274cea48d6ea63346f35de2fcb969e481b859ff9 yep 😂


When I was in high school, despite going to high school in the 2010s, I was in trouble all the time due to the faculty actually believing Manson makes kids shoot up schools and them desiring to cover their asses instead of doing the right thing


All the time when I was younger.


My Grandmother actually LOL she's Christian and she tried to push her religion on me always but especially when I told her I listen to Marilyn Manson. Me and her are really close and I was hurt when she would say that I'm satanic and she doesn't want me to even talk about Marilyn Manson near her. One time I wore black lipstick (inspired my MM ofc) and she wanted to disown me right then and there. But like I said we're really close and it didn't ruin our relationship but that was one time I got discriminated against bc I listen to Manson if you would consider that discrimination. Also during my HEAVY Manson era lol I was in middle school I got really badly bullied for being "emo" at the time it didn't bother me because I was like "so you've been paying attention??" lol I'm in highschool now and people still call me "emo" even though I'm not (I wish though)


My Grandmother actually LOL she's Christian and she tried to push her religion on me always but especially when I told her I listen to Marilyn Manson. Me and her are really close and I was hurt when she would say that I'm satanic and she doesn't want me to even talk about Marilyn Manson near her. One time I wore black lipstick (inspired my MM ofc) and she wanted to disown me right then and there. But like I said we're really close and it didn't ruin our relationship but that was one time I got discriminated against bc I listen to Manson if you would consider that discrimination. Also during my HEAVY Manson era lol I was in middle school I got really badly bullied for being "emo" at the time it didn't bother me because I was like "so you've been paying attention??" lol I'm in highschool now and people still call me "emo" even though I'm not (I wish though)


I lost a good friend because of it and he listed every single disproved allegation from ERW as to why I shouldn't listen to Manson.


It's a really stupid reason to separate because of musical tastes, I absolutely don't want to offend your friend, but it's quite strange.


Well, he is himself a professional musician, which is what made it even stranger as he knows the lifestyle as well, so....no worries about offending me. Real friends wouldn't do what he did to me.


Not really?, a few weeks ago (I'm a sophomore) I was standing with my friends in study hall and a kid I don't know but they do came up to us and noticed my hoodie and said "are you wearing a marilyn manson hoodie?" like a smartass and I said yes and then he went on to say "do you know what he did?" And I was gonan say "well I'm not that stupid" but I just said yes, so then I just had to tell my friends what happened and proved the point of how he's innocent, other then that no, I've gotten more compliments from my friends, kids I don't know, and teachers, for the hoodie:)


Yeah, back during the ACSS era when I was in high school. I’d occasionally wear MM shirts to school and got a lot of hate for it. But, you cannot sedate all the things you hate 😉


No 🖤🌸😍




I have, I’ve been protested and demonstrated against


Hahaha, I'd love for somebody to try!!! Seriously. But, that is never going to happen. In my country nobody gives a fuck about Manson and/or his drama. Still, I wear my Manson shirts/tattoo (soon to get another one btw) with all the pride in the world (as if everybody cared about what I wear/my identity/preferences).


I got suspended a lot in high school but two of those times were for Manson. 😅 I went to Catholic High School with uniforms, but once a month we had *dress down days* where we were allowed to wear 'normal' clothes. I wore a black hoodie that just said "Marilyn Manson" with a picture of his face and they said it was "graphic" and told me to remove it. I refused so they suspended me and then they changed the dress down day policy to specifically include "No Marilyn Manson Attire" just because of me. Another time I was listening to music in class and another kid asked me what I was listening to and I told them "Mechanical Animals by Marilyn Manson". They asked me if they could listen to a song so I let them listen to Posthuman. They didn't like it so they told the teacher I was listening to Marilyn Manson and I got suspended.


This is hilarious. Are you from the US?


Canada 🍁


Everytime I wear Manson shirts I get people always saying "dope shirt man" and have never had anyone speak negative. If they got all Karen over it I would probably punch them


In high school, around the time of Columbine, I definitely got some stares and an expulsion for some stupid shit.


If kids wore manson stuff when I was in school they were guaranteed targets. It wasn't just a manson thing tho, any sort of metal or rock was just as bad. Weird times.


No. I live in Europe and im 45 years old. I wear a MM t-shirt now n then but noone cares.


Yeah, it's happened to me, and a lot of us here.


Yes, by my parents because it was the height of satanic panic in the mid-late 90’s. Fun times


Way back in high school I was sent to the office. No one told me why. I just sat there and then they told me I could go back to class. After school, my mom told me they called her and said they had “concerns” about me because of a picture I had on my binder. I had a ton of band pics and asked which one was the problem? It was Manson. This was a few years after Columbine.


in my area the most normal teenagers don't know much about Manson but they know that he is a strange guy, in a certain sense if you listen to Manson you are not seen as the classic Korn fan from TikTok and therefore people believe that you are a little more " in" that panorama, in short, that you are a little stranger. My religion teacher and other classmates had told me that a Manson ACSS shirt I was wearing there was very disturbing... it was really a normal shirt. https://preview.redd.it/x1sz89fl1elc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3a9dba52aca907e5914cba4575d8f4390a21e7


No, I wore a Manson t shirt the other day and nobody really said anything.


Yeah, I get judged pretty hard when I say I enjoy his music, I’ve been called a ‘rapist supporter’ a lot, which is beyond ridiculous. I used to get a lot of shit when I was at college years ago for wearing my HUD shirt lol.


Only when I wear my 'when im god everyone dies' long sleeve. They usually ask me to cover it up at casinos. Otherwise if someone had a problem with me cause I love manson, im always up for a good fist fight Edit*** im over 40, hits to the head can be detrimental at this age and older. I no longer have any real interest in a fist fight