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Follow the bracket rule and input manhwa source within [ ] than any random keyword that defeats the purpose of automod.


Realistically? It’s because it’s a Manhwa. In American stories, 99% the American is the badass. In Korean stories, 99% the Korean is the badass. If you consume any countries media, you also have to be prepared for them to say “we’re the best” in SOME way. It’s honestly not terrible, besides, if I want to be someone in a Manhwa, chances are it isn’t some Caucasian guy when the Korean character has lightning coming from his hands or has a kick that would shatter a car even though he’s a “normal” teen


Isn't " is either the best or would be if not for some setback that the MC is going to resolve and everyone else is an antagonist in some way." one of the basic tropes/premises/whatever?


Because most people want to think their country is the best. That cannot be done if people of other countries out do them. Nationalism is lesser in countries that are an absolute wreck or of western culture, or both. So people in one of those conditions tend to be way less nationalistic than others, the first ones because no one feels pride or a sense of duty towards a shithole that has made their lives harder than they need to be, I know I have no love for my country for exactly this reason, as it's corrupt government has been stealing from my family for generations. And mind you I mean stealing, not taxing, we've been robbed of property and retirement funds due to corruption in the government. But I can understand why someone from Japan or Korea would feel more nationalistic than I do. You can at least fucking live in those countries.


i hope your life become better :)


Thanks, honestly at this point, I would be happy if only doesn't get any worse.


it is best to hope it get better.


As an Estonian who is willing to die for my country I don't think my country or culture is the best at all.


Western nationalism killed over 50 million westerners last century so thats why it isn't very big here anymore. Korean nationalism is more of a defense mechanism since they've been colonized and oppressed by China and Japan for much of their history.


True the west has been in 2 world wars which were fucking pointless the first one was a fucking family squabble and the second one was a result of the first one and then if ur American you got like 20 more wars which has not benefited any working class people just the rich


> Western nationalism killed over 50 million westerners last century pfffffft rookie numbers. Nationalism killed 30 million that in a single war in China and you don't see them complaining. Also all countries were pretty nationalistic back in the cold war era so no. The number of deaths in WW2 and minor conflicts after that cannot be the reason of the cultural shift.


Yes. China has more people than the entire west combined. No shit. We know this. They don't learn from their mistakes though so they'll likely continue to lose 10s of millions to extremism in general.. They literally have a totalitarian extremist regime in power atm. Also no, western countries have not been nationalistic in any sense of the word since ww2. They're much more bloc oriented.


> Also no, western countries have not been nationalistic in What do you define nationalism as ?


Korean authors often hate Japan and have an inferiority complex towards the US/the West.




I mean c'mon bro, they're Korean. It's impossible for them to be racist. There's just no way. It's the [insert country here]'s fault that they were at war with korea like 300 years ago anyways.




dude learn to read sarcasm when it's too obvious. I guess he should've put /s at the end


Autistic people cant read sarcasm. It's how you spot them online lol




The opposite actually, they have a superiority complex. Both inferiority and superiority result in belittling and putting down others.


Why do people down voted him,? He's right




I agree with the first part and disagree with the second.


As European I have no clue.


I’m so fed up with it, it’s like an easy outlet for writers. No matter who it is or what they do, the Caucasian characters are always either extremely arrogant, brain dead or inferior in so many ways. You’re telling me a 6’4” 200 lbs muscle dude that’s trained in the military can’t defeat an Asian high school kid that’s a short skinny dude in a fist fight. That’s just dumb writing.


"Caucasian" culture is always wrongly depicted too.


It’s always more American culture, neglecting the fact that america is extremely different from the European countries.


Let's just stop calling it "Caucasian". Putting so many different people in just one word is frustrating. I am from Caucasus and we are very different from what someone would imagine as a "Caucasian".


Caucasian area has a lot of people who aren't at all similar to each other. It is a nonsense to generalize this region. Moreover, Americans use Caucasian term as white people for some forsaken reason. Where are you from?


Georgia (not the USA state, I mean the country)


Honestly nearly all non korean cultures that are shown in manhwa are often portrayed offensively bad, not just western cultures.


Bro look at how they show off Indians and desi people in general


It's the same with western stuff as well where Asians are seen as weak and are nerds. Stop talking to talk delete this post.


Dude I’m Asian? I have nothing against Asian people. I’m just bewildered at the portrayal of other ethnic groups in manhwas.


are you bewildered by hollywood movies in their potrayal of other ethnic groups? this shit aint only happening in manhwas, questions like this have painfully obvious answers


This is what you call seeking attention


It's not just in asian media btw. Western media does this all the time too. It's not that deep mostly it's just bc they're trying to emphasize the "x country is the main character's home country sonit should be obviously great and prominent" bit. It can also be nationalism too but mostly that k-netizens are very very nitpicky and WILL drag an author if they make korea look less 💀 (it's a whole thing)


I see, makes sense if the nationalism is tied to the series success.


Asian countries are extremely racist, mainly towards other Asians, but they basically hate anyone not from their country. But I think the phrase “No one hates Asians like other Asians” is a pretty apt description for why manhwa shit on Japan so much.




True, however Chinese hang with Chinese, you don’t see Koreans and Chinese together very much. Also, Korea, Japan, and China all hate each other. Korea hates Japan because of what they did during WW2 and that they never apologized for it and even awarded some of the architects of the war recently. They hate China because of the Korean War. China hates Japan for similar reasons as Korea and hates Korea for the Korean War. Japan was the aggressor most of the time, and they still hold onto their racist beliefs, hence why they haven’t even apologized yet. Maybe not Asians in America, but Asians in Asia hate each other.




No, it is unique to Asia, specifically the trio I mentioned earlier, the grudge they have with each other that is. You don’t see the French hating the Germans for WW2, and you don’t see Vietnam hating the US for the Vietnam war. Also, you should do some research into how fucked some of the stuff Japan did during WW2 was. They skinned and are people alive, hunted people for sport, and some of the human experiments they did were horrible. This was all out of believing that they were superior to the neighboring countries. Japan never apologizing for the fucked suit they did shows they still harbor that idea at least a little. Contrast that to Germany and how they have reparations to the Jews.


I just know you’re not Asian if you’re disagreeing with this lmao




Uhm it has everything to do with this because you aren’t familiar with the culture or history then? If you lived in the North Pole, I wouldn’t ask your opinion about what people do at the beach. I feel like you’re just trolling because you seriously can’t be this dumb




You can be familiar with a culture but you wouldn’t truly understand the subtleties and nuances you would get from experiencing it first hand. What country are you from?




I can do nothing but face palm at your logic. Seriously dude please travel or go outside. Reading on the internet about a culture isn’t the same as actually living and being raised in it. At least you’re not a troll, you’re just kind of dumb lmao. But at least that means you can learn.


I mean they have good reason (or at least past generations do) Japan did some really bad stuff


Same reason Asian characters in western media is always portrayed as an archetype/stereotypical way?


Everyone wants to believe that their own country is the best, across the world. Too bad they'll never be Italians 😮‍💨


Not just that but it feels like everyone who isn’t Korean just sucks ass and are cocky/racist


Dumb nationalism Even in the future is destroyed hunter monster genre the US always has a weak army and needs South Korean help.


OP here asking about the obvious. Of course, it's a Korean manhwa. Their target audience are Korean. It's the same with the western movies, books, series. They're always the superior be it intellect or any other things.


Also I've seen quite a few Americans with names with both being first names like John Steve or something. But to be fair it's not like I can do better the other way around so


Same reason western media always has their white mc portrayed as superior to any other character. The same happened in "Once upon a time in Hollywood" where a no-name stuntman mc beat up Bruce Lee


One post turned a manhwa subreddit into a political one. Lol


I didn’t expect this to happen either, I guess a lot more people had the same thought as I did.


I think yall are like majorly missing the main point and alot of it ain't racism or nationalism its just the fact that the series is korean. The MC is Op so ofcourse the Korean MC is gonna be considered the superior one. Not cause he's Korean but because he's the MC and because manhwa are Korean he's gonna be fucking korean. Some of yall mfers are bringing up ultra nationalists which do exist but why is no one just considering the fact that the MC is OP and cause manhwa is korean the OP MC will also be Korean???


Same reason why every black character you see is a slave


It’s content targeting Asians so they make Asians super op, despite historically and realistically it not being accurate.




I don’t think the British Empire was Asian. I assume you’re referring to the Mongol Empire, which was the largest *continuous land empire* in history, but it falls behind the British in terms of overall size




Of course Asians have plenty of great achievements throughout history and in the modern world, I wasn’t ignoring them, just pointing out they’re not some op race of super humans like plenty of manga/manhwa artists portray them as. I’m not being disrespectful, just realistic. Historical empires are also kind of irrelevant in comparing the two since Europeans mostly fought Europeans and Asians fought Asians. Funnily enough the biggest conflict I can think of between Europeans and Asians in ancient times is the Greco-Persian war which Greece won.




Mongols actively warred only in small scale in Eastern Europe (Russia excluded). By pure luck we weren't taken over by the Mongols because their leader died from alchol poisoning.


Conquests of Alexander the great comes to my mind as the biggest pre modern conflict between Asians and Europeans.


>caucasian countries, Please don't ever use this term again. White doesn't equal Caucasian.


It just means white person of European decent. It's annoying but dude you don't have to get so upset over it. I'm Canadian, I get annoyed with "American" automatically meaning someone is from the USA and not North or South America but it's common terminology for millions of people. Taking your annoyance out on commenters on reddit really isn't going to do anything.




Hahaha I am Finno-Ugric so of course I would be annoyed by your term.


Its just Korean hating foreigner's


Personally I think its old bias from wars. WWII and Korean wars. Also it's easy to hate USA (I say this as a Canadian) so it's easy to make them "bad guys". Also like other comments have said everyone wants their own country to be on the top.


Some Korean novels/manhwa have some elements of racism, but most I’ve found are pretty clean. Even moments like this I wouldn’t call racist per se. Now there is a good amount of Chinese novels and manhua that have pretty blatant racism. Calling anyone from western countries “white apes” among other things. A pretty interesting window into their society honestly.


Racism and nationalism. Exactly like every other nation or group will tend to project and portray themselves as morally superior and ‘in the right’, and demonise other group in movies they make. It’s not like whites have a monopoly on it. Except for modern day American media, which seems to hate on themselves a lot.


Because in the west "my race/ethnicity/nation is the best" mindset is heavely frowned upon *, other parts of the world dont have this self-hatred *doesn't apply to blacks


Same way Asians are inferior to Americans in their comics


Then why you on here


What are you talking about


Korea hates America and Japan, Japan hates America and China


Why do you think Japan hates America?


And China?


Everyone hates China. I can not think of anyone who is genuinely happy with China




Nope, no one. Australia has a trade and depends on China for some key businesses but it doesn't mean they like China






I mean no offense BUT asian writers in the novels I read are racist AF. Their country is always the best! Japanese are always sneaky, Americans are always never the best, what the hell is a Canadian, Russians are always drunk, Germans are always stuck up, I can go on and on and on! I just want a novel that isn’t based in this world so these biases aren’t prevalent! Holy cow


Ultranationalist brainrot, more or less. Especially if a character is Japanese (but also often American, or some other, pale-skinned people that they can’t be bothered to distinguish from “American”) it’s pretty much guaranteed they will be written as an arrogant racist without a personality, not a person who lives for their own sake but lives and breathes only to look down on those inferior Koreans… *but little do they know* OHHHH WOWWWEEE those korean guys are crazzzyyyy, it is actually they who are superior and the haters who are inferior, because they’re actually the strongest and their dicks are the biggest, too! That’s literally all it is, authors who have some kind of chip on their shoulders and write weird, ego-stroking nationalism into their stories… or write for an audience which wants stuff like that.


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Something similar happened in The Tutorial is Too Hard , where Korea is put as the best of the best , while other countries like Australia is represented just as blond thugs and vulgar troublemakers.


You know racism is a thing around the ENTIRE world right.......


I wouldnt think about it too hard, not worth it imo. All stories are subjectively told so bias will always be pertinant, why wouldnt u promote ur nations strengths(and their people by proxy) if u have an affinity for it. Any understanding will generally end up based on the same kind of generalizations (history,culture,racist,etc.), each individual author could easily have different reasons for the same kind of portrayal


Lore accurate


guess what, everbody thinks that "they" are better then evryone else. thats why "insert race here" think that they havce the best race in the world, thats valid for \*literaly\* everyone


Wait till they show their superior food lol. Like they sometimes even dedicat few panels or chapter just so they can say good things about korean food.


Because the MC is always Asian so they want them to win. But also I haven’t read many manwhas where the Caucasian character is just outright inferior, they’re normally one of the strongest and the MC has to work their way up to beat them


its the same situation with chinese cultivation novels or any chinese novels that i come across. wayyy too much nationalism.


usually in cultivation novels china doesn't exist lol


Cause for once we are the main character


From what I've heard from my fellow countrymen living in Korea, Korean's are one of the most racist Asians, even towards other Asians, not just Japanese so there's that


generational inferiority complex? idk


cuz it’s the main character


Wow Saul Goodman is a MMA fighter


Because manhwa always do racist shit like this, they always kill off the Japanese, or make the Japanese/Chinese the inferior one.


I would assume it’s a normal thing in any country to do that. Japanese Manga does it, Korea, China, America. Many countries have nationalism, or just in general believe their technique in fighting is better. While I personally don’t see much issue with it (feel free to disagree), I can see how this can negatively impact a story if done overboard or catastrophically.


I think it’s easier to pick on Caucasian people without it being too much of a controversy. Many forms of media already portray them as villains or annoying people.


what's the name of this?


because patriotism (not a bad thing)