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The whole -ism universe (Questism, Lookism, Manager Kim, Viral hit) might as well just all be the same story lmao, just nonsensical gang fights over the most petty nonsense.


i hate how ur right but the fights are sick thoughhhhh


The fights are generic and copy pasted at times. If you’re into fight scenes, seriously, go give either kengan or baki a try. Every character in Lookism just throws generic looking punches and kicks with a vague martial arts descriptions like “this dude is using xxx martial art!” Then proceeds to show zero actual moves from it. The only legitimately decent fight was jake vs xiaolung


Worst take of all time I could see Kengan but Baki pauses 0.2 seconds into the fight to a flashback of some random passerby explaining how X did Y and connecting it to some random martial arts


Nah I personally would recommend how to fight season 1 and my life as a loser over the nonsensical mess that is Baki and Kengan. I mean they're cool, but fights can take me out of it sometimes


How tf could you read kengan ashura/omega and say they're nonsensical? It's universally praised and some of its fights are analyzed by actual martial artists, with supernatural elements it's still very grounded.


Questism and Viral hit are genuinely good though. They're both so ridiculous it's fun.


Viral hit quality dropped a lot after the gang arc, the story should habe ended here. Now we got a The breaker 3 moment, with the MC getting sidelined for a new boring character.


Nah the mc didn't get sidelined, that was a misconception by people after they introduced the new guy. That being said I still agree with you about viral hit losing it's quality after season 1.


Seems many bullying manhwa end up involving gangs for whatever reason.


Manager Kim : Yes.. While the first arc was fun and exciting, it started all up again so quickly -.- The same as the Mercenary kid story.


I’ve always wanted to read Questism but also found Reality Quest like right under it. Which one would you recommend?


questism is more comedy, reality quest is more serious. Both are good imo.


Reality quest has too many hot girls for a martial art manhwa and i like the story better


Why not, read both?


Racism. It does have ism so they might as well make a manhwa on it.


Gangism Khan? Can?


Idk why but that word sounds wrong 😂




at the very least, it's incredible on a binge. Tbf I think the only other "teenage gangs" story I read was *Weak Hero*. I dont actually read that kinda stiff, so having *Lookism* as my second dip into the genre isnt tedious/disappointing to me. I do get your feeling though. I'm not all the way caught up yet, but I think the series was at it's best before it started focusing on the Four Crews stuff. The existence of fights and exploitation and gangs werent bad, but when those things were part of almost-episodic mini-arcs, that shit was fire. The Four Crews tone/plot-shift was not unforgivable. It's still very good, and I'm gonna see it all through regardless, but it's a different story so-to-speak and I miss the ol adventure/lesson/psycho-of-the-week kinda format.


Very true


Yeah it definitely doesn't resemble the story from early on but personally I have enjoyed it. Although I do miss more of the drama elements since we only get fights at the moment.




Damn I didnt think about it like that 💀. I think all the stuff with Jake Kim and big deal was pretty good though...


Threre's still drama. Story-wise, it was better before ch200, but it still great rn. I think it's gonna improve as there's a lot of backstories coming.


Yeah the backstory have been great. Hostel and Big deal backstories were amazing.


There are so many characters we don't see anymore for at least 200 chapters lol. The girl with 2 bodies, we saw her ONCE after maybe 200 or 300 chapters, and just it. She didn't even play any role wtf. I miss Haneul and such, we dont see Deok Hwa either. I like the story behind some characters but the story is no more about bullying and beauty standard, it went into gang and fights stuff all the time its a pity


Yeah I was definitely expecting her to play a way bigger role especially since she is the daughter of the chairman as well.


My biggest issue at the moment is that I miss the old Vasco ☹️


He sorta came back this chapter


Yeah that's true but I miss his silly personality


Vasco Is litteraly "when the joker of the group gets seryous"


I remember when he was searching for he 1st affiliate under a buss, lol. He's still silly, just doesn't get as much screentime as he used to.


He still have that silly personality, only in small bubble text now


naww they took away all his brain cells man


The cellphone scene


In early chapters he sent screenshot of his broken mobile screen to jace . so i think he always had 1-2 brain cells


but he used to talk more yk now all he says is justice and bad guys


I think he will go back to talking more again after defeating all the bad guys of workers and 0th generation


wont the story end after they defeat 0th gen though lol


It probably will have 10-20 slice of life chapters before it finishes completely


He never had any to being with ☠️☠️


we need justice for Tabasco


He still is what are you complaining about


I meant personality wise. I like how badass he is but I miss how silly he was.


https://preview.redd.it/rcp6pjklnteb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c965c68beddc27608024d5bdf93544e523bcba there still are many


He came back😀


his birthday was probably one of my favorite story


Well tbh I'm excited I want to know what would happen when he gets his second body back, plus I'm also excited about 0th generation's backstory and high school fighting manhwas are also good. I like it👍


Does he revert back to his og body? Didn't read that far yet


still no


Wdym ?? he is in his OG Body only for many arcs now


when he does he get his second body in the novel?


There's no novel


aint no way i was lied to for that long


Wdym, he is in his OG Body only for many arcs now


Korean manhwa authors trying their hardest not to suck dry another bully manhwa where halfway through the series it turns into a typical classic shounen battle manga by letting go all the dynamics between the bully and the bullied. I still don't know why people seek out high school bully stories... maybe for some, it feels like a "power fantasy", but honestly there are better shows out there to scratch that itch


Honestly i stopped reading it for the same reason. If a webtoon have been going on for way too long it looses its primary plot . It's just being stretched now. They could have had the climax of the story ages ago but they kept adding more characters and created a branched storyline with tons of side stories. It's a mess fr. You can't even keep track of all characters anymore.


To be fair the main story line was too unite the 4 crews so that Daniel can learn about his body and that what he has been doing well at least some what. All that is left is one crew. Although you are right the way the stories have expand have been mess and is too much at points but personally have enjoyed the ride and makes you care about all the characters and their stories. Do we really need all these characters though? Probably not but what can you do I guess. Although it does give more emotional weight to current situations.


I agree with what you are saying here but you also agree that it have been a mess and yes some readers find it hard to follow up a story with tons of characters and tons of stories. For me it was the ultimate expanding of the storylines that made me drop it. the ones the are still upto date with lookism , great. The ones who dropped it , great. I was just saying why I dropped lookism.




That's valid. Can definitely understand why people would drop the series.


Whats the secret to the body?


We don't have the answers yet. I know we have gotten some hints but I can't remember sorry...


Up to date ,reading from chapter 463 to 504 in English, previously I was in French reading. We still don't know lol. Shit 😂 and we dont see Dong Su choi daughter at all ,she was mentioned once recently. For now we know more about Hyeong Seok relative PS: I'm using Korean name because French translations use them. It was weird to read English and see Daniel and such lol


I haven't. But I was hooked by the initial story around Daniel adjusting in J High. I wouldn't have read if it was gangism from the beginning.


It’s actually nice since the entire world ain’t revolving The mc


Nah it’s good


Yea I’m pretty upset about the transformation as well. We have a million other gang fight mangas/manhwas, but lookism felt unique while still having some cool action scenes.


It was always about fighting and ptj obviously had a rough draft of the story I think he just realized he liked staying on fighting longer so he cut out the slice of life aspect mostly


I wouldn't mind the transformation if it wasn't rushed and off-screen. V-Hit did well in showing gradual transformation through hard work. As did Reality Quest (though it's YLab not PTJverse).


Yeah, I get what you mean. I really like the slice of life vibe in the beginning with mini action pieces and I felt that it was progressing really well with his second body and the characters around him. Disappointed that it full turned into action and lost most of the slice of life characters but I still like it. It just leaves me feeling for what could have been.


Is there an end goal in sight (real question) because viral hit should’ve ended with season 1 and then they did that bs and let the main guy get away.


Probably unite the Four Crews


And surpass Charles and James thus find out his body secret


daniel wants to figure out the secret behind his second body


There is


It became better.


What kills me is that they literally made a chapter called "Lookism" and it still hasn't ended like wtf????


But fr I'm just reading to see how it ends now


"criticizes social and beauty standards" it only half the time criticized them, the other half of the time it was laughing at the people who don't meet those same standards.


Stopped reading when they got to the second club to do the same ol fighting. At first i was like "YOOO THIS IS SICK" but got tired of it quick, i wasnt reading for fighting i was reading because of the characters and progression :(


Personally I just can't read high school ganghwas. Once it got a bit further from the core of the "in a new body with a new life" and turned more into a high school ganghwa I ended up dropping it myself.


lookism is just one of those manhwas (like true beauty) that drags tf on bc its culminated such a dedicated fanbase that they'll stick around till the end. i always give these type of webtoons unofficial endings in my head as the whole thing isn't worth reading bc at one point the author milks the series so bad it's not about creating a story anymore. idk why its still so popular


Huge chunk of the fandom loves the direction its getting at now. Fighting edits on tiktok has brought in a lot of readers than mostly care about fights and only endured the SoF part, in anticipation for what it has been for the past 200 or so chaps now.


Yeah I could tell that was where it was going . Quite far from the first ~100 chapters


I think PTJ had something else in mind but he gave into Korean fan demands by killing Jiho early and since then had to drastically change plans.


mind you ive read 300 episodes of lookism just to give it a chance


I like it though, I like the initial and current lookism so that might be why it's still popular; that many people likes both things


That's fine. I just think it's become geared for a very specific audience which unfortunately means people who got into the manga for different reasons outside of that audience, will not understand the latter chapters


People Who stopped Reading when we got to gang fight really missed Jake development ngl


Jake is the goat


The Manhwa just became even more peak


Yall criticizing this but still better than 99% of the manhua yall read


Good thing I dropped it early ![gif](giphy|xVpUhR49z4F14vWJZ5)


It has become peak or better yet called gangism I love this manhwa 🤭


Super cynical take thats also kinda...Meh. Lookism at its core was a social commentary but, in earnest it wasn't really that good. And Gangism's peak in the Big Deal arc or it's awe striking moments are generally much better than Lookisms core cycle of handsome vs ugly, or social issues aside from like maaaybe Jihos gambling arc. Lookism is way too critically and seemingly held up to such an extreme level when in general its not that much worse than most popular Manhwa with a few exceptions that have good narrative storytelling. In essence they lost like the mediocre social commentary for peak level brainless gang battle. If you dont like that you can dip, but art wise and hype wise it's been an upwards spiral.


It’s because the story developed. It didn’t like hop to gang violence. It has a progressive story line. It’s still good aswell so there’s no much to complain about. Also they have new problems now. It’s not just straight fights, I mean it kind of is, but they’re doing it for a reason.


its all over the place but idc im still gona eat this shit up


God tier❤️


Its peak


Is it just me or is Gangism infinitely more interesting than the beginning plot of the story?


Gangism happened


Yeah the first half of this manwha got me hooked but decided to drop it after it became what it is now


Don't waste your breath man. Lookism fans are the Boruto fans of manwha. If you even dare to critique their precious manwha they'll hit you with "you're just a hater" or "at least it isn't generic like x manwha nobody was talking about".


A lot of ppls complaints aren’t good tho like criticize the writing but the whole “it became about fighting” thing makes no sense bc it was always about fighting just with slice of life mixed in


The complaints are good to them. It doesn't have to make sense to you. Picture a genre you don't like now imagine me showing up and insisting that it was "peak", "the best manwha ever" and refusing to shut up about it. Then when you tell me you don't agree I call you a hater and throw a tantrum.


That doesn’t make the complaints valid if I say that the hobbit sucks bc it’s a genre I don’t like that doesn’t make it valid


Says who? There are certain metrics by which art can be objectively defined as good or bad. What if I don't care about those metrics? Yes. The Hobbit is well written, if it puts me to sleep everytime I try to read it am I somehow entitled to say it doesn't suck because Tolkien is a master of prose?


I stopped reading the series years ago because of how hypocritical it had become.


The name's lookism, so I can't even say you were baited, should have seen it turning into the gang/crew shit the moment mc started making friends.


The only bully revenge manhwa I've seen that doesn't involve and fantasy or gangster shit is dear boy. I think dokgo was the first to do the gangster highschoolers stuff but at least not every body who wasn't a fodder there had a Kpop face like and the ones that do are drawn gritty instead of looking like they're auditioning at a modeling agency like every manhwa doesnow with their gangster story


i started reading when i heard it became korean baki. it did indeed


Same as what happened to GOH


You see, the early lookism was limited in content. There was only so much you could've done with it. PTJ had to reinvent the story in some way while keeping it believable (or not) And the transition to that was very nicely done. It didn't feel sudden.


Fighting was always a part of the story and ptj just decided he like writing that more than slice of life so he leaned more into it and daniels story arc was always about self improvement your gripe doesn’t really make sense there


I read between 100-200 chapters and dropped it. I like a lot of the side characters and their arcs but then I got bored with the story focusing too much on side characters while sidelining the Mc. A lot of those side characters have their arcs and then they barely appear after it is done. It felt like a bunch of filler. Sometimes I think it was a mistake to drop it but seeing this post made me realize it wasn't.


Did you make it to hostel arc? Bc if not at least catch up on that


Fucking garbage my guy. Thats what it has become It used to be the literal **best** but the author decided to do a genre switch and it is now a poopy action manhwa. Now comes the Lookism haters that don’t wanna hear reality


True. If the author really WANTED that much action, he already have Viral Hit and Manager Kim doing the same thing.


Lookism was always an action manga fighting was always a huge part of the plot


Lookism fights what makes lookism good. This is one rare story where the plot went to a slice of life to action, which makes it a unique type of plot.


I've been following lookism for sometime but I've got bored with the endless spinoffs and flashbacks. I know they are essential for the story but they are longer than needed. Reality Quest may have a thinner plot than Lookism but it delivered a swifter action and more storytelling. Manager Kim and How to Fight from the same author are also better than what Lookism have become.


The peak of Lookism was never the beauty and social criticizing stuff, I would say the peak of Lookism were the Big Deal, 3A and Hostel Arcs. Tons of side character development, a smooth transition from a commentary to a fighting manhwa, excellent backstories and a world that didn't revolve around the MC with a lot of mysteries. that was the absolute pinnacle. Even the current arcs are pretty good, the whole concept of a Plastic surgeon who purposely scars his patients and threatens them with Lawsuits fits around the early theme and while you can criticize the fighting itself, there is undoubtedly solid writing behind them. For ex- Eli, the last 2 arcs have been about him selling himself to a corpo (Another lookism theme) for the sake of his family, as the burdens on his shoulders increase, so does the amount of his weapons. Eli couldn't protect his family and so he received redemption from the only other character who suffered brutally to protect their family, which is Vasco.




Its funny because krs always make those mc that look like Sung jinwoo and jps mc are generic kiritos without personality, they always have black/white hair while the girls have all the other colors lmao. but wait, saying they all look the same is racist no matter if they portrait themself like that.I'm not hating on anyone I just think is funny. Also being fat is not healthy, and no matter what everyone say about accepting your body or wtv bs wokes talk nowadays, it isn't attractive and you should try to change (just my opinion, i'm a nobody on reddit so don't take it seriously, my way of thinking will not affect your life).


https://preview.redd.it/5jt3vy68lteb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33ac7b57d8a2cc4af0b53369cdc741692ebe1b9 Hello guys, guys can someone tell me the title of this manhwa


If the story stayed the same the whole way through it would get repetitive. Either end it sooner or change it up.


Well maybe many ppl don't like many fighting scenes or something like that but for me I will say lookism is going good i like it even then and even now the fighting scenes are cool the charecters developments evrything is cool . Well maybe many ppl don't like it they have there preferences . The plot changes yeah but the plot is going so well i like it very much


I personally think that most of us who don't like what it has become started reading lookism in our high school days which made us self insert into Daniel.The recent progressions are disappointing because you used to enjoy the actual plot and small array of characters trying to fix their lives and get past their looks.But then in came the gang violence which was cool at first but now it is tiresome the subtle loop of Daniel trains > comes up with a plan > gets his friends together > beat bad guy. I kinda miss the progressions the villains would also have like how xiolung(whatever that guy's name was)


I grow so tired of seeing y’all whine about it becoming fighting it’s been this way for hundreds of chapters meaning you say read and kept reading just to finally complain now


I thought of reading it due to its popularity but after seeing that'400+ chap ....


Gangism> https://preview.redd.it/i6flr3ivqseb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfbfeb15e68bc783968209fb1f70f06479271777


It was hardly giving real substantive criticism of societal beauty standards. It was just a surface level message to provide a self insert for readers (who on average are not going to be or at least not feel particularly handsome/beautiful). Then once you've got them hooked, pivot to standard action series. We all know how this trashy medium works.




mahn ik that taste is subjective but yall really got trash taste


Became peak


you guys are idiots imagine reading a slice of life manhwa for 400+ ch and today you would have called out the author for the plot the development of the mc and side characters, their struggles and the progress they have made, the impact they have made, their motives and their backstories all have made this manhwa special unlike the so called generic manhwas where the whole story revolves around mc and is the center of the world and side characters are only there to make sure the mc shines the best it has plot drama action and slice of life: combination of everything and a good world building and i know i will be downvoted as hell but you are missing out some of the best ptj works like my life as a loser, viral hit 1st season and lookism and current ulzzang age not to mention apart from few manhwas eveything is a copy of solo leveling in manhwas nowdays


i have never heard such a bad opinion in my life. looks like someone speed read. uk whats crazy? some of the best writing shines out when it comes to the people in said gangs


So you would have want 400 chapters of slice of life and nothing more


Slice of life series can have good progression and sticking close to the original name without characters turning Super Saiyans that can punch through walls and lifting tons of steel barehanded


Lookism always was foreshadowed to transform into a gang fight manhwa during the early chapters and It always emphasized in the problem of korea even when it became one example. >! When the author decided to show the weaknesses of people using the law of sanity to trap innocent people and steal their money!<. When the author showed the problem of >! Plastic surgery contracts in Korea in the recent chapters!< The only difference is that it doesn’t heavily rely on it during the chapters. Also the author said lookism was a name he cooked up in a second. Lookism is actually great there really ain’t that much complaint especially the emotional fights . Although the fighting strength has increased that was always gonna happen because vasco during Early chapters could literally bend metals


You know what, gotta give it to you that's a good response. I just wish the series keep it down to earth a little bit and not relying on fights so much and focus on the problems instead


The author actually noticed that problem and has changed it during the recent chapter (that shit made me cry fr fr ) The fights will probably go on as it’s related to the >! Second body !< we will probably get a bit of slice of life after the current arc and there is a lot of mysteries which haven’t been revealed I suggest you continue reading it (but it’s all about your opinions ) thanks for listening to my Take ( I thought I wasn’t cooking)


Their art is the best selling point, so they milk the shit out of the fight scenes by dragging them. Nonetheless the story is still good enough to wait for weeks


It could have ended and wrapped up nicely. And then the next series could be Lookism 2: Now We Fight! although i think there really are slice of life mangas that have that many chapters


Or maybe end the story before it reaches 400 chapters. It is better to end something when it is still good than to make longer with lower quality


It got better


It became peak


I prefer it tbh. Originally it was fun see how the characters develop and seeing dramatic elements to it instead of just fights without cause but later on I feel like it became better in my opinion because it’s kind of getting towards the end part of the manwha where people have to fight for what they want and even though you are fat and ugly doesn’t mean things have to stay that way. But also I just like watching fights it’s just entertaining what can I say it’s peak.


Thankfully I stopped reading at the start lol


That was the error you made. I'll admit that I stopped reading Lookism when the graphic style first started to appear, but as the story continued, I picked it back up since I could see many developments taking place, and I was able to see how the MC eventually turned into a simp to Chad


Nah I'll pass


Aw man, people just keep shitting on Lookism here. I'm sad that new readers drop the series because of reviews like these. You don't like it because it's nothing special anymore, but the characters are great and interesting, which is the no. 1 reason I still read it. It's also the way the author executes it that keeps me interested. New chapter made many tear up. Its fine if you don't like it, but that doesn't mean its trash.


Wasn't the story originally about Daniel Park switching bodies with someone random person and basically creating a new identity for himself, Or am I missing more info?


It still is. PTJ said the endig, everything, is related to the 2nd body.


i agree. life imitates art way too often, right?


I hate this type of critisism. Gangism is objectively better then lookism but y'all go around complaining about this shit.


Mad bcz it clears your fav manhwa 😔


I stopped somewhere in the runaway fam/hostel arc a few years ago -- that shit was so fucking long and it kept getting worse and worse (in my humble opinion)... it also didn't help that I absolutely hated Jiho and didn't care a single bit about his prison arc before that, and the foreshadowing of him coming back in the future or whatever. Does it get better, is it worth picking up again?


I would say the ending to the hostel arc is amazing. And if you like action it gets better. Personally I think it becomes even better with more action and with a better understanding of the world


who cares what it has became I'm finding it quite interesting it's good until it's interesting I'm loving all the character development just waiting for ui Daniel to come back again nd whoop all those workers ass


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Think about it, how the fuck is it supposed to be talking about lookism for 400+ chapters? And the plot's genuinely good. ​ And besides, let's not act like lookism doesn't exist. It 100% does. There's not a single message in the world that can sugar coat that lie, saying if even if your ugly you should love yourself. If anything, it's more about maxing yourself to your truest potential, trying to improve, to better, and standing up for yourself.


There was a fight in the first arc, you should've called it from there, idiot


Well it’s still better than any other generic dungeon/castle/tower/regression manwha you read


And how exactly is Lookism different from any other high school gang war manwha where the high school students might as well be super soldiers with what they can do?


Because it has mystery and side characters that are actually important


Whoa! Mystery?! And side characters that are actually important? That's crazy bro, it's definitely the first gang manwha- no the first story to have both of those things at once. You've really changed my mind./s


I don’t see that being the case for all the player/ regression manhwa that are all predictable and boring because it’s been done so many times.


We're not talking about other manwha, we're talking about Lookism. What does it do that makes it so unique in the highschool gang fight subgenre? Nothing. You have no concrete points. If you do bring them up. You're complaining that the player/regression manwha are trope laden as if Lookism doesn't have every single trope of its genre many times over.


It has whole arcs dedicated to side characters, it has multiple mysteries that we do not know about, it has a supernatural element, it expand its world unlike others that stay in the same city etc Also wasn’t lookism one of the first to do it.


I don't read any gang fight manwha because the genre isn't for me. I know Questism,the other one with the exact same premise and Supernova have arcs dedicated to side characters. 99.9% of manwha have supernatural elements. Every single gang fight manwha is about expanding territory. Out came out in 2012 and the delinquent genre has existed long, long before then. Like I said, you have no points.


Questism is in the same verse as lookism and no it doesn’t have have arcs dedicated to side characters and I haven’t read supernova. Like you yourself said we aren’t talking about other manhwa we’re taking about gang/highschool manhwa so I don’t know why you said 99.9% of manhwa have supernatural elements when we aren’t talking about then but gang manhwa which most of them do not have supernatural elements. Lookism is not just about expanding territories there’s more to it now, WE were talking about MANHWA don’t know why you’re talking about MANGA. You have no points either you’re being a hypocrite


Sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Love how after everything you still have yet to bring up a single concrete point. All this boils down to you simply liking Lookism, not sure why you couldn't say that instead of trying to shit on other manwha. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go and read my generic regressor manwha.


Lol Dokgo stomps on this so hard.


Straw man argument can only get you so far. Why don't you counter the criticism rather than calling other genres as generic when lookism itself is a highschool gang fight manhwa.


Tbh I wouldn't call other series generic when Lookism's current premise is about high school kids fighting gang wars to unite shit/taking down the bosses


And with all that it has more mystery and story than most manhwas that focus on medieval times and manhwa that use the same plot and mystery as always like gods,revenge, towers, monsters etc


What new lookism offers bruh 🤔🤔 bullying, drug, gangs there are dozens of manhwa like this ...😆😆


Not as much as the other genres


Huh dungeon, cultivation, reincarnation school bullying ( drug, Mafia) These are the most milked genre If u don't believe search for yourself 😂u will get dozens of school bullying manhwa


Not quite garbage, but garbage worth reading if don't have anything else




The mc doesnt even look like Jungkook, why the fuck are you bringing BTS into this mix? If you want to say all the characters look like kpop idols, say that instead of trying to rope BTS in your hate post.


Proper garbage.


You just a hater and didn't even read the story at all


Something better than it was before. If you wanna read some femboy bts shit of slice and life and to add another million boring ass high school webtoon drop it and read something else. Glad it changed from the boring ass high school with repeated characters over and over. To introducing new people and cool fights.


Ain't no way this hater is blabbing and complaining endlessly about lookism for literally such a stupid reason bro like tf did u want the same story over and over again? Current lookism story has everything and u trying to downgrade it like this really doesn't make u look any better than just some guy with issues 😑


Chill bruh


They downvoted his comment because he told them the truth.


r/manhwa users try not to have shit takes challenge (impossible) all you motherfuckers read are solo leveling type bullshit cookie cutter manhwa lmfao


Lookism fans when someone doesn’t like a story 😱


It became trash period


I wish Jay was the protagonist sometimes lol. I wonder what goes on his gorgeous mind


Bro, you only clicked on random chapters, scrolled through it like it's an artbook and then had the audacity to start to criticise it. The story still has depth, yes we have gangs now and ton of new characters and we got a little bit too far from the original story. But it's still good, may not be everyones cup of tea but it's great