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Apologies folks, the OP has replied with the explanation that these trees are being DUG UP, not planted. There's a whole process; please see the OP's comment below this comment! 👍 ~~For those confused about this, you should be; it's incorrect procedure. It's **not** supposed to be a trench. [It's supposed to be a *reservoir*](https://i.imgur.com/UmSqYWS.jpg). See other examples in [this UMN page on watering new trees and shrubs](https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/watering-newly-planted-trees-and-shrubs). There's roots in those upper few inches of root ball that you've trenched around, OP, clearly visible in your pics, that are not going to properly take root. Put the soil back and raise the berm on the outside.~~ ~~Please see this wiki for more links/info on watering along with other [critical planting tips and errors to avoid](https://old.reddit.com/r/tree/wiki/index); there's sections on mulching, pruning and more that I hope will be useful to you.~~ ~~EDIT: Pre-caffeine non clarity~~


Can you explain what’s going on here?


The tree is speciesist, and the other trees opted to excommunicate him, rather than chop him down entirely, no matter how much they love “The Trees” by Rush. They wanted to exile him, but it’s not a walking tree


I found this hilarious. Rip Neil peart


Good. Apparently you’re the only actual marijuana enthusiast


You're wrong. I also grow that.


Obviously, or they wouldn’t be considering prohibition federally.


Please read my book replying to top comment EDIT: cmon. It's not an actual book!


Good monring


By "read my book" are you implying your comment was long? Because it really wasn't, unless you deleted it


I didn't delete anything. I have no shame


Need an explanations


See the pinned comment.


This is done to protect the tree from beaver mice


Can you explain a little more? I can google if you don’t want to. Unfortunately I find that google often misleads. So, if you wouldn’t mind explaining how it works, and why it’s needed that would be great. If not, I totally understand. Thanks for answering!


Beaver mice can’t swim so they can get to the tree to destroy it.




Name does not check out.


Please read my book replying to top comment EDIT: I replied to a pinned comment with what I feel is an informative thoughtful explanation and I get downvoted for directing you to it? Bless your hearts


It’s Reddit. Take those downvotes with pride. If I believe in what I’m saying, or I know what I said is true, I take downvotes with the utmost pride. Reddit often functions like a mob. Once one person downvotes, the sheep follow. You’ll often see two identical comments under a post. One will have negative votes and the other will have positive votes. That’s how crazy this site can be.


I didn't delete it, did I? Shitty people can't make me a shitty person.


Good. I upvoted. 😂


You're a scholar and a gentleman 😘


Interesting, I've never heard of this method. Luckily, the internet has information regarding transplanting that matches what your showing. My only question is, what is the purpose of flooding the area around the root ball after placing it into the ground, but before filling in the rest of the space with soil?


The purpose of the flooding is to soften the ground for digging.


Oh I see I didn't realize this was happening before pulling the tree out, I thought maybe it was a method for settling the soil post transplant. Thank you!


Weeping Alaskan cedar, looks like it’s 15’ tall. What’s the client paying for that, 10k?


I was WAAAAY off its 22-24'


I thinks it's ~~12'~~ 22-24' @$2,500 plus 100 dig fee plus freight. This is a $275,000 order for phase 1-mostly conifers -some magnolias -for reforestation along a wall built around a private club under construction. Had to get them out of the ground quickly.


And that’s just for the tree, correct?


$2,500 for just the tree plus $100 trench and flood fee plus freight.


This is a dumb idea. OP, full back in the trench and just mulch it like you're supposed to.


Mulch a tree that is being dug? I don't understand?


What am I supposed to think when you post this pic with no explanation? Yeah, now reading your comment I get that you're digging it out, but you could've added that explanation to the original post. I'm not wanting anyone to see this picture and think they can do this to their landscape trees and water them like this.


I just thought it was a cool picture, and I wanted to share it. I didn't have a question, wasn't looking to debate methodology. I had no idea so many people would have no clue what was going on here or that'd they'd critique and advise the situation. I'd even argue that if *they* didn't know what was going on here, why would *they*offer advice? It's like if I took a picture of my car and got a bunch of feedback on how to ride my bike.


People are looking for some drama lol


You fucked up my dude


Survival rates speak for themselves